PAGE TEN THE EVENING HEHALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON December 23, 10U5 CRATER PARK IAS GOOD FOR HOLIY With roads Into the area open and snow (porta conditions good, ' winter travel Into Crater lake park continued heavy over the week-end. The park service Issued the fol lowing Information on roads and condition! which will be of ln terest to holiday travelera: Road Conditio: South En trance Klamath Falli to park boundary, via The Dallea-Callfor- nla highway, free of anow. Park boundary to Annie Spring check' lng elation, 11 mllea, cleared of (now by plows. West Entrance Crater Lake nighway from Medford to Colon Creek, Si mllea, free of anow. Union Creek to park boundary 10 mllea, aleared of enow by state plowa. Park boundary to Annie Spring cleared of enow by plowa. Annie Spring to lake rim six mllea, aleared of anow. While the roada at present are not In each condition ai to require the use of chains, this equipment should be taken on trips aa a precautionary measure. Some ice la encountered In spots along the way and necessitates cautious driving. The rim, east and north en trance roada have been closed for some time and will not be open again until the spring months. Weathert Weather conditions are now Ideal for lake visits with cloudless skies, bright sunshine and crisp air. Snow is approxl' mately five feet deep In the rim area, with ample space available tor parking automobiles. Slopes tor skiing and sleigh riding are numerous near the lodge. Per sons are advised not to make cross-country trips of any dis tance unless accompanied by a member of the Crater lake win ter crew familiar with the park terrain. A akl trail la being marked from the lodge to park headquarters, a distance of a mile, and skiers are asked ' to use this trail In traveling be tween the two points. Facilities for warmth and comfort are available at park headquarters, Should weather at any time appear threatening, motorists planning trips via the south en trance can obtain weather and road Information from the Na tional Park Service office or the chamber of commerce in Klam ath Falls and from the Rainbow Oarage in Fort Klamath. Motor ists approaching via the west en trance can obtain similar In formation from the National Park Service In Med ford. Telephones are located at the south and west boundaries and can be used by ; visitors in calling park headquar ters for last minute information. Beds National Monument: . This monument la open tj travel the year around. Approach roads are in good condition. A park ranger is stationed at Indian WelL administrative headquarters for the monument, and la avail able tor Information and other aid. On week-ends when a suffi cient number of visitors present ' themselves, special guided trips are offered to the outstanding eaves of the monument and to the monument historical area where Modoc Indian war waa fought in 1872-78. P.-T. A. Notes The regular meeting of the Fremont P.-T. A. was called to order by the president, Mrs. Hosley, Tuesday, December 17, and the following program waa presented: Accordlan solo, Lavene McColIum A Christmas Play, Six Low. Christmas Carols, Mixed Chorus. A very Interesting talk on Girl Scout work was given by Miss Ella Redkey. She spoke on the aims and procedures of meetings, growing membership and bene fits derived from the organiza tion. Mrs. Kelley spoke about the Christmas party to be given to the Bchool by the P.-T. A. A clever idea for a question box was arranged by Mrs Hob loy. A number of questions con cerning P.-T. A. are asked and answered each meeting. Miss Phinney's eighth low room received the prize for hav ing the most mothers present. Tea was served at the close of the meeting. The table was beautifully decorated with silver and blue aB the color Bcheme. Silver and blue candles form ed the center piece with blue cellophane streamers and balls of blue and silver attached to the streamers. The Christmas pageant given by pupils of Mills school at the Mills P.