PAGE TEN IRK MOVING Andrews of Santa Barbaia, Cali fornia, and one son John K. Mc Andrews of Klamath Kalis, Ore gon. The remains rest In the Karl Whitlork Funeral Home. Pine street at 6th, where friends mar call. Hack on Job Mrs. Elsie B. 8weay, after a 10 days' illness, has returned to her deek at the district offire of the Home Own ers' Loan corporation in the Fed eral building. Reservation Beer ' Sale Discussed at Chiloquin Meeting . Problem of beer sales In cities situated within the Klnniatb reservation was the central sub ject of discussion last week at a Chiloquin city hall mass meet ing, attended by fifty business men and cltiteua of the Chilo quin district. . Wade.. Crawford, ..reservation superintendent, blamed drunk eness among Indians largely upon the presence of besr and beer parlors within reservation con fines and said he had recom mended revocation of beer li censes on Indian territory, Crawford said he had learned that petitions Were living pre pared opposing revocation and asked that the movement be quashed, reminding the business men that a large part of their income derived from Indian trade and reviewing his own efforts to nhabllltato the tribe. Businessmen agreed to coop erate with the suportiiteiidoiit In enforcing law, but doubted that closing of reservation beer estab lishments would halt Indian drunkeneas. llerr and whiskey were too readily avnllnbln i'n Klnmnth Fulls and Fort Klam ath, they thought. The human nose Is capable of detecting more than 6000 differ ent odors. V.i:f sloaillly here sinus Hlur ilny mioti, anil rhanilliig weather amilillons and warnwr tempera tures aro expected to follow, Monday's low mark was record which releases fumes Instead of bullets. ' , I.ntliBi lliirbunk grew more Ihtui 400 kinds of cherries on out tree. ed nt 14 degrees, and the mercury nau risen 10 ft wnen me maxi mum rending was taken. : 11.. -1 .. 1 - - . I.,.- k. ......... nOM. SkinSufferers find rssdy relief Irom llohlno of so- Increasingly cloudy weather, with the possibility of rain or snow Tuesday, was the meteorolog ical menu sot out Monday by local and rtnto weather bureaus, Daromotrlc pressure has been dieted cloudy wontlmr and ruin BRIDGE JOB mr inn wesi and snuuiwivi, kioiih with higher temperatures. A new weapon used In raptur ing wild anlmnls Is a gns gun, itma, rashos and imiisr m, m m rW genlli medication of mmm: POSSIBLE HERE RAPIDLY Pouring of concrete up to the tint expansion Joint on the north nd of the Klamath river bridge nd Great Northern over-crossing hire ben completed, according to Montag A Son, contractors, and work of pouring on a 200-foot sec tion of the southern end will start next week. ' With the completion of thli con crete work, which will require bout 10 days, according to Mon te, pouring will cease for the winter. A crew of 4S men Is now em ployed In the bridge construction but this number will be cut to about JO at the end of the next 10 days, Montag stated. Winter work on the bridge will Include pier work In the deep wa ter, and some construction of forms. TUBERCULOSIS TOLL HEAVY IN OU Tuberculosis killed more Ore gon I ans last year than did auto mobiles, public health workers here were advised today by the Oregon Tuberculosis Association statistician, Miss L. Grace Holmes, The tuberculosis problem is till a Tery serious one in this state and the coming sale of Christmas Seals must be success ful hi order to finance the cam paign next gear," local workers declare. "Tuberculosis took 35T liTes fa Oregon In 134 while automo biles took Sll", Miss Holmes re ports. "Most of these deaths, from both causes, were prevent able. The educational message of the Christmas Seal must be eat Into and applied in more homes, schools, factories, mills nd business offices next year If we are to effectively control this eommsnlcable disease." Ninety-fire percent ef the Honey raised through the sale of Christmas Seals will be used In Oregon to finance tuberculo sis control work. In addition to nd In cooperation with the med ical and public health nursing work financed by county courts nd ether agencies. Fire per cent of the funds go to the Na tional association for research and,1 nation-wide cdaeatlonal work. Mm. Ted Snoop, Christ mas Seal chairman says, "We arc accepting the challenge of the Oregon Tuberculosis Associa tion to give greater assistance In thla work, by raising our Seal Rale over that ct last year, we hope every resident of this com- snualty will help us. - ... ' t . Funeral WATjTEB COXKAB PETERSON U7aMr PntiHil Peterson, the Infant bob of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Peterson of this city, passed away at the home of his par ents, Sunday, December 1, at 10:11 a. m. Surviving are the parents, two nroiners. r rea ana Ralph, and three sisters. Helen, Viola and Esther Peterson, all of Klamath Falls. The grandpar ents also survive. Funeral ser vices will be held Tuesday, De cember S, at 1:00 p. m. at Link wille cemetery, with the Rev. E. A. Oilman of the