THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE .1 "Minry 3, 10r50 SEATTLE MAN NAMED AIDE . FOR CAPITOL T'oitTI.ANO, Ora., Jim. S. (!) rail p. (luiil.l, Himltlo nrclil 11. will ho tiii'luili'iil mlvlaiir H I Im Oii'Kiin iwiillnl coiiatniitlon tiiliialiin, iiHniilniia ttitiitl luat nldil. II" will iri'inr ri'Kiilutloiia iumI rK ul iiiiiiuM tn fur i nuUim- l.l.i riintnat nri-lillnrls. ' .n il Id tlio urrhliwtiirnl n. in met (or OiK'ii'n now I2. Iihii.iiiIII ritpllol In milium Dig ill.l hi iiii'l ii ro which lull mil. I Klvii ollmr tri lit I ii tin I u ir h l- Ii.mIu uxifn Ptiliulitril'tifl . (Iiiulil, who (lonfuriiiil wllh Ihn i- 1hhIii burn, wild ho would en In Hnli'iii (iitliiy In limi'i'i'l II... nil n mill illaiuaa Himrii ni.i.iln ' with nliiln urrlclHla. Twii wui'ka ....ii... will liu riiiiiilriil to liiillmr Informal Imi, uimI iioIIht work lo iniii out a iiroKniin, h mi hi. Ilia fi.o will Ixi 12000 If tlio runti'iit In oii'll lo till iiii'lilli'.'lM timl llliOO U only lli-nlKlllltnd Ill.'lllllU'la otlllln. Mil lllfo will r Ivn (ix ais ilurlnil lila uli- si'iiro fr ii in Hi'UlMi'. Tim aliili'lnMiao nrihltiTtiniil Kurk will onlull n miiMiillliini or $ i mi, ooo. or i P"r cfiit of tin lotul runt, Th, lo atari In a fi'W w.i.kii. will rxK'iul llirnn iiioniln, I'lii' imlillc work" iiilmliiliilriiiloii. tthlrh iilliiriiKiil ttiiiila to nlil In thu niiltil ciiimtriirlliMi, approved lium (or tlin riiiiipntltlim. ('. ('. I lock lny, OmKon l'WA niliiilnllnitor. anlil li thotiKlil tlio ahmilil bo llntliiuwliln. hilt BllKKl"'l I' i i'ntirn mini wlna It ioiild l- api'i-ltliMl Unit Hi.. loii-niiikliiK OmKoii nr. Iilmrt bo uaanrllilpil III Hi" ' Thu Ori'Kon ninn would know run. IHI. inn. niiiti'ilul" d wmiiIi k or." Iloi kli'y aalil. "Mo would h 'onr loml ri'iriiMitntlvo ami liulldi'r." forlornly wna for anvnnil yenra iniiiiiiK"!' of llio (l.ililmi Itulo liuno uimit atom. ' No liiiinuillulu ohntiKoa oro oon- tniiililiiti'il -liy I ho now ownur, t, II liar In-Iho polluy or tiuiKlblo iiipiniuii) of thu aloro, It la timluratniid linlh stunk anil fix Hi rim Winn Innludoil In the auln. llu rt li hud mil nniioiiui'iid lila lilitna for tlio ( ii I ill' o Woilnuaduy nUlil. , TIII.Ki.AKK, Jan. . Any IiiiIIiIIiiK plana Unit roalilKiila of Iho Wliiniiii ai'hool illalrlirt liavn cliorlahod for roniilriii'tlon of a niiit-h iii.ndiid btillrtliiK liavn bwn Hlinlvi'd until aiirliiK, iir.onlliiK to 10. W. Hlnunlon, iniinihor of Hi" Hill iiiil honrd, who atntna tlml hlilM oiinniid on Docmnlinr 23 woru nil riijiii'iiid. No doflnlta rrniaun wna xlvnn for thn ili'Clalon exfnpt Unit mi x t ii ii 1 cil piirlntl of tlnui la noniU'd for in. no Intiiualvs aludy of tlio altiiutlon. i-li'i'tlona will bo linld May 1 mid It la oxtnictiid tliut a di.claloii will Im roaohml aoon a ft or Unit diitn whi.n hlila will iikiiIii bu ciillml tor. Htiiiinton la Iho retiring mem hor ot lh" hoard thla your with W. II. Aniliiraon nnd UnorKo Froy Ilia hold nvor moiiihora. Barth'a Store Changes Hands Trumifor of o w n o r a h I p of llnrth'a Dollar mm... 717 Main tro"t, from ficorito Hurl It to Vorn Norvull bornui" offfrtlvo Juniiitry 1, It wna lonrmd Tliura diiy. Torma of tlio donl woro not rovi-nlml. Tlio Ioiir oatalillalird hilnlnoaa will bo opuriitcitl uudor tlio now niiuift of t'uali Muztiitr. Norvull Tim Now Vonr'a wiitcb arv Irn ul On. Klral lluptlal church wua Hltondi'd by n Iuiko crowd anil u v.'iy luti'ri'KtliiK program wna oiijoyod. '"nn Can Offorlnic" n.