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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1935)
PAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON (With. Of 11 Jtij , OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE BY AHERN cV by Miry Raymond Cosrftfl NCA ion ove UCU J 5 Hl.ttk IUJ.I After th tfrnth of krr finrmlM. lortlr I)AA W i:sTIIHllK mmri from alrnl to mnUr krr fcnm Willi rand ma ihrr k ltn nrtri ern. (latin fctUt-nliMcr. M M l WALLACE, reijmiii Hnnti'i cow Ing. Ilnnn' rmtliimihrr fcnn- krr ruuiiK vrnndUMURliti-r "III mnrry rich HHKAI.M WHIMX imd U fluted nrttcn kr tnl In in frith fcer. IHiwii. mtnwhlli'. bPFomr 1lrnettl l H SCO 1 1 HTAM.KY, ilriillii rn phjmlrlnn. Nnncy. nhfl mnokft krr lot ftnnnlt. fcchlBd n tunmmuilr . lllmdr. nn.nul)t wnirkr Ilea nld'a lnirrri In llnnn. JuM nlonlT. I'AI'I.A I.On wntcbr. cnM' nlirnllnn Unnn Inrrrmr Itnnnld hrfontri 1rnln .(nit mid ld Onrni lr Crrtornn. win hrt fcnnr for iwnrrlitKr rf Pnnn mm lirrd Iit "coll lnlcrpt In hrr rrrrftdnnrhl'r drHdr in liiir ferr NOW GO n with rriF rrnm CHAPTKU XV FRS CAMERON regarded the ' yoiine mnn comlim up walk trimly Scott Stnnley was not m handsome ns Rnnnle Moore Ho had not Ronnie's regular features or Irish blue eyes. And hip rlmlie though welltallorert. were not the ultra-smart type Ronnie wore Ne ertheless Scott Stanley had an air of distinction. Re was well buliL His gray eyes held a teasing light which was not to be discounted In summing np his attractiveness. The , men tn the Stanley fan-Mr had at- ' ways played the derll with the hearts ot women. Scott was a young man to make an old woman uneasy. Mrs. Cam eron was uneasy, prepared to be , drlreii by fear out ot her role of austere politeness. Aunt Ellen, recognising the signs of battle In the thin line of her sister's mouth. Buttered away from , til scene like . a moth fearing singed wings. I own uuxcu (i... . ...n told her tint Occasionally the saw Itonnle. Iti rarlnbly be looked hurt and mlset iblr and kept awny from ber. Other ronna men were telephon Ing, Inking Dana to dtnnci am. dances. Ted Stnnsburj was deot ed. Roger Jerome, who was spend Ing the summer with cousins, ws openly adoring He nsd readier such an ahicrt atnge ilmi Nnnc hod dubbed blra , "Roger on hit knees." "And he might be a good catch nana." Nancy sug'ied cynically "I hear the Jerome are among Hi, upner crust In New Tork. with plenty ot money too." Dans didn't want Roper suave sophisticated Roger She didn want Ted either Men. she had de elded, were disappointing The College Clnb d.mre two j rolled around again Dnnn though' I of It without Interest j "There's a surprise program j that's going to be awfully clevei.' Nancy told her. I lyjANCT. for some reason, was In 1 a friendlier mood these days Not enthusiastically friendly bin the veiled antagonism of weeks he fore was missing. Nnncy was look Ing happier, too. "What kind of program V Dan asked. "The entertainment rommlttef has landed a group of vaudevllii performers who were big hits In New York all last season. The were on tour and missed a train or something!" Dana said absently. "That's One. "All the members will probably turn out." Nancy stated wltb assur tnce. "It's not often the College Club does things In a big way. and they'll want plenty of cheers from the