January 8, 1938 PUN PUSHED TO REPLACE f rniillnnml from rime 0i) lug tho mooting wo want to Ko( Counsel of tilU wlaO ttmdllt'a of agriculture'.' Hoiim rimi HmmmmrtS Aakod If uuy foderul fiinn ro llof program ivii poaalhlti under nuimwuff cmirt ruling, Wal lace uKsertod "tlio government mill Iiii a vi'ty rent Internal In the fiii'iunr' wcl'iiro," Tito limine ngrlnillnrn rom mliioo, summoned to nn unex pected mooting by t'luilrmnu Jlltlea U)-ToKl (Mill (it tlldaO who hna rimf erred with Mr. Itouaovolt dlroeicil t Ik drafting r flvn li'iinillvii pinna fur Ka ('(iiialilciutlou. They worn: 1 Tim iSiOiii'Hl II' allotment tiliui. 2 -Tlio itsport ilebimliiro pro posal, J A jtiro)irtul lotift tu various aditoa on condition (lull mull aiiitoa -nUihHf.il tin ii!)til will pi-ngnim stiiitlnr li Hie AAA. i Appropriations fur a Unit leualng program. & tv'ortrl llloititl appropriations In Inillvliliinl farmer who com lily with (tin condltlona. Way Will Ho Fnuml "Wit fool." Junes ld flr Did closed session, "that way run Ihi found under Hi" limit irl out III the dedalou to fnsh lim a fnrm program Hint will t least In a measuro offset tho d(ialviiiitiiKc( "which ttio farmer have under tho iiullnnn) tariff syalem." Ttio rhntriunn nll he "Hit not know when tlici committee would get tliiwn I" work on the tenia tlvti proposal but einphastted II won lil Im iu quickly in possi ble. Asked If ntiy of tho sugges tions discussed today originated at tlio AAA. Junes only replied. "Wo will welcome any suggcs tlm from any source." "W expect to liuvo boforo t)i committee." Jtmea added. "Din various methods Ibal have been suggested and from these, after careful consideration, to prepare tlio beat measure possi ble to accomplish Ibo desired and." Minority Hi inly Aakcd Over a period of tlmo. how ever, thoro was evidence admin Free Vick Aids to Colds-Control Delivered Here ... Mother Testing Practical Guide to Fewer and Shorter Cold At.UK.MIV TKHTKII IX Ct.IS'tCS Bo that ovnry niotfJur'Hr Ulam ath Fulla may Ion rn about Vlrka l'lnn for ltnttor Control of Cnidi, trial imrknRna of Vlcka Colila Coutrol Alda, tiiRothet wllb.cum pluto rxpliioatlnn ot fllo , Pitta, aro hiliiit dlntrlbiilci) tret) by api'dat nii'amiuKr to vry homn. Tbla prantlral homo giililo to tvwttr anil ahorti-r coltla haa Juat tlirco almplo at na. It tulla you utiiit to do: (11 to holp build ronlatiniro to coMa; (2 to holp provunt anil ward off roldr.; (S) to ri'lli'vo and help ahortRii the cold that fiol by all pri-cnntlona. Tho Man haa boon thoroughly ti'nlnl in cllnlra ainon.it 14,702 peopln . . . and furtbor irov'd In everyday homo una by mllllonx. l'rovo what Vlcka l'lnn can do for you and your family by try luc it In your own homo. Look for your free trial packuito and ti'al tho aninplr-a. Tbon. follow tlio l'lnn and wutch rrmillni If you do not rcoclvo your aiira plo Colila-Contro) jiackaKO within tho noxt fow dnya, wrllo to Vlck. t)4 Milton St.. (Iruoimlioro, N. C, and ono will bo amit to you by return mail postpaid. ODD Wnimdsmilli9 PIGGLY WIGGLY . . . 49 LB. BAG HARD WHEAT f w. i,p DRIFTED SNOW . . . . --BUY 'M'li;SA.l.SYWeW istration loader lingo the na tion will reject ttiu entrant ttnuui vlowa of the court' ma jority ud evonliniHy follow the course iiiilmlil by the minority. Till 1)0 (I II III lllCTU)llgly olnnr totlny n llooaovnlt ailmln lli in l iifttilul from Ibe Wlitdi (timHn muiiliaHli'.i'it attain mill nxiiln that tho )n tlcim bai)pi iliiwo two itllo)i In tbu runo Unit wri'kd AAA. Atrnudy Hcrrolury Wulluco, au tlmr of thn phrnao " A niorli liiiinl I'lioonii," baa nulil ft) uynry funilty In tho cuuiilry to atiuly both opiiiloiia. WlmtlKT thn now iln! lra-ti-uy wonlil IdvuIvk an avllve itrtvo fur a couatttutlonul anionil ini'iit nun ii I ii il