Docombcr fl, 1935 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE Prize Recipe s ;, Reveal Cake Baking .As Real Art lly IIDMIIIXJ'M gtII.M$&r li. I), II. H, Jllllllvstlo HUMlUKft l)i'iui'liiient ...J..JMT Cull 11 bn IclliK " uil art which requires tlmo to iluviilip. . There In ihiIIiIiik Mini run la ko IIiii plneo r n iMiilly wind oiikn, pnillculiir ly (ill U tratlvo oeeunlim. Ill rulio iiiiikIiih, iirculml urrurucy In i HeeeSxIly, 1 Ail Important point to li con sidered III Kliiniulli Knlla In I he (i 1 1 1 1 in I u. I'Veiiuoiitly u standard riu'lim tn unt bn allulilly ulturml um lo miKiir, or hiililtiK tlmo In order lo Insuro a successful prod-uri. Tho iir Ixo recipes thin woe! aii) iiMiouliilly roidiuriK ii-li il. Tin n tiiiiinmi exruiitloiiiilly Kooil l'rlr.n awards nil lit wnll lllivo linen ulven to sumo 20 roclpvs. U Vlilipi'il Crwim Cnko Mrs, N. W il ill, Hoilto 2, Mux 111 1 end i hli crouin whipped 1 i cups siiKiir 3 t'KK whins 1 cup wutur 2 cupa cuko (lour, oflor aifllni 1 llllupuoll milt li limitpnons ImliliiK powdor 1 tim-iioiin (InvoriiiK Ulfn ili'u tuir HiMilu 1 tlltieil Ilnvo ri'ucly whipped cronm. Ilrui ckk wuiio u i il nun um noi uiy add to i renin. Thou mill water Kohl In miKiir Willi wlro whip oi In iiiik"! cuko. Then flour llttlo II n tlmo. Add flavoring. Hake III luyir toko puns. Borvo Willi whipped cr .hi. ! At'Plo Hauce Cnko Willi llronn HiiKiir Mil. It. M. Mayors (Inn. Del., Klunialh Kalis In Hits iitniln mmih'O rrtitnh rukn hrowti suCur criimli mlxliiro l sprinkled on lop of the cnko mix ture. For I ho cuke: 1 cup iiriiuiiliitoil aiiKiir 1-3 cup shortening 1 teaspoon null I teaspoon cloves i tiililesponna hot wntor 1 cup aweotonod upplu sauco 1 vi:k 1 rup flour , 1 teaspoon clniiuition 1 1 1 nntmiHi M.iitii " ('renin loxotlirr tlio BliortonliiR. ii-nr and vkk. nut nour, snii, cinnamon, nnd elm en. Add alter nnti'ly Willi thn lint wntor In wllu-li soda In (Unsolved. Kolil In tlio nppla sauce. I'our In a tint oiled tin ami sprinkle with tula mixture: i cup hrown augur 1 cup flour 2 tablespoons butter Aub tlio butter Into !ho sifted flour, aiiKur mid cinnamon and aprluklo over tlio ruke batter. Uako III modurnto oven. 2t cant ononis go to Christmas Cnko Mra. Harvey Woodanl, lit. 1. Itox 109 Doll 3 mlnutea li cup brown auitor. 1 cup water. 1 cup riilsln, t cup of bi'.ttor, and i teaspoon curb of cloves, cinnamon, und nutmeg. .When cool, add 1 tea spoon tf aod In 2 tablnepooua of water. Then add 2 cupa of flour, 1 teaspoon of bnkliiK powder and 1 cup ot nuts (chopped). If do alrrd. ono cup of chopped candled fruits may bo added at thla tlmo. lluko one hour In a alow oven (300 degrees F.) .lain Cnko Mr.. M. McWIIhy. 722 N. 10th St. li cupa sugar i cup shortening . (not too hard) ' 3 eggs (unbeaten) ' 4 liiblrnpoona water 1 cup Jinn 1 cup brokfn uutmoata 1 cup rnhdna 2 cupa flour 1 teunpooii aoda i toitnpoon wilt 1 lampoon cinnamon A abnko each of ull'plcc, cloves and iiutnivg 2 rounded tahloupoona ground cuuculato. Do not stir or beat until all Ir.iii'Cdleuta nro In howl. Then beat vliioroUHly for two minute. I'our Into k i ('lined and IlKbtly floured loaf or nnn'1 food pan nnd liuko III ll alow oveu for ono hour, I-ot aliind In pun until eonl, Thin rulio will kuep fur ilifya und nuuda no IcIiik. HihhiInIi Hum Cnko (A Mun'a t.'uko) Delia H, Iticorda, Hiiinona, Apt. i. a 0K (nuvo tlio whltoa of 2) 2 cupa HiiKiir 1 cup hul lor 1 cup nour milk 2 cupa flour 1 IviiHpooii aoda 1 ti'llnponli clovea 1 teiupooii clnnumon Ciouni buller and aumir. Add ernta, milk, flour, aocu, aplcea. Tut butter In dripping pnn or (hit (In. 2 okk wliltra bonten 2 eup of brown aiiitur 1 eup wuliiut niculK Htlr up toKiilher