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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1935)
"v" PAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON -iH November 80, 1935 Midwest Dominates All-American Grid Team Strong Line Still Key to Victory Powerful Rushing Game Es sential to Tricky Maneuvers. With all of tho pre-scason talk concerning tho lateral, and the emphasis placed on forward passing and a wide open tame, an analysis of the success of the very best teams of the year, including Minnes ota, Princeton, Ohio State, and others, reveals the fact that top achievement really is built on a strong line coupled with a formidable straight-ahead at tack. , Teams that have a powerful rushing game can open up their stuck to any degree which they deem advisable once they have established a powerful running threat. The success of Minnesota and Princeton this year was based on a power-house at tack. Gopher and Tiger could advance the ball in other ways, " but it was the strong arm stuff that made their forward and lateral passing so success ful. Colgate. In all of Its best years, when it was so widely acclaimed for its so-called ho cus pocus, Built Its advance on 200-pound fullhacks like Len Macaluso and Irwin, who could rip any line to shreds which began to open up for wide plays or whose backers np deployed the least bit in order to protect the wings or against forward passes. Once a team is known to bare a weak running game and that It lacks power on defense, the best forward passing and wide running attack is nulli fied. It definitely baa been proved that homely power house plays are the foundation opon which a great all-round team must be built if it is to withstand the ravages of amart defensive football. , Probably another reason why this la trne is based on the mental angle. When a team can eonBistent ly grind out yardage by eheer power and hard hitting, it makes the opponents feel In ferior to a quicker degree than any other. It is generally be lieved that when a club can establish this state of mind in the opponents the game Is half .... Thla accounts for teams like Pittsburgh attempting field goals in the early momenta when it Is fairly certain that the contest will not be deter : mined by three points. These observations are made because the writer feels that many clubs have sacrificed the basic plays and fundament als of football in their coaches' attempts to build up easier ways in which to advance me ball, and which in turn have proved inadequate in many Instances. Beavers' Add Games to Hoop Schedule CORVALLIS, Ore., Nov. 30. UP) The Oregon State basket ball team added Union Oil and Willamette university to Its early season basketball schedule, Coach Slats Gill said today. Oregon State will play the Oil ers at Portland, December 20, and the Bearcats .at Salem, De cember II. . - Other pre-conference games for the Beavers are Multnomah club here, December 23; Union Oil here, December 27, and Univer sity of Southern California at Los Angeles, January 2 and 3. Naval Parley at London Delayed LONDON, Nov. 30, (U.PJ Convening of the world naval conference has been postponed until December ( to enable the United States delegation to ar rive for the opening, it was an nounced Friday. If the League of Nations ac cepts the British Invitation to send an observer to the confer ence, it is expected that Captain B. F. Adams, formerly of the British navy, will be selected. Captain Adams Is the naval ex pert of the league disarmament section. A. Aghnides, director of the disarmament section, also may attend. New Pine Business Reveals Increases PORTLAND, Nov. 80, (U.PJ New business totaling 48,161,000 feet or about 86 per cent above the three-year weekly average for November and 0 per cent above the week before, was reported Fri day by Western Pine association for the week ending November 23, bsstd on l,e reports of 112 mills. Shipments were 47,428,000 feet and production 65,430,000 feet. The same mills tor the correspond ing week a year ago