November 14, 1035 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE STATE OFFICER HEADS RAIDS ON WEDNESDAY A special stale offlror wlifi linn tii'iin IiivukIIkiiIIiik ciiiiilllltins In KIiiiiiiiIIi Kails, u-riiiiiiaiilil by ini'lliltnl'S of tha Iiical iiiillrn iln pit 1 1 iiiii I , Mimed a rulil on "im ry anlo" hunt Ina kits Wvilnusilay iiIkIH, eluiritliu thrne wllli pia iKasluii ( uiituseil lliiiiur, TJinsn urrnslml wiire Jon Val ley, I'tirl Ornai'i'sim nml Linus l.iuniili, Viillny nml l.aiami wnr fliiKil HUH uiii'll mill muili'iii'i'il In atirvn Ml 1 it y H In Jail. (Iri'K I'I'hiiii wim rln cil JtiU mill itlvuii a 3 0 -l ii y minlMiii'v. Vnlliy imlil III fhm nurly Tliiiiailuy mill 111" Jiill si-iiti'iico v,ua aiin)iiiiiln(, Gn'RiTHtm ami I .ii i mill rmniilniMl In Jail wllli their flui' uiipiilil. Ollior cliy court rnriiliiiK Tliurailiiy wnro llatuil by 1'nlko JiiiIkii Itli'liiiiunil hn follow: An ily Anilnrnun ami John Unison, tlo unrli or flvn iluys In Jull nn rliium'n of ilriiiikniinnin, nml J I in Ho 11 1 vn ll . HO ilnye In Jull nil (hi) miinii cniuil, ' Thrno yoiilliful 1 1 aimlxii In. cliuriti'il wllli diifrauillna. an Inn kcipur, wurii rt'lnitsi'tt from c it -tmly n no form 1 cuniplitluin wore f I Icil BKulnnl llmni. Th"y Mir alli'ilnil to hu vn nnlxriMl illnnnr U'c-ilnimliiy nvKiilng nt a lornl on To, paylim Ilia priipriulor wllli t ti a ii k n only. Tho thri'a wero rnqunsluil to Iruvu llio city linnieclliilnly uftvr bolng rcloniii'il from Jnll. REVIVAL 6IS The revival at the First Hon tlst church, corner Klahth and Wahlnton ' streets, I now In proaroaa. Interest la raplilly In creasing, and t lie auditorium ahould bo filled before ninny days. There la much evlilenr.a of a rellnloua awaki'iilng among Chrlillnn pimple wlilla sumo are looking a doner walk with and. Dr. Powell, who la conducting tho revival, has already won the hcarti of the congri'gatlona. HU aoulhorn arcenl and penonnllly are winsome. Although Dr. 1'ow ll has a flno Sonne of humor, at the k mo time ha la deadly In earnest and preaclira the siisfinl with unuauat force and power. To him tho jtoapel la a vital, dy namic, living power mid actually oavoa. Dr. l'ownll la not "Just an other evangelist romo to town." It would be a discredit to tha Where There's Smoke. Something's Hidden From Enemy Fire I i t i i Jio'two. - SLitimumi .Ms rrm NoW York worn ln a haloT No, no! It's allll too venial a place for that! Tha effect of a halo vnclrcllon the lowering akyacrapcra of lower Manhattan l Jim part of tho amoke acrceo by mhlrb (J. 8. Army ploni'i conrtiiled the city to defend It from atU'.k by t auppoacd "onemv ' air flctL The army ftrolccl"' repnrli'd the moneuver nucreiuiful" and tilt plcluro atteala Iho r,ho!f ittophlc aacceaa oi I be OIkI" nt ii ii and hi" work lo clnaa til in ii mu ll. Ilia work mid mlniatry la of I he lilKhimt type. It la mum, aiifo and piuclli ill. Ilia pii'lhoila urn open and alrlclly noil ml mid llii'iii la notlilnii of th ii tiiuiihlinl or uni'hrliillan na ture nhoiit them, llio uuiiHiiiil micrenff which haa churartnrlzed Dr. 1'iiwnira lulnlalry wherevor tin lina been la uiiiili'tloiniilo evlili'iice of tho aouuiliinaa of bla Inbora. Tliena aervlcea will continue each ovnnliiK nt 7:.'IU except Knt urdny. C'oltnito prayer mnutlniyi nro holni conducted In tho homea In tho varloua aecllona of tho city. At avery aervlcn you will enjoy tha flno Chrlatlan fnlluw- hlp, apleudld comtrnKatlnnat lnln mid apeclal niinlc. Tho iiiiiiiikc will ho a apeclal treat an do not uilaa them. Tho public la cordially Invited. Thursday evonlnit tho aermnn aiihject will hu, "Klnce Ituiala la Kllllni tho I'rearhera and De alroylni the Churchea, Why Not do io In America?" It. N. A. to Mwt Tho Itoyal NelRhhiira of America, will hold a banquet at tho I. O. O. K. din Ink room Monday evenlni, No ronihur ID, In honor of Kioto Bu porvlanr Krma Klhler. who will lie preaeut to Klvo a talk on ft. N A. Inaurnnco. All mombera are reijueated to ho preacnt promptly at 0:30 o'clock. f'lrrlo Meet'-iB l'olKinn1 Tho menlliiK of Iliitluiny circle of the Flrat rruahylerliHi church, which waa aiheduled for Tuenday. No rtniher 19, ha been poatponed. BUSINESS SECTION CANVASS STARTS TOIN Cuuvannlnir of thn liullic iIIh trlct of Klam ath Kalla by workerl In thn American Red Croni roll call drive ataried Thuradiy morn ing. 'I'he d o w n- town catnpulftn la expected to luke aeveral daya, oa each buel neaa hoime mint be vlaited and all eniployoa given an opportun ity to Join tha Ked Croaa and contribute to the work of the organltatlon. neglnnlng laat Tueaday, work era have been attempting to villi every home In tho city with the result that thla part of the drive la virtually completed. Tho Red CronB roll call open ed throughout the United Rlalei on November 11 and will con tinue until Thanksgiving. Unfortunately we have never been able to find a substitute for war, aonieiblng to provldo excitement for young men. Gen. Binedley Duller. The aafeat driving time, accord ing tp atatlntlca, appears to be be tween t and 7 In tho morning. Court of Honor Set for December Hoy Bcoula will hold a court of honor in Klumuth Kails the flrat week In December, accord ing to William Kuykendiill, maa lor of troop No. Ill hero. A. O. Hoderberg, national scout executive, will be here at that time. ' I The court will be held at the : courlhouao. It la expected five or six alar acouta from Kuykendall'a iroup win laae teais ai ine couri. UG E ORDERS AHOI EXPENSES PAID Another warrant for Tnhoma Duke's traveling expenses