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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1935)
THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Docombor 27, 1935 The Roowelt's Christmas Card WILD FLUCTUATIONS T PAGE SIX f POUTLAND, Doc 27, (IP) Thor wore no chuugcs In bultor, iutterfat or egg quotations. Owing to ths anmll supply of live chickens, higher prlcea will probably be forced for buying in the Immediate future. Bllghtly alower tone was shown for hothouse tomatoea as a result . of tba opening of the soiling tea son for Mcxlcana. Top Is $1.00 nominally for extra fancy 10s. Considerable strength was re tained all through the market for country killed meats. Veal and hog receipts continued light. Extreme quality of southern yams was forcing sales In this market, Demand for green or Utah type celery was gaining with sales around f 2.25 crate, while bleach ad Is quoted at S3. 00 to $5.25. Fair demand waa showing for Drschutcs and Klamath potatoes wilh a general top of tl.0 per cental, while Scappoose gems were round $1.60. :w ""N x - i 4 KA 'MUHKY Cimi.STMAS .' ruin ' , .Till! pKI!Sim-iNT, m 'Mum. R.( o m h vi i it Unless you receive one of these cards direct from the White House, you may want to clip this out and place It among ths cards yon hate received. It a a reproduction of the official card sent out by Mr. and Mrs. RooserelU BOSTON, Dec. 27, The Commercial Bulletin will say to morrow: "Moderate activity at prices Which are fully firm has charac terised the wool market this past week. Certain manufacturers ap pear to be anticipating their wants a little on the theory that prices may be higher after the turn of the year. "This point of view appears to be reinforced by the strength of the markets abroad, where the trend of prices is against the ouyer, wherever there la any ac tivity to be noted. - "The position of the piece goods markets and the clothing trade is without material change and subject to the usual holiday dullness, although by no means unhealthy. "Mohair continues rather slow but very firm." The Bulletin will publish the following quotations: Oregon: Fine and fine medium staple. 80c to 83c; fine and fine " medium combing, 77c to 80c; fine and fine medium clothing, 75c to 76c. Mohair: Oregon, 5 So to 63c Portland Produce PORTLAND. Dec 27. (P) Bntter Print A grade, 36 Me lb. In parchment wrapper, 17 o lb. In carton; B grade, parchment wrapped, 85 c lb.; carton, 36 He 18. Butterfat Portland delivery: A grade, deliveries at least twice weekly, 3 7-3 8c lb.; country routes, S 5-3 6c lb.; B grade, de liveries less than twice weekly, S6-37C lb.; C grade at market. B Grade Cream for Bottling Buying price, butterfat basis, 55c lb. Eggs Buying price of whole salers: Fresh specials, 21c; ex tras, 21c; standards, 19c; extra medium, 17c; do medium firsts, 15c; undergrade, 14c; pullets 14c dozen. Cheese Oregon triplets, 18c; Oregon loaf, 19c. Brokers will pay Vts below, quotations. Milk A grade, Portland de livery, 52 Ho lb.; butterfat basis for 4 per cent Country Meats Selling price to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, under 150 lbs., 16-1 6c lb.; vealers No. 1, 131c lb.; light and thin, 8-12o lb.; heavy, 8-10c lb.; cutter cows, 6-8c lb.: canners. 4Jc-5c lb.; bulls, 7-7c lb.; lambs, 17c lb.; medium, 12-1 3c lb.; ewes. 6-1 Oc per lb. I Live Poultry Portland deliv ery, buying price: Colored hens, ! over 614 lbs., 17-18c lb.; under' STOCK AVERAGES Complied by the Associated Press Friday Previous Day , Month Ago . tear Ago 1935 High , 1935 Low . 1934 High 1934 Low . 10 11 II 10 Indu's Ralls Util'a 8ks 73.7 29.1 43.9 64. 