, J2 SB m r L-i j 1 Bin 1 in iSiiiimwtf rJbSg;,.. mi , r PAGE TWO THIS EVENING HEKALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON December IS), IMS Victory Gives Camp Bonanza Third Place 1 I ,.,! I 1,5 lit 1-4 Sometimes They Do Come Back Lefty Grove, Lemon of 1934, It the Peach of 1935. Stan ford's Chances at Pasadena Bright. Regarded as the "baseball lemon" ot 1934, the Associated Press today describes Robert Moses Grove as the "sweetest .' pitching pencil" of 1935.-"- -. Indeed OiIb Is a tribute In this modern athletic " world where the pld story. Vthey nev- r come-iack," holds good.. ; The Asociated Press reports: - "Baseball experts, who said iA the great southpaw was all ''. washed up last year, when his V. buggywhlp lett ached with pain every time he tried to use it, ': probably will blink their eyes as they gaie at the official pitching records for 193S.-.Top- . ping them all from the stand point of earned run averages ' is the same Lefty Grove, V "Grove, who ranked sixty .7. third among American League ' pitchers a year ago, made such spectacular comeback that he won SO games, lost 12, and " turned in an official earned run V; average of 2.70, or .2 ahead of .'5 his closest rival, Ted Lyons ot ' the White Sox, who teamed '. with Grove and. other veta In " " winning" comeback drives: In 273 Innlngs-pitclied," only 82 runs were scored off. Grove's . southpaw '.slants. - .In '34, he Tt won only eight games, and had ' an earned run average ot 6.62. Although Grove -Is listed In number one position on the . official ' averages, the "Hot V Stove" league can argue over . . the winner of the all-around " pitching championship between ". him, .Wesley Ferrell', who won . : 25 games, and Elden Auker of : Detroit, who led in winning per .. centage, with a record: of 18 victories and 7 defeats for a V.T20 mal-k." . : ! Because of their spectacular 1 13-game winning streak, this year and because of Stanford's ' ; customary failure on New -." Year's Day, the Mustangs of .Southern Methodist university " are favored to win the Rose .'.".Bowl classic In Pasadena. There are, however, plenty .' of Stanford supporters. Here '' are Just a few of the reasons: ; Stanford's team, now a sen- .' lor combination, has lost two- . straight Rose Bowl contests. .- Smarting under this, those In-. Jdians, the. majority of them ' playing : their; .final contest, - should be "hot.". They not ' only hope to wipe out the in feriority complex developing from. the last two games, but ' . they also seek to wind up their . Inter-collegiate careers with a " victory. Stanford has a faculty of winning when the odds are : against "it. The California game went to the Reds when -"-the Bears : were outstanding .,: favorites. .'.'-' : . 1 .;. The injuries that have ham :"pered the teem all through the . iyear have disappeared, :With , .:the exception of : Frank Alus- ' '. .tiza, all of the first stringers : will start against, Southern . Methodist. ; Basketball V By The Associated Press ': New York University 31, Cali fornia' 26.- ' ' ' Drake University 47, Portland -U. 27. 1 J Whitman 40, University of Idaho '33. '" ' !' : Oregon Normal . 1 42, Fresno State 27. . i ' Southern California: it, How ard Transits 40. ....... . ; , Dartmouth 37, Harvard ,28. j ;: Temple 44, Georgetown 43. j Marquette Listed on Idaho Schedule MOSCOW, Idano, Dec. 19, UP Coach Ted. Bank announced the scheduling of an Intersectional game with Marquette .for the 1936 University of Idaho football team. The game will be at Mil waukee, Wis., Oct. 31, A Becond intersectional claBh ob a 10-game schedule will bring North Da kota State to Moscow. . .,, Straight lifornia Geonae BRANDY $0 PROOF UMBlA WINERIES 4 DISTI LLER -IE3- MAPEPA .CALIFORNIA THREE C TEAM DEFEATS SONS Macs Trim Balsiger Five; Unbeaten Leaders Will ..... Clash Tonight CITl" LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Old Fort . Caseys Bonanza Sons ... . Maccabees . Lost River . Waldorf Balsiger .... 