(5) PAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON January 11, 1U6 Klamath Scores Upset Win over Bend Bears PELICANS JUKE 32-29 VICTORY Successional Invasion of Central Oregon Made Friday Night RIOT IN RHYTHM BEND, Jan. 11. (Special) Klamath hlcn school's Pelican basketeers found themselves Krl day In a hot battle with Bend and finished on the long end of a 32-29 score. It was nip and tuck from the first tip-off, with the lead chang Ins eight times during 60 min utes of speedy basketball. At the first quarter, the Lava Bears were ahead, 9 to 8. At the first half, they still held one-point lead, 17 to 16. BOO See Contest The game continued on a see saw basis through the second half, Klamath pulling up strong at the end. A crowd of at least 500 fans saw the battle between two teams that are expected to be the final 1st contenders for the district championship. Bob Dnrbln, Klamath, was high point man with 13 markers. Sparking the Bend attack was Hendershott, big, six-foot three- Inch center. Coach French and his Pelicans remained In Bond and will go to Redmond for another game Sat urday night. Trojans Score Easy Victory Against Bears LOS ANGELES. Jan. 11. (UP) The Southern California Trojans completely outclassed California's Golden Bears, 61-29, In a one- sided basketball tilt at Olympic auditorium tonight. Never headed, the Trojans handled the visiting hoopsters -with ease, piling up points with little effort, and limiting the Bears to only one field goal in the second half. .Hupp, Trojan captain and cen ter, led the scoring with 20 points. After the first five minutes of play, the California contingent was no match for the more pow erful Troy squad. Seemingly tired from their long cross-country junket, the Bears could not break through the U. S. C. man to man defense. 1 xf XMimV vSxxWx X -x Xx NHXN,XXXV x VV i-j; " .is VsS lk NXX,VAf it x x sS-. t XXX FROM VANDALS Oregon State Takes Con ference Opener By 30-26 Score... A poetic picture, Miss G. Griffiths, of South Australia, swings into tennis combat with all the abandon of a Pavlowa. Miss Griffiths was defeated In the Interstate tournament in Melbourne by Miss D. Stevenson, of Victoria, but is one of the more promising young - stars "down under." About Dogs These Articles Will Be Pre sented Each Week by the - Klamath Kennel Club and Humane Society. J. Divins Named . Club President . The Pelican Rifle club held Its annual election of officers Thurs day night in their club rooms, at Main and Conger. The results of the election were as follows: President, John Divins; vice president, R. Pierce; executive of ficer, Frank McGee; secretary treasurer, Ben Trippett; range officers, Don Divins and Homer McGee. After the election, a series of postal matches were started with the Morgantown, West VIrgina Rifle club. . Scores for the five high shoot ers were the only ones counted The match was shot in four posi tions. High five for the Pelicans were: Scott Donaldson, 371; Don Divins, 362; J. Divins, 356; C. Dahl, 356; D. Lavery, 354. . The Pelican Rifle club Is af filiated with the National Rifle Association, and a member of the Oregon State Rifle Association. The members have a comfort able, well-equipped indoor range. They extend a cordial welcome to riflemen interested in joining the club. Review of Bonus History Reveals Prolonged Fight WASHINGTON, Jan. 11, (U.R) A thumb nail history of the sol dier bonus issue: 1919 Congress- voted (60 oiscnarge Bonus to all veterans. 1922 The first big bonus bill passed both houses. The house . overrode President Harding'B veto ny a five to one vote but the senato sustained It by a three to two vote. 1924 Both houses overrode President Coo Id go's veto of a bill to pay too certificates In 1945. , 1931 Both houses overrode President Hoover's veto of a bill authorizing veterans to borrow up to 50 per cent of the (ace value of the certificates. 