1 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN National and Local Markets Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND TRADE WITH NEWS-HERALD WANT-ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES: CASH ADS 2por word por duy's Insertion. CHARGE ADS 3 per word por day's Insertion, All Mail OnliT Ad Mimt llnvo CiihIi With Order. 10 20 por cent dlHCount. (in ads r u u n I n i ono wunk. por con t discount nn l running ono month. All classified ada are Insert ad In both Tho Kliiinnlh News mid Evening Herald lit tho nlMivo rates, niiuiirlni( lb Tho Newa tint. Tlmo limit for classification In tho following day's papers I 6:0 I', M. Ada dealmd In mirtnd on tin mimo day nn sub mitted will have to run "Too Late to annuity." CLASSIFIED INDEX All claaaltlcatlona sra. num bered and appear In niiiiiurlral order. Fulluwlng In an slpha- bi'ililcal rcfornnco lint of tho inoro Iniportiuit classifications: Aiitomotlvo .... II Building Muturlnla Ida llualiicaa ipjiot ru ii It l ... 10 ('mil rait Work Wantod.... 10 Educational II Farm Impli'ini'iita 19a Furnished Ant. to Lot 12 Furnished House to Let.... 14 Kiirnialii'd Itooma to Lot.. II Financial 23 (louoritl Noting .. 2 llnlp Wontml, Main 0 Help Wanted, Foniiilo.... 7 Livestock on. I Feed 22 I.oat and Pound 2 Miscellaneous for Hlo... 20 Personals 4 Poultry for Palo 12a Ileal Kntmo for Snln ..... 17 Heal Kilale for l.enso... 1H Real Eatnto Wanted 17a IUiuiii and Hoard. ..... 12 Rltnntlons Wanted 9 Hwupa 2'in Trnnaportntlon 6 I'lifiirn. Iloiiira to l.nt... 16 Wantod MIcllnuaoua.... 21 Wantod to Jtont 16 Lost and Found LOST Lady's Wullhain wrist wuli'h. Initials K. C. on hark. 210 HlKh Btroct. Phone mi. 2527 LOUT Girl's enmeo rlni. Call 1UK8. Ituwurd. 2543 General Notices VIM. care for convnleacent pa tlonta In home. Phone CI12J. 2547 MUHIC furnished for all occas ions, especially dnncrs. Phono 1761. 2448 5 Transportation SAVEI Go by Bus Via Bond and Mt. Hood Shorloit Route, Lowest Fares to Northwost Pointj One Way f Portland $5.90 Hound Trip $10.65 Seattle $8.40 $14.65 Spokane $12.30 $20.05 Busses Leave 12:46 Noon From The Greyhound Depot For Information Phone 999 LEAVING EOll PORTLAND Jnn linry 12, Itoom for two. Phone 1143. 2534 6a Salesmen Wanted A iiririris"yvwB"rfywv'VVu"WUXO rfcxSL WANTED Able solicitors. Room 216, I. O. O. F. llliig., 6- p. m. . 2(44 Klamath The firms and individuals represent ed in this Alphabetical Directory of Specialized Business and Profession al Service are known as Klamath Falls' most rcliablo business men and Batha Coblnot atoam baths and mnnsaga. L. Stone Lady Assistant. 127 South 7th. Phona 1640 Commercial Printing Printing of all kinds. SHOP PING GUIDE, Pelican Theatre Pldg. Floor Sanding FLOOR SANDING AND REFIN ISI11NO. Phone 85W4. Hemstitching Hemstitching, specialising t n ults and coats, woolen samples, dressmaking. Mrs. II. M. Allen ' der. 614 Walnut. Music Klnnmth Institute of Music. 1. O. O. F. Uldg. Piano, violin, collo, guitar. Instruments froe with course. High school crodlts. Gn Salesmen Wanted WANTED I ltt i-ltrt mpri'simlu-1 llvi, lv In nun II ml i.ukii noun-; IIvh, fur mi Old Established J linn i iiiko Company wlilrli auo-; oliillr.es In Nou-Ciiiiunlluhlu 1 1 mi I III and Accident u ml Llfoi 1'ollt'lra. Munihly gtiiiimitau offornil. I'roviniia InauruiiRo ' oiporlinco not necessary, Ap- pllnmt in nut fiiriiluli bunt of riifiiroiiii'M and bo a mi'iiilior 1 of tho Mnniiiilo Fraternity. Ill applying Hi a to ago mid ocni-1 paliiin fur punt tlvn years. IIok No, 2474, Ni'WH-llnruld. 2474 a jap in i i : 7 Help Wanted, fomnle I WANTED High miimil Itlrl In work for mom, board ami wiiki'K. Prospect of sti-nily work durliiK auiiiliiur. Wrlln Nuw llurald, llox 2410. 2410, WANTED Ksperleiireil houaii-ki'i-pur. Apply In person. KoulKi'i'a Shoo Hloru. 