a f. PAGE TWO THE EVENING HEKAIJ). KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Ptieomber 31, l!tfi Soggy Turf Expected for Pasadena Game T They Run So Crippled May Walk If Camera's ah Alp, What's This Gianl? E L STILL FAVORED ii:3f . r'iAd'jr.T t 4.n m (5) EASTERN STARS pice TO WIN ASHLAND JIN WILD MUSTANGS El HER m4XKllT "t NrYU1 I II- If in i : Hi In i .if 8 X w t'ii III t -1. M Weather May Decide Outcome of Rose Bowl Classic. Hl'LLKTlX l.OS AXGHLFH. l ' (AP) Fair weather, ideal rcir football, (a In prosped for the New Year's liny Pasmleim Rose Howl game, tliu weather bmviiu said today. PASADENA, Dec. 31. Ur The weather man may dtcide who will fat tho garlands and wear tho thorns afttr tha twenty-first Rosa tournament football game hera tomorrow. A soggy turf, tha rsult of a second rain in three days, greeted Stanford and Southern Methodist today as they turned to tho Hose nnu-1 for final workouts In prepar ation for their interieclional clash. Mustang Still favored In spite of the possibility of additional moisture and uncer tain footing, tho pre-game odds remained almost undisturbed at 10 to 8 In favor of Coach Matty Bell's wild charging Mustangs. - Stanford') powerful ground at tack, built around Bobby Cray son, ail-American fullback, cer tainly would be less handicapped In the mud than would tha light ning thrusts of the Texans feat uring Bobby Wilson, the elusive little all-American. Yet Stanford failed in the rain-drenched bowl here two years ago against a lighter Columbia eleven and the fans haven't for gotten. Old Losses Recalled Most observer wero Inclined to rate tha gam a a tossup, al though Southern Methodist' of lenive ability ha caught th eyes of the Rose Bowl observer. Eight member of the 6tnford team that will start agalnit the Mustang tomorrow were mom bers of the eleven that lot to Columbia and Alabama and they ar determined to atone for these loiios In th last grid elaah of their intercollegiate career. S. M. U. on the other hand will boldly carry the reputation.of the southwest Into the gam. It 1 the first time a team from that section ever played In the an nual classic and the Mustangs are anxious to mak a good im pression. Scrimmage Held Monday In physical condition the team will be even. Stanford ha Jame (Monk) Moscrip hobbling around with a game knee, but so has Southern Methodist In Harry Shu Each squad polished off with hard dummy scrimmage sessions yesterday. The Mustangs were out aily yesterday morning for a secret session at Occidental col lege while Stanford staged It usual open practice at Brookside park In the afternoon. Today's drills will be confined to light limbering up exercises and some pass throwing, punting and running on the Rose Bowl turf. Lipscomb Victor In Portland Bout PORTLAND, Deo. tl. (P) -Victory seemed assured for Otis Cllngman in his wrestling match with Jack Lipscomb here laBt night, but slipped and fell Irom the ring while attempting to toss Lipscomb over the ropes. Lipscomb, 161, Indianapolis, won the odd fall and the match when Cllngman. 108, Oklahoma city, wa counted out. Jack Clayborn, 159, Atlanta, gained a one-fall victory over Bill Zeller, 159, Vancouver, Wash, in 10 minutes. Ernie Plluso. 101, Portland, won two straight fulls from Joe Klrkl, 160, Boston. Thor Jensen, 165, Elkton, Ore., and Ben Sher man, 158, Portland, divided falls. 