1932 The Patman inflation ary bonus bill killed by the sen ate after passing the house. 1933 Senate refuses to attach soldier bonus payment to AAA bill. 1934 House passed and son ata rejected Patman bill. 1935 House overrode Presi dent Roosevelt's veto of Patman bill 822 to 93. Senate sustalnod veto 64 to 40. 1936 House again passes bonus bill 365 to 69. Senate to act next week. A Code for Dog Fanciers 1 Color all your work with a deep love for dogs. 2 Welcome the novice, for you yourself knew as little as he. 3 Win with a smile; lose with a smile. 4 Beware of bim who is quick to find fault. 6 Seek business, but not by taking It away from a competitor. 6 Mind your own business rather than somebody else's. 7 When you lose, breed better dogs and come back with them, to win. 8 Say nothing rather than speak ill df another kennel or breed. J 9 Show in yourself the same sportsmanship you demand of others. 10 Be the god your dogs think you are. Breeders' Code (The ten commandments of cor rect breeding of dogs) 1 I will give chief attention to the bitch. 2 I will study grandparents rather than parents. 3 I will keep full breeding records. 4 I will put away culls and weaklings at birth. 6 I will interpret a pedigree not by names and titles but by breeding facts. -I will never breed a shy or excessively nervous dog, nor sell nor give away such dog. 7 I will not pay any attention to breeding superstitions. -I will honor the bred-by-ex hibitor class winner most of all. -I will judge a stud or mat ron by the offspring. 10 I will breed dogs for dis position as well as for physical perfection. The term angulation ' means the angle at which the joints fit Into each other, particularly of the hindquarters, where they join the backbone, and the angle of the hindquarters themselves, usu ally sloping noticeably from the loins to the base of the tall, sug gesting a goose rump. From July Complete 1935- 36 Catalogue. Stanford Wins Opening Game From Bruins STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Jan. 11. (UP) Stanford opened its 1936 basketball season with a resounding 44 to 30 victory over the Rangy Bruins of U. C. L. Friday. The southerners', five man de fense cracked badly under the pressure of the Cardinals' fast breaking offensive, and Angelo "Hank" Lulsettl, star forward. and his running mate. Turner, smashing through to take set-up shots time and again. The game went scoreless for four minutes in the opening per iod, but Lulsettl, sharshooting ace of the Stanford five, sudden ly found the range and dropped through six points in a space of a minute. CORVALLIS. Jnn. 11, 0J.PJ Oregon Stuto college's basketball team, defending northern divi sion champion, outpaced a de termined University of Idaho team and won the 1936 roast conference opener Friday, 21 to Nelther team displayed a con sistent attack or defense. There were many wild passes and Inac curate shots at the basket. After a Jittery first half, which ended with the Suitors leading 13 to 8, Idaho tied the score at 12-all on two tree throws and a one-handed field goal from the corner by Wally Geraghty, who was the out standing Vandal player. Kolen High Scorer This was when the second half was only two minutes old. Karl Conkling, O. S. C. center, put Malin Defeats Henley Quintet In Hard Battle MAI. IN, Jan. 11. Mulln's A team detunlcd Iluuloy, 34 to 14, In a hard-fought guma hero Thursday night, Miilln led 16 to 8 at the halt, nmi kept out In front during the second frame. Tho siiuth-eudois were not up to form, but showed a strong dofeuso thnt forrvd Henley Into a long shooting game that occasionally clicked sensationally. K. Roher, Malin, with 13 points, led the