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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1935)
Docomber 24, 1935 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINE Want-Ads Bring Results Phone Yours to 1900 Kate 3 per word per day's C lincrtlon. f Dor cont discount on IV "I running on week. rf per cent discount on d running oof uionlh. All classified ads urn Insert ed In lioih The Klamath News and Evonlttir Herald at the r.lior ram appearing In The Now first. Tims limit for classification In th following ilny' Paperi Ii 6:00 I'. M. Ada doslred In aarled on the sain day sub nilltod will have lo run ,-Too l.o I to Classify." Too Lat (o Classify ads ar put In one papor only at tin samo rate II ni quoted above and olasslfloa tor succeeding Insertions. 2 Lost and Found LOST Ilrown ilpper purse. Small wlillo coin purss Inside. Keep sllror, return pume. 301 W. Main. 2188 LOST Ilrown leather geyfoldor, prohably on East Main. Re turn to telephone office. 2080 3 General Notices MOVINO? Call 7. local, long dlntnnce. I mured carrier; ex perienced men. Peoples Ware house. 4 08 4 Personal AN YON IS knowing whereabouts of Mrs. Wm. Ilaker (or Heniol wright) or daughter Albertn, plessu silvlse box 2324. this paper. 2324 Transportation SAVE! Go by Bus Vis Bond and Mt. Hood Shorloit Route, Lowest Faroi to Northwetl Poind One Hound Way Trip Portland $5.90 $10.65 Seattle $8.40 $14.65 Spokane $12.30 $20.05 Busses Leave 12:45 Noon From The Greyhound Depot Tor Information Phone COS DRIVING In Portland, room for two, Thursday, St. Frnnrls Apt. 4. 2185 r - 7 Help Wanted. Female ruvvr-u-v'lrirsr'ri" .,...! WANTKD Beauty oporalor. 1837 Oregon. 2177 WANTED Homo enro for scml Invnllil. References exchanged. Nows-llnrnld. Ilox 2178. 2178 W A NTE D Nows cor rospond en t for Hprnguo nivor. Inquire Nows-IIornld office, ivit Klamath Tho firms nnd individuals represent ed in this Alphabetical Directory of Specialized Business and Profession al Sorvico aro known as Klamath Falls' most rolinblo business men and Baths Music .1.' Oablnot steam hatha and massage. L, Stone Lady Assistant. 127 South 7th, Phone 1640 Klamath Institute of Music. I. O, TT"r : O. F. Illdg. Piano, violin, cello, Beauty School guitar. Instruments free with course. High school credits. MEDFORD school benuty culture announces now clnss to start . Jan. 1, 1930. Time payment!, only $5 to enroll now. Phono Palmer Chiropractor 84, 419 V4 Mn,l"i Modford. Chiropodist DR. OLEN MOOR! Dr F. A. Stockwoll, Ph. 694-W-3. Nourocalouioter Analysis ' Hon bo calls only. la'M 826 Mnln Opp. Court House Commercial Printing Printing of nil kinds. SHOP- PumP PlNfJ OUIDB, Pslicsn Thestrs . ; Bldg Byron Jaokson Pomps , snd Service Floor Sanding J, M. Wauchope, 116 So 11th St. Phono 180S-J . FLOOR SANDING AND REFIN- , ; I8H1NQ. Phone 86W4. Hemstitching Renl E"t6 Hemstitching, specializing Tn If you want to buy rim 1 suits and coats, woolen samples, lot. or acreage, from one to to dressmaking. Mrs. ii. M. Allen- acres, see H. B. Hanger. 1330 der, 614 Walnut. '" BU Classified Index; All classifications aro limn tinruil and upinuir In numurlcul nrilor, Following Is an alpha betical nferonco list of the moro I in i"rtu ii I clnssirkatloiis: Automotive 10 I lit I If 1 1 n( Mnlurlnls .. 10s luminous Opporliiullli'S .... 24 (,'oiitruct Work Wantod.... 10 Kililculloiiiil I Furiu Implement IDs Piiriiliihcd Apts. to Lot.... 12 Furnished House to Lot 14 Furnished ltootus to Lot.. 11 Flnnncliil 2:i (luiiiiriil Notices S Ifolp Wanted, M11I0 6 Help Wantml, Fnliiiilo .. 