'Look at That Jef Vll tnnHtM , A' II m I Ulllflli,.., . ... n,.k.. in.nn mie like the one above, Bobby is off to town. The Mustangs, favorites to win ths New Years Day Ross Bowl game, were going through final practice sessions when this photo was taken. M .. J'Xv aw to . The search for a white hope to repul the threat Joe Loul offer the heavyweight throne has rfadifil as far as Europe. Jeff Dlckion. London promoter, has unearthed Cogeo MHu. a Itumanlan rloni who irs Into the pky something like the Eiffel Tower. Shoxn here at right, boxing with I.ou Droulllard former middleweljtlit champion. In Paiis. Mitu stands 7 feet . Ini Ik-s tall, and wclislis .10 pminils. Ho' may be impoilsd (or duty In the Lulled States soon. A Little Footba History Records of Past Contests at Pasadena and San Fran cisco. Here's the chance to take a look at the history of the Rose' Bowl and East-West football competition. Wednes day another chapter will be recorded at Pasadena and San Franclscp, ; . - This Is the story of the an nual classle at tba Tourna ment of Rosea: : 1916 -Washington State 14. Brown 0. 1917 Oregon 14, Pennsyl Tanla 0. 1930 Harvard T, Oregon 6 1921 California 28, Ohio State 0. 1922 California 0, Wash ington and Jefferson 0. 1923 Southern California 14, Penn State 3. 1924 "Washington 14, Navy 14. 1925 Notre Dame J7, Stanford 10. 1926 Alabama 20, Wash ington 19. 1927 Alabama 7, Stanford 7. 1928 Stanford 7, ' Pitts burgh 6. 1929 Georgia Tech 8, Cal fornla 7, 1930 Southern California 47, Pittsburgh 14. 1931 Alabama 24, Wash ington State 0. 1932 Southern California 21, Tulane 12. 1933 Southern California 85, Pittsburgh 0. 1984 Columbia 7, Stan ford 0. 1935 Alabama 29, Stan ford 13. Tha history of th Shrine game at San Francisco: 1925 West 7, East 0. 1926 West 7, East 3. 1927 West 16, East 7. 1B28 East 20, West 0. 1920 No play. 1980 East 19, West 7. 1931 West 3, East 0. 1932 East 6, West 0. 1933 West 21, East 13. 1934 West 12, East 0. 1935 West 19, East 18. Hole' and Bobby Found It u r ... t.t. . I. , ,,l.rr .1 , 4, Bnmhnrn Methnritsts' All America back, ' . fA- 4. . ;i U h H lli1 ' V-r-r. 'Nother Canzoneri When that grand little light weight campaigner, Tony Can zoneri, step out of the ring, there'll be a younger brother ready to carry on. He's Jasper, shown above, who, as a fresh man at Syracuse University, is trying out for the boxing squad. Grayson To Wed On January 12 PASADENA, Calif., Dec. 31. (AP) Bobby Grayson, Stan ford's Ail-American fullback, has a wedding engagement in Honolulu January 12. The offensive star of the In dians, who plays in the ' Rose Bowl for the third time tomor row against Southern Methodist, will marry Miss Christina Wil liams, daughter of Col. Ben Williams. She is a psychology graduate of Stanford. With 10 teammates, Grayson will sail for Hawaii January 2, to play two football games. The teammates will act as ushers at the wedding. At some English airports, It 1b possible ti hire an alrta.xl at 6 cents a mile. ,-i.Ji,.,.a.fi.T.1i iT " j' can cut a not in me eismu. i v Vj Beavers Eager For Meeting With Trojans CORVALL1S. Dec. 81 Oregon Stale vuralty basketball players will wind up their schedule of seven pre-season games when they meet University of fcoutnern i.ai ifornla Trojans at Los Angelts Thuriilay and Friday nights. Last season the Trojans nosed out the Orangemen, northern division champions. In tho playoff for the Pacific coast conforenco champ ionship. Orange players who made the trip to Los Angeles are Wally Pnlmberg and Cliff Folen, both of Portland; Mud Tutllo. Hoquiam, Wash.; Earllng Conkllng. Molal la; Bob Bergstrom. Astoria: Art Merrynian. Corvallls; Ika Winter mute. Salem; Wilbur Kidder. Pen dleton: Sir Howard Watson Ly man. La Grande, and Chet Ktbbe, Mohler. The