2409 9 Situationa YVnnted EXPERT Clerical work, ac counting, bookkeeping, all or piirl time, llox 1411, Nciwb llornld. 2 L'Wb VOI'Nd WOMAN wlalina to learn rnHliiiiniiit work, 15 'k, Manning, llox KUO, city. 2552 EXPERIENCED mini wiinta serv loo liitlnn or mechanical Work. Ht. 1, llox 323. 2545 II Furnished Roomi rtlK CLAIIEMONT. 228 N. 4th. all modern oulaldo rouuia. Freo parking lot 44n6 12 Room und Sord KOOM AND IIOAItl) Hlh. 221 N. 2400 13 Furnished Apartments VACANCIES nt K. D- Apart ments, corner .Mulii and Jlroail. Hl'lllB reasonable. IiicIuiIIiik lights, wood and wator. 254U FOR ItKNT 2-room furnished apartment, oloctrlo range. 30.1 Washington. 2522 'SMALL apartment, reaaonnhlo i ri'iil. 421 Onk. 2470 ESIM.ANAUK COCItTS Also Simons apartments, 32 Com mercial. IMiotio 1114J. 223 8 VACANCY Arridt apnrtinonta. 17 Rent Estate For Sale FOR BALE Four rooms, base ment, furnace and garage, 12, Ooo, very eiiny terms; located five blocks from Main street. 4 rooms, hath, Nii'pluw. ga rage and woodshed, llluo. Twenty acres near Mi'dfoid, liniroved and equipped, to trade for Klamath Kails prop erty. Chlli-oto & Hinilh, 731 .Main Kt. Phono 66. 24 1 1 IS Real Estate For l.ens FOR RENT Alfulfa, potato land. R. M. Tenro, Ilonnnia. 2513 19 Automotive USED CARS 1931 Cadlllao 6-Pnss. Bedan. 6 wlro wheels, new tires, excep tional condition. 1928 Chovrolot Coupe. , 1929 Packard. Small g Bodan. IMPERIAL MOTORS, Inc. Cadlllao and LaSalla Srd and Mnlo Wo aro conducting n real used car salo during January anil It will pay you well to buy now from us. A big selection of stnndnrd mnkos at bargain prices, H. E. 1 1 AUGER 1330 Main 2392 20 Miscellaneous For Sale REAUT1FUL hardy pedigreed Springer spaniel puppies. Law son Unilliold, Morrill, Ore, 2532 I Business Directory women. You will find them reody to serve you promptly, economically and efficiently. For your own satis faction use this, handy guide to the services they offer. Palmer Chiropractor DR. GLEN MOO KB Naurocalomator X-Ruy 126 Main Opp. Court Hous Piano Tuning : L. R. Mann, Derby's Muslo store, 117 So. 7th. v Pumps Byron Jackson Pumps and Sortie ' " J. M. Waiichopo. 115 So. 11th St. Phono 1303-J ... . , Radio Repairing 6 months gunrnntoe on all repnlr work. Phono 17110, - ANDERSON-MOORE 126 South Eighth Stroct . 1867 PHONE 173 for rollnhlo radio repairing. Roasnnnhlc rates, quick aorvlro. Roborts and Ilarvoy, 1007 Mali). 2443 19 Automotive Be Strict With Us Whon You Como to Soe Ut About a Uted Car, Bo Strict with Ut .... We Like It .... Wo Liko It Bocauso Wo Know that Our Can Will Mooiuro Up to tho Most Exacting Roquiromonts .... We've Rocon ditionod Thom from Crank to Exhaust .... Wo've Put the Finish in Equally Good Shape .... We've Made the Price Right .... Come In . . . .Be Hard .... We Like It. 1928 Durant Coupe $ 75 1929 Ford CC Expross $155 1930 Chovrolot Coach $274 1931 Chryslor Sedan $395 1933 Plymouth Coupe $489 1933 Terraplane 8 2-Door ... $523 Ostendorf Motor Co. , 424 So. 6th Ok'd Used Cars Are Better Used Cars BECAUSE THEY ARE PROPERLY RECONDITIONED No. 6550 1933 Chev. Spt. Coupe No. 6573 1932 Chevrolet No. 6608 1934 Chevrolet Spt. Sedan $495 No. 6697 1932 Chevrolet Spec. Sedan $395 No. 6584 1931 Chevrolet Spec. Sedan 310 No. 6460 1930 Chevrolet Sedan $265 No. 6622 1931 Ford Coach $265 No. 6665 1931 Ford Sedan $265 No. 6687 1934 Ford DeLuxe Sedan $495 1932 Ford DeLuxe Coach $315 No. 6558 1929 Chevrolet Coach $1?5 Wo have practically every model of Chevrolet and Ford Cars. Buy now, ond make your first monthly payment in MARCH I Locke Motor Co Used Car Store 522 So. 6th St. 20 Miacellanoua For Sale 1928 DOnOE-GRAITAM lH-ton truck, new Btuko ruck. Two good drug saws. All In good condition. Phone 2044W. 2460 EXCELLENT repair service, ra dios, appliances. J'lorca elec tric. 122 So. 6th. 1862 MOVING? Coll 704. local, long dlstanco. Insured carrier; ex perienced men. Peoples Ware house. 