uflitotornil'iod. I'riwlilnnt Itooanvnlt wn allviit tut HiIn iitul iiuiHl ottitir AAA ! iiiicatluna at Ilia pr'a conforuuco ' limt tilicbt. ' Ilia only iliirlatim, bn illmloa ' oil, U to link coiiKi'una to pro- vld fuiiita to pay fiiriiu-ia for poiloiiiiiiino uiidor ulatlnx cri riiliii'lloii loiiliiii'la. AAA owoa Hoiiiu :n:l,OuO,lii(l on tliuaii. Snow Responsible for Mounting List of Auto Accidents (Cuiitlnuml Kltim 'Olio Out) airvlrit aliitlon at (niin avutiuo mid lllulm ill root wu atruvh ami iliiiiniKwt auiiiu tlmo Tuoaduy nlKlu, pollcu ruporta allow. The driver of tho marhlnw wbli;l) akld ill Into lht pump hail not report ed Hi" lieeliUiul ut uoou Wmllma doy. A. C. .Mil'buraou "d William 1'ituUi ruporiod n acrlilnl whlnh oei'iirrtl Tuvailay morntnx at tho iiiteraeclliiii of Coimiir avuiiuu and Mnlii mreut, wbnn bulb xmrhliiva itklililiil and xol ou: of control. rharlr K. Oftln ri'porli'd akld tl'jiK Into a parkvil car UotoiiKlnit to Viola Collurd Tumday altor- UUOfl. Jullua Handera alao iklililed Into a parked iar at tlio turner of rronpeci anil t-'phum atruola 't'uua- duy. Wiirrun W. Elell and Uonoy Aiiiftiat wero oporatora of niolur feliiclea Wdnailay mornliii at tho liiivraeeilon ot Bouih Sixth and Willow atioota. The Kiol! car ut dnmact'd. Ixep Soon t !oke With ItZ Im Iim of mow at lr ornmen: camp. L'ralor Lake roada wro villi cluaod Wtducaday, al thnuKlt Hii ro u Itopo that Ilia plow would bo repaired and drift would bo removed by Tburaduy. All other major htiihway In tho illntrlcl aro open, the road bu tiuu of th chauiliur ot contmurcfl rvpurrod Wudncadny noon. Nino linden of now anow fell on Bun niouniiiln Woilnnailay, but atuto hlKbwuy euulpmuM waa preaied titto action and tho hfKh- way la opon, altlioueh clialni are atlviai u. Chaliia aro alio advlafrd on thu Weed hlKliway. The lircon apritiKa hlKkwuy la reported to bo In good condition. Approximately Hi mlli'a of tho dirt rund from M.iiln to Alturua aro riportvd lo bt mmltly. but paaauhlo for motor vchlcloi. Ttio Lnkmlew lilKbwny la (Upper?, but In fair condition, It wa riporld, thouKh chntna are advlaed. Hei p and allppory mow on fh atreola wua responalblo for two minor aeeltlenta roporlvd to lo Uco burouu Wodnoilay aftorntion, Klchard I'rultt reportod that hla niactilno rti atruck by an autouiobilo driven by a woman, whoau name ho didn't loam, at (ho lutorauctlon of Main atroot and CouKor aronuo. The car aklildod and wnt out of control. AuumuililUw driven by Bind Drebor and K. A. Mooro coltldod at Kiiihlh and IMno :rrela about li;00 o'clock Wrdnofcilny aflor uooii. UnmtiKca woro allitht. DiiliiitKod f i' fulcra on I car be loniiinK to Winston R. Donart woro tho rvaull ot a skidding acci dent which occurred Tuoaday noon, botweon Main atroot and Klamath avemir, on Kloventl) aireol when a man namod Jack Bon backed hla mni hlne out of an alloy and atruck Donart'i car. 49 LB. SACK FLOUR Ulilay evening, Jnniiary IP, at $Z.OO and $3.00 aawaC5 WiStMWR " raTfa. Uonley grange halt at 8 o'clock. MARV'Q P - - C V - . l)r. C. U, Casaoll will bo tho WIAK , . WC lx. V speaker of the evening. An in- BEAUTY SHOP f . ' s 0 xi. - ..-VS teroHtlng program hat boor. 4fm Mnln il,o 18.10 i - . Jit I Xm K. plnnncHl. and rofrcahniont will Hall HWrt B1.1K L. 