November 29, 19H5 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE GREEK RULER Lincoln-Zephyr Displayed BRICK LIBRARY FINDSTROUBL E ME1D ' Copyright, limn, ty (lulled Press ATIIKNH, Nov, !!(l, UJ.R) -Klnt! CJnorno II of (lrncm, re stored to tin unci only tlve days, Thuimliiy iicurod an oiniii hi'Mlc wllh (Inn, (lenrico Knmly- II", wti 1 1 ii n-n mi uchril premier anil formal- nwnt. Tim ilciiiorral lr, Knllliliroil (loorjiu Inslsled on exlendltiK pe III Ira I amnesty to Klatitlwrlns VoiiUi.lm, ropti lillrati flro liliinil, mill olhnr riiliiilillrnn lend cm. Komlyllii smiKlit to rally tlio nrniy and navy against tlio kings propositi, Threnli'iis Id Quit flnamn'i reply was to ummnn Constantino II. Iienierdjla, Allien lin lawyer and veteran politician, to nrxanlne new cabinet. Tho king ni reported rellnlily to hnve told Knndylls frankly t lint If (ho mlllinrlmii openly re sisted a sweeping amnesty to all fiirlloiiK, ha would return to -llo In KiiKliinit, Beiitlment imatiiil Kondylls was reported growing In tho army, wlilrli provlotmly tho former war minister lmd counted upon aa hla source of atronKih. If he continues to loao Kround It la be lieved bla hops of renialnlnn aa "strong limn" In tho restored inonorcliy will lio shattered. tieorKO Insistent Kondylls' pnrtliiana attempted to hnlil an aiitl-Voulollst wans meeting In Conallt iitlou square lain toilny but wra dispersed by police. Tho prlinn mlnlster'a fol lowers ran through tho streets lioilllllK "Down with amnwaty!" Tin king, meantime. Indicat ed ha lutenda lo be ruler of Oronce In fact aa well aa name by Insisting upon having hla wny In hla firm clash with a promi nent politician. Kondyila Informed the king ' i-: ij''"'-tV.7i. 1(1 Ij::-: ' ,:,.r " WilPw w: am mw With lh Introduction ef the Ito horsepower V-ll IJncoln Zoilir, on display nl italalgur Motor company, Huturday, tlio actual produriiiin of a car In which an all-steel alngle-nnlt body atructura completely as. siimes the function of a framo becomes an ealnblUhed fact. De veloped from tho original stream lined dcslun ihown at the ford that If Venfsolot, den. Nlcholaa riastlrna and other republican lenders are pormltted to come bom diet chlefa of lb defense services will realgn. King Popular (oudylle named General Rep pas, eonlmander of the air force, General l'apagoa, commander of the flrat military corpi, and Ad mire la Ooconomou and Bekellar lou and other responsible leadera Kxpoaltlon at the Chicago World) Fulr In 11194. the Lincoln-Zephyr la representative of tbe advancod conception) of the streamlined form applied to automobiles, and possesaea many new features which caused It to be rated aa one of the most Important new developments In recent motor car history. In extorlor appearance I lie Lincoln-Zephyr In graceful EaaaMaHBaaBBaMaBHiiaDBBB among those who would quit the government If the king did not give In, George then replied that he would quit himself If the amnes ty did not Include republicans. Despite the strong antl-Venl-(nllel feeling among army and war veteran elements, the king has strong popular support and It Is gonornlly believed be will sucee4 In showing politicians nnd smoothly contoured. Fender linos blend Into the wide central section of the body. Running boards are replaced by narrow rubber covered buffers set off with cromlum plated strips. The body Is low-below tbe eyes of a tall man and the rear panel slants smoothly downward to bouse (Ire and luggage compartments. thut be Is the real ruler of Greece. The day that the worklngman shares alike wltb the owner of a holiness, we will see the end of communism. The greateat dancer In (he path of complete recovery Is ourselves. Communism Is only a symptom. Tho Iter. E. A. Wulnh, regent, Georgetown unlver tlty. . Weyerhaeuser branch library celebrated Hook Week by holding a homecoming evening last Mon day. This was arranged by Mrs. I.loyd llurlrin and Mrs, Moml HlRcy, librarians. The building was decorated with autumn flowers and holly. and eihlblla were arranged, de picting travel ' and customs In various countries. Books of the country and objects appropriate to the theme, from various parts of tho world, were placed In each eihlblt. China was represented ly chopsticks, Incense, a real Chinese paper, wall prints, an oil lamp, and the book "Oil for the Lamps of China," by Phyllis Hobart. An exhibit of antiques was built around Lawrence's "Years Are So Long" In the adult section and "Children of the Covered Wagon Days" by Carr la the children s section. Tbe guests were greeted by Mrs. Lloyd Harbin and Mrs. Moml Stacy, present branch li brarians, and by Mrs, D. H. Sloane and Mrs. H. C. Melaas, who formerly assisted wltb tbe library. Letturs were read from Mrs. Ernest Bollesu and Mrs. Lucille Moore, former branob li brarians, who have meved away. Miss Mary McC'omb, county li brarian, talked briefly about tbe Klamath county, library system and told the story of tbe El pbant's Child. Library patrons presented Mrs. Lloyd Harbin with a lovely gift In appreciation of the work she has don for the library In camp. Mrs. Harbin has been very ac tive In the work of the library ever since It was star tod, three and one-naif years ago. , At that time Mrs. Harbin and Mrs. Sloane made the necessary arrange ments for tbe establishment of tbe library. Tha nlv Irnn rnHuctlnn rnntpnl - - ' m - - of