December 2(1, 1035 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE CITY BRIEFS Mnlln Cow1!' Miirry Mis An na .mm', iliiiiHlilnr of Mr. mill Mm. V, mm', linmino llm In lilu if I vii n I'litntmilt, ion of Mr. uml .Mrs. A. I'l'lrntuik, on Durtinilii'l' 113. Aftm' I tin nirumniiy Ihn yiiuiiK roiiiilii Icfl fur I wo wi'ulin' 1 1 li In hoii I hoi ii f'nlircir- In. Tlmy will in uk ii lliclr lioinn at Mnlln. VMI In Ori'it'Mi I'lly Mr. mill Mm. I!, II. Hunllng nntl sii .liilin, Hiii'iit CIii'IhI imiH vIMIIjt .wwllh i'i'IiiIIvkh In ( ) i ku 11 I'lly. Mr. HllI'llllIK I'i'IiiiiiimI litimu-Mulliliiy, uml Mm, I lit I'll ! iik uml ioliu .will i iiln iiwuy unlll cmly , J41UI "". If I'l'iiin rlrliiiiil A linn O'liilim, rnin nf Mr. uml Mm. T, William (I'lli'luii, In vIkIIIuk 111" pun' n in nl I hull' Iiiiiihi on I'a- ' t-1 f l- Tl'ITIM'll. Ilu HITlVlill lll'I'C 'riiiimliiy f i id HI. John's unlvur H I ( y , (,'iilli'iinvlllii, M Inn. Aiiiiiiiiix o llli eh of Htm -Mr. ml Mm. I.. II. Kuan nl 2111" Or- t'lllllll IIVIUIIIII llll 11(111 IH'll lilt) 11 rl ll iif h nun Thursday iiiuiiiIiik ul llllltihltl luiailliil. Mm. Komi win l.iinnlla lliiiuirl unfiim Iiit nmr rliwu. lA-nvo fur lilnlio -Mr. mid Mm. Ilnwnril llnriillliu'l a'l Ulllu daunlitnr Hully, l"fl Thursday fur Musriiw, Iclii., wlmrii Ihi'y will n.i'iiil noti.rnl days vlnliliiK Mm. Ilnrnhlsiil's slsttir, Mm. Frank II. ltolilnstm ami tnuilly. To IU-nhl llfrf Mr. ami Mm. Curl Urhiiniru'liKr. who wi-ru rn otiiily inarrlfd nl WIIIIsIiiii. N. 1)., nro iniiorti'il to urrH'u Imru miily iioxt wonk lo muko Ihi'lr lioimi. mii for HI. I'nul -Mr. uml Mm. H""vo lluiiiiii'y mi'l Imhy diiuKlttur nml Dr, W. H. Humany Iiiivii li'fl for lr. Iluiniioy' hntim In HI. I'iuiI, Tlmy pl mi l" ro liiulu thuro soinu Hum. VMmr llt-rc Mr. ami Mm. l. II. Iludlfy of I.odl, Calif., urn liomlliiK Ihn chrlri:inaii holidays Willi Mm. Iladlfy's slnltirs, Mm. (Iimna Wood mid Mrs. W. H. 1.0 wa. In Klnninih rnll. Ilrr From Kwjfnf lr. and Mr. A. O. VVnllur and rlilldron. Fnulorlrk, C'olrr and Sully, aro TlnllInK In Kliiiiiaili Falls over llm Christmas liolldny with Mr. and Mm. Frnnk Janklns. at 230 1 tloy atrenl. Mnrrlnuo Announrpil Mr. and Mra. J. K. Hlnfford of 198o Man tnttlla atrnol have annotincwl the mnrrlBK of thnlr itiitirhii-r. Mlaa Ann I. Hall, lo filnn I.. Mlll'T. at Vancouvnr, Vah., Unci'inhor 21. Hplrllunl HrlPiire flitirrliThn imual aludy clnaa will lio Imld thla (Thurndny) ovviiIiir, 8:00 o'clock, al llio home of Dr. M. Mnmhall. 4I Plnn atrncl, to hn followod by a pntluck PI'r. Miriam Circle MncM .tn.. Thn Miriam Clrrln of Ihn Klmt I'roa hytiirlnn church will mnnt at llio linmo of Mm. A. Theodora Hmllh on Friday, Di.ciMtilmr 27, al J: 15. A gift excunnxa will ba unjoyed. Vlalf In Houlli Mr. and Mm. John MrCowu of tho McCown Studio of DancltiK ara apnndlnK Ihn liolldaya In Hun Krnnclaro. Thn aluillo will riniinui Ita ri'K ulnr acllvlllna January . Mil rr lid At Ilrml Wlntar F. Knlxht and Anna Ituth MrVniin wnrn married nl llnnd on Dnccm htr 24 by County Jutlne C. E. l.yon. Vlalla In Kvcrvtl W. P. Mc DonouKli, etuploya of the (Irnnt Northern, apoul Chrlalinaa In Evnrotl, Waal). To Hrtnrn Hnlnnlny Mr. and Mm. Karl Hmltli will return Itoma Bntiirdny from C'olvlllo, Wnah., whero tlioy have boon apondln Chrlalinaa wank. Court House Records Hecroo Flral Nnltnnnl bnnk of Klam nlh Fiilln vnraita Kllnabulh D. Stawnrt at al. Ilcfentlmita do ornnd to hnvo no right In certnln real proporty undor queatlon and enjoined from asserting any claim In mild property. Mnrrliiuo ApplliAllona Charlaa II. Mack, 27. Klnmuth county onaeaHor, to Vlrulnla Loo Hone, 23, Klnmnlh Falla llouao wlfo. C. N. Mcl.ono, 2S, Mnlln ln boror, to Kmlier Tlllliiirn, 27, I'lirknton. 