3 S S 2 2 1 0 0 0 1.000 0 1.000 .750 .500 .500 .333 .000 .000 Wednesday night Waldorf vs. Lost River: Old Fort vs. Knights of Columbus. The Camp Bonanza Tree Troop ers advanced into undisputed pos session of third place Wednesday night with a snappy 34-to-ls vie tory over the Sons ot Italy. Without playing another game until next week, the Bonanza com' binatlon will go into a tie for sec ond place following the Knights of Colnmbus-Old Fort battle to night. The loser of this Import ant contest will hold the same nercentage rating as the Tree Troopers. Balsiger Loses Again In the second game Wednesday night the Maccabees gained a 50 50 rating by winning from Bal siger, 37 to 21. It was Balslger's fourth straight loss of the year. High; interest centered around the Old Fort-Knights of Columbus contest, which will follow the Waldorf-Lost River game tonight on the armory floor. The pre liminary begins at 7:30 o'clock. Scores of Wednesday night's games: ; -.- Bonanza FG. FT. 2 1 0 2 1 , 0 Sshubert, f Hanks, f Alich, c ... Wallace, g Patton, g . Hayes, f Totals 14 Sons of Italy FG. Carninl, t ' 1 Pinelli, f ". . 1 Confortl, c 0 Gioranlnl, g .. 2 Bellotti, g 1 Kan!, g 2 ' Totals 7 6 34 FT. 0 , 0 0 ' 2 T. . 2 2 0 6 4 4 18 . Maccabees FG. FT. 1 0 0 1 1 . 2 Sharpe, f Grimm, f . McDaniel, c Ferrell, g J. Kennerly, g . E. Kennerly, f . Totals 16 Balsiger 1 FG. 37 FT. Dudley, f : Pape, f Richey, c Lawson, g ....... Green, g . 6 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 Hall, f B. Richey, c Crapo, g - Totals Portland Team Beats Badgers FOREST GROVE, Ore., Dec. 19, UP) Coach Anse.' Cornell's Pacific University Badgers drop ped a basketball game last night to the Pacific Packards of Port land 29 to 27. The Badgers led at half time but a 13-point scoring spree by Hansen, Packard substitute, in the second half was too much to overcome. , M ' The Old Judge , , ff , in Kentucky Says: w "A. lot of folks don't think any- mt ' J. thing's worth hiving unless it jPI H '" costs i lot But they change their jiiV 1 .". opinion mighty quickly when they L.' ' ' ; taste Shipping Port Kentucky yfcrY s ' SHIPPING PORT KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY IT'S MADE THE . SLOW, COSTLY IONED ' WAY BUT THE PRICE riANKTOHT DISTILLERIES Of Lillard Seeks NewGrapplers for Next Month With the 1935 wrestling sea son at a close, Mack I.llluril, pro moter, was to leave Thursday for a ten-day vacation trip into the southwest. After spending several days In southern California, the match maker will go on to Texas. Lil lard said he hoped to sign up a new string-ot grapplers by the time the first 1936 card la staged on January 7. The promoter Is particularly eager to bring Leroy McGuIrk ot Oklahoma to Klamath Falls. Mo Gulrk is recognized as. the light heavyweight champion ot the world. As a student of Oklahoma A. and M.. McGuIrk won tho na tional intercollegiate wrestling title. It Is certain a number of new faces will be seen next month. Toots Estes has left for Michl gan and Pete Belcastro Is wrest ling In Los Angeles. Les Wolfe Is to leave for his home In Texas tor the holidays. Of the recent grapplers op peering hero. Frankie Peck, popu lar San Franciscan, is abemt the only one more or less certain 10 remain. The annual report of the box- ing commission will be placed on tile soon. It Is expected there will be a generous sum tor char ity. Drake University Smothers Pilots PORTLAND. Dec. 19, CP) The Drake university basketball team, which plays Willamette at Salem tonight, walked over the Univer sity of Portland quintet last night 47 to 27. The Iowans led through out after the first few seconds of the contest. The Drake team appeared tired from its extended road trip, but showed 'flashes of brilliant play. Clever ball-handling and dead- eye shooting marked the play ot the traveling team. Swan, Drake center, and McGinnis. Portland guard, tied tor scoring honors. with 11 points each. , Orebaugh, Drake guard, 16fted In 10 points. Whitman Quintet Stops Idaho Five WALLA WALLA, Dec. 19, VP) Whitman College, victor over the University of Idaho here last night, 40 to 33, will meet the Vandals again tonight. Whit man, with a trio ot sophomores, came from behind to lead, 22- 15, at the half, and outplay the Vandals the reBt of the way. Mike Reser scored 19 for the winners. Fight Results fiy The Associated Press San Francisco Phil Brubaker, 192, Dinuba, Calif., outpointed Joe Bauer, 185, Cleveland, (10). Oakland, Calif Henry Gribs by, 192, Sacramento, Calif., stop ped Benny Mozelle. 