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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1935)
November 30, 1035 PAGE FIVE Come to Church Notices and News W4 Come to Church Inn liiltlii'l'iiil CIiimtIi, 1020 Illlih street. U. W. Iliitfiniiiiii, pealiir, Thu service IiiIik at It : 00. Hermiin tiiiliii "Clirlat Ilia i'ruti- lat'il Moasliih," HumlH school mnitls nt t;ii," Mlil-wvuk 11 1 111 cluse WuilllUB- day iivunliiK lit 8:00, YnmiK I'ooiilo'a Holety, Friday evening at moo o'tidi'k. Kliiniatli 'IVinpIp, Hovnilh anil Oak irnui, Krml lliirnnlnili, line liir. Bnmluy solimil at ll;4fi, Mrs. I-anra Turpnn, Hiiunrliihrnilont. Kvaim-illat "Hilly" H 1 1 11 1 will allll In with im over Hunilny wllh UiIm usual Hii 1 ii 1 11 a I fiirvur nnil anal (or Unit anil wo tut'ii'd lilg crowds bolli miiriilng and avail ln. Our church choir unci church ornhestra will alng untl rmicltir luiiato that will both liilitrost anil lilrltually lieiioflt all who coma. You will enjuy thla part of our clnirch servlcns. The new ehuroh la rapidly pro .reailne" and wo hups to put on nur blK ClirUtmna piiKimut tho Hunday bnfuro Clirlttmaa, Week nlrhla w ara working at lha now church and aliio hold Inn eervloi-a on Wednesday and Friday evenlnga at thu old church. All welcome. HI. I'aul'e fhurcli, 8ih and Jefferson. Nov. Ilnlo 11. Ku banke, Hector. Rectory 62 J Pa cific Terrace, Phono 438. Tho flrat Sunday In advont, Derumlier 1. 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. t'.iO a. ni. Holy Communion and church erhool. 11:00 a. m. Holy Kucuerlst and aormon. Wednesday: 7:30 a. in. Holy Communion; (:4I a. m. I.liany; 10:00 a. ni. Holy Communion. Vestry meetluc at lha rectory on Monday evening at 7:00 o'clock, Mint Clnirch of Chrlt Brlen. llt Tenth and Washlimton alreata, Bundiy ecliool at 9:30 o'clock. Morning terrlroa at 11 o'clock. Subject, "Anclnnt and Modorn Necromanoy allna Hypnnllim and Mtamerlam Denounced." Teatlmonlal mintiiK Wednee- day evening at 1:00 o'clock. Thla church maintains a reading room In the riral National Ilank build ing, rooma a 1 Z-S 13, where tho Dlble and authorised Christian Science literature may he road. borrowed or purchased. Thla reading room la open dally from 7:30 In the morning until :00 o'clock In the evening. An at tendant la In charge from 11:00 in 1:00 o'clock and from !:3"0 until 4:30, except on SuifltSYl end 'bolldaya. e e Flrat Methodist Church, corn' er of North Tenth and High streele. John W. Warroll, paa tor. Rratdence 1006 High etreet Phone 44IIW. Sunday ohaerved regularly ai a day of reat and worship la a txrtvnl boon te every person. Tho services of the church are alda to the development of personal Ity. Begin with the Church achool at 1:30 a. m. on Sunday next, when In a departamental- lied achool you will find a fitting elaaa to meet your neoda. At 10:55 a. m the SncraroXU ef the Lord 'a Hopper will be oh aarved. The aervlce will br-Ktii with "Prelude" by Chopin with Mra. E. S. Vealch at the piano. The Anthem. "Arlae and Shlno" will be aung by the choir, N. A, Nlcholaa dlroctlng, and the eolo, "Prsyar" Maasonct, by Mlai Katharine wllaon. The paator will apeak on the auuject, "A Mvlng rellowahlp." Aa tho , communion aervlce cornea only once a quarter, all mombora and frlenda are cordially Invited to be nreaont and to participate. At 6:10 p. m., tho young peo