8. D.. tenclior. Plo D'Ollvo, 24, Klnmnth Fnlla lithoror, to AiiKellna Ulovnnlnl, 24, I'ollcan City hotisewlfo. tuner al ANDHUW C. KSKILDHEN Andrew C. K!lldsen pnased away nt Ilia roHldnnco nenr Mt, lloliron on Monday, Hoc. 23, fol InwIiiK a lnli'f lllneaa. Hu wna a native of HJorrlnn, Denmark, nml was ngod 68 yonra four niontha and 20 dnya when cnlled, Tho doeenaed camo to, this coun try In 18113 nnd lintl realded nt Mt. Hobron for tho pnt 21 yenm. Ho loavon to mourn hlB piiHHlliR, li Ih wife Ida; six ilililKh torH, JCHllitir, ltlindn, Milium, Allah, Cnlhryn, anil Annnr-rono noil, Slnvo, nil of MU-iiulirou. Cul.; four liroUmnt.Sinvo of lliuiiona. KumtiiH, J(ilirT(nJttl,j)olia, III., I'ctnr of Pan Yii, N. Y nntl Thomna of DorrlflTcnil.i ono alalor, Mnrlo PctlorSJiIo't Don mark. Tho romiilii"'TWf,lii tho Klnmnlh Fiinornl . ymrrn? 82B IllKh slroot, wlinro frtrrmWHiny cull. Tho fiinarul 'norvleo-'-wlll ho bold oil Tliurilnyr-l)oo 28, from the Coiiiiuiiiilly-.,l)ll..l Mnrdoel, Cal nt 2:00 ., ta Orra Wetldle and Lostcr V. Huff fnn of the Drothron church of ficiating. Commltmnnt aorvlco nnd Ititornient will ho In tlin I nlmvlow cemolery nt Macdnel, tin I. Frieni'.a nro rupectfully In vllod to attend. from I ,n Iiit Unwind Crawford nf llm ('nil it l.ukii pink wlnlur stuff who n Christmas uvu vuHur In Klnniiiili Fulls. Weyerhaeuser WKYKIIIIAKIIHHH Mr. uml Mm. II. C. .lolimiloii uml ami Tom tn y Iiiivii luft for Oiiklmid, I'lillfornlii, whoro limy will spi'iid llm litilltliiyH with Mm. Johnston's fnlhiir ami iilniur. II. (J. ChiihIiiiih Iius riturniid f l" in It hiislniisa (rip to Dmiviir, Ciilorutlo, Mr. CoiiHlnna, who la in I oy I'll by llm VVnyi'i'liiHiiinnr Hu 1 1 M coiiipmiy, hits rni.miLly hniiii iriilinriirri'il In Ihn Colorado ter ritory. Mr. mid Mm. CoiihIimik mid rlillilii'ii will limvu In Ihn iH'ii r I ii I uro for tliHr now lioiiui. Mr. nml Mm. T. (I. '.Inu mid i lillilri'ii lliirlmrn mid T'j tinny Itft Haliinlny for lliiklnnd, Citllfornlii. I liiy will npind tlin holl layn wilt ri'litilviH mid frltmds. Tlmy wnrn uvroiiiruiili'tl liy Mm. Z In n n liintliiT, Mra. Johnson, and liar imiihttw. l.ownll Moiznr. Mr. and Mm. H. K. Iliidimiuii huvn rndirmd from 1'iiiuli'ton wlmrn limy wnrn eullril liy thu ''"til ti of Mm. llm Iiuiiiiii'i alnlnr. Mm. Lnalnr (Irt'tui. Mr. and Mra. j. II. Illshnn. I Willi tlnilr chlldrnti I'laity. Ilnliliy iiiiu jouiiny li'll nurliiK tlin wi k for Hiallln. wlinrn limy will visit wllh rnlullvna durliiK (ho lioll dayH. Mr. and Mm. C. A. Iliinniill huvn ua tlnlr Kuchla over llm holldnya (Imlr ami Marlon of I'olimroy, WaahliiKton. who la I'liipluyi'il hy thn atnln unrlrul lii nil ilipurlini'iil of WiiHhniKlon mid Ihi'lr Kon-ln-law and dnuKh fr, Mr. and Mra. Wrliiht l.arkuy of Illy. 'I'liu Knlrhuvnn aohniil nyinnun Iiimi win ihn iici'iio of a ili'llnhl fill Chrlmniua puny Thumduy nvmiliiK. A ClirlMinuii primriini liy llm p ii il In of llio m lionl umlnr I tin dlrut'llon of llm U nchtira wna flml ir(iiiiti-d. Al Ilia con rlunlon nf llio pniKmin Runla Clana urrlvid and uch child ru cnlvnd B trnat, Tlin Knur I. of the Wnynr hatiiiHitr Tltulu.r rompany apon Ihi'lr iiiininil chlldrena Chrlalinan parly Friday nvmiliiK nt llm Kalrhnvnn arhool fiymnaa In in. Tnya, randy and nula wore provldixl for narh child. FT. KLAMATH FOKT KI.AMATH. Mra. M. I.. Ferxuaon and aon Wilbur were ahoppiuK nnd vlalllng In Klam ath