showed or ders 87,907,000 feet and" produc tion 34,361,000 feet. For the period January 1 to date of this year orders are 38 per cent above the same period a year ago. There are only about 30 stars within a hundred trillion miles of us. COAST GIS ONE POSITION Bobby Grayson of Stan ford Lone Selection on First Team. NEW YORK, Nov. SO (U.PJ Midwestern football giants dom inate the all-Amerlcan squad ot 33 players selected Friday by tihe United Press from a group of 165 of the nation's outstanding stars, singled out because of the consistent excellence or their play in big time competition. Through a turbulent season which has left only four teams Princeton, M i n n e s o La, Texas Christian and Southern Metho dist unbeaten and u 'led mid west played the toughest sched ulee and carried oft most ot the major laurels. As a result of the consistent high level ot mid western play, six players from that section four of them Dig Ten stars gained places on the first team. West Geta Five The southwest landed two of its backfteld stars on the first team. The east, the south and the tar west placed one player each on the first team. Plaoes on the squad of 33 players were divided as follows:- Midwest 14, far west 6, east 6 south 4, southwest 4, Rocky Moutain 1. ..... Fircrt Team End Gaynell Tinsley, Louis iana State. End Wayne Mlllner, Notre Dame. Tackle Dick Smith, Minne sota. Tackle Ed Widaeth, Minne sota. - . . Guard Don Weller, Prince ton. Guard Sid Wagner, Michigan State. Center Gomer Jones, Ohio State. Quarter Sammy Baugh, Texas Christian. Halfback Jay Berwanger, Chi cago. Halfback B obby Wilson Southern Methodist. Fullback Bobbie Grayson. Stanford. . i Alternates Moscrip, Stanford, end. Wendt, Ohio State, end. Lntx, California, tackle, Wasiceki Colgate, tackle. Michaels, Villanova, guard. Wilkinson, Minnesota, guard. Gilber, Auburn, center. Smith, Alabama, quarter. Meyer, Array, halfback. Shakespeare, Notre Dame, halt- back Beise, Minnesota, fullback. Third Team Scherer, Nebraska, end. J. Brittingham. Calif., end. Spain, Southern Methodist, tackle. Duvall, Loyola, (Los Angeles) tackle. Tangora, Northwestern, guard. Dropnltch, Denver, guard. Lester, Texas Christian, center. Parker, Duke, quarter. Buivid, Marquette, half. Randour, Pittsburgh, half, Crayne, Iowa, fullback. Foreign Statesman HORIZONTAL 1, 6 European diplomat. 11 Intertwined Into fabric. 12 Supported. 13 Affray. 14 Diminished. 16 Consumer.' 17 Mineral fissure. ' 19 Half an em. -21 Watery,;' '' 26 To expand. . 30 To think,--31 House eaL 33 To confuse. . 34 Citrus fruit. 35 Orderly collection. 37 Unsorted wheaten meal. 38 Whipped. 40 Scolded constantly 44 Bristly. 48 He is a native Answer to of . 49 Graxed. 51 Minute skin openings. 52 Molding. 53 Poem. 54 Fillet. ' 65 Spendthrift. 56 He Is a League of delegate. -LLREflAJL Q.mjm.Oji 15 flt3llMElllR!!AIoBl me X CUXiD o rInSSm e nmj . qTRIL ElSgftR 6tqAlP S gS ,8 TiDTdiNieieGg)Sc j0 UViAfifl iTIOloHLIEIU 22 HtioIe mle c eIdIeTt HEAD RAT -4- TEN date IT J?fV i4 "- 3l 2 53 24 " ?S 89 53"" "-"S""53 " , 34 35 3b TO 37 4T . 49 50 TO 5 -" . --rlliRi mill! Beaver Passes t ax ?L-&. Lfc&ill The passing attack of Oregon beaten by the Cornhuskers ot university of Nebraska, provided plenty of thrills for Lincoln, Neb., tana on Thanksgiving day. Here's one that Casserly ot Oregon State froxe onto for a good gain. It was from Joe Gray. Sam Francisco (3.4) and Jerry I. a Vue ot the Cornhuskers. were just a little too late. Oregon State finally bowed to the Big Six champions, 26-20. BarneyDefeats Ceferino Garcia in Chicago Bout CHICAGO, Nov. 30. (JP) Bar ney Ross, welterweight cham pion, had erased a humiliating spot from his record today through a handsome triumph over Ceferino Garcia, rugged Los Angeles Filipino. Back in September, Garcia knocked Ross down twice in the first round of a ten rounder in San Francisco, and made him bustle his head off for an un popular decision. Last night in the Chicago stadium, Ross gave the Filipino a boxing lesson in a savage ten-round non-title conference bout. Ross, at 141 pounds, gave a grand demonstration of superior ity over a dangerous contender for welterweight honors. He out generaled Garcia throughout. In the sixth he shifted bis at tack from Garcia's body to a stream of straight lefts to the face. A left and right to the head in the ninth that sent Gar cia stumbling backward almost across the ring, was the closest thing to a knockdown for either fighter. Although decisively beaten, Garcia, who weighed 148 pounds was dangerous every minute. A crowd of 9,154 paid 121.