463 NEW RADIOS wittl metal tubes. Piorco Electric. 122 S, 6th. 10a S.'opi FOR SALE OR TRADE Gaso llno rango. Will tnko beef. 629 S. 6th. 25fc9 '2 Livestock i.i1 Feed FOR SALE Jorsey bull, holler, Jersey cow. See E. Thorp, 707 S, 6th, or phone 2115, 2546 Raw Fur Raw furs wanted. Hlg'iost price paid. Try us before you sell. Q. L. Homhroo, 820 Klnmath. Real Estate If yoo want to buy a house, a lot, or acreage, from one to 60 acres, soe 11. IS. Haugor. 1330 Main St. Roofing EXPERT repairing and recover ing composition shingloB. Terms. Atlas Roof Co. Phone 1613.. 1400 So, Oth. 43 Upstairs Dress Shoppe TOGLER'S for SMART TOGS. Stowart-Drew Bldg., 731 Main. Wood FOR, 8ALB Pino, fir body and limb wood. Phone 76W2. 86phonca Automotive J $425 $335 Coach . 22 Livestock and Feed HARDY ALFALFA SEED Di rect from producer. Also sweet clovor and Grimm. Sam ples and prices sent on re quest. C, E. Atkinson, Cednr Vllle, CAlif. 2536 HORSES bought, sold and ex changed. M. II. Barbour, Kern hotol. 2517 22a Poultry fo. Sale FOR SALE 50 laying Buff Orpington hens. S. R. Wood ley. Morrill, Ore. Otto Schultz homestead. 2539 SUPER QUALITY CHICKS White Leghorns, R. 1. Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks, $11, 100, prepaid. Magulre Electric Hatchery. 1415 N. E. Oregon street, Portland, Oro. 1434 24 Business Opportunities MANUFACTURE and distribu tion of instrument with excep tional sales merit. (3000 re quired. Silent or active part ners wanted. Apply T. Heat, Riviere Plantation, Gold Hill, Ore. 2551 25 Money to Loan LOWEST RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safo, No co-slgnors No Rod Tape ' NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or used car purchase Motor Investment Co. 114 No. 7th Pb. 8S2 License Ml 04 New York City has a greater population that thnt of nine states' combined: Arizona, Deln warot Idaho, Nevada, Now Mex ico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South .Dakota and Wyoming. King GnstnV, of Sweden, has a "royal fisherman" who accom panies tho rulor on nil fishing trips. It Is estlmnted that Strndlvnr Iub, famous Italian violin maker of Cromonu, made approximately 1000 violins.- America Is connected with 92 per cent of the world's tolo- 10 E f'llK'AflO, Jon. 10. ro-ut li pt ii rim of wlmut today rnaultiid In mi all-tirouiid Hun to well abovi yimtorduy'a cloning level. OfnrliiK" liirainn rnrre toward llio enii ut th liny 'a (Icallnxn. : 1 1 n ki panxiiKo of the bonua bill i at WaxblnKton uppeured to have ! tho rfwt of MiiiklnK aollnra of I wheat future (uutloim. ! Wheat cIomciI firm, J-B above yealerilay'a flnlnh, May 1.01 to 11.01 J, norn Ic off to c up, May 60 8c-li.ojc, oat,! unchaiiKid to ic hlKher, and piovlHloim unchaiiKed i to 15 centa advance. Finished Lumber Leaves Bieber I I1IEBER, Calif. The flrat car ahlpment of flnlahrd lumber toi originate n lilit Valley la being! .loaded by the Caldwell Lumber rompany at Weat llleber for 'leHputrh Friday to a cimtomer at Knid, Okla., It wua annoiinred ' by Claude Caldwell, head of tho : lumber concern. The carload Is product of a moulding mill erected by the Caldwell rompany last fall with the Intention of converting a' j million feet annually of the topi grades of pine turned out by the I lUrllnrent fnlilwr.ll liimtir.r mill I into Interior trim for buildings, j Caldwell said the mill la work-i Ing on orders for four carloads I of mouldings that will go direct from West llleber to purchasers j In the east. He valued the stuff! at approximately 2500 a car load. Tho Initial shipment had been awaiting completion of a spur track to the mill from the nearby Western Pacific - Great Northern main line. Legal Notices NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE On the 25th day of January, 1936, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the Court House In Klamath Falls. Klamath County, Oregon, I will acll at auction to the highest bid der for cash the following de scribed real property located In Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, to-wlt: A tract of land fronting fifty five (55) feet on Sixth (Oth) Street and sixty (60) feet deep In the Southerly one-half til of Lot cne (1) and Lot two (2) of said Block Forty-six (46), and further described as fol lows: Beginning at the most East erly corner of Lot one (1) - aforesaid; -thence Southwester ly along the Northerly line of the unnamed, street between Block Forty-six (46) and Fifty one (51) of said First Addi tion sixty (60) feet; thence Northwesterly and parallel with Sixth (6th) Street, fifty-five (55) feet; thence Northeasterly at right angles to Sixth (6th) Street; thence Southeasterly along the Westerly line of Sixth (6th) Street, fifty-five (55) feet to the point of be ginning. Said sale Is made under execu tion Issued out of the Circuit Court of :be State of Oregon, for the County of Klamath to me di rectcd in the case of State of Ore gon, represented by and acting for and through tho World War Veterans' Stuto Aid Commission, vs. Loeth S. Dunlap, also known as L. S. Dunlap, and Florence Dunlap, his wife; and S. E. Mar tin. L. L. LOW, Sheriff of. Klamath County, Oregon By AXN'E PRICE, Deputy. II D27 J 3.10,17,24340 . Notice of Forfeiture. Portland, Oregon, Office of Investigator In charge of loth District. Decem ber 27, 1935. Notice Is hereby given that the following described property; to-wlt: 1933 model PLYMOUTH COUPE, Motor No. PJ530U2, serial No. 3162645, seis ed from Bob Gray on December 22, 1935, at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, for the reason that the said property wat being used contrary to, and In violation of the Revised Statutes of the United States, is forfeited to the United States and will be sold under the provisions of Section 3460 R. 8.; and, any person claiming the above prop erty is hereby notified to appear before me at the office of the Dis trict Supervisor, Alcphol Tax Unit, 216 Federal Office Bldg., Seattle Washington, or the Investigator In Charge, L. Dene Hickman, Alco hol Tax Unit, 711 U. S. Court house, Portland, Oregon, and file his claim ns provided by law with in thirty (30) dnys from the dnte of the first publication of this no tice, to-wlt: January 8, 1936. H A. Boman, Assistant' District Su pervisor (Enforcement). By Dene Hlckmnn, Investigator In Charge. H J 3,10,171 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Klamath. In the- Matter of the Estate of Leah Newton, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given thnt the undorsigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Lenh Newton,' deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon and has qualified. All persons having ' claims against snld estate are hereby notified to present snmo to me at Illy, Oregon, with vouchers and duly verified, within six months from the date hereof. 1 Dnted and first published De cember, 27, 1935. Dato of Inst publication, Jau uary 17, 1936. C. D. NEWTON, . Administrator, Bly, Oregon. Wm. P. Lord, 620 Spalding Bldg.. Portlnnd, Oregon, . Attorney for Administrator, KD 27 J 3,10,17341 Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Jan. 10. (,Vh Stocka advance! confidently to day In a moderately active mark et. Washington developments, In cluding house passage of the bon us and the expected extension of the president's gold powers, were calmly received, although some of the gold mining sharei rallied. Oils and wlda selection of in dustrials advanced fractions to around 4 points, A