December 3, 1935 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE IWII'P We. Ill all J m WMM -aaSemarataM WA Great 4-Bay ..ji Christmas Opening Fri.i Dec. 6 Give Her a Quilted Rayon Kobe 3.98 O rj Extra Lnrgtt Size, 0 x 105! RAYON SPREADS We've sliced off a real saving for you here. A new pattern in a lustrous rayon that will shine for gifti. Pastel rote, blue, green, orchid, gold-color. St'V FlrtTlmeIilow40! v n Vi, rxcvci 3 More Than 8 Feet Long! mm 4 . I'.' 1 1 "Longwear Sheets A Gift Wives Will Welcome! Long on Quality! No worry about kicking these sheets out at the bottom 1 Full size 81x99 Inches. Buy thorn for gifts. Buy them for yourself. Smooth finish, firmly woven. Strong tape selvage. j 42 x 36 Inch Longwear PJIlow Cases . . . 25 Bcfort Hetnmlni Iff $5Ds YdttriLi 221-229 Telephone 384 - ..:UI T.A,rt!r aiuic iuyycu Panel borders, Iy color. Jade, blue, peach, maize. it" x 44". Washcloth, 10f 3 for 2SU Wool-filled Sateen Comforter A popular gift choice, dug to their reasonable price, warmth, attrac tlveneia. Floral eateen top, tcroll atitched. Sol id paatel border and back. 4'!-!b. weight Cut size, 72x84, Wel comed gift! I Mailt St. 1 , . v CHIFFONS OR SERVICE WEIGHTS WHICHEVER SHE LIKES . . . . . iAHOSE 13 l . So mart, so warm, iha'll put it on the minuta aha gala it on Chriatmaa morning I Flna quality quilted rayon, trimmed with contracting or aalf material. In delicate fiaatels. Small, medium, arge aizet. . All-Rayon or Satin Negligees 398 Styled to thrill feminine heartal Priced to pleata gift-givertl Charming prints, trimmed with contrasting material; and pastele, trimmed with dainty lace. Small, medium, large aizea. An Ever-welcome Gift Bags 2.98 Wardt Low Prlcet You can't make a purse out of a tow's ear but you CAN make one out of real pigskin or calf or alligator call'. And if you fit it out beautifully and give it tipper pockets, it's a bag worth having! Fathers or Sons Like These! Wool Slippers 100 Wards Low Prict Nothing like them for cold winter nights and colder mornings I They're sheep skin Inside and cuffs aa thick and warm as fur. Natural color bound in brown. 6 to IX. PAIR FULL FASHIONED 1 Unusually low price for this quality. New shades in sturdy ser vice weights. Chiffons, with silk picot tops and silk heels. tMWHiwiiwiiu'Whm MEN'S Only because Wards b'ougKt 185,000 shirts can we sell them for so little! The wise buyer will order 2 or 3 and pocket the savings! Made of lustrous broadcloth! Pleated sleeves! Tubfast colors! Collar needs no starch! Fancy patterns in blue, tan, or gray; plain blue, also in white. Sizes 14 to 17! Real Kid Gloves 1.89 Plain or novelty Blip-ons, one clasp, or fancy cuffs. The Ideal Christmas gift! Black or brown. Plain or Fancy Hankies 3c White with lovely colored em broidery, all white, or colorful prints. Give her a dozen! SELLING ELSEWHERE AT 1.29 WILT-PROOF COLLARS! YOU SAVE 29c Designed ForWards Panties Made ot a fine quality of rayon in many at traetive styles. All French cat, flat in front, tastefully trimmed with lace. ' They'll make love ly gifts. Extra sizes, too. They're All Pure Dye! Satin Slips j39 Satin la slippery and tweeds and woolena slide over it without catching. These art tt- Secially nice slips ... iaa cut, lace-trimmed or tailored. If you're giving gifts to gala, give these I Sizea 34-44. Men's Suspenders 69c Boxed I Made to sell for 79cl Choice of smart ttrlpet or dashing, figured : pat terns! Boys' Broadcloth Shlrta 49c Sells elsewhere at 59tl Made of good quality broadcloth! Whitt, blue, or patterns. Men's Gift Ties 50c At thla low price a gift a la still Inexpensive! Part wool lined!, Plain colors, patterns. Beit, Buckle, Tit Clasp 79c Aa Ideal gift for any man! Emboased: e o w h i d e belt, matching buckle, tie clasp. Wards Beauty Box 79c Face powder, lotion, astrin gent, cream rouge, cleansing and cold cream in lift box. Rayon Taffeta Slips 1.00 Lovely laces trim these slips. Full cut, 48 Inches long, V-top front and back. Fit and launder well! Sttet 84-44.