home crew." AH the members of the , club Suddenly Dana was tense. Scott was a member and would be there Mot that that made any difference I WOW I (bOTTA UVUaMM' AT MB -THATfe- what -rwey do. svg-Ry Time va come after me AND MAKE MGT COME HOME AM, IP I'M WALKIM RCXJWD SWOULDE CEP, IT'S VOUR FAULT. HOW DO I kWOlV WHEW VlTR 60MMA EE ACM OUT AU' CLIP Mt? ONE', PER WOT C0MIN HOME ? I'D . LOOK eDUMD-SHOULPeREP THKJ T-;:&rrr .7gsS--a GIT CUPPED. I'LL CUP WOO, IP X WAWT TO, WHETHER VOJ'RE EOUMP- SHOULDEREP OR WOT, SO 5TKAt5HTEW UP. m m PLAClMG THE BLAME. 12-16 o m tr wt MXKt. wc. t. it wta a s. rTToi SAV NNASOW, I GOT TO bO UP IN FRONT OF UCXbE ST RUB "TOMORROW ON e SPEED PINCH.I -w STEVE OVER, AsT TVA ONUS .. . CLUB feeVVS AAAYBE YOU KNOW TrV v3UDb& ANT CAN GET TVA" ' BITE TAKEN OUTA THS TICKET! -CHRISTMAS CCMN AN' A TINE WILL JES' LEAVE fAE WITH An GINGLE N Ay key TmGj UT THIS HAPPENS TO T3E ANOTHER MAN NAMED STRUTS JUDOE STRUBr-YOU 4v fVEAN WALDO?-WHY HE AND I U2.EDTOBE ! TANTJEM WHEELMEN ' I ."BACK IN THE OLXi ,5 CHOWDER AND CYCLE CLLVB '-vJUGl APPEAR TOMOUR.OW ALT-, AND , r"LL WALDO t SAID fV THAT TICKET TOR YOU Mi n-6 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE BY HAROLD GRAY Scott spoke pleasantly. He waa j Dana had been hoping pas- haUess, as nsuaL But there waa : Polite doference In his manner that would nan sarred him well on any other occasion, tn lien ot the hat-in-hand gesture Mrs. Cam- j eron found so gratifying. , Is Dana at home. Mrs. Cam- ' eronr" he asked. "Yea. Please be seated, wont , llonately that she'd never see him again. But Just the same, she felt as though dull weight ahe had been carrying had been lifted. "Yon look simply swell!" Roger said when Dana came down the italrs. "Let me be the first to tell ron so." Silly, said Dana. Bnt she was yon? J'll tell her Ton are here." ! ,,ieaaed. Not the flaerJ Scott took a seat Bst Instead Ol going lor uaiw, raro. unDeran sat down again. Ber dark eyes bored Into Scott's. Be thought. "What tn the devil is the old lady staring at me abontf But he met her eyes coolly. "Nowf y chance. Mrs. Cam eron decided. Young people never know their own minds. They had no lodgment. One had to be rath- r less in order to save them from themselves. and I'm not one either." Mrs. Cam - eron began. ' "I ' assums that remark has something back of It," Scott replied easily. j "K has.", Mrs. Cameron said. "It has my granddaughter's happiness back ot it. And yours, too." "I'm afraid I'm still In the dark. SappoM we get to the point." your visits here. I want yon to stop ' seeing say granddaughter, monopolizing her time." OCOrTB face waa white. "Does Dana know ot your objections?" "She does. We bad a talk yesterday.- . "DM she agree with your" Scott's voice was stiff wltb anger. "Dana's an Impressionable young etrL bnt nhe hu hatia. She tnld me she knew she'd make a poor poor-man's wife." Scott's eyes blazed in his white face. "Ton might tell her for me that she's a little premature in her decision. As I recall, the subject ot marriage has never been dis cussed between us." Be bowed mechanically, and went down tbe steps. Mrs. Cam eron watched him get Into his car and drive sway. She did not feel any too comfort able over her victory. That young man had spirit and it would be a long time before he forgot this blow