probable starting lineup for the first game against the Trojans will include Palmberg and Tuttle at forward: Conkllng at center and Bergstrom and Folen at guard. This is a com plete letturman lineup. All theso players saw action against tho Trojans last season. So far this seaton the Orange men have last only ono game In five starts and that to the strong Union Oil team of Portland by the score of 24 to 27. However, the Orange uasketeers made up for the lone setback by defeating the Oilors In the other two con tests of the three-game series by scorei of 35 to 32 and 36 to 20. In the other pre-season games the Orangomon defeated Willam ette university by the score of 30 to 29 and .Multnomah club of Portland, 39 to 19. Oregon Stats will open its con ference schedule against Univers ity of Idaho here January 10-11. Stanford Defeats San Jose Quintet SAN JOSE, Calif.; Doc. 31. (AP) Stanford university's basketball team easily trimmed the San Jose State Spartans here last night 53 to 29. 1 News of BjND, Ore., Deo. 31, (AP) The proposed high diversion dam In the Crooked Rivor val ley near Prlnevllle will not be constructed but a low dam and pumping plant east of Prlna ville are being considered for irrigation of Ochoco lands, C. C. Fisher, reclamation engineer, announced hare. The high dam was not deemed feasible. PORTLAND, Ore., Doc. 31. (AP) Orogon milk prlcos will be unaltered, at least tor the time being, the Oregon state milk control board decided. Fur ther testimony, howover, Is to bo taken at a meotlng here Jan uary 15, the board said. Pub lie hearings also are scheduled for Salora January 9, Corvallls January 1C and Eugene Janu ary 11, EHTACADA, Ore., Doc. 31. (AP) A proposal to issue $6, 000 in bonds for construction of a sewer system and disposal plant won a favorablo vote of 84 to 4, tabulation showed to day, Most of the cost will be burns by the federal govern ment, . LA GRANDB, Ore., Dec, 31. (AP) The Oregon state trap shoot will be held In La Grande June 4 to 7 Inclusive next year, Angus McAllister, ' president of the La Grande Gun club, said to day. Four near traps are being Installed, Brilliant " College Players Clash Wednesday in San Francisco. SANf KBAN01SCO, Deo. 31 (Al1) Slurs who wrote glori ous chanters t wind up their oiilleglata toolball curwrs In 1 ! a 3 mustered force today for the "ieto hour" of one of tho country's gridiron clnsslis the nnnuni New Year's day game plajed for charity, and Kast- West supremui'y. Welded Into units as strong and versatile as tell days of In tensive ciKirhlng can mnko them tho two sitiads will tmltlu It out before a crowd expected to near ly tax tho 60,000 capacity of tho stadium. Nine Captains l"resent The easterners, every ono a slur dining collugu play, put t ho finishing touches on the prac. tie program with a ilp which clinched tho popular belief thnt Coaches Andy Kerr and Dick lluuley have assembled ono of tho most formidable sounds since the gamo was established a decade ago, Nino member of the 22 man group were captains of their team this year. Several crashed Into the All America hall of fame, with power as tho key note, a stylo of play based on tho "Warner system," anil nine UarkfleUl men ablo to perform well In every belilnd-the-llno lino function, the Kast moves Into tho game ss the 2 to 1 favorite. Wet Una fiieel Western hopes will rids on the shoulders of 21 players, un able to match the "headline names" of their oastern rivals, but who will try to keep un broken a string of victories for the West beginning In 1932. Tho thought of lolng such porformers as Bobby Grayson n Stanford and Hobby Wilson of S. M. u. provided early neau aclus for the West's coaching staff, Percy Locey and Orlu llolllngbery. From the remaining eligible, ihev have whltmod togothor a ,nnm which is expected to out- strln the East In speed, if noth- imp. ei.e Three of the eight western ball carriers, lull Wal- i,.