75.5 29.3 44.1 54.6 73.6 S8.8 43.8 62.4 64.6 26.1 15.1 40.2 76.3 21.3 44.6 56.1 49.5 IS. 5 21.8 34.3 61.4 43.0 40.6 61.4 45.3 22.8 24.2 34.9 BOND AVERAGES Compiled by ths Associated Press Friday Previous Day . Month Ago Year Ago 1936 High 1935 Low 1934 High 1934 Low 31 10 1 II Ralls ladu'e Util'a For. 85.7 101.8 99.3 69.3 85.7 101.8 99.4 69.3 83.7 101.4 99.3 69.2 85.2 93.4 84.0 69.7 87.8 101.9 99.8 70.4 76.4 92.2 84.5 65.5 89.4 92.9 8S.9 70.0 74.6 73.7 18.1 60.2 Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK. Dec. 27, LP) A last minute profit taking drive unsettled the stock market today after the list had maintained a steady to firm tone most of the session. While a number of Industrial specialties resisted with gains of tractions to around two points, some recent leaders were oft as much. The close waa irregular. Transfers- approximated 2,200,000 shares. The automobile division pre liminary figures indicating this week's output was substantially under that of the previoua week, even considering the Christmas holiday. At that, the total was expected to be double that of the same period last year. Today's closing prices: Air Reduction : 1671 Alaska Juneau- .,.. .. 141 Allied Chemical & Dye 15 li American Can .' . 135 American Com'l Alcohol .... 291 American & Foreign Power 6i American Power & Light.. 81 American Smelt & Ref. 69 i A. T. & T. .. 154 American Too. B 97J Anaconda Copper ...... 28 J Atchison, T. & S. F. , 56i Atlantic Rsflnlng . 26a Baltimore & Ohio 15i Bendix Aviation .......... Bethlehem Steel Boeing Air l.. Borden Co. Burr. Adding Machine Calltor -la Pack Case. J. I . Caterpillar Tractor .. Chrysler Motor .. Colorado Gas & Electric Commercial Solvents Continental Can Corn Products Curtiss Wright ...... Dupont & De N Eastman Kodak Electric Auto Light General Electric .......... General Foods .............. General Motors Gillette Kaior Gold Dust Great Northern pfd International Harvester . International Nickel .... I. T. & Johns Manville Kennecott Con. Copper , Llbbey-O-Ford Liggett & .Myers B Liquid Carbide Lorillard Tob. Co. Monty Ward Nash Motor .... ... National Biscuit . National Dairy Products National Distillers New York Central ........... North American ..... Pacific Gas & Electric ...j Pacific Light Packard Motor ................ Park Utah 221 49! 19 25 24 34 97 56 92 13 31 84 68i , 4i 139 156 30 37 33 661 16J 18 32 601 451 121 93 28 43 1091 351 24 381 171 311 201 30 26 26 30 52 68 41 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, Dec. 27, UP) (U. S. D. A.) Hogs, receipts, 19,000; market 15c to 25c lower; top, 110.10; desirable 140 to 200 lbs., 19.85 to 110.00; few 260 to 300 lbs., $9.25 to 19.60.; sows, J 8.26 to $8.50. Cattle, receipts, 2,500; market Very slow In trade on fed steers and yearlings, demand apparently narrow, and Indications pointing to Incomplete clearance of sizea ble Friday quota; bulk of run, 18.00 to $11.00; best held above $14.00; heifers about steady; 800-lb. heifers, $9.50; cows, bulls and veulers steady; Btockers and feeders nominal. Sheep, receipts, 10,000; little done; asking prices and Indica tions on slaughter lambs around steady; bids 25c lower being re fused; aged sheep and feeding lambs Indications around steady; bids good to choice native and fed western lambs, $11.25 to $11.40; asking 111.60 to 111.65 and up ward; talking 14.60 to 15.00 on most native ewes. August, 1935, was the peak month tor air transportation when totals in number of pas sengers, passenger miles, express poundage, and miles scheduled attained marks never reached previously In a single month. An Increase of 60 per cent over the preceding year has been recorded In passenger arrlvnlB and departures at Lambert-St. Louis airport In the last fiscal year. $ Tires may be worn unneces sarily It the chains are too tight. jBech's Batter Loaf C BECK'S 119 North 8th Street Phone 211 Saturday Specials Glazed Potato Donuts 20c W D0Z. Pineapple Rolls A Delicious Breakfast Roll' 20?, DOZ. Penney, J. C. 771 Penn K. R. ...j. 29 Phillips Pet SSg Public Service New Jersey 441 Pullman Co 351 Itadio Corp 12 HemliiKton Rami 20 Reynolds Tob. B 54 Scars Roebuck 64 H Shell I'nlon 151 Southern Pacific 23 Standard Brands 15J Standard Oil California 3SJ Standard OH New Jorsey.... 