PAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Qfdk Cjll Jlj o OUJ OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE BY AHERN ve by Mtry Raymond CaarrtaM NCA M UH. IM'OTT BUIN UfcHE lOllAk larala LIANA WKTllHOIK .oiur. firoa ahraae la Biake fcar hiinir arlla a raaa'Kolkar aa ei . . . liana aall-alalcri UHl lAI.I.AtK. rraruia IP1 " la Oaaa'a arnnaiuiilfj'r aoa kr ran araadaaaaaiM will ink a orllllaat '' .,"?. !! lair Ktn rlrk HOla AI.O . al.lflMK falla la H.i llaaa. aiaaaaialla. aoai atlrale Kaarr law l "na. 14 kahlaii aa aaianoalailc To3. (.our.. .i,raini In lor. arlia Sro.l. Inaalr aa ala lataraat la Uaaa "nuX, a .lorai. Uaaa " la ala? la aroll'a r.llaaa aaill IW rarlr n " Mernlaj. aid onr mrm thfai aa Ilia ia at-r fcome ana mlaantli-raiaaa'a ' lip aiara away. Thr rill wiaraa IVhra acalt iHralinBea Onna. aae kit ia.a fei-llna thai a aaw aa lirllllnax latrrrat la rntrrlna an lira. THE (TO Audi Ei.ih uu warned Her tit lor, "Don I tiuvs or threaten Dana 1 don't oelleve ibt would aland tor It." Neither did Mr. Cameron believe Dana would tie moved by Uresis Sbe planned to u them only aa a last effort. Threats, II accessary, but pereuaalon first., It wae not a pretty picture the picture of poverty ber crandmothei drew lor Dana. And there wert eiementa of truth In the portrayal that ttartltd even such eoora Keous Ctrl. "1 snow you're not In love with St-ott Stanley Mrs Cameron said . vigorously "You're too sensible ! But there's danger la seeing loo much ol him." IT was easy she went on. to tall n J In love with an attractive man now go on u ITH CHAPTER XIV I. , nnl .Hcible. the anlcst GRANDMOTHER Cameron halted wa. to Itop mlttt hlm. A Dana. "Going out aaaln?" she poor man. marrylnt a lrl with asked, out money was as much to be "Yes. Grandmother. I'm going to pitird as a poor girl who was lool have dinner out." enough to marry a man who was Grandmother Cnmeron moved on Bnt established ; p the stairs. "Have a good time." ScM StRnl(1, hasn., , chan ,c she said pleasantly ' mftiti , doclor t( n8 ,ies hlm- Dans assured her. I hall. i wf up w(,h , wfe wh0 win Mp Then she was gone hm . Mrf Ctm0 Btea nrmly Upstairs Mrs Cameron made her , . lr Be, , , way to ber sister's room tt i,m I hff ,he . ever Is the matter with that chl.d?" i ? ventured .She she demanded. -Rushing down the waJ very no tt all about?" She waited lor con . Urination ot her own hopes. - "In my day," Aunt Ellen said primly, "when girls got eiclted and lost their poise people said they were In love." "Humph! So you think Dana's ta lover "I dldnt say that." Aunt Ellen demurred cautiously. "I haven't noticed anything strange about her. Dana seems sell-possessed and sensible when yon compare her with most ol these flighty girls." "So she does. Just the same, she almost knocked me over. Running pellmell down the stairs, and fair ly singing out that she was having dinner out What's so exciting about that? Basnt she been ont to dinner several times a week al most ever sine she came here? Not counting the times 1 dldnt know about." It was the longoat speech Grand mother Cameron had mad In a long while. Aunt Ellen stared. "That sounds very much as though the child might be tailing la love." Aunt Ellen conceded. "And why not Why not? Isn't . ft natural she should? Yon couldn't find a nicer yonng man than Ron- bappy. "Kind words never helped a poor doctor ' yet." Mrs. Cameron de clared. "What