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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1935)
December 27, 1035 THE EVENING IfERAIJ), KLAMATH FAU,S. OREGON ?AGE SEVEN A Mahoney States His Reason for ' Action on Veto (Thl la Ihii full Imt (if Mayor Mulioiiuy'a Hi ii In ( in I'ulici. JiltlKii Cllflnii Itli'hiiiiinil, In ctiu ritirllmi wiili ha volii uf Ihn ii clfln TiIiiiImiiio nml '1'i'l'u rupli rnmimny f i n in-li Iho nullum,, h. Btory will bo foil ml mi 1'iikii Oiiu). I)iciiii Imr 20, usii, Clifton nii'liiiiiinil, I'iiIIi'ii JiiiIkii. "I ii in rnlinnliiK linrnwIUi or flliiniiro No. 23113 KriinlliiK Ihn I'lti'lfln 'riilnphiinn (Nimiuitiy u fmiii'hUo In lliu City of Klniuiilli rn VKTOMU". "Until m il a limn Hint I hi. I'lirlfla Inlnphoiiti (Niinpiitiy mni lillxn with Ihn order of I ho Hill- till CuiiimlHitliiiior to riliir tui- I I 1 h W - f - f F s I I i -v v " lihiinn rntna In K In ii i ii t li Kill In I'liiinnl, mul will not, ulMiruvo uny II u ni-ii iko. Tun rriiiiclilHii U vii loi'il for tli" furtltnr I'lmmni iluii It limy ln ml ii a proli'nt of tint rullili'iK irui'llri' of ihlH ciini- 111111)-; In hriKini nifusiil to rum- ply with tlio ('oiuniliiiiloiii'r'i or itur: Ha action In runlilnx Inlo court to flnil rnfuKn, nml Ihnrn. thru (ho mnnlpiilittloii of rorpur- atlun lawyitra, nvailti JiiHtlt-ti to tlio nilo pnyura for yma. In Ilia lucautliiio tlm poopln nro furi'oil to contlniia paying iho lilratlral ratiia now In foirn, rutin baaad upon flctltloua vulii n t Ion x, and nrrlvml at ihronith tht moat ttinaaliiK sysiwn of fi nancial Juimlary ynt durlaod. "Km Duly" "I bollnro It to Im Ihn duty of pultllo offlrlula to ritfusti to grant fraurhlMo rlKhla aa Ionic as surti lirartlctts contlnuit. To do tiiht'r wlso la to plarn oiir ainuip of approval upon thn pri'si'iit ovr valuml rato atrurlurn; It la to approva and nppluud tlio rom jinny's bold violation of I tin Dill Ulna Coiniulssliinnr'a orilnr tltt niantllni Justlcs to Hit' nvnrbur rftmntl homo ownt-r and liunlnrHa man now paying irllniio uiiitur nrnannl high toluphono rato. I'u dnr our prnafnt ayali'in, rate- In vsatlgatlnna annm fiillln. If tlia company InvnatlKAtnd dliuipprovna, It Immndlatnly ruahra Into court. Thnra la ano raso In Now York whnro tho tt'lopliono roiupniiy haa knpt tlm caao In court for morn than fourtnmi ynara. Them la only on roniftly, and Hint la for an arntiund pulillo opinion to a anrt Ita vlitoroua disapproval. Thla can boat bo rtono by public official! roprcanntliiK thn peoplu rofualni to grant f rniirlilma or pnrmlta to opcrato until lh pub llo Intoreal and rain puyora' In toreata arn protsctnd. "A rovlnw of tho rtlllllna Com mlaalonor'a ordnr. No. Sto. un der data of Dncxmlinr, 11133, or tlorlng In" thnn a ten per ci-nt roductlon In Inlnphont rntna In Orognn, provldca an InturratliiK atudv. Tho vnluntlon of thn propnrtlna within tlio Hiulo of OroKon of tho I'aclflo Ti'lnplionn Company Iiwnmbor, 1!U. waa ccoptrd at 1 10,120,847.43. In Docomhor, IMS. tho company aiibinltlcd a book vnluo of prop ortloa within tho Htnto of Oro gun of 134.8(9.184.62. ItllllniC Itcrnllnl "In Octobnr. 