183, Los An geles, .3); "Millionaire" Mur phy, 202, Los Angeles, knocked out "Chief" Profett, 190, Okla homa, (1) ; Johnny Walters,' 174, Los Angeles, outpointed Frank Ramondo, 182, Pittsburgh, (4); Pete Kelly, 191, New York, knocked out Art Carlson, 190, San Francisco, (1). Washington Billy : Eley, 142 3-4, Washington, outpointed Gene Buffalo, 140 3-4, . Pitts burgh, (10). It Is estimated that only 1 motor failures will occur In a million miles of flight on planes using 60 per cent of power, while on those using 100 per cent of power three failures will occur during the same period. 90 OLD FASH IB ONLY ... PINT LOUISVILLE AND BALTIMORE 1 AD DOCK SPDRT UPSET Fighter Regarded As Big ' Surprise of 1935 Season. (Note This Is the fourth of a series detailing the results ot the annual Associated Press sports Poll). By ALAN COULD (AiiHorlntml I'ross Sports Kdltor) NEW YORK, Dec. 19. In a year marked by succession of the greatest comebneks In athletic history, James J. Braddork en Joys the distinction of finishing at the head of tho class for 1935 The most surprising develop ment In the fifth annual Asso ciated Press sports poll, as dis closed by today's tabulation, is not that Braddock Is rated tho hero of the year's biggest come back but that he was given a re markably close race by "Helen Wills Moody, the tennis queen. In the ballots cast by sporfs edi tors and writers throughout the country. . Mrs. Moody Close Behind Braddock won on points by margin not much greater than that which enabled him to lift the world heavyweight boxing championship from Max Baor last June in the Madison Square Gar den bowl. The final count was 180 points for Braddock and 171 for Mrs. Moody, already voted the No. 1 woman performer ot the year. Points were scored on a 3-2-1 basis with ' the experts listing their three comeback choices in the -order of preference. Brad dock was put at the top of 46 Hats, while Mrs. Moody was ranked No. 1 by 31 observers. The poll's finding that Robert Moses (Lefty) Grove turned In baseball's outstanding comeback Is confirmed today by the offi cial American league pitching averages showing the Red Sox southpaw at the head of the list In effectiveness. Grove in Comeback A "bust" last year with a sore arm, Grove regained old time form, won 20 games and set a record by compiling the league's nest earned-run average for the seventh time. Grove shared this place In the poll with Glenna Collett Vare of Philadelphia, who regained the national women's golf crown af ter a lapse of five years. Mrs. Vare's victory at Minneapolis was her sixth. Two comebacks which received a surprisingly small vote wore those of Thomas Hitchcock, Jr., in polo and Charley Gelbert. St. Louis Cardinals' Inflefder. Injur ies were thought to have wreck ed the careers of both. Hitchcock, forced out of the game twice by bad falls, made Buch a brilliant comeback that be-again has been restored to the maximum 10-goal rating. Gel bert almost shot one foot off In a hunting accident and was out of baseball for two years, sub mitting to numerous operations, but recovered and won back a Job. , Every pilot on radio-equipped air transport liners Is required to pass the examination for a third class radio telephone license. OUTSTANDING LO W PRICES '28 Whippet Sedan '25 Buick Coach '27 Studebaker Sedan '26 Chevrolet Coupe .. '29 Essex Coach '27 Buick Sedan '27 Dodge Sedan '26 Chrysler Sedan' '29 Hudson