'i ii m i mu i in nig aiimiuiii 1 1 1 in i,, i ii wi ii II mtwmmmmmmmmrmmmmmmiMmm uak. PAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OKEGON Junuury 7, alin Townies May Enter City Hoop League i .1 Rule Change Speeds Up Basketball Koyhole Play Regulation Elinv inared Scrambles Bonaath tho Basket. Oregon SSIfti , From Little To Big Men Dwight Frencli, tho Klamath basketball conch, doesn't hold with the complaint that the now "keyhole" ruling tends to impede the speed of the of fensive team. Because a piayer must more quickly in order to avoid a foul or loss of the hall, French , considers swiftness Is, more , than ever, a requisite of the regulation. The rule change Is as fol lows: "A player Kay not remain in his free throw area, with or without -thejjll, for more than three seconds while tho ball is in play and In possession or control of his team.' Obviously this is a further restriction the pivot-post or bucket play. Much of the roughness arising from this play is due to laxity on the part of officials. In many instances they have permitted ' defensive players to hold, push, or otherwise foul the pivot player, and have ignored push ing, charging or hipping on the part of the pivot player. These difficulties can be cleared up if officials will enforce the rules. It is senseless to talk about lack of uniform interpre tations In this- connection: holding, pushing and charging are fouls in every game, where played, and should be regarded , so, by officials.". The wisdom of this rule has been demonstrated in games this season. Instead of the scramble beneath the basket, the players are required to move rapidly. FouIb are thus avoid ed, and the game required to proceed with considerably more apeed.' While the rule has required many coaches to shift the style of their attack, the change has meant the Improvement of the game for the point-of-vlew of both player and spectator. To say the least, it necessi tates alert officiating, and that, If nothing else, is something any sport can stand. ' It will be a strange Oregon team that takes the floor against its rivals in the north ern division of the - Pacific coast conference. -' For years . Bill Reinhart, former coach of Oregon cham pions, had been plagued with small -men.- -Now comes How ard Hobson, the- new - coach, with .the tallest and biggest team In, the. history of the school. The WebfoDts can put a team on the floor that will - average around six . feet five inches. . - ; Most of those boys. Incident ally, arrived at Eugene from Southern Oregon .Normal -school. They followed. Hobble into . the big time. . . WRESTLING . By Associated Press 'Boston: Gus Bonnenberg, 205, Boston, tossed Mike Mazurki, 228, New York, ono fall. - Portland, Me.: Maurice La Chappelle, 173, France, defeated Melsheka, 177, Arabia, two falls. Pittsburgh: Danno O'Mahoney, 227, Ireland, drew with Ernie DuBek, 238, Omaha. Wilmington, Del.: Dean Det ton, 205, Salt Lake City, defeated George Koverly, 215, Hollywood, referee's decision. Camden, N. J.: Frank Malce wicz, 179, Utica, N. Y., defeated Ernie Peterson, 180, Alaska, two out of three. Paterson, N. J.: Chief Little Wolf,' 220, Los Angeles, defeated Ralph Garibaldi, 201, St. Louis, one fall. LOW 6-MONTHS bv way of GREATLY REDUCED winter cosch and touriit roundtrips to eastern points.. .plus the privilege of in cluding Californit on your trip... ' plus s new long return limit of six mentis. This is the travel bargain I way itW EXAMPLE ROUNDTRIPS - Cm stttrill Chicago . 