The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 21, 1935, Page 11, Image 11

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    November 21,' 1935
Want-Ads Bring Results
Phone Yours to 1900
3 per word per day's
C Insertion.
if per cent discount on
J a d running on
per cent dlicounl on
d running one
All clalsllled ads ere Insorl
ed In bulb The Klamath N""
end Evonlng Herald l the
bore rale appearing In T!ie
Newt flrl.
Time limit for claaBlflrnllon
In the (allowing day's papers
li 1:40 P. M. Ada desired In
serted on the eame day a biiIi
niltted will have to run "Too
Ute to Claaelfy." Too Lata
to Classify at are put In onn
paper only at tlie same ritte
aa quoted abore and claaaltlod
(or succeeding Inaortlous,
Loet and Found
LOST Female Hoatnn terrier,
blind In one eye. Leonard How
man. Merrill. Howard. 1760
$6.00 REWAHI)
tborne bicycle,
E. Main.
(or rod Haw
taken (rom 24
LOBT Australian shepherd dag
from Rex Arms. Howard. Apt.
IS, Rex Arms. 1780
LOST Hat-tall spaniel, about 7
montha old, eollar, bo tug. I.oi
about 10 days ago. Return to
Lincoln Street Orocerr. H
w.rd. 1039
3 General Notices
XAnAfisrerrii"i" " i wbj
MOVING? Call 704. Local, long
distance, Insured carrier: ex
perienced men. Peoples Ware
house. 403
T "
1031 Main. Phone 711. 1789
K. F. Transfer & Storage
4th & Klamath, Ph. 1097
Health By Nature
Illness destroys nappi-
ness. Try our norm 10
regain health. Call or
write (or (ree Informa
tion. Dept. 3-D.
Chinese Moitlcal Herbs' Co., Inc.,
1TO H. W. Morrison St., Portland,
SAVEI Go by But
Via Bond and Mt. Hood
Shorloit RouIb, Lowett Faroi
to Norfhwoif Poinli
One Round
Way Trip
Portland $5.90 $10.65
Seattle $8.40 $14.65
Spokane $12.30 $20.05
Dussea Leave ll:4f Noon from
The Greyhound Depot
for Information Phone 009
The firms nnd Individuals represent
ed In this Alphabetical Diroctory of
Specialized Business and Profession
al Service are known as Klamath
Falls' most reliable business men and
Cabinet steam hatha and massage.
L. Stone Lady Assistant.
117 South 7th. Phone 1640
Commercial Printing
Printing of all kinds. SHOP
PING OUtDB, Pelican Theatre
floor Sanding
I8HINO. Phone, 86 W4.
Hemstitching, specialising I n
suits and coats, woolen samples,
dressmaking. Mrs. H. M. Allen
der, 614 Walnut.
HEMSTITCHING Hemstitching,
Uutlons, Pleating Belt Clasps.
The Ooldon Rule.
Classified Index
All ctaaalflcatlons are num
bered and appear In numerical
ordur. Following la au alpha
betical ruforonoe' Hat of the
more Important slaaatflcatlona;
Automotive It
Ilulldlng Mntorlals .. 10a
llualnoas Opportunities 114
Contract Work Wanted.... 10
Educational g
Km in liiipliiinunla 1'Ja
Furnished Apts. to Let.... 13
Furnished Jlouao to Let 14
Furnished Koomi to Lot.. 11
Financial ... 23
(luminil Notices 3
Help Wanted, Male ... I
Help Wanted, Female .... 7
Livestock and Feod ...... 33
Lost nnil Pound 2
Mlacellunsoue for Bale.... 20
I'liraonala 4
Poultry (or Hale ............ !2a
Ileal Katate (or Dal ...... 17
U imi I Estate (or Lous 18
llrul Estate Wanted ..w 17a
lliioin and Hoard 12
Hlliiatlons Wunlud 0
Hwnpa 20a
Transportation 6
llnfiirn. lluuai's to Let 16
Wanted Miscellaneous 31
Wanted ! Henl 1 .
INIlMIKHTION victims, why
suffer? Kor quirk relief gel
a free saniple of UDGA, a doc
tor's prescription at Star Drug
Klora. . 1890
7 Help Wanted. Female
WANTED Experienced girl (or
general huuaework. Phone 017.