to his pride. Dans actually hsd said that about being a poor- man's wife. Of course she hadn't i said it yesterday when they were ! talking about Scott, as be bad to- ! ferred. Grandmother Cameron had : Intended for him to infer that. Be- j sides, ft all amounted to the same I thing. Dana knew she wouldn't be happy depriving herself of the ' had. Yet. there was a chance she might be swept off her feet by a fascinating young man. Or rather, there had been a chance. Knowing tbe proud Stanley stock. Grand mother Cameron felt almost cer tain that Scott would leave Dana entirely alone from now on. The girl might mope for a time, bnt she bad pride, too. And soon Ronnie would come back, and Dana would forget all about Scott Stan- ley. . j Dana did mope. Mixed with her sense ot loss, was a feeling of hurt and bewilderment. She had not felt like this over losing Ronnie There had been an explanation for his belinvlor. There was none at all for Scott's sudden. Inexplicable fllcnce. WAEEKS slipped by. Gradually Dana come to the conclusion that Scott Stnnley was Just a de testable male flirt. Re bad showed her attentions until he was bored. He had said exciting things to her In public, at dances and the club pool things that had made her feel warm, and thrilled and happy Then, when he had tired, no doubt be had turned to the more exciting Paula. Without so much as a word of balm for her bruised feelings. Dnna assured horsclt fiercely that the had only contempt tor Scott. If ever she had the chance, she would let him know how complete ly she despised his type. But there were times when Dana was stirred by other emotions. A longing lo see Scott, s restlessness would come over Ber The need tor his teasing smile, and his bard brown band, closing down over her own. would become a torment Grandmother had ,oeen right nbont blm; he was dangerous. Her waa particularly welcome from Roger. She wanted to look nice. It Scott were to be there, she want ed to look well, her best Not trashed and wilted by his neglect is he probably expected to And her "Gosh, what a mob." Roger said, maneuvering for a position among hundreds of cars. "Looks as tbongh they really have packed them In this time." All around there was laughter. Girls in filmy frocks, beside tux edoed escorts, strolled along the driveway toward the entrance. And then suddenly Dana's heart was racing faster She saw Paula Long in copper chiffon, going np the steps. Someone stepped tn front of Dana so that she could not see the man beside Paula. A moment later neither Paula nor ber escort was tn sight (To Be Continued) A survey of the country's building activities encourages the belief that building permits for the construction of homes . will have reached a total ot 75,000 by the end of the present year. Permits were issued . during October foe the building ot 8.574 homes, as against an October total of 3.350 last year. Tbe construction of many ot this year's dwellings is being financed un der the single mortgage system of FHA. About 60 per cent ot all deaths from tuberculosis -occur during that period of life from 15 to 45, when a person Is of greatest eco nomic value. British . railroad accidents caused only six deaths and 619 injuries in 1S34. - s Only three male stewards, are employed on domestic airlines.' lesterdw