First Covenant church of this city officiating, to which friends are invited. Ar rangements are under the direc tion of the Earl Whltlock Fun oral Home of this city. JAMES ASS AS PERRT Funeral services for the late James Annan Perry wfto passed way in this city Saturday, No vember SO, 1935, were held In the Cbapel of the Earl Whitlock Funeral Home, Pine street at 6tb, Monday, December 2, 1935 at 11:09 a. m., with Klamath Lodge No. Knights of Pythias officiating, and . the Rev. A. Theodore Smith of the First Presbyterian church of this city assisting. Commitment services and Interment Tuesday, Decem ber t, 193E, at 1 o'clock, in the Family Plot in I. O. O. F. ceme tery at Roseburg, Oregon, under tbe direction of the Earl Whit lock Funeral Home of this city. , MARTIN McAXDREWS Funeral services for the late Martin Mc Andrews, who ' passed way in this city Saturday, Nov ember 30, 1935, will be held in tbe chapel of the Earl Whltlock Funeral Home, . Pine street at Sixth, Tuesday, December 8, at 3:00 p. m., to which friends are Invited. Vault entombment will follow in Mt, Calvary Memorial Park. , Obituary MARTIN McAXDREWS Martin McAndrews, a resident of this city for the last 25 years passed away at his late resi dence, 615 High street, Satur day, November 30, 1935, at 6:20 P. m. He was a native of Peca tonica, .Illinois, and at the time of his death was aged 74 years E months and 5 days. Surviv ing are the wife, Mrs. Mary Mc Andrews, of this city; four d ughters, Mrs. Nellie Patter onand Miss Katliryn McAn drews of Klamath Falls, Oregon, Miss Esther and Veronica Mo- Help Kidneys If toorif fanctionlnr Kidney and Bladder make you afftr from Gettinff . Up Ntfhta, NrruinM, Khcamatiti v Palm, SUfTncwL Burning, Smarting, M Itching, or Acidity try the ffriaranteed Doctor! rretcrt p t ten Cym tea ( Siw-tox ftai.iA w Moat fla yon up or motwy lylM back. Only lit at dniggi-ta. WA R DS Cellophane Wrap Selling ElsewhV vai i ML V V J' . ! 2 n M "Mi 1-a . Ill y Us 'New Colors! New Trimmings! New Patterns! en's am as Hell like the smart pat terns, tbe dashing colors, the unusual contrasting trims on these fine quality, broadcloth pajamas! Notch, middy or surplice styles ! Buy for gifts 1 t "ma M ffvii I Vis. 77. 7 Selling; Else where for $6.25 ALL WOOL FLANNEL bathrobes 4-98 The kind of a robe men like to lounge in I Roomy and warm!. 3 pockets. Blue, brown or maroon stripes, or plain colors! Small, me dium or large sizes. Ideal for gifts! Even Full Fashioned Styles! . Tremendous New Assortment! Mf5wV Hose Patterns that are sure to make a hit. Plaids, embroidered clocks, stripes, or all-over pat terns. Lisle, rayon-and-lisle, silk-and-lisle. Some full fashioned. Well reinforced. 221-229 Main St. Telephone 384 Inexpensive Mufflers 1.00 Every one a copy of more expensive mufflers! Checks, plaids or bordered effects! Men's Handkerchiefs 3 for 49c A "must" gift 3 all white handkerchiefs , with fancy borders neatly boxed. 6 mi Men's Pigskin Gloves 1.98 Washable slip-on or clasp . wrist styles I Neatly stitched 1 Natural tan only. 8 to 10& Hand Tailored Ties 1.00 . Hand tailored for long wear . . smarter appearance! Dis tinctive patterns! Rich col ors. . Long-Wearing, Colorful HASSOCKS 1.29 Good-looking, well made, octagonal hassock with col orful artificial leather covering! Waterproof Jackets 2.98 Men's fleece lined and rub . ber Interlined suede - cloth jackets! Slide fastener front Adjustable! , , lib Hi Willi 3 "Pi ii m iA . 1 A You Save 29c When you pay $1 for $1.9 cellophane wrapped, gift shirts that's a bargain to if take advantage ofl They're made of lus trous, preshrunk brodclothl Four-hole ocean pearl buttons! Pleated sleevesl Warranted tubfast colorsl Blue, tan, gray-of-gren, or patterns; also white. Sizes 14 to 171 Bagatelle Game 1.00 Exciting (Jams Of Skill I - Score by rolling marblos Into holes. Red, with eight glass marbles "Lucky"; 13 holes! Rocket Ship -j ft Shoots Sparks 1 AA As It Runs I . 0V Buck Rogers Police Patrol! When It shoots sparks flyl Colorful. Strong spring. v -w- ?t j iwaignji" D BABY DOLL (of rubber) Would Usually Be Sold at 69c, Here is the perfect doll for a small child, because' It's prac tically indestructible and washable, and sanitary. ' Taller, and of finer quality than most ' excLUSIVI dolls selling near thi price. at WARDS 25' Baby Doll Jmt Ilk. A a ; PA . Composition arms and legs) lashes, teeth, wesrs complete bsby outfit I 5-Pc. Cleaning Set Por Utile ffl HonsPkeencrsI (jJJr Includne well-built sweeper, hand mop, floor oil mop, long handle dustpan and broom. Buck Rogers Pistol 50c B5th Century Dim Integrator Flash! Bang! A It shoots the sparks fly I Harmless! Makes a loud cracking noise, ., . c t ' IHovlt$ At Homt! MOVIE JECKTORS Bring Funny Cartoons and Fairy Tale Characters to Life! . Simple Easy To Operate! " Safe, Harmless for Children! , Big Variety of Films 19c each, t for 53c , Sewing Machine 1.00 Uw Daily's,1 , high. Sews neat chain stltell. Includes table clsmp, screw driver, needles, thread.