9 Situations Wanted
EXPERIENCED youn- man wish
es (arm work. Uox 1293,
Newe-llerald. 121)8
10a Building Materials
Phone 1420 (or (roe Informa
tion on renovating or building.
Wa can give you complete do
talls on financing without obli
gation. Better Housing
Chamber of Commerce
1 1 Furnished Rooms
KOH HKNT Bleeping room, out
side entrance, 12.60 per week.
303 Washington. ' .. 1946
tl Pino.
ROOM With hath; board l( de
sired; garage. Phone 12S6J.
169 Hillside. 17S3
TUB Cl.AHEMONT. 223 N. 4th,
all modern outside rooms. Kree
narking lot 4406
13 rurn'ehect Apartments
KOH RENT Four rooms, well
furnished, to couple only. In
quire (03 Lincoln. 1780
Blmons Apartments. S23 Com
mercial. Phone 1114J. 1099
V AOAN(,M -Arcaile Bparltnenn.
IS Unfurnished Houses
KOH RKNT Throe-room house
In Altamont. Inquire 616 Pine.
17 Real Estate For Sale
jXXTVXAAArsrVfV,iir"rl, rri
LOT 3, block 21, Hot Springs.
Full price $600, or trade for
Corvallla property, airs, rnui
C. Parkinson, 816 Jackson St.,
Corvnllls. 1468
FOR BALE 1921 Tudor Sedan,
good condition. Price right.
2424 Bo. 6th. 1S08
20 Miscellaneous For Sal
NOW Sacked and sorted,
31.20 cwt. BORN BROS..
Phone 13F2S, 1H miles south
o( airport. , 1947
Business Directory
women. You will find them ready
to serve you promptly, economically
and efficiently. For your own satis
faction use this handy guide to the
services' they offer.
Palmer Chiropractor
Neurocalomoter Analysis
826 Main Opp. Court House
Pumps .
...Byron Jaokson Pumps
and Service j
J, M, Wauchope, 116 So, 11th St.
Phona 130 3-J
Real Estate
If you want to buy a house, a
lot, or aorenga, from one to 60
aores, aea H. B. . Haugar, 1830
Main St,
EXPERT ropalrlng and recover
ing composition shlnglos.
Terms, Atlas Roof Co. Phone
1618.. 8400 So. 6th. 48
Townsend Club No. 1
1st, 8rd Thurs., Library, 7:80.
Ilonilq. 024 Main, Phono 800.
20 Miscellanoua For Sale
FOR BALK Grain, or exebango
for pigs. B. Hcnuni, tiiiiiB
hrund, 17811
WIltrMIAIItlCIJ tnrrlor, female,
Call mornings, George Muellnr,
Shasta Way, Uox 324, 1784
FOR BALK Cod niaplo davnn
port, cheap. Adrlouno's, chil
dren's department. 1037
KOH HALK Equipped 11x14
lunch wiiKon. ilox 1775, News
Hnnilil, for appointment. 1775
KOH HALK Wcnnnr pigs. West
of Stewart addition. I). Do
Witt. Iti
KOH BALK 48 head slock cut
tle. Juaao Lilly, Dairy. 1767
KOH HALK 4 work horaca, 2
cows, 6 heifers, Hno truck,
(urm Implement". l' mllus
nnrthnast Morrill, old Ander
snii ranch. 1771
.I Wanted Mil' t'lnnc."s
WANTED 1000,
mortKHge on ranch.
giro (Irat
llox 1722,
22a Poultry Po. Sale
While Lcghorna, n. I. Keds,
llarrcd Plymouth llocka, Ill,
100, prepaid. Magulre Electric
Halcbery, 1410 N. K. Oregon
street, Portland, Ore. 1434
KOH BALK 76 pullets. Lillian
Clogaon, lit. 1. Box 104, Malln.
Money to Loan
Quick, Dependable, Safe,
No co-signers No Red Tape
Let us tlnanco your now or used
car purcnaie
Motor Investment Co.
114 No. 7th Pb. 882
License M104
I rani Notices
I.-.-1 1 1' - . I.
