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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1935)
THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE whiii plana fur (ho win t or snorts liroKiiiiii In tho Kluiiiiitli coun try will lia tliciimwlily aludliiil, Many uiKiiiil.iitlcni", alien nit norvlco (iluhn utnl clvlo uroupK, liuvo aiiluctcid iiMiinlMira to rout's mint Ilium at Ilia mooting. , , Not only will Crulur Luke piulc sports tin iIIbiiiihuimI, lint pliiiin for local uollvltloa will nine III) OIllllllOll, Coniiiilllooa which have looked nvur iiimii I lil o wlnliir anuria pluy K ion iicIm lii thin vlolnlty will ro linrt, Coiialdiirutlon will bo kIviui to a proposed plan for riiimiinK Mmioo fluid for; ico aknlliiK und liockoy. llowuril t-'iuwfoid of Crnlor l.uliu purk sorvlco will bo on Imnil to illnuum purk winter porta plana, , All puraona Inlnroatnd are urgi'il to nttund tii la mooting, whntlior or not (liny ore actlvo puitlcipiiiita la wlntor aports. ... Guilty Plea Entered ' On Game Law Count Joaoph 0, Olhaon plnadort utili ty In Justine court to unlawful poaaoaslnn of purla of a door, and wua flood 125, Ha will puy Hi" fl no lator. Tlio urroat wua mudo Ijy atalo police. CIiioiko Htrom and Anioa Dor roimli Hlui'k, churned with hav ing no rear vlow mlrrora In tholr vehicles, ; jt sarfeaeod 12,00 each, John EJwurd Itonu, no mnfflor, also paid $2. DO, Elinor W Bqtilro paid 5 for having no operator's llconao. PLANS ILL BE TOPIC TONIGHT ADMIRAL BEN BOW ECONOMISTS IN DISTRIBUTION THE NAME nun onnnv Proapmila nro Kuoil for n forgo nlloniliiiicn nt llio iiiimtliiK acliort ii I for Ionium nt 7 : :i (1 p. in, nt Ihn ti a 1 1 1 lx:' of goniiiiiiicu, Ci IAI!t morrknrliCQ Anrl ci mar vjali mc liaua marlamami aWT" mm wmii i ivsi ivii iuihv uiiva iu4wi r uiuwd iiutu lliuviv IIIUMy a permanent customer and friend for the Golden Rule Store. ,; 'V! November 22, 1935 WINTER SPORT mmmm II U-tf71 W JTYI 5 " iJZr if if II Jl II j m I (mm i BUY MILK NOW Wlmleanlo 1'rli'O Una AilvniiciMl 200 (.'lino Willi)) Mock I,nL WO )ff)T Cottage Milk Ciun of MA Llbby's Milk $2.89 ClIMP Of 4H Tnll Cull. KLAMATH FALLS PICGLY WIGGLY FEATURED ITEMS FOR SATURDAY, 23RD SUNDAY, 24TH MONDAY, 25TH Wo Itoacrvo Willi! To I.lmlt Qunnllllrs NO SALES TO DEALERS "DEL MONTE FOODS" AT HAVING l'HHKH Pumpkin .No. !i4 Tina .... Golden COril Jtniitnm, No. a Tina Fruit Cocktail (AaaortMl I'rulla In 'lull No. 1 Tina) 25c 2 ion 25c J FOB 29c Aider's Flapjack Fiour For Hot Cakca Thcaa Cold Mornings No. 10 Sack 49' TToafleU; ITassuae Waldorf I Rolls Post Tonatio 3 Pkga. 23 Porter FrillcU 1 Lb. Pkg. 22e5 SygHOlP Log Cabin Medium (Quart Size) Tins Underwood Deviied Ham, Vi . 2 for 2S I Palmolive Soap 4 Bar 19 Ivllnim(se In Bulk Brandy Flavored Lb. vaimn Flavoring Large 8-oz. Bottle USB? Softasilk Large Package Hershey' Chocolate KISSES " Cello' ; 23C SEE THE GIANT BAG ON DISPLAY ON THE CANDY TABLE Saturday Produce Feature Dry Onions S Lbs. 10c Juice Oranges 3 doz. 29c 4 Klamath Potatoes M U. S. No. 1s M I0 Lbs. 19c PEARLS of WHEAT ( SEE THIS ; TOWEL SET ON DISPLAY AT ' PIGGLY WIGGLY Solid (Wc (wrap coins well) and top from a pncknico of Allicra l'rnrls of Wlient to AMirra llroa, .Mllllli(t Co., 10(11) Btunrt llldir., Woiilllo. Your Tow ol Hot will bo aont l'OKT I'AII) at onccl , i , PRICED FOR THIS WEEK-END AT Large ' Pkg. Baking Chocolate tflffic Hershey's Va Lb, ss Crisco I f SHORTENING JUST IX TIME FOK M ! THAXKSCilVIXO 'J BAKING 3 8 3 In Our Master Market Saturday Only. Phono 1730-J. Hamburger lb. 18c; 2 lbs. irc Boat In tlio West, J P Sausage lb. 23c; 2 lbs. A fic Furo Fork. W Steaks lb. 2gc Cholro Stcor, Roast Pork lb. 20c Young Grain Fed. Rib and Loin Roast o Pork, lb. 25c Sugar Cured Hams lb. &c Half or Whole. V: " ;.'" Turkeys, Rabbits, Chlckcna, Gccse and Ducks for Thanksgiving. Wo Speclullra In llaby llcef, Salmon No. 1 Tall Tin 19c Booth's Fancy Tack, Alaska Bed. Harmony Soap 10 BARS t FusSSedl Wtoeatt ) Ms. 6c Meirslhiey s Cocoa a-y-sc - a2c FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER WINES SHOP PIGGLY WIGGLY Burgundy Sauterne Reisling Claret Zinfa ndel Etc. ( v Also Champagne and a Complete Stock of Fortified Wines. r i v V'' INTERESTING COAT NEWS! Juut unboxed forty new coats in tailored and fur trimmed models. Usual pricing of these coats would be about ?24.50, but this special purchase was bought for a real surprise value for you ! Think of its fine quality woolen, this season's favorite fabrics, beautiful silk lin ings and at a price you'll appreciate. i Sizes 14 to 20 38 to 44 SECOND FLOOR Dozens of Gay New Smocks $-j95 Office School Room Studio Home. We have a complete selection of smocks in assorted colors and styles. Sizes 14 to 50. Pine Needle Sanforized crash in back opening style with contrast ing collar. Embroidered trim Trim Miss Cotton print in a neat double breasted style. Long sleeves, Clark Gable back. Many other styles in cluded in our smock section. 2ND FLOOR rtlh Men' Curlee Clothes Suits and ; Topcoats $185$225f Smartly tailored, correctly styled, newest patterns, finest quality fabrics. When- yon' wear a Curlee you're correctly attired. All-Wool Suits $1585, - New winter shades, plain or sports backs. 'An un usually fine suit for this low price. MAIN FLOOR ; : FOR ALL MEN'S WEAR Boys' Brushed Woo! Sweaters $2.98 For boys and girls Heavy brushed fleece wool In sport style backs, tipper fronts Colors blue, coca and maroon Sizes 23 to 36. Twin Sets of Snmo Material . $3.98 Boys' Hats $1.65 Snoppy styles for boys with permanent crease crown. Col ors brown, navy and pearl grey. Sizes to 74. Tom Sawyer Shirts 79c Regular One Dollar value In white and plain colored broadcloths and an extensive assortment of fancy patterns. Sizes 6 to 12 years. 12 Mi to 14V4 neck. Boys' Leather Helmets $1.00 Aviator Btyle with detachable goggles. Real leather with heavy fleece lining for warmth. Sizes 6H to 7M. Boys' Fleece : Lined Leather Gloves, sizes 7 to 8i . $1.00 Little Boys' Zipper Jackets $249 Navy blue Melton, made like the big boys, with zipper front. Ages 2 to 6. Little Boys' Suits $2.98 Wool Jersey tops with con trasting color stripes and plain all wool English shorts. Ages 3 to 8. Heavy Flannel Suiting in plain brown, navy and grey. Jacket has zipper front. De tachable shorts. Sizes 4 to 8. $3.98 Little ,- Boys' Trousers $2.45 Wool check suitings In navy, brown and grey. These trous ers have pleated front and suspenders. Sizes 2 to 8 yrs. Little Boys' Brushed Woo! Sweaters $245 Fine quality mohair brushed yarn with zipper front and sport back. Sizes 3 to a yrs. ( . , PRE-SHRUNK , i Broadcloth Shirts A $1.00 Plain colored broadcloth with two pockets. ; Tan, green and blue. Fancy shirting. Prints with one pocket. New patterns. Sizes 14 to 17. All Wool Flannel Shirts $2.95 Good looking plaid patients in a 100 wool flan-, nel. This quality flannel is usually made up in $3.50 and $4.00 shirts. Sizes 14i3 to 17V4- QUALITY CORDS $2.95 Bayly-Underhill union made quality corduroy pants in light and castor colors. Sizes 29 to 40 waist. Black Jeans $1.95 Preferred by many men who subject their trousers to un usual rough wear; This Is a real special. Sizes 29 to 44 waist. '.. i . . , ,.; Waterproof " Blazers r. $345 ' ' Zipper front Cossack style, '' heavy fleece for warmth and so constructed to b water proof. . jA Woo! Union Suits C.I Vi. B Wright's quality wool union suits In 25 per cent. 50 per cent and 100 per cent wool-conatructlon. Sizes 8 J to 50.-"r -.- $1.95 $2.69 and $3-95 jWjla