aj4mie prompted pee wee to squirt water on tootsie snoots a.gmn to. the great, though secret, delight of mr. gamble - IT WAS REALLY MR GAMBLES IDEA- HE BLUSTERED AND BAWLSD ME OUT LOOD FOR LETTIN' PEE WEE DOUSE TOOTSIE LAST SATURDAY- 12-16-35 ft J AND HE SMACKED TH" TABLE WITH A STICK. TO MAKE IT SOUND AS IF HE WAS WHALIN' ME- BUT HE WAS GRINNIN' ALL TH' TIME HE WAS IN HERE WHERE tA THEY COULDK1 T fff SEE HIM- liHii! AND WHEN PEE WEE DOUSED TOOTSIE I ASftiN , I THOUGHT MrTgAMBLE WOULD BUST . TRYIN TO kecrj fc. ctdmcut FACE AND ACT ri7WrM't-)a; MAD ABOUT IT" THEN WAY LATE AFTER DARK HE SLIPPED IN AND HANDED ME A HUNDRED BUCKS-GEE- MR GAMBLE IS rVN AWFUL GOOD EGG- WE SURE UNDPBTAMD EACH OTHER- J I .,,a4. IU. i fj - Ttmto '" 2 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS BY BLOSSER YDU'RE THE FIRST ONES I'VE EVER MET, WHO WANTED TO GIVE ME SOMETHING , WfTHOUT SKINS FDR A FAVOR IN RETURN BOYS.ItHJVE MADE ME REALIZE HOW MUCH BETTER IT IS TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE .' I THINK tOR CHARITY ORGAWIZATIOW IS r;t?p-AT 1 - TO SHOW YOU MY AP PRECIATION, I WANT yxi ft) TAKE THIS ENVELOPE TO THE BANK AND SEE WHAT THEVLL GIVE YOU FOR rr.' YOU'LL BE A SURPRISED .' r gee: THANKS (( SAY.I WONDER l"' "' ' -v V WHO HE IS? I yXK IN I FORGOT 10 SEE ) THE Ew WHO ALL THOSE . VELPE LETTERS WERE 1 M SEE ADDRESSED TO.' J WAT HE 1 , .JJ PUT IN t 7 LOOK.WUTTY.' A CHECK I I GUESS THAT MAKES US S POR $500... BUT, GEE, J JUST A COUPLE OF SAPS ( HE SIGWED IT (, ; WHO TOOK TOO BIG A f "SAWDV CXAUS.'' 'y LEAD OFF THIRD "T- V BASE'.' Zcdg WASH TUBBS BY CRANE Wot a CHAN6E.' back; im new vork Barbara eouBJcKB awo for all, lulu belle Selling Sam Sex: Good will used cars Spec ial, $545.00. 1933 Pon tiac economy straight 8 eagle brown Sedan. Nob by tread tires, you can't slip on this one worth the money. SNYDER MOTOR CO. 9th and Klamath, Phone 1530. E. Z. GMAC terms', See it, drive it, Buy it.- AM0S DEAD SLIfVRV AW PRAKE IN) JAIL. HOW ASOUT VOLI, SWOOSISf VGOIM' HOME ? J v T I HAVE CAST OFF THE HUM-DCLIM LIPE OF CIVILIZATIOW.I KOW TOW TO WOSOPy. I'M A MEW MAW. I'LL BE A CAREFREE ADVENTURER I'LL TOMJ Iki SOME ROMAWTIC PLACE LIKE t-iil TAHITI, OR RAROT0N6A. I'LL LIVE Wl! TWffl Miybl UNK.IN HULA aiKLO AND THE THROB Of TOM-TOMS. 1 I'LL J 5 BYNEA SERVICE, INC. T. W.HtW, 9. I'AI, (I'll TEACH VOU TO QUIT A 6 COO JOB the BiLLS.firf FQgH0M?777H r v.i-. tti w a. z?Bt ni.J. .1 jm. -HT" lnffTlTnafaTal BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES BY MARTIN Flapper Fanny Says J - I QwtA Exercising forebearance at the table Is even harder than Just exercising, . I 1 fcM '. l'vlt StBiTO TV' ") f A.V WEWrt eOKE 1 HO LOO5 LL ', " tP'yrg- J'i &f VO COOVO "POT , if'THNi rAPsUE TPSVCB YO MORE. 00OV.O VA AeV4 OF A rAO ? n BOT ,OOC3 rOSib VtV-t ,i'0 A60 -DtV V0Kb b' A V.OT6 TvPT OWE TOPY ,.- r(j. tf) HU BY nZh SERVICE, INC. I. W, Ktli. V. a. I'fti-wr.- j THE NEWFANGLES MOM'N POP BY COWAN THAT WAS A TPICKY UUNCU YOU DULLED .TELLIN THE JUDGE TUAT THE COP CM.LED UttA A SQUINT-EYED OLD CUISELER YES, AND YOU COULDA VoHY BRMN UA3 ( TZZIZZZ0( ' f ,F m IDEE EVEW CRASHED I CLEADED YERSELF AT ITS BRIGHT TAKE OFF " J THROOOU YER HEAD, ITD SPLIT .tuesametwejfwu'da) motaents.too, , V YER HAT A i rl I ' IT wide open-and I donT see I BEEN SMAWT .' yZlYX If"' " V-fl ' , CRACK YER SWLL t