OltDlNAXCK NO. 202
AN ORDINANCE granting to
Tbo Pacific Toll-phono and toic
ernnh Company, Ita successors
nnil asalcns. tho right and prlv
llcgo to do a general telephone
and telegraph bualneaa and to
ulnco. en-ct. Iny. malnlalnr- and
operate In, upon, nnd tinder tho
stroets, alH')a, avonuoa, iiioruuau
fiirea and public highways within
tbo Clly of Klamath Kalla, polls,
wlroa and other appliances and
conductors lor the transmission
of electricity for telephone, tele
graph and allied purposes o( com
munication, and repealing Ordi
nance No. 2217, heretofore pnaaed
by tho Common Council of the
Clly of Klamath Kails and ap
proved by the Mayor thereof In
so (nr as the samo Is applicable
to the grantee.
LOWS: Section 1. Thoro Is hereby
granted by the City of Klamath
Falls to The Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph Company, its biic
coasora and assigns, thij right
gnd privilege to do n general
telephone and telegraph business
within "aid City of Klamath
Falla and to place, erect, lay,
maintain and operate In, upon
and under the streots, alleys,
avenues, thoroughfares and pub
lic highways within the said City,
polos, wires and other appliances
and conductors (or tho trans
mission of electricity for tele
phone, telegraph and allied pur
poses of communication. Such
wires and other appliances and
conductors may be strung upon
poles or other futures above
ground, or at tho option o the
grantoe, Its successors and as
signs, may be lnld underground
In pipes or conduits or otherwise
proteoted, and such other appa
ratus may be used as may be
Phona 1786. 038 Klamath
Upstair Dress Shoppe
8tewart-Drew Bldg., T81 Main,
Vocal Studio
Tenchor of Voice
117 No. 8th SL Phona 2238
and Limbs. Pbona 886W,
FOR BALE Pine, (ir body and
limb wood. Phone 76W8 896
tlrnpcs grown on vines derived
from American root stock nro
nrtw the souroe ot moBt French
Legal No
nncoaaury or proper to operate
and maintain lliu Hume. Provided,
however, that the grantee. Ha
aucceaaora and aaalgna, will place
underground any of Its wires,
uulluiicns and conductors as may
bo ruuulred from tiino to time by
ordiuunce duly paaaed by the
Common Council and approved
by the Mayor purauunt to the
dinner ot the city of Klamatn
Heetlon 2. It ahull bo lawful
(or aald The Pacific Telephone
und Telegraph (,'oniiuiy, lis suc
cessors and assigns, to make all
needful excavations In any of
such streets, alleys, avenues.
thoroughfares and public blgh
wuy In said City (or the purpose
of placing, erecting, laying and
muliitalnliig poles, or other sup
ports or coudulta for said wires
or repalrliigy renewing or replac
ing tun same. Hnia work ahull d
done iu compilative with the nec
essary rules, renin ut Ions, ordi
nances or orders, which may dur
ing the continuance of this fran
chise be adopted from time to
time by the City ot Klumatb
Section 3. Whenever The Pa
cific Telephone und Telegraph
Company, Its successors and as-
algna, shall disturb any of the
streets for the purpose aforesaid.
It or they shall restore the samo
to good order and condition as
soon as practicable without un
necessary delay, and fulling to do
so the City of Kluinnlh Falls
shall have the right to fix a rea
sonable time within which such
repairs and restoration of streets
shall be completed, and upon
(allure of such repairs being
being made by said Company, Us
successors and assigns, the aald
Clly ahull cauao such repairs to
no niaao at t lie exponse of saia
The Pacific Tolophone and Tele
graph Company, lu successors
and assigns.