Fnlla Tueaday. Mr. and Mra. rttowart N'lchol aon ami ion William returned Tueaday ovcnlng after onjoylnx a tnonih'a varntlon trip. They I wern accompanied ,y NIcholaon'B mollmr, Mm. Nollla Nicholson, who joined her aon and dniiKli-lor-ln-lnw In Detroit, Mich., and went on with I hem to I.ltllo Hock, Ark., whero they vlalted Mm. Kli'wurl Nlcbolnon'a par enia. On the relurn trip to Oregon, the party enjoyed a vliilt nt Sun DIcko, Cul., ami n weok'a miiy with relntlvea In In Anxa lea. Mm. Nelllo Nicholson left Wedneailny for her homo In Mod ford, driving a now sedan pur chased In Detroit while on the trip. Hlio will apend tho Chrlal mns holiday wllh her aon Lloyd In Medford. Mra. Mnrcrlla Hnwo and daughter, Mnry Pat. went to Klnmulli Falls Tuestlny, bringing buck wllh them In the evening Mrs. Mordocnl Hesa, who hua been recuperating from a recent operation nt tho Klamath Valley hospital. Tho following local peoplo at tended I ho regular Townsend club meeting In Chiloquln Tues day evening, whero Mayor Willis K. Mnbonoy of Klnmnth Falla gnve a apeech on the Townaend club actltitlea: Mr. and Mra. Waller Monroe, Henry Gordon, Mlsa Harriet Monroo, Mr. and Mrs. H. II. I.nonley, Mr. and Mrs. Art Nichols mid Mrs. Kay Motion. Fort Klamath grange mat In tho club llouno Tuesday for tho regular monthly social mooting of tho ordor. Mustnr M. L. Fer guson was In llio chair, and 16 members ntlondad. During Ihe short buslnoss ses sion, Mrs. Hansford Williams was duly Installed In hor office of lady assistant steward. ,Poat Manlor Goorgo M. Denton acting ns Installing offlcqf, nsslstod. by liny Fciguaon ns marshall. A report on tho year's activi ties of tho homo economics oom mlltco wna given hy Mrs. Hon Hrlcco, retiring cbnlrman of the commltteo, allowing a good sum of cash on hand to bogln the now yenr, Mra. Emma Oorden having boon appointed as chair man for tho ensuing year, as sisted by Mosdames Frank Don ton nnd Charles Noah, and H. II. Loosloy ns other members of tho committoe. Mr. and Mrs. William Page left by car for Stockton, Cal., whoro they will apond the noxt two months visiting Mrs. Page's inolbor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm Zum bruun nnd lOnill Zumbrunn loft Friday for I.os Angeles, whore thoy will visit for a month with tolntlves before roturnlng to Fort Klnmnth, Thoy mndo tho trip to thn rouihorn city In their ntiw aoilaii, During the absence of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kmnhriinu, tholr rninii will bo cared tor by Aldon Swan. The American people hnve too gront a senna of humor over to hnvo a dlcintor. Whoro humor Is prosont, thoro cannot be a dlclat orHhlp. A ilkiutor cannot stand mocking or lampooning. Km 11 Ludwlg, noled biographer. They say that the country Is nil right bnrnuno hank deposits total $00,000,000,000. That's a lie. There Isn't Hint much monoy. There Isn't $10,000,000,0 In usa ble monoy. A!:rod' Lnwson, ad- vocnto of direct credit system. i , To Prlmo Carnern, thn Ambling Alp, any gootl opponent eoems to spell rapid erosion. HEW TEMPLE DEDICATION SET SUMY Afler years of effort, Ihn mem bers mid friends of Klamath Tem ple huvn a pefiiiunenl rhilrrh Iiiiiihi In the new heuullfiil sir in: lure erne 1 1, on I'lno and Tenth slreiils. Thn lot, 00 feet by 120 foot, was ilon a I ill by J, O. Ilenrdsley, ono of Iho cliurtnr membera of llio lii il nil. Tho building Is r,() by 100 In dlineiisinus, with u lurgn hulcnny. Iinvlnx ullnxelher u seal lug tra pui'l'.y of lmiij. A full basement u u il r Ihn main uiidltorliitu Is yet under