ple will moot for the Epworm League Devotional Sorvlce, when one of their own numuor will lead At 1:10 p. m., the male chorua of the Men'a Brotherhood will meet for practice, under dlroctlon of R. E. Patterson, In propara 1 Hon for a half hour of eacred muelo in the aervlce which la to follow at 7:30 p. m., when under the direction of Mr. Pat ' teraon. the chorua will furnish roup of numbere, and the con- cregatlon will participate in alnging aeme of the great hymna of the church. The paator win hrlnw a brief evangellatlo nioe- ease. Coma enjoy this bnppy evening hour, e e e Church of Jeeua Clirlat of let ter Day Halnta. Fifth and Klem ath avenue In the city library auditorium. Evening aervlce at 7:80, Sun day achool at. 10: a. in. Younc men'a and young lndloa' Mutual Improvomont association avarv Tiiotday evening nt 7:80 Ladlea'Rolief aoclety meeta In the olub room nt 2:00, every Tueaday afternoon. The Sunday " achool la giving a dance nnd en tertnlnment In the auditorium: Tunsdav night, riocemher 8, nt 8:00 p. m. Music will bo fur nlahed bv the Townscnd orchos tra. . A donation of 2Bo from each man will bo glndly rocolved, to give the children a treat nt Cbrlatmaa time. o There will be no ohurch eer vlcos at Bt. Barnabaa' Mission, In Langell Valloy on Sunday, De cember 1. . The regular monthly meeting of tho Guild will mnat Thursday, Decembor 5, In tho Parish Hall. , CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENT REV. DELLA H. HOUSER Continues Hcrvlcea na Here tofore. Hun. T:4fl p. in.,' Deep Trance Horinon. Subject cluiHcn hy audience followed by aplrlt voice ilcinoiiNti'iillniia n n d mcnsiiKi's. Tuca. and Tlmra. 8 n. m Hpeclnl poraonnl ProJll''i Meeting. Wed. mui Frl.' 10 In '" Peraniinl Pllvnte L'linsiiKntl Wlllnrd Hotel. Hveryone Welcome, Tim IVnturiislnl Assembly of .Unit, 1113 Mitlii : aU'Uul, under Mnn'a torn. Hunilny school at 9:45. Wor ahlp unil summit at 11:00 a. m fulliiwiid by the Lord'a Suppur durvlio. Young Piiiiplu'a ineutllig nt 0:30 p, in, Kviiiignllatla servlco at 7:45 p. in. lingular anrvlcua mi Tuesday, Thursday anil run urdny at 7:45 p. m. A hearty hrlstlnn welcome la everyona. llmiiifurd K. .Mlllnr, I'UKlor. Pint Covi-iiiint Cliiirili, 823 Wiilnul street. Buiidny achool at 9:45. Mn, A. Ohiiinn, aupurliitoiiduiit. l.'liiHMiia fur all ug"". Hciiiidlnuvliiii service, 11:00, levelling service, 7:45. Tonic, "Tho Ciiiimi of Defeat." (loud music mid alnging. Kvery- one Inliirosted I" apui'liilly invit ed to attend thla anrvlcu. On Wednesday evening, Iluv, Arthur Jensen, a mleeltinury from Afrlcu, will apenk on nilssloiiB In Afrlcu. Itov. Jensen will also allow aouin slereopllrnu vlnwa allowing the cundltloiia In that fur-off counlry. All arn Invllod lo attend all or any or inoao aorvicoa. K. A. Ohinnii, l'uatur. Ituald- ence, the ciiurcn. Nnlvatlon Army. Hunday achool at 10:00 a. in.; Hollocm inui't- lug. 11:00 a. in. Y. P. L., 0:30 m. Bulvallon mooting, 8:00 p. in. Httrvlcca during wook. Thura- dnya and Bulurday, 8:00 p. in. Offlcara In rhargo. Ad), and Mra. J. Allen, Caplitln Marlon MfUon. Flmt ' Proliyti-rUn Church. The Flrat I'nwhyierlnn church, corner of Nfirlh Hlnh and Pino roela, holda Ha morning aer vlce at 11:00 o'clock. The paa tor, the tv. Theodore Bmlth, I). 