4 9 Stewart Warner 17 Studebnkor Corp y Texas Corp 28 TransAmerlca 121 I'nlon Carbide 701 I'nlon Pacific 107 I'nlted Airlines 13 Uulted Aircraft A 2SJ L nlted t orp 7 United tins Imp 17 J U. S. Industrial Alcohol ...... 4 3 V. S. Rubber 131 U. 8. Steel 4 61 WestliiRhouse Electric 951 Woolworth 63 Cloving Curb (Juolutlons Cities Service 31 Electrlo Bond & Share 16 Mixed Tone Seen in Turkey Market PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 27. (J A mixed tone, with a tinge of weakness, entered the Portland turkey market today. A message from New York' that eight cars of Utah hens and toms went unsold at 28 cents waa the bearish factor. The Portland market was slow, with a suggestion the carryover will take care of most New Year's needs. Quotations to producers were 23 to 28 cents dressed. CHICAGO, Deo. 27, (.IV-Wildly rapid tluutiiutluns that covered a price rungo of 61 cents a buhnl distinguished the wlud-up of Du eembcr wjieut dealings today. Throughout most of the day the December delivery maintained al-, most unprecedented stronglli, but shortly before the market closed a sudden collnpso took place, ow ing to a transient stoppaae of bids. Quotations fell 6) cents 111 a twinkling, and touched the low ost the extreme limit allowed in any 24-hour period. Unities In stnntor, though, took place to within 1 cant of the day's top, ' bidding having be hurriedly re-; suined. j A second oollapsa occurred In Inst minute transactions, and ; wheat closed weak, nil the way from com to 41 cents under j yestorduy's finish, Dcoenibor i $1,021 to 11031; May 9!lo to 99)c: corn, lie off to lo up: May, 591c to 591c; out a unchanged to lo decline, and provisions ut a : set-back of 7o to 17c. j "YEAR END FEATURES" PRICES ADVERTISED EFFECTIVE SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY DEC. 28293031 (Unless Otherwise Stated) THE KLAMATH FALLS PIGGLY WIGGLY Will Be Closed "All Day" New Year's Day South S. F. Livestock SO. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 2. (UP) Hogs: 1550, all direct. Nominal: quotable top 110.30 on ...... ln-9?ft butchers: l " ' ,u packing sows quoted 17.75 down. ' B t'nttlo: 100. Fairly active, all classes steadyl lond good 1045 lb. Oregon fed steers 17.90; load 925 lb. short-fed California 17.75; packago common 9S5 lb. Idaho steers 16.25; package 800 lb. Mil ho heifers $6.25; smull lot good 950 lb. Idaho range cows 15.76, package Idahos 15.40; i jsiimll lot 1150 lb. dairy cows 14.60, low-cutters-cutlers very scarce, quotable around 13-14: pari load 1185 in. common me dium Idnho bulls 4.75. odd -head j good up to 15.60. Calves: 75. practically all di rect. Nominally sieauy; ouu uu good-choice venters 19. 1 Sheep: None. Nominal; choice wooled lambs quoted up to 110.25; ewea salable 14.76 down. The rubber blade of the wind shield wiper should be roplnced as soon as It becomes worn, since the windshield glass may ; be scratched by the metal holder : pressing against It. j A New Yorker was arrested for whistling on tho street after mid- j night. With the cops so consclen- tlous, we can't understand the need for whistling. Old Faithful geyser In Yel lowstone National Park shoots to j a height of from 95 to 130 feet. 1 pIdrug CO. NINTH AND MAIN , STS. We wish you a Happy New Year and promrae that in 1936 as in 1935, Waggoner's will not be undersold Woodbury's Face Powder 2,07c All Hlindcs M All Hltnllcn Drugs 1.25 Absorblee Jr $1.09 50c Yeast Foam Tablets, 43t 50c Unguentlne 43 1.25 SSS Tonic $1.09 65c O.M. Herb Tablets, 53 1.00 Iromzed Yeast 83 50c Lysol ...431 75c Doan's Kidnoy Pills....63 1.25 Germania Herb Tea, 89 ti 10c Cashmere Bouquet Toilet Soap 2 or ijc 75c Dextri Maltose 69 1.00 Bonlcora 89t 60c Allca Seltzer 49 65c Calif. Syrup of Figs 49? 