-. f nlr. Institute. Bill Lam of Colorado and t neron v. am of Idaho, run the 100 yard dash under ID seconds. Carter Will Start Iialn threatened to furnish a slippery, soggy field for the game, a factor that was believed would favor the crushing drives of tho eastern toam and handi cap the speed of tho western warriors. Tho Btnrllng lineup for the West Includes Carter (Oregon), left guard; Ward (Idaho), quar terback, and Justice (Qonzuga). Portland Drops Plans For Game PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 31. (AP) Uncertainty over the weather caused abandonment of plans for a professional football ;ame here between tho Green Uay Packers and an all-star team headed by Mike Mlkulak and liernie Hughes, formor Univer sity of Oregon players. James J. Richardson, member of the committee handling ar rangements for tho game, said negotiations wore off. Illuminated menus aro now bo Ing used In some dark restau rants. Oregon PORTLAND, Ore., Doc. 31. (AP) Snoly V, Hall, divisional superintendent of tho United Air Lines, will leave today for Chicago to become assistant to tho vice presldont of the com pany. Hall was given a ban rittct last night by the Oregon Aero club and United Air Line officials. Ho was presented with several gifts. ALBANY, Ore., Dec, 31. (AP) Coronor Fisher suld tho death of Hurry Dalllngnr, 60, whoso body was found in a manger of the Hnlsc! farm near Jordan, ap parently resulted from suffoca tion aftor he had beon render ed unconscious by a fall through a hay chute. VKRNONIA, Ore., Deo. 31. (AP) County officials at St. Helens said they had been In formed tho Orcgon-Amorlcsfl Lumber oompany mill hero, Idlo for six years, would ho re-open-od April 1, employing 700 men In tho mill and woods. K 80 por cent reduction In delinquent and 1935 taxes was granted and ponulty and Interest waived, PORTLAND, Oro Deo. 31. (AP) The now year will bring higher rent, higher prices, prof its for business men, Increasing prosperity, and profits for thoso who play tha market wisely, K. II, McNutighton, president of the First National bank of ' Port land, told tho chamber of com merce hero. fejteftgftl'art Wnlly Uruire, NoiiIikcmciii hall oack. liuullc Dick llcckin. Olilo Hints back. In prnotlce sessions for the annual Bun Krunclsro t))irln K'nst West All-Star gome, played for tho benellt of the Shrine llnplil for Crippled Children. Pluyed on New Years Day. tlx vortest la on outstanding contest of tho season. Strikes of bowling In the league are as follows; Safe way Dutch 135 llackoa 136 16$ 111! 162 1st 177 67 162 170 l'Jl ir,s 1S7 67 4 57 604 6(12 501 53.1 2ul !6!S 687 402 .149 .157 ..169 .. 67 810 914 944 lUihenilun C'sfe Hnrnborger ..196 223 16s James 116 143 184 191 104 61 143 181 176 163 61 llamlll .... Gelger .... Tuakut .... llnndii'up ...165 ...251 ...165 ... 51 48 618 4S 153 914 916 3 2724 Knglnml's Market Martin. C, 7 3 164 128 106 159 135 143 139 166 2U4 109 472 KilKland ...IIS ...119 ...175 ..141 ...1U9 41 464 llarkley i Suwtello . ! .Martin, II, 490 191 109 536 327 Handicap 65 947 m I'nilerwuiKl DniK Drlscoll 162 149 156 Vsn Duron . 1 56 143 170 liovo 231 182 10'J Olson 160 148 161 Lowmnn lull 167 14U Handicap .... 