- 500 to watch the card, which in cluded a decisive ten-round vic tory for Freddie Miller, national boxing association featherweight titleholder, over J I mm? Christy, young Chicagoan. Miller's title, not recognized in Illinois, was not involved. . . Snails can live on high moun tains or in ocean depths, under pressure tanging from 6 pounds to 414 tons a square inch. Previous Poizle 10 Ovule. . Ho ! 'B 13 spokesman. He disagreed with the other '. To regret. Roint ot pen. Root point covering. Edge. ' ' Unit. Read.' 23 24 26 27 28 Meadow. Astern. Child. Golf teacher. To make lace. Conjunction. Aye. Locked. Station. On top of. Type of plum. Narrow valley Flower parts. Shaft surface. Observed. Because. Lair. 29 31 Dm HEART 32 35 36 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 47 49 50 VERTICAL -1 Inspires ' reverence. 3 Part in a drama. 4 Above. 6 Born. 6 Degraded. 7 To throw. 8 Verbal. 9 In. Thrill Nebraska w- &mi4 State's football machine, although WRESTLING By The Associated Press Boston Chief Little Wolf, 205, Trinidad. Colo., defeated Floyd Marshall, 229, Phoenix Arte., one fall. North Bergen, N. J. Irish Jack Donovan. 222. Boston de feated George Koverly, 215, Call fornia, one tall. Des Moines. Ia. Farmer Tob- In, 206, Boston defeated Rudy j radltll, 225, Poughkccpsie, N Y. straight falls. Philadelphia Dean Dettnn. 205. Salt Lake City defeated Jim Browning, 238, Verona, Mo., one fall Cincinnati Chief Sunoco, 318 North Carolina defeated John Evko, 220, Chicago, one fall. Whitman Casts Football Vote for Bearcats WALLA WALLA. Wash., Nov. 30. IJP The Morning Union said today that Wlllamettfc university probably will get Whitman's vote for the Northwest confer ence championship when the an nual conference meeting Is hold. Whitman felt, the paper said that Willamette played a heavier schedule than Llnfleld also nn defeated, but tied and because the Bearcats plated stronger teams and made a stronger showing. Pacific university, beaten by both Whitman and Willamette, tied Llnfleld. Llnfleld did not piny Willamette, which won all its games decisively, The cfcampion is named each year at a post-season meeting of Northwest conference coacnes, who also name the all-confer ence eleven. Vancouver Wins From Edmonton VANCOUVER, B. C, Nov. 30 (JP In a game that was fea tured by numerous penalties and frequent offsides Vancouver Lions scored a third period goal to give them a 4-3 min over Ed monton Eskimos and a one point margin over the second place Portland Buckaroos in the North west Hockey league standing here last night. Portland remained idle. . .... . Infants Killed in ' Farmhouse Fire BREMERTON. Wash., Nov. 30, (UP) Fire swept through the farmhouse of Louis Arneblck, at Bangor, Wash., near here, Friday, and burned to death Evelyn Blo- lette, 3, and her brother, War ren, 20 months. The children lived at the Arne blck farm with their mother, Mrs. Mabelle Biolette, who wob at work in a clam packing plant. Arneblck and his wife were at the barn when they saw the house in flames. The man rushed Into the building and was burned seriously In an at tempt to save the children. In a recent demonstration, a European-built car operated by gas generated from burning charcoal traveled 8720 miles at a fuel cost of less than a quarter cent a mile. The American people collective ly condemn congressmen for be ing spoilsmen. Yet Individually each condemns his congressman If he does not play the role for him. Dr. L. J. O'Rourke. Fed eral Public Service executive. If It's ELECTRIC IVsAL-LEWS Just Phone 171 LEADERS IN CONTRACTING ROUGHHOLLIS BACK TUESDAY Arkansas Grappler Will Tackle Belcastro In Main' Event. Provoking Ken'llollls ot Ar kansas will risk the wrath of tho armory tans ugnln Tuesday night this time in n match ngulnat Young Pots, Belcastro ot Klum ath Falls. 