1934, Iho rom mlaalonvr, nfmr moro thnn tliroo onra InvoatlKiillon, ant Ihn vnluo of all proper lli' wlOiln Iho Htnto of Oregon of tho Pacific Tnln phono Compnny at $16,900,000, lnaa than half Iho vnluo clnlnind by tho company. Thla Indlcntno that tha I'aclflo Tnlnphoiio Com pany baand Ita rntna on a flc tltloua valuation of morn thnn $18,000,000. la It any womlnr that tolnphono rntna nro hlKh? "In atudylnit tho chnrt of vnl uca auhmlttcd In tho report II la InlornatliiK to not an Item llallnic $22,000 an Iho vnluo of a vacant lot owned by tho com pany In Klnmnth Falla, Muted as oporatlnK vnluo.' Thn Conimla lonor rnfuacd to allow thla Item, along with a doien othnra of llko nature In dlffnrent anrtlona of tho alnto, commnntliiK thnl It waa difficult to ana how viionnt property hnd any vnluo n opnr atluK properly.' Tho Klnmnth Kulla Ipcldnnt la a reminder to tha pooplo hern of tho warm prnmlana of tho I'aclflo Telephone Company to hulld n modern new plant a promlao never kept. "Tho ConimlflBloner'a order ro Tenla aomo ninnzliiK flnnncln) Jiik IIIiik; It rovcula a contemptuoiiR dlnri'Kiiril of Iho CoinmlBnlouer'B ordor in 1916 to dlacnnllnun pay- Iiir cnrtnln feea to tho American Telephone and TcloKrnpfi" com pnny, tho parent holilluii corn- puny ownliiR 85 per font of tho atock of thn pacific Tolnphono Company. Tlio Commlaalnn al lowed a aorvlco fee of flfly-flvo Oeuta pop atntlon rhni'KO to tlio Amoi'li'iin Telephonu unil Telo fiiipll lioldliiK conipiiny, hut or dered tho Ki'osB onrnliiK too dla oonlluucd. From 191G to 19.13, the Pacific Telephone company paid Iho A. T. ft T. boldlni! company tho aunt Of $3,260,0611.24. Tho amount paid out In violation of tho com mli'nlon'a order since 1919 amounted to $1,864,278.85. In othor words, Iho Pacific Tolu phono company horo In Oickoii extracted from tho pookolbooka of Ornnnii rate pnyors $1,800,000 aa a sort of tribute to tlio holding company. Then It brniuiily takoa rofugo In court! "It mnkoa a mockery of rnto regulation, nml liow an utter dlKiegnrd for Iho welfare of Iho pooplo It aervna. In addition to the holding compuny fcen and aorvlco chnrgo for pnti nia held by tho Amorli'iin Tolophouo and Tol oKi'Mph compnny, thn into pnyor In Oregon Ih unddlod with a per oentngo of Iho anliiiloa pnlil to tho 'high piionlB' dlroctliiR Iho nftulra of tho eantnrn lioldlng company. Aa an example, tho American Tel ephone and Telegraph company paid out $733,000 In 1933 for legnl expenses, $4,000 of which waa charged to Iho rnto pnyors In Orngon, In nddltlon, In 19. IS the Pneirin Tnlnnboiio comimny charged the rate pnycra $13,600 ' Ing. V for Ita regular Ingul staff iiiiiln I it I in (I by thn lorn I niinpuny. "Another example: Under tho Hem of lleveloplilunl Ulld K'l neareh, Iho Hell labointorli", & nulmlillary of tlio Aniiirliuil Telo plioiiu and Telogriipli conipiiny, upon! $8,1162,00(1 In research work, Ihn pienlilniit of this dopart monl druwliig nil unnuiil salary of 1110,000, thin department do vott'd to new Inventions, olc, Hie vnluo of which goes nntlmly to Iho parent holding compuny, with no benefit whatever to local rate pnynin. Vol $69,005 Is charged back to tho rato payers In Oregon. "Another example: Tho eul arlea of Hio American Telephone and Telugraph company In New York urn udillrd upon thn rnto piiyors of Oregon, as follows: An Hem of $687, U00, of $260,- 000 la the ii ii ii ii ill salary of Hui proHhlniil of tlio American Teln plioiiu mid Telegraph company 1 tho pri-vloiis year his annual mil liry was J:iii7, ODD). Of ihln aiiiount $4,2110 la charged bark to tho ru'.n puyera In ori-gon. This la but unit example of dozens of other high unlurlrs, such aa one vice president druwliig $72,000 a year. "In addition lo all or this, Iho Orngon rate payers pay loo pnr rent or thn $663,000 aalarles paid iintiually to I'urlflo Telophuno company officials. In other words, the rule payers pay both going uml coming. Them was ui.vnr a morn brar..'n vxuuiplu of pllliign under law than that prnc Hrml by HiIm, thn most powerful