-rvlr.', n abort drtiiiia "Any boily'a Kumlly on Kiinduy Morn Iiik;" and a fiillnwahlii uud de votlnnnl aorvlm, which cloaod with tin- tmanlnx of thn old your. Tim pimior nnnotincoa two aporlul aorvlroa for Sunilny. At thn tuoriiliiK worahlp hour tlio puator will dollvor thn Now Vonr'a iiionaiiit III conn i": i Ion with tlio luninllutloii of church offlcora. Thu i.v.'iiIiik aorvlcu will bo con ditrmd by Itwv. KiiKono ilnrrow who will rolurn to l'orllnnd next week to rcatimn bta atudloa nt Iho lllhln Hchool. Itov. Ilnrrow la a formor roaldont of thla city ii nd hua in o ii y frlcnila who aro uncreated in nta iniiiiairy. Aniorli'iiu aoronntillctil pro ducta wito oxportoii to 61 coun tries In AiiKuat, mas. Tho flrat Coiifrutoriilly of ChrlHtltiii IJoctrlnn limtlliito for K In ( Ii , lloachiitiia nnd I.nko r.iiinilliia, will bo hold In Klmiiulh .it 1 1 h , Wodniiailuy, Juuiiury K, ul Hncrod ll'iirl uendomy nnd l,y in .inn hull. HI in I lit r Inatltulca liuvii hiH'ii tii-l'l lit IJiiknr nnd Tho Dllll.M, Tho iti rpoHii of thla limlltutu la to n.vli.w In n ul way whul hua linen donn III tho tllo- ccan aln.ii thn C'.iMfrutunilly wua iiikiiiiI.-.I hml Blirlim; to luu I for mini" ncllvlllia, mid lo nproud uinoiiK lu' inborn aoino ot , I In. cut Ii uhIiihiii Hint wua K.-lli.r-ulid ul tho IJiiiifriitornlly roiclonul ! roufori-urn on l.'uthollc action In Hpokuii" In nt K.-p I in li.-r. It will opim wi iliicailny in.irniiiK ui o o'clock, wllh cclibriitlon of Holy Milan, lo ho followed by renlalru tluil of out of Uiwn vlallora, and u Kouerul ineellnx ut which Hie Itevereud lilocenuu Dlrnclbr ot III" Confrliternlly will apeuk on Tho Confraternity of Chrlntluii lioclrlne." rulea, dlvlalona. the work of the yeur, mid vniutlon nchool. Thla la lo l" followed by reporta from delexutea on nieiu liortihlp. mtlvltlea, etc., uud apo clul mi-el IllKH of til" reverend pimmm, with the Moat Itevcrond Waliop Joneph K. Mcirntli, pre kIiI t ii k : teuchra, fleliluion uud holpora, with tho chulriiitin of tho locul null prealdliiK. and at which pnrllculur uitlvltlea ot Ihut unit will bo dlacuaaod. Pollowluic luncheon, a playlet will bo Klven by tho acudniy piildla. nnd n model leaaon on In alriirtlon and project work will be ileinonatriiteil by alalera and puplla of the ucudniny. A (tenerul meet Iiik will follow, lifter which liiiniidlctlon of tho Moat Dleaacd riucruinuut will bu Klven ut 4:30 p. in, Tho Coiifruternlly of Chrlallnn Dnctrlim wua oricnnlzcd n all purlahea throukhout tho Inlteil Slulea hint aprlim, to Klvo rhll ilren of l.'ulhollc pnrenla who nl leml tho public acboola a rollnl oua xluintlon. mil only children llvliiK within thn city, but those In tho country ua well. Thla aomo lliuea requlrea trlpa of 20 mllea or more buck and forth Into Iho country to brink- children to the clnaaea. Tho locul uull hua been well plenaod wllh rcaulta oli Inlned, mid feela Hint III ttlvliiK Ih'-ao children a rullKloua oducu I Ion . It la dolnn tho ono urea ins l work of mnklnx tho children of today atronx and upright citizens of tomorrow. Kxpuualnn of the llrlllah ltoyul Air For co cnlla for ostnhllshmonl of 13 nddltlonal civilian flylnx ichoola. OT . ! I Mil lllll II II a aW aaTn 1 X&s Oi Real Importance IPTjBfjfisIhifflse Evenntt Brand new arrivals just unpacked today . . due to an especially fortunate purchase we are presenting these newcomers at very special prices . . . Come early for this big Special Purchase Event and you will go home happy with your selection in either Coats or Dresses. . . 