December 10, 1935 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE CITY BRIEFS To HKior I'liily Thu Wo man of tin Mount will anuimui' a curd party Tuesday evening In lh Knight ot Coliimuhii bull. Pinochle will bo In piny, tlarllnc nt 8:00 o'clock. In addition lo regular prlara, a bud room choir;' a itulll and plane ot fancy work will u offered, Hofniiliiiiiinla will ha served it tho close-of piny, mid (ha puhllo la onrdliilly Invllad to attend. The Wommi ot tha Mooau will ninol In lha K. 0. hull at 1:UU o'clock Tues day aftornuon fur thnlr regular business mooting Instead ot lu tha avonlng. Townscnd Atislllary Tho Townsend club auxlllury will meet on Wadnunduy, !):. II, nt 1 p. m. In tha Must Klnmalli I in provo ment club ruuni on ICnat Main atront, Tha auxlllnry will hold a fancy work and ounkod fund aalu on ll'io. 14. In th sulosroom (if tho Klamath Natural (laa company, Main nod Hevtnlh streets. 1iolr To Meet Tha flonlur choir of tha Flrt Methodist church will moat In tho parlors of lha ohurch on Wednesday evo j, Inac at 7:30 In preparation for a program of Christmas iiiiihIc. All ninmliara aro requested to bo present. N. A. Nlchulaa will di rect tha choir. Benefit Card Party A bonoflt card party will ha hold at Bum snore ichool Friday evening at I o'clock. Auotfbn and pinochle will be played. TUe fnnda will bo used for a community Christmas tree at tha achool, Mr. Wllllniu Wamslvy la chairman of tho uvtmt. Kiiluht 'IViiiiilnr Meet KulKhta 'J'nmplni', Calvary Omii- mniiiinry Number III, will meet Wednesday evening, Doi'iiuiber 11, fur Tomplo degree. Dinner Will ha nurvud 'nt (I'llH n'cP.wk iiml nil Hlr KulKhta are cordially Invllud. Confer Tiicxcliiv Member of thn Klniunth county court mid Will lliildwlu of tho local Wl'A office, conferred Turiay rolntlvo in project now under wny In tho county, and possible new np Pllcntlona for additional Wl'A work, I'IuiiiiIiik llniiinr The Kuala anslllury will hold a bnzuur on Frlduy nud Huturdny, December 13 mid H, lit thn Itytowny Tail or ahup in (124 Main lroot. To tuwnln, pillowcases, ate, will bo offcrod fur hiiIo. Hi'iirlnu Hi't llnurlnK for O. W. (Inllnreuu, charged with hunt ing it ii rliiK closed annaon, will bo hold Wednesday aftarnoon nt 2:00 o clock lu iusllco court. (iullnrcuii waa arruatod by atato pollco officer. llohbr Hhow I'mwiitiMl Th niveralde I'.-T. A. will lie hos tesses to all thoio In lha com nmiiltv who are Interested In Maura lime ncttvllloa, at tholr Hobby Bhow to bo hold Wed nesday night at 8:00 at tho Jllvorilde achool auditorium. Xnluhi of Columbus Tho viiinhta of Columbue will meet i tholr hall. Iooml bulldliiK. u'inuitiv .1 7:46 for a ahurt hu.lueaa session. The final card party ! scheduled for s:3u. Ito. Irnhmeuta will be eonrod. noea OluU Th lloae club of the riret Presbyterian church .in nlertalued by Mra. A. T. Smith, Thuraday, a o'clock, at her . ' turn I fla,...,l M!r,.t. Iiume, sao nuiiM ..vv..M Tbore will be a m ocuu. alum ItiMHiPn Del' Oar nmtit Rhon. formerly located at 119 North Fourth street. h re opened at lie now location at 136 h'orltt rouriu airu n n. Tn Slr-ff A meeting . ii.. n Y. O. la called for Wed nesday ovnloj at 7:30 la Uk euro hall. ' . m . . i Tk.ra will lin rtcout pivtnu, " - - - a moetlnit of all Hoy Bcoula and people Interealod lo acoullna nT Altamont Wtdneadny. 