-T. A. meeting Thursday evening drew a large crowd with over two hundred in attendance. The affair followed a short busi ness meeting. Those taking part in the program were Beatrice and Lester Bishop, piano duet; Patricia Richardson, Betty Ash bridge, Josephine Zumwalt and Jane Rau, violin ensemble; Evelyn and Royce Craig, piano duet; a group of fourth and fifth grade boys sang Brabm's Lullaby. The Christmas pageant char acters were Mary Lavahn Hod ge; angel Wanda Langmaek; shepherds Clarence Hall, George Bowerman, J. D. Bagley, Jr.; kings Melvin Ramos, Bob Moore and Virgil Kinkade; announcer Kenneth Smith; Joseph- Vern Phillips; scenery Louie CoBla, Alfred Manprin, Mildred Bower man and Eileen Raynor. The chorus under the direction of Mra. Neva DeSpaln waa aelected from the eighth grade. During the business session Mrs. Nelson Reed talked on ad vantages of a trained child wel fare worker being sponsored by the League of Women Voters, radge JE. B. Ashurst was also swsatos, sod aroke on the pro ject. The petition sponsored by the League of - Women Voters was favored by Mills and signed Mills P.-T. A. will hold the next executive mooting Friday. January J, at 3:30 p. m., in the school office. Itnooervplt school held Its reg ular P.-T. A. mooting on Decem ber 17. The mixed chorus sang beauti ful Christmas Carols and Miss Lunllan's dniicers entertained with several numbers, f Mrs. Nelson Hoed gave a re port regarding the need of a i graduate social worker for the Juvenile work in the county, and the Roosevelt I'.-T. A. weut on record aa endorsing in mo. After a short business meet ing the inombers adjourned to the tea room where refresh ments were served. The children of the school en joyed a Christmas treat Krhlny afternoon, donated by the P.-T. A. The Allnmnnt P.-T. A. mot at the Shasta school, December 17, with a large attendance of mem here and friends. A Christmas progrum was given by the 6hasta school. This' was followed by a business meet lug with Mrs. Twyla Fergusou president, In the choir. Mra. Misfoldt and Mrs. Warn er gave full and lnteresllng re ports on the state convention! held at Medtord. The theme of i the convention was "Building for Permanent Values." Mrs. II ll it Sehults was elected slate vlco piisldeiil at tho con vention. An effort Is being mai to sliiudnrillio inn- avsu.-iatinn. Duos are now fitly conts Dor member. Reports from the difforeut study groups were glvon. Mis. McClollan's group Hat ens to a hrondrnat over KilAC every Wednesday nftornonu at 1:30. They will woleomo imy one who Is Interested to moot with I hem. Mrs, White's group Is Inter ested lu thn study of pnrllu-i mentniy law. A corieciioiulenco ' coursu is In rouuliloruilon, If nine, mouthers nro liiloreilnd In this thn mil will lie one dollur. If you uro Interested, see Mrs. Whltu, near Ilia Alliiniout school. A comily-wldu mooting will be held In Klamath Fulls alioul "Founder's Day." Mrs. HimfarJ. of I'oriiillla will he tho speaker. Watch fur this mooting. It will tutoroHt you. At a recent rummiiKO sul In clnii'Kii of Mrs, Hi-hulls, Mm, l-'ei'itunou and Mrs, While lite sum of f 10,00 was reiillr.ed. This will bo npnllod as a pay- mntit nu I ho moving pictura unt vlilno purchased liy Hie schools recently, Mrs. Melton's room won the prise for thu most anil most us able rumiiiuga for tho salo. Miss l.ydla, Frleka gave talk on tho vuluo of the liilierciilnals test. An effort Is being ninilo In which It will he posnlhlo for thn gniilo children of county schools, lulio Ilin liilierciiloiils tost, lifter the holidays. Slileo the acceptance of our secretaiy's resignation lu our lust meeting wn liuvn been without a seereiary for thu mouth. Mrs. Juild, sonutiuy pro tein road Hi miliums, Uf., tho last mooting. Thosowurq accepted. Mrs. JlilUl Wlshurd was uniiii linninly. oloutod sue ret my for the leiniilnder of the year. Tea, eoffea anil culm win served nl Ilia end of thn meet lug. Michael li'iiriiiliiy was n grant research worker In the relation liotwuen magnetism anil ulectrlc- RUSH to WARDS fbd SAVE Short On CHINAWARE? Your "everyday set a mix ture of six patterns? Your best set full of cricks and chips? Are yon always embar rassed when yon serve guests? China as low as $2.19 service for 6. Come and see them. Sheer Aprons 79c Dainty styles in tubfast, novelty cottons, trimmed with crisp ruffles. She'll ap preciata several as a gift! Large84xl05Spreads 1.98 Firmly woven rayon and cot ton. Floral jacquard design. Scalloped edge. Pastel shades. ffGive Her a Scarf! 