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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1935)
Pooember 23, 1035 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE F. R. DECREES: DEATH AT UST Id BLUE EAGLE (Cunlliiued From Paiio Ono) rrcrttdt'tit Itoomivelt suld a few (linn nun, however, (lull Id rry'it intlvlllen fit t In with III liluim fur wIiiiIIiik u i NltA'n affairs. Thn exnt'iil Ivu order terminal 1 11 K N It A i n il 1 1 ti 1 1 m r i -r i Inn Ha fuiirlloiiH In llin two iliiarlinriitN liiTiiiiii'ii effective Jim. 1, Pruitltlciii ItiKiHivnK wroln flnU to the HiiiTiiirihiip recovery nd inliilHiriiiliiii In 1.1 wen d. Tlmy wrre; "Tim n u 1 1 1 m I recovery ailniln iHlriillnti und lint office of udniln Inli'ullnii t h'rr ore hiTiliy tTm Iniilml." Tlii I'xnnillvo orilnr then pro ri'i'ilml to iihhIku tho vtiiloun ill vUliuiH In tli eiiiiiiiierro mill lahor ilniMtiltni'iiiii. Clipper Hops off From Wake Island WAKK ISLAND. D-' 24. (Tuesday) - -(Al' f Via I'll li AiiHTliaii Airways Kmllul Thn riil!lttliHi Clli'"r l'ft hero Imliiy for Midway Inland, l.l'Jl iiiUi'm dlMiuil, on Km return iilrtnall f 1 IK lit In AIiiiiiimIii, I'lillf. Tim IiIk iiIuiiii took off nt 6:20 Slow Rise in Mercury Due ' in This Area (Continued From I'iiks Out) swept Inlo thn nnrlliwiml and inn vciil cant ward loiluy Willi a IiioimIhii of torn cnlil and snow an a Imlliliiy Kirt for much o( tliu li ii I Ion. Advisory slorm wiirniiiKM wont nil mi liiliu Michigan, and miow wim forecast for Illinois, Indlunu, Ohio, Michigan u nil Wisconsin (or lonlnlit. Ily tomorrow tho northwest nml in III w CKt will lid In (lis K'lp or ii ii ii w mlil wurii Hint lilt tho lloiky tn cj ii ti I ii I ii region ami Dm (limit I'liilnn' Hlntua today, tho forecast mild. Grand Jury Hears Todd Death Story (f'onllniM'il Krom I'uko Ono) a nichi'l anil asked ma lo dial a number lor her." I'ci'hsiui mild hit could not ro iiiihiiImt t Ii n pri'tlx, hut Dial llin ii ii in Iiit wim "V771." Iln mild Him wan liutli'HH, woru u (ur roul, u lihii'-Hi'iinlni'd dlniior Kown, itnd high heel blue shoes. "I nolle i'il Unit llii wuro a Utile hit dlrly. "Mho took I ho phono whim tho littll runx und I paid no moro iitti'iiilini lo her. A inomi'iii later, it man mine In. Then, I iintli'i'd Hint ImiiI huiiK up III" phono. Hint said miini'thlnK In Ii mi, llii'ii asked inn If I would Kitt anoihor number (or her. "1 mild I would, but I wua a little iiiiilMii-riiHNod, becuiisn ahu dlilii'l k I mi mo uuoihor nickel, und I didn't Ilka In ask hiir (or It. 1 went to thn phono, hut alio didn't .wait. Tim? want out loKotliar." i'nrssnn aahl ha did not rno ounlro Ilia woman, at tha tlmn, ua Thnlma Todd, but told hi) family, Monduy night, whan ha auw tha pint urea In newspapers, Ihut aha wua the on who had noma In. Iln told nowapiipnrniun two of hla customers miw tha woman, that aamn mnrnliiK, and hko li 1 n i hi I r , wnro attracted by hur boauly. "Ono wua a follow named Howard. I don't know hla drat namn, hut ho comes In oftnn. if lor all I Ii la happonod, ha iruma In and told ma ho had anon that woman und thn man silting on tha atopa of u church a block (rom my store. "Ho mild ha wntuhnd them (or nulla a whllu, because hu aid llin woiiian seemed to ho drunk iniHti'iiily on hor fuel, anyway -whereas tho man win cold sober." Announcement The Waters Co. For All Plumbing and Heating Call 1448 Instead of 2115 Moved to 504 S. 6th St. E!SaZai -A CHRISTMAS DELICACIES Olympia Oyitort Freih Jumbo Crab Freih Shrimp Meatt Froth Crab Monti J Stuffod Groon Olivoi Anchoviot In Oil Imported Caviar Genuine Eattorn Oyttort