50 Sports Coats Originally Manufactured To Sell from $22.75 ,o $29.75 Monatones, Tweeds, Checks and Plaids. Both Continental and Bolted SPECIALLY PRICED $2!A no DRESSES Produced by Manufacturers to sell for $25.00 Smart Afternoon Frocks . . . . Sunday Nights, Cocktails, Double Duties with Separate Jackets and Metallics. Tho finest vnluca wo linvo nvor offered SPECIALLY PRICED a Plate's ; "Where Style and Quality Reign Supreme" , 607 Main Street What happened in 1 935 i a closed book. What we will offer in values during ' 7 (o Jr 1936. this hiar Aftar-Inventorv Sale is a thrift insDirin? examDle. Thousands 1 )tM . of dollars worth of brand new merchandise has been purchased to make our stocks complete, our variety more extensive, our values more attractive. We Vclff . .. . -.t ii . i I ... say, now is ine lime to ouy n you reaiiy warn 10 hvci Mia Meats L We feature at aH times quality meats, prices right. Will cut any spe cial cut you may desire. These Prices Saturday Only. Steaks Tender Beef Hams Half or Whole Lb. 2c mm Kraut Quart c Roasts r Tender Veal Lb. Shortening Limit 8 Lbs. 4 Lbs. 39c 2e Tissu 3 Rous 2(g Quality Tissue Goes Farther . (5D)a Hhey,s 7 V4 Lb. Tins Quality Cocoa Limit 2 Tins " " BAKING POWDER-Cake Tin Free with Each Tin Purchased Jv3atlhie ctn. g Highway Carton of 6 Boxes - ffittes 2Lbs.g(g New Crop Fresh ' '" NONE BETTER TTS)IlQQSo 3 Tins 2g HIGHWAY Large No. 2Vt Tins Sungai? eo u. sag 4jc) Fine Granulated in Cloth Bags Limit 10 Lbs. BLUE SEAL High Quality Guaranteed SffilP HO Bars g$)( CRYSTAL WHITE to 6 J Fruits Airway CoSSee, lb. 17c SyrUp Sleepy Hollow QT. BOTTLE 39 C Peaches Dei Mom. n. 2h 2 For 35c Corned Beet each 17c Ritz Crackers lge. pkg. 21c Jell Well Assorted Flavors PKG- FOrmay The Perfect Shortening 3 LB. TIN 59C Peanut Butter 0ur cho ....... . 2.. j.r29c 1'Ac - SPECIALS - jlc See Our Large Displays of 10 Cent Specials . 10c Catsup 1Ac Ruby 12-os. Uottlo HOT. w Beans 1 Ac No. 2 Tina, Htamlnnl TIN w Lima Beans fA? Rensldc White TIN Pork & Beans 1AC Van Tflinr'a I,re. Tina... Pineapple Llbby'a Is Flat. Corn 10c No. 808 Tins .. EA. Hominy 10c Van Camp's Ite. Tins Kraut 1AC l.lliliy'a No. 2 Tln. EA. and Vegetables Safeway lead In quality fresh fruits and vegeta bles. Buy where you can get quality as well as price. These Prieea fa hard ay, Only, 4 Oranges Hag. Navels ' Doz. 25c Potatoes ' Extra Fanay N. 1 , Klamath Bakers) "NONE BETTERT 10 Lbs. Bananas Finn Ripe Lfcc Chokes Fancy Artichokes Each gc Cabbage Solid Crisp Lb. Sc Lettuce Med. Size Head 2 Hds. g)c Wheat Hearts Sperry's ....... Sperry's Pancake Bisquick Rolled Oats Crackers Edward's CoSSee, lb. 23c LGE. PKG. 23c LGE. PKG. 29c LGE. PKG. 33c 35c SEA FOPS Salmon Tall Tins Alaska Pink EA. 10c Tuna Fish White Star, Vgs ..; EA. 15c Sardines Oval Tins 3 TINS Shrimp ist S-oz. Tins EA. 10 LB. BALE 4Ai Salted 2 LB. BOX 7V Corn Starch 3 PKGS. 25c Salt Maximum Shaker . 2 PKGS. 25c Gulf Kist 4 A a XV V 8i ;r nyaajniHroiuwiii.'iaaii.aiwaawwiar alaaaraaaHiaaaaiaaiaaaaaasai amaa.iaauii'.m aaaj mjawA!a.uaJm' kslsUWsMsVUaaS i : w t