Section 4. Nothing in this Or
dinance shall be construed In any
way to prevent the proper author
ities ot tho City ot Klamath Falls
(rom sewering, grading, planking,
rocking, paving, repairing, alter
ing, or lmprorlng any ot the
streets, alleys, avenues, thorough
fares and public blghwaya with
in tho City of Klamath Falls In
or upon which the poles, wires
or oilier conductors o( said Com
pany shall be placed, but all such
work or Improvements shall be
dune It possible so as not to
obstruct or provont the tree use
of said poles, wires, conductors,
conduits, pipes, or other appa
ratus. Section 6. Whenever It be
comes necessary to temporarily
rearrange, remove, lower or raise
tho aorlnl cables or wires or other
apparatus of tho grantee to per
mit the passage of any building,
machinery or other object, the
said grantee will perfor-n such
rearrangement en soven (T) days'
written notice (rom the person
or persons desiring to move said
building, machinery or other ob
jects. Bald notice shall bear the
approval of such official as the
common council may designate,
shall detail the route of move
ment of the building, machinery
orotbor objects, shall provide that
the costs incurred by the grantee
in making such rearrangement of
Us aerial plant will be borne by
the person or persons giving said
notice and shall further provide
that tho person or persons giving
said notice will Indemnify and
save said grantoe harmless of
and from any and all damages
or claims of whutuoevor kind or
nnturo caused directly or Indi
rectly from such temporary re
arrangement ot the aerial plant
ot the grantee.
Section 6. In consideration of
the right and privilege hereby
granted, the City ot Klumnth
rune snail navo, and the said
Tho Pacific Tolephona and Tele
graph Company, its successors
nnd assigns, hereby grants to it
during the lite ot this franchise,
tbo right and prlvllego to place
and maintain, where aerial con
struction exists, a fixture on the
top of poles erected and ninln
tnlned under this franchise, to
which may be attached wires not
exceeding four (4), and where
underground conduit exists tho
said The Pncltlo Telephone and
Telegraph Company, Its succes
sors nnd assigns, slinll furnish
said City ot Klamath Falls with
one duct In Ita main underground
system, excluding pipe or other
conduit dips oouneotlng one pole
with another,- or two pairs of
wire In Sndorgroiind cable, free
of charge to suld City of Klam
ath Falls to be used for low ten
sion police and tire alarm pur
poses, It being understood that It
shall bo optional with tho grantee
as to whether two pairs of wires
shall be given or a duct In the
underground system; ' provided,
however, that when accepted In
such joint use as In this -section
provided tho City of Klamath
Falls shall construct and main
tain its circuits, wires and ap
pliances In accordance with ac
cepted Rarely nnd construction
standards, and In no event shall
tho said circuits, wires or appli
ances of tho' said City of Klam
ath Falls be exposed to power
lines or circuits of over flv
thousand' (5000) . volts without
formal notice , to and specif lo
written approval of grantee here
In In each such proposed exposure,
which approval Bhnll ba contin
gent upon the provision by said
City of Klnmnth Falls ot such
safety nnd protection measures
with rospoct to Its circuits, wires
and nppllnnres ns will moot the
stnndnrds . prescribed by such
public authority as may have
jurisdiction In the premises, or at
the option ot the grantee, as may
ba .by . It considered adequate;
and provided furthor that In case
of rearrangement ot said plant,
tho said City ot Klamath Falls
will at Its own expense euro for
Its own fixtures, wires and con
struction and provided further
that the said The Pncltlo Tele-
Legal Notices
Letal Nolicas
phono and Telegraph Company,
Its successors and assigns, as
sume no liability whatsoever,
either to said City or to any pur
sou, firm or corporation whatso
ever, for any damage or claim of
any kind arising out of the con
struction, maintenance, operation.
removal or presence of the euulp
ment herein deacrlbsd and to be
used by the City eolely In main
taining the efficiency of Ita (Ire
alurm system and police (orce.
