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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1936)
January 2, 1936 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND TRADE WITH NEWS-HERALD WANT-ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES: CASH ADS pnr word Insertion. por day's 2c CHARGE ADS ' 3 par word par day's Insertion. All Mull Ordor Ads Must Havo Cash With Ordor. 10 20 par coiit dlaoount on Ida running 0110 week. par cent dlaronnt on ad running una month. All classified ml oro limort od In both The Klamath Newa ntid KvoiiIiik Herald nl li above rutin, appearing III Tliu Niiwh tint, Tim limit for clnaalflcatloii In llin fullowlnic dny'a pnpura ll 0:0 I'. M. Ada dimlrml in serted on Ilia an tin) day aa sub mitted will have to rim "Too Lata to Claaalfy." CLASSIFIED INDEX- All olaaalfloatloiia ars'hhin bored anil appear In numerical order. Following la an alphu botlilral reference lint of the mora Important claaalllcatluna: Automotive 19 llulldlnic Mntrrlnla loa llualneaa (liiiilriiiillla .... 10 Contract Work Wauled.... 10 Educational H Fnrin Implements 19a Furnished Aul. to Lot 12 FurnlahPd lliiuae to Lot... M Furnished Rooms to Lai.. 11 rinanelnl 2' General Notlroa 3 llitlp Wanted, Male - 6 Help Wanted, Female... 7 Livestock and Foad 23 Loat and Found 3 Mlacellaneous for Bala JO Personals - Poultry for Halo 22n Real Eatalo for Knlo 17 Roal Knlato for Loaao IK Real Kalalo Wantad 17a loom and Hoard 12 Bltunllona Wanted. 9 Swaps 20a Tranaporlatlon 6 Vnfurn. llnuaca to I.nt.... 15 Wantad Mlacellaneous...... 21 Wantad to Haul. 16 General Notice MOV1NOT Call 704, local, long dlatanca. Inaured carrlor; ex perienced man, 1'ooplaa Wnro houao. 403 5 Transportation SAVE1 Go by Bui Via Band and Mt. Hood Snortfltt Route, Lowoif Fare to Northwest Poinli On Round Way Trip Portland $5.90 $10.65 Seattle $8.40 $14.65 Spokane $12.30 $20.05 Buiaaa Laav 11:45 Noon From The Greyhound Depot For Information Pbona 009 7 Help Wanted. Female WANTED Conger. llouaokeopor; 630 1378 WANTED Home caro for con valescent patient, young wom an. Ncwa-Horald. 2344. 2344 9 Situationi Wanted njVAOfU"JVJ"lfa"ri"l" " --- w WANTED Honaowork or cook ing for crow. Experienced, lit. 1, Box 290. .2345 EXPERT Clorlcnl work, ac counting, bookkeeping, all or part time. Box 1441, Nowa Horald. . 2398 11 Furniahec! Rooms i ijVVAi-ijuiArrai,i,"i" " " -- aaa THE CLAREMONT, 228 N. 4th. all rnodorn outalde room. Froo parking lot. 4400 Klamath The firms and Individuals represent ed in this Alphabetical Directory of Specialized Business and Profession al Service are known as Klamath Falls' moBt reliable business men and Baths Cabinet aloam bath and ronsaaga. L. Stone Lady Assistant. 117 South 7th. Phone 1640 Beauty School MEDFORD school bounty culture announces now claas to start Jan. 1. 1986. Time paymants only $6 to enroll now, Phone 84, 419 Vi 19. Main, nieuiora Commercial Printing Printing of all kinds. SHOP PINO C1UIDB), Pelican Thoatre Bldg. Floor Sanding FLOOR SANDING AND RICFIN I8HINQ. Phone 86W4. Hemstitching Homstltohtng, specialism. I n nit and coats, woolen samples, dressmaking. Mrs. H. M. A I len der, 514 Walnut. Room nd Board LIGHT housekeeping or sleeping iiiiiiii, close In, Rnasonnblo. i'liono 11II9J, ZUU0 BOARD AND ROOM $8. Naw iiiiiiiuK"itiuit. I'louly of heal. 1404 Klauiulb Ava. 1992 13 Furnisher Apartments BMALL apartinont, 410 Oak, 110. 2313 (INK or two room furnished niuirtiiinnta, lights and watar; 014 IIIkIi. 2302 ESPLANADE COURTS Alio Hlmona iipartmanta, 121 Com mercial. I'liono 1114J. 2298 VACANCY Arcade apartments, 14 Furnished House TWO-ROOM partly furnlahad house, close III, 110 month. No children. Phone 1710. HW 19 Automotive FOR HAI.B lly prlviito owner, 1023 Bludolinkor con pa, In quire at 831 Klauialu Ave. e:iso USED CARS 1931 Cadlllno C-Paaa. Sudan. wlra wlioala, naw tlrui, excop. tlonal condition. 