November 22, 1035 FACE SLX'l fcfcN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON coo Me GIVES BOOST TO NEW YORK. Nor. J!. (;pi Retail trade gathered momentum Hi In week 111 the weHthnr turned cooler. Dun and Bradstrect said tod nr. "With the far west and middle- watt leading, volume ot retail ales rone J to 5 per cent from the level of'the week preceding for the country as a whole, hut the comparative with the 193 4 total placed the range of the es timated from a loss to an In crease of T per cent, due to the steady riae In aalea during that period. "Aa the result of the spurt In retail sales over the week-end. when temperatures dropped sud denly, nearly all branches ot the wholesale market were hosier than last week," the surrey add ed. " - "Contrary to the procedure fol lowed last year, orders for Christmas merchandise are being placed farther ahead to avoid delivery delays at the peak of the shopping season. "tn many Instances Inventories of holiday1 goods are 10 to 15 ' per cent larger than In 1934. '"fitt machine tool Industry, the most sensational In eipan , ioa. from February to August, has been experiencing aeason- al 'downtrend, although oper ations are at about the October level, which was np from Sep tember." Alturcs Ranchers Enter Guilty Plea , On Theft Charge Al.TTRAS. Nov. gs. Pat Mar king and Sum Scott, well-known bachelor ranchera of the Cedar villa district, were Jailed Thurs day In lieu of $210 bond each, after having pleaded guilty to charges of rattle stealing In Jus tice Armstrong's court. The pair will appear In supe rior court December 3 to hoar sentence. Hnrkins and Scott were arrest ed Wednesday by Deputy Sierlff Kay Tierney and Constable Kr nest Server, detailed to the Graves ranch to secure evidence. After finding the carcass of a butchered I-year-o'ul heifer, the nrricms hid in a barn to await lho return of someone to claim the meat. 8oon Harklna and Scott appeared and' loaded the fncat Into their wagon, whereup on the officer stepped out and itwide the arrest. Scott showed ri':;ht hut eventually surrendered at the point of a gun. Officers found the hide of the butc'crei animal on Scott's place with the In at) d cut out and curs rut off close, to the henj. The ears were hidden in rafters ot the bain. The animal - belonged to P. S. Don is of Alums. In MeiUonf Kd lloyt of Tort Klamath was a business visitor In ledford Thur day. i Motorist Hurt In . Crash Near Olene . ! Albert Springer, (1, of Merrill road, sustained severe bead cuts ' - Wednesday night near Olene when a truck crashed into the aide of his car as he attempted r. to turn oft onto a aide road. j Springer's ear rolled over ! :' twice following the collision, ac- j ; cording to reports reaching here, j The injured- man was brought to ; ' Klamath Falls -tor treatment by : R. V. Morgan,-J 171 Oregon ave- ' sue. .' i . :. Please All "Pecan Krunch" Ice Cream Bar Taste the Richer, Creamier Texture of This Remarkable Discovery ICE CREAM . . . CANDY ... CHOCOLATES ... PECANS f ALL DEALERS A Los! River Product l f 1 fS available in every 76 pump, con tains an extra supply of the volatile, quicker firing petroleum fractions. Even on the coldest mornings these "cold-proof" elements assure you quick, easy starting. . Your motor warms up faster, gets you out of thegarnge.oraway from thecurb quicker. There's less cold-engine wear, less drain on the battery, leu gasoline wasted through choking. Fill with Winter 76 today . ..enjoy quick starting at all temperatures. the anti-knock and m7e age qualities for which 76 has always been noted. UNION OIL COMPANY 5S STOPS CARBON KNOCKS! Aidi quicker starting-- Protect cylinderi Ke motor wear. E a.' - &gfcv i cK rfl 3$ffl Just a Few of Wards Hundreds of Toy Values I Bouncing Horse 1.49 Sturly i All wood, brightly colored. Seat attached to compression spring. Adjustable foot rest. 5.98 - Streamlined:' Veloc.lpcd Heavy Steel! 59e M e c hanlcal climbing Tractor. Use Wards ' Layaway Plan! fy Movie Projector Electric Hand Model 39 . (Ceefr0 Motor Driven Modol, 3.46) Mo end of fun and pleasure for boys and girls of all ages. (Parents like 'em tool) Yet 40 simple to operate, 6-year-olds can do It Fine quality, clear focus lens. Machine adjustable to any angle. Reel holds 100 ft. of 16 MM film. Self framing device. Uses 60 or 100-watt bulbv Shows home-taken films. ; Price Includes extra reel. : SCORES OF FILMS TO CHOOSE FRO Ml 37c to $2.47 A 2. ' These Life-Like WA" Dlonne Baby Quintuplets 98 9 Buy all five, cr choose Annette. Emilie, Yvonne, Cecile or Marlel Sleeping eyes, real lashssl 1 8wlvel head, arms, legs are of com position; body Kapok stuffed I Lovely dress, lace trimmed slip, panties, socks, mocassins, blbl 2 each : SET OF 5 QUINTS IN BED. 00 Well made, 20" wood bed, enameled white, complete bed clothing, mattress, blankets, covers, etc. Five V," dolls for 5 l tomorrow to hold 'III DocomBar 20 89' ., ' ,' . 40 1.00 25 Movl Joe- . -xylophone';' Itocket Ship. '. Large Hacor co"lorr ok- ' wood' keys.' Ituns-Shoots . 17", wind It ' tares. 'Mellow tbjie. Sparks. . and It goes! J 1.00 -' Tnilo Tonnis set!, 4 snnded paadlest ' 1.00 Cnpqtmt sat, 4 mallats, 4 bnlls. A buy! Ft'S:.'iaa 80 ' Uno, Wlggly (litinol Fun! Colorful! . 1.00 Toy eloanlng snt; 6-pleces, Usofull Fun, -i , r . - -II 5 ' MSI- Telephone 384 asasaaaaaaaaMsfcaaaaas 221-229 Main