1)., will api'nk on -now aien iry to Hove Thninanlviia." in the nhaence of Mra. Iloorge W. Mc- Inlyro, regular organlat, Mra. J. K. Clunnhnii, choir inrecior. win he at tho orguu conaole. The orgun prelude will be (Irani! Clioour" by Hponce, Tho offurlory will ho "Volkallcd" uy Wolaieuholme. Ernoil McKln- ney will Ml it at a aolo, -uomrori Ye One Aunlhor". by Jowllt. In tho evening the Women a MUalonary Bocloty of tho church will Dreaenl their apeclal Tbank- offerlng Hurvlco, an annual af fair. Tho orcun prelude will be La Chanaon by Hoffman. A two-act play entitled "Mlaalonary Arlthnietla" will be proeenled by ten women of tho aorlet)'. Tlio illio Carolyn and Phyllie Col hji.r will nine a duet, "In the Bo rrot of Ilia Prcaence." Tho of fertory at the cloae of the aer vico will be Scbumann'a "Noc turne." Mra. P. K. Bancroft will de liver the evening addroaa. Thla will deal with mlailnna and will be lnlonaoly Intereating, aa alio la an Mccpllonnl tpvaker. Profoaaor Kverall Vanderpooi, uaual. will be In charge of the main Sunday achool. In the abaence of George Mclntyre, who baa been aervlng aa Junior su perintendent, Arthur Dlckaon will be In charge or mat aepnn- mont of tho achool. A. O. Ooeh rlng will tench the young poo- plea claaa. County Jtiflge ueorge II. Orltrlo, the men'a claaa, Mra. W. H. BIoukIi, the older women'a claaa, and Mra. Theodora Hinitn, the younger women claaa, Mra. Frank Mill" la In ennrgo or me primary department and Mra. Paul Koyea of the beglnnora' de purtment. The young people will moot at 1:30 o'clock. Mra. II. S. Cun nlniham la In chnrge of the In termediate aoolnly. Tho Senior African Zlon M. E. Churcb Altamont Freabytcrinn 8. 8, Apoetollo Fnlth Baptist Church Flrat Baptist Church Immnnucl Christian Church Covcnnnt Church Congregational Community Church Flrat Church of Clirlat Scientist Klamath Temple Latter Dny Snlnla Methodist Episcopal Church Mt. Lnkl Presbyterian Church Moody nible School Natarone Church Pine Grove Presbyterian S. 8. PllRrem'a Ilolineaa Frntccoatnl Assembly of God . Presbyterian Churcb Flrat Sacred llenrt Clnirch Bt, Paul's Eplacopal Seventh Day Ailvcntlst Salvation Army Wcjcrhaousor proBliytorlnn S. S. Elon EvniiRollrAl Luthornn Up-To-Date Dentistry I yia rWss itiirfr--1 IS Yrara In I'rnilire ' Dr. W. R. EJUyeu . Benttei ;al Mniii hi. '" ' I'- i. I4im,.i Over Kirn 'a MunMore ' Clirlatlaii Khidimvnr will be led hy Alun T. Hniltli. The olilor young pouplo meet at the aume time In a anpunito group. All young puoplo of grmlu achool, high achool age, or older uro In vllad to thoHii luteroatlng and helpful mooting. Pilgrim Ilolliii-aa Church, 2229 Wautlund avenue. Itev. O. U. Weavor, paalor, Hunduy achool at 9:45 a. m. I'riiachliiK aervlce at 11:00 a. m. Young 1'noplo'a meeting at 7:00 p. in. EvuiikcIUIIc aurvlce at 7:45 p. in. Woiliionduy evening prayer meeting at 7:45 p. i at the church. Itov. Andrew Olh, a Chlii'iao milliliter from HhiniK hnl, Chlnn, oxiiiM'ia In hn hero All Klamath Falls Churches Extend a Cordial Invitation To Come to Church Till weekly churcb page to ipoiMore! by this paper nltb the IndiTldnjU eoopenUlon of religion! group repreaented la the community. jVlrtit MVIImmIIhI Kjilfwopal (,'hurrh Itev, John Warrrll Piintor FIIIHT MKTIIOIHHT KPIHCOPAL CIILItCII Klamath Falls, Oregon . From the beginning of tho eighteenth century the quest of thoso culled Methodists la tho quest for God and holy living In 1701 a Wealoyan local