December 5, 11)35 PAGE TEN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Casey s Capt Oregon Picked to Beat Gaels St. Mary's on Short End tor First Time This Season. Big time Basketball Coming Here. Work of Ed Goddard '. Praised. According to the prognostt eators of San Francisco, St. Mary'a will enter Ita game against Oregon on the short end ot the betting odds. It will be the first time this sea . eon the Gaels have not been a favorite at the Btart of a game. , Tho logic of the situation la this: 1 Oregon defeated Washlng ' ton, 7 to ; Washington de 1 feated Washington State 21 to . Washington State and St. ! JIary'a played a 7-7 tie. From i another angle, California de : feated SU Mary'a 10 to 0 and l Oregon 6 to 0. 1 Consequently Prink Callt ' ton's Webfoots are either 22 " or 4 points better than Slip ' Madlgan's Gaels. . :1 i The tentative game between '. the University of Oregon and ' Southern Oregon Normal sched ' led lor the armory late this ! month will be the first time " Klamath Falls has been vis ': Hed by big-time basketball. ! The nearest approach to var i sity competition in the past -was the annual visit of the ' Elephants. ' j Howard Hobson, former ' Ashland coach and now head man at the university, brought Ilia Elephants here frequently. Because he found the public so receptive, he to willing to bring the Webfoots. The game here will be pro moted through the Interests of the Junior chamber of com merce. .'... ' Speaking of Ed Goddard, the' brilliant 4 quarterback of . the W. S. C. football team, this piece '. is written by Gene Coughlln, sports writer of Los Angeles: ; t "Jay Berwanger of Chicago must be the eame type ot workhorse that we have on the coast tn the person of God dard. Both happen to be members of Class BB clubs, -which means that they have to play 60 -minutes at top speed to keep their outfits -within hailing distance of the ; opposition. i "Berwanger and Goddard packed the pill on almost every play. ' They punted and paBsed. When the other array had the oval, they dropped back and made tackles. And, playing behind lines such as .those at Chicago and Pullman, the secondary makes plenty ot tackles. ."S 'thought' that Goddard, against Southern California at least,- was the most valuable player we've had at the Los Angeles Coliseum in many years. PoBsibly not aB fast as Cheshire or Bobby Wilson, the Southern. Methodist f 1 y e r; probably lacking the drive ot Grayson, but put all ot his ac complishments together . and they spell perfection plus. "After Chrlstofferson -was lurt early In the game, God dard was about four-flfthB of the Cougar team. He ran with tho ball, passed, punted, and tackled, and held the pigskin while Mel Johansen -was mak ing two place kicks. He was dead on his feet in the clos ing minutes, but his 15-yard dash through a comparatively fresh Trojan line as the game I -waned was as fine a display of heart as I have seen. "If I started out to organ ize a football club and could have my pick of three, I'd take Chavoor to snap the ball and Berwanger and Goddard to carry, pass, and kick It. If the other eight men were chosen by lot, the customers -would have a lot of fun, even though we'd probably lose a majority of our games." WRESTLING By The Associated Press Baltimore Danno O'Mahoney, 220, Ireland, threw Jim Brown ing. 238. Verona, Mo., 30:30. Heading, Pa. Chief Little Wolf. 215, California, threw Charley Strack, 228, Spring Val ley, N. Y 21:12. BridKeton, N. J Carlos Hen- rlquoz, 200, New York, defeated "Prince" Gelasi Manago, 206, Ethiopia, two straight falls, Holyoke, Mass. Yvon Robert, 216, Montreal, defeated Danny WlntorB, 212, Missouri, two' Btralglit falls. Walla Walla, Was h. S a m Leathers, 210, Dallas, Tex., beat Bob Kruse, 208, Oswego, Ore., on a foul after each had won a fall; Doo Nap Devora, 190, Providence, R. I., defeated Bap tists Paul, Vancouver Island, whon Paul failed to como back tor the third fall. The strangest of modern pistols is the one which looks like a pips and which may be carried in the mouth like an ordinary tobac co pipe, A .25 caliber bullet Is tired through the innocent-looking stem, while the howl la a mugaiine for five extra cartridges. SONS DEFEATED BY 38-26 EDGE Maccabees Score Victory Over waldorr At Armory. JK' . crrr leagvk W. I Pet. 2 0 1.000 1, 0 1.000 1' 0 1.000 Caseya Old Fort Maccabees - Sons Lost River Bonanca CCC Waldorf Balslger .. 