1029 Chevrolet Coupa. 1020 Packard. Small ( Sod an. IMPERIAL MOTORS, Inc. Cadillao aud LaSalle 3rd and Main 1935 Chev. Spt. Sedan Low Mileage Only Boon Sold Five Month. Jutt Like Naw and Guaranteed At Such $695.00 H. E. Hauger Buiclt and Oldi. 1330 Main 20 Miscellanout For Sale PINK AND 13 91 -It. FIR wood. Phone 2230 NEW RADIOS with, mala) lube Plarco Eloclrlo. 122 8. 0th. EXCELLENT repair service, ra- dloa, appllancca. Plerc Kloc trlc. 122 80. (th. 1863 MOVINOT Call 704, local, long dlatauca. Inaured carrier; ex perienced men. Peoplea Ware home. 463 21 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED TO BUY Kloctrlc adding machine, for cosh. Write Box 2307, Nowa-IIorald. 2307 ?2 Livestock n heed HIGHEST eastern prices for enr lunda brnko or tinbroka rnnge horaea, muloa and colt, Fred Cluuidlor liorao and Mulo Mar ket, Charlton, Iowa. 1080 FOR BALK OH TRADE For woaner plga, Duroc mnta hog. II. F. Yordy, Tulolnke, Calif., 2 in I loa northwest of Tulolnke. 2351 FOR BALE IS head of horses, 1100 to 1800 pounda. J. E. Whltlntch. 1V4 miles west Btukol brldgo. 2358 FOR SALE 12 horses, Including elx miiroa, with foal. Hank O'llrlon pluco, Dulry. 2360 FOR SALE 100 acres standing hnrloy, sheep pasture Hnnry Nicol, Mulln Ore. 2354 EIOIIT HEAD of young onttlo, Bt oora aud holfors, wolght 500 to 800 pounds. $225 tnkoa the herd. Phono 2167. 2306 12 Business Directory Music Klamath Institute ot Music. I. O. O. F. Bldg. Piano, violin, cello, guitar. Instruments froo with course High sohool credits. Palmer Chiropractor DR. ULHN MOOhB Nourocalomotor Analyst 126 Main Opp. Oourt House Piano Tuning U R. Mnnn, Derby's Musio storo, 117 So. 7th. Pump Byron Jaokaon Pump and Sorvlco J. M. Wauchope, 115 So. 11th 81. Phone 1S03-J Raw Fur Rnw tura wanted. Hlg'iest price paid. Try ua bofore you sail. 0, L. Hombroe, 820 Klamath, 22a Poultry Po. Sale HUl'KIl QUALITY CIIICK8 While Leghorns. K. I. Hads, llarrod I'lyinoutb Itocka, $11, 100, prepaid. Mngulra Kloctrlc llatuti.ry, 1410 N. E. Orogou street, I'urllund, Oro. 1434 25 Money to Loan LOWEST RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dopendabla, Safe, No co-algnora No Rod Tape NO HIDDEN CI1ARGICB Lai ua finance your new or uacd car purchase Motor Investment Co. 114 No. 7th Pb. 882 Llcnnaa Ml 04 FT. KLAMATH KT. KLAMATH Adrian Page and grandson, Elinor Ziinibrunii, apont Chrlatmas day at the home of I'liKo'a anii-in-law and daugh ter, .Mr. and Mra. Henry Orlh. Chrlatinua day guoata at the home of .Mra. Emma (Jordan and son Froil wore Mr. and Mra. Wade C. Ilnllock and family of willlaiiiaon UIvit. Tholr aim, Durroll llullock, niukoa hla homo with Mrs. Gor don. Aa a reatilt of the roeont hoary anowliill, uou j;:4r ro'ley la now envorod to a dopth of about alicht liicboa wllh anow. Alfred B. Cuati'l, loial buainoaaman, took advaiitage of the anowrull laat Friday to harnee up hla team of alx Alaakan racing doita, ualng a now racing type aled purchaaod on Ills roeont trip to Seattle. Cantol bad I ho mlafortune to loan hla lead dug, Qiieenlc, last week, when she waa accidentally run over by a car and killed near Fort Klamath. This leaves Dim flvo doga. tho other of tho alx be ing the property of Alfred Orhn. Orbn and Caatol have bad the tenm out every day alnco tho anow came for runa In tho vlcliilty and tho dogs make a pretty pic ture streaking throuch the snow In truo Alaskan slylo. Althnueh but a little over a year old. tho doga are Tory Inrgo and strong, and pull the slod like veteran racing huakioa. Mra, R. O. Varnum was hoateae Friday afternoon to her brldgo club at her homo at Sand Crcok on The Diillea-Callfornla highway. Following dollclous deaaort aorv od at 2 o'clock by tho hoatoaa, two labloa of contract were In piny, with Mra. Oris Moon. win ning high honors at tho close of tho afternoon, and Mrs. Marcella llawo taking second high. Tho following lodloa attended: Meg da me Emma Oorden, Aldon Swan. Marcella Rawe. Oris Moon, Harold Moono. Frank Eflwarua, MIks Elale Moon, and the boateas, Mrs. II. O Varnum. Mr. and Mra. E. B. Shllta and family vlellod Mr. Sbllt's brolhcr-In-law and alator, Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Swan, at the Zumbrunn ranch over tho wook end, leaving Sunduy evoniug for their homo in California. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards wore hosts Saturday night st their home for a Jolly evening of bridge. Two tables ot con tract were In play, with Mra. Harold Wlmor taking high hon ors for ladloa, and Mr. Oris Moon high for gontlomon. at tho cloao of the evening. Mra. Ed wards, aaslated by her daughter, Florence, served dainty refresh ments at a Into hour to the fol lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Oris Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rnwo and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wimer. Reverend and Mrs. B. V. Brnd ahaw vlaitod Mr. and Mra. M. L. Ferguson Sunday from Wllllam aon Rlvor. Thoy also called on Mrs. Hmmn Gordon bofoie hold ing regular church services in tho church In tho evening. This Is tho final service to be given by tho BradahawB. as they ex pect notice ot their transfer to Bontty at any tlmo. Rev. Brad ahaw has boon pastor of the local church for the past four and a halt years, and It la with much rogrot that Fort Klamath resi dents lose the sorvlces of Mrs. Brndshaw nnd himself. women. You will find them ready to serve you promptly, economically and efficiently. For your own satis faction use this handy guide to the services they offer. Radio Repairing 6 months guarantee on all ropalr work. Phone 1790. ANDERSON-MOORH 125 South Eighth 8treet 1867 Real Estate It yon want to buy a bouse, a lot, or aoreags, from one to 60 aeras. . see H. B). Hauger. 1330 Main SL Roofing EXPERT repairing and recover ing composition sningies. Terms. Atlas Root Oo. Pbone 1612,. 2400 So. 6th, 42 Upstairs Dress Shoppe TOOLER'S tor SMART TOGS. Stewart-Drew Bldg., 781 Main Wood FOR BALD Pin, fir body and limb wood. Phone 7liVi. 806 Legal Notices NOTlfrK OF (XN'IIIMATIO.V PIHM.'KKDINOH hfH'cifil J'riH'eciliitgs in Kijully No. 45 la IN THW CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB STATE OF OKKOON, FOR i.LAMATII COUNTY. IN TUB MATTKK OF THE PETITION OF TIIK HOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LAN CELL VALLEY IRRIOATION DISTRICT OF KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, PRAYING THAT ALL TUB PROCEED INGS OF SAID HOARD OF HIRI'X'TOKS AND OF SAID DISTRICT PKOV1DINO FOR AND AUTHORIZING A CER TAIN CONTRACT BETWEEN THE LANOELL VALLEY IR RIGATION DISTRICT AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MAY HE EXAM INED. APPROVED AND CON FIRMED BY THE COURT. TO: THE LANOELL VALLEY IRRIGATION DISTRICT AND TO ALL FREEHOLDERS. LEGAL VOTERS A N D ASSESSMENT PAYERS WITHIN SAID DIS TRICT: Notice Is hereby given that the above-entitled Court has fixed the hour of 2 o'clock in the after noon of Friday, tho 17th day ot January, A. D., 1936, and tbe Court Room of tho above-entitled Court, In tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, ua tho tlmo and place for the hearing on the peti tion of Ilia Board of Directors of I ho LaiiR' ll Valley Irrlgu'.lon Din trie t ot Klamath County, Orogou, praying that nil of tho procoedlnga of aald Board of Directors and of aald District In tho matter of the authorization and execution of a certnln enntruct between the Lan gcll Valley Irrigation District and tho United Stutea of America amending the following contracts heretofore miered Into botwocn the ' ang.