money irimt In Ameilin. It vital ly etfiH-tn i-u.h telephonu sub-srrlb-r In Klamntli Kulla. The Pacific TelephoiHi company In Oregon each your mniiugei to show a 'book operating Ions.' What would tho record allow If they wiped off Ihn 1 H.uiiO.Ooi) of rlrtlrlous vnlueiiT Willi-. If Ihey ellmliiiiii-it Iho illinium puld In holding company fees? What If they no longer charged up lo our rntu payers thn salurlea of the holding company masters In the ensiT Let in" give nn exumple of what can bo dono In Oregon. "On pngo 53 of the ctimmls. lon er's report this analysis Is given: A comparison Is given of a group of towns anil cities In Oregon of llkn population and territory. jOun group la served by thn Pacific T.'lephonn compuny and thn oilier group Is served by nn Independ ent company known as tho t (ont Telephone compnny operat ing In Oregon. 1'aclflc Tele-phono Co. serving Pnpiil.'iiion Pendleton 6.621 Oregon City r'tbi i SI'?" Nation Welcomes i.ina Anhlnml 4.RM Ht. Hi'li'im 3,917 Group 0 added "..27,884 San Francisco Slide Imperils College and Nunf i " i ft i' '"1 .,, V ',' '$r- " -niiim i (T 'i - i " f iiiii inffii i il fni itoctt-&mjiMltoy4iiifLii4 '" nuuivii, uiiu ilium, resiuing mere, were linpcriica O'lirlslmns night when tne west acitlon ol I.0110 Mountuln In San Krancuico slid awny. The slide atnrtcd within 60 feet of the col lc0c durnntury, and pnuio snows now Clone me college buildings were to destruction. placet! on Htn Information by Cap tain Jcxa Winn of the district at torney's office, born inn It nnmi-d one of the central figures In tho current Investigation of the film comeilleiinc'a strange iHath. The report, Winn Bald, waa In substance this: After most of the guests In her cafe had departed late ono night, Miss Todd and a man engaged In an argument which quickly grow more violent. At Ita height, her adversary suddenly atrurk the uctrnKs with his fist, knocking hor across a table. Il'-forn more blows were struck, however, a cafo waiter lnter f erred. As a result of the revelation, Iho grand Jury was expected to summon all the employes of the Todd sidewalk rafti for testimony on this assorted Incident. ' Although silent on whether their trip had any connection with thn rumored fight, the entire per sonnel of tho Jury's criminal com plaints committee yesterday vis ited tho highway resort. They Inspected tho ground floor of the building, where Mlsa Todd had living quarters adjoining those of Itnlnnd West, former film direct or, and the garage owned by Wost'e ostrnngctl wife, Jewel Cnr mnn, where the actress' body was found In her machine December 16th. Mlsa Carmen was achodulfd to bo the first witness as the Jurors resumed hearings today. Both West end Pasqunle Dl Clccn, divorcer! husbands of Mlsa Todd, also were slated to appear today. Student Agitators Forced to Give Up (Continued From Page Ono) South American natloh to recog nize the government at Moscow. The break was largely a ramifi cation of the communist upris ings In Brazil, Uruguay's neigh bor, lust month, A Brazilian government com munication charged that Instruc tions lo leaden of the abortive November rebellion were dis patched from Montovldno. The chief Instigator of the up risings waa Blloged to bo.I.ula Carina Preators, associated with the third Internationale, The Braalllan government com plained that tha soviet legation Itself was Implicated In tha send lng of revolutionary Instruction! to Braill. SnhilllnVvij -.1 tSTA L T MASS MORE JtS r s v OAs- Ted d Case Witnesses MR THROWS' j liUIUII I 1 1 1 1 U 1 1 u 0 HEWUCHTOII lit ff TDDD MYSTERY XT