1 1 .600 1 .600 1 . .000 1 ,000 ft .000 1 , 0 Wednesday night results: Knights of Columbus 39., Sons of Italy 26: Maccabees 32, Wal dorf 23. Thursday night schedule: Bo nania vs Maccabees; Waldorf vs Old . Fort. - Both games at the armory.- First starts at 7:30 o clock. The Knights of Colnmbus leap ed into the lead In the City Bas ketball league Wednesday night with a 39 to 20 victory over the Sons ot Italy at the armory. A -well balanced scoring com bination, supported by capable reserves, sent the Caseya into, the lead at the start. They were In front IS 'to 6 at the close of the first half. The Maccabees gained victory in the opening of their schedule by upsetting Waldorf, 33 to 23, in the first game, me -winner) led 15 to t at half-time. Sharp, Maccabee forward, -was the high scorer ot the contest. He dropped in 19 points. The summaries: Waldorf FQ FT T Wakeman, f 3 17 Brlnlg, f 2 2 6 Allen, e 13 5 Brunton, g 0 0 0 Triplette, g . 2 16 7 23 Maccabees FQ FT Sharp, f McDanlels, f Hanks, c 7 5 J. Kennerly, -g Ferrell, g Thexton, o 14 6 33 Sons of Italy FQ FT Gloranlnf, f 2 0 Pinelll, f 3 0 Confortl, c 0 1 Carnlnl, g 4 1 Bellottl, g 1 0 Nanl, g 2 0 12 2 Knights of Columbus FQ FT Hess, f Durant, f G. Reillng, c - W. Helling, g Pernell, g Short, c Larson, g Sandstrom, g . 17 .6 89 Portland Pilots Have 4 Veterans PORTLAND, Dec. l. UPt Four veterans from last years squaa were among 22 candidates for the University of Portland basketball team, which opened practices last nlKht. Don Harmon, center; Jim Lelneweber, forward or center, and Ray Vengelen and Paul Mc Glnnis are the veterans.. New comers Include Bill O'Donnell, for mer Columbia prep star. Coaches Drill Young All-Stars PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 6, UP) Coaches Ted Rohwer and Chappie King toughened their city all-star football team with a nruising scrimmage yesterday. In prepara tion for Saturday's benefit game against Washington high, city champions. The only casualty was Leonard Younce, tackle, but he will be ready to start against the Colo nials.' Vanderbilt Plays North-South Game MIAMI, Fla., Die. 6, (U.PJ Vanderbilt university -was selected Wednesday by the Orange Bowl committee to represent Dixie in the second annual playing of the North-South game here New Year's 'Day. Should the Tennessee eleven be prohibited from post season com petition by southern conference rules. Auburn is tho likely second choice. Coleman Defeats Ex-Football Star . PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 6. (tP) Abe Coleman, Now York heavy weight grappler, smashed to a two out ot three falls victory over RelT Russell, former North western university football Star, here last night. Ted Cox, Lodl, Cal wrestler, gained two of three, falls from I Brother. Jonathan ure Chall enger Frankle Peck of San Fran cisco who has issued a challenge to Ken Ilollis for a main event wrestling match at the armory next Tuesday night. SPORT SHORTS By EDDIE BRIETZ ., NEW YORK, Dec. 5. (-P War correspondents back from Fort Worth say you ought to hear that Southern' Methodist band play "California Here I Come." Babe Ruth Is around wearing a huge raccoon coat. . . We have with us today Herr Max Schmel- lng, who would like to fight Braddock . . . but wants no part of Joe Louis. Ed Skoronskl, Purdue captain, could hardly -wait to turn pro. . . He already