62.20 '79.95 Cosch fares good in coaches snd chalr-csrs on all our trains. Tourist tares good in improved Tourist Pullmsns, plus modest berth charge. Southern Pacific Passenger Million 8 a. in. to IS p. m, I'hono 8000. After B p. m. 1'llone 1080 ' OUTHEHD TEAM BEETS CMf Waldorf May Withdraw in Favor of New Com bination. The Malln Townies, prospec tive entries In the City Basket ball league, will battle the Knights of Columbus at the Klamath armory tonight, 7:30 o'clock. Malln will replace the fire times defeated Waldorf team, in the doubleheader. The second game will see Balslger swing into action against Camp Bonanza. Change Almost Certain The combination from the southend will determine after tonight's contest whether or not it will enter the league. If It does, it will take over the Wal dorf standings. League officials, following Mon day night's meeting, said it was almost certain Waldorf would withdraw in favor of the Town ies. Malln has a powerful combina tion composed of many of the high school stars who have won frequent Klamath-Siskiyou con ference titles. The team is re garded as having an outstanding chance to trip the league-leading Caseys. Wednesday night's contest will see Lost River against the Mac cabees and Old Fort against the I Sons of Italy, Majority Owner of Giant Club Dies on Monday HOT SPRINGS. Ark., Jan. 7. (Jp) Charles A. Stoneman, 59, for nearly 16 years president and ma jority stock owner of the New York Giants of the National Base ball league, Is dead after a long illness. The baseball executive, a power ful figure. In major league circles, died in his hotel room last night. He had been unconscious more than 86 hours. His son, Horace, and his close associate, Ernie Viberg, will ac company the body to New York tonight. Bill Terry, . manager of the Giants, will leave from Memphis to join the party at St. Louis. Viberg said disposition of the financier's interests in the Giants would not be made known until bis will is read. . A Wall street stock broker, whose sporting interests centered chiefly in, horse racing, Stoneham was persuaded to purchase a ma jority In the Giants by the late John Joreph McGraw and Magis trate Francis X. McQuade. The three obtained the club from the John T. Brush estate January 14, 1919. Stoneham re putedly paid more than 11,500,-i 000 for a 65 per cent interest. Cougars Unbeaten - for Pre-Season PULLMAN, Jan. 7, iP Wash ington State college was ready for the conference basketball sea son after closing a pre-conference schedule without a defeat. The Cougars won their second victory from Whitman last night, 85 to 32, in a thrilling contest In which the score was tied three times In the second half. The Cougars go to Seattle Friday to open the con ference season against the Uni versity of Washington. The American people have al ways been quick to follow Intelli gent compromise. There Is a les son In this for each of the major political parties. Dr. James S. Thomas, president Clarkson Col lege. R0UNDTRIPS now on sale we have on sale dally until May 14. Go or return the sunny winter way via California, It costs only a dollar or so more fare than to go straight East snd back; nothing mm to some destinations. Cn,h T .-. t NewYork 123.60 U41.35 Tuffy I Tufty Cleet of New York. ! light heavyweight, who will meet ! Frankie Peck of San Francisco ; next Tuesday night in the first ' match of the first wrestling pro gram for 1936. Tljer Taskoff of I Bulgaria will tackle SulnucM Shikuma of Japan in the second ; match and Ken Hollls. Arkansas. 1 meets Dude Chick, Oklahoma, in the headliner. Pool One-Fourth of Inch Short; Record Destroyed HIBBINQ, Minn.. Jan. 7, LP One-fourth of an inch cost Hib blng high school a national swim ming record and chances of hav ing future marks recognized. Coach Paul Lokens' medley re lay team bettered the state and national times, and applied for national record recognition. Requested to submit certified measurements of the pool, L. M. Becker of the Hibbing junior col lege faculty, found it measures 59 feet, 1 1 1 inches Just one quarter of an inch short of the standard 60 feet. PIPE v mi M aw4t V X 76 SS SWEEPING An open invitation to all pipe smokers to try Prince Albert on a remarkable you- must-be-pleased plan! Prince Albert now comes forward with a positive no-risk offer to pipe smokers. And already the word is sweeping the state that Prince Albert is "the