'It iWVA'' wS . K. bo served. Tho public la invited. mmmmmmmmmmJjmmlJ $ v $ IIl ' C ' u, i u m J 1 fmXsL FRANCE J0I1S BRITISH W i (ContlmiiK from Pace One) tan military authnrltli ) Ibo Houth Tyrot wro proaccuttiiit thfl fiinilllna of l,f0 youth irlio had ilnanrtrril )b fnaclat army at) hud find lulu AuaUlu. and Cur fuiifiy. Ktlillla formally aalim t)i loilKUU Of IIUtlllllH to Hop (tita Itnly'a "policy of rnercllra ex toriolnullon." AtiDIS AtlAttA, Jan. S. Ml Tlio Kov-ornriK'nt today 'lnimf4 Hint Klbloptan fnrcea bad "com pleted" ror.iiulura of tlio Tiim bleii dlatrtnt wml at Mitkalo yea lenliiy, with !!)) liivadera In fllKhl. I'AKIH. Jan. S. ITAll ad mlrnln anil eaptuina of 1)10 Croiu'li AltutiUc ftnoi today bn Kan a map atudy of naval tae nia. Tho t noma of lh drill, which will liial two daya. wua kept aer ret, but ipodly baaed on tho ImiiKlnary apponranro of an euomy fleot (u fronch wutara. BRITISH SOCIETY IIS OFFICERS Mr. William And'raon i-lrrlod to aorvo rejjent ot William C'llt chapter of tho lmiiKhteT of the Hrltlnh Empire for the ensninit year, Tucwlay inentttK, whon tho croup mot at tho home of Mra. W. J. Horbelt at 718 Norih Blfventh atrcot. ffj)rir who will rrv wlib Mra. Andoraon wore elected aa fotlnwa: Klrat rice recent. Mra. H. 8. Cunnlnxham; aocond vice roKonl, Mra. A. A. Ward; record ln aecretary, Mra. Ida Hamilton: rorreajiondinjE aocrotary, Mr. Ar teti Cdaall; troaauror, Mra. M. J. Youht;; htatorlan, Mla Mae l'hlnney. Mra. Andrraon. the reajent, will atio act aa ttate deleaala for the chapter. , Boy Scout Event Set for Tonight All membera of the Boy Scuot committee are iiracd to be pres ent thta evening, at a moot Inn to bo held In tho, county - court room In tho conrt hou at 7:30 o'clock when plana will be per fected for the forthcoming: drive to eatabllah a council here. It la (ilinned to obtain an all lime Scout executive with head quarter In Klamath Fe.Ua, In order to give alt boy of the city an opportunity to belong to a Scout orsanlxatlon. There are more than SOB bi in the city vivo are eligible far ficout work, and all cttlton Intorcated In the project are asked to attend this evening's meotlne. jr m mm I i -a i mti z.-.. . ..i '.Si X. MM ci-ify ri-tj LOST Ono chain, ;00 x 16. Catt J . Srf I J f f .0H-ller)d. 2530 if' " i L Ic "-" t LOST 1 TtKK CHALV, 600-14. II LA; , .-wisawi. X f J?lf Call Kows-Horatd. if ' h tT W JfV ' ' LOST Lady' Waltharn wrist if S Stexs VCj-v f fef . watch. Initial E. C. on back. , ; i-.i.- " sff il High street. Phone Ml. V ! " lai! te; n't o -or I if WtpaMMjL 1 ft UU fermanent Wtvvea I rf W fr 58.CK aaraaaaaw I V. 1, 81 I i 1 I- . J 11(1 I . M. . .4. il II' .OTaaf.TaaiSm,J.j. , i " ''" VVA H m rlSJ mmmr awi? S .' ' . ,v T-,f -,c W 1 V W , li I V ' , .... i.t. i i iiiiia"II' 1 1 THE EVENING HERALD, Governor Studies Hauptmann's Trial (Continued from Pag On Mark O, KlmberUnx, slate prison warden, without visible emolian. The condemned man's spiritual ailvbwr, the Iter. John Matlbleaen of Trenton, miy visiting blm yi aterduy, ruuaaur(.ed li"l(n( (n dla Uiiwctiitco and reported1 htm "bopuful and cheerful." PROJECTS ADDED TO ROAD PICRI Two now pro'ecu wore a.dde.d f to the Klamath county chamber: of commerce highway pronnttit for i'i'SH at the directors' jncelliiK vViiiliiuailay. j f(ii-u((Kiimont of the Own-; aprlriffa Ittghn&y from the Weed ur:!m near Ml!lr paeklngj plant, to the city Ilnills ou Klvtr- j ldo a fen uo, waa ou of the pro Jocta ailded. Tho other waa Improvement of Blnlw hiKhwayi IhrouKh tlio city of Klaiuiilh falls. KUuilnelion of tratflc hazarda by wldenliiK and av(yiiiinK curvea will be houkUI. All Weed road work being un der contract, tho hourd dropped Hull project for Im 1!:I6 proffiain. It advanced the Luktvluw re-o!l-tiiK and over-croaHliii; at atcne to No. I poattlori on the alato hlBh wy proKrsm for Klamath county. Sons of Legion Meet Thursday 8one of the American Legion will meet Tbur!ay evening at Memorial hall at T.SU o'clock, when a team will be organized and drill work slarlcii. It la planned to lake the drill team to the state LeKloa-conventton, to be held In Roneburg next tummer. YBSSK- Momy BACK.Jfyotidorftffnd i'' "DoMe-Mefow'OlO GOLDS ih? finest Ciqarefte you ever smoked! V if -v-XV I ... ; ' , - v t KLAMATH FALIJS. OREGON HOUSE VIEWS