40 40 40 2697 467 470J 672 466 460 120 894 831 851 2576 Following are results of City r&SPARP-: I Reaulls I Morc.hu ii Is Weill i Smith .... stuiupt .. Handicap league: Webb Kcliilitt Peterson ....192 145 1 16 523 Luwinun 144 156 1 14 4 14 Gove 138 144 1 19 4111 1'arsyck 169 166 203 628 Drlscoll 151 222 161 524 Ilundlcup .... 43 43 43 129 837 806 816 2519 Kloetiolux Ward 152 220 142 614 Wilson 106 183 165 614 Mnrtln 134 162 163 449 Kos.s 235 149 180 664 HulKht 199 181 114 494 Handlcnp .... 26 26 28 78 912 912 780 2613 Old Kurt Dairy Dlskln 138 163 139 440 Royco 150 145 182 477 llowcrman ..187 135 192 514 Smith 174 168 182 514 Oelger 1711 173 220 671 Handicap .... 63 63 53 169 881 826 068 2075 I'lio Kiigln Mayberry ....122 134 185 391 Stumpf 124 180 178 482 l'ickntt 136 145 141 421 IKlury 196 97 165 448 l.nvonlrk ....160 131 170 461 Handicap ....137 137 187 411 874 824 916 2(14 Two Boston Men 'Taken For Ride' In Gang Reprisal HOBTON, line. 31. (UP) Police roportod that ths bodies of two mon, either stnhhsd or shot In a possible gang reprisal, wero hurled from speeding auto mobile In front of two hospi tals hsro Monday. Tho roport sold an unidenti fied man was dead at tha New Knglnnd Women's and Chil dren' hospital. At Potor Pent Hrlgham hos pital, authorities said thoy ware narformlng an emergency opera tion on a man Identified only as "Sunberg." Ho was said to bo suffering from a bullet wound In the chest. I'olloo later said they believed both men had boon hurled from the samo automobile and that presumably they had bean "taken for a ride" In connection with a so-called numbers pool racket. The New Doal has glvon the United Hiatus a olussic example of th "now ynu seo it, now you don't" toohiiliiiQ, Norman Thomas, Soclullst loader. I WRESTLING Ily the Associated Press Itarrlsliurg, I'll. Danny O'Mn honey, 234, Ireland, dnfi-atnt Charley Struck, 238, Spring Vul ley, N. Y., one full, Atlantic City. N. J. Joe Sn voldl. 218, MIchlKiui, and Vic Christie. 210, (ilendnlo. Calif., rolled nut of ring and referou ruled no contest. Portland, Mains C e m o n t O'Nell, 175, Portland, 51".. de rented Count Otto Von Zuppr. 176, Germany, two fulls out of three. Taciims, Wash. John Frcn burg, 228, Sweden, heat I led Rus sell, :i8. Chicago, two out or IhriiQ fulls; Chief Thumb i bird. With Hie score tied at 17-37, 208. Nunul- iu. II. ('., dnUutod I Pat Patterson, glnut negro for Davo Johnson, 215, Omaha, throe ward, was fouled just as tha out of four fulls; Nup do Voru. final gun sounded. Tho referee's 190, Providence, H I., anil Frank whistle and Lho gun andud tho Mlojuek, 1U5, liicomii, drew; Tiger Jou Marsh, tilen Hiune. 199. Chicago, bsat 205, OIinplu, Wash., two falls out of three. Knn-ui City Jim llrownlng, 240, Verona. Mo., beat tiuorse Zuhurns. 136. Now York, on foul after each had won a fall. Basketball (My the Associated Press) University of Oreson 3 8, Young Men's Institute 37. Desert All-Stars of Spokane 27. Washington Blum 43, Fresno Statu 64, llrlghnm Young university 63. California 17, Illinois 42. College of Pugol Hound 26, University of Idaho 45. Utah Aggies 32, University of Sun Francisco 35. Edmonton Ties Portland Bucks EDMONTON, Dec. 31. (AP) On of the most unusual hockey games on record untied last night in a scoroluss tie be tween the Kdinnnlon Ksklmos and the Portland llucknrons. In the 80 minutes of play, not a pennlty was called. Hearings Postponed In Fatal Auto Crash TULI5LAKK, Calif., Dec. 31. Hearing for French Johnson, chnrged with fulling lo slop at tho timo of an accident, hits born postponed for a week, Johnson, whoso enr struck and fatally In jured Rimer Rock, elderly Tule laka rancher, Is out on 18000 bond. Th hearing will ho held nt Yrckn. It was scheduled for Monday, hut was delayed duo lo tha Inability of Johnson's attor ney to be In court, Witnesses who will appear against Johnson, It was learned, Include Rock's son. In-law, Leon ard Olson j Dr. Merle Hwanson, and a man named Smith of Klamath Falls, .:.' 