THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON November 15,' 10U5. PAGE TWO-' bond refund PLANNED BY : CITY HEADS ' Refundlinr of 1541,000 of city of ' Klamath Falls Improvement bondi, callable In January. Is now being planned, according to Mayor Willis K. Malioney. About $310,000 of this amount ll drawing I per cent Interest, and the remainder C per cent. Maboney estimates that (8400 annually will be saved la Interest if tbc city can get the same rata It has received on other Improve ment bond refunding lnues. The city-has already refunded 1785,000. at a laving of approx imately $10,000 a year. Mahonoy was In Portland early in the week, and there conferred with bond houses regarding the forthcoming Klamath Issue. On his recent trip east ha discussed Klamath securities with officials of New York financial houses. In connection with the January bonds, It Is planned to advertlso the bonds for bids thlB fall, with out calling the bonds Immediately. That will make It possible for the city to reject unsatisfactory bids and try again before calling the outstanding Issue. uard your cue with M LK So closely has Nature balanced the vitamins, minerals end proteins in mill, that when used in combination with other foods, it corrects their dietary shortcomings. That's why we say .-. . drink Old Fort Dairy milk with every meal and guard your diet. Take advantage of this sensible suggestion . . . see if H doesn't make you feel more energetic more alive, be cause a balanced diet is mighty important to good health. OLD FORI DAIRY! H.AVMALLORY. Prop. fOU CAN WHIP OUR CRAM - but you can't beat Our TtlUK " 1749 ORCGON AV. 1 : i?egiffl IKairdlwaiPeCo. i 412 Main Street NOW the NEW duhfttatic MIXMASTER 1 C Speed Full Power JL J on Every Speed-. . . . HJ v fjj ll Creamt sfefy Fold MANY marvelous new fea tures TEN SPEEDS and FULL POWER ON EVERY SPEED from the special Low FOLDING speed to the new High whipping and beating speeds. New FULL 'MIX BEATERS but come In and let us show .youl That's the only way you'll fully appreciate the marvels of this new MIXMASTE& . ;, AuiomoiJIc Muanaster with Portable full-Mix beaters, Juice extractor and strainer, mayonnaise oil droooer and two lovely Jade areen , - m - mtk mixing bowls...... 'Universal Food Chopper 25 Regular family size...... .' St Cook in Glass .-.- . ' Use Pyrex Ware GRISWOLD CHROME WARE Washes like china :,' Shine like silver THIS new style utensil saves fuel tool Pure cast iron, ' under the chrome finish, v spreads heat evenly holds heat Ion per requires a lower cooking name. See our special ' exhibit ftf Skillets, Dutch ' j Ovens, Griddles, (Special Chicken Fryer, with hlgU dome cover. The finest m2S tlint ja made .. .... 4 Mixing Bowls '....75J 9" Pie Pans 45 Six Custards ;. ...30t 1 Vi quart ' . Casserole ..-.....-95 Thermex 8-0up Afn&gi Family 81 M STATE OFFICER HEALTH GROUP Responsibilities or the home. the school and tho community In building child health were outlined by Sadie Orr Dunbar, secretary of the Oreuon Tuber culosis association Thursday at a nicotinic ot the Klamath ' coun ty health association. Mrs. Dun bar also apoko Inter In the af ternoon at a meeting o( Fair- view P.-T. A, Correlating her subject "Health," with that of educa tion, Mrs, Dunbar quoted Her bert Spencer's definition: "Edu cation is a preparation tor com plete living," In her second ad droes before the Falrvlew P.-T, A. - .. ,( Health Is definitely the first requirement for a complete life, and every child la entitled, to a sound body, according to the speaker. However, It la only by close cooperation of the home, the school, the community as well as all socinl organisations. that health of childhood may be protected. Mrs. Dunbar quoted statistics from findings of the White House conference on child health, and especially urged that chil dren be guarded from tubercu losis, which is both preventable and curable, but which has its largest death ' rate between the ages ot 10 and 24 years of age. Twenty per cent ot the patients In the two Oregon tuberculosis hospitals are under SO years ot age, Mrs. Dunbar said. "With life becoming more strenuous and arduous all the time. It is necessary that the youth of the country be sent out to meet It with sound bodies," declared the speaker, "and this can only be done when all agen cies join their efforts and work toward the same goal," Mrs, Dunbar's messages of Thursday were particularly time ly In view of the fact that the annual Christmas seal sale will begin aoon, and because ot the annual Red Cross membership drive now In progress. , . All funds derived from the sale ot Christmas seals go to ward the tight against tuber culosis. Mrs. Dunbar was the guest of honor at a luncheon given Thurs day noon at the city library by the county health association ot which Mrs. Twyla Ferguson is president.