Section 7. In (urther consid
eration of the rights, privileges
and (runchlae hereby granted,
aald grantoe, The pacific Tele
phono and Telegraph Company,
ita successors and assigns, ahull
pay to the City of Klamath Falls,
from and after the date of the
acceptance of this franchise, and
until Its expiration, annually, two
per cent (2) per annum of Its
gross local service receipts an-
rived (rom the operation of tele
phones located within the cor
iornt limits of the City ot Klanv
ath Falls as said corporato limits
now exist or may hereafter be
extended. Payment ot aald two
per cent (2) shall be made on
or before the fifteenth day of
March of each and every year
(or the calendar year preceding,
with the exception that In the
year 1930, payment shall be
made only (or the period com
nienclng on the date this fran
chlse becomes effective and end
ing December 31, 1930, and such
2 payment made by the
granlee, together with the value
to the Clly ot Klamath Falls of
the privilege of using tho aerial
and underground plant ot the
grantee, as herein provided for,
will be accepted by the City ot
Klamath Falls (rom the grantee,
also in payment of any Ucense,
privilege or occupation tax or tea
for revenue or regulation, or (or
any other purpose now or here-
after to be Imposed by the city
of Klamatb Falls upon the
grantee during the term of this
franchise. And provided the
grantee accepts this franchise and
makes said 2 payment and fur
nishes to the City of Klamatn
Falls the privilege of using the
aerial and underground plant of
the grantee, as herein provided
for, then the City ot Klamath
Falls will not, during the term
ot this franchise, require the
grantee to make any further
payment to the City of Klamath
Falls (or any license, privilege
or occupation tax or foe; -,v
Section 8. At the expiration
of the term or period ot thl
franchise the City ot Klamatn
Falls, at Its own election and
upon the payment therefor of a
fair valuation to be made In
the manner hereinafter provided,
may take over to Itself the prop
erty and plant ot the grantee
herein used in connection with
rendering exchange, or local
service in the City ot Klamath
Falls, but in no case shall the
value ot the franchise of the
grantee be considered or taken
into account in fixing such val
uation. Said properly and plant
may be acquired by the City
either upon the payment to the
grantee, its successors or assigns,
of such sum as may be fixed by
such State Regulatory Body as
then may have jurisdiction to
determine and fix such valuation
for the purpose herein provided
for, OR, upon payment to the
grantee under the terms herein
after provided. ,of such sum as
may be fixed by the majority of
a board .of five arbitrators ap
pointed in the manner hereinaft
er provided.
At the time said City desires to
purchase the property of said
grantee It shall notify said
grantee In writing, ot its inten
tion so to do, and state therein
whether it will require the fixing
of the valuation of such prdperty
by said Regulatory Body or by a
Board ot Arbitrators, and such
valuation of the property of
grantee shall be made- by -the
body so designated by Bald City.
In the event arbitrators are'
appointed for the purpose of de
termining the value ot said prop
erty, two shall be appointed by
the City and two by the grantee,
and the fifth arbitrator shall be
selected and appointed -by the
fonr arbitrators appointed as
herein provided. Said arbitrators
shall be appointed within thirty
(30). days after declaration by
the City of Its intention to pur
chase the property ot said
grantee. In the event such ar
bitrators (all to make and (He
nn award within the time herein
after limited, said arbitrators
shall be discharged ipso facto.
and a new board of five arbi
trators shall be appointed In the
same manner as was the original
board. Sntd Board ot Arbitrators
shall. Immediately upon tho ap
pointment of lis members, enter
upon the discharge of Its duties.
Any vacancy In said hoard shall'
he filled by the pnrty who mode
the original appointment to the
place becoming vacant. In the
event said grantee shall tall to
appoint said arbitrators within
thirty (30) days after the decla
ration by the City ot its Inten
tion to purchase the property ot
said grantee, or In the event ot
the death or resignation -of arbi
trators so appointed, and no new
arbitrator shall be appointed to
fill such vacancy within ten (10)
days thereafter, or in the event
the four arbitrators appointed by
the City and the said grantee, as
hereinbefore provided, shall fall
to appoint such fifth arbitrator
within sixty (60) days after the
declaration ot the City of its in
tention to purchase said property
of said grantee, then, upon ap
plication either by tha city or
by said grantee,- after five (6)
days' notice in writing to the
other party, such arbitrator or
arbitrators shall ba appointed
by the Chief Justice of the Su
preme court of the State of Ore
gon, and tha arbitrator or arbi
trators so appointed shall have
tha same powers and duties ns
though ha or they had been ap
pointed In the manner herein
above prescribed. The cost ot
such arbitration shall be shared
and borne equally by the grantee
and the City.