-ll Valley Irrigation Dis trict nnd tho United Stutes of America: Contract ot March 27. 1922, as amended by contracts of June 15, 1922, Juno 18, 1923, October 15, 1923, October 17, 1925. January 7, 1927, July 1, 1927. April 13, 1031. and Decem ber 27, 193.1, wherein and where by tho maximum amount of money payablo to the United States shall ho bnlunce of construction charges payable currently $431,057.05, de ferred construction charges. $26, 118.32, and engineering expense, field surveys, $288.64, making a total maximum amount of $457 464.01, exclusive of Interest and penalties thnt may hereinafter accrue, to be assumed by the .angell Valley Irrigation District may be examined, approved and confirmed by the Court, which said petition has been filed wllh the Clerk of tho Circuit Court of tho S'.ata of Oregon for Klamath County. Any person Interested may at any li mo on or boforo Friday, the 17th day of January. A. D. 1936, at the hour of 2 o clock P. M., appear and contest the validity of snid proceedings or any of the acts ami things therein enumer ated. This Notice Is published pur- auant to an order by tbe Honor able Edward B. Aahurst, Judge of tho above-entitled Court, made and entered upon ihe 10th day of December, 19.15. Date of first publication of this N'otlco Is December 12th, 1935. MAH K. SHORT, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klam ath County. M. T. PRINCE, O. M. LOOMIS, O. S. CAMPBELL, Dlroctors of Langell Valley Irrigation District. Pub. Doc. 12,19,26, 1935 and Jan. 1936. No. 336 Coach Matty Bell of S. M. U. Proud of Mustang Team PASADENA ROSE B O.W L. Pasadena, Calif., Jan. 2 (U.PJ The defeated Mustnngs wera not a pretty sight to look upon Inst night when thoy trooped Blowly into tholr dressing rooms dowu under the stands of the big white outdoor amphitheater. Their faces were grim and they were grimy and perspiring. They looked as though they had just come out of the stokehold ot a ship. They had Just lost a heart breaking ball game to Stanford's hotter team. Anyone of thom could have broken Into tears and no one would haye snickered. Then their earnest young coach, Madison "Mntty" Bell, came In. "Get those grins back on your faces," ordered the Mustang men tor. "I m pround of you. lou played a great game out there today. On the other side ot the houBo, Claude "Tiny" Thornhlll, the winning conch, sat on a trunk. crumpled hnt tilted back from his perspiring forehead, and Zuppke, Warner Laud Cards for Power, Speed PASADENA, Jan. 2, (UP) Stanford had too much power and waa too alert for Southern Methodist'. Tills verdict was handed In by two ot the nation's most cele brated football figures after the gun sounded the end ot the 1936 Rose Bowl gnme with Stanford In possession of a 7 to 0 victory. . Wnmcr, Znppko Agree Conch Glenn S. (Pop) Warner ot Templo University nnd Coach Robort Zuppke of Illinois had about the same Idea on the con tost. "Stnnford ruahod tho Southern Mot hod 1st passers oft their feet" said Zuppke. "Put that down as the margin that won the game; thnt nnd the fact the Stanford I backtlcld had too much power and was too alert tor the Moth- National and Tin NAMED 10 MAKE SALEM, Jan. 2. (P) Governor Martin today named a special tim ber tax committee of five to study the question of the timber situa tion and to report Its findings to the loglaluturo. Charles V. Galloway ot the itate tax commission waa named chairman. Others wore Earl B. Day, Jacksonville, president of the county Judges aasoclutlon; Thorn ton M inner, Portland, of the U. 8. forest service; Audrey Watzok, Portland, of the Oregon state hoard of forestry, and II. D. Mooro, Bend, of tbe Oregon For est Fire aaaociatlon. In making the appointment Governor Murtln declared: "Tbe heavy tax burdens which timber lands In this state have been forced to carry have great ly depressed their value Ihey no longer atund aa an attractive In voalinent. The growing tax load la forming a wasteful and unprof itable cutting of our vast timber resources and stands In the way of every orderly, constructive plan for the renewal of those pri vately owned. "Spasmodic attempta have been made to nreaent a leglalatlve pro gram providing for a deferred sys tem of taxation, but all have failed largely because of lack of agreement on the part of the tim ber owners and oppoaltlon from the counties whose revenues would have beon affected by such legislation." Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK. Jan. 2 (JP) Back end filling flurrle today charac terized the stock market's first venture Into 1936. , Various steels, rubbers and spe cialties tried to give the new year a bullish reception, hut profit tak ing In the alrcrafts and motors handicapped the advance. The cloae waa Irregular. Transfers approximated 2.200,000 shares. Most opinions of the long pull uoward trend equities appeared to have undergone no pronounced change, but it was recalled that the lengthy forward push has en countered only minor lnterrup Hons. Grains and cottons, although pointing higher, provided no great stimulation for stocks. Foreign gold currencies sagged In terms of the dollar. Among the more popular shares up fractions to a point or more, were American Telephone, U. S. Steel, Inland Steel, Bethlehem, U. S. Pipe and Foundry; U. S. Rul.ber common nnd preferred, Goodyear, Goodrich, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Socony, Radio, Union Pacific, Paramount first and second preferred, Owens-IUl-nols and Coca cola. Boeing bucked the aviation trend with a gain ot more than a point but Douglas and United Air crafts were In supply along with Sporry and Curtiss Wright "A". General Motors, Chrysler, Nation al Distillers, Schenley and Dis tillers Corp. -Seagrams were hea- agreed. 'They had the stuff," said Thornhlll. His own lads were shouting in glee aa they raced to the showers in their birthday suits. But we shot it right back at em." "I think It shows a good run ning attack Is still better than one of those shooting-at-the-moon kind ot ball games, but we tried today to mix 'em up. The rea son those passes of ours happened to click was that the Methodists had to tit their play to our ground game. "That Scottlno was the best lineman they had." "Hey, Tiny, an armirer shout ed, "see you hero next year." The robust Mr. Thornhlll gut- rawed : That's too much for even me! to ask for. Three years In a row is enough." i His three-year star, Bobby Grnj'son, wrung a handful of sonp out ot his ear and gracious ly handed the credit for the victory to the Stnnford line. jodlsts. The Texan had the jit ters on two occasions when they might have won. A fumble on the five yard line cost an almost certain touchdown. A little later a Texan caught a pass with a clear field and tried to lateral. Stnnford smeared It and an other S. M. U. threat was end ed." "The better tenm won" Bald Warner, who as Stanford coach four year ago welcomed ng freshmen eight ot the men who started for tho winner yosterday, Two Knds Star 1 "The Stanford ends, Jim Mos orlp nnd Keith Topping, rushed Bobby Wilson and the other Toxns hacks all attornoon. Add ed to tho brilliant end play was the grent power attack of Stan ford. A hard team to stop." OREGON STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by tb Associated Proa Thursday ...x Previous Day Month Ago Year Ago .... 1935-30 High ... 1935-36 Low 1934 High 1034 Low New high. BOND AVERAGES CompU.d by la Associated Press Thursday ...j....... Previous Day Month Ago Year Ago 103.1-36 High . 1936-36 Low 1934 High 1934 Low ' New high. vy. The majority of me rails ana utilities wore a trine nenina. Today's closing prlceB: Air Reduction 171 Alaska Juneau . 