PAGE TWELVE THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON November 20, 1035 II; mm OIJEEOS FORIilS More money In needed tor Kliun sth county mints, and proposed budget appropriations are by no mean out of line with the need It li declared by County Cotnmls- loner William F. II. Chaso In a statement Issued Tuesday, In ad Taneo of the county budget hear ing scheduled for Friday. Mehe l CIibbo's statement which la alven na coming also from the Klamath county court: "It la desired herein to aot forth as clearly and briefly a; possible the manner of handllitc the coun ty roads for Klamath county since our term of office begun jnmiary 3, 1033, and give comparison for the like period of the years 1930, '31 and '32. At the outset I wish to make plain that there is herein no distinction made between coun ty roads and market roads, be cause, since the adoption of the secondary highway system by the state, the entire maintenance, tip keep and construction of market roads has been the sole burden of Klamath county. i . "This secondary highway law contemplated the taking over of considerable portions of the mar ket road system, and thus relieve Klamath county of some of the market road burden. This has sot been done by the state to any great extent,- because of the de pression and other unforeseen con tingencies, and I am not criticizing the state authorities on that ac count, but I do wish to emphaaite the point: That the Klamath county court has had the fjill bur den of the market road system, and to keep it going the best we could, and that, too, with a 50 per cent reduction In funds to do it with. In making this comparison I have bunched county roads, .mar ket roads, maintenance, repairs and construction, including pur chase of the so-called 'expensive equipment' and insurance of trucks and road equipment, and all expenses charged to the activ ities of county roads. Including the expense of equipment used on county relief road work projects, for which the county had to pay its share. I am also giving credit to the former court In like man ner of all funds expended on ex actly the same basis. "In 1930 there was expended Missing Vi t Grave fears were felt Monday night for the safety of Explorer Lincoln Kllsworth, above, and his pilot, Herbert Hollock-Kenyou, unreported since Saturday morn ing, when they left their Dundee Island base for a flight across tho Antarctic. for these Items, $3:16,064. 'In 1931 there was expended for these items. $217,506. "In 1933 there was expended for these items, fHS.OOU, i Total paid for this three-year period, $601,570. Being an an nual average expenditure of $200,-! 523.' i 'In the year 1933 there was ex- ; pended for these items, $63,091. "In the year 1934 there was ex-: pended for these Items, $104,148. "In the year 1935 there was ex pended for these item;, $66,000. 'Total expended In three years for these items.S23S.239. Being a total for the present court of an annual expenditure of $79,413. 'It must be evident to any fair- minded person that this sum for all road purposes is entirely inade quate. You should consider these pertinent facts: There are 2200 miles of county and market roads, 1 of which mileage there is sbout 600 miles . graded, 200 miles slightly improred and 1400 miles ; of right-of-way used roads with very little Improvement except necessary bridges, culverts, etc. I Of the 600 miles of graded road 1 only about 150 miles has ever been gravelled, and much of such ! graveling has not proven satis-1 factory. I would cite some of these: The i Langell Valley market road and j the Sprague Kiver-Chlloquin road. some of the latter never having been gravelled. . "We havo duly considered all lltoao pointy and the time is now at hand when wo must duvlsu some method of moro expenditure on the roads In order to keep them passable and save our orlKiiinl In vestment as far as possible, "We have no dolro to waste a penny of road money, but we think it a mutter of good business to keep our rouda in service and serviceable, "A final word about "this ex pensive road equipment." When we stinted in January, 193.1, the road equipment was pretty well worn out, and we hud no unit for snow removal ut till exeept the conventional, road maintainors which, as 1 have said, were pret ty well shot. You will also recall that that winter was far from be ing mild, and that the snow drift ed In great ledges across out roads in all parts of tho country. We handled same the best of our Abil ity with the equipment at hand. Out of the above expenditures we have purchased the best kind of snow removing equipment, a new shovel, two new mnlnlainers and eight dump trucks. These pur chases have been made from time to time, and none of them have been purchased until they were needed, and. by the way, they are all being used right now- except tho snow plow, and it is ready, "This year the court is asking for more money for road purposes. We are now equipped to get more work done "and keep things go- I Coming Friday and Saturday S Big Pays RIHEY ORES EfMHSETC Here are four whiskies Schenley Mark of Merit quality every one at prices so attrac tive you'll want to stock up for the holiday. kmw- 1 p SCHENLFVS . OLD QUAKER BRAND STRAIGHT WHISKEY Ton don't have to be rub to enjoy rich -whiskey. At fM prefer. . . m . lOIMBOM orsYI 75c PINT . Ho. 172C (Boarfaaat No. IMC (tyi . $1.45 QUART , No. 172A (aaorboal No.196A(ty SCHENLFTS CREAM OF KENTUCKY STRAIGHT WHISHT A favorite in Kentucky when they call it "double rich." 80c -HE $1.55 QUART no. us SCHENLEVS GOLDEN WEDDING BLENDED WHISKEY "If ALL whiskey"-America's finest blend. 