1 loll Is and Bolrastra will top a wrestling program . featuring four other wrestlers. Let Wolfe ot Texas, is scheduled to meet Frank le Peck ot San Francisco, and Toots Estes ot Hawaii goes against Ilex Mobley of Alabama. Although lnslug to WolTu laat Tuesday,-ilolllB,-making his first appearance In Klamath Falls, proved himself a menace to any opponent. . Rough in the most extreme manner. Mollis subdued Wolfe with blows to the hesd, gouging, kneeing and kicking. In the end the wresler from Arkan sas war disqualified. ' - Belcastro, recovering from In juries received when he defeated Mobley, 1 a capable, handler ot ruffians. . belcastro' attack is fast with hla drop kicks, the chief offensive weapons. If ne cessary, he too can forget science and enter the spirit ot a free-for-all. Wolfe and Peck, both vlctorl-' oos in matchs earlier In the week, should present a fast match In the windup. Estes' speed and Mobley's Btrength will be well-tested In the opener. Knox Has Best Football Record Since '29 Season GALESBURQ. III.. Nov. 30. (IP) The sons ot old Knox col lege, who mourned over a record of 27 consecutive football de feats a year ago, today rubbed their hands over Slwash's most successful gridiron campaign since 1929. Only a year ago headlines pro claimed that old Siwash had tied Hobart college's record ot un broken setbacks, following an overwhelming Thanksgiving Day beating from Monmouth college Knox hadn't even scored a point during the 1934 season, and the outlook was bleak. All that is changed now. Un der a new coach, Pete Reynolds, Siwash won five games during the recent campaign, lost two and tied two and was in the running for the Illinois inter collegiate conference champion ship until Monmouth wrecked the title hopes by a margin of only one point 7 to 6, Thurs day. Fred Steele Hurt in Auto Accident TACOMA, Nov. 30 (tP) Fred die Steele, Tacoma middleweight boxer, was slightly Injured in an auto accident near here last night. t A car Steele was driving struck parked machine In a heavy fog. He received a head cut requiring two stitches. The In- nry, friends say, might delay his return to training for bouts this winter. Soviet Lodges New Protest With Japs MOSCOW, Nov. . 30, (U.PJ Soviet Ambassador Constantino Yurenev Friday handed a formal protest to Japanese Foreign Min ister Koki .- Hlroto . in Tokyo against vessels flying the Japa nese flag sailing the rivers Amur, Sungarl and Ussurl, on the Slberla-Manchurla border. Under the treaty ot 1858 Yu renev pointed out, only Russian and Manchurlan ships may sail thoso rivers, Hlroto replied he was not Informed regarding the facts but would Investigate. Woman Celebrates 102nd Anniversary .PORTLAND, Nov. 30. (U.B Mrs. Ellen Pelton, who was born In Maine 27 years before the Civil war ws declared, told 10 great grandchildren and two grandchildren . who gathered to congratulate her Friday on her 02nd birthday: It s only after you pass your first century that you really be gin to enjoy life. If you want to be more than 100 live a happy, fairly quiet life." Mrs. Pelton walks from five to 20 blocks dally, goes to church each Sunday. .SUTTER EUROPEAN PLAN MODERN FIREPROOF WOMWTH0UI (AfH ROOM WITH BATH SUTTER AT KEARNEY SAN FRANCISCO COME ON OVER! sSk AV Mlnnnoeawa, above, won the hravywrlnht wrestling chain pionshlp of Japan In an open tournament In Toklo. Her he Is trlt-k trunks, loving cup snd all ready to accept an In vitation lo Brunt and groan In the United Slates. - Fight Results (lly The Aiuorlnlml I'rrne) NEW YORK Jack McAvoy, I6S V4 . British middle and llght- hearywelght champion, outpoint ed Al McCoy, 170 "A, Boston (10). . SYRACUSE. N. Y. Bubo Hunt, 204, Oklahoma, outpointed Bob Moody, 210, Syracuse. (10). INDIANAPOLIS lnd. Wlllard Drown, 148, Indlanapolli, out pointed Peter Mike, 148, New York (10). ASIllIHY PARK, N. J. Frank le Williams. 