w'ti1 "I fe&tZ (Continued From Page One) Thrm wltnesaea whoso testimony waa closely atudled for some Inkling as to how Tht-lma Todd, blondo screen actress, met her death. Left to right: Holnnd West, ex-illrector. and -Thelina'a busi ness partner In a cafo venture; It. H. W. Srhnfer. who la munnger of tint Theluin Todd cafe; Charles Smith, who occui(s rooms above Iho garage wbero tho comtslfenne's body waa found slumped over Ihn wheel ot her automobile. Total 55.S84 Wcsi const Co. anrvliig Pcpulntlon Iji (trninlo K . it f, 0 .Marshfleld .... 5287 .MCMIIIIIVIIIO (ireMbnm Illllsborn isew-lierg 1.9JI (iroup ntldetl 27,208 Warmer Weather (Continued From Pngo One) tiled from burns In a CCC enmp fire nl Waterbnry, VI. Traffic deaths roso lo 87 with a new acrldent In Mirhlcun. Snowdrifts and Ire atlll Iso- lllll.ft f.lI.A n.ll MIM.lll lAH l.nn i Srt""1 "ay. along tho southern " ; erten nr I.i.nir U n,l V V ... I h ... j.ti.iu fnir ov,,r (1r ,10 ,,rii tno ill fifteen years and const guards men rigged up Ire srooters to rnrry food to families cut ofr from tha mulnluiid. Total C1.087 Thb Pacific Telephone Coni piiny operating 11,660 co-sla-llons, and serving a population of 66.884. Tho West C,ml T,.ln. phone t'ompiiiiy operating 12.4:19 1 ll,nI''"ntre8 nml other hazards inn fronts in fcthiopla. Jty I'nltctl l"rc A Christmas hllxzartl. sub-zero were attacked by Italy was hint ed by authoritative London sources, I'rnnco, Yugoslavia. Turkey anil Greece had informed Clreat Britain, in respnnso to its query, that they would sustain sanc tions by giving military support to any nation attacked as a re sult of the penalities against Italy. The latest Italian action, the F.thiopiun government reported, consisted of efforts to stir up a native revolt in Bojjara Pro vince against payment of imperlnl taxes. Official sources at Addis Ahnbu denied the revolt was al ready underway. Fascist headquarters at Rome reported resumption of Guerilla end aerial warfare on both Ital- popu- co-sliitlons and serving lation of 61.087. "Tho report shows tho West Coast Telephone Company pay ing 18H per rent moro for ma terials thnn pnld by (ho Parlfic Telephono Company; managed Its company without paying nny holding company foes; operated Its properties without paying any sularles and legal fees to eastern holding companies will) tho fol lowing result. "Tho West Const Telephone Compnny In this territory served hnd n total operating revenue of $444.0:11.20, with expenses of $284.1 04.22, making n profit of $160,700.98. while tho Pacific Telephone Company hnd an oper ating revenue from tho territory It served of $411,983.71, with an expense of $192,1 !)!.l SI, or nil operating loss of $80,210.48. On a station basis tho Paciric Tele phono Company charged $40.14 per station, against Ilia West Coast Telephone Compnny chnrgo ot $23.87. Tho Parlfic Telephono Company, therefore, was $18.43 higher per station. The Pacific Telephone Company, evon on this greater charge, lost $0.20 per station, while tho West Coast Telephono conipiiny, with the les ser chaigo of $211.87, iniitlo a profit of $12.23 per station. "In other words, Iho Pacific Telephono Compnny operated 111 the red, nml it develops that tho West Const Telephone Company operating In Oregon charged less I him thn Pacific Tolophouo Com puny, and mndo more profit In comparable fields. "This shows cnncltisliioly that by eltmlnnting fictitious values, holding company foes and salar ies, tho I'aclflo Telephone Com pany can easily roduno 118 rates as ordnrod by tho Commissioner. Its action In refusing to reduce rales, and