Tha award of the arbitrators
must be made and filed with the
Police Judge ot aald City within
twelve (12) months after their
Tho vnlue of the physical prop
erty ot the grantee, Its succetsors
and assigns, aa determined by
aald Board of Arbitrators or by
Legal Notices
suld Regulatory. Body, shall be
paid to suld granlee in luwful
money of the United States wlth-
ii sixty (60) dnys rom and after
the tlrno the award ot the suld
arbitrators shall be filed as here
in provided. In fixing tha value
of the property of said grantee,
no allowance shall be mude by
said Regulatory Body or by said
Board of Arbitrators, aa the case
may be, for any frunclilae, or the
good will of mid grantee.
Provided said Cltr may, in lieu
of either of the metnoui nerein
before provided (or acquiring or
taking said property, resort to
condemnation or eminent domain
proceedings In the manner pro
vided by law for the acquisition
of property by municipal corpor
ations by condemnation or emi
nent domain.
Upon payment by the City to
said grantee. Its successors and
assigns, of the value of Bald prop
erty determined as herein pro
vided, then said grantoe snail, by
a good and sufficient written In
strument, transfer to the City,
said property of said grantee,
(ree and clear of all encumbrances,
claims or Hens whatsoever.
Section 9. The rights, privi
leges and franchise herein granted
ahull continue and be In force for
the period of twelve (12) years
from and after the data this
Ordinance becomes effective.
Section 10. This Ordinance
shall take effect and be In force
(rom and after Its passage and
approval, and the said grantee
shall, within sixty (60) days ot
the naasaae of this Ordinance
(He with the Police Judge ot the
City of Klamath Falls its written
acceptance of all tne terms ana
conditions of this Ordinance.
Section 11. Ordinance No. 2217,
entitled, "An Ordinance Amend-
ne Ordinance No. 2210. entitled
An Ordinance 'providing' (or an
annual license (ee (or revenue pur
pose to be paid to the City or
Klamath falls, Oregon, oy an
Dublic utilities corporations ren
dering services within the limits
of the City of Klamatn rails,
Oregon, under granti, or otner
wlse operating, which do not pro
vide within the grants themselves
for the nayment of a license fee
And which said services so ren
dered, and being rendered, are
paid (or wholly or in part by tne
users of such service, and requir
ing such public utilities corpor
ations to apply lor and ouiain
an annual license: And providing
the manner in which it may oe
ascertained and determined the
amount of the license fee to be
exacted: And fixing the rate per
cent, to be charged, y said City
uDon the amount so ascertained
and determined: And providing a
penalty for the non-compliance
WHO IUD If 1 111 UL IU,S v,IU,,
nassed and adopted by the Com'
mon Council ot the City ot Klam
ath Falls. Oregon, on the 23rd
day of January. 1933, and ap-
Droved by the Mayor on the 23rd
day of January. 1933," heretofore
massed bv the Common Council
of the City of Klamath Falls and
annroved by tho Mayor of said
City on April 4, 1933, oe and me
samo is hereby repealed, in so far
as the same is applicable to the
County of Klamath )ss.
City of Klamath Falls)
I .......... police juage
of tho City of , -Klamath Falls.
Oregon, hereby certify that the
above and foregoing Is a true
copy of an Ordinance duly passed
by the Common Council of the
City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, on
the day of , ism.
Police Judge
Presented to the Mayor and ap
proved by bim this day of
, 1935.
, Mayor
No. 831
H Oct. 80 N Oct. 81.
In the Matter of the Estate ot
Miriam Johnstone cmios, de
ceased: Notice is hereby given that I
have filed my final account as
administrator of the estate of
Miriam Johnstone Childs, de
ceased, and the Court has se:
December 13th, 1935, at the hour
of nine o'clock a. m. of said day
as the time for hearing objections
to such final account and for the
settlement thereof at the Klamath
Circuit Court Rooms, Klamatn
Falls, Oregon.
Dated this 14th day ot Novem
ber, 1936.
A. C. YADEN, Administrator.
HN 14,21,28 D 5 325
Notice is hereby given that
bids will be received by the Po
lice Judge ot the City ot Klam
ath Falls, Oregon, up to and no
later than 7:30 ociock p. m..