BONUS ISSOE (Cantinttud From Page On) we btitsin ttccnpUriK amendment, wft mut vrftck it- houuti c ou fit b d(Hgo(n:d of Fri day, aMhouffh action on amend ment mtKht take alt day, Htntwtr itaUl pre. ravart had mr,,tmt f.,.i.....,.n U t- f.fff r. M U' llH. 1 UU VH1 United Veteran' bill. )i said his bill wonln call fir (mtue.dlato payment "nea-rec" ICQ per cent (ban the estimated i? or per cent. Opinions Forming on Issues Up for Special Election (Continued from Page OneJ there to muke preparation t far taking and counting the ballot. Ilunvd Jobs Open Evidence that the demand for omai jiibn in not nearly no HirnriK here as It was a year of two ago 1 to be found In the many va cancies that ntlil wist n elec tion boards. At the last few elec tion there was a rush to get theno Job and the small pay ifiitl ffnoa with them In the city, most board are) fiHeil. There )s a shortage ol three In precinct No 21, one ach In N'o 13 and 22; three la No 2i ano two In No 25 Here are the county ahortege, the precinct named being fol lowed by the Dumber of board vacanctca still existing; Aitamonc, 2: Beatty, 1; Chito- fjttln-, t; Eriterpri-, t; Itomedat, Iingell, 2; Ld1 Hler. 2; Matta, i; Mtdiaod, t; Mill, ; Moon, 2; m. Lakl, 1; Podell, 2; Orlndnle, I; Shasta, J; Wo&d Kiver, Z; Yatna. t. The clerk' office will welcome applications for places on the board from peraona living in the precinct wfter there are vacan cies. Measures ere seldom Inter esting aa peraonaltttes at election time, and already the primary end general elections t li3 are attracting the attention ot o(-flw-eeekar and their upporter. Mention made In a news- story (he other day to the effect thaX foar of the five eovnclimen are )xsible candidates for mayor brought a rjniclc fc(r.k-6aclu ronncilman J. E. Van Camp Indignantly declared b had not given the mayoralty a tfiougtit, anI certainly couid not be claaaed as a "possible candidate," Counc'imaa Charfea Thomas ald he hadn't even hinted he would run for roay&r, hot he added that at least ZOO persona had auxgeaied to him that he make the race. Councilman John Keller said with a gria that be dids t know fie vu a. eandtdatc. fjitnitllnilu Elmer Honking, who i known to ( have given the matter c&nalder able thought, did not bother to deny that he is a prospective candidate. Observers believe the sheriff's race 1 going to be a feature of this year's political contests. Sheriff Lloyd Low said Tuesday that he plan Co ran for re-election. Another abnost certain can The Moraing AfterTatung Carters Li ttle liver Pills GT Made from PRIZE GROP TOBACCOS - ' the finest ever put in a cigarette gjr" SINCE OCTOBER 6, 193S, Old Gold's Dauhte-Money-Back Offer has been presented to smokers in many elites. It Is now open to smokers everywhere. didate tor that of Hue Is Jeff ffean,.. who w((l .. th derasi 1 lsaC'" jjjgar "j HcCuKoch-Beckwitl Motor Co. 401 S. Sifc St. DOUBLE WrIAT tJoea this mean to you? Just this: unless you consider Boabh MsU&ie- Old Gold the best cigaretto your ever tasted . . . we'B pay you double for your trouble in trying it Smokers tell us Doubh-MeSoui Old Golds have doubled their smoking enjoyment , , and we're glad to hack their judgment, and ours . , , with this guarantee. If yow don't get a thrift , wefH pay the btlt (wo double) TASE ajort9 ehnnct trt a pack of &ovhSv Mellow Old Golda, Smolsvien tJ ttwe tlsa vctte. If you don't say they're, the iinrt ysi : vc te-sted . . . melt live pecfce,g vrapper wlib fKeite.it reraa.in.ing cigarettes to us, t any time before May tnt, (937,. e.ew vre'tt eend . you tfouofe tfte price sou paid for the fult peclcas;e ptua QQstagp. ' (Eslab!ishJ 1760 V X t " est 40th. Street, New Yov. Qty er PAGE THREg Urallo jMimlnaiten. Low it f ' pwMliian. Phon S30 YOl, f7-,iwnw6eh,iM,