15 c Wool, matelasse,- or silk crepe. All the new shapes and colors. She never ' has too many scarfs! Tree Light Outfit 59c NliM Lllhtll Burnt Langar I 9 lights to a string not 81 Bulbs last 4'i times as long by testl Colored Mazda lamps. Dark Corners? ; Need Any LAMPS? Are your rooms cheerless, hard on the eyes, without color? Wards have Just the lamps you need for as low as 69c I Come and see theml Wards have lamps of all types I (A X S.VV l vMC , v 1st -i I 1 s -X i BEAUTIFULLY 5- Ringless Chiffons 100 PAIR FOUND SELLING' ELSEWHERE AT $1.35! We can't be too enthusiastic about these for gifts. Full fashioned. Fine gauge, dull fin ished texture, supremely flattering. Silk picot tops, afterwelts, reinforced toes and heels. French Cut Rayon Panties They're cut with the active figure in mind I And they re made of un stretched fabric that won't shrink down sev eral sizes after wash ing! New styles I New trims I They'll wear you well! Extra sizes, too. Robes of All-Wool Flannel 798 The gift shell bless you for on chilly mornings I Notched or shawl collar styles in popular shades . with contrasting color collar and cuffs. Two roomy pockets. Small, medium, large sizes. Morlet In Your Own Homo I ' MO VI E JECKTOR Movie Jecktoi For Small Children & 6 Filths Simple, Easy to Operate I Safe, Harmless for Chil dren Uses Ordinary Bulb and Cord (not Included). Choice of 24 films including comic strip charac ters and Fairy Tales, Enlarges pictures In full, realistic color. Educational, no end of fun I Popular Movie Jeektor Films 10c each, 6 for 59c Big assortment. All Newt tAXtWl,.! . . tli M A m Ml! Made of Preshrunk Broadcloth! Fast Colors -Popular Whites! Selling Elsewhere at $1.29 Men's Shirts ; rtv V J You Save 29c Pay $1.00 for a $1.29 gift shirt and pocket the savingsl Made of lus trous, preshrunk broadclothl Pleated sleeves! Tubfast colors! Blue, tan, gray or patterns; also white or plain blue. Sizes from 14 to 17. Copper Flashlight 69c Bevelled lens Mazda bulb focusing 600-ft. beam! 3 pt. switch! Polished copper cane! y'aC- Selling Elsewhere for 59 Boys9 Shirts 49c Wardi Low Price! Buy 6 of these shirts as a 'practical gift" and pocket the savingsl Made of good quality broadclothl Warranted fast color I White, plain blue or fancy patterns I Sizes 6 to 12. 12-Inch Jig Saw 4.95 Powr-Kraft Quality! 20 pet. more capacity! 18 pet. heavier! Handles 2-ln. stock! ' Bench Drill If. CK Le" Motor 10 apoed Powr-Kraft drill! V4-lnch capacity!' Dopth gauge on spindle! Bronze bearings! , . ' gfe J "9 Him WJm "vl if a Tle-YESI ffj& ' 'rf ButTh,s Year WM I ' h r ' 0ne He'" WearI Setter k; 100 Tie t the same quality WW'kfS' se" el8ewhere at $1.25. sAW Hand sewn for better fW looks; wear I Patterns, Sgjiir stripes, or plain colors. Need An Extra BED ROOM For Guests? Does your living room do dou ble duty f Do you know how sadly you can convert your waiteJ sttic into s coty extra bedroom, intxpenilvtly wild Wards wall boards? Cost only IH.OO. Auto matic Iron 449 WrrW nimliTn iIohIrii limit Rilictor control! tominrt turo! Kut bra 1 1 11 k typo I 800 watta! Combi nation Grill Exclusive Wnrd drslxn! Mak'S wntricn. tnniili'd sanilwlihi's, iirllls bacon. 2 Electric Mixer 11.95 Handy kitchen aid! Portabla Inrgo and smnll bowls! Whips nilxna at three apocds. With Juicer, CI Better Sight Lamp 4.98 I. E. S. spprovedl Old Eng lish plated base I Parchment paper shade. 37 inches hlghl Short On SILVERWARE? Afraid to ask the "boss' to dinner because your silverware is scanty? Does the old service look like a souvenir collection? Let's dress up the table Inex pensivelyat Wards I 221-229 Main St. Telephone 384 "2" W ? 1