scorers. His brother, C. Reher, was second for Mnlln with 7 points. Turpi and Schooler of Honley tied at eight points each. Henley won the B game, 8 to :i. Mallu had the lead at til last minute, but a final long shot put Henley In front half time. Henley led, 10 to 4. Lewis Triumphs Over Jack Fox in Seattle Bout SPOKANE. Wash.. Jan. 11, (.11 A knockout victory under his belt ror Ills first 1936 test, John Henry Lewis looked confidently over the Held today for dial MERRILL WINS FROM WILDCATS South-End Team Tnkcs 29 to 22 Victory Here Friday hi. m ...i. .ith .hi iur uu iigui-acavyweiKllt .k. v..t..j k... ... . I "UK crown uti in.- uainunni u, u u i uvi t i hi i son, Idaho forward, knotted tho score at 14-all a second later when he took a long pass from Geraghty and tallied. Although the Vandals kept doggedly on the heels of the Staters until the final five min utes, they were unable to get abreast again. Cliff Folen, tall O. S. C. guard. pulled the game out of the fire midway in the second half w: h two quick field goals that gave State a five-point lead. Folen was high scorer with 10 Geraghty got 8. Russell Defeats Brooklyn Adonis BELLINGHAM, Jan. 11, iJPh Rebel Russell, 210, ex-Northwestern University gridder, de feated Paul Boesch, Brooklyn, 205, two out of three falls last night. Casey KazanJIan, 220, ex Stanford hammer thrower, won from King Elliott, 205, New Zea land, and Billy Konki, 160, Van couver, B. C-, defeated Dutch Osborne, 165, Belllngham. KITTY . ft )v BUFFALO MlSi 1$ THE DNLi Woman on Tfie us.olympc -rm I if t&RL GLIDER SMPT m MEET NTb.RW DVRIN& . ANNEXIN6 7U ATLANTIC (XOWN. Mfc mweN'6 mrioNAL Tib, S aud stLcuis indoor Honors.. A SEATTLE, Jan. 10. (UP) University of Washington opened Its coast basketball season to night with a close but slow vic tory over Washington State col lege, 30 to 26. The Huskies were ahead throughout, except for a brief period In the second half, when the Staters grabbed a 19-18 lead. The halt ended 16 to 15 (or Washington. Clinging to the four-point lead, Washington stalled the en- lire last seven minutes, the play ers passing the ball back and forth In their own end of the court. High point man was Egge, Washington guard, with eight. Loverich, Washington forward, and Nelson, Cougar center, scored seven each. The Huskies played the game without a substitution. Detroit Woman Given Permit as Promoter DETROIT, Jan. 11, LP) Mich igan's only woman boxing pro moter received her license this week from the state athletic board of control and posted her motto: "Never a Postponement. The new promoter Is Mrs. Frank Erne, who inherited the business and the slogan from her husband, the late Frank Erne, who had arranged boxing and wrestling cards here for the last five years. During that time Mrs. fcrne was his business manager, sell ing tickets, computing the gladi ators' percentages, and writing the checks. When Erne died recently after scheduling a fight, his widow made a prompt de cision. Willamette Highway Allocated $215,000 PORTLAND, Jan. 11, (U.R) Expenditure of $1,160,000 on the Oregon forest highway con structlon program for the fiscal year beginning July 1 was agreed upon Friday by the state highway commission, the United States forest service and the federal bureau of public roads. Of the sum, 8980,000 will be federal forest money and $180,- 000 state funds. Allotments to highways were: Willamette, $215,000; Fremont, $100,000; Pendleton-John Day, $85,000: Tiller-Trail, $95,000; John Day-Burns, $750,000; South Santiam, $100,000; North San tlam, $100,000; Weston-Elgin, $176,000; Salmon River, $215,- 00. The flicker is the real estate man of the bird world. His holes provide homes for dozens of kinds of birds, as well as many small animals. Tho champion, from Phoenix Ariz., looked tho tltleholder