THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Docombor 17, 1935 will have an Idea what a huge undertaking confronts the Amer Iran Lesion auxiliary when it semis rr mem lira noes to every dls abled World War veteran forced to upend Christinas In a hospital. Yet, this annual Christmas giving to dlsuliled veterans Is only a part of the work carried past, the problem of the disabled veterans has grown steadily larRer. Bvory day scores of the men who served In the war are breaking down from results of exposure, injuries and llliuss suffered during that time. With youth they were able to tight oft the effects of theee disabilities, but with advancing age they arc forced to ac(k help In the fight. The great work of mercy and to Mrs. Ueorge Davis, Klnmnth auxiliary unit president, and every woman Who enrolls In the auxiliary adds Just tint much to the organisation's ability to carry out Its responsibilities to the victims of the war, Tho legion and auxiliary aro sponsorliin a Christmas party for that child with his name there on. Those who do not bring children are asked to bring extra presents. DiviitiCNDS m:sou:n NKW YORK. Dec. 17, MV-The American Smelting nm( lteflnliiK company nsiimod dividends on Its common stock today after a tcnii'-yrni' l;'o, ordering a pay ment of 4 0 c nls a rhino. Police Make Arrest After Wild Pursuit James Thomas Fallon was ar rested by state police on bad oheck charge lata Monday after a wild chnno which extended from Klamath Falls far Into Cal ifornia. Meanwhile the district attor lilalnts from Individuals who In enter plea. Hpoclflu com plaints against III in were signed Indued to have received alleged ly worthless cheeks from rnllonj by Clltt 1I"U nd Krank Trunk. The police ear eventually! "" J DISABLED VETS caught up with Fallon almost on I Urn outskirts of Weed after hav ing lienu tiiitwl lea lined In tho till r I IHMJrl gAlUN'liM:i suit by a burned out bearing, I'OHTI.ANI), Oro Ilea, 17, Ml Pillion was In tho county Jail Plfteen lilting dogs war quiir- Monday nlghl. untitled tint month tn determine On Tuesday morning Pnllnn whether they had rubles, and ev- wns amiluned In Justice Humes' Willi did, thu oily litllsmiee hilii'lill Christmas present! for 100,000 tnsnl Women who have diffi culty In nslectlnK Christmas sMfts for the men of their own families out by the atixlltnry tor the meu who lost health and strength In war service. needy children of the city Tues day evening, December 17, at Memorial hall, and each member Instead of crowing smaller as relief requires the services of a vast number of women, according is requested to bring at least one child with also a present for ney's office was being deluged the war fades further into the with a growing flood of eom-'colirt anil took until Wednesday 'sulil lodiiy. PAGE TEN 00 is Mur limit ijflK H E RE 'S YOUR GIFT ... AT WARDS ! l-vvin ' t ioJM lhzz&msM mfWS Isi83sk-t.!! s W N w W-A'sx X?i$82U I I s.sift.v Vt JWii.wvSj L.tii, aAit -UVtafaLwi.MV,.-,... I, i.",.,..iLa 1 Give Him These Fint Kid Everett There's a lot of style and a lot of com fort in these leather-lined kid slippers! Brown, bluel Pair $1 93 Gift Idea Ringless Silk Hose Newest shades! Ringless from top to tool Service weights! Chiffons! Re inforced heels, toes! $ I value! Pair.... 79" r )K4 wm Mi Silk Undies Are a Happy Solution Tailored or fritlyl Embroidered or lace trimmed! Chemises panties dance setsl She'll love them! You'll like Wards low price! $1 Men Prefer Hand Tailored Ties They're better gifts! Wear longer! Tie better! Look neater! Silk-surfacedl Newest patterns! AD in rich colors! j00 "''jiJIMiigl'" "..., , All Wool Meltons for Outdoor Men Heavy 3 3 -or. Cossack style jackets make warm gifts! Talon slide fastener front! SeHs elsewhere for $4,501 Wards low price 398 Home-Loving Women Like Spreads Extra large, extra heavy Jacquards of fine woven rayon and cotton! New floral designs! Lovely soft pastel colors! $2 y?-V--My) Vmt 'is '''A Frocks to Thrill Girls from 7-16 And priced to please thrifty givers! Light or dark prints of tubfast cotton! Saucy bows! Novelty burtons! Bright trim! 98 Men Always Seem to Need Pajamas Lustrous broadcloth pajamas styled and cut to please men! Tubfast colors! Middies! Coats! $l.29 elsewhere. "GO Western Field .22 Cat. Rifle A "sure-fire" gift for your young man! ' 22" barrel; hooded bead front sight; ad- . (ustable rear sight; chromed bolt, lever. 475 Vn, r.y ,.. TWIN WAFFLE IRON j.m Q Why keep anyone waiting when this ' fiL4 Iron cooks two waffles at a timel Hand some chrome finish attached black tray! Gowns and Pajamas to Please Her Very feminine, well tailored gowns, attrac tively serviceable! Knit rayon crepe pajamas! They're really exceptional values at . . . , . 1" s"ff " ."v's j Shirts for Style-Conscious Men With Duke of Kent button-down collar, season's smartest shirt style! Stripes, checks, plaidst $1.88 elsewhere! Only $1 49 Double Blankets Make Warm Gifts Big 72 x 84 double blankets. All wool of the finest grade. Pastel plaidsl Three inch sateen binding! Pair .. 798 I x "J BIG POWR-KRAFT LATHE This husky 27-in, lathe is a swell gift for the "handy man"! Tabs 8" x 27" stock! Won't chatter! Big value at 495 V, -' ' 29-INCH CARD TABLE 29 Inches square that's much larger than the average table at this pricel No ex- .. posed wood parts on topi 3 Colors!... . ' ' ' .". , ' . '. ' 8-DAY WALL CLOCK Save her many steps with this kitchen clock. A good timekeeper; sturdy 1-day movement; heavy chrome-plated easel 295 yi..iW' Ml .tiiMSi .' I jMiii i;ji ,1 "Speedline" ROLLER SKATES Outwear any made by actual test! "Dreadnought" hardoned carburised steel wheels, 18 ball bearings each! 185 fV-rvrrr- f XT"'V, ,imwv iium Boys' BOXING GLOVES Built for scrappers from 8-12 yrs. old! M flQ Full 5-OI. weight. Soft, tough wine coU ' fcl O ored glove leather. Hair padded!. .... : ; Pyrex PIE PLATE SET Two Pyrex oven-proof pie plates and a chrome plated serving framel Bake and serve in same plafel Frame stays bright, easily cleaned 119 , Whistling TEA KETTLE Not just a novelty, but a full-sized 3-quart ' Tl fc polished aluminum too kettlol The whistle I saves time and fuell Cool bakelite handlel MONTGOMERY WM D 221-229 Main St. Telephone 384