7:30 p. nvT K. V. Card rnriy The fourth of a eorltie of card partli' Klvn iiiidur thu aponaomhlp of Ml. Mn- I.oiikIiIIii council o! KulKhta oi Uoliimbua, will bo kIvimi Wod mwday nvnnliiK at V:3U o'clock In lha K. C. hull. flnlm Aiient lli-ro W. It. Rhcrniun of 1'orllnnd, claim nxcut for the (Irnnt Northern, la a luminous vloltor In Klumnlli Falls 1I.ti Fnmi HI, 1'nul Waltor II. !.oiiki Inventpry clerk for lha (I rent Northern, la a bualness visitor In Klumnlli Falls from his Kt. 1'nul hundiiuartara. rnllcd by lllni' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ilullliinn Inrt Tucsilay for Everett, Wash., whore they wnro rolled by the serious Illness ot Mr. Jlnllliinn'e mother. V. 1'. W. Aiulllnry The lllnry of tho Vfterana of Forelan Wara will meet at the l.inrary club rooms Wednesday nlgiit, o'clock. Letters to Santa PLANS FORMED FOR ANNUAL YULE LIGHTING News of Oregon Court House Record :' " Monilay " Bulls Flint State Industrial accident com mission Tarsus Arthur W., PrU aulx. - Plaintiff auks 3.7 with Intereat on 30.88 In payment of workmen's compensation tal Interest and penalties; and cost u.inh H ('niiihfll. plaintiff ae Inrnav. Rtala Industrial accident eouv: mission Tcraua Alison Kryo.: Plaintiff asks I93.03 with ln-i terest on T6.SB In payment. of; -nrkmon'a comiiensntlon tues. Interest and penalties; and cost", Plalntlff'e attorney, Italph H. Campbell. Dlrorce Ornntol Mnrnarot Maupln rrnnted a lo eree of divorce from (.'harles Evana Maupln. Plaintiff award ed custody of two minor children. llxlKra fif DIsllllaMl The elroult court Monday ord ered eulte dismissed In luo ensos Farmora' Automobile Intor Insurance Exchange Torsua Uon Gay. 1 Claire E. Ritchie versus Fred Jordan and O. C. Tnlmor, es to defendant O. C. Pnlmor. Affidavit of Prejudice An affidavit ot prejudice against Judge K. B. Aahurat and motion for new Judge, woro filed Monday In the cano of Uc-nne Wethoroll veraua Mr. and Mra. Tom Onrrctt. Asliurot sustained the motion and asked the stnle auproina court to assign a now Judge to near mo ense. Dear Bnnta Claue Please bring me a Shirley temple ooli. train and toy piano. I am 3 yrs l,l Mv tiniiia It Florauce c. Wooley. Please romomuur me i tr,iii,i he verv nnoruclnto to you Yqpr frlj-qd, .Florence K. Wooley Itt. " ""x 3K, care ot sirs. A. Wooley, Klamath Falla. ; : : Doer Santa Clnus Please bring me a Khlrloy tampio onii i. UTIy hair and toy piano anu UTiowrllor. I am 6 yre oiu. mrro thank you very much for ymir kindness. Don't forget me likxise. My name Is Hetty Wooley. Your frlrnd. Hotly Wooley, lit. r llox 36C, care of Mrs. V, A. Wooloy, Klamath Falle. Dear Bnnta'ciiius Ploaae bring mo a typcrli'r and bicycle and gun machine. I am 8 yr old. My name l llerborl llnrl. Please do ngt forget me. Many thanks for your klndiiiss. Your friend, Her bert Hart, lit. 3. Hox S6C, care of Mrs. W. A. Wooloy, Klamath FTflla. Tho residential sections of Klamath Falls will be slilazo with llghla from one end of the city limits to another If plans of tho Woman's Mlirnry club committee on the Chrlstnins lighting nro carried nut as thoy have boon announced. Mra. K. I). Utmb, prnsldont, an nounced toiluy Hint Mra. John Miirlln would anrve as chairman of tho cnmmlttna asslstod by Mrs. JaciU" J. Htulgor, Jr., Mrs. Frod Hchullock, Mrs. I. 15. Hhormnn and Mrs. Louis Borruys. There are two rules which the committee has asked all those In terested In the contest lo remom- her. First, lights must be turnod on Decomhnr 23 nut Inter thnn 5 P. in., and remain on until 10 p. m. each night until ew