85d Kruschen Salts 69 1.25 Peruna 98 1.25 Pinkham Vog. Comp $1.09 30c Listerine 23 75c Cystex 63 30c Mentholatum ..2S Gem Razor and 5 Blades AQC Mnrbelllte Cnso 7 Sundries Chevron Fountain Syringes 59 50c Playing Cards 39 75c Hair Brushes 49 1.50 Alarm Clocks 98 Lilly Hot Water Bottle ...A9t 1.00 Icy Hot Thermos Bottle .-..69 5 Sparklet Bulbs 39 4-oz. Pure Vanilla ......33 1.50 Lunch Kits, Complete $1.19 4-oz. Lighter Fluid 49 Dennison's Paper Handkerchiefs, were 10c, now Cor j qc . Toiletries 25c Johnson's Baby Pow. 19 75c Fitch's Shampoo 59 50c Hind's Lotion with Dispenser 39 50c Jerqen's Lotion 34 50c Egyptian Henna 29 50c L.B. Hair Oil 34 1.00 Calonite 89 Qt. Glycerin and .Rose Water 59 I lb. Charmis Cold Cr. 69 50c Ipana 39 Aspirin, good grade.: 5c 1.00 Ostrex 79 60c Bag Balm 43 75c McKesson 's Cod Liver Oil 59 25c Lime Water 10 1.00 Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 87 25c Feenamint Gum... 21 35c Bromo Quinine ........29 1.00 Halibut Capsules......89 1.25 Creomulsion 98 Fresh Tobacco Copenhagen 2 for 15 Garrett's Snuff ....10 Hurley Burley 2 for 15 Geo. Wash 3 for 20 Bull Durham, Stud, Golden Grain, 4 for 15 Velvet, lb 71 Edgeworth, lb 89 Granger, lb 69 Catcher, lb. 59 Prince Albert, lb ....71 Seminole Toilet Tissue lOOO Sheets Golden West COFFEE The Favorite of the West Thermalo Roasted 1 LB. TIN 27c 1 LB. JAR 28c Mutter Pure Cane 10 Lb. BaK .... Grade A Lb. Piggly Wiirifly Brnndr Il'a Fresh mid Swout I Sat Churned Fresh Daily in Klnmuth Falls 52c 3Se ( Only ) Cnnailn Dry "Mixers" Id'iuun Hixln tilniinr Ale Minn Itli key Huirk-W liter yum I Nlsn .. 23' Hltijiitnra Wing 2 Hollies 2B I'ltKI'AltliO TOM AM JKHHY IIATTKH 43' Melodrips Syrup Baby Lima Beans Oysters Veg-AU GALLON TIN 2 LB. CELLO BAG Pelaco Brand No. 1 Tall Tins The New Vegetable Salad 2 CANS 98c 15c UJc 25c Plenty" ffiLl(5)II-FTR Plenty" "AT SENSATIONAL PRICES' PRICED BELOW TODAY'S COST TO MOVE A QUANTITY BEFORE INVENTORY "ALL ARE GUARANTEED HARD WHEATS" Windmill Brand 49 LB. SACK $TLS9 Piggly Wiggly 49 LB. SACK Drifted Snow 49 LB. SACK NO SALES TO DEALERS SCOTTY ALLAN DOG FOOD CANS 25c Mushrooms (I'lece and Stem) 2-oz. Tin- 8-os. Tin 8c 29c . ALBER'S Pearls Wheat Large 1 lb., 12-ox. Package A9 For a Better Urrakfast H-D BRAND JELL POWDER 3 PKGS. 14c SWEET POTATOES 15c No. 2 V, Tins WINES FOR NEW YEARS! FAMOCB ROMA URAND Fortified Winn Cholro of I'oH, Sherry, Tokny, Mm. rntel, or Angelica All Jn Wlnrry Itollloil onlnln-r whlrli Inuires you of IliKhcat Quality and Guaranteed Full Alcoholic Hlrriith, Full Gallon Jugs . . . $4749 (No Container Deposit No Permit Necessary) Delivered If You Wish With Your Grocery Order He alio carry a coinpk'to lino of Dry Dinner Wines Claret, Burvundy, Relnllng, Sniitcrno, Zlnfnndel, etc. The finest of California Champagne Renaonalily priced. SATURDAY PRODUCE FEATURES Potatoes 49c U. S. No. 1 Klamath Gems 25 LB. BAG DRY ONIONS U. S. NO. IS S LBS. 12C CRANBERRIES Pound 15c Pound ORDERS OF $2.00 OR MORE DELIVERED FREE In Our Master Market liiono 1730-J. But, Only Hamburger jgc BNt ill tho Went. Mi. 18 i 2 Hit. Sausage furo Pork. Mi. ai 2 lb. Roast o Pork Young rjrnln Fed. M, 45; 20' Fork Hteak Ml. 231 2 lbs, 4B Cholro Itonnts and Stcnkn, Voiiiift llnliy Href Kxtrn Fnnpy, Fluent Klnninth Counly Producea. JUGHT IlUHIOllVKn TO LIMIT QUANTITIES