.1 November 22, 1035 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN iura FOR JUVENILE POST SOUGHT A paIIIIuii to Circuit JmiIko KilwurJ 0. AmIiuihI ualcliiii Unit lis appoint u u t tic ii I u soclul Wcirkor as JuvhiiIIii offlnir ut Ihn rirnt o( tlm yimr linn been iiimnml liy tlm IvniiKii" of Wommt Votois, It wus aiuiiniiicuil Friday, Coplo of tli potltlon liovn lmoii mint to Hcrvlco oltilia, vll rluiiM H.-T. A. orKaiilsutlons, mill womnn'd olulii or oily nnd cutiiily. Th tk"ti a( Woman Volurs (mint out tliut In llio prnponuil 10.1S lut pert sufficient funds nrs provided for employing A KiadU (ta worker In thn Jntrmlln officii. Mmnlisrs mid thny fiilt th tax payer would Rut tlm moat tor their nionny throiiKli llil Action. Tho pnlltlon, In full, fulluws: "Tnasinurh m Hi Klnuiatli Coiiniy Huilunt Commltti'n linn ruined tho appropriation (or Juve nile, work to 12700, and "Iiiuhiiiui'Ii mi K 1 a in n t h Comity liita boon aurloualy liiimpird In thn naat duo to lurk of funila which said lluiluot f'onirnlllee hua otirouly (ranted thlt year, ml "Innamucli aa anld County wlalina to provide (or Ita uok leclecl and diillninuiiit children to th vory boat of Ita ability, and to upend 111 la money In the moat orilclenl manlier. "Wo. tho uniloralKiincl. do h cro ny pnlltloii you aa Judun of I ho t Ircult Court or Klainalli Coun ty. to appoint on or about Jan- ,uary lai, a gradual ioclnl work r aa Juvenile Officer. "We feel that only In thla way enn the aum aol aaldo for Juve nile work, be Judlrloualy and In telligently aprnt to th aclvnnloKe of tho dependent nnd dellnciueiit children of thla County, whom tho Court aeeki to anrve." Tho Juvenllo work, under Clr cult JiiiIko Aahural, hua been hnndli'd by Mra, Ida, Orliuei and J. A. Maddux. Whole "Family Stricken Through Poisoned Soda Sis' r i,H -f3rr jr.'r--y,--r " iW' TWr-o - ' LI "TO i - VT : I STJ i-Lli f -J II ir oreiikltin immukca woro mucti enjoyed recently by Mr, and Mra, Erncat St, Lou la of Ban PrancUco then everybody became aerloualy tick for a while, Offlchil lnvcatbiatlon proved that one ot the pancake Ingredient waa aome of Uie polaoned baking aodn aold at a local itore, which cauaed three dctUlia and lck- encd mtuiy. 'Hie 8t. Loula fnmlly recovered. HILDEBRAND , H1LDKIIH AND, Or. The I'o moat OrotiKo waa held at the llllcluhrand (ranx ball, Saturday, hov. I. J. O. Wight baa been quite alrk and waa taken to Klamath Kallt tor medical attention. Mra, Jenio Drew haa returned horn from 1'ortlend, where ahe Went for medical attention. .Mra. White and Charlea Kn man war dinner gueata on Friday of Mr. and Mra, John Jonea, of Dairy. Mr. and Mra. n.vron Welch and anna Kdmon and Klton, of Hprague ltlver, and Mr. and Mra. Jiiuiea Uood and aon Tommy of Hum niera' Lane, apent tho week-end with Mra, Ootid and Mra. Welch'! parent, Mr. and Mra. T. I'. Mich ael. 0. A, Carlaon waa tranaaotlng bualtieaa and vlltlng frlenda In Klamath Fall on Tueaday. Fred Rueck and Kauford Jone of Bonania, war bualneaa llt-v ora at the Kilter ranch on Sunday. Adam Weldninn rlalted on Hun day evening at the Michael home. Henry Bchinor of llonnnia. waa a bualneaa vialtor at th Leonard Hitter ranch Saturday. Mr. and Mra. 8. K. llnrtiler