icurs. Judges will view exhibit on the opening night and any changes made In an exhibit after that date will eliminate saia ex hlhlt- from the contest. Those llichtlng tholr homes are asked kindly to leava the lights ou the opening night as late as possible as It will take time ror sone Judges to coinpioto inuis in spection. At no time during or arior me rniiieui will names of Judiccs be announced. This yoar prlies will he cash awards, an awaru ror each tone with a grand swoep slakea prize fur the entire city. There Is more interest mown tills yeur, according to those who have worked on poet years' com mittees, than ever before and In some esses entire streets are ex pected to show lights on every borne. The commute wlshee to as suro those who will take part In the lighting project that they have visited local merchants and there Is an ample aupply ot lights and equipment lo th city. There will be two Judgea for each tone in th city and Judgea will not be allocated to their own roeldentlul rones. In order to keep the festive air going throughout tho entire city, ; all private automobile and doliv-. ery trucks are asked lo put Into I uso gay alolghnolls wnicn can do purchased In local stores. These should bo placod on care as soon as posslhlo. Any further Information de sired by those wishing to partici pate may be obtained from mem- bora of the committee. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 10, UP) Tho J.nngu of Nations Is an agency of war, James 10. van .illicit, national commander of the Veteran of Foreign Wurs, torn the Portland chamber of com merce. Ha aald th United States ap proval of league sanctions against Italy would mean hurling Europe Into another conflict. Van Zundt cited the following as among the alma of the V. of F. W.t payment of veterans' com pensation certificates, a "fool proof" neutrality policy, ade quate national defense, stamping out ot communism, the placing of veterans' legislation In bands other than politicians. ' PORTLAND, Or., Deo. 10, UP) The national youth administra tion's state advisory board elect ed James H. Haley, Jr., ot Pend leton, as permanent chairman. A dlacusslon of youth problems waa held at yesterday a meeting bore, The board also voted to ask a survey of both th high achool and college NYA program to de termine the economic and educa tional results. BANDON, Ore., Dec. 10, MP) Mambera of the Bandon chamber of commerce re-elected the entire slate of officers. F. M. Bennett is president. PORTLAND, Or., Deo. 10, UI1 Governor Charles il. Martin will be asked to quarantine Port land dogs unless tha city takes steps to stamp out' rallies, of ficials wero Informed her by Dr. K. II. Lytl of Halem, state veterinarian. Hucb cation would mean no on would be allowed to take dogg outside th city limits. Dr. Lytle said 30 cases of rabies In Portland were re ported to him since March. Hot ttuceptleiitttor Allan ilyuoiia" challenge to a debute on the new deal, sponsors uf the general s tour an lil . The former custodian of lh Illu Eagle Is scheduled to give an address here Wednesday night. BEND, Ore., Deo. 10, CIV Th McKenzle highway remained open despite th recent storm In th Cascades. Highway crews are on hand to celar the road In case of further anow. ASTORIA. Or., Dee. 10, P) Bulls against cities claimed to be polluting th Columbia and Wlllumett rlvera between As toria and Eugene will be filed within a week, Arvld Mattaon, secretary