has Joined the Pitts burgh Pirates and will play against the Giants here Sunday. Mike Jacobs is trying to get a Chicago date for Prlmo Car- nera and Ray Impellittiere. . . Pro basketball teams are finding tbe aging New York Celtics Just as tough as ever.. Herb Pennock, president of the Charlotte baseball club, watched "Cowboy" Luttrall, the wrassler, amble down the street and re marked: "Forty years a cowboy and never rode a horse." . . The line caught on . . . but rubbed Luttrall the wrong way. . . Next time he visited Charlotte he rode a charger right down the main drag. . . Now the sports writera said: "Forty years a cowboy and finally rode a horse." ' If Louis and Paulino pack the Garden gate at 315 top. the gate will go well over 3100,000. ... Biggest Garden gate was 3180, 000, which Jack Delaney and Jimmy Maloney drew back in the lush days. . . Immigration au thorities have told Danno O'. Ma honey to get back to Ireland within 30 days. , . What, and leave his publick? Billy Kelly reports that be tween halves Coach Indian Yab lock gives his St. Francis grid ders a lump of sugar soaked In pre-war brandy. . . But only one lump to a - player. . . P-lease coach. t: Willie Crump, who sold Head Play to Mrs. Silas Mason for 330,000 has been engaged to train the horse. , . That "hot" story about demands for Gil Dobie's scalp at Cornell has cool ed off. . . There have been so many demands for Gil's head that he doesn't even stop to ar gue with tbe boys any more. . . A southern scribe asks: "What's become of Max Baer?" . . Then adds "on second thought never mind." . i i V if fX 5', ,s , I f I w n ' 1 . 'Ja- f I 1 ' 1 Is The Old Judge in Kentucky Says: "I had a jury of the boys trying a case of Shipping Port the other evening. And they all agreed it's the top in Kentucky Straight Whiskey." SHIPPING PORT KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON whiskey: IT'S MADE THE SLOW. COSTLY OLD FASH IONED WAY BUT THE PRICE raAMxroBT distilleries or Leadership HOWS SIGNED AGAINST PECK Ex-fighter Will Tackle Ruffian From Ar kansas. Franklo Peck, globe-trotter, ex- flchter and wrestler, was signed Thursday as the next man to face Ken IIollU of Arkansas. Peck will meet the rough and tumble athlete In the main event wrestling match at the armory next Tuesday night. Mollis, who wrestled In Sacramento Wednes day, sent word to Mack Llllard, saying the match was agreeable to him. Tha Arkansas ruffian has had two matches at the armory. The first one went to Les Wolfe on a foul. The second taw Pete Uel castro. junior heavyweight cham pion of the coast, go down to de feat. Peck, who mokes his headquar ters in San Fraucisco, was selected to meet Hull ia chiefly because the promoter believed htm capable of handling the wild tactics demon strated in recent matches. Peck is a former fighter, and plans to use his punching ability against the Arkansas tornado. ' Normally ' a cleau grappler, Peck says he will have no reluct ance in getting rough with a wrestler ot Hollls type. In tbe seml-wlndup Les Wolfe of Texas will wrestle Pete Bal castro. This match will be under tbe Australian round system. Toots Estes and Hex Mobley will meet in the opening match. It will be a return bout. Mobley won Tuesday. Goodness Me! Thought Louis Was the Champ KANSAS CITY. Dec. 6. (.PV An elderly woman paused on the out skirts of the crowd that surround ed James Braddock, the heavy weight champion, when he stopped at the Union station last night. She took her spectacles from her handbag, adjusted them, took a good look at the champion, and asked an u?her: "Young man, can you tell me who that big gentleman la with tho badly swollen left ear?" "He's Braddock, tho heavy weight champion," the usher ex plained. "And that la what you call a cauliflower ear, lady." "Goodness!" the woman ex claimed. "I thought Joe Louis was the champion." Portland School Will Play