buy for real joy smoking! Why unusual offsr can be macfe-Rcad the money back offer carefully. Note that all the risk is on us. We take it, knowing- that Prince Albert's quality speaks for itself. We simply ask you to give Prince Albert a fair and square trial. Smoke 20 pipefuls of Prince Albert Note how the golden-brown tobacco packs snugly in your pipe . . . note the inviting aroma as you play your match across the bowl. Importance of the"Crimp Cut"-A special feature of PA. is the cut. "Crimp cut," it is called. And that "crimp cut" is an Important part of the reason why Prince Albert ia so often praised for the way it burns. Slow, Cool. Mild. And superior quality is not all. We pock Prince Albert in a big 2-ounce economy tin. Your tobacco keeps In prime ; condition. And you get real economy smoking around CO pipefuls of tobacco. And so, just step up and ask for Prince Kiake hands with smokin' at its bestl INSgALi THC NATIONAL JOY SMOKE 111 I OF TRAP EVENT First Shoot of Season Held Sunday nt Gun Club. nreaklng 50 straight nt 16 yards. C. J. Martin won the oi'on ing trap shoot of 1936 nt the Klnmath Gun club Inst Sunday. X. Y. Stoddard was second with 4S. Perfect 26 s were lilt by Mar tin, Stoddard. W. E. Lnmm iiiul J, II. Cawker. Lamm was high gun in the handicap and tho sheet. Practice shoots will be held every Sunday throughout the season. Results .25 25 To.Hd.Sk. .11 W, Landrens H. Strode .... !C. J. Martin .25 2! 17 IS .... 19 17 .... IT .... IS 19 21 23 17 11 l N. Y. Sto.idttrd..2:l IC. V. Rugh 21 48 4 3 J. Stlger 22 23 45 1 C. A. Dunn 23 22 45 1 W. Locke 21 17 3S W. E. Lamm ....22 25 47 21 E. Ealsiger IS IS 36 V. Moore 17 16 33 S. Woodard 21 23 44 Dr. Goble 19' B. Walters 19 15 34 J. II. Cawker ....25 Thousands Reserve Seats to See Reds Open 1936 Season CHICAGO, Jan. 7 (API What cash value glory? Chicago's Cubs won the Na tional league pennant last sea son and so far, have only three seats reserved for the opening game of the 1936 season. Cincinnati's Rrds (in'?.:cd sixth. They have a record 16.000 reser vations for their opener. Oregon Quintet Boasts Biggest Men in History Kl'dKNK, Ore.. Jan. 7, .T The biggest basketball toiim In the school's history will rep resent I'nlvorslly of Oregon tills HOUOU. Tho itind of 16 averages six feet two Inches, while one combination or giants would average six feet five. liny Jewell, former Fruuk lln high renter, tops them nil at six feet seven, followed by Ward Howell, six feet six giant from Ashland. Hurromb, Willie Jones and Davo Silver are each six feet four. Only two members of the squad go under six feet. They are Courtney, five feet ton, and McLean, fivo feet elevon. Webf oot Frosh to Open Season Wednesday Night El'OKXK, Ore., Jan. 7. (,P) Couch John Warren cut the I'nl veislty or Oregon basketball siiuad to 20 players aj he pre pared for the opening game to morrow night uguiusl the Wi lul ling town team. The DurklliiKS meet Franklin high of Portland here Friday night and play at Rosuburg high Saturday uiKht. Laddie ltale. slx-foot-flvo all state center from Oakridge, was shifted from forward to center, whin slim Wlnlermiito, slx-foot-cight scoring phenom from Long- view. Wash., becuuio ineligible af ter the first quarter. Thoso remaining on tho squad include: William Campbell of Kofelmrg. Hall Fouts of Walla Wallu, and George Jucksou of Grunts Pass. Basketball Sandy 34, Grant 4,"s. Yernonin 17, Lincoln 40. Dallas 25. Chemawa 15. HQ CTdFFER TO PIPE SMOKERS: OUR Ui-rtn MW,fvouaon,,finai,u.. Smoke 20 f rasrant pipe ,mokd, return the pocket mellowe.t, tMtie.. pipe ." , my tim. within . month to With the re., of the j'&J P J "7&Jm- S3.tL Co.. Wm.ton,.Wm. N. C. E. Albt H t - 01 ' rest or the P pipefuls 3 U of fra grant tobacco in every 2-oz. tin of Prince Albert m OREGON NOSES OUT OIL TEAM Wobfoots Win, 33 to 32, in Tough Rattle at Portland. PORTLAND. Jan. 7. (AIM Oregon university's basketball tcum. fighting an uphill liatlln most of the