Imported Swim Choeie Importod Roquefort Cheeia Imporlod Anchovy Pafo Importod Pate de Fola Grat Quality Delicatessen 8 Fish Market Phone 2168 III N. 7th Thn "Toyluiid Itnvui'" present od at Iho I'lllran Ihi'iitro hint woi'k-i'iiil by loi-iil aliidfiiiH of tho Thiaiierl diiniluK achool, won in licit atti'iillon. A Hl of those titkliiK pari In tho vurloua feat ures fellows: "Mia. Hunta'a Doll Shop" Mra. I.ui'lllo l.ongslet (.Mrs. Bunla); I'hyllls Cold li OIhoii, Louise Tudrlik, Mary laiiK"ll. MUM" Joan Jiirkaon. Murmirel Man (lul mon, llnviitly Youiik. Vitiioii H ii n l T, Italph Ktourna, Annuhol Hhnfor, (Iwyno l.oo Youiik, Allco Moado, Oola Mao I'oiind. Juno llnrrlaon, Ann ollloftwutora. "Tho World 0ii Mo a liiK" Tommy Coull, Don Ooorifo. Ill "Wlnlor Wondorland" Donna l.ou Smith, He Ho Gnorita. Donna llurko, Dotty l.ue Hood, June Cook. I.oralue Kluth, llotty Uoo Martin, llarbora WIIHoma. Kllnor Mao Kundra, MarKarol Flock, Mary lytti Fowlnr, Donna Joan Hmlth, Mary Lou Husco, Lola Mario Hmlth, Churlollo Carter, Hetty Jo Handull, Lola Wllaon. Homlca Nehlkor, Joy Anne Hla-telKi-n. "Kanta Claua la Comlnit to Town" Lllllum Hadorok, Patric ia Olllor, Jonlce lluhb. Marvla TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TIIUKK-KOOM DUPLEX Radio, water, wood and uaa of wah Inn machine; 6 block from .Main. Inquire 720 N. 9th. 2179 LOST HIIKold containing S. P. pane number A-18S10 and driv er's license. Return 60 (Jran llo at root, Ashland, Oregon. O. HuKhea. A. No. 1 GRAIN VKD TURKEYS, allvo or dressed. So. 6th St. roud across Altamnnt Cump Grounds. Phono 694 J 1. 2182 DHIVINO to Portland, room (or two. Thursday. St. Krancls. Apt. 4. 2185 TURKEY8 FOR SALE Priced to move. Lewla Karma. Phone 670J. 2329 WANTED Ueauty operator. 1937 OroRon. 2177 KOUND Hrown coin NowB-llorald o((lro. purse. 2328 Murphy, Hotly Loa Morrill, Patty O'Doiinnll. "1 Don't Want to Play In Your yard" -lllllla Jean Juokion, Alice Moada. "Acrobatic Tableau" Down Evorlt, Darbura De Htuol, June llandfred, Jane Durbln, Ilarbara Wllllamii, Joyco Horgorson, Lola Mario Hmlth, June Conk, Donna Joan Hmlth, Donna. Lou Smith, Churlotto Carter, Olnnda Col polta, Hevorly youiiK, Patty O'Donnnll, Roae Mury Zupun, Mary Alice Horruyi, Darlono Wil cox, CnloBla ItlKnra, Mary Lou Powlnr, Ho llo Uoorxn, Holly Lou Hood, Lola Wilson, llornlce Nob Ikor, Elinor Mini Kandra. "Toy Mokiir's Dream" Robert .annulet, Robert Mnud, Arnold Miilnlilil. "I've (Jot A Feeling You Are Foolln' " Margarnt Morton, Mil lard I'ellKO. "Ilythin la Our Duslnosa" Faith llunnlker. Jane Durbln, Roso Mury 'ivnn, Mary Alice Hurruya, Uurbara Do Btael, Dar lono Wllcoi, Juno Hundlred, Joyce HorgnrBon, Celestn Rigors. "Love Makoa the World Go Round" Phyllla Llndatrom, Mr garel llorlon, Don Everlt, Mil lurd Pellgo, Dawn Evorlt. "Fiiaclnullon Tango" Fern Hhorl, George C heller. "I'm Rltlln' On A HIM Top" llonnlu Daruchu. "Ilosnry Hullel" Ann Glllen walors. Lola Murln Hmlth, Olon da Colpettfl, Joy Anne Rlstelgon. Juno Durbln, Lillian Hadorek. C losle Rlgers, Beverly Young. He He George, Mary Lou Rusco. Mury Allco Herruya, Patricia Glieller, Dawn Evorlt. Business Zooms at Liquor Store (Continued From Pago One) sla cornea the famous vodka; Scotch whiskies, Irish whiskies, Swedish punches and aquavit, llolluud gin, Fronch and Italian cognacs and vermouths; rums from the West Indies, Cuba and South America, Canadian whis kies, dc. Man? are In attractive and quolnt containers, with several bottles designed after tho prow of a ship, one patterned after the old Hoslon town hall, and others fashioned In equally Interesting design. Stock at