nnd apreud over top of ruko beforo Imklnn. lluko cuko ono hour In alow oven. ;umlro Cnko Mm. II. M. Drown, 4.15 Jufforion i rup Minrlrnlng 1 cup aiixnr 2 ockk, w II beaten 2 cup flour 2 tenmioona linking powder i louxpoou anlt 1 tenHpoon cliiiiiunon i loupoon nulincK li cupa aweet milk 1 pound aeedloaa rulalna 1 pound innndropa, cut flno (any inlxid fluvora, otlior than lleork'n) CrAiin aliortenlng und aumir. Add well beaten okkb. Mix flour, rait, linking powder, cinnamon and nutmcic and "lit tonetber lliron llmea; and alternately with I ho milk. Add ralalm and iiim dropa. lluko In a urenncd and floured loaf pun fur li lioura ut 300 degreea. Ilevll'a l'oixl Cnko Mra. It. II. IIoiikIi, l.llil Cullfornla Ave. Thin cako never folia In thla aliunde. i cup cocoa or ground choco Inta - S traKpoon aoda I'our enouuli boiling water ovor thla to form a amooth paste. lot cool i cup butter or other ihorton lug 1 cup auKnr 3 ork yolka 1 cup milk 3 cupa cako flour 2 loanpaona baking powder 1 teanpoon vanilla 3 C!K whites Cretiiu butttr and augar, add linlr Iho flour, then add milk and A xmfis GIFT! FOR 8 PORTER LABELS Thli ipacloui cabinet file Iibeiu- tunny nntincu a itilt you or any of your friends will trcuurelTho holidava are an excellent time to acrvoTortfr'j drlicioui products (made from 100 Grado A-l Dur. um Semolina) and obtain this ideal Christmu gift absolutely fRIEl mdllalMla Irom any Porta BrmluctatoPe tr Searplltv Portland.Or. r.aWhen you buy a jug or tin of any Tea Garden Syrup together with a package of 1 gL , -.1 any pancake flour! djL- TEA GARDEN DRIPS Distinctively flavored by expert blend ing i, of imported sugars. A grand treat on pancakes or1 warfles. In glass table jugs and "Long John" tins. TEA GARDEN CANE AND MAPLi The real cane and maple. A bit heavier and richer thanrmost cane and maples with more tangy mnplc flavor. IrfU-oi. and 25-oz. tabic iucs. biiiten egg yolks ulturnutoly wllh remaining flour and hukluK pow der. Add cooled cocoa and aodn, then vunlllii, and lastly fold In lieiiteii egg wliltoa, lluko In three u-liich puna nt 3C0 degrees fur 10 to 20 minutes. Icing! (I IiiIiIomjiooih lull I or II tuhlenpoons boiling water or COfffltt . 1 leanpooii vuiillla 1 leiiniiooii unit 0 tnlili njioona cocoa 2 2-3 cups powdered sugar. ..Mix III order given, bent until very creamy and stiff enough to sprcud on cuke. "jlcuMirt llrlrtjro Huerlnl" Mrs, Waller Hrown, l.'l 30 1'acKlc Torraco Iiit hulf: C'rcunv i cup butter, 1 cup brown nur.ur Aild 2 iablespoons Huhhlt mo laanes Heat In 3 ogg yolks In 2 cups flour put 1 teaapoon cloves and 1 lulilespuon clnnu mon UlsHolvn In small amount of water 1 teaspoon aodn. Htlr that Into i cup buttermilk. Add li quid to firut mlxturo alteriiatlug with flour. Add 1 cup chopped 35 rul'liis or currants, llulfo mlnutea at 3C0 degrees, 2ifd liulf; i cup butler crenmed with I cup white sugur II cups flour i cup cornstarch To that add: 1 tcunpoun cream turfur 1 Icanpoon liaklug soda Add this lo butter mid sugar, ullormillug with 1 eup sweet milk. Add slimy braten whites ot 3 eggs. I'uur this mixture over first cnko (illicitly nnd put back In oven and bake 30 inlnutbi In oven at 370 degrees. Icing: 2 cups powdered sugar 4 tiihlcbpooim buller Add hulling water, small amount at a time i teaspoon vanilla 1 teuspooii lemon extract 1 cup chopped raisins 1 cup chopped walnuts. Crushed llunana Cako Mrs. W. B. Morris, Itt. 2. Box 41 1 cup of liuttcr or other short ening . 