number of new high I for sevnal years were ie'4lHtercd, The elc-'i? was firm. Transfers approximated 3,100,000 shares. The firmness at the close cul minated a generally orderly ses sion. There was one or to short lived flurries of activity In ea: l trading. Cotton rallied sharply. Wheat Improved a little and corn was r.teady. Foreign exchanges lifted slightly against the dollar, par ticularly the gold currcncl- Bonds, particularly rails, were mostly better. U. S. government obligations were uncertain. Advances of around 1 to 4 points were scored by Case, East man, Johns Manvllln, Owens-Illinois, Crown Cork, Santa Fe, Cer- ro De Pasco, Dome, Mclntyre Porcupine, U. S. Smelting, Stan dard Oil of N. J., Amerada, Con tinental Oil, Chrysler, Yellow Truck, Douglas, Westlnghouie, Bethlehem, und Youngstown. Today's closing prices: Air Reduction 187 Alaska Jun - 16 Allied Chem. & Dye 1691 American Can 132J American Com'l Alcohol 29 American & For. Power . 71 American Power & Light H 9 8 American Smelt. & Refin. .. 62 A. T. & T. 158J American Tob. B . . 100 Anaconda Copper ....... 291 Legal Notices No. 109-210 PUBLIC SALE OF THE ASSETS OF THE PRUDENTIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION NOTICE AXI CALL FOR BIDS TO ALL PERSONS WHO MAY BE CONCERNED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, the Corpor ation Commissioner of the State of Oregon and Statutory Receiver for the PRUDENTIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, of Port land, Is about to sell to the high est responsible bidder for cash, subject to taxes. Improvement as sessments, and all other liens and outstanding liabilities whatso ever, plus accrued Interest and penalties, (if any) all of the mortgage loans, real estate sale contracts and all the real estate owned by said association, condi tional upon the approval of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Multnomah County, pur suant to Petition No. 321 now on file and pending therein In that certain proceeding entitled In the Matter of the Liquidation of the PRUDENTIAL SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION, No. 109-210. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that offers for the purchase of any or all of said properties will be received by the undersigned at his office at 321 Corbett Build ing, Portland, Oregon, until 3:00 o'clock, P. M., on Saturday, the 25th day of January, 1936, at which time all bids received will be opened. Offers must be In writing, enclosed In sealed en velopes, and addressed to the Corporation Commissioner. The Commissioner reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Certi fied check in the sum of not less than 20 of bid must accompany the offer, to be forfeited In the event the offer Is accepted and the bidder is unable to fulfill its terms. The successful bidder must deposit the full amount of bid In cash within five days from date of confirmation by the Court, whereupon conveyances will be delivered. Interested prospective bidders may obtain information from the receiver at the above address, as to encumbrances and other details to enable them to prepare their bids, but no guar antee will be made as to the ac curacy thereof. Bids may be made for said properties as a whole but the re ceiver will consider any offer or offers tendered for such prop erties divided into groups as fol lows: Group No. 1 to include all tho assets of said association sit uated in the 12 counties of Mult nomah, Hood River, Tillamook Benton, Liucoln, Jefferson, Har ney, Polk, Marlon, Columbia, Clackamas and Washington; Group No. 2 to include all the properties of such association sit uate In Klamath County alone. No bid or offer will be ac cepted that Is presented after the sealed bids have been opened; or thnt does not conform