the local Btore In cludes sevoral hundred branda of liquor, more. In fact, than In pre-prohibitlon days. Clerks In stato liquor stores are forbidden to recommend any brand of liquor, so It la up to distilling companies to advertise their producte and put them bo lore the public. If a certain brand Is not advertlBOd and Is not In demand, It la quickly removed (mm stock. . Tho local store, which was re cently re-modeled, la convenient and enables the staff to give bet ter service to patrona. wannamr Tnm Ingram announc- ed Monday that new permits are now on aale at tne store, ana that nntrons are urged to nu .h... thnm mt nnrA In order I avoid the New Year a rush. The extra man now on duty selling urn.Hi wilt hn thorn nnlv a ltm Ited time and purchasers may be forced to wait in line In order to socure permits at a later date. LOHKM THUMB DENVER. Colo., Dec. 23. LP) Richard McClellan brought down the axe. the turkey Jerked, and V'cCloIInn chopped off his thumb. The turkey strutted but not for long. Cleaning of the Interior of St Paul's cathedrnl. London, has oc cupied eight men 2M years. SiBL $ ft Kidnap Threats Believed Reason for Home Change (Continued From Page One) explained, tho three year old Jon Lindbergh will huve a chance for a normul youth, without the con Hlunt menuce of another such trugedy as robbed tha Lind berghs of tho curly-huired CharlOB A. Lindbergh, Jr., for whose death In 1932 lluiiptmanu lias been sentenced to death. Thny will retain American citizenship but plun to live In England an Indefinite time, per haps permanently. They loft Bui unlay midnight from New York on the i.leamsliip Amorlcun Importer, a fruigliter of 7.6M0 tons with few facilities for puHKengers. Colonel Lindbergh's work as technical advisor to Pun-American Airwuys, officials aald today, will lie continued, despite his residence abroad. Lindbergh sul In the Fleming ton courtroom at every session o tho sensational jluuptrnunn trlul, und was a star witness against Huuptmunn. One phase o( the appeal (rom iiuuptmunn's conviction wus bused on this (act, Iiuuptmunn's counsel contending the presence In court o( the New York-to-I'urls flier was prejudicial to lluuplinuiiii's In terests. Ikiy L'liifter Guard During ull the recent develop ments In Iluuptinann's case. In cluding the visit to the death cell by the New Jersey governor. Lindbergh had persistently de clined to comment, ills testi mony at Flemitigton, delivered calmly in a tense courtroom, was that the voice o( the extortionist to whom 50,000 runsom money wus puld In a Uronx, N. Y. cem etery wua "the voice of ilaupt munn." Colonel Lindbergh Is known to hold the opinion there Is greater respect for law and order In Eng land tbun in his native country where his own experience with kidnapers has been so tragic. Ever since the birth of Jon In August, 1932. six months after the kidnaping of the first born child, It has been necessary to provide bodyguards tor the Infant and to surround his move ments with utmost secrecy. Since coming Into world prom inence after his New York to Paris flight In 1927, the formerly unknown "Slim" Lindbergh, air mail pilot, has constantly sought for a return of some semblance of the anonymity that was prev iously his. Unlike most other celebrated figures, Lindbergh has attempted to avoid public notice. The kid-nap-murder of his child was a tragedy that lifted his name again into black headlines and made It once more a matter of dally conversation throughout the country. SEE IF YOU CAN BUY ANY OTHER WHISKEY tciti tte&e 2iuditte6 AT ANYWHERE NEAR tJiU tPlice . . . JioP CODE NO. 