7 Livestock and Feud 22 Lost nnd Found 2 Miscellaneous fur Halo.... 20 personals - 4 Poultry for Halo 22s Ileal Kstnln for 811I0 17 Ituul Kaluto for l,eusa .. 18 Itenl Kstutii Wanted ...... 17s Hnom snd Board ............ 13 Hltuntloni wanted ....... I Swaps .. 0s Trausportsllon a IJnfurn. Houses to Lot IS Wautod Miscellaneous .... 21 Wanted to Kent It 9 Situations Wanted WANTKIl Housework, by dsy nrhour, 234 Martin. 2172 11 Furnished Rooms TUB CLAIIRMONT, 22S N. 4th, all modern outsiae rooms, f ree parking lot. 4408 12 Room and Hoard IlOAltD AND nOOM-1008 High. 2166 HOARD AND nOOM $8. New management, plonty of heat, 1404 Klamath Are. 1993 13 rurniahed Apartments THREE-ROOM opartment In du plex. Couple only. 1122 Ala meda, near high school. 2187 ESPLANADE COURTS Also Simons upartmants, 32 Com mercial. Phone 1114J. 2288 VACANCY Arcade apartments. 14 Furnished Houses THKEK-KOOM duplex, radio, water, wood and use of wash ing machine. Firs blocks from Mnln. Inquire 720 N. 9th. . 3179 19 Automotive lyyyyVaVsVsVifVi'r'Or f iaai USED CARS 1931 Cadillac 6-Pasa. Sedan, ( wlrs wheels, now tires, excep tional condition. 1935 Ford DcLuxo Sodan, per fect condition throughout, 1929 Packard. Small I Sedan. IMPERIAL MOTORS, Inc. Cadlllno and LaSallo 3rd and Mnln FOK SALE 1030 modol A Ford Irnck, good condition, dunln and tandem; reasonable. 403 Michigan. 214 20 Miscellaneous For Sale NEW RADIOS with motnl tubes. Plorco Electric. 122 S. 6th. FOR SALE Xmns trees, 26o up. .Morrison's Servlco Station, Oth and Kliininth. 2124 DRY SLABS Double loads, 85. Ilelllironnor & : Res. Phone 239W. 2239 PINK AND FIR wood. Phono 1391R. 2140 EXCELLENT repair oorvlco, ra dios, appliances. Plorco Elec tric. 122 So. 6th. 1802 TURKEYS for Bnlo. Priced to move. Louis Pnrins. Phono 070 J. 2329 Business Directory women. You will find them ready to serve you promptly, economically and efficiently. For your own satis faction use this handy guide to the services they offer. 20 Miscellaneous For Sale A-NO. 1 grain-fed turkeys, nllvo or dressed. Ho. 01 h St. road across A I t a m 0 u t Ciuiip tlroiinds. Phoiin bU4.ll. 21B2 6 CALVES, Jersey und (iiiorn sey. 3D It. I. hens, crenm sep arator, mohiilr oversluffed luhle, six new chairs. 1(1. 1, Ilox 20li, city. 2183 21 Wanted Miscellaneous RAW FURS Wo pay eastern prices. Pnrks Oratory, 2222 So. 0th. 1820 22 Livestock and Feed jXAJWWVwVVVVVVririiTAi FOR SALE Heavy well broken horso. 108 Audlvy Apt. 2107 FOR SALE Yearling registered Uuernany bull calves. A. V. Logsdop, 1 mile west of Mull 11 on Statu Lino road. .2181 STOCKMEN! FOR SALE About 75 tons rye hny, 60 tons alfal fa, 200 tons wheut and oat straw, cut groen, 200 seres wheut stiibblo and alfalfa pas ture K. N. Eagle. Phouo 2513, Merrill. 2331 22a Poultry Co. Sale SUPER QUALITY CHICKS Whits Leghorns, R. 1. Reds, Ilarrsd Plymouth Rocks, 111, 100, prepaid. Magulrs Electric Hatchery. 1416 N. K. Oregon street, Portland, Ore. 1434 24 Business Opportunities FOR RENT Good location tor small bualnosg on Main atroet. Phone 109. 