and children, John and Donate, wer . tranaacttiig builnea In Klamath Folia Tnuradny. Mr. and Mra. llert Slack or Lakovlew, vlalted on Friday night with Mr. Slack' (later and broth-cr-ln-lnw, Mr. and Mra. Harry Millie. Mr. Charlea Woelk and aon Carl, and J. C. Murln, wore tran akcilng buslnoaa lu Klamnlh Folia on Tueaday, Mr. and Mr. Erwln Echo mi and daughtor Charlotte, were trnnaactlng bualnoai In Klamath Fall on Saturday. Mr. and Mra. W. L. Woleh of Tinlry. had aa thnlr dinner gueata on Huiidtiy, Niivemhur 10, Mr. and Mra, Wlllluiu Wood of llon n n in. Mr. nnd Mra. tllcii f'liund- ler, Mr, und Mra, liyron Welch of Hpruitue ltlver, MlaH Imogeno Welch, Clifford Wnlilh, Meldu, Myrtit mid Mtiurlcn Chandler and Kdmon and Klton Welch. - MKHKH.I, IlltlKI'H , MEItnil.L. Nor. 21. Morrill Legion auxiliary, unit No. 80, met at tho Legion club room Tueaday afternoon with Mra. (lertrud l'lerce a hoalea. In the abaenin of tho prvalditnt, Mra, Minnie tTlukel, vice prealclenl, conilucled the bualneaa (eaalon. ' 1'luna for tho aiinunl 'gooae bake were illacuaaed but declalon mi tho Unto waa deferred until a meeting of the I. melon when the hitiitnra of that body will decide on a gooao bunt. Chrlatinua cheer will be dla penned by the auxiliary both In colly and Mr the Itoaeburg hoe plliil mid child wel(nre center. At the clone of the bualneie aeaalon Mra. fierce nerved pump kin plo and coffee to Meadnmea Minnie Htukel, Anne Frulta, An na Howard, Minnie Spencer, Ar- lene Urown, Alma Mnrrltt, ' Aud rey Lew la and Inea (liven. Th neat meeting will be held at the bom of lintel Dnlton. Superintendent Hendrlckaon and I). W. Iirookman attended aea- alnna of the Klamath County Ath letic auor.lntliin at th Wlllard hotel In Klamath Ftlle Tueaday CTanlng. Mra. Harry Booth waa hoateaa to 22 niembera of th Ml. Lakl 1're.abyterlan Lacllea' Aid at a pot luck luncheon Tueaday. Mra, llonth, a member, formerly lived In Hi" Mt. Lakl dlatrict. Rmnll raah donntlona will bo auballiultid thla year Inatead of th uaual ChrlBtmaa gift oxchang apnnaored each year by th Prea bylorlan Lad lea' Aid and tho fund will be turned ovor to a commllte to pitrrhaao a "ahow er" of nereaaltlea for the new kitchen recently added to the an nex. , . '. Th group will alao be glad to recelvo aubacrlptlonk to the Me Coll inngoxln and Mr. R. II. Anderaon and Mra. J. W. Taylor have been appointed aa a com mittee to aaalat with Bale. Tho Aid met Wedneaday after noon at the home of Mra. Wilbur Hnblnetto with Mr. Paul Idwla and Mra. J. L. Fotherlnghom aa alatlng. No New Polio Cases Reported No now cnaea of Infnntllo par- nlynla wera recorded at ths county houhu office Friday. Dr. O. S. Nowaom, county health officer, wo called to Cbll- aquln. ; . ,. . t ' . Four-door automobile were Introduced in 1909. Weyerhaeuser WKYBIIIIAKIJHICIl, Ore Mr. mid Mr. T. (1. .Inn and young nou, hiivg returned from Frnrno mid other California clllcii, wburo they MiiMit their vacution. Mra. J. If. llRllunhc r and child ren hovo returned from Wood land, WaBhlngloii, whern they i lulled with friends for about two wottka. Mlaa Sallno Tavnrlne. who baa been very 111 at. her homo, ban enured tho Hlllnldfl honplial. whoro alio la receiving medical treatment. The Fulrhaven P.