In ruthlessly contin uing war Hum charges Is Inex cusable, unjust ltd unreason able. It entitles It to no consid eration at tho hands of any mu nicipality In Oregon, "In tho Interest ot tho rato payors and telephone subscribers of Klamath Falls, I therefore re turn this Ordlnniioo with my VETO. "WIMiIS MAHONEY" Mayor. of ihn season brought death to at least 144 persona in tho t'nit ed Slates, a 1'nlted Press survey disclosed Thursday night. Six persons were killed late Thursday nl Sulem, III., their automobile struck by a Bnltl- moro A Ohio pnssenscr Invln. 122 Ileltiw Zero Devil's Luke, N. I)., ngaln was tho coldest spot on the t'nitcd States weather map with a read ing of 22 below zero. Iowa and Minnesotn towns reported the mercury as low. as 14 below. It was 10 below In the twin cities of Minneapolis mid St. Pnul. Icy rnnds and snowdrifts as deep as 10 feet contributed most lo the death roll, swelled by traffic accidents. Hut many died of fronting, eight were binned to dentil, suicides woro iniiueroiia ntti'lhtitnhlo to poverty, hunger, domestic troubles, with resultant melancholy accentuated by holi day gaiety. Hon Hi Is Colli Not even tho south escaped the cold wave'. Snow fell In Tonne see .nntl wns expectetl 1st north ern Alnhnlna and Georgia. Frost struck Florida. Typical deaths woro those of tho farmer caught In a barbed wire fenco at Jolce, Iowa, nntl frozen to death, tho aged woninii who poured oil on a eiml stove and burned to tlenth at -Cleveland, the youth who fell under the wheels of a moving freight train near Flint, Mich., the Mnplewood Park, III., law clerk, blinded by snow flurries, whoso automobile wna struck at a railroad crossing. Haile Selassie Drafts Plan for Peace Discussion (Continued From Pngo Ono) tho Immlnonce of the "little" rainy senson there. Possibility of n conference of Meditorrnnnnn nations to consid er net lng together In enso any An official communique from llomn announced renewed clashes ill tho north in which the Ethi opians woro said to have suffer ed heavy losses and tho Invaders lost n I no men with 50 wounded. i t mi... i.iu.,i. .i.... t i i lllg UVI. 1 UO KJMWnitlg UUJ i reau sno nnu Decn inuna ueau. A rnnnrl wna nriti'nlmi llmf a . .. ..... ........ ...Uv, : pollen official telephoned one of I the Hollywood mi-vie studios after hearing York's sti.ry, and was as sured the actor's standing would not be damaged. Landsdowne told the Associat ed presi York's story aa true "In every detail." Story "All True" Landsdowne Bald his full name was "Lord Patrick Landsdowne Fiunington" and that be waa for I mer National Wrestling associa tion welterweight champion, and preaent middleweight and welter weight champion ot England. Tho wrestler hus appeared fre quently In Hollywood and Los An gelca In the last year. He wears a monocle, and a cape. Zasu plus, aciress-frlend of Miss Todd, told newspaper men after ber appearance In the grand Jury's chambers she was asked the names of several men, but could not Identify any ot them. Previously Ida Luplno, also an actress, told Investigators Miss Todd declared shortly before her death: "I'm having a marvelous ro mance with a San Francisco busi ness man." "A couple of reara ago.' said Miss Pitts, "I knew that Miss Todd was interested In someone j 'up north,' but I don't know who il was." Both Miss Pitts and her hus band, Ed Woodall, actors' agent, were closeted with the Jury, and the actress was called back for rcqiiestlouing. LOS ANGELES, Dee. 27, fiP) A sensational unconfirmed report that Tholma Todd was the victim of a severe heating a- few