part last night in knocking ou Tiger Jack Fox, Cagey Spokane negro veteran. In the third round. The bout was scheduled for 10 rounds. Lewis weighed 178, three pounds over the class limit. His title was not at slake. Fox wolghod 180. Two blaxlng blows, striking like piston thrusts, won for the champion. The first was a left to the head In the second, travel ing upward little more than six Inchos. It floored Fox for eight He staggered to the ropes and covered up until the bell. Hut the paralyzing blow left bim shaky. They sparred halfway through the third, Lewis showing con ridence in every catlike move. When he saw his opening, his right shot In to the point of the chin to drop Fox. His nose was bleeding and he was still groggy when his handlers dragged him to his corner. ,, . Lewis showed he could take as well as give punishment. ox connected to Lewis' hend with three or four looping rights and lefts In the first but tho champion took thorn without ap parent etrcct. Ho also absorbed several to the body. Lewis left the ring virtually unmarked. He was scheduled to fly today to St. Louis. GUN CLUB SHOOT Klamath Gun Club Sunday, Jan. 12; at ll a. m. j VISITORS WELCOME Caseys Expected to Keep Record Clear Next Week The Knights of Columbus were favored to continue their winning ways next week In the city Basketball league. FlghtH for secondary positions were the outstanding features of coming scueuuio. Wednesday night Old Fort vs, Halslger; Lost River vs. Knights of Columbus. Thursday Night Sons of Italy vo. .naccaoees; bonanza vs. Wal dorf. Medford, Salem Win Hoop Games ASHLAND, Ore., Jan. 11, UP) Salem high school mowed down the Ashland basketball team, 30 to 17, here last night. Tho local five, playing the most ragged game of tho season, was no match for the smooth-working Vikings from the Capitol City. The score at the half was 14 to 6 for the visitors. Wagner and Salstrom were outstanding for Salem. Morrill, a real dark-home con tender for the Klniunlh-Stsklyou conference championship, upset tho Klamath Wildcats here Friday night. 29 to 22 Tho WIldi-iiM, after trailing throughout the first half, out scored thu luvuders In the second half. Score at tho rest porlol was 17 to 9 for Morrill. The nummary: Wildcat FO. FT. T. P. Oreon, f 2 0 4 A. (Ireon, f 0 0 0 llollottl, o - 4 0 8 Young, o .... 113 Huff, g 118 Yancey, f 0 0 0 Crnpo, g 10 2 Dudley, g 10 2 Totals 10 1 22 Merrill FO. FT. T. Knndra. f 4 i 10 liimklns. f 7 V 16 Peterson, 0 10 8 Benaloy, g 10 2 Storey, g 0 0 0 Mooro. g 0 0 0 Totals . 13 8 19 MEDFORD, Jan. 11, CP) By virtue of a ladt porlod rally, Med ford high defeated the Weed. Calif., .high school basketball team, 24 to 16, last night. The battle was rough. The score was tied five times. In Winona Lake. Ind.. it Is II. legal to eat ice cream at the counter, but it is legal to buy it In packages to take home. Green Bay. Wis., has annolnt- ed Its mayor official taster of foods sold by the city's welfare store. Louis, Retzlaff Nearly Ready for Chicago Battle CHICAGO. Jan. 11. .T This was the day for Joe Louis and Charley ltotzlaff to demonstrate for members of the Illinois Htuto Athletic commlBHlou that they are reaching proper condition for their 15 round uattlo at tho Chi cago stadium Jan. 17. The official group, Charlman Joseph K. Trlner. Commissioner Packey McFarland and Inspector larold Ityau, hnd appointments to watch both boxers do their stuff. ltotzlaff was first on the program, with the negro star providing tho aocond act. ltotzlaff continued to hammer sparring partners yestordny. while ou Is took auother holiday, ltotz- Inft did (lainaga when ho landed, but appeared to lack speed. Ho put In n long day, boxing six rounds with three stooges and did the equivalent to four mors rounds with the bags. Tho