preach er from Ireland began preaching In New York. From 1784 when It. II. Hough Pres. Men'a Brotherhood Francla Asbury, a pioneer and circuit rider, beennio general superintendent of tho work, tho movement spread rapidly lit Am erica. Following the movement westward, tho circuit rider ac companied the pioneer. From 1834 Jnaon Lee and bla associates became outstanding In the de velopment of Methodism In the Oregon country. Aa early aa 1871 Metbodlat missionaries were at work in Kliinmth county. In that year Iter. James Hare, a member of the Oregon conference waa ap pointed to Klamath and Goose lake. In 1872 Iter. F. T. Royal vieited Klnmnth and preached at Yalnax, O. C. Applcgate acting aa one of the intcrpretera. For a number of ycara the chief cen ter of activity waa among the Klamath Indiana, who, during These representative Klamath Falls business and professional people listed below, through their financial cooperation, are making this entire series of articles possible. Their friendship indicatesa desire to assist in stimulating greater church activity. Ksnnell-Ellii 11 " i Amu Fkaiphm First Wfllwd Haul and Grill aUwi Orr HoV. C. 'Om A. U ii II tin Paltcaa Oee-Stop AutoJ SWtIoo a av m r t- 'mh- EMIL'S FOOD STORES Vrririltjruqs ARCADE OARAGE sVs4jS) Utaautn 9 etM ReftktM Asm tWAfasej lamalM MSN'S HAND LAUNDRY VlaHnTH FURNITURt CO, THE STAR HATTERS CUeUalM tUM rt M'M O. K. Bl.ckHnlth .nd Rit AwhmiiII, -kl TmI S-a.. Hlf j.inrs - i - - " " KLAMATH 0 7 DEir5Mn5ic n MODERN GROCERY MSI. Mas Si. . . PhtaMlTM HOUSTON BEAUTY SHOP lev m. iif ,rmir H-ilU MMlrWfMfM Wtiwf Ma.'. slue SltllMW Cowpj r-al Friday evunlng, Dacemher 6, at 7:45 p. in. at the church. Come and hear thla man of God, We extend a hearty welcome to all, a ' Flrat Ibipllat church, corner KlKhth and Washington streets, "The Church with the Gospel Message and Mission". Iter. Ce cil C. llrown, paator. residence, 428 N. Klghth atreet, phone 245-It. IJIhle achool 9:45 a. m., George O. Welch, superintendent. Mra, Hay Hunsaker, assistant superintendent. Morning wor ship 10:45. Sermon aubject, "The Christian's Alarm Clock". II. Y. P. U. 1:30 p. m Mra. C. C. Miller, general director. Even ing evangelistic service. 7:30. Grunt's administration, wero al lotted to the Methodlata. In Hf)0 T. L. Jones, famous pioneer preacher of Oregon, preached In Llnkvlllo, now Klum uth Falls, and from the confer ence of 1891, Llnkvlllo la among (he list of Oregon appolntmenta, although there waa not any mem bership reported.' In 1893. Itev. J. C. I locket waa appointed paa tor and at tho end of that year thirteen mem here ware reported In full connection. In January 1899 the Method-1 1st church of Klamath Falls was incorporated aa the Grace Meth odist Episcopal church. The art Idea of Incorporation were writ ten in loughiiiid by C, L. Par rish, and the Incorporators wero: C. A. Htockwall, 11. L. Ilcnaon, II. T. Chilwood, John S. Orr, and O. T. Deals. (Mr. Orr la atlll a resident of Klamath Falls and occasionally attends the services of the church,) At the date of Incorporation, tho church ' waa located at the corner of Third and Main streets In a building that waa later to become the City library. It waa uaed aa library nntll the building of the present library, corner of Fifth and Klamath streets. Shortly after the church was Incorporated, two large lota were