1S9C The more you know about good straight whiskey . . . the more brands at fancy prices you have tried ... all the more will you be amazed at the real fine flavor of this thrifty, superb straight bourbon. Not one single drop of alcohol has been . added . . . It's 100 straight whiskey. Not Just a few months old . . . but AT LEAST one year old when bottled. Make no mistake, a price like this on such a quality whiskey Is the big straight bourbon bargain of the year, bar NONE. Old McBostdn STRAIGHT Wiisk. LONDON, Dec. 23. UP) Re sponsible American sources today expressed the belief that Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh was coming to England with his family on business, rather than as an es cape from kidnapers. These sources said they believ ed the famous aviator was likely to take up residence In England In connection with the forthcom ing establishment of trans-Atlantic air service. Colonel Lindbergh Is technical adviser of Pan-American Airways. In company with Mrs. Lindbergh, he flew the Atlantic twice In 1933, surveying possible far nor thern and far southern routes for the American airline the line which already Is flying Its big clipper ships across the Pacific. News of Oregon PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 23. (IP) William Brown Stewart, 11, of Portland, met death In a face first dive to the pavement when thrown from his automobile as it struck a concrete ramp here at 4:40 o'clock Sunday morning. Patrolmen Gates and Berardl- nelll said other occupants of the car related that Stewart was driving between 70 and 80 miles nn hour. Two of the four riding with him were Injured, one seriously. NEWPORT. Ore.. Dec. 23. VP) A broken chocker cable struck Jim Weaver, 21, of Newport, on the head and killed him at the Hutchinson Logging company camp near here yesterday. His widow survives. COTTAGE GROVE, Ore., Dec. 23. () Te county coroner or dered an Inquest at 10 a. m. here today Into the death of George Uralnard, Cottage Grove mall carrier, whose charred body was found in the burning home of Mrs. Edna Dent here Friday night. Investigators found a pool of blood beneath his body which was In a halt sitting position in a corner of the kitchen near the door. PORTLAND, Ore., Doc. 23. tP) A third coastwise steamer was tied up here today after union seamen walked off the- Peter Holms and demanded a six-hour day. "We couldn t accede to them so the ship was tied up and the crew released," said C. E. Col lins, district manager of the Mc cormick Steamship company. The company's steamers, Munaml and Ernest H. Meyer also are tied up by the strike. Thorn nt'A nn mnnv vonst Colls In a alttoln onkn nf vpnnt. 118 there are people In the entire world. LUCAS Clearance Sale of Furniture Ends December 25 LUCAS FURNITURE 195 East Main St. GITY BRIEFS lU'turn From California Mrs. Paye Uiirhln of Klamath Falls, and her brother, Jesse A. Hughes of Itomero Ixidge, Likely, Calif., spent several days at Bcaramontn, Calif, On returning hero .Mr. Hughes visited at the home of .Mr, and Mrs. Charles W. Thomas on Wontland avenue. Mrs. Thom as and Mr. Hughes are sister and brother. hind Saturday to spend the hull days with the Walter Smith fam ily and with Clarence Glltman. Dorothy and Itussell Revolt ar rived Saturday morning to spend Christinas with their parents. They are attending college at Cnrvaltla. Here From Kugene Kenneth Lee Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Thomas of 2100 Wantlund, arrived In Klamath Kails the lust of the week to spend the holidays with his pa rents. Kenneth Is a U. of O. student. llrnililiH'k