- In addition to her work as secretary of the Oregon Tuberculosis association, Mrs. Dunbar la vice-president ot Women's Federated clubs of the United states and an active work er in educational fields. Present at the noon covered dish luncheon- a the w library sponsored by - the Health asso ciation were: representatives of the .city government, the county court, Federation of Business and Professional Women, School Dis trict Number One, the Klamatb- Lake Medical association, Wom an's Library clUb and P.-T. A. groups from the city, Modoc Point and Altamont. Mrs. Dunbar stated there that the depression had wrought hav oc with older members of society, who, while trying to protect their children, had themselves fallen prey to the dread tuberculosis scourge. She quoted figures showing that tuberculosis took more lives than the highly publicized auto mobile accident. In addition to advocating co operation between home, school and community In building up child health, she recommended in the strongest terms that the tuberculin skin test In tho schools and throughout the community should be given the greatest sup port In order that tuberculosis reactors might be found and treated- before the disease gains headway In young and old alike. Ruble Stabilized At Twenty Cents MOSCOW, Nov. 15. (UP) Stabilization of the Russian ru ble at five rubles to the dollar was Indicated Thursday by a de cree of the sovnarkom. Beginning January 1, 1836, the new rate will-be In effect, The sovnarkom consists of 11 peoples'-commissars and a chair- w IB W "Wings of the Morning, my dear!" ... If Schilling Coffee doesn't improve his morning manners, your money back. ; i Try Schilling Coffee. ' .Treat it like a friend, with due consideration, and it will do the same for you. It will never fail you. It's sturdy Coffee. Schilling Coffee There ate two Schilling Coffees, ' .'. One for percolator. 1 : One for drip. Interesting Thanksgiving ' Dishes Suggested in This -Week's Recipe Competition -l' ' HHMtlKTXH Ql'IIJilNO , Klnnmtli It 11 ion With School Thanksgiving; comos but once a year and tbat'a why we like something quite unusual for tho annual big dinner . Turkey has long been associated with this hollduy. However, among our recipes this week, there Is un ex culliMit suggestion for use ot roust (lurk, with npplo stuffing. Something such as this la especi ally appropriate for this commun ity with' Its plcutiful supply ot ducks. Among the neceasnry accom paniments for the Thanksgiving fowl Is cranberry Jolly or cran berries In domo form. So we have Included a good recipe for cranberry salad among our prise recipes tor this week. It seems that we Invariably think ot pumpkin pie as tho clos- iug item of Thanksgiving dluuor. Kelow Is listed a substitute for pie, which really might be vary welcome after wo have gorged ourselves on turkey and tho other tempting goodies. Or perhaps you would like something else then the cherry Spanish cream is my suggestion. These prtie reoipes are present- ed' for your consideration soon enough so you may include them in your Thanksgiving plans. fl.OO Orange aspic Willi Turkey Mrs. E. M. Thomas, S03 St. Francis St. 3 c. cooked turkey I e. turkey stock i tsp. white pepper i tsp. salt 1 pimento, chopped c. cream 1 T. granulated gelatin soaked in 4 T. cold water. - ; 1 small onion, chopped. Cut turkey la small pieces. Soak gelatin In cold wator and dissolve In boiling stock. Cool and add turkey and other Ingre dients that have been mixed to gether with cream, (beaten stiff). 25 cent awards Cranberry Salad Mrs. Nelson Ward, R. 2, Box 111 1 qt. cranberries 1 c. water 2 c. sugar A package lemon gelatin 2 c. diced celery ; 1 c. chopped walnuts 13 c. boiling water Boll the cranberries In the cup ful of water for 10 minutes. Add the sugar and allow to boll tor 2 minutes longer. Dlssolvo the gelatin In the 1 cup of boiling water. When the gelatin has set, but before It Is hard, heat In .