-T. A. card club met at tho homo of Mra. Hoi lldny, Thuraduy nflornnnu at 1:30 for thejr rrgulrr meeting. Following the aervlng of des anrt, aoverul guinea ot bridge woro played, Tho following committee icrvid: Mra. llrigga, cliulrman. aaalated by Mrs. Itobort Hough and Mrs. J. A. Konncdy. Members present: Mrs. Brigga. Mra. t). L. Ilrltt, Mrs. A. Ouatavus, Mr Hall, Mr. Kdna Huatlngs, Mra. Marian Holllday, Mr. Leo llolllduy, Mrs. L. II. HopklnB Mrs. Itoberl Hough, Mri. Al John- aon. Mra. n. C. Johnston, Mra. J. A. Kennedy, Mr. Jack Llnken- buck, MIbb Klltaboth Melhln, Mr. Hub Miller, Jlra. Otto Mlkkelaen, Mm. McNiilly, Mrs. II. II. McKtila, Mrs. J'lodgcr, Mrs, Thurmuii, Mrs. Knntlborn, Mrs. Leon Stlpplch, Mia. K. K. Bchultz und Mrs. Wta- rI :' Mra. Lcltilie and Mra. Murdock wore guest of the club. New members who have recently Joined I ho clubs aro Mrs. McNally and Mra. Pledger. The noxt regular meeting will bo hold at the llolllduy home, Thursday afternoon, November 21. Tho tendency of en engine to mlas at low apeoda I ml leu tea the need for valv grinding. Ilrlgadler Harold Madaen of Portland, divisional Salvation Army commander for Orogon and southern Iduho, will be In Klam ath Falls this week-end for a orle of meeting and addresses. He will Speak at the Salvation Army service Saturday nlgbt, 8:00 o'clock, and then again Sun day morning at 11:00. Sunday evening at 6:30 he I scheduled to speak at thn Stew- url-Leiiox addition , church, re turning to the Salvation Army nan (or me 8:00 o clock ser vices, . Monday noon he will address the weekly noon luncheon at the Proihyterlun church. Hrisaflier Madaen baa been frequent visitor In Klamath Falls and la well known here. He has charge of the Scandinavian work In th eleven western states. State's' Attorney Forwards Ruling A ruling advising against mail ing out double postcarda notifying cltlzene of delinquent taxes and requesting them to state what form they will pay them, ha been received from the attorney gen oral's office by District Attorney II. C. Hlackmer. Attorney General Van Winkle sold that the postcards might be held In violation of federal sta tutes, which prohibited mailing poalcard demanding payment of a debt. Seventy-one United States fly ing cluba are registered by the U. S. department of commerce as airplane owners, although many more have ships registered in name of Individual owner. Rebuked 1 "' " V if LA ..-JLasai.- i mam SALEM, Nor. 22, WV-Dart games do not constitute a lottery, a municipal court Jury decided In acquitting A. F. Winter and Oeorge Mllo of lottery charges in connection with the operation of a "darto" parlor here. . The Jury' verdict was held sig nificant In that the case was thought to be the first test as to whether or not a dart game was a lottery, and thereby In violation of th state constitution prohibi tion against 'that type of gam bling, The Jury deliberated lea than ten minute. The arguments of attorneys cen tered about th qtiMtlnn ot wheth er akin was Involved In playing the dart gam. Hohert F. M gulr of Portland' and Gsora ithoten of Halem represented th defense and City Attorney Chris J. Kowltg antd proitoutor. , "mi rr r ' . Notice of