Games With Hawaiians PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 5. (IPi The Hill Military academy football team will wage a grid war on the distant Hawaiian Islands Decern zcr 21 against the McKlnley high and St, Louis high teams at Hon olulu. It will be a benefit contest for the St. Francis hospital of Hon olulu. ., Coach Jack Wahl of Hill Mili tary said be would take a squad of 27 cadets.' Tbo cadetB will leave Portland December 9 and sail from San Francisco tho loth. They -will spend Christmas holi days in the islands. Messages and legcndB were written on the bones of their dead relatives by the ancient Phoenicians. More than two-thirds . of the population of the British Empire is located in India. 90 IS ONLY . . . PINT .- A.. ., 7-1-0 Louisville and Baltimore MAY TURN PRO 5 if ' N - 1 vK i 4 jgSef illlam T Til. ton s prnrslnn'tl tennis trnupo mav enlist tho ser.lipn of unninor nntmi ama teur, nnrkelny RH1. nliovo. of Texas, seventh ranking player in the I'nlled States. av that II be does sicn n win be before Jan. 1 5 and 7-Tube Battery (MM7ES SaturDember 7th jj 8 J This B-tiibe Toblo Model Broadcast Receiver lias every advanced feature in Battery Type Radios. Su perheterndyne circuit, fine tonal qualities and distance, low current consumDlion. Complete "B" and "C" Batteries..., 7.Tiib Alt. sole (Complete with Storage Battery) , , , 67.SO Open Evenings In Gity League Bonanza Troopers Score Victory Over High School Camp lloimnzti'a bnskutlinll tram ilifi'iili'd llonnuiu Willi nrhmil iu-11 In a gaino played at lloiinnin Tuesday night. Held In check during tho first quarter by the si-runny high school tonni, tho t'CC t-ngrra stepped out to 10-3 nt the halt tlmo, nnd from Hint period tho final Issue was never In doubt. Joo Schubert wns hltth (eornr for tho Cl'C quintet, with twelve points. Holiluson wns hliih man rur tho hlKh school with four points. Summaries: 'nuii (') HlKh Svlitxil (It) Schubert 1 i V l'i'l 1 I, Hunks K HobliiHon 4 Alli-h 2 1) limy Wiillni-c 4 Q neciuiH l'utton 2 O Hoss i ttiibatltullons: For Camp llo- nanin, Hayos, Itlccl, Snniro, llrpp and sninrl. f or iionaniu iiikii rrhool, Strom, Minor and I'cblo (3). Pastega Receives Football Letter John rnstega, a xrndtinte of tho Klamath Union high school Inst year, now a student nt Southern Oregon Normal at Ash land, la anionic tho Uu luotuull players to bo awarded letters for work during the 1936 football season. Uoqulremcnts for tho awardsj MEW tornAirPatrol Radm-hrirW If 1 7 unknown Radio 4-Tube Table Model Here's a Rreater value than you'd ever espret at such a low firlca ... a compact 4-Tube Receirer, 10s7i6 inrlm, wilh lluinlnated airplane typo dial . . , dynamic speaker, and rich walnut finiuli cabinet Inlaid in eliony anil lemon-wood. Surpriiinff volume and aelectiv- 95 ity . . . excellent tonal quality. Model 476 JeaW 4- Tulie Table Model. . . . Very powerful . . .a Cm. liroadcuts, I'ollce Calls. Model 477. ... 1 1 785 5- Tuhe Superheterodyne Table Model ... A Droadcait lie ceiver wilh grratcr volume, Aal dialance. Model 478 $2150 Sell listed above equipped with lata! type glut tuhti. Metal- Class tubes available at slight additional cost. Startling New All-Mclal Tube Tuble Models "Itnnnrt tliit WnrT.t n.n.: in this 6 All-Metal Tube Superliet erodyne Table Model Radio. Wilh every advanced feature In Radio . . . and a handiome upright style Wal nut Cabinet . . . it's a marvelous value at ita low price. Receives uroaacama, roiice Cain, Ama teurs and Airplanes, and Foreign Short Wavea, a a Model 480. 575 (Shown otlcl). 3 J Radio Perfection... 1 1 AIl-Mctal Tube Console Here's the Radio that HAS EVERYTHING ... 