secured at the corner of Tenth and High streets, which property la atlll owned by the church. In the year 1907 the trustees had Bob Wattenburg erect a frame atructure which at that time waa conaldered a very fine building. Mr. Talbot who atlll Uvea near Klamath Kalis, and Mr. Widdoes, fiscal agent of the U. S. R. S., were the prime movera In thla Important evont. Rev. P. Conk lin was paator. Duo to the rapid growth of the city the organization felt the need of a more adequate build ing to carry on a more adequate Sirs. W. Wood Wonmn's Home Mbwlonnry 8oc. K. M. Chilcote (not pictured) t'hr. Hoard of Trusters National Bank KluMttl FUMT1 HM Mr sutol Mrv K. A. Wewst. Mt Klunttk Gil Co. La write' fff f ttatax . tHMMtl ANTLER GARAGE UUIhMla An. TUmm Orkchin Koou ttnrosist Lm Compton's AMD AU1U ttl.-.v Bt ft. Simtk 9C l WtUamt. PklfTM G. L. HtMBRtX N Sanavj Hand JOartSAMDUVS wiltV i spr&Marniir tUi.(n -JUamts Joe Schuss Groceteria innii MtATi ah cKaK.tniet ' 1 ViiT uuMisnuH(A.riii HMI PVO MRPHY'S BMU an BEAurr J ho Sunriw Swvke 101 1 aki. ay PIGGLY WIGGLY MARTIN BROS. AviaoxauCssrciiAtc fioui bnml lawiranM AsMaty AUTIJMOSIU rut SONM ueuf i'-r HERMANS MfrfSSTORMHC aAUiicBa MOTUS CO. w Wattwn Sum Ouality Meat Market Walunu Mi Bl. i I. D. ARSNe ' O WEBB KENNETT Ojikku raHaaia . laa OMrn P. Donakue InnniM AfMMir Oral. PalatMa Ba . PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE totm ajjmie Sermon by pastor on the aub ject, "The Exceptions of ' The Kingdom", Mld-weok ftlhle study and devotional service, 7:30 p. in. each Wednonday. Choir re hearsal, 8:30 p. m. each Wed nesday. John T. llrown, music director; Mra. Molvln, Oatrom, pliinlat. Tho Flrat Baptist church baa enjoyed a very aucceasful revival under the leadership of Dr. It. I Powell of Tacoma, Washington. Krory phaae of the church life has been renewed and the spirit of revival can be felt In every aervlce. The Bible school la graded and each class la taught by a consecrated toucher. The II. Y. P, U. of thla church af fords an unusual opportunity of Lawrence K. Phelps 8opt. Humbly School church program. In 1922, when Iter. F. L. Moore waa paator, rough aketchea were obtained from architects and a preliminary canvas waa made for funds. Rev. Moore waa succeeded by Rev. T. D. Yarnes, who made a strenu ous attempt to get the new church under way; about 122,000 waa secured In subscriptions but for various reasons the work waa Mrs. . 8. Veatch I'laniat postponed. In 1921 Rev. F. L. Wemett waa appointed to Klam ath Falls. During hia pastorate the present atructure was erected on the ground formerly occupied by the atructure of 1907. Al though the congregation was without a building for a time, yet It held together well and to Rev. Wemett much credit is due for bla untiring efforts and bual neaa administration In the erec tion of the present beautiful atructure, truly a temple for wor ship, at the corner of Tenth and High atreeta. It was a great day when this building was completed. The ded ication aerricea were held on December 22. 