to the terms and conditions above set forth. No bid or offer will bo accepted from a blddor who can not make a satisfactory showing of financial responsibility, or whose offer Is made to the Com missioner or to the Court after confirmation of sale to another has been recommended. This notice is published on Fri day, December 20th, 1935; Fri day, Docember 27th, 1935; Frl day, January 3rd; Friday, Janu ary 10th; and Friday, January 17th, 1936, In the Oregon Dally Journal of - Portland, and In the Evening Herald of Klamath Falls, pursuant to the order of the Hon. Robert Tucker, Judge of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Ore gon tor Multnomah County, made nnd entered on the 13th day of December, 1935. CHARLES H. CAREY, Corporation Commissioner of the State of Oregon and Sta tutory Receiver of the Pru dential Savings & Lonn As sociation. Horald, Dec. 20, 27, 1935; Jan. 3, 10, 17, 1936. No. 838 Atchison T. A 8, F. 681 Atlantlo Refining ..... 29 Baltimore A Ohio ................ 181 Bendlx Aviation ................ 22) Bethlehem Bteol 638 Boeing Air .... Borden Burr. Adding Machine . California Pack Case (J. I.) jm... Caterpillar Tractor ... 24 261 27 36 99 57 Chrysler Motor .................... 901 Col. Gas & Electrlo 14 Commercial Solvent Comw'lth 8ou. 221 81 84J 711 41 140 Continental Can Corn Products ........ Curllas Wright Dupont aV De N. Eastman Kodak 1611 Electric Auto Light 381 Erie R. R 12J General Electric 391 General Foods .......a............ 361 General Motors ....... 56J Gillette Razor ...... 171 Gold Dust 20 Or. No. Pf 33 Homestake Mining 520 International Harvester 691 International Nickel . 46 I. T. & T 141 Johns Manvllle 101 Kennecott Con. Copper 30 Llb-O-Ford 49 Liggett & Myers B 111 Liquid Carbide 41 Lorlllard Tob. Co. 251 Monty Ward 87 Nash Motor . 19 National Biscuit 381 National Dairy Products .... 211 National Distillers 298 N. Y. Central 29 North America , Pacific Gas & Electric . Pacific Lighting Packard Motor Park Utah Penney (J. C.) , Penn R. H. 28- 311 521 8 41 76 341 401 461 411 13 22 58 621 16 251 171 Phillips Pet. Pub. Service N. J. Pullman Radio . Rem. Rand. Reynolds Tob. B Sears Roebuck Shell Union Southern Pacific Sperry Corp. Standard Brands 16 411 64 181 101 31 131 751 113 141 22 71 181 43 18 491 1021 531 Standard Oil California , Standard OH N. J. , Stewart Warner ... Studebaker Motor Texas Corporation , Trans-America Union Carbide . Union Pacific United Air Lines United Aircraft United Corporation United Gas Imp. U. S. Indus. Alcohol U. 8. Rubber U. S. Steel Western Electric Woolworth Closing curb Quotations- Cities Service 31 17 Electric Bond & Share South S.F. Livestock SO. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. (UP) Hogs: 600, d'irect 425. Steady to 25c lower, choice but chers absent, quoted at full de cline: load medium 150 pound California butchers $11.50. ton: package medium 236 lb. weights (10.75; odd head packing sows ?9 down. Cattle: 600, direct 140. Steers and better grade she stock ac tive, strong, spots 25c higher; part load 985 lb. short fed Cal ifornia steers (7.86; two cars good 1105 lb. California fed steers (7.75; load 1010 lb. Ore gon horned steers (7.60; few sales common-medium (6.75 (7.25; three loads medium 815 lb. fed heifers (7; two cars good fed range cows (6-(6.25; few American Actress HORIZONTAL 1 Who Is the actress In the picture? 11 To exist, 12 To wander. 13 List. 14 Point. 16 Prophet. 15 Piece of network. 20 Evergreen tree. 21 Male fowl. 23 Police forays. 24 Husband or wife. 25 To bend the knee. 27 Anxieties. 28 Capuchin monkey. 29 Dove's home. 30 Dye. 32 Pronoun. 34 Greatest In number. . 38 To direct. 40 To lift up. 42 Earthy matter. 43 Dress coat ends. Answer lo 48 House canaries 49 Social Insect. 50 Pendent. 