December 18, 1935 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE ECONOMISTS IN DISTRIBUTION THE NAME OUR POLICY . A.. . rZT'Wf 1 lAfcil .. U HI. I. . IBM 11 L J U Uiitt'. ' 1 ir Plii T VH,'.! JSTJ' " V . With only a few days left for the b ft V . deoartmenh? Here vou will find (Yr VXllr departments . . . Golden Rule pret I- Ssyyss rnmn ola vik nift rf nil Itx And rtments? departments come Xsaaas Store osr ttSae Family usy Christmas shopper . . . Why not shop in aifts for all of the familv Dlaced in 'easv to sIiod' m 1 jared for Christmas and you will find our stocks satisf a ction. I IN 17 1 V- U I n i i...:n .- c j I . .. Uini-M IK -fsw i ff vavaixjr twiiio in ujuoru i Boys' Brush ' I m Silk Pajamas Gorgeous two-piece styles in crepe and satins, tome with love ly lace trimming. Colon, rote, maize, tea rose and blue. $3.95 and $4.50 Gowns Lace trimmed, if you like or em bellished with bit of hand era broidery. $2.95 to $6.50 SLIPS Excellently cut so that they will fit beautifully, lace trimmed or tailored as you prefer. $1.95 to $3.9$ Chemises i It I' 1 7 Iff, v. y Chemises and dancettes, each a work of art! Crepe and satin m tea rose, blue, flesh. $1.9$ to $3.35 Silk Robes Quilted Beautiful, luxurious in greens, blacks, blues and pinks. $6.50 to $10.50 Flannel Robes I.nvoly plnln nlmclri or ilnldn anil botany IriiH-K All colon. ' $4.95 to $9.95 Wool Lounging Pajamas Two-plrco stylm. Home with chock Jacket and plain trouarra. Others have plain Jackets with contrasting trims. $9.9$ ITS FROM. YOU...irs r vem Hosiery with trie thcer, clear- from top- to - toe texture that flatters. You're proud to give it She'll be delighted to receive it Every pair carries the seal of high est quality which means she'll also delight In the way they wear. SILK HOSIERY Perfected Rinslcss CliilTon and Service in the Scam ton's Smartest Colors 3 prs. $1.00 Hose $2.85 3 prs. $1.25 Hose $3.25 3 prs. $1.35 Hose $3.75 XMAS BOXES 2nd Floor Silk Lounging Robes and Pajamas lleaiitirul Hi'oi'mleM, Rntlna, flporta Chocks anil Tuffetna, $3.95 to $6.95 WOMKX'g (il.OVKS Rlip-on atylea, lnipnrteil anil doincatlo $1.95 to $2.50 CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS Ages 212 to 8 years Colors Blue and Red $395 $495 $595 Helmets to match... ..$1.00 1 J, . '11 1 iiiIl LINENS FOR XMAS GIFTS There is nothing more acceptable or more appreciated for Christmas than ft nice linen Sot. Here you will find every con ceivable kind of linen sot you could wish for in all sizes and prices, and linens that you will be proud of. Beautiful Irish dinner ; sets, 54x68, fine snow white Irish Damask hemstitched sets with six napkins, high a gft grade linen. , 5W.3vSet 54x54 all linen sets in all colors of the rainbow with six napkins to match Set $2.95, $3.50, $3.75 . $5.00 Irish linen hemstitched sets in beautiful white damask, 68 x 86. with eight an jg napkins. .5 Set Madeira and Chinese Handwork Beautiful Madeira and Chinese hand work cloth? and napkins, dresser scarfs and bridge sets, also a beautiful line of fancy towels at lowest possible prices. 1 Large colored dinner sots, 63 xlOl, all hemstitched with 12 napkins to match, usually sold t'"60 , $10.00 MEN'S GLOVES Men Always Appreciates Cloves Brown Cape, fleece lined....'.............. Brown Cape, wool lined . Brown Cape, fur lined Clear Pig Skin, unlined Mocha Suede, unlined .... 98c $1.95 $2.45 $2.95 $3.45 Boys' Breeches Cavalry twills in light or dark colors, size 4 and 6, $2.39; Whipcords, size 6 to 16, 1.69 and $1.89. Heavy Cavalry twills in oxford grey, size 6 to 16 Gift Pajamas ?ine quality broadcloth in novelty contrasting trims at $1.69 and $1.95 Brocaded broadcloth with high lustrous finish in canary, blue and grey, $3.95. Silk pajamas with bro caded matalasse patterns, $4.85. Men's Robes mm 1 BEACON FLANNEL $4.85 WOOL FLANNEL $6.45 SATIN ROBES $8.95 COCKTAIL JACKETS $4.85 and $6.45 SPECIAL Fleece Lined Glove ,1.00 J wm trr. RAYCO THB PATBNTID s eno-locr"featur KEEPS YOUR TIE IM PLACE Mufflers Mufflers and scarfs in a wide variety of patterns. 89c up Belt Sets .J Belt and buckle sets in attractive gift packages $269 2nd Floor Boys' Brush Wool Sweaters Soft, fleecy mohair. Zipper front, fancy y aq back 4.70 I Your Boy - WANTS I wm And ' the Golden Eule's Boys' Department has- the kind he wants. For little boys wearing size 12 to 2, you may choose from compo soles at $2.98 or all leather soles and heels at ?3.69. For boys wear ing 3 to 6 we have a sturdy oil leather . boot with full double leather soles and heels, riveted shank and triple stitch ing the finest boys boot we know of. $1.00 Boys' Suits Boys' all-wool Wear Well suits in smart styles that were especially designed . for the younger young man, plain or sports backs. Many patterns, ages. 6 to 10 .... 7.50 12 to 16 ..... : 12.50 18 to 22 .... 16.50 BOYS' SLIPPERS An excellent selection in felts and leathers, many with trims KID WITH FUR TRIM Sizes 2 to 6 $50 Felt with Leather Trim ; ; Sizes 2 to 6 ' $1.00