2139 25 Money to Loan LOWEST RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe, No co-signers No Red Tsps NO HIDDEN CHAROES Let us finance your new or used car purchase Motor Investment Co. 114 No. 7th Pb. 883 License 61104 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, Dec. 24. (P) U. S. Dept. Agr.) Hogs, 14.000; sup ply light weights below trade re quirements: under 250 lbs., 25-40 higher; top 10.15; highest since October 23; desirable 170-250 lbs., 9.85-10.10; 260-300 lbs., 9.60-10.00; H 0-1 CO lbs., 9.75 10.00; sows, 8.50-75. Cattle, 6.000; strictly good snd choice fed steers and yearlings steady on shlppor account; com mon and medium Blow, Btciuly ; top 14.00; for medium weights; best yearlings 13.50; salable sup ply 11.00-12.50; Blocker, and feeders steady, scarce; Colorado hrcd yearlings up to 7.50; all other classes firm to shade high er; both cows and heifers ruling 25 higher, for week to date; heifers 7.50-9.00; outside, on weighty sausage bulls 6.00; veal ers 11.00; mostly 10.50 down. Sheep, - 12,000; nctlve, mostly steady; good to choice uatlvo and ted western lnmbs 11.60-90; bulk 11.76 upward; common to medium light weight native throwouls 9.00-75; wooled year lings 10.00; good shorn year lings unsold; Blnughtor owes 4.50-5.25. India contains 77.000.000 Mos lems, 12.78G.806 Buddhists, 8. 280.347 Anlmlfts, 6,296,763 Christians, 4.335,771 Sikhs, 1, 252,106 Jalna, 109.953 Pnrsoos, and 240,000,000 Hindus. Raw Fur Raw furs wanted. Highest price paid. Try us before you soli. O. L. Hombree, 820 Klamath. Roofing EXPERT repairing snd recover ing composition shingles. Terms. Atlas Root Co. Phone 1612.. 2400 So. 6th. 42 Radio Repairing 90-day guarantee on all repair work. Phone 1790. ANDKRSON-MOOItH 125 South Eighth Street 1867 Upstairs Dress Shoppe TOQLER'S for SMART TOQS. Stewnrt-Urew Bldg., 731 Main. Wood FOR SALE Pine, tlr body and limb wood. Phons 75W3. 896 Portland Produce PORTLAND, Dec. 24. MV Mutter Print A grade, 86 He lb. In purrhmenl wrapper, 37Vo lb. In iiirlon; H grade, parchment wrapped, aSViiC lb.; carton, 38 Vic lb. Ilullerfat Portland dollvery: A grade, deliveries at least twice weekly, 37-38c lb.; country routes, 35-:i6c lb.; 11 grade, de liveries less tliuri twice weekly, 35-37c lh.; C grade at market. 11 Orude Creum for Bottling Buying price, butterfat basis, 66c lb. Eggs Iluylng price of whole salers: Fresh specials, 21c; ex Iras, 21c; standards, 19c; extra medium, 17c; do medium firsts, 15c; undergrade, 14c; pullets 14c dozen. Cheese Oregon triplets, 18c;! Oregon lour, 19c. Ilrokers will pay He below quotations. Milk A grade, Portland do llvery, 62 He lb.; butterfat basis for 4 pur cont. Country Meats Selling price to retailors: Country killed hogs, beat butchers, under 160 lbs., 15-16C lb.; vualers No. 1, 131c lb.; light and thin, 8-1 2c lb.; heavy, 8-1 0c lb.; cutter cows, (-8c Hi : canners, 41c-5c lb.; bulls, 7-7 K c lb.; Iambs, 17c lb.; medium, 12-13c lb.; ewes, 6-1 Cic per lb. Llvo Poultry Portland deliv ery, buying price: Colored hens, over 6H lbs., 17-1 8c lb.; under 5H lbs., 17-1 8c lb.; Leghorn hens, over 3 V4 lbs., 15-1 6c lb.; under 3H lbs., 13-14C lb.; Leg horn broilers, 2 lbs. snd up, 18 19c lb.; under 2 lbs., 18-19c lb.; colored spring, 3 to 34 lbs., 16 17c lb.; roosters, 8-9c lb.; Pekln ducks, young, 14-17c lb.; geese, ll-12c per lb. Onions Oregon, $2 per 100 lbs. Potatoes Local, $1.75 cental; Klamath, 81.85-1.90 cental; De schutes Gems, (1.80-1.90 cental; Scappooso Netted Gems, $1.65 1.75 cental; local Burbank, $1.60 1.60 cental. Wool 1935 clip-, nominal; Willamette valley medium, 25c lb.; coarso and braid, 23c lb.; eastern Oregon, 16-2 2c lb. Hay Iluylng price from pro ducer: Alfalfa. No. 1, $15-16; eastern Oregon timothy, $17.50 IS. 00; Willamette valley timo thy, $16-16-; oats and vetch, $12.60-13.00; clover, $11-12 ton. Portland. South S. F. Livestock SO. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 24. (UP) Hogs: 850, direct 750. Early clearance, mostly 6c high er; short load 180-230 lb. Cali fornia and Orcgons $10.30, top; package 150 lb. Oregons $10.05, odd lots 260 lb. butchers $9.80; packing sows absent, quoted $7.75 down. Cattle: 1050, direct 200. All classes active, fully steady; load good 8G0 lb. California ted steers $8; two loads 910-950 lb. Cali fomlas nnd 2 loads 960-990 lb. Utnhs $7.75; three loads 925 98S Callfornias $7-$7.25; pack age 1265 lb. rough Mexicans $5.60; car 395 lb. mixed Utah range cows and hcifors $6; load good 1050 lb. Utah cows $5.50; few sales around 1100 lb. dairy cows $4-$4.50; around 450 head campaign cows mostly $3-$4; bulls eligible around $4.50-$5.25. Calves: 25. steady, odd head medium slaughter calves $6; choice Tenters quoted up to $9.50. Sheep; 2425, direct 835. Fat lambs nctlvo, mostly 25c higher, four docks choice 81-S4 lb. fed wooled Oregon lambs $10.25; two docks 82-83 lb. shorn Cali fornins $9.50; packago 96 lb. shorn lnmbs $9.26; ewes quoted $4,76 down, ' WOOL BULLETIN BOSTON, Dec. 24. (P) (U. S. Dopt. Agr.) Prices tended stronger on an unexpected in crease In tho turnover of wool. Most ot tho demand ni on 64s nnd tlner territory wools. Large quantities of average to short French combing 64s and finer territory wools moved at 77-S0 cents scoured basis in original bags. Good French combing sta ple of similar grade was sold In original bags at 82-S3 cents scoured basis, OREGON CITY. Ore., Dec. 24. n People's utility districts would drive the Portland Genernl Electric company out of counties In which such districts are placed In operation, R. Morris Holman, president ot the Oregon City chamber' ot commerce, said he had been Informed. Holman said B. T. McBnln of the T. O. E. wroto that Clacka mas county would suffer a con siderable tax loss It utility dis tricts are set up, aB tho lntter are not taxed, McBaln snid his firm paid, tax bills In Clackamas coun ty totaling $367,190 this year. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 24. (P) Multnomah county1 will not li cense dart games, the board ot commissioners decided. An ap plication tor a permit was refus ed. On this side, ot the Atlantic oconn, England owns the main land colonies of British Hon duras, In Contra! America, and British Guiana In South America, as well as Bevoral Islands. These poaBesBtoiis cover 110,000 square miles. National and UP AT PORTUMD PORTLAND, Dec. 24. iJn There were no changes In butter, butterfat or egg quotation!. There was a weak tone for eggs despite the late strength suggest ed by a sharp Ixis Angeles ad vance overnight. Advances of lc were generally being quoted for chickens by both buyers and sellers as a result of the demand for mall (owls by the average consumer. Ducks and g'eso were scarce and firmly priced. Higher price tor country killed calves was reported with sales up to l.'llc lb. Hogs wore about holding their own while lambs were firm. All through the mareet for country killed beet a stronger tone was showing with bulls es pecially sought and the price ad vanced on the better cla? to 8c lb. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Dec. s4. UP) Yuletlde apathy ruled today's stock market session, but selec tive buying lifted a number of is sue to new 5-year peaks. Motors, steels and specialties were In principal demand. Scat tered profit taking, on the whole, did little damage. The close was firm. Transfers -approximated 1,600,000 shares. Another decline In world silver prices did not help the mines, especially, although few of these displayed any pronounced weak ness. Steels exhibited strength in tho final hour. Today's closing prices: Air Reduction 166 Alanka Jun 141 Allied Chemical & Dye 152 American Can j.. 136i American Coin'l Alco. 281 American ft For. Power 61 American Power & Light . 