151 Allied Chemical & Dye 159 American Can 1334 American Com'l Alcohol 281 American at Foreign Power 7i American Power & Light 8J American Smelt. & Ret 69i A. T. & T American Tob. B Anaconda Copper ....... Atchison, T. & S. F Atlantic Refining 158 100 291 60 275 16J 221 621 24 261 34 07 681 Baltimore & Ohio Bendlx Aviation Bethlehem steel Boeing Air Burr. Adding .Machine California Pack Caae, J. I. Caterpillar Tractor Chrysler Motor Colorado Gas & Electric Commercial Solvent ... .. Continental Can . Corn Products j. Curtiss Wright 901 141 211 85 691 4 1401 157i 381 38 34 65 17 19J 331 611 45 131 941 Dupont & Do N. Eastman Kodak Electric Auto Light General Electric General Foods . General Motors Gillette Razor - Gold Dust Great Northern pfd International Harvester International Nickel . I. T. & T Johns Manville Kennecott Con. Copper 29 Libbev-O-Ford 491 Liggett & Myers Liquid Carbide Lorillard Tob. Co. Monty Ward 1101 381 241 381 171 33 Nash Motor National Biscuit National Dairy Products National Distillers New York Central North American 22 301 281 261 Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Light. . Packard Motor 311 511 7 Park Utah 49 781 311 Penney, J. C. : . Penn R. R Phillips Pet 39g Public Service New jersey Pullman Co. Radio Corp Remington Rand - Reynolds Tob. B 46 371 121 201 551 651 15J Scars Roebuck - Shell Union Southern Pacific Standard Brands Standard Oil California Standard Oil New Jersey . Stewart Warner Studebaker Corp. Texas Corp l Trans-America 24 158 401 61 181 91 298 14 72 110 Union Carbide Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircfart . 141 28! United Corp. 7 United Gas Imn 171 431 171 493 961 U. S. Industrial Alcohol . U. S. Rubber U. S. Steel . Westlnghouse Electric Woolworth -- 65 riosinir Curb Ouotattons Cities Service 31 Electric Bond & Share 161 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Jan. 2. UP) (U. S, Dent. Agr.) Hogs, 11,000; ii reot 2,000; fairly active, strong to 10 higher; medium weight and weighty butchers up most; ex treme top 0.70; 5 higher than Wednesday; bulk desirable 140 190 lbs., 9.60-65; 200-240 lbs. mostly 9.25-60; choice 200 lbs., 9.65: 260-300 lbs., 8.90-9.35; sows 7.76-8.25; about steady. Cattle, 6,000; yearlings 13.65; welthtv bullocks 13.25; Bteers selling at 11.00 down to 7.60; common and medium heifers very active; sausage bulls up to 6.76; venlera 8.50-10.60 with best 11.00-60; stocker trade narrow; steady. Sheep, 9,000; mostly steady on all classes; good to choice na tive and fed western lambs to larger Interests 11.00 downward; 11.25 bid on few choice lambs suitable for small killers; little done on yearlings, best held 0.76 and above; native ewes around 4.76-6.25; feeding lambs rela tively scarce. Death Car Driver Receives Hearing SALEM. Jan. 2, IS) Edward R. Barrett, driver of the car which struck and killed O. H. Car son here Tuesday night, was cited to receive a preliminary hearing in Justice court today on a reck less driving charge. Barrett told police the lights of an approaching car were shin ing in his eyes at the time ot the accident. American counties vary from 25 to 20,000 square miles area. Local Markets 10 It II 10 Indu's Rail mil's Btks. 73.0 30.2 45.0 66.7 73.8 30.0 44.7 65.6 73.6 30.7 43.4 55.3 55.0 26.5 25.4 4 1.0 76.3 31.2 45.0 56.1 49.5 18.6 21.6 34.8 61. 4 43.0 40.6 61.4 45.3 22.8 24.2 34.0 2 1 10 1 Rail lad' Utll'a For. 86.0 102.4 00. S 60.6 86.6 102.2 00.8 69.5 85.1 101.6 09.7 60.5 86.8 03.2 84.0 69.4 87,8 102.4 99.8 70.4 76.4 92.2 84.5 65.6 89.4 92.9 88.0 70.0 74.5 73.7 68.2 60.2 Portland Produce PORTLAND, Jan. 2. (P) Butter Print, A grade, 371c lb. In parchment wrapper, 381c lb. In carton; B grade, parchment wrapped, 36c lb.; carton, 37c. Bntterfat Portland delivery: A grade, deliveries at least twice week, 38 to 39c lb.; country routes. 