136. Newark, N. J. was awarded technical knockout over Pete Pantnleo, 136, I'lilla dclphln. In the sixth round (8). TRENTON, N. J. Mooch Mur phy, 124, Trenton, N. J., knock ed out Etldle Kinsley, 124, Cam den, N. J., In the second. (8). Max osenbloom Defeats Lewis SAN FRANCISCO. Nor. 30. (JP) Maxie Rosenbloom, 186-pound playboy of the ring, cuffed, mauled and clinched his way to a close decision over John Henry Lewis. 178. Phoenix, Arts., ne gro, in a lo-round ngnt nere. Lewis llght-heavywclgnt ill to was not at stake. Rosenbloom set the pace early In the tight, but tired In the closing rounds. The two fighters were on even terms ns they came out for the last round, but Ros enbloom showered tho negro with punches to gain an oil go and win tho verdict. It was tho fifth time the pair tanglod, with Mnxlo winning three of the bouts and Lewis two. In the seml-wlndup, a six- round affair, Ccna Spencer, 160, Los Angeles, won an unpopular decision over Christy I.owls, 160 pound negro of. Phoenix, Ari zona. NORTH ItEND WINS NORTH BEND, Ore., Nov.- 30. UP) North Bend defeated Its traditional rival, Marshfleld, 6 to yesterdny, to make it two straight this season. Italy has captured Abba daring. Adlgrat, Aduwa, and Aksura. A strategic move on Halle's part might be to rename the rest ot his towns Zonlth, Xantlppe, etc WOOD Winter Is coming. Green Slab will dry sufficient for your furnaco or hentcr. 10 (loiiblo loads $39.00 1 double lond 4.00 BLOCK WOOD Double load ..............$6.00 Single lond ................ 4.2S H single load . . 2.78 STOVB orii SO gallons delivered. $5.00 BO gallons at yard.... 4.28 Coal, Fnel Oils, Burners, , Oil BtOVOB Peyton & Co. 'Wood to Burn" BIS Market St, Phone BBS 4 BASKETBALL IS SLATED Doublchenders will Be Played on Wednesday and Thursday. Waldorf and the Maccabees, lbs only teams In tho City Bas ketball league, which have not entered their season's schedule, play their first game at the ar mory Weduesduy night. These clubs will lead off a doublcheader at 7:30 o'clock. The second game will sea tho Sons ot Italy and the Knights of Columbus strive for second suc cessive victories. In an effort to catch-up on the schedule, the Waldorf and Mac rabee quintets will play again on Thursday. Tho Maes tueklo llonanta CCU In the first game and Wuldnrt goes up against Old Kort In the second. Old Fort, Sons ot Italy and Knights ot Columbus hare each won one contest without a de feat. The ranks of the unbeaten squads are sure to he reduced when the Caseya and the Sons meet Wednesday. Three Regulars Return to torm OSC Hoop Team CORVALLIS, Ore.. Nov. 30 (JP) Coach Slat GUI will build Oregon Stale college's 1936-36 basketball team around three regulars from last year's north ern division coast champions and four lottcrnion renerves Captain Oorga milliard, all- coast forward, and Mose I.ymnn, hard driving guard, were Inst from the Hearer team which came within few seconds or a few points of winning the coast championship last winter. University of Southern Cali fornia wnu tho playoff at Cor vallls by coming from behind tho last few second of the do- elding game -and winning 32 to 31, Ilolbrook s lung, alngle- handed shot beat the Heavers. The Hearers' prospects look fair, but stlffer competition Is expected In this year's confer ence race. The scoring hope of Oregon Stata this season Is Wally Palme berg, eel-like, left-handed for ward and regular last season. Art Merrymau, reserve, Is the only other lotterninn at forward. The center situation appeared bright with Earl Conklln, broad- shouldered, hard-driving regu lar ot last season, and Cliff Folen, two-year letterman, re turning. Roth hare room for Im provement In scoring, but their all-around flay is excellent. Bob llergstrom, fast and a good scorer, Is tho rnxulnr guard returning, Wilbur Kidder and Hub Tuttla are other lettermen guards