-the cranberries vhlch have been pressed through a colander. Add the diced celery and chopped nuts and allow to harden. Cut in squares and serve on lettuce leaves. .Garnish, with mayonnaise. Roast Duck with Apple Stuffing ?. Mrs. Ralph Connor, Box 682, Chlloquln, Ore. I duck 1 c. soft bread crumbs 1 c. chopped apples -1 c. raisins cut small 1 T. minced onion 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. pepper 2 T. melted butter 2 slices fat salt pork Dress and clean duck. Mix all Ingredients for stuffing. Moisten with hot water and place in tne duck. Place on a rack in roast ing pan with slices of pork on breast. -; Dredge duck and bot tom of pan with flour and place in hot oven. When It -has browned add a cup of hot water and baste every 15 minutes. H win tana about 2 hours for baking. Dur ing last 15 minutes of . baking, sprinkle- with salt and pepper. Serve-on hot platter when done. 1 '. Pumpkin Ice Cream ' . Mrs. Harold M. Brown, , v 435 Jefferson St. 1 pint rcalded milk 7 egg yolks, well beatqn 1 c. sugar " 7 Pinch ot salt ' 1 tsp. butter 1 c. whipped cream 1 T. vanilla i c. hlanched almonds, split Puln of 1 orange. Dulled Into shreads. Pumpkin shell Mix egg yolks, sugar and salt. Pour on the scalded milk and cook lit double holler until It coala the spoon. Add butter, strain and boat until cold. Add the whipped 0 rim in and vanilla. Partly freese, then add the lilnnchcd almonds and the 'orange pulp. Finish treeilug and pack In ice and salt for a few hours before nerving,., . Tuvn ice cream Into a scooped out pumpkin and serve on a largo platter with a pumpkin vino" at the baso of pumpkin. (The vino cuu ho made out ot paper). Cherry Spanish Cream Mrs, K. C. Stinky, 14IH Canby St. 11 T. granulatod gulutln J c. cold water 1 c. llordon's condensed milk 2 c. hot ;wstr 3 egg yblks, slightly benteu 3 egg whites, stiffly benteu 4 tsp, salt 1 tsp. almond extract ' t e. syrup from cherries I c chopped maraschino cher ries. vi V -t , i tr Soften gelatin In cold water. Dilute the condensed milk with hot water, llrlng to a scalding point In a double boiler. Add the softened gelntln to the hot milk. Stir until gelutlu Is dis solved. Pour slowly over tho egg yolks, blending thoroughly. Re turn to double boiler and euok uutll slightly thickened, stirring constantly. Remove from fire and add salt and flavoring. Fold in stirfly beaten egg whites. Add maraschino syrup and chill. When mixtare begins to thicken, add cherries. Pour into ludlvldunl molds. When firm serve with whipped cream. The Klamath Temple will bo favored with a distinguished visi tor one night only. Rev. Harry R. R. Neat, district superintend ent of the Pacific, coast division of the Open Bible Standard Con ference, on his way to the bny region of California, will stop over and preach tonight at 7:45 on "The Forward Stride of tho Oospol." Rev. Neat just came from Ta coma, Wash., and reports a great revival spirit In, that community. When Rev. Neat was here this summer he made many friends. He took Rev.- Frod Hornshuh's pulpit while Rev. Hornshuh went on his elk hunting trip to Wyo ming last summer. . , - Tear Gas Disperses Georgia Lynch Mob MOULTRIE. Gn.,: Nov. 15. (UP) Two companies of Geor gia national guardsmen used tear gas and rifle butta Thursday to disperse a howling mob seoklng to take a comlomned negro from sheriff's deputies. Under - protection of national guard bayonets, the negro, John Henry Sloan, 21, was rushed to the state penitentiary at MU ledgville where he must die In the electric, chair Decomber 10. Two persons were beaten by gun butts and a third cut by a bayonet as .the guardsmen re pulsed a rush of a mob of over 2000 enraged South Georgians. Stage Dedicated i to Will Rogers HOLLYWOOD, Calif.,' Nov, 15, UP) The stir of movlo making was heard today In a new studio sound stage dedicated to the late Will Rogers. Three hundred friends of the actor-humorist, Including four United States senators and two governors, participated In memor ial services on his "home lot" at Twentieth Century-Fox yesterdny. All paid tribute to his life and work. Little Shirley Temple spoke: "I loved him, too." BREAKS SEAL. emdnjmf youh chok of 2 1 GU