construction,. Tho flnmu rhupid rhnlr Inft has a seating cnputiiy of 40, anil arrangements huvn been mudu for a lurxe or i hi'slrn. Thn baptismal lout Is built ut Ihn rear nf Ihu platform In front of stained glass windows. Knoma tin eiirb sltlti nf the plalfnrin ure nrrmixeil fnr piixeanla and siieelal necnslons, while lurxe purple vel vet curtains nntl other furnish ings cnmpltio thn iiiiike-up of the pliilform. The Jiulltllng throuxhout la plasteretl on selntex, wbllo knot ty pino wulnscotlng and trlmlngs finished In thu naturul miiku II attractive nntl striking In the sim plicity of btuiily. Tho outside Is stucco. Al contrail prlco the building ua It stands, would cost around 120.000, but by thu generous do nallnns nf the members, the vol untary tabor by not only mem bera, but friends, and the tlona tlona by some of the business firms of Die community, this edi fice bus been built. Tho puslor, Hov. .Fred Horn- sbuh, belloves It Is nothing short of a mlruclu 'hut In ttieso tluiei of depression such an edifice could be erected without any In debtedness. Ho calls It a "gift from God," and takes no credit tn himself, but Is confident that God wanted such an edifice In Klam ath Falla at this time. At the opening day, Sunday. December 22, over 600 attended Ihe Sunday school, and at the Sunday night pnxeant Hub at tended, while hundreds more were turned awny. flundny, December 29. the for n. al dedicatory service will be held nt 2:30. with ministers of the Klamath Fnlla Ministerial as sociation brinxlng greetings and also ministers from tho county and far ind near, bringing words of cheer to tho local congrega tion. The same pageant, "The Prom ised Hope." will bo repealed at the evening service at 7:15. The Kliimulh Temple is a local self-governing church, bull; by Iho people of the city for the peo ple of the community. Its doc trines aro strictly fundamental, thn inn I n points of which aro Sal vation, Holiness, the Ilnptlsm of the Spirit, Dlvl' n Healing. Water llaptlsm by Emersion, Ihe Lord's Supper, Iho Socong Coming of Jesus, etc. An orchestra of merit renders music: a white robed choir sings, nnd thn largo membership Is very enthusiastic In building up a grealer and more spiritual Insti tution. Klamath Agency KLAMATH AGENCY. The Axoncy Is beginning to take on oulto a fostlve look, with light ed Christmns trees In the yards of the Orvlllo Klllott and Wado Crawford homo. Through every window glimpses of ' Christmns troes and gay wreaths may be seen. And school Is out, all of the children are home for the holidays. Pat Gray, of Iho Spokane of fice mndo an official visit hore recently. Arthur Holding, who was re cently transferred to Cheyenne Illvor, 8. D left InBt week. Ho was accompanied ns fnf ns Port land by Mra. Holding, where she will Bpond so mo time with hor parents, before Joining hor hus band at tholr now location. Dr. McCook returned from Snn Francisco Inst Thursday, re porting that Mrs. McCook was recovering from an operation which sho underwent recently In that city. Dr. Mersoth of Chilo quln, looked attor Dr. McCook's patients during his absence. John Kempt, who has been at tending school In Oakland, Is homo for the Christmas vacation. Vital Statistics IHHTII ROSE! Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. L. H. Rose of 2100 Orchard ave ntio, a son, Decern hor 26, 1935, at Hillside hospital. Weight, t pounds, 2 ounces. It Ib extromculy difficult to find a formula thnt will save Musso lini's fnco, England's face, nnd Laval's two fncca. James Trus low Adams, historian. Mary's Beauty Shop PERMANENTS ; $1.75 Oil Permanents $2.00 (YOUR CHOICE OF) SUPER-TONIC OIL KREEMOIL NUTRI-TONIC OIL V Oil Permanents $3.00 (YOUR CHOICE OF) TULIP OIL OR LAVENOIL 408 MAIN PHONE 1359 Klamath i . Kennell Ellis photo Here Ib picture of the Klumath Temple's new church home, built after years ot effort. It Ib locutcd al I'lno and Tenth streets. The church will be formally dedicated Sunday. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 26. (IP) A 100-foot section of Lone mountain. In the western part of tho til y. slid 75 foot Into Fran cisco Heights subdivision shortly after midnight today, breaking water and gas mains and electric lines. The slide started within 60 fcot of the west dormitory of the San Francisco College for Wo men, where 25 sisters of the Sac red Heart were awakened as a transformer exploded and burn ed below. Pavement was lifted 20 feet Into the air. Smaller slides con tinued throughout the early morn ing as a fire department aearcb llght played on tbe cut. Lone mountain, once crowned with a hugo cross, waa a rally ing place for Spanish-American war voluntecra, who encamped on Its surrounding sand dunes. For sports followers. It was a backdrop for old Ewlng field. WW VflrtK. Dee. 26. (JPl tnlnn.u ilrpnnna amtirht trwtnv to determine whether an unidenti fied blonde woman wnose Douy had been found In a hallway was the victim of a "ripper" Blayer. Marks on her body gave rise In itfh m rpnnrl hot the notice said they could only await the au topsy report to learn tne cause oi death. Bloodstains, they said. might have come from a minor Injury. rt- riavmnnri n Miles, assistant medical examiner, who ordered the autopsy, said he believed the mrnmnn hait mat M vlnlant flCAth- Ilo declined to amplify the re mark. Iter hndv almost covered by newspapers and other debris, was found In a vacant Dunning oy a year-old Boy at play yesteraay nftornoon. Detectives thought she was 45 or 5 years old. Poorly clad, she was rocognlxed by neignrjornooa residents as a frequenter ot bars who was known to them only as Moiiy or Aianoy. MODOC POINT MODOC POINT, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Purdin left Inst Fri day night for Cnllfornia, where thoy will spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. McFarling and Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnusson were shop ping In Klamath Falls last Thurs day. The school program and com munity tree was well attended last Frldav night. The children per formed their parts exceedingly woll In the presence of parents, friends nnd Santa Clnus. At tho close of the program each child was asked to come for ward, step up on a platform and receive his or her gift. Grown ups tnklng gifts for small children were asked to do this also, much to tholr embarrassment, but amusement of the crowd. The lovely gifts were given by Mr. and Mrs, Lamm to all chil dren of employes In the local school district. Snm Ellis r.nd Frank McKay left Saturday night for San Francisco and Oakland, where Sam Ellis will spond the holidays with his family and Frank McKay with his mother, and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Hopper left Tues- Temple Has New Home -T v- Tin.'- ; day noon for Orovllle. Calif., to be with relatives over Chrislmaa. Mr. and Mra. Thomas Stoddard of Eugene arrived In Modoc Point Monday evening to spend Christ mas at the N. Y. Stoddard home. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Richmond of Klamath Falls attended the school program and Christmas tree last Friday evening. Mrs. William Heim waa hostess to the brldgo club last Wednes day. Three tables of bridge were In play during tho afternoon, with high honors going to Mrs. Mc Far- ANNUAL AFTER CHRISTMAS ODDS & ENDS CLEARANCE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY AM GiSt HoveMes Some Slightly Damaged . . . Some Slightly Soiled and Shopworn All at One-HalS the Original Price Fur Coats JUST 8 OF THEM STRIPED AND PLAIN LAPIN ORIGINALLY $49.50 Fun? Jacketts FORMER VALUES TO $49.50 ONLY 12 LEFT BETTER HURRY NOW Ftmn Capes HERE'S REAL VALUE SHOP EARLY .FOR THESE JUST SIX OF THEM TO CHOOSE FROM NO J''rlM MX i;jj i -r TI 1 i '5 ' ling and consolation to Mrs. Fred Grant. Those present were Mrs. Dickers, Mrs. McClusky, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Gossett, Mrs. Knauss, Mrs. McFarling, Mrs. Hetbering ton, Mrs. Keboe, Mrs. Harder and the hostess, Mrs. Helm. Mr. and Mrs. Langley and daughter have returned from a trip over to Central Point, where they visited with Mrs. Langley's parents. England contains head of cattle. 6.659,000 L 32 Lapc "Where Style and Quality Reign Supreme" EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ON SALE MERCHANDISE STATE PLANS SILL 110 SET-UP HERE SALEM, Ore., Dec. 26, (U.R) A network of slate-owned radio sta tions and telephone systems, au thorized by the special session nf the legislature, may be built Boon. Four 1000-wnlt sending and re ceiving radio nations would be constructed In Salem, Klamath Falls, La Grande and Bend. Locations of five secondary 100-watt . stations have not yet been decided upon by engineers. All state police cars and many highway department cars would be equipped with radio receiving sots under the modernized com munications system. He-broadcasts would reach every state trooper on duty anywhere In the state. Central telephone exchanges would be located In Salem, Port land, Eugene nnd Corvallis. The state would build Its own long distance lines and save tremend ously in tolls, engineers say. Ev ery state office and Institution In the four cities would be connect ed. The frequent calls between Salem and Portland offices would no longer cause big telephone bills. Estimated cost of the radio and telephone system Is 1315,000, with PWA supplying $144,673. The plans will "provide a more facile and Immediate mesne ot communication at a tremendous saving In expense as well as an In creased efficiency In state admin istration," according to an en gineer report. A proposed central heating and awoirues Fur Trimmed COATS ALL FALL AND WINTER STOCK ROTHMOORS INCLUDED ALL AT M EVERY FALL DRESS IN STOCK INCLUDED IN THIS CLEARANCE Street, Afternoon, Formal AT EXACTLY ! the n Original & Price EOEES SLIGHTLY SOILED THROUGH HANDLING SILKS VELVETS AND FLANNELS fitdsu biate' lighting plant to serve eight Bint buildings In Salem Is also under consideration. The plant would be located at or near the penitentiary, wllh pipe lines carrying ateani to th Inie hospital, highway shops, capltol buildings and blind school. The steum 'would also ba put through turbines for the genera tion of electric power and light In tho buildings. With tho plant est'mated to oost $400,000, PWA haa granted $206,292. Heparnto heating plants which cost $69,400 annually would he replaced by the central system, i You have to hand It to Franc and Rrltnln they're determined to have peaco If It takea every aero of land Ethiopia has. ; Vfuu pint V JKi I V Cod. No. J Vk JPMsfil Costs Little TasteslikeaMilliorit The American Distilling Co. MMIN, ILLINOIS the Original Price OS! a