62 Cry for help. 53 Musical note. 64 Ventilates. 55 Morning. 67 Northeast. 58 She Is a star. 59 She Is known for her . VERTICAL 1 Cantaloupe. 2 Railroad. IHIANKIGREEINE RKn V JL C fffR 1 L k Iffl O AB are aIIas k e mJIboBE IE 5 TllS EllM lUS T AIR "iim Jnh lDFI?iS!l' A NIGIEIR EELS.L.E. P e a sit hank Lnoo! LEMlH GREEN BERG HJ UaE 0 ED n EM5ED PjABS O DIAPPIA L VBBfTI 3k IBS oTtTait e sJIi e ej pIlIameIrI inI IsIeIrIi IeIsI 1 I la I- U Is I o 7 18 19 j io --rPrs ZI l X 49- IO t medium $5; low-cutter-cuttora about steady, (3.25-14.60; bulls scarce. Calves: 40, direct 30. No early sales, choice venters Quot ed up to (9.60. Sheep: 676, direct 660, Steady, package mod In in 74 lb. Califor nia medium-pelt lambs 89.75, choice woolsklns absent, quoted up to (10.85; short dock good 123 lb. medium pelt California ewes 5. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Jan. 10. IP But ter, prints, A grnde, 861o per lb. In parchment wrapper, 3710 per lb. In carton; B grade, parch ment wrapper, 861o per lb.; car ton, 36c por lb. Butterfat. Portland delivery: A grade, deliveries at least twice weekly, 37c to 38c per lb.; coun try routes, 35c to 36c per lb.; B grade, deliveries less than twice weekly, 34c to 3 Go per lb.; C grade at market. B grade cream for marketing, buying price, butterfat basis, 65c per lb. Eggs buying prlc of whole salers. Fresh specials, 21c doi.; Extras, 20c dob.; standards, 18o doz.; extra medium, 16o doz.; do. medium firsts, 14c doz.; under grade, 13c doz.; pullets, 13c doz. Cheese, milk, country meats, mohair, cascara bark, hops, po tatoes, wool and hay, steady, un changed. Onions Oregon, (1.75 per 100 lbs. Sugar Berry or fruit, 100s, (5.55) bales, (5.65; beet, (5.45 cwt. Domestic flour selling price, city delivery, 5 to 25-bbl. lots: Family patent, 98s, (7.30-9.25; bakers' hard wheat, (6.75-8.60; bakers' bluestcm, (7.65-8.25; blended hard wheat, (7.60-8.65; graham (6.56; wholewheat $6.65 bbl. Russian Citizen Victim of Japs' Kidnap Attempt MOSCOW, Jan. 10. (UP) A Japanese military plane landed In Soviet territory and its oc cupants attempted to kidnap a Soviet citizen. It was announced . officially Thursday. Two Japanese fliers were wounded In a. fight that resulted. The Japanese airplane landed at a point 85 kilometers Inside Soviet territory after taking off from some point in Hanchukuo, which Is controlled by the Japa nese army, the official announce ment said. Two Japanese were In the air plane. Both were armed with pistols. In addition one had a , sword and the other a bayonet The plane landed in a field and one man guarded It while the other ran to a highway and attempted to overpower a peas ant, who was walking along the road, and force him into the plane. The peasant managed to Jerk free and in a fight overpowered the Japanese, threw the man into his cart, and dashed toward Pokrova. The peasant was wounded by a sword thrust from the Japanese and weak from loss of blood when he met two Soviet army border guards and told them where the airplane was. The border guards Tan to the spot and were fired on by the Japanese who was guarding the airplane. In the exchange of shots the Japanese was wound ed and captured. Fire caused a loss of (275, 00 in the United States last year. .', i H -:..i- t ii , Previous - Puzzle desserts. 19 Note in scale. 20 Food. 22 Sheep-eating parrot. 24 Door rug. 26 Steamer. 27 This picture is In 29 Eccentric wheel. 31 Mohammed anism. :I2 Chair. 33 Skirt edge. 35 To undermine. 36 Cravats. 37 Escutcheon band. 39 Invigorating medicine. 41 Rocky. 43 Part of a school year. 44 Handle. 45 Exists. 46 Leg. 47 Haw. 60 Pastry. 51 Age. 64 Form of "a." 66 Chaos. 3 Electrified particle. To affirm. Boundary. Fetid. Writing Im plements. Small cask. Neuter pro noun. Grudge. She acted la Sharp." Ringlet. Frozen io n 15 17