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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1935)
December 23, 1935 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON PAGE FIVE CITY BRIEFS Now Arrival In : Miilnulli Mr. nml Mm. 1). M. Huurt'ii or Am tnrlii, )iKll. urn imiw iutIvuIm who will in ii li o 1m. Ir h i In KIiiiiiiiIIi Kill In. I'l.iiirn Iiiih limn ricniitly Iriinafnrroil lo KIiiiiiiiIIi Kill In im ilKlrli'( liuuiiiKor of llm J'ariiiiira' AiiIoimoIiIIii I t nr-l iihii r mini Kx'Iiiiiikii. I'riimi iniiio. ni'iitnd Iho vxi'limiKo In Asliirln, Din., for mivnrnl yi'nra. 1 In linn onrniiil offlcoa nl aao Himlh Bi' von I li nirci'l. Vlnltor Hero .Mm. C. W, Took- r or HpriiKiin Hlmr ani'iit Krl liny In KIiiiiiiiIIi Palls. HIiii via llwl Willi Mm, Hlnlla HuKli'y on Mucin nun inn nti'nol mill nlmi in. t on it nil Mm Coiiki'iiUiiIIoiiiiI I'll I'ln. H lie rol II riicicl lioiun In llm nvn ii I ii K. ai'comiiiinliiil. Iiy liur tliuiKli- toi' IMilh, mill mm Wnynci, who will I'll Joy Ihulr vurutlon Willi their vnroitla. They uru liolh K. U, II. 8. nluili'iiln. To lOiiti'rliiln Yiiuiitf l'xiili Urn Hi'iilor ('lirUiliiii Knili uvor anrloly or llm Flint I'n-nliylni Inn diuruh. In lo Im i'iilirtnlni'il IIiIh evening ut 7:110 n . lin k Iiy llm Jd'V. Ilr. nml Mill, 'l'liuoilinu Hiiillh, ut lli'lr hoini'. 4 :i r. Noil h Hi'i'oml mri'i'l. "I'll l In. hid' nil Hi" young: ouoplu or IiIkIi m hiiol SKu. Planning Ilam-n I'lima are bo Iiik fnriiiiilatril by Ilia Klkn loclx" for Ilia Mini mil Ni'W Ycnr'a evu dnni'u, tu which iiii'IiiIhtm only lira lining liivltfil. An cliihoratu floor allow will hn i r. n l c.l nml exrullinl luunlc In promlavtl by tho roinliilttra In charg". No I. V. I'. I'IiiIph Morris l.ttiiKdrn of Wi'oil wna ur ri'Mtcd by Ori'Kuii atiitii pollrn for opi'intlng hi I link In thl aliiKi without Orrgun 1'. U. (J. liurnilt. J .u ti udcli flni'il $24 it, on I Ii i rlllimo by Jlla'.lrn of til" I'i'llri' V. II, Ilitriin. Ilnrnea ruinlttud 1 U.4 5 of III fine. Ylnltliitf III KIiiiiiiiIIi Mr, nml Mil. 11. I.. OrlKll of Corvnllln, Ore,, arrived In Kltiinnth KiiIIh Hnturtlny to apmiil Chrlitinnii with Ihi'lr von unci ilntiKhtir-lii-1iiw, Mr. unit Mr. Orvllle Ortell at (lis Court Vluw upartmnuia. r'roni HiMillloMm. II. A. Btun brhlito of Hnatll", Vh., nrrlvml her. wednemlay to spend tho holiday nt tho homo of Mr. mid Mra. J. D. llattluy at 82a Kuat Mnln atreul. Mrs. BlanurUIsii It Mra. Iltxloy'i motltnr. rarrnla WaiitwK-. tin mo ' In being aoughl for an Infuul boy of thli city. Any faintly which might bo Inturnntiiil In adopting tho llttl tot la aiiked to roin niiinlrutn with tho otXioa at -11 Wllllta' building. . , Minion I'm' Tllt'fl or hll 1U2H ('In vi'olot cou. h wna reported lo iiliiln pnlli'n by u. 1'. Akora. iiiiiln I. box Hti. Tim atoh'u vohlcln ciii'i'li'il tlii'Kon llconno IOV-OIjD mid wna In poor condition. l.i'iivi'K for I'm HiiiiiI Mm. Not llo J, ToiKlor or TiikIi'I'k I)i I'm 'Hliop, lri