that young man needs Is a number ot paying ; a tlents. It he married Psula Long, he could stop worrying." "Why?" ssked Dana. ' "Paula Is Independent." Mrs. Cameron answered. "Besides, she has wenlthy relatives who are clan nish, like most of as In this city. Jnst seeing that all the babies In that family arrive In proper order and taking rare of their bumps and bruises not to mention the nervous breakdowns rich people can afford to have would keep a young doctor In fnnds tor the rest ot bis lite." Dana protested, bnt there was little heart In her words, "Doctors are supposed to win their clientele, not Inherit It" "Ha! Much yoo know about inch things, my child. There's rarely such a thing as a triumph of sheer ability these days!" Nancy heard Dam go ro her room a little later and ahut the loor. "Gran's made tt unpleasant tor her, seeing Scott so mnch," Nancy mused. "And that tent all. Bhe baa soma more tricks np her NW, I V WELL, JUST m irw" a iir-pv ' I i-i r- x r- wi u ta. I DOMT NEED rJONE-I J GOT ML TM , INSURANCE WANT I'M BROKE, ANYWAY READ TUIS LITTLE BOOKLET OVER WHEN VOL) GOT TIME-IT SHOWS VOU r MX) CAN QUIT WORK AT SEVENTy MOW. IP UC W&S V ALL DRESSED UP IM A SWELL OUTFIT, AN' NOBODV KNEW WISA AROUND WERE, UE'D SET MORE BUSINESS -I GUESS WE'RE AFRAID WG MIGWT GET' OUT OF TW SWOP-'FPAID UE MIGWT WIGW WAT US, IF HE - GOT BIG v.irt I I IIM Akl' I lie VVt.L.v. nil i ni WWOLC FAMILY WOULD PROBW DO JUST TWAT BROTHERLY LOVE IS SWELL IF ALL TW' BROTHERS WORK ' AT, IT BUT THERE'S ONE, RIGHT NOW, TRYIN TO GET OUT OF WORK, AN' ONE TRY IN' TO SEE THAT HE DON'T WW -Gil y xtA stavKi. acq u. . eT. wf. .- TUE CUMBER J-,l?.VUH.V.ilMi It'll- BUT nSdEAWt .EGAiy CA.MT CCOpARNY OU TO MARKET IN THS GABQ ! WM- T, I HAVE TO ATTtNtl LODGE ,NiO OFWOeVTE rXT INrnHON -m. CONFOUND Tr WHAT A LUDICROUS SPECTACLE UNT SPUT-T--THE EXAA.TED CUSTODAN OP THE GOLDEN CRESCENT LUCbGINCb VAOhAE GROCERIES w T 0 l TOLD VOU AN HOUK AcoO YOU WERE 60INCj lJ TO fAARKET WTH hAE, ' A.ND VOU PUT OvM THAT REdAUATOR A "DODGE-GO A.ND CHANGE OR COhAE THE WAnV you are.-voUll T5E GOING ABOUND WITH A TURBAN TUU. OF SPUOS AND A HAM HANGING ON THE GOLDEN CRESCENT ELEPHANT I AT LODGE BUT A PEANUT SHELL AT HOME AF. LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE BY HAROLD GRAY nle nas-it yon searched the world I ,.. . Vrl aj ... a-,. Elsewhere Ronnie was reeelTtng next minute she called sharply, "Ellen, coma here!" tho silent congratulations of scores I tt mothers who were taking heart Annt Ellen answered the cereal r '"''" u4v tbi araa arm mora haart.fra. lory snmmons. "1 hareat my glasses." Oram! m other Cameron said. "Bnt ta that Ronnie's ear down then" "No." aatd her slater. "It doeeat took like K." "Speak yomr mhidt Ton know Tery well ft teat Wen. wkow ear , Is K tbeair IIIUEKS i A her ala i a brief silence. Thei sister said, slowly, "The yeeng man la a stranger ta aa." "Bnt not ta me!" Mrs. Cameron said. "If a that oang eeamn. . Scott Stanley. Think of Us aa : dadty la eomtng here! further . more, rra been hearing things . about him. He's a regular rogue , among women, stealing their hearts and making cure he keens his own. I ha Tent had my ears open for . nothing. Well, m soon break this op!" Her Totce trembled from anger and disappointment It waa a mood that boded no good to any one, her sister knew. Aunt Ellen' heart went ont to Dana. The years had changed Agatha in some respects, Annt