AST. WINES! There Is a GUASTI Wine for . every taste and every need. ,-, Red wines, White wines, sweet wines, dry wines. Wines for ; before, during and after meals. Drink your choice with full con ' fidence that not a drop will t, come from the bottle that ' GUASTI didn't seal in at the 1 vineyards. Say GUASTI and get ; full-bodied, full-flavored wines. w.i'..jfliujrfl fa GET YOUR GUASTI ? MOLATOREpS 5fc 1112 Main Street A glowing plcUiro of tho Town send plan nnd tho results promised tor It was given to tho Klwauls club Thursday by W, A. Selwoml. district organlror and former Kluinutli Fulls rusldent, Sollwood asserted (ho plan would take Ihu place of war In roduclng tho nutiilior of candidates for jobs. Ho denied tho trans actions tax, basis of financing the Townseud plan, is tho sumu as a mill's tax, and Insisted thu coun try's business Is big enough to yield tho billions of dollars micus sary to put tho revolving syslam Into operation, ' Thu Townseud plan, he declar ed, will glvu old puopla Ihu rust nnd cnxo they have earned, and will give young ptoplo a butler clmuco, Sillwood presontud flguroi which he sold showed the opera tion ot tho plan would hoont busi ness tremendously lu Klumuth j Fulls. STOCKH FACES TIL FOR THEFT ALTURAS, Cal. J. L, Nolsou, stock mil n of the Likely district, chnrged with theft of two calves, was bound over to tho superior court for irlul Wednesday, after a preliminary hearing. Nelson Is allogrd to havo stolen a calf from P. 8. Dorrls or Allur es, and another from W, H. Flonrnoy of Likely. The calves- which were un weuncd, wero held In Nelson's weaning corrals. Thoy had born dehorned but were unbrauded. Dorrls and Flournoy, becoming suspicious, drove tho mothur'a ot tho calves Into Nelson's corral and caeh cow claimed her off spring, 1 Nelson claimed that a mistake hud been mndu lu separating eul !lo belonging to dlfioruut own ers, Ho has linen released on liond and tlato for tho trial has not yut been set, What a innit pays In turns lo iKilp his government ami his fel lows niiiliu I1I111 a good ellln'Jii. To bn u god neighbor, ho 111 tint do ninrii; hi must n' vo In others with n souse of gi'iilUuiln lo (lod (hut ha has money lo glvo -l)r, Ivan Leo Hold HI. Louis, Mil. .:i-iWi!ii!i!i!i!i!!i!!i''t!ll!!!M l:U, ' Dillons Admire it! KM Millions Want it! OWN IT ftkONLY couqfidiop MIOICATID WITH INOREDIINTi OF VlCKS VapoRub l CP - fKJ Modem successor to old-fashioned cough syrups. more con venient . , . less ex pensive , . . lingers longer In the throat. Only one more day left Sor Big Savings on Gas Ranges. A few cents a day will install one and , Insure a luxurious care-free year . v: of cooking. x KLAMATH NATURAL GAS CO. 700 Main Phone 168S aBdtsMMsUskCal tiorcti'i 0 Cma t soivo IBM '"J. ,7 ptt? nW- rr i UH tne si i .ill muam loinai rw m r.n- - WESTERN IO "rrVT-'lKi-l; SOUDEN RULE STORE:- WE HEREBY AUTHORIZE YOU TO USE IN YOUR ADVERTISING AND SELLING OUR GUARANTEE OF QUALITY Of HOLEPROOF HOSIERY STOP THIS GUARANTEE IS GIVEN BY US AFTER EXHAUSTIVE CHECKING IN OUR LABORATORIES AND HUNDREDS OF WEAR TESTS STOP HOLEPROOF HOSIERY MAY NOW CARRY OUR GUARANTEE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Good Housekeeping checks and guarantees the quality of Holeproof Hosiery . . . now made both sheerer and stronger at a cost of $250,000 . . . yet you pay nothing more ! No need now to puzzle over what brand of hosiery to buy. Good House keeping has solved that problem for you. They gave Holeproof Hosiery the most thorough laboratory check ing they could devise. . . then proved It in actual wear with a "wear squad" of active young women. And now they authorize us to place their guarantee of qual ity on Holeproof Hosiery I ,1 3 pairs for $25 You'll delight In the exquisite qua), ity of this hosiery, now slutrer and Hronnet than ever before , , , because of exclusive new improvements which cost Holeproof $250,000 . , . yet cost you not one penny more. , Let us show you the ten Hole proof features of superiority. All correct new shades in shadowless chiffon or light service weights. tCONOMISTS IN IHSTHWU 1 1UH I ' THE MAMS Ctuif Pouor Doubly Certified ! 1'",!!'"?'''':'''':,'' "''i""'"ir.iu.,.li,.vi.ini ' "pptuvil ol Hi. ftttl.r P.lnlcl Tallin It I, .,,,1. i, 1 ,..x jV,77 tew- it fT-,'rtil . ll M l - 7 , 'i l filM ., LsiAiiaaJ 1 mm 1