1 OO PINT $2.30 QUART nmiu SCHENLEVS 1 REP LABEL BLENDED WHISKEY "If! the Cream! PINT I No. 235C $1.60 Fifth, No. 235B Scheme Dlatribaos.Ine.NtwYak N.Y. lug." We rnu do It It you will say the word, "Your obedient aorvanla, "The Klamath County Court. "Ily William T. 1). Chase." Methodist Choir The choir of tho Kirst Methodist church will meet for rehearsal, tinder the di rection of N. A. Nicholas in tho church parlors Wednesday eve ning at 8:15 o'clock. It la Im portant that every member he present to prepare for Christmas muslD, The golden annlvsi-snry ser vices and the fellowship dinner held on Sunday last at tho First Methodist chinch vui well at tended and woru deeply anmoul- atml by all those of golden age and aitulvoriiury, In addition tn the golden aKo groups aa honor guols, Kluiimtli bethel of Job's DauKlitui's n(tndci) tho iuoiiiIiik aorvles In a body, , ' R. M. f'lillmilo, an behalf of (lie , church, welcomed those of lolilen ami-and Mrs. M. Mnddox the Daughters ot Job. The response tn Urn Invitation to llio KelloWuhln dlnnor was most Kinllfylnif, ITS hetntt served by the Indies of tho churuli un der Iho' tllreellon' of Mrs. I,, K. I'hulna, ureslilent of Iho Ladles' Aid. Mr. and Mrs. II, 8. Wood worn prsaantud with a batdiet of guidon chrysanthemums huiini'lng Iho eololirntlou of their 6(lth wedding anniversary this year. Others ninrrlntl over CO years were iM'oaotitnd wttli Kolden eliiMsniiiliumuma as wore all who had reached or none beyond the ?Ulh milestone, Old-llmo ehoruses wore suiik under the illioellon of It, 10. I'attvrson,' n ml Iho inon's I'horun Miiiwr ".lostia Lover of My Html" and "Tho Wnysldn Cross" under l'altorson's illruollou. Tho Lnui' uiiaoii family, accompanied by Mrs. C, H. Veateh fitinlshed M. nt rtl muni ill n u in Iters, It la Americanism and not par. IIsiiiihIiIu tu say wu eniiuot np. pi ii o tho policies ot a novum, in on t which , , , has added not It- UK to human kuiiwiuiiko out ma neadotulo liifoi'imtllon thai n don key can eat mora limn an ele. jiliuut. (Iiiv. 1 1 ii it) I it Huffman, Now Jersey. Mine In Cauit Mr. and Mrs. II, 10, Miller and children have moved to Woyiirhnnunnr oninp, , i, m wi r-3'f 9. J it You'll Pay $1.98 and More for One Like It Elsewhere! Wards Flyer Wagon 5.98 BwsUn: 1-pc. 20-gauge steel body; 10H-inch double disc roller bearing wheels. Rubber tires. 5U Ride 'Em Loco 1. AChMChM raky.CraRlosI Will hold a man! Baby sits on engine cab, pushes with feet. Handle for steering. tax Holds iSS yT WvS Sky King Velocipedes Dotlrfs Crafting Landing Lights! Air-flow design sturdy steel I Ball bearing front wheel, 1-in. rubber tireu Hurry I Supply Won't Last Long! A Special Purchase Makes This Price Possible Pay 25c Tomorrew to Hold Til December 20 Jsink Luv - She's Such a Lovely Doll to r Far OUR Best Doll Valuil Motherl She's the Six of a 6-Months Old Babyl Her Feature! Are so Llfe-Ukel She'll Last for Many Years Wards had to buy many thousands of these dolls In order to get them to oil at this low price. That t why no other store can sell a doll as nice and of such high quality! The soft, cotton-stuffed body li so cuddly I Her arms, legs and head are of com-t position, and so true to lifo. Her eyes are large, they wink and ileep,! her lashes are real hair! Her or-! gandy bonnet, shirred dress, rubber panties, stockings and bootees are so carefully made I Morlet Mi Home! MOVIE JECKTORS Bring Funny Cartoons and Fairy Tale Characters to Life! Simple Easy To Operate! Safe, Harmless for Children I Big Variety of Films 10c each, ( for 59e 89' Furnished Doll Housa imi J sj98 lttMlM SR Flbra-board house, garage, balcony; real staircase. 42 pes. wood furniture. Sea It I Bagatelle Game Score by rolling marbles Into holes. Red, with eight glass marbles. "Lucky" 13 holes I Blackboard and Chair Actually warth tl.M 1.00 Complete with chalk, erssor. and chair at this low priest Board opens to form a deskl Strong enough to Support A Man I ' See Thlt Ward All-Steel Speed-Lined "HY-SPEED" WAGON For Tots Up To S Years Old Rubber-Tired Wheels Smooth Rolled Rims and Rounded Edges 100 Totally different from the "ordinary" wagons selling for around a dollar I Rich red enameled body, cream hub caps. Wagon bed ribbed or extra strength ; hooded airplane fenders. ', JL IMS "' S ' cl StVC 1.00 Jocta - Bcope A help for young artists. A C Block Act! Colorful! 256 25t a-in. drum Dial Thrift with .tough Hank has a cloth head! combination. 2.39 25c Klocttio stove .with 3 utcnalla! Large Racer 17-ln. Wind it and It goes! . 1.00 Rocket Ship Ituns - Shoots ftpnrkB. 1.49 596 596 256 Dubble Hot; 2 Jilpoa, pans, soap chips Fibre Rocker ' AmimM Excellent loom woven fibre rocker, just like Mother's I Qreen, Ivory, Blue or Tanl Dial Typo wrltor. Busy to 11H0 1 'iwa ::M ant ii 1.00 Erector Set; You can make many models I Aluminum ' baking aot; 10 pieces Buck Rogors Pistol loud, alHO flushes Br 256 Hhoot A Loop ganio; - grciat fun! til w m g i mm asssa 506 796 2.39 Tinker Toy Construction Bet! Archery Butt Bow, 4 rub ber lip arrows Movie Projec tor. 18 mm. Hand Driven I Table and Chair Set 1.00 Pallia Up Ta is Put Away I Good duality, lacouerad ta. ble and two chain, Has catch to keep secure when open. 221-229 MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 384 OIOTGQM&'B:? : WEE .--,-