the big steel companies In 1933 was In principle 1000 times as damnable as the pig . reduction campaign' of 1933, Secretary waiiace. Announcing n iTn In H 1 The new, twelve-cylinder car that brings Ford and Lincoln 'standards of value to the medium-price field The Lincoln Motor Company presents to (Lis city the Lincoln-Zhphyb an authentically modern motor car. It hat 12-cyliniler motor, a motor of the V-type, proved to efficient in Lincoln and Ford cart. This engine develop 110 horse power. The whcclbnso is 122 inches. The tpringbase is 133 inches. The bore and stroke is 2 inches by 3 inches. The roomy body accommodates six pcoplo and luggage. ! ' The Lincoln-Zf.phtr is, above all things, a new car, new in idea, performance, appear ancei But it does share the background of experience, Hhe creative engineering skill that ' have developed the Ford and the Lincoln enra. ' It it built in its own specially equipped divi. sion of tho famous Lincoln precision plant. Workmen trained for years in building the Lincoln bring to it methods and precision they Imvo learned to well. It reflects the Ford , skill in organizing production that combines quantity with quality, that gives value at a price. Only thus could a car of such power, size and beauty be offered for to little. Only ' thus could it represent in the medium-price field at genuine a value at the Lincoln and ' Ford cars in theirs. As you inspect the Lincoln-Zephyr for the ' first time, you will be impressed by the sweep- ing beauty of its every line. It employs fully the principles of aero-dynamic design. Stream. lines flow not only from end to end, but from ' side to side. But grace of line, in this case, doet more than express a style trend. It reflects . principles of design and construction as now , as the car itself. ." Steel trusses make possible the bridge, the airplane fuselage, the Marconi tower struc tures of light weight but great strength. Steel trusses underlie, the flowing curves of this new ' car. Body and frame arc one, welded together. Here is a steel bridgo . . the body ... a rigid structure, supported at two points, front and rear springs. Roof and roof-members, with floor and floor-members, carry the stresses. The first result of this new construction, ' obviously, is great safety under all conditions. Great comfort follows inevitably. The center of gravity is low; passengers step directly onto tho floor of the car; and the weight of all passengers is poised between the axles. There it no "back-seat" ride. . Soft transverse springs minimize the "up-anrl-down" motion, the jounces, the bumps of tho road that rob riding of comfort. We have no hesitancy in saying that this car, with its smooth V-12 power, offers a new rhythm of motoring. The gliding ride results naturally from its design. , ' Flan to spend at least an hour at the exhibit. A new understanding of the motor car awaits you. Arrange for a demonstration. Perform ance is at refreshing at appearance. PRICED FROM 1275 f. O. B. DETROIT . AVAILABLE IN TWO SEDAN BODY. TYPES Convenient, economical terras through the Authorized Finance Plans oi the ; Universal Credit Company. Inspect this new car, Saturday, at the Balsigcr Motor Company, : Main and Esplanade Streets. (phoBoAapkic Christmas Cards Here's a novel plan for this year's Xmas greetings. Bring ht th negative or print of your favorite snapshot, select from our wide as sortment the card and sentiment you desire, and your worries and. Photographic Christmas cards are personal, distinctive and very econ omical. Come in ami see some actual samples soon. Your name an be included on the card at a slight additional charge. Place Your Greeting Card Order Now Before the Rush Undarivoocfe PAarniac? V'v KLAMATH FALLS OREGON ir? I 7 I PURlT Vl WHERE PAfrnCUlAR RQPU BUV THEIB ORU6S. Seventh ami Main PSYLLIUM i 11 I ASPIRIN y 39 I ALCOHOL 52 ... AGENTS BWjOANO Toiletries Creams, Soaps and Face Powder I DMin 6c Cold ruiiu Cream ) MAGNESIA large SUe 4Q Marine OH IF) SSe Creamy lOe Cashmere Bouquet Soap , 3 foe 25 78o Coty'a Face Po. 69 60c Woodbury Powder ....37 $1 Milkweed Cr. 79 $1 Junta Cream 79 SI Catonlte Powder .....89 75c Deat. Cold Cream, lb. 49 200 Cleansing Tissues Free First' Aid Kit at ...25 up Fountain Syringes now only 59 Hair Brushes each 39 Electric Curling Iron, now 69 fi 1 lb. Hosp. Cotton, on sale 29 s Needs tome ll 51.19 S tor 25 11 a 98 II I HIND'S CREAMS Z 79 E Z MUM eoc Size 7F ) IRON YEAST rF ) PEPSODENT Ze1':.'1: 38 Values in These For the Home $1.50 Lunch Kits 10c Scot's Tissues 11.50 Alarm Clocks 98 S1.00 Hot Water BotUes. 69 S1.00 Vacuum Bottles .69 91.00 Vellum Stationery 59 al.OO Electric Vaporiaors 49 600 Cleansing Tissues 29 Nyal Sampler Pfcg. Fre Cut Prices on All Remedies 50c Listerine 39 C 35c Sloan's Liniment .29 85c Bromo Quinine 29 $1.85 Petrolagar 93 $1.25 Creomulslon ......98 75o Squlbb's Mln. Oil ....S9 60c Cal. Syp. Figs .'. 49 50c Vick's Nose Drops 43 Buy Here and Save ADHESIVE IT , yd!j7 COUPON Bring tlUs coupou to our store It entitles you to the new 19:16 Nyal Weather Calendar KHEE fee Our Other Hundreds of Clearance Values I under N V"C O Product I PURITY I KLAMATH FALLS OREGON TfTtn w ArtHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE t8j WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS Seventh and Main Agents r A H D . Ii K . Produoti Phone VI