way, emerged atop the I'lilnii Oil quintet 33 to 32 ; after a late-gauie rally hero last night. Two kuskets by Itourkn, sub stitute guard, gave the WVbfoots the victory atter they were trail ing 32 to 39 wltli two ni I n ii les to piny. The Oilers led at bnlr lluie 15 to 13 and at one time early In tho game held a lead of 10 lo 2, llnurke and Inninn, Oiler guard, wore high scorers with 8 points each. I Lincoln High of Portland out classed Veinoulii 40 to 17 In tho preliminary. Lineups and summary of the main event: Oregon (33) Pos. (32) U. Oil 5 Robertson 6 llnlley 6 Wagner 5 Calrney 8 In tuts owell 7 Llebawlts 7 Patterson 7 McLeau 1 Lewis Substitutes: Oregon Rourke 8, II. Jones, Silver 2, W. Jones 1; Union Oil lllblmrd 3. Officials: Leedlng and llonl gus. Italian Matman Defeats Negro PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 7. t.l'v An Italo-Kthtoplan n-rostllng war went to Krnle Plluso, Portland Italian, when he gained two falls out of three from Juck Clnyborn, tiegro tulddlrw"lgh:. In a fost. clean bout hero lust night. BSti OFFEK OELDGMTS OF KLARflATH FALLS " -'i' iod" Lions Capture Lead With Win From Portland lly Ahnih'Iii(c PreM Tho Vancouver Lions rode lum pily nt the head of tho Northwest ern Hockey league procession ngiiln today recapturing I ho pre mier bur:h from lh Portland lluckaroiis by a .1-1 count In a liuiiK-up Kiiiiiu at Vancouver lust night. The Calgary Tigers weru III third place, rive points behind tho Hues, by virtue of tlmlr 1-1 win over Scuttle In Culttary. Vancouver supporters were teen tid to one or I lie best exhibi tions of hockey this season, us (ho Leos survived early Portland prim sura and scored two third-period goals to regain the top petition they lost to the Hues In Portland the previous evening, Portland won thut game 7-3, Ludu Palm put Vancouver In the lend in the first period, hut Louis Coupes knotted the count with nu uiiasslsted goal lu the second, ilrynii llextall snared the winning goal ufter two minutes of the final session, batting In a past from Clint Siullli. Captain t'tiurlcy O'Neill made victory dou bly certain mldwuy through the period in a solo rush. Sprague River Wins Basketball Contest HPRAOCK UIVKIt, Ore. The Sprugue Itlver basketball (earn opened the leason December IV atjlly. illy won tho go mo by a score of 18 to 11. lu a return giiino at Sprague i River Friday evening, Janunry 3, Sprague Itlver won, 36 to HI. Dex ter wus IiIkIi point man, with 2U to his credit. The line-up for Illy Included CAsobeor. L. Illanrhard, H. Hlanchard, .Savage, Miller and .Shearer. Dexter. Rorr, Real, Berk ley, Criime, Wann, Hchonsrhln and Orling played for hprsgue River. The Kprague rlvor tram travels to Ueatty January 8. The Midgets, a teum of boys from the sixth grade or under, will also piny. 1 Enjoy Prince Albert In "makln's" cigarettes tool aUOUST MOLD, tXPtRT CIQARCTTI ROLLER. Itolli a Imautlful Prlnoe Albert clanritte In B.4 londa.Whnt'a vour tlnwt Prince Albert Is a long-burning, mild omunuio ui-iuunu n rons bo ncauy and tastoa so good. Mr. Abold gays: "I've rolled my own with Prince Albort since 15 years back. I save money with P.A. because thoro's more tobacco In tho big rod 2-ounce tin - enough for more than 70 cigarettes. P.A. rolls easier, burns slower, and tastes rich and cool." If you like to roll 'em, try Prince Albort yourself I MADI WITH HOOD niUER WdWcouS RPPIiE BRRnDU COft MM Mm4 tirf Al lifi4v, I rrt VmmHi, d I JsmIim l.it.t, U thmk wall mmd i Mrr will) MflfVMhlM ittttrr. M TfcaiVi iomthlng obowf MoaNvIMn mad wild "Old DIIcImiiI" Thr'i imooihntti and a rlchnvuyow can gt only with Ihlifln bat. Thai' bcovt "Old DllclouMdfl by flnvil dlrtll ling mvrttodi. It I; uk of tmmd. Hp Hood Rlvor opplot. Try ono tonight. It'i grand to blgnboMt ond vory, nry good at a Mralghl drink. Agod In now cKorrod oak cenka. AVAJLMLf IN OfttON FULL MKT 0UC N0.4IU gfj FULL QUART ! D V-h. .. --A) tobacco that appeals to V IH, It. J. lUrnuMi 'rob. Co.