Leonard, N. D., slugger will rest tomorrow, but will turn to heavy duty Monday when ho plans to do 12 rounds. He weighed 194 pounds, the figure at which his management Intends to hnve him enter tho ring, be fore yesterday's drill. Louis, never far out of con- Itlon, has taken things easy. Ho weighs only a few pounds over 200, and may go Into ae on scaling as much as 203 Ho has devoted much of his training to polishing up an af fective defense. Ha has not, how ever, neglected to deal out plenty of punishment to his sparring partners. Louis will rocelve 87 ft per cent of the receipts, which would amount to about $31,000 if a capacity attendance shows up. Retzlaff who gets 17 U per cent, expects to take down his biggest purse, around $10,000. M Strikes WKYKiui.vi-:rm-:ii i.ic.uii'K Hhlpplnir Thornton ....157 168 146 460 Kloetke 130 193 SI.1 West 147 136 136 418 Woods, W...13IS 201 1 18 454 Itoss 187 184 236 006 l.owman 136 136 Handicap .. 89 69 89 207 Total 835 961 867 2663 ('utter H'r'hlwrger..l42 101 194 497 Kiidcllft 141 1 42 180 463 Dlskln 120 98 136 353 Young, C. ..143 1 10 162 405 Ward 205 176 178 659 llumllcnp ....114 1 14 1 14 342 Total 806 801 958 2619 Mill Peek 136 1.13 160 437 Peering 143 144 1X8 476 (Irnnger ....1 17 132 91 S40 Martin, B -108 106 162 496 Peterson ....168 176 111 615 I In ud Imp ....104 104 104 312 Total '. 836 864 876 2666 l-'nrtory Snvago 114 149 120 383 Schroodcr ..163 130 124 413 I'urtwrlKlit ..146 169 176 479 II. Strong ..165 183 167 616 :. Strong ..179 191 161 531 Handicap ....112 111 111 336 Total 868 940 899 1657 Matanuska Colony Under Quarantine PALMER, Alaska, Jan. 11. (UP) Two cases of smallpox, threatening an epidemic, Friday placed the Matanuska valley ag ricultural colony under tight quarantine. Two laborers on buildings of tho community center were strlc kon with the disease, and Isolat ed by Dr. Earle Albrocht. The physician ordered schools closed and meetings banned until all danger Is passed. No one may loave the valley unless immu nized. Dr. Alhrecht said he did not anticipate an epidemic, but was taking precautionary measures. A native bush of Ethiopia, called n'gabrobwe, has a root, which when dried, ground, and mixed with tobacco, will kill the smoker who takes more than three puffs. FUEL There'; a cold snap coming soon. Be prepared and buy your fuel NOW. Dry Blocks - Slabs - Body and Limbwood Prompt Deliveries. Heilbronner & Rea "Fuel That Satisfies" Plus Service Office and Yard, 821 Spring St. Phone 239-W Branch Yard Merrill. Pepper Martin May Be Forced to Quit Jobs ST. LOUIS. Jan. 11, (At Pep per Aiirun. hi. l,ouis cardin whose latest role la that of of iicwi oi au ice nocxey team, may hnve to cut down his extr. urricular activities or ilk !. Baseball pay. lie was expected to talk in. day to Sam ilroadon, Csrdlnn president, about his salary for 1936. They hnd several thlnri 10 some, ninthly relative to Mar tin s Interests aside from baae- oan. Martin. third-baseman, nut Holder, axtra-base clouter. hag pilferer and general enthusiasm director for the Cards, has var ied his activities lust as wldelv ff the baseball lot. (la roputullon as a hunter nearly approaches his diamond fame, and fall and winter he ptnys nntn basketball and foot nan. ne was once an amateur boxer and Inst season he entered tho racing gnme as owner of a midget automobile. lie Is now In Ht. Louis with the Oklahoma City Warriors hockey club as vice-president and general manager. It was under stood Cardinal officials were more opposed to his midget racing ac tivity man 10 nocKoy. (innornl Managor Hranch Rlek, ey also declared recently Mnrtln would have to take a drastic pay cut It ho divided bis Inter ests as ha did last soason. Mar tin's salary, not announced, was neuovea In baseball circles to bo between $7500 