Appeal Given on Friday Oral notice of appeal bas been given by Attorney W. C. Van Kmon, representing Lottie Wilson, who was convicted ot disorderly conduct In Justice court. Van Kmon will carry th case to clroult court Th defendant, an Indian wo man, was accused of making an unprovoked attack on Wade Craw ford, superintendent of th Indian agency, sh waa sentenced to pay a fine of 125 and spend 10 days In Jail, with the Jail ientenc suspended. MaJ. Oen. Keoijl Dolhara, head of Japanese military Intel ligence In North China, Is the apparent goat of Japan' sudden decision not to push th auto nomy movement in the northern province. When Tokyo, allegedly under pressure from Great Brit ain, decided to drop the pro gram, an official communication declared tbat Dolhara had "act ed without authority." A new ruling by the department ot commerce atates tbat Intentional Instrument flights In broken cloud or overcast iky within 25 miles of an airway, or within 25 mile of an air line airport, may be made only by air line aircraft. Springs should be reset only once; if they develop a sag after once being reset, they should be replaced. Legion Memorial Hall Saturday, Nov. 23rd KIGER'S Popular BAND ; Support a Clean Dance f ;4, Not a Beer Parlor ' Admission 40c and 15c n ' Dancing 9 p. m to 1 a. m. ' A QUALITY DRINKER . IS A MODERATE DRINKER An tpprtelttlen for all fin things It govamtd by ndrat Iflduhjsnc In all fin things. 1 SAMUEL UNGERUIOEa, ft.ltd.nl AYcrland V .st-I JJtfCV V STRAIGHT I WHISKEY KENTUCKY BOURBON 95 PROOF , 18 MONTHS Aging In th wood gtvtt tt iht famoui old plonctr mstlowntn. PINT . . 1-15 QUART . $2.20 Saturday Brings you another GREAT WEEK END EVENT-Featuring Remarkable Values! D&B BLACK LABEL : WHISKEY-A BLEND-90 PROOF; ; ) 3 ti 17 ysan old, 17 Ii 4 yaan old nd 40 n I yr 1 ' old and all siparlly blandid with 40 purs gralij Btutrsl' r , .-. spirit t make perfection, v ;-- II I 30 mm s&QJE wlEl rrr ?V ; Sale of Women's Shoes! wH m 1 ) v REDUCE PRICES ON FALL IM? JL h -XfJI ' SHOES I J GEM) 298& 3-98 5 Now gprv RJi ' . " fL f ; " v. -v-S; -r 3 2.49 & 2.98 . . . Now 1 .pa, ivy. , -i t-w ii v- ,.;::: yi l N. J&rt 1.98 & 2.49 . . . Now 1 GUIF STREAM IW . 7T.vJ fl I P ' STRAIGHT WHISKEY :- . : . A IJ blJ 1 90 PROOF .12 MONTHS ' - If . VrSV W S 9 Trisrs U no let-up on ths Inersaitncj ' WW lt . . . . L. . . If - ' popularity throughout aii of Or. - ww lt $ WARD S policy to give you more value for ... gon of thla apUndid whiil.y. Tho . . IB .111 . ' ' ' L"i.i"hlr.V!urT.i2uli,Y fl"' - : " every dollar that you spendl "Our shoe sale" ' HAl' Afi ' v clearly demonstrates WARDS ability to do PINT . . . T f 'JV' ' 'V-'v' . ' II 1 . 11' "TCji - " ' 1 :' II u$t thatl No matter what syle, color or size 11 . J P,NTi.Vilr . AtV' iA.t - II ' you wan, it is at WARDS at the price you I 1 Hir 01. $3.73 0UONS.JS i inltl , l ?'ifcs ' l 1 I I . . II pfly , Dttlillad by xptrlt from iptclalty . 1 jPWWiBWWrWBMBw ij ) m itltctod grain givti this whiskey TH -afcWfTfa ,ar....fay mmamm Ih .diitlnotlvt character. ., .. . 14 MONTHS OLD ' "U i , nwr r.iM Lf 114 I - I M Telephone 384 i t PINT PINT SW' 7 I TVI1 Lk,"..n.7dt ml ITO S IMS E US ' YITIS E) 1.10 $ 221-229 Main Street PINT QUART