36 to 37c lb.; B grade, deliveries less than twice week ly, 38 to 38c lb; C grade at market. , B Grade Cream for Marketing Buying price, butter'fat basis. 55c lb. Eggs Buying price of whole salers: Fresh specials, 21c: ex tras, 21c; standards, 19c; extra medium, 17c; do medium firsts, f This Curious World bC 1JJ JAPAN, i f yy siLKWorav. I C 11 Via) 'IvU KT Lr furnishes B r ,LlrS.r(l whole B ft 'S-r OR PARTIAL. 1 r- 7 f7e r4.5P EIGHTEEN A CTMfSi : MLLON A tv- r aav Fictional Hero HORIZONTAL 1 Chivalrous Spanish hero of romance. 10 Broth. 11 Fence bars. 13 Genus ot herbs. 14 To value. 15 Bronte. 16 24 hours (pi.) 17 3.1416. 18 Transpose. 19 Optical glass. 20 Males. 21 Chair. 22 To make a diagnosis. 27 To mature. 29 To gasp. 30 To affirm. 31 Roman day. 32 Tiresome person. S3 To guide. 34 Fish. 35 Learning. 36 Base. 37 Dye. Answer to 39 Genuine. 40 Form ot "a." 41 Scheme. 42 Replete. 43 To scale flax. 44 Leguminous plant. 45 Delivered. 46 Title of courtesy. 47 created this hero. 48 This author lived In . 38 Male ancestor, JIANltj$.JFAIT Jgc5TMTAN oE g. Ins L U E Sffl O B E TIO PlfljHO R S ETJB A I T ur-lM eTgIaItIe sC3p, FjEjft AIE , lAMlED aTrTo mia u r eid q cffMufr JANUS p E aTHo EIRlASfE ENTER STaIL ITS EA SIS hdoR lUSNE LLURAC E MIoInitIh d"ilIe1n1dIsp li ""Is b U Is I lt 7 ie iv "flL" LrW P., as a. as s - L " A n PI b In 16c; undergrade, 14c; pullet 14a dozen. Cheese Orogon triplets, ln; Orogon loaf, 10a. Brokers will pay hio below quotations. Milk A grnde, Portland de livery, 62140 lb.; butterfat ba sis, for 4 por cent, Country Meat Selling price to retailers: country killed hogs, best butchers, under 150 lbs., 16-1 6 Via lb.; vealers, No, 1, 14a lb.; light and thin, 9-1 3o lb.; heavy, 8-10c lb.; cutter cows, s-8c in.; cannera, 4 'A -so lb.; bulls, 7-8o lb.; lamb, 17a ib.; medium, 12-13e lb.; ewos, 5 10a lb. Mohair Nominal buying prlco, 20c lb. Cascara Bark Buylnf price, 1035 peel, 2 Via lb. Hops Nominal; clusters, So to lie Ib. Lire Poultry Portland deli very, buying price: Colored hens. over 5Vs lbs., 17-180 lb.; under 5,4 lbs., 15-166 lb.; Leghorn hens, over 3 lbs,, 15-1 So lb.; under 3Vi lbs.. 13-14a lb.; Leg born broilers, 2 lbs. and up, 18 10c; under 2 lbs., 18-19a lb.; colored springs, 3 to 31 lbs., 16-170 lb.; roosters, 8-9c lb.; Pekin ducks, young, 14-170 lb.; geese, ll-12c Ib. Onions Oregon, $1.50-1.(6 per 100 lbs. Potatoes Local, $1.75 Cental; Klamath. $1.86-1.90 cental; De schutes Gems, $1.60-1.00 cental; Scappoose Netted Gems, $1.66 1.75 cental; local Burbank. $1.60-1.(0 cental. Wool 1936 clip, nominal; Willamette valley medium, 25a lb.; coarse and braid, 23a lb.; eastern1 Oregon, 16-22 Ib. The oldest map In tbe world I said to have been found In ex cavations about 200 mile north of Babylon. It wo burled under 20 feet ot earth, and pictured the laying out of a rich man's estate. The sodium-vapor bulb pro duces the most efficient light known for commercial use. William son if itM a as aiavict. mc FISH THAT ARE FOOR-RPTHS HEAD HAVE BEEfMr BROUGHT UP FROM THE OCEAN DEPTHS. FLIGHTLESS CORMORANT, OP THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, J) CANNOT BREATHE WITH ITS BEAK CLOSED THE NOSTRILS GROW', TOGETHER BEFORE THE BIRD ft . IS HATCHED. i I 1-2 Previous Pna-ale 17 Irish fuek 10 Dregs. 20 Coat pit ' 21 Hurried. 22 To challenge, 23 Native. 24 Klin. 26 To observe. 26 This hero be came a knight 28 Heathen god. 29 Minute skin ' opening. 32 By nature. 33 To ratify. 35 Climbing plant 36 To thaw. 38 Slovak.' VERTICAL Basket twig. 3 Bows. 4 In so far as. 5 Above. 39 Moves swiftly1. 6 Roentgen rays. 40 Pertaining 7 Horse food. to air. 8 Cravat. 9 Deity. 12 To away. 13 The Tomance Is . 41 By. 42 Lawyer's charge. 43 Inlet. 44 To exist. 45 Street. 14 To rage. 16 College official. 46 Spain.