81 American Smelt & Refln. .... 58 A. T. ft T 162J American Tob. B 971 Anaconda Copper 291 Atchison T. & S. F. i... 561 Atlantic Refining 261 Baltimore ft Ohio 161 Hendlx Aviation 221 Hoosac Receivers These are the men who started the famous Hoosac Mills case that at tacks the validity ot Agricultural Adjustment Administration legisla tion. They are James A. McDonough (left) and William M. Butler, former Republican Ssnator from Massachusetts, pictured at the Su preme Court hearing in Washington, D. C. As receivers for the hoosac Mills Corporation ot Boston, they refused to pay $81,000 ir floor and processing levies. This Curious World Fergust MOST SNAKES SHED THEIR SKINS THOSE TAMES A YEAR WEN THE SKIN ON IMSBYNfA STOCK AVERAGES Compllsd by tbs Associated Press Tuesday Previous Day , Month Ago Year Ago .. 1935 High 1936 Low 1934 High 1934 Low BOND AVERAGES CompUsd by the Asioclsted Press Tuesday Previous Dsy , Month Ago . Year Ago 1935 High 1936 Low , 1934 High 1934 Low , Bethlehem Steel Boeing Air . - Borden .......... Burr. Add. Machine .. California Pack . Case (J. I.) Caterpillar Tractor Chrysler Motor Col. Gas ft Electric Commercial Solvent Continental Can ............ Corn Products .... Curtlss Wright Dupont ft De N. Eastman Kodak ...j. .. Electric Auto Light General Electric ..... General Foods General .Motors .............. Gillette Raior Gold Dust ...j. Gr. No. Pf International Harvester .. International Nickel I. T. ft T Johns Manvllle Kennecott Con. Copper Llb-O-Ford Liggett ft Myers B Liquid Carbide Lorillard Monty Ward .... Nash Motor National Biscuit National Dairy Products National Distillers N. Y. Central North America . Pac. Gas ft Electric Pacific Lighting Packard Motor ........ Park Utah 501 161 261 24) 35 98 661 931 131 201 821 69 31 1371 1541 371 361 331 661 17 191 341 601 441 13 93 281 441 1081 35 231 381 171 32! 201 801 271 251 301 61 61 41 at AAA Hearing r, am Ferguson THESE SKIN "bandoliers WORN BV AFRICAN NATIVES, LED TO THE DISCOVERY OF THE ANIMAL. KNOWN AS THE GKAP FOR A LONG TIME, THEY WERE THE ONLY BITS OF EVIDENCE POINTING TO THE EXISTENCE OF SUCH AN ANIMAL.. THE EYES IS MOLTED BIRVICI. INC Local Markets U II II II lads's Ralls Utll's Stks. 72.6 29.0 43.1 64.3 72.0 28.9 43.1 64.0 73.0 28.5 43.4 54.6 63.3 25.7 26.0 39.3 76.3 31.2 44.6 66.1 49.5 18.6 21.6 34.8 61.4 43.0 40.6 61.4 45.8 22.8 24.2 34.9 l II II II Kails Isds's Utll's For. 85.6 101.7 99.4 69.5 85.6 101.6 99.5 69.6 83.2 101.2 99.7 69.4 85.1 92.g 84.0 69.5 87.8 101.9 99.8 70.4 76.4 92.2 84.6 65.6 89.4 92.9 88.9 70.0 74.6 73.7 68.2 10.2 Penney (J. C.) 77 291 38 421 371 121 201 66 65 151 231 151 371 481 171 9i 291 121 71 1041 121 271 61 17 421 151 461 41 621 Penn. R. R. i. Phillips Pet. Pub. Ser. N. J. Pullman ........... Radio . . ......... Rem. Rand. . Mm. Reynolds Tob. B ....... Sears Roebuck Shell Union , Southern Psctflo Standard Brands Standard Oil California Standard Oil N". J. . Stewart-Warner .. Studebaker Motor Texas Corporation . Trans-America Union Carbide . ..... Union Pacific .. ...... United Air Lines United Aircraft United Corporation United Gas Imp .. V. S. Indus. Alcohol . U. S. Rubber .. U. S. Steel Western Electric Woolworth - Closing: enrb quotations: Cities Service .. Electric Bond ft Share .. I 161 Where Kidnapers Left Milne ff ljfl5ig8Ji A motorist driving near Lahaska, Penn., saw a bundle that looked like a man' outlined in his headlight's glare at the side of the road. Inves tigating, he discovered Caleb Jones Milne, 4th, New York actor, kid naped five days before, lying bound and gagged where his abductors bad thrown him from their anto. Officers are shown Inspecting til spot where Milne was found. ,A Lady Doctor 1 i HORIZONTAL 1 Eminent physician. 