1929. Bishop Titus Lowe preaching the dedicatory sermon. The total valuation of the property waa plated at 175 000. Rer. Wemett was succeeded by Rer. John B. Conn, who did much In landscaping and Deaun fling the church grounds. The America US. Bank SSHNMKT CiKCM'KKV U CMaw lajaaaaav. Wa - aW A awa.aa.ian aaaaa- aaaa IBANK DRUG TORK I Bntka She GOLD BOND BAKERY Klutk Ue A 8taru Co. HEP. L. HETZ imaa-jiiHtf' Fails. Dm. suuiats Coomv Aisiaaet CO. mx.ja.c--, w HIH Sl.tioo ri- ituj D a-d HUhl Sarrtaa MELHA5E GARAGE atrnrrwaj W. H. Malkaa. A- W. TH.. CHARLES J. CIZEK aiWHAHI TaiUI. Palace BW aae Croesr, Co. aMfla HaWrflaff maCsWsWal Vto CAIN'S, ERYACONF. ill laaiata Krma ana Snatt : O'BRIEN'S s-.,. liaiaaiaaimn, ffSPL C., aaaaa.ia Ultl. smm Sun Snm namrr '."tS AMU &fW i fy main rr.- -Ta, hKanUr PotW Nw Mttkoi CI mm Christian growth and develop ment, There are five unions In thla department and each union la a challenge to Christian aer vlce, Court House Records (FltlD.lY) Hull Filed Battaglla and Burger, Incor porated, t e r a u a Stephen J, Tukacs. Plaintiff aska 11500 for damagea allegedly Incurred through failure of defendant to deliver and aell potatoea to plain tiff under terms of an asserted agreement. Plaintiff also asks Judgment for costs of suit. Wil Mm. L. K. Halnea Women'a Foreign Minsloiuuy Boc. preaent pastor, Rer. John W. Warrell, found thla adequate atructure with Ha beautiful grounda and most worshipful sanctuary, the expression of the sacrifices of a people whose de votion to God ia expressed in a temple worthy of His name. The preaent church la known aa the Flrat Methodiat Eplacopal church, the name being changed by supplemental articles of incor poration in 1920. The activities of the churcb include morning and evening aerricea of Worship on Sunday and mid-week fellowship service on Wednesday under the dlrec tlon of the paator. The Sunday achool with Law rence K. Phelps, superintendent, Is departmentalized and haa a fine staff of teachers to meet the needa of atudents of all ages, The Woman's Foreign Miss ionary Society, with world out look and interest, under the lead ership of Mra. L. N. Haines, haa ita Interest centered in many landa where Inveatments are made for the Kingdom of God. The Woman a Home Missionary r CASt, Whitlocs Funeral Home Mam EWwui t Co. WW -a C Kirkpatrick & Reader I CLOTHJRS MMiarl-v HASH SI I VaMl Auto SnpelT C vViuiVaATTSiuo art. al. ViaUtr Store Garbage Coiledion, Inc. r1i Superior Troy Laundry -CVaa.Satiar.atia- MoasaK rw u. u Xtvjawwi. Sll-J.ltaVVjr WfiaV 17su. Iskst End Qroceiy liunr.lW aKOlT...r towa v. ?awA Tmonaoa Moaarck Sorvio Sutfca J. W. KERNS TJ4 S JT W. D. MdUr CeutrvU Co. Deelm In kWldiai SsitiM SUUatii hi CoascreU MaltWfAU ttti hJiT y'T-fmt fiA- ria-M i jtjgtiL 1 KAS1 liam Oanong, plaintiffs attorney, Judgment Joe Schuss versus Dan Mur phy. Defendant given Judgment against plaintiff for 1131.71 with Interest and 130.20 costa. Judg ment by Jury verdict. Marriage Appllrationa Dale Mohan, 24, Klamath Falls laborer, to Delola Cosgrove, 19, of Lakevlew. ) Chlstopher C. Hayes, 11, Hll debrand farmer, to Martha Stilea, 38, Klamath Falls houaowlfe. Oil Firm Executive Praises President NEW YORK, Nor. 80, 0I.I James A. Moffett, vice president of the Standard Oil Company of Society has for Its field the Unit ed States and Alaaka, and. through varied forms of activity as guided by Mrs. W. Wood, ac complish a great deal for Christ and His church. The Ladles Aid, nnder the lead ership of Mrs. L. K. Phelps, is divided Into three circles, whose activities claim the cooperation of a large group of women whose services are essential to the en largement of the Influence of