Vlslla Bob Bred dock, well-known football playor and student at the University of Oregon, is spending his holiday vacation with hla friends In Klamath Kails. Iravrs Hospital Mrfl. Harry liolvln left Klamath Valley hos pital .Monday to return to her home on Jefferson street. Hhe has been seriously 111 for several days. W'K.ATHKIt The Cyclo-Stormograph at Un- i derwood's pharmacy has register- ed a steady fall In pressure since Saturday noon which should lirlntr l.livlia cmiu.rulnriia a n ,1 ' perhaps unsettled conditions, al though the barometer Monday was a trifle higher. The Tycos recording thermome ter registered maximum and min imum temperatures Monday as follows: High 40 Low 19 Forecast for next 24 hours: Generally fair, warmer. Langell Valley LANG ELL VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Bill Campbell left Thursday morning to visit relatives and friends at Fort Worth, Texas. They will be gone about six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Camp bell purchased a new pickup re cently. Mrs. Eff'e Glllman and daugh ter, Georgia, arrived from Ash- Beck's Butter Loaf BECK'S 119 North 8th Street Phone 211 Beck's Christmas Specials Parker House Rolls 15". DOZ. Butter Rolls French Rolls 20L A New Variety Of Pan Rolls 10c W DOZ. MINCE PIES Made From Borden'a Mince) Meat . PUMPKIN PIES Made From The Choicest Pumpkin HUCKLEBERRY PIES Made From Fresh Huckleberries 25c Olynnnpia (Grocery 1128 Main Across From Elk Hotel Open Evenings and Sunday Till 10:30 P. M. Saturdays 12 Midnight. Phone 943 The Following Specials Offered Today and Tuesday Shop at The Olympia for the Best and Highest Quality Groceries at the Lowest Prices f 1 wines For Christmas Dinner Use Olympia Wines Old Age Madrono WINE Assorted Sweet and Dry 6 Bottles In Christinas Pkg... WINE Sweet and Dry Old Virginia Dare Big Dottle WINE Riviera AU Varieties Big Bottle . WINE California Champagne Quart WINE Tiffnny Brand Sweet U Bottle .. $200 S5C 45c $275 60c WINE Olympic Brand H Bottle H Gallon Gallon 75c $15 $195 WINE Olympia Bulk Sweet Wines Bring Your Own Container yuart H Gallon Gallon 50c 75c $145 DRY WINE Claret, Burgundy, Zlnfandel, Bring your own container Gallon $00 BEER In Cans and Bottles 8 ,o l CoSfee Folger's or Golden West . Folger's, 2 Lb. Can 49ti .1 LB. CAN 25 Shortening Crisco or Snowdrift 6 LB. PAIL $219 ml"BW Flour Centennial Silk Sifted 100 net. liardwhent Below wholesale price 40 Iln. Kitchen Queen, 40 lbs. $1.85 Anchor 25 lbs. 85 c Anrhcjr 40 lbs. $1.59 Local Strictly Freeh Extra Eggs 2QC Every Egg Guar. Dz. r Bacon M lb. nkir Swift's Premium Sliced 23' Local Frcsb Creamery Butter 2JEC Snt. Only Crosse and nlnekwell Mince Meat A etc Highest Qmilltv 2 lhs"W Jf In Sanitary Cloth Bags Sugar 10 T.hi. 52 Nucoa Oleonmrgnrlnr 2 Hw. 39' Crosse and Blnckwell I'lum Pudding JKc I.m. Tin Crosse and Blackwell Catsup f je 14 oz. bottle .... 3 Xmas Candy Plain Chrlstmaa Candy ac Mix Hani T.h. w Candy Glazed Fruit Lyon's $ 25 Xmas Gift Box from A "p Candy sag up Box Vogan's Extra Fancy Choco late In 1 and 2 lb, boxes Make Ideal Christmas Gifts Mixed Nuts 2 Lb 35' Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Saturday Only 25' Extra Large Naval Oranges Dozen '.. Small 2 dos. 25 Grapefruit 2IC Large 6 for- Artichokes Large Lettuce Cc La r ire Solid Lemons Sunklst ........ 2 doz. Potatoes 1 Ac Sweet Fancy .... Celery 1 2c Sweet t'tnli .35' 10 3 lbs. 13' 30 Lemons Extra Lge . Dos." Apples 25c Fancy Delicious 4 lbs. Celery f Ac White Calif W I ft CRANBERRIES ,TOlc J gitiFj H The only Easterns Best Cranberries 'ffs in town Highest quality. 8j