1 i cups of sugar 2 well beaten eggs 1 cup of banana pulp (aftor putting through sieve) 4 tablespoons r! scur milk 1 teaspoon of soda ; 2 cups ot fluur ' 1 teaspoon baking powdor . ' I'lncli of salt 1 cup chopped walnuts. Creuin augur and shortening well. Add beaten eggs. Add soda dlmolvcd In tha sour milk. Blft flour, bilking powder and salt together and udd to 11 rut part. l,u nt add tlio crushed bananas und walnuts, lluko In 2 large layer tins for 40 mlnutea. Killing: Put ono good rlpo nanana through sieve. Add 1 cup ot powdered augur and mix woll. Cut Into very "mull pieces, about 0 or 0 dates and 3 muraxchlno cherries. Add to tho banana pulp. Whip i pint of cream very stilt and Into this mix the ban ana, etc. 1'laco on cako Just before serving. Housewives are always anxious to obluln new rclpes fur cakes and cookies Ju::t before Christ mas. Ho for next week, send In your host cooklo recipe? parti cularly thoso suitable for the Christinas B ason. Original name for tho Hawai ian Islands was the Sandwich Islands. TO I MBnniLL; rice. . J. w. Bcogglns, Merrill Coy Bcout lead er, will accompany 20 Hoy Bcouts to Klamath Ke.lls Friday evening to attend a district court of hon or when achievement awards will bo mndo to CO scouts. Clifford Jurdlne, Morrill, will Schilling jflavory Mexican Cliili receive tho hlghost bail bo of mortt to bo awarded a. scout and will rise to tho ranks of eagle scout at the session. . Tha local boys plan to resume the cIobb In Red Cross life saving at an early, date. Classes were dropped several weeks ago duo IYONX' ORG SEC 1 jigger Lyons California Brandy: Vi Jigger Lyons OROSEC; Vi jigger lemon juice: shake with ice. rt wm to the prevalence nt Infantile paralysis In the county. Plana tor oilier winter aotlrU tloa are expected to taks shop In the near future. 14 MONTHS AND MOM OU taK fl Uldtr Healscky whlikJM Arsrasa Asa Urns iTrirfnt UM oi Kentucky gtmlilil wliUklta Rnuomiblr tVleed PINTS QVABTb 1I.BS W. L Um A Son lie, losing If. ' lis m sj niaai.Miw niniuwwni.iaw1 vmmwm vmrt naiul I iiMaaisiiariiiii J '' ' " '''- X , x tWI'ju THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE '. V 1 " y ' ID. DEC. 7 TO 9, INCLUSIVE JSJ Each i TOEaATTOES Each ' Large tins, solid pack PEACHES Del Monte, halves or sliced limit 3 tins Large No. 2Vi Tin 2 Tins PnsneappleJuice Libby's No. 2 tins use it for health . BEANS -S 3 Lbs. Small whites, reds or large whites PEAS Minnesota Valley (Limit 6 tins) No. 2 Tins Each s MATCHES ctn. iT(g Highway Carton of 6 boxes MACAEONH Lb. Rose City Get your supply at this low price Acorn, 8-Lb. pail Limited supply : SYEUP c,. Q HEBSHEY BARS . .. Bot. at jg? I I Plain or Almond .. ... , Sleepy Hollow Cane and Maple SALT Maximum, shaker package, Plain or iodized . . Caclkeirs s Each 3X(3 5.I fc Ivit eltorl or an-ialiatnx a' , aSWeSl House Lb. OC(g Known the world over VsT CALO Dog Food 3 Hns ScottttTflssiuie j Roiis Always uniform Toilett Soap J Bars TL?(3 Whrte Kino- 12-oz. bottle, new pack, Ruby CATSUP Bot. (g HTZ Crackers Small Pkg. The genuine none better 3 Bars ( SATURDAY ONLY ', 'V" -' Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Oranges doz2c Extra large size. Navels. BANANAS . . . . . . . Lb. Kc Firm golden ripe. t, , : "" GRAPEFRUIT. . Doz. Fancy Sunkist. Med. size. APPLES . . . .BoxQc Delicious., CAULIFLOWER . Head fl Cc Large white. Blue Seal, hardwheat. An all purpose flour. See our large displays of holiday candies. Choc. Drops, 2 Lbs.:.......25 Fresh creamy centers Gum Drops, 2 Lbs.. ...... .25 Tender, assorted colors Fancy Chocolates 98i Full S-Lb. box 3 SPECIAL Dinner Bell Oleomargarine, ' Saturday only, Limit 5 Lbs. Lb. .HOC SATURDAY ONLY SPECIAL No. 1 Fancy T-lones . ROUND . OR LOINS POUND ; f IS;-: TSTEEi PECNHCS Swift's Boned and Rolled. PINT LB. 2c 28c SHnoortteoQiiimg 4s 4 LBS. iaBBBBBBBBBHBBBKBBSBBBBBBBBIBBBBHBBB l WUBSSNJ WinaananBBBHSaSBBBBWlBBBBBSSHSBSHBBBSB - i I : i