the church and ita financial ability. Tbe Men'a Brotherhood with R. B. Hough, president, la ex pressing itself through actlrity In a weekly Men's Bible class which meets each Sunday at 9:45 a. m., and In a male chorus which furnishes music for some of the services of the church. The Brotherhood takea as its pro ject the betterment of the com munity. The Ministry of Music Is car- arFaatw Miss Florence BueTI Dir. Young People's Choir R. E. Patterson( not pictured) Dir. Men's Chorus X. A. Nicholas (not pictured) Dir. Senior Choir 1 , ?jgK f-ff- II I. 'I u iftv IFI : II . If 111 . HI U Welungton-s Jluaa. TBUHiro MUHH A c'r"HI?a R J mt BaW BALIN FURNITURE CO : joM.,ar imwAKD ini coom Taalw's For Surt Too UPSTAIRS M If MKTS iBSV tumvastmen aso s.i. sr. . UlsjAi Pas.-. MOTOR INN GARAGE 8.1-Wi-l MrA'a.11. IDEAL LAUrtUKi XAUaear a pcui-- BETTER BAKINd CO. Mil inn n i. A-ato S SHOE STORE tAIy. CVllaata, Smllk lt -Uattan O Boairtr Saoppe ?,,,rKJ'tf p W ORRES TAILORS SioiJ.lla md Tur RYTR.WAY TAILORS tsd CLEANERS w i r 1 M -a a I TfV BartleH's Most Msrkot Dm Yaaaa KUaaai- Valla lit l tiL"-- r .Mitei. a. ami- IPUTMAN'S SERVICE KJauUHorCUaKalRlUna 6ftaiw-WSSI RWniltflCASMCROCEfY aHlrW"lils)-" 1-amUW , a ta-i-a nunc SHOP Barr. itt.ia -l. R. IS. WATTENBURG Peyton Ik G. wood coal e run oitj IM a 3 a-la tc W SSI THE GUN STORE W1 hi Brtww Truior A Eiilp. AJttabalaaeK TrMtn California, Frldux Indicated ha it out of patience with bualnese men attacking the Roosevelt ad ministration's alloged Interference wllh Industry, "There la no question that bualneaa ia batter, much better, today than when President Roosevelt took office tn March, 1933," he said aa he anllad on the Europe. "That Improvement la due to the policies of the pres ident. It ia remarkable that the better business gets the more bualneaa men howl about govern ment Interference. You didn't hear any auch howla In March, 1933. Bualnesa la improving be cause of president Roosevelt, ana not in spite or him." Mrs. I K. Phelpa ' Ladles' Aid Boo. rled on by the senior chorus with N. A. Nlcholaa, director; the young people's -choir directed by . Miss Florence Buell; and by the men's chorus nnder the direction of R. E. Patterson. ' Mrs. E. 8. Veatch, pianist for the church, Is faithful in furnish ing fine Instrumental numbers which add so much tc the aerr icea of the church. E. M. Chilcote la chairman of the hoard of trustees and the efficient chairman of the board of finance. . An Interesting hiatorlcal sketch of Methodism In Klamath county, as compiled by Rer. T. D. Yar nes, is on file by the historian of the church. Mra. John Yadon. In the apirlt of Its founders, there is a challenge to this pres ent day church to serve the com munity and its people in every possible way. May every activity of the church serve to resound the thought "A Great Church in the Heart of a Growing City." . PtNE STREET MARKET KLAMATH CLEAN1NO DYTE WORKS E66S Crater Cjaraoe IKTalll WCMK OH UI4 SMUS OV 4A"li iff mot Oregon Woolen store, mots US tut rail la IT rim JACKS TIRE SHOP SlSS-SaUala. yJ rim. VK Top -o. AO Klfkl I ELK OARAGE TMtata O-tsse. a alle-a. W4lra--i ?' "f?t GOODWIN'S HOME APPLIANCES aapaWaai aTj, mt w, "''' 1 "2, TriE FIIH wi s.- DR. H. S. STONE MeCutllos Rifor. Co. Millila-iti aW Mm . " 1 re- MOE'S srss aarjtactirrs avav HAaniaas Aunt Eucnoc Sro. u-. JxruLa mos". aJx.