Ellen thought bnt the Indomitable will, the fighting Are were still there. "Sit down." Aunt Ellen urged. "Don't get so excited. Why should yon worry Irat because she goee out to dinner with him?" "Why does she want to be going : out with htm? And why Isn't be with Paula Long, who's been wait ing for hlm erer since he finished high school? . Paula's money would start him In bis medical practice. What does he mean, dirt poor and Just starting out. hanging around Dana who's as poor as a church mouse, too?" Unanswerable logic Ellen Ca rewe sat miserably, contemplat ing her sister's words. Why hadn't Scott (she thought ot the name ' gently) done the sensible thing and turned to his wealthy Paula? II lie could look Into the past, he would know there was more than I one reason why he wouldn't he wel- j come In this home. And then he probably would muddle things for Dana. Dana was beautiful and poised, well-filled to rule gracious- I "I'm growing mercenary, too." i thought gentle Aunt Ellen nnhap . plly. It was almost Imnonnlble to live In a bouse with her slater and not be Infected by . the possession-virus. . r a a a 11TRS. CAMERON endured it as long as she could seeing the habby gray roadster narked In front of her home, replacing Ron nie'" large and expensive one. The gray car was an affront A' leflance A challenge. Mrs. Cam- arnn afn,Aft lliat nhnllMH mtm ifternoon. She "took the bull by Ihe horns." fin her own language). ; ind drove her shaft home so dell , cately. so diplomatically that Dana I lid not at first reel the full force i f the blow "A very nice yonng man." Mrs. Cameron sold as Dana cam Into the house and Scott's ear moved iway. Dana's eyes brightened. "He Is . lice," she said. ia a ijiij, mm. liaraeToa mused alond. "that he hasn't a pen ay. Hasn't anything bat plans snd ambitions." Dana did set reply, meeting her , grandmother's eyes steadily. "Sit down, please. Dana." ' The girl sat down. She wss still sitting there when Nancy passed through the hall half an hour later and for a long while afterward Nancy heard her grsndmoiber's voice droning away, muted to a' strangely quiet, tolerant tone. "Ronnie waa a ttrMe too smart fa oM Mra. Cameron." they said. "On ess be saw which way the wind eras blowing and got out before the had him tied up tight wttb a wedding rope." lira. Cameroa. sitting on ' her aorcb the next afternoon, looked p and saw 8cott'a ear stopping Re brows drew together ominous- y, (To Be Conttnaed) - A New Tork chicken farmer long had sought a loan of J1.200 with which to improve his prop erty. Banks were unwilling to let him have the money until the Better Housing Program came along and made It possible for the farmer to obtain the needed cash under the Modernization Credit plan of FHA. He Is repaying the loan in monthly installments of 138, easily obtainable out of In come. - ; The Chicago American has un dertaken the construction of three model a i r-conditioned homes which are designed to - possess outstanding "charnn comlort and convenience." Construction of the bonus is being financed with loans insured by FHA. . ' Oregon continues to hold ninth place among FHA districts in quota volume of loans Issued un der the Modernization , Credit plan. New York is leading the nation in volume of loans insured by FHA with a total of more than $40,000. f ALL SET. WT NOW- PEE OaaWaji. WEE IS TO fT-J-XiijiflTlCi TAKE TOOISIE W .11 UP ON HIS