Monilny for 1'orlliiinl, whi'iii ahn pinna to apoiid Iho ('hilHtinna liollilnyM, O. IC, H. Meeting Itomiliir iiiimiIImk of A 1 1 1 u chapter, O. K. H,, will bu hold TiiiiHiliiy eve ii In K. All officers mid uioinbnra ii lo iii'Knil to ho pri'auiil. To AhIiIiiiiiI - A. M. Dyrud mid J. T. (iilni'Hoii lnft Hunilny for AhIiIiiiiiI to npind Chrlnliiina week with friend mid loin 1 1 vl:b. IIohm for llollilnyN fHimiillor Merry, Him of Mr. mid .Mn. H. It. Ili'iry of III! Itnilmiiiition nvo line, Iihh riiturniiil hoino lo api'iid llm liolliliiyH with hor pm-fiita, ( tin nil lir la n nl ml out ut tho U of (I. Alii In Mi'i'l 'I'll Molhodlnt I. inlli-' Aid will inciiit ut tho I'htir'h pmlora at 2:.'IU p. in. Thuiniliiy. Iniportuiil liuaimna will ho IraiiMiic ifd. To lliiilanil Dr. Snrnb Kthol Bnilth will li-ava Tuoaday for I'ortlund to Tint with rolntlvM and frloniU for about a wovk. Obituary J.Wlll ICUMICIt IKK'K Jacob Klmur Itock, a rvaldont of Tuloluka, California for thu pant 10 yoara. pnnnctl nwny In tlila city ou Monday ovoulna. l)o comhor 12. Ho vat. a natlro of Morcarabum, I'onn.. . and waa atti'd 2 yonra t months and 1 day when culled. Ha Uavi'n lo mourn hln paaaltiK. 2 dniiRhtera, Mrn. Mnritnrot Ulncu of Tuloluko and tindlo llrown of I'ortlund; 2 bnithora, Dnvo nml iSiiuiuel Hock, and ono alator, Mra. Uboiko Zi'Kur, all of Kiiiihik: 4 ItriTttdflllldron. Billy KnlKht mid Itox Olacn of Tulolnku, Iva Ji'iin KnlRht of Kaimaa, and I'hyllla llonly of jPortlmul. Tho roiimlna roat In thn Klamath Kunoral homo, .926 IllKll nlrocl. whoro frlonda limy cull. Tho fuiiornl Hurtle will bo hold fioni Iho rhnpi'l of tho Klmnnth Kuiicrnl lloum. on Tuoa day, DoconibiT 24 nt 2:00 p. m tho Iter. Arthur ('. Hilton of tho Flrat Chrlntlnn church officiat ing. CommltniiMit anrvlco and In tormont In tho family plo In Llukvllln comotcry. Krlonds nro renpoctfully Invited to intend. VIKt'KNT. ji;m.m:k Vlncnnt Jnllni'k, a rotlrod farm er, for 24 yoara a rosldont of Mn lilt, OroKou, pnanod awny nt hln homo thorn Monday mornliiK nt 8:30 o'clock, followltiK an lllnoaa of 2 months. Ho wna born In I.cnkovlco, Ha bey county. Crochoalovnkla. on Soptomlmr 16, lsoti ami was niton 70 yoara .1 niontlis and 8 duya at tlmo of death. IIo lsnvna n wlfn, Annn Jollnok, ono hrothor John Jcllnnk of Klnl to, rn 1 1 T. , 2 alJtora, Mary Pouchy or AhIiIuiicI, Ore, mid Annn Uni te k of Fnrwoll, Nobrnaka; 2 aons, lttidolph mid Vlurunt Jolln ok Jr., both of Malln, and 3 dniiRhtnrs, Anna Nolaton and Ilos ale Mnritmt of Klumiith Kiilla, ami Martha Uiothaiiok of Malln. Jolln ek wlis a niomhor of the Malln IoiIko C. Z. II. J.. Tho ronmlna rmt In tho gold room of tho Knrl Whltlock lrun ernl llotno, 1'lno nvonuo at Sixth, whoro frlomla mny cull. An nounconiont of funeral nrrmmo monta will bo miulo lnlor. mm m 1 tvs I Spirits wan a NEW Tanq Flavor OLD SPEAS tipple BRANDY SEIZED BY THIEF Ituth lliTKlund of 136 North PI ml itiri'Ht riiorti'i to pollen bu reau Kunilay llm theft or