11 All Meial Tubes V "-n1"1 World Reception" . . . High Fidelity with 12-Inch Auditorium tvoe Dynamic Snrnlcr hiih,i . i fection, with recessed speaker and resonance tone chambers at sides. Walnut and Ebony cabinet in beautiful, modern de- .i.n 'rt.! n..iiA c- .! i . , E ar aBBk aA i "'''" .wiiBMiioii priccu lar JJUIUUIO 9CIS IflOUCI 10J , 7 All-Melal Tube All Wavo Sunerhelerodyno Console Model 4111 9 AIl-Mctal Tube All Wave Superheterodyne Console Model 4112 Modernize tehh Melal Glasi Ttibet Radios now equipped wilh glass tubes may be modernlicd with standard base Mcul-Glaas Tubes. Ask for low prices. Models Hear It! , Marvelous Models Motorola Ask about "Mnglo Elimlnode" that .llmln.t.. with "A" Pack, $3750 WAVE ping suppressors . . . and other features. 120 N. 7th a - MB Include an nveraKO of li minutes plnyliiK tlmo per name, or n totitl of 84 mlnutea for tho anven Kttmo aeuson which Southern Oregon Normal had this year, Oregon Webfoots Defeat Clubmen 1WOKNIC, Ore., Dec. 5. (!') Tho llnlvornlly of OrvKnn'a bas ketball tenin, benloii 47 to 41) by an Independent team ln-it week, cntnu buck to trounce t ho Multnomah Athletic club nf Port land r, I to 23 hern last ntiiht. Wlllio Jones, shifted hark 10 his old center post, scored I'i points for Hie Webfoots. I'ltl-tei-inn nud ltourko started nt forward nta for Oregon nnd Courtney and Hcntt nt gunrds. Visitor joes hlvo of bcua In Ak sum, Ktlilnplii. showplui-a nud l told anyone who enters Is nttniK. Over here, tho trick la worked nt tha boxofflre. 1936 vnu hlthori-n asaaiaai.1 IW Reception! Sale with Modern in modern In All-Metat Tubes Irinir a new thrill to radio reception In I hit 6-Tube Sunerheterodyne Table Model Hailio, Features include . . . Automatic Volume Control, Full Viiion Illuminated Dial, 6 lnch Dynamic Speaker, Con tinuoinly Variable Tone Con trol. Crla ilroadcailt, I'olico Colls. Model da 479. Second 905" from top) , , , , saw $89 neiow com-yilUv $44.50 .$69.50 All 193S Model "40" $2X5 aJJ Jf With 6 Tube, Terms, Plus Small Carrying Charge IS to S75 meters 4 bands geta domestic and foreign stations, amateurs, police, air- R lanes and ships st sea. ot to be contused "1 " isSl 1 1 'Jtoffiota'ST with 2-band "w a?lo Terms Fre Demonstration t 'Vlus Pnono'tSI CbI m urn 1 1 t CIGARETTES MUST PLEASE, CP, YOU'VE SMOKED 'EM FREE! If you nro a "innkinV smoker who would enjoy rollliiR a bultur clitn rotte, hero is a runmrknbla no-rlsk oiler Hint ia riht down your alley s Koll and sniuko 30 llrlncu Albert clKarottos. If you don't any thoy uro tho boitt roll-your-own cigarettes you ever hud, return the tin with tho rust of tho tohucco In It to ua nt any tlmo within a month from this dale, and wo will refund your full )iur cIiuko price, ilua Kintnc. l'rlnco Albert haa to satisfy you. And wo bcllovo It will, l-'or wo use only cholco tobacco. Then It Is "crimp cut" for easy rolllnit nnd slow, cool smoking1. All "bite" la removed to make l'rlnco Albert mild and dellruto In taste. And wo nck the mukln's for about 70 flno clijnrrtteB In Ilia bin H-ounco economy tin. So it's llttlo wonder that men nro flock intr to l'rlnco Albert, "Die roll Joy smoko," barked up by such a fair and aquara offer! llavo ion tried l'rlnco Albert? You owo It to yourself to know what thodirfcronco Is. P. A, Itocs niluhty friendly in a iIk too. (Sip-noil) It. J. Koynolda Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. Fringe Albert THK KASV-TO-ROLt JOY SMOKI IK, M. J. Unwt Tt. (X LReductlons oiM& Western Air Patrol Home Radios !! The Mighty Midget Model "15" Table Set Price tubes design, construction. uiuiumju,'r n Shaded walnut finish. Only I'AxlVjtWi Indies. 4 latest type tubes. Wonderful tone. Model "17" Dual Wavo Tabic Model 75 to S40 Meiers. Ct A Qti) ff'llh Ceta Police Calls. 9 Tu&oa Moilt-1 "29" Dual Wave Tuldo Model 75-540 Meters. V- M MM With Handsome Cabinet ?'. 3 Tubot Model 38 ALL WAVE Table Model 15 tn 550 Meiers. Bring In Foreign stations! ... With Tuftea Wave Console v mi sets oelllna around our low nX. Small Carrying Charge, on Terms. A high . quality. 4 Mf . 1 Auto Radio ASK FOH FREE I)EMONSTnfm)N ' 1 i ( r