Sedan '29 Pontiac Sedan .. '29 Nash Sedan ... A complete selection of Fords, Chevrolet, - Plymouths and other popular makes. "t. Balsiger Mofor Co. Main and Esplanade IraSrRiKcs The women's K'ukuo took the alloys Wednesday night with tho Bohemian Club Cnfa team down lug tho Pellcun Thooter toain In throe strnlght games and tho Lost River Dairy team defeating Flnhror's Bakery two out of threo games. Myrtle Worley hold the II mo light by spilling the maples for scores of 154, 181 and 198. After the games a meeting was held anil Laura Hanson unani mously otuctod.. leoretary-treaBiir' er of tho newly formed league. Score: ' Flulirvr's Bakery 18 3 Total llnrklny 142 116 126 3S4 Dlskin 76 78 74 227 Schults 88 86 91 206 llalght 76 139 114 319 Hanson 168 123 117 403 639 5.17 622 1598 I.ot Klver Dairy 1 2 3 Total Gardner ..10S 119 91 313 Runnels 123 1.19 163 414 Sewoll 61 89 86 236 Dickinson ..154 115 123 391 Lowmau 76 78 74 227 516 540 625 1581 Pelican Theater 12 3 Total Parsyck 74 123 138 3.16 Lelbleln 112 127 86 826 Hugh .. 92 77 88 257 Cartwright ....168 149 183 600 446 476 495 1417 Bohemian Club Oifo 12 3 Total Carr . 133 119 114 365 Hnmlll -..114 90 131 335 Sawtell 77 112 145 334 W.orloy :154"i81 198 533 477 602 588 1667 Green Bay Seeks Game in Portland PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 19. OP) The first feeler for a profes sional, football game here In January came from Joe O'Connor ot San Francisco. He suggested the Groen Bnv Packers might play an nll-Btnr professional oleven here January o. rue I'acKers play the De troit Lions, world champions, at San Francisco Christmas Day. Tar Schwammei. Oregon State's All-American tackle of 19.13 iron man fnmo, and a number of other coast stars are on the Green Bay I'acKers team. Mike Mlkulnk, Harry Field, Bernie Hughes and others from the Chicago Cardi nals probably would head the all-star lineup. WRESTLING By Tho Associated Press Trenton, N. J. Dean Detton, 216, Salt Lake City, defeated Vic Christie, 212, California, two out ot three falls. Brldgoton, N. J. Ernie Peter son, 180, Michigan, dofcated Jack Gacek, 185, Milwaukee, two out of throe falls. Holyoke, Mass. Tommy Rae, South Hadlcy Falls, Mass., de feated Tony Colesano, West Springfield, Mass., two out of three fnlls. Lincoln, Neb. John Posek, 190, Ravenna, Neb., defeated Rudy LaDitzi, 210, Poughkcepsle, N. Y., straight falls. $33 $35 $33 ...............$33 .......:;....$55 $53 $55 :..$85 $145 $165 $165 527 Klamath HOME SEASON OPENS FBI! Klamath Falls Gets First Glimpse of Policuns This Weekend. Klnmnth Falls will catch Its first gllmpso of tho new Pelican buskutuall tettm Friday and Sat urday nights at the itturt of tluH home season for 1936-36. Pluylng Dunimulr on Friday and Ml. Shasta on Hutunlay. Dwlght French and his team havn a sorlous Job cut out for the wook-end. , Preliminaries both Friday and Saturday nights will start at 7:30 o'clock. Tho main game Is listed for 8:30. Tho Pelican qulnlct, young and progressive, stands oven for Its Inturscholustlo competition. Lust L' jj'i A r itvui r3& enable you to give more and hptter P.IKT5 sa--wri For OPEN EVENINGS to 9 until Christmas For Qiving or Keeping . . . Whtthsr you wtih to moko o princely gift ... or iwd tlrsi S .AJV . f t) A SIT ; -t' . .As.7.oe- .iRievcleX.f-r, flV,mi mihmi.. Bicycle Wto5 Tires .f.ltt si.. LVJW"' 4 Two ply, good rwnkfd mm Sturdy tir for twig um. up uor4lmg a rr mnd maltrtet Made of full-width lubttantlol ma terial!, xnooth flttlno, no iaml, no tctopi, firmly lock-ititcned. Attroc- TIV ptjiicrn. es9 MM Cent. O40S Hi n." imv .;,. ass Leoder .89 !.' cuihown j,.,5 jj.oo 3,7j ( 14.85 $4.15 Hollywood $1.37 $ to ; fa "Kuilom-Bilt" coven for oil cor In cluding 1935 modtli cover oil op holitory up to window line. According to cor ond ityle $4.