a nuv- Iiikh hunk from her room. The hunk conliilneil $74.00. I hn rohliery occurred between 3:30 anil 7:10 o'clock Hunilny uflernoon. Mlsa DorKluud'a inoih er atepped outnldo the houao for n while, uml heitrd thn dog bark ing fiercely, but puld Utile at tention lo II. It la bllovod Dint tho thief oiilerotl the hounu at that I lino. J. II. Hehnonborgor of Jtoute Ono hn reported to police bu reau thu theft of a atovo from a hoimo he owna nt 213 6 Illehn street. Tho theft occurred aomo lime during tho pant two wooka. Vital Statistics IIIItTIIM CltAnilOCK Horn lo Mr. and Mra. K. II. Cradduck of llorrla. Cullf., n dniightor, December 21, 1 S .1 .r. . at Hillside hospital. Weight 0 pounds, 14 ouncea. I IT LAWYERS I'OKTI.ANI), Ore., J)w. 2. KoImh'I K. MiiKiilru, pn'Hldoiit of tliu Oi'tKoti jffutu bur, (IlHchmud loilu tliut ftlnu luwyniH of 1'ort lunil mid MiiIIihmmhIi noiinly will ho trlntl Uy llnlr culloaKiio In tho 11 it r r 11 1 11 lu U-Uiriiiliio wlmthor lll'ty nliiill nmiuln In prurllro, Hn Kuanlcil tho imiitim of tho tuvUHi'i, pointing out thut Irre pnial)lu Injury to reputation would roHiilt uvon ihoiiKu 11 tlo-f-uilunl wit mi Id hn ucijuliicd, Tho mil urn of tint churftutf hIho wuh kojt courldunllul. 'J'lut Hliilo har'H hoard of Hov er Horn ordered Iho wuerct tilul frl IowIiik a lU-hoiir mmHlou hero yi Hierduy. l' M. Horcomho, locrntary, ro porfed d cuh!m wuro cotiHldvrnd. ChnrfK uK'tlnxt thnm wero ell m-mlMHt-d, on ii l'uho wan re-reforred for In vi'hMkuiIuii, und uctlon UKuliiHt thrifu held In uheyunntj. Im It iieceHHury thut your Hon ho hiitlMied Into pliyHleul uud itteitliil liiHijimililllty J nut 11 or dor thut noiiio collnKo inuy get thn pillilleity und I hit coiiBefjUent hi'livy rm elplii? I'rof. iivm ku (Jwen, Hr.f MuHNurliUHettN J tint 1 tutu of TochnoloKy. ,j,u-iuuu,usis,-.... ... ....... M - --"""""""""""""""''rrKKrp.ftfii.Mivwi "ColluctliiK (Hrt du tuple from S all ovor thu world Ih thu peculiar ! hohhy of 11 yeitr-old Mudltioii, J Win., KlrJ." It doin hocii pecul j W In i' - for a llttln k I rl. i X I.II K Ih full of plrANnnt Hurprinen Ac ildeiiti linppi'n when Irnt PtlrctiHl ulrkiioAH n lid dealli ntrlkn with out unriiliijc. Vou can't avolil (linn, but you can prcwir for nil th In rvltjilllltle of lira with rnrlfio Mutiml R'ay Pollry. Uiclflc Mutual Ufa laiuriinct Company R. D. ("Hod") Eller Harry Molatore Undorwood Building For the HOLIDAYS your old favorite-- I III vwtli coJiJmitir 111 I ( ''?UPEro"s,0N BY Hi I I cniUdlkaUUhA If '"III """"7 M"H I iiilllll IS k. PflOOF fULUCWART f I I CANADIAN WHISKEY BOTTLED IX BOND AGED III OAK UNITED DISTILLERS LIMITED Vancauvtr, Canada SALE OF GLASSWARE! Every piece of stemware In thre lot it high quality thin blown or pressed glassware that you will be proud to own I Delicate cut designs, plain crystal shapes, and a limited quantity of hollow stemmed champagne glasses that sell regularly for 85c each! Hurry for your share of this sensational bargain. Your choice of this assortment of fine glassware for Any Six Pieces . ... 