PAGE TWELVE THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS," OREGON Docombor 13, 1035 ' r , . -aw . vN mm a jt-.w' . . v : mi w & FLOOR SHOW, SIDE SHOW MUSIC BY THE BOYS OF 75 res 1 LmL- XltissrC Rushed To You From New York: ! More JacqtMrtl NLatelasses At Wards 6.90 Ton snepped them up last week you clamored for more and here they are I Newest "rough rraaV crepes in the season's foremost styles. Black or vivid colors. Misses' sizes from 14-20. Alee Women's styles, in bum: 3ft-44, 46-52. bright Crepes A vivid splash of color under your dark coatl , Brilliant blues that liven up the office. Dra matic greens for dressy afternoons. Glowing reds to catch male eyes on Big Evenings. In stunning styles straight from New York's fashion centers! Misses' sizes from 14 to 20. Also distinctive new'crepes in Women's sizes! 38-44, 46-52. All at Wards famous low prlcel 3.98 CARNIVAL DANCE AT WARD THRIFT PRICES MOTION PICTURE TRAVELOGUE DANCING TO 11-PIECE ORCHESTRA ' Exquisite Satin or Crepe Negligees , 4.98 .- Something she's always yearned for, a beautiful negligee! Simple, self trimmed or dainty lace trimmed stylet with long or abort aleevet, . high or low necks. Lovely paatelt. Small, medium, large. . Smartly Styled All-Wool Flannel 3.98 Surprlaing to find euch fine quality at thii price I Plain colore, vart-col-ored atripea and two tone combinations in buttoned or wrap , around models. New deeper ihades. Sizes: amill, medium and large. Give Her a Quilted Rayon Kobe 3.98 So smart, o warm,he11 put it on the minute ihe gets it on Christmas morning 1 Fine quality quilted rayon, trimmed with contrasting or aelf material. In delicate pastels. Small, medium, large sizes. Lacy, Tailored Silk Crepe Dance Sets 1.00 No matter how many sets of underthings she has, she'll always wel come some new ones. These are darling sets; lace-trimmed or tai lored. Uplift bras and - elastic bands on the panties, for fit. Mothers! ' Bunny Slippers and Pup Together in .a Kennel ! Elsewhere at $1.69 Tiny tikes will adore paddling around in the furry slippers, snuggling into the feathers with the pupl Pink, blue, white or gray slippers of warm sheep skin. Natural color pup with ribbon to match ' slippers. Cardboard kennel. Sizes 4 to 10. Complete Selection! New York Styles! At the Peak of I lie ' Season! The lrenONt Cont Viiliiei. We've liver Offered r Goats juti--":., is. Sale Win i Sale at 19.88 1 V l ! Sale at 19:88 Saleatl9e88 Sale at 19.88 Sale at 19.88 . . styles copiod from $19 nnd $59 succors I . . rare furs, badger, wolf, f6x, skunk, carncull smart rough surfaced woolens In new weaves I . . lustrous silk linings, warm Interlinlngsl buys workmanship you'd pay much moro fori Regularly $25.00 16.95 values . . . NOW 1288 9.98 values NOW 688 7.98 values ..... NOW- 588 7-Pleces Boxed for Glftil Linen Sets 159 complete A gay way to say "Mer ry Christmas P Fine quality, imported, linen crash cloths, size 5252, and six 12-inch napkins. Hemmed or fringed and tubf ast. Smart plaids in a variety of color combinations. i'ffT "What Shall I Give ' Tyy er 'or ,r'smas'" hJ Novelty VlllL ' CAPESKIN Nk sO m jw. U loves :r 1.29 iJMy. Sell,n Elsewhere at $1.59 I jjtf, I Ijl ' ' 8hecan always use glovesl These yjfm jg&. K washable, soft, and pliable. In- ffi!Sy terestlng details: quilted cuff's, con. WM" jr trast piping, button trim. She'll still m'' ;;) . tw wearing them when Christmas Is k just a joyous memory I Black or jj J -!-. .' . .brown. You'll Save On Every Pair You Buyl Ideal for Gifts Kingless Silk Hose 79? ' w.. rV1 Tk - Elsewhere $1,001 Newest shades in high twist silk. Full-fashioned. Rineless from- i top-to-toe service weights, mercerized n cotton tops, silk-cov-Lfered . feet, reinforced heels, toes. Ringless chiffons with 6-thrcad silk tops, garter-run stops,2-inch af terwelts. Silk feet. 221-229 MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 384 W 3 -fflg W. EI W(S wan