of th Columbia river fisherman's protect I vo associa tion, aald here. Mattaon alao said packer offered "financial and moral support" to the un ion' effort to halt pollution. ASTORIA, Ore., Dec. 10, UP) The south Jetty of the Colum bia river should be extended to It original length and the nortb Jetty rebuilt, the Oregon Htate board ot pilots reported after Ita annual survey. Recent im provements to the Jetty were commended. PORTLAND, Ore., Dc 10, VP) General Hugh S. Jobnson will Dull Headaches Cone, Simple Remedy Does It Headaches caused by const! nation are (one after one dose of Adlerlka. This cleana polsona out of BOTH upper and sower bowels. End bed sleep, nerv ousness. Waggoner Drug Co. Gilmora Superior ftorvfc Station 2801 S. th St. Under new management. Your business appreciated. Tires, Tube k. Accessories, New and Used Batterle. W do Battery. Recharging. Drlvs tn when yon need Service again. O. M. Jobnson, , Prop. Vital Statistic IllHTHS McFARLAND Horn to Mr. and Mr. J. C. McFarland ot 437 Alameda street, a son, December 9, 1036, at Hillside hospital. Weight, 7 pound and 14 ounce.. MOORE-Born to Mr. and Mra. Monro Moore ot tho Keuo Route, a aon, December 10, 19S5, at Klamath Valley hospital, Weight, 7 pounds, 13 ounces. 'l fl xl"t'l 1. v S IT lattrtllllaTi.i! A Mm Now you can have coffee that's mild but neverweak,m'ttnbutneverflat,otjronlj but never bitter far better coffee beciuja of the "Strength Essentiil." You get full flavor at any "strength," to suit til tastes ' exactly. MJ'B makes more cups pet pound saves money. ' FULL FLAVOR AT ANY STRENGTH . "71 ii Funeral JOHN MAI.ATCHI, JR. Tho funoral acrvlc for John Mulnicht. Jr., who pooecd away In thla city on Sunday. December g, will take place from the chapel of the Klamath Funeral Home, 025 High, atroet, on Wednesday, December 11. at 3:30 p. m. Tbe Rev. John W. Warrell ot the Mnthodlst Episcopal church will nfriciato. Tho commitment ser vice and Interment will be In the Llnkvlllo cemetery. Friends are I respocttully Invited to attend. ' Specials for This Week till . C nnar Ala w. 1-L.. IL. r'""'"1 Yeai vnop a. iu. Apples Spihenberg Box 79$ Fancy Delicious Box 89 Walnuts Lb. 15fJ Oregon Frnnqiicttea Dates 3 lbs. 250 Fancy llnllowls Glazed Fruit Lb. 2U0 Finny Diced Catsup 2 for 290 Del Slonte, 14-oa. bottle shortening, Pure Vcgelnlile 250 230 4-lb. pkg. 450 iMtK0 m.e Lime Rickey 4 pint bottles 2 quart bottles Toilet Tissue 10 rolls 250 Pay Day Flour 10-lb. bag 470 Drifted Snow Ivory Flakes Small Box 50 Sunlirlte Cleanser 4 cais 150 Radishes Bunch 10 Cocoanuts Each 50 JaaWrvIHl1MU ! ilil.ll . II H.H i. - i.l .'M U I -; srr ' 1 4 1 lira ' N rN ; POHTBLC SIZES and EIGHTS roB i DISTINCTION PRICED ; $ as low as UK irimu OMlm WVL, bita u ii 7" u J 7 w ai,bjMi tm ehmn0 ftthmmt nlo) Slmndmnl troop oj ooouerlM wlra. La IPonimtte's Aimimiinall .Once each year we take every Coat In our fine stock and mark it lust ONE-HALF the original pric. ticket Listed here you will find the exact amount of coats in stock, their former, and the Sal. . Price. Don't miss this opportunity to save-original price, p Jain .7nVJ3jj Jjr one-half price. Of course each garment bears the La Po.nte Label ofQual.ty, So dont miss thh big Pre-Xmas Annual Event. Serve You '' ' i -e111 ' '''0'' I Former Values to CTT rflfl $29.7S . . . V . NOW US f L a Ri rite's ; i "WHERE STYLE AND QUALITY REIGN SUPREME" 507 MAIN ST. : SNYDER MOTOR CO. Phone M80 Ninth and Klamath