89c Stocks Are Limited 1 Hurry I Hurry I Here's the Famous CAN OPENER rOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR mm Now tUXEX&cJtu Whistling Teakettle $1.00 Pyrex Gift Set Eight of the most popu lar piecesl A pie plate, a measure cup, and six custards, all packed in .gift box SIQ0 for only Majestic Waffle Iron Standard size guaran teed irons with heat in dicator. Yes, it's chrome plated and comes com plete with cord set and packed for mailing for only Thermax 'Coffee Makers 6-Cup Size Complete wrth electric 6 AP plat...... Dinnerware In the latest patterns and shapes. A great many patterns carried in open stock. 32-pc. sets of fine quality American Semi Porcelains are priced as low as $3,45 Xmas Tree Bulbs Two for 5c Engraved ; Pyrex Gift Set 10 selected pieces of handsomely e n g r . Ted Pyrex packed in . spec- " !ft $5.15 Box. Waffle Iron and Sandwick Grille Complete with two sets plates and high grade cord set Guaranteed? Certainly and the price is only......... $5,g5 Corn Popper Blued Steel SPARKLET SYrHON MAKES ITS OWN .UM WAT IK Handsome, economical and convenient, the new Model D Sparklet Syphon Is the perfect mixet for any drink, ti with ) Refill Bulbs. Extra Refill Bulbs, 10 for 75c, 3 for 40c. , " - ' "' Ill Griswold Chrome Dutch Oven The finest dutch oven we have ever seen and the special Xmas price is only $4.95 Bath Scales Easy to read and they .re reliable! Finished in . dainty shade of green. $3.7$ Kitchen Magic Griswold Chrome Plated No. 8 Skillet Regular priee i a $2.00, Special Xmas $J Buzz Barton Air RiSle 1000 shot and it has new type telescopic sights $1.95 Roller Skates! Genuine Union Hdw. Co. skates. Per Pair $1.69 California Pottery See It in our store! It is all open stork, buy Just - the pieces you need in any color. . Baby Plates Beautifully decor ated with nursery pictures and chrome plated metal A regular $1.23 value, priced for Xmas at $1.00 Lightning Ice Breaker The truly smart gift th . t only costs $1.00 Chroma Cocktail Shaker Full 2-qt size and best' of all, a chrome plated tray comes with it Both for- $3.95 Pyrex Casserole IVi-qt. Au Gratin style. Lid may be used for many purposes. Packed for mailing if you wish. $noo ab Notice! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN BOTH MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS Genuine Win. Rogers Silverware Packed in . new gift box of startling beauty. Your 1 choice of 2 patterns in . ; complete service for six. $19.50 Pyrex Pie Plates Standard size plate, guar anteed for two years. Packed for mailiag 45 CHECK THESE FEATURES! Full Chrome Plated Rims! Chrome Plated Mudguards! Double Trussed Construction! First Quality Balloon Tires! Famous "Blue Ribbon'' Brand! A Regular $32.00 Value! 4 Girls' or Boys' Style! ON SALE THIS WEEK-END FOR Terms $5.00 Down $5.00 per Month ' 412 Main St. Formerly Baldwin Hdw. rc"" MMWMMMMMMMMW3MMMMMWW