'Xfc"-f . tllUnLE Si. TH- ""r.7;iur. f' aw -i:-. TOWN IS Lithians Cover Hundredn of Miles on Barn storming Trip. Covering hundrsda of mllss on a slato-w hln ImrnMoi inlnit I rip ami plnyliig every nlsht this week, the Llthlun Imnkellisll li'ii in from AhIiIiiiiiI Ii I k It sclmol luvmles Kluniuth Fulls 1'rlilsy nlitlii for the Hist major InUir suholsstlc naniu here this aiuson. Ashland, roaehed by Doll Fuller, sped to a spectacular vic tory over Unllns hlsh school Monday night. 39 to 17. Tueadny night tho Until wss to meet .Mc.Mliimlllu nod then awing over In Tillamook for Wednes day. On Thursdtiy Ashlnnd moves bark Into the Hul.oii district to iiivet th Willamette university fieshineu. Friday's Riiinn here will close tho I, Uhlans' heavy snherluln. Tho contest will ho tnbtiliitiMl In the Southern Oregon conference sinndtuss but will have mi effect on the district rallnsa of the two teams. Meanwhile the Klamnlh team whs filing In lis final licks to meet the visitors. Dwlght French's onmhlnallnn has shown steady Im provement and. although an un titling fur the Ashlsud game, there Is a fair possibility of an uiet victory. Free Throw Wins Basketball Tilt For Webfooters HAN FIlANCISro. Dec. 31. (UP I On a point senrad after I the final gun University of Ore ! gou defeuted Young M"u's In stitute of San Francisco 38-J7 Koiar haakelhall Pavllllon Monday night. I game came slmullsusausly. Pal- : terson wits given two free chimces, and nmde the first onu good tn give ()re-n tho game. wiih nothing at stake he missed the second throw. Y. M. I. held a 15-14 lead at tho half, and held Its advantage for th rlflrst lo minutes of the period. ' Two field goals by Ituurku sunt Oreson ahead 31 to 29. Y. M, I. again tied the score, then Sum Leilmwlts. W. Jones and Howell combined tn semi the groan ahesd by throo points. Two fust Y. M. I. plays pro duced four points and with less than a minute to piny the locals wore ahead 37-36. Howell, Ore gon renter, was fouled and made good one throw tn tie the score, and then eiimn the play on Pat terson that produced the final result, Rose Bowl Ticket Prices Go Down PASAIIKNA. Calif., Dec. 31. (API The Rose Howl ticket market crushed today, Scalpers were In a quandary. A flood of pnsteboards appearing for the first time since the game hutwean Stanford and Southern Melliodlst was suld out December 0 so glutted the market that prices as high as 1100 for 14.40 seats had slump ed to 17.50 with few takers. Threatening skies which mud weather condition for the game a question mark further de pressed tho situation for apocu Inlors. "It's Ibem amateurs," com plulucd n vuturan tlucut specu lator ss ho bold up a pillar In ono of tho big hotels, "Why I been workln' this dump for years and I never saw so many guys with tickets. They're so thick they're bump ing Into each otlior, "Every time a stranger steps Into the lobby hero a half a rioien birds Jump and surround him. "Them prices wasn't right In tho first place. I always suld inn lie yourself a Utile Jaok hut don't hold up tho other guy. Hut a fellow ought to get him self ten or flfloon dollars," mmmllM:-A MM4 , uiti" if v mm i