(15 to $36.00. Qive a Can of Penn Supreme Our Finnt 100 furs Prnn S.A.C. 20-30-40-50 Per Gale 71 In your can Daub I rilttillorf trnm elocted Panniylvanlo crude ond ftptclally filtered to remove carbon forming Impuritlei. SJS 100 Vme Penmvhnnln Per Cal., VSSo I Tong-RuS 5? Our Until Ormla Wpitfrn Oil PeGaI.37c m Friday iiIkIU llio team lust lis opening iiainn of tho season ut Ml. Hhastu but ranio buck on Friday lo defeat McCluml. Willi a full week of practice sluco tho opening eouiimtlllon, Ihn team expected lo gala re voiikii over Ml. Shaslu hero. Whether or not Klnmnth ran successfully diitond the district title II linn won four years In a row Is' more uncertain Mils sea son thitn ever lu'Tore. Th ti com bination Is composed ot Inexper ienced players, all of them play ing their Inlllal yeur In regiilur games. Every man on tho team hits coiiiu up to Couch French through the gritdo schuul ami Wildcat ranks. Saturday's game will he I he lust until after I lie Christmas holidays, The team Is to moot Ashland hero on January 3. Ml. Angel Wins From Multnomah PORTLAND, Dee. 19. I.Tv The Mt. Angel baskulbull tuum lin feuted Multnomah club 44 to 4.1 In a spirited scoring race here lust ulKht. Snnireld, Mt. Angel forward, and Khcuiui, Wingrd M forward, tied for scoring honors wlih a dozen points each. f articles to choose ut rices uitti sV m. Jk ) 4 Your Convenience yowwit, you'll ot ths txnt tor , ten ir vou ouy wsttsrn i Clari. Evtry tits bockod by J All Road Howard S "rvict ot all our Smors than 1 70 Hum In lie West. r. fAsk for Low Prlees) on Your 19-ln. Schxart U Mil Hanim Vacuum Horn XiJ Vary loud ond fin plain ora. Elec tric control valve, U"W lll'l"U. ..peo-v.off'- .i9 ft 3"-' n9 ",0. t B C 8 ,o5- t' $ V,v,rV,,s' v 'J. live a RADIOS Western Air Patrol with Metal Tubes . . . will give years of pleas UrA. . Wacfarn Air Pntrnl Radios are finer than ever, with cabinets that harmon- ni lie with any Interior. MANY MODELS Lou Prleetfary Va$y Ttrmtl virwr norm nga I I. amp m m . ifsr w um i t lii iu u isriiiiriwiii.t.i L i j spu ihii liitsssssiissssl 120 No. 7th St. Phone 984 mj Indian Winner Over Stcrlich PORTLAND. Dec. 19. (.11 Chief Thunder lllrd, 205-pniiuil Indian wrestler from Vuiiruuver Island, set wrestling runs all n-twltter when hn dtimpnl Mlko Hlri'llcli, 215, Hollywood, Iwo straight fulls with u body slum and Indlun cltmlli louk hora lust night. Hell lliisxill, 216-pnuiid ex N'orthwrsleni foiitliall slur, rud geluil two of lliren fulls from Abe t.'oleinaii. 210, New Yol k. It ni ne 1 1 used flying tackles li ml a !'( spilt to gnln his fulls, while Coif inuii scored one with a drop kick. Dr. Nap liiivoro, 196, Portland, toppled Huns Ki'hroedur, 2uli pound Ueriuaii, with a rnpii spring and body pmss In tho third round. Monmouth Downs Fresno Invaders MONMOUTH, tire., Dec. Ill, (.11 Ostium scored 16 points anil Htiltsrworlh 11 lo lend tho Ore gon Normal school Wolves la I 43 to 37 win over the haru stoi'iuliig Fresno Hlule College hnskethall tenia linru Inst night. It was the opening gams (or Monmouth Normal. rr Hundreds More Economical Gifts Besides These! A&h RbcsIvstS ..lOetotl.JI Arm Rti.. Mo & 79s Aulit Cord, pr,....33 to I5e Auto Compotw... $1.40 tWIIh Compnwlor, I1.7JI Cigar Llahtrs..19c to SI. SO Cuihlom .2le to $1 .95 Driving Glovt....S9 to SZ.I9 Fonder Guides ...,59c to $1.11 Glars Shields .12c to $1.95 Grods Regltcr.... SI. 10 Key Catet...-.....9e to 19 Mirrors .15e to $2.55 Picnic Jugl ........98c to $1.65 Radiator Cop....2lc to SI. 21 Rod. Ornamenti, 29c to $1.28 Sedan Electric Fom.. ...... $2.95 Spotllghti, Roodlltei 5c to $11.95 Steering Knobs 58c to 79c Splaih Guards ...,33c to $1.69 Step Plates, ea 29c to 95c Trunk Racks ..$1.39 to $3.37 Vacuum Bottl..79c to $1.95 is America? i , Phitsl Car Radiol , Three Models. ' Dial panels to T match every car and features found In no other car radio! Low Prlratl Eaiy Termtl 9 an9 .,0 .ie-. h4 it n Qe I Camp Cnailt, Tnnh, TltrytU IQ w I IStrdi and HMni Tackla . . 92 .....M......t...3 and many mora appropriate Im ' I orllrlm . '. , all of lav- II t Ws roierve the rlfht U sWSlH .rySSSMl America 15 P"- . - '''V. . .Mi. T',f.V WV If "if Fy 1 aL