days be fore she was found dead widened tho scope of the county grand jury investigation today. Particular significance waa slushy m VISITS KLAMATH: (Continued From Page Ono) lake's rim Is closed, park offi cials reported Friday. All other roads In the aren are open, but are slippery, and motorists are advised to travel slowly. The Greenstirlngs high way from Klamath Falls to Harden mountain, is particularly hazardous. It was reported. Clearing weather for Friday night and Saturday Is predicted by both local and state weather men. Lower temperatures will follow. Pooslbln squalls and flurries of snow will precede tho clearing, according to forecasts, and light rains are predicted for tho north west portion of the Rtnte. Heui boui Price Rosu nvzilsfals! TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Moy'B leather 'glovo at ar mory Thursday night. Hettirn Herald office. , - 2200 If the body of a hydra, a fresh-wntor. polyp, Is dlvldotl Inlo pieces, ench ploce will grow Into a cnmpleto animal. Tho young FOIl HUNT Furnished liouso. develop from tho sides of olilorl fiiinnco, (lenernl Electrlo, gnr- onos by budding and then dolncli- ago In basement. $10. Call i medicated with ingredients of Vicks VapoR ub I.1 Modern tuccasiorto old-fashioned cough syrups,,,, mora con venient , , , lets ex pensive , , , lingers longer In Iho Ihroot. STRAIGlfrfrfll WHISKEY pTRAI6HTWHn SSjV .XXnNv I ft' n BAM (HEAD DISTILLING CO. Jfc'fl If' 'k CHCAfQIUJWIS' wljili FULL PINT QUARTS .... 1.25 HALF GALLONS ,2.45 GALLONS . . . .M.85 103 or SODW. 21(19' ( o u A?g an!0! it QUALITYp PRICES GOOD SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY Lard Home Rendered 2 Lbs. Prime Rib Roast LB Boned and Rolled Bee? Stew 2 Lbi Peanut Butter 2 Lbs. S3" 29 BeeS Roast Choice Blade Cut Steak Baby Beef Ground E5C 15c urouna p Round Steak Lb- TLf H9C Mince Meat 2 Lbs. W Ttf5L A m C8H Pure Cane $n29 ..' 25 Lb. Cloth Sack ii ROYAL CLUB JELL POWDER Assorted Flavors 3 For 14 Pineapple Dole No 1 gbc I Apricots No-2,i Tin at jgc Fancy Sliced No. 2Vz Tin d&JP Fancy Whole Peeled 2 For S-ffl Studied Olives, 4 oz. Jar .... . 19c Corn Del Monte a tsy c I Peas Merrimac Sweet p Wc Fancy whole kernel 2 For tender peas, No. 2 tin 2 ForaW' HEINZ CUCUMBER PICKLES, Large Jar 25 SiW Beans Fancy c I Tomato Juice ge small whole, No. 2 tin .... afe1!? Campbell's 10-oz. Tin .... Lake Wales m. I VUrttll .'HEft norma no. z Tin 2 For Grapefruit Juice, Sunny a paf Mist, No. 2 JL: Tin 2 For Schilling's or Folger's: 1 Lb. Tin 25c' 2 Lb. Tia .... 49c s&w Small White Tall Tin Shrimp Gulf Kist Dry Pack 2 For Cottage Brand iLfai f.urr-z:iz: can OYSTERS Willapa, No. 1 Tall Tin or 2 Bottles HOT SAUCE Val Vita 4 Cans 15 Spinach Del Monle No. 21js Tin 2 For- Catsup Glenn Valley ifc Ginger Ale 14-oz. Battle S HfcP LIME RICKEY : 2& 5ic IB 2 For 35 c Eggs Strictly fresh med. Doz. MINUTE TAPIOCA J. Pkg. 12 CoJSee sky High Blend efffc I Tomatoes c Fresh Ground 3 Lbs. ZJaV Bagley's No. 2V2 Tin SANKA 1 ". 1 Lb. Tin 45 Feanut butter 5f&c Hoody's 2 Lb. Jar -aa IBH Fancaxe flour A efc Pillsbury's 9.8 Lb. Bag 45' WHEATIES 2 Pkgs. 23 Malted Milk Thompson's Free Shaker. Can Dog Food Scottie Allen or Old English 4 Cans 25c SOAP Crystal White, Giant Bar 6 For 25 FLOUR FLOUR Carnation Brand Hardwheat 2 49 LBS Northern Brand Guaranteed Hardwheat 49 LBS LEMOBJi Fancy Sunkist Dozen nkist flR. . o Apples mm Jonathans Box r Grapefruit Arizona 100 size ....Doz. 64 Size 6 For 39 RIGHT RESERVED TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Onions flc Yellow Danvers .... 5 Lbs. Oranges Large Size Doz. Jl