and $9000. Last night Peppor assorted ho wn unaware of the ball club's attitude, "finaehall Is my first love, and I'm sticking to It he. fore anything elso," ho snld. Multnomah Wins From Bearcats SALEM. Jnn. 11. (JP The Multnomah Club quintet of Port land handed the Willamette Uni versity Bearcats a 38 to 29 beat ing on the unlvorslty baskotball floor hore last night. The club toum. led br "Peorh. es" Leach who scored 13 points, took the load before tho first half endod and was nover headod uioronitor. wniumette lacked the dash It had shown In earlier season games. Uastlnoau, freshman forward, led the Bearcat scorers with nine points. Roseburg Downs Myrtle Point ROSEBURO, Ore., Jan. 11, VP) Roseburg high school dofentnd Myrtlo Point 25 to 16. in a ronuh gnme of baskotball hore Inst night, giving the Roseburv In dians tholr second victory In high school conference games. Roso hurg won In a last minute rally from North Bond a wook ago. In tho gnme here Inst night, both teams used strong defensive ninv Score at half time favored Rose burg 13 to 8. IT E I Of Six Wrestlers Gathered For First Cnrd Of Season Wrestling talent from near anil far gathers at the Armory Tuesday night to Introduce tho season of 1930. From us distant points ns New York and Japan, Mack l.lllnrd, Klamath Falls promoter, bus signed alt linuvywulght fur the three ono-hour matches of tho new year. Thro of the athletes won following last season; throa will he new to the Klamath fans. Iluile Chirk, Oklahoma cow boy, ha boon selected to uieut Ken 1 loll lis. the "meanla" from Arkansas. Chick, a light heavy- weight, Is particularly noted for bl unique leg scissor hold. More scientific thuu III oppon ent and possessing considerably more speed, the Oklahomnn's chief difficulty will bs In avoid ing llollm' roughness. Once mora Klamath Fall will entertained by Hhlnuchl Bhlkuma, the jut jitau performer from Jupan. Hhlkuma, who defeated rrankln reck several week ago. III meet Tiger Tskoff, a vet eran grappler from llulsorl. Style of wrestling for the first fall will be determined by a flip of a coin. Th styl will h shifted for th second fall, and the third will b determined by the wrestler who gained his first fall In the swiftest time. Training carefully for the open ing bout. Peck of Ban Francisco wa popularly favored to dfat Tuffy (Meet of New York. Th Australian round system will be used for this clash. British Tennis Player Turns to Golf Course LONDON. Jan. 11. lAt Vr.- 11 Kay Stammers. 21-year-old British tennis sensation who took American courts by storm In her coast-to-const tour last fall, has urned to golf. Under th tuning of the vet eran Abe Mitchell, th dashlni Kay has (helved her racquet empnrarlly and hs added golf her list of accomplishments. It Include horseback riding. swimming, table tennis, Lacrosse, cricket, hockey, dress designing. lasslcal dancing and even th latest dance from Harlem called truckin . "I'm wild about golf," ah say, "and then too, It' a good idea to leave tennis alone for while. It won't affect my ten- Is, though, because I nlar Voir right-handed while I'm left-hand ed for everything else." Basketball Klamath Pall 83, Rend 30. Oregon State 81, Idaho , Washington 8U, Waahlnartoa Stnto lifl. Mnlln 81, Henley 8-1. Merrill an. Wildcat 29. Halrm 80, Ashland 17. Hnathnrn California Bl. Cali fornia 20, Stanford 4-1, UCLA 80. WOOD Your Best Buy for January are BLOCKWOOD DRY SLAB STOVE OIL sold by us is in regular de mand because of ita purity. It also goes farther. Peyton Co. "Wood to Hunt" 015 Market St. Phone 530 A Recent Trade-in '32 Ford 4-cyl. De Luxe Coupe t Motor overhauled, Tory good 8-ply Urc. lias dual horns and Mil lights, safety glass , throughout, Down payment i Hnlnnce In small monthly payments, v er Motor Co, Main and Esplanade