November 26th, 193o, in tne
Police Judge's office in the City
Hall tor 1 Standard four door
sedan nutomobile to be equipped
with leather upholstery, 6 six
ply heavy duty tires, 6 heavy
duty tubes, 2 cowl lights. 1
standard heavy duty police Gen
erator -and 1 heavy duty Battery-Bids
must state allowance that
will be made by bidder on Chev
rolet Master Sedan now owned
by the City and in service in
the police department.
The Common Council, reserves
the right to reject any and all
bids and the) decision ot the
Common Council will bo final.
Police Judge.
(H-Nov. 14, 21324) .
In the Circuit Court for the Coun
ty of Klamath, State of Ore
gou. In the Matter of the Estate of
Harry A. Thompson, Deceased.
Notice la hereby given that Agnes
E. Thompson has been appointed
administratrix of the Estate of
Horry A. Thompson, deceased,
and that all persons having claims
against said estate are required
to present them with proper
vouchers within six months from
the dnte ot this notice, to said
administratrix, at the office of
Glllenwnter8, Van Vector & Slso
more, 206 Odd Fellows Building,
Klnmnth Falls, Oregon.
Dater this 24th day of Octo
ber, 193B.
Administratrix ot Estate of
Hnvry A. Thompson, Deceased
HO 24,31 N 7,14,21314
Children Refuse
To Salute Flag
KVEflim, Wash., Nor. 21,
(UP) Three students at Silver
Lake school, near here, will face
expulsion Monday If they con
tinue in tneir rarusal to snluto
the American (lug, principal Kay
Trelchel announced Wednesday,
following a conference with Coun
Happy Prelude to Slaying
f NHL'. pA,VrMv
1 - - -f c3 f Jl' -'"VBr'.ll' 1
Evidence of the bappy relationship between his "office wife," Vera
Btretz. blonde university graduate, and Dr. Frits Oebhardt, whom she
has admitted killing in New York, Is given by this snapshot made on
the beach before tragedy entered their lives. Police attribute tha
shooting to jealousy, but whether a rival or discovery that Dr. Oeb
hardt wps mnrrifi ' ''I f Is nnen to ennlecti'i-p
This Curious
Answer to
1 Lawson
9 Musical note.
11 Reverence.
12 Notched.
13 Either.
14 Within. ,
15 Level.
16 Second note
In scale.
17 To stuff.
18 Laughter
19 Mother.
20 To implore.
21 Obese.
22 To satiate.
23 Minute skin
38 Capable.
37 Male child.
38 String. ,
39 Color.
24 He Is a famous 40 Pronoun.
trainer. 41 Astringent.
23 Knock.
43 A lure.
43 Divine food.
45 Neither.
46 To deaden,
t? Muddled.
: He Is a
49 And will be
coach of
29 Booty.
30 Avenue.
31 Form of "a."
32 Implement.
33 Female
34 Credit. '
35 To hearken.
athletic coach. ia,g "igU g4W
lunr-l ANNE lEIKim
rzii Psjapia'oiuiPMUAW
Alt R SiBIAmyniiizju i 1 1 l
nw a i f sETftTTi c E Pr
sr sst rp'uo1 b-
la 47
I -lis
ty Superintendent Clifford Car
penter. Trelchel, who refusal td reveal
names of the chlldreu, said they
refused to salute tha (lag on re
ligious grounds. He understood
tholr parents were members ot
the Disciples of Johova sect,
which recently clashed with
Pennsylvania authorities over re
(usal to salute tha flag.
World Z
Previous Pnzx!e&
10 Region. . .,
15 Contest
17 Craw.
18 Stag.
20 Scheme.
21 Idiot.
22 Broken; cliff.
23 Needy,
24 Sound. '
25 Rodent. ',
28 Publicity.
27 Celtic foot
29 Burden.
Law. .. 1 . .
32 Word.
To border on.
34 Eye part.
35 Nymph
36 Excuse.
87 Intelligence.
38 Plant variety.
39 Tricks.
40 Mixture. .
41 God ot sky.
42 Chestnut
43 Myself.
44 To total.
46 Northeast.
47 Form of "me."
1 Shower.
2 To possess.
3 To exist.
4 To re-broad-
5 Street car.
6 Drunkard.
7 Bone.
8To nullify.
41 Pertaining to
noTck c Kl T-Tcl 30
our Olympic 83