JffiibL5J-lp-BUCK FOR THE H:V-Letr SCENE SHOWIMC W O 0 ATJl THE ROYAL 0 if MxT? PROCESSION" II SftgiSj READY- ACTIOM- W Agi & TOju ' Leapin" Lizards' that was a tekribl6 thing to do- but i i itn . CAN'T BLMAE YUH-J Pri:. I HA? HA! HAi scC Iftpay? PUNISH HER. EH? MAYBE vou'n iiKcm TDV r.rtlkT AllT vC (THERE, MR. SNOOTS- GO AHEAD" IT'D BE INTERESTING TO SEE WHAT THfcT MAN-KILLER WOULD DO TO YOU., IF WENT W BE INTERESTING TO I' i' A II fi SEE WHKT THAT . B B, MAN-KILLER WOULD t , do to you., if - -vM I YOO WENT NEAR j ' ttffl i-X THAT HUT. A.-"i1 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS BY BLOSSER IKI MY LIFETIME I'LL VEKI7UBE TO SAY IVE HAD AT LEAST A MILLIOKI LETTERS... WO MATTER WHERE I GO. THEY FOLLOW ME.' I EVEN WEWT TO ALASKA, TASMANIA. AND TO THE FIJI INLANDS, TO GET AWAY FROM THOSE LETTERS, BUT THEY FOLLOWED ME UKE A RELENTLESS BLOOD - HOUND OM A SCENT MD EVERY ONE OF THEM HAD THE SAME MESSAGE 'GIMME.. GIMME.. GIMME : I NEARLY WENT ill!.;! C HA HA ! so yxiftE SkEFTicALl f sosh, people from every pssr freckdont 1 j iji,'';; ARE YOU? TOO THINK IM YbU ) RAPT OF THE WORLD ( CATCH ANY OF THAT ,. )!pi JUI AN fV-N WHOSE sl m. dt iswic I BUNK ON THE 4 J0 i CANOE IS SLK3HTLY ADRIFT, BE SOME- J MY NAME WILL . Y FlpST BOUNCE '! A C ii!!lJ lj e-u Tun-i i Tli rra.r ONE OF J NEVER DIP " J -J r i i - i v i i y i f . i v . I v. . ' . , I I - - T .. ji I tl S I V -.-. 11 V,V "I (fH"' WASH TUBBS BY CRANE Selling Sam Sex: Good will used cars. Spec ial $565.00. 1934 Pon tiac Economy Straight 8 Coupe, perfect condition. See it; drive it, buy it. SNYDER MOTOR CO., 9th and Klamath.' Phone 1530. Easy GMAC terms. t i ! 77. a- WT C ' n77) " C - hev, who's cxs suy? I n A wozV well, well! Voh,hoso this" k , ,1 4 f X f? S .JztiL ( COME OUT, WOUl'J iXOXIKKo A IF IT A I NT I IS WHERE VOU - 'A " X- &l jTX HB WILLIE ('THE ,1 BEEN WDINtS OUT , f I ? Z n " ; smir raG nfrvt collar 16Cwt3hansojJikjcethe payroll. r V i f 9 ' AfrL. 2 V '-$2iJ I, filiW SOTTDrJ (v7ROBBERy EH, WILLIE . , iP " ' J w 'el ; pro siS T?HE 600PSHIP MAkVrMrWREWRNS TO NEW VORK. fo?OLICE SWWJRM ABOARD AMP rS" G3 ' ZlTl ' BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES A BY MARTIN Flapper Fanny Saya Qua e.rtv! iU6 .oovtT tvw trocw vvorjbt. 6f.VRViCt'b'b -VOOVit GOV VT AV.V OOta 'E2 ,VVJE OOSV L A ettWW1. JVOU OP "WERE. OVi 'MC 'jOSSS.VJ A.VL TV' MK6rVZiVE. CO'OfiS.'b.VCTOR.t Ot&o HMO ,TOO 1 Wv' V)Er0O) AV Tr' W2DOfeWW VOOW6 MWJ .WWIE VOO EOU. WAR.O )(WI6 "esvtucE. VErXW'.BOT, TV' &OV.O WW aWfat. vniwQ at V- Mi'C(aVM(3 "afr'.'ri 1 IMillllllalllMllllaWMaaaBlllll llliail I I f.J H3t BV WtA SEBVICE. INC. T. M. BtO. U. 8. P.T. Of'JtJ BOV5) , VOOO BETTTcQ OiH OOETl TO THE. COttKi'tQ -MOUNt TVtQE.'i A VCVU feJN ON O0t.W. rtRE. I II 1 1 T"""" 1 f t . II anT 1 When the electricity fails, you can't take a candle too lightly. THE NEWFANSLES MOM'N POP BY COWAN VOU TUINK TM TOOGH?WELL,WWT TILL THAT OLD LANTERN - JA.WED, . GlrAUT-EVED JUDGE 6ETS THROUGH WIT CHOOSE NOW, GlT ALONG WITCHA f. vND .BESIDES THIS WELL.VOO LOOK AS IF") H GOT EXACTLY N WABPANT 1'IA CHARGlN' YOU OUGHT T'BE ABLE WHAT WAS C0MIN' Y WHAT DID HEP WITH RESISTIN' AN V TrAAKE THAT CHWJGE n&5tCm) SIJIS' OPF.CEn.ANO ACTONS ) V STICK, CfTOOL ! , v( 31- UNBECOrAIM' A LADY, KUHN? lASL- 3?- 1 "ITTSgy VULi -LM SLBLi HE SAID, WAIT TILL THAT OLD LANTERN-JAWED, eilVLE.T-E.YE.O JUDGE GETS THROUGH WITH SO' jZl7ra V-JJwni,traici,iMC. l ho. u.T fittttfcM