available. Both aro rugged. Klmor Kllberg, who crashed Into the regular football lineup at fullback, la one of the out standing Bophomora prospects for guard. Ha Is cool, rangy and rugged. Howard Lyman, brother of Mose Lyman, Is one of the lead- ng sophomore center cnndldntes. Ike Wlntormute and Nolle Va nolll are two of the best looking sophomore forwards this far. Coach GUI made no predic tion on who would win the con ference race this season. Late Model Fords '35 Ford V-8 Coupe I Radio, jut a few tnoutand miles. '34 Ford V-8 DeLuxe Sedan Thlt car hat bean completely reconditioned and ' looks liko new. '34 Ford V-8 Victoria Coupe ; 20,000 miles, now Wostern Auto 6-ply tires, has been used as a family car and has had the vary bast of eare. 34 Ford V-8 Coupe Naw 16x6.00 tires, and '35 Ford wheals, It In per fect condition, '32 Ford V-8 Victoria Coupe Radio, very good tires, upholstery very good, A complete selection of model A Fords, Chevrolets of all models, Plymouths, ate. BALSIGER Motor Co. ' Main and Esplanade ' " . BOWLING The Woynrhnmiser House league rolled on tho Howlers' Harden al leys Friday night, Willi the Fac tory five intilulnliilng tho league lead by taking the Mill crow Into camp for three straight games, while the Shippers took two out of thine from Ilia Cullom. llnl (lelgor, rolling for the Factory team, wns In superb form, shoot ing games of 303, 246 and 311, for a total of 660 pins. Rosb, of the Shippers, rolled 136. Sboro: Vwlnry Snvag 108 136 108 341 Hunter 134 111 143 804 ('artwrlglit ..170 165 143 467 (luluer 202 146 31 1 6110 Strong ...4....-..1KB 1H0 1H4 661 Handicap . i it 115 186 Totals Granger ...... Peck Martin, 0. . Martin, H. llalght ....8118 930 883 1700 Mill ....103 113 115 .,165 160 161 .14t 163 136 .341 466 430 611 630 370 173 171 167 170 170 183 Handicap .. 0 (0 00 Totals 836 863 848 1547 Cutlera . Hnrshberger .166 144 166 463 Young 137 110 lit 376 Ualllsky .. ...103 111 105 326 Kadclitf 117 186 136 428 Ward 164 161 160 465 Handicap 123-131 111 166 Totals 743 781 718 1314 tililppera Thornton 160 134 171 4S Anderson 147 133 98 178 West 126 1 16 138 370 Flonika .......... H 8 146 130 415 Ito.a ....164 1.16 336 648 Handicap . 103 101 101 301 Totals , 864 77t 157 1500 HTKIKEfl AMI KI'AHKH nowllng at the Bowlers' Garden Is now in full swing, with four lenaurs In action each week. The City league piny on Monday, Mer chants league on Tuesday, Indus trial league Thurtdny, and lb Weyerhaeuser league on Friday. ' Sharker. Lewis of the Kwauna team has been bolstering Ills suuad. and claims that from now on ha will glre other teams In the Industrial league a real battle. One of the uol womtn bowlera In the city I Doris Carlwrlght of the Weyerhaeuser league. Re cently she hit the pins for scores of 185. 166 and 211, for a total of 563. Doris Is captain of the factory team, which holds undis puted lead of tho league, ' Old you know that Pete Peterson rolled a perfect strlko.spsre gaineT That Ixila Cameron rolled stores of 335 this seaion and got married Thursday, Woody Woods being the lucky man? That llnl Gelgur Is gelling to be some bowl er? Thai Hill Martin Is winning many of tho pot games That clydo Smith rolled an all-spare game, winning the $2.60 prlseT That the high scores for the sea son aro 27t by Curl Strong, 278 by Hal (llgor, and 269 by Jack (love? That A. C, Uackes Is sec retary of the Industrial league; Clyde Smith secretary of the City laugue; Charles Van Uoieu secre tary ot the Merchants' leaituo, and Superintendent Joe Ward secre tary of tho Weyerhaeuser league The Lava Hears from Bend will Invade Klamath Falls Sunday, bringing both a nion'i and a wo man's team. A team captained by Doris Carlwrlght, which de feated both Mcdford and Eureka last Sundny at Medtord, will form the opposition for the Invading ladles, whllo the men's lean) will meet the fast Eloctrolux team, loaders ot the City league. Tho games will start at 1:30. There is a greater variety of fish In tho Nile than In any other river of the world. 627 Klamath