12 state. 13 External. 14 Niggard. 16 Sea eagle. 17 Winged insects. 19 Haw. 20 24 hours. 21 MolluBks. 23 Being. 21 Structural unit. Answer to 25 Cavity. 41 Senior. 26 Shower. 43 Born. ' 28 Compass point 44 Exclamation. 29 Cloak. 45 Court 31 To. support 47 Antagonist 32 Angry. 49 To scare away. 49 iype ot lettuce Di visiu 36 Measure of 62 Deity. 54 Micro- organisms, 66 She specialized In 60 She was a university area. -37 Back ot neck. 88 Portion. 39 North Carolina. 40 Half an em. IHIAINI5I HCLJBJEIM (See a HANS oPbor Ngl 1H J-s t HOLBEIN toHs atH .-SIP E RRHSE m VJL L A i DDR R QBEaSTtHsB u oh a at sin i TtsnOi fjai q n nc N E R EiJP OlR E Sltfs A 30 SoaDlElfioll atJeIsEdr E y I. aSEBI IISMDE E D fi Q y. MBnjD o L S l e adljIIn Bono A T IpIoIrItIrIaIi ItC IgieirIrtaInI 134 567 99 T7 ll r iT--TOas'- "SS"- -5rsr- """'i S3- 151 JalLil llJJLLi HIT SEASON PEAK CHICAGO, Deo. 24. (AP) Indications ot something akin to a anucone in Chicago wheat con tracts beenme evident into . to day, and December quotations rose to s now season punk prem ium. Offerings ot wheat here avail able for delivery on December contracts wero so limited today that some observers expresBSd belief a virtual market "cor ner' 'existed. Dollverics ot whest later than December, however, were seemingly unaffected. Wheat closed unsettled, 8-4o off to 1 1-8 advanced compared with yesterday's finish. May 99 1-8 1-4, corn 1-8 1-2 down, May 69 3-8 1-2, oats unchanged to 3-8 lowor, and provisions at 10 cents gain. OREOON CITY, Ore., Deo. 24. (IP) Publication of stories con cerning M, R. Spencor's asserted knowledge of the Mooney Pre paredness Day bombing case re sulted In his seeing a sister-in-law he bad not met In 61 years. The sister-in-law, Mrs. Addle B. Spencer, read In a San Fran cisco paper Spencer's contention that he was with Tom Mooney st the time of the tragedy and thst, therefore, the man could not be guilty. Spencer went south to see his sister-in-law af ter the Identification was estab lished by correspondence. McMINNVILLE, Ore., Dec. 24. (P) The McMinnville chamber of commerce authorized Its high way committee to appear before the state highway commission with an offer ot co-operation lnl preparing two city streets for the proposed re-routing of a state highway through McMinnville. The move followed reports that the highway might be routed a considerable distance from this city. The dlscswer.y of the germ cause ot tuberculosis, the tuber cle bacillus, was announced by Dr. Robert Koch ot Berlin on March 24, 1882. t . i 1 Previous Puzzle 10 Island. 11 Gaseous elements. 12 Medicament 15 She now does work. 17 Hybrid animal 18 To strike. 21 To make dejected. 22 Courtesy title. 25 Detests. 27 Nay. 29 Beret 30 Northern. 33 Ranchman. 34 To solicit 35 Astral. 36 Garlands. 42 Railroad. 46 BulL 48 Frozen desserts. 49 To undermine. 60 Money. 53 Lixivium. 65 To exist 57 Preposition. 58 Toward. 69 Either. PI Wreath. 1 Electrical unit. J Like a line. STTnlt " , ,' Musical note. S Lasso knot 6 Slashes. 7 Anesthetic. 8 Form of "be.1 9 Twice , k A 9 1 V , ill