back to Chicago waa ordered by Circuit Judge K. I). Ashurst Thursday. HHhs Duke waa called here by tho defense and waa a witness In thn trlul of Prcd and Ilertha Duke on charges of burning with Intent to defraud an Insurer. They wore acquitted. Judge Ashurst, In the order, stated she traveled 5368 miles under the subpoena. The socond traveling "expense warrant order ed was for $10.1.28. Total coat lo the county of her trip here ha a witness waa more than I2O0. Duke, on tho witness stand In the case, testified Miss Duke owns the cab company ho oper ates and has lent him sums for consti-uctlng a building and other purposes. Her equity In the Duke building, be testified, waa 26,-000. lor glrla In the college and has voted to raise money for a sim ilar acholarahlp thla year, ' At the flrat meeting of the year IS members attended and six new members were presented. Chorus to Appear Sunday Evening The male chorus of the Men's Drotherhood of tha First Metho dist church will make lis Initial appearance on Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock, In a service of song, using the great hymns of the church. The chorus will be under the direction of R. K. pntlcr-on, who will also arrange special music In solo, trio and chorus numbers. The program of the evening is under the auspices of the Men's Drotherhood, and will Include a brief evangell-tic message. All who enjoy listening to and participating In an evening of sacred song are cordially Invited to attend this service, at the First Methodist church, corner of North Tenth and High streets. White tall deer signal to their kind by means of their white flag, or tall. SALEM, Nov, 14. (P) State officials here generally discount ed charges by Representative Waller Norblad of Astoria that tho state capltot bill passed by the special legislative session was unconstitutional.. Norblad had challenged the legality of the 12.580.000 Capi tol measure on the grounds It was not read In sections by the legislature aa he said the law required. Ralph K. Moody, assistant at torney general, said the journal showed the bill aa properly pass ed, and unless there was some thing In the record to show af firmatively an Irregularity, the bill would stand as enrolled. It was stated that It had not been the custom art Mm supreme court to go be hied the Journal record In such cuom, and that It had been the custom for years In both houses to read only the title of a bill. It waa further pointed out that If tha onpltol bill war un constitutional, all legislation- fnr the past aovaral sessions would also be Illegal. . , l A Road Employes Ask Pay Boosts 1 p County road employes hare asked an Increase In wages. They filed a petition with the county court, pointing out that sines the present wags scale was set, coata of living have In creased. The court has the matter un der advlaement, Obituary CAR I, I- KIlKHSDKIt Carl L. Kressler, a resident of this city for the past 17 years, passed away Monday. November 11. He waa a native of Ger many, having resided In this country since he was two years old. He waa aged 76 years. 9 months and It days when called. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Louise Cooley of Klamath Falls, three sons. John Kressler of Camas, Wash:, Fred of Portervllle, Cal., audi Mark E. of Seattle. Wash.: nno sister. Mrs. Augusta Rice of Seattle, Wash. The deceased was one of the first charter members of tho local Klamath Temple. The remains rest at the Klamath Funeral Home. S25 High street. Funeral arrangements will be an nounced at a later date. In six months' time we shall have 80 per cent of the voting strength of the nation demanding enactment of the ToVnsend I'lan. Dr. F. E. Townsend. NAMED TO OFFICE OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallls, Nov. 14. Catherine Cleghorn of Klamath Falls, sen ior In borne economics at Oregon State college, was recently elect ed treasurer of the Chlntlmlnl student chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution on thla campus. The chapter was organized two years ago. Since that time It. haa awarded two scholarships to sen- Treasure Without End Millions of Gallons ready now Millions of Gallons aging Millions of Gallons in the making Insure Seagram's Continuous Leadership With, most treasures the more that is taken way the less you have left. But this is not true of the vast whiskey treasure held by the House of Seagram. Seagram's treasure is beiog constantly replenished. Seagram's supply of fine whiskies remains steady and continuous. And here is the reason for it. A Treasure Ready ' Today the House of Seagram holds millions of gallons of rare whiskies aged and ready for use. From these great stocks, Seagram brings you now, without waiting the very finest whiskies. And yet despite Seagram's popularity this treasure is not running low. The fully aged stocks are ample to meet the nation-wide demand for years to come. -A Treasure Aging In addition, every week, and every year more and more Seagram Whiskies are "Coming of Age." Mil lions of gallons are now maturing in charred oak casks. Thousands upon thousands of gallons will be ready next month. Many thousands more, in the month after that. And every month, for years to come. Nor Is this all. There is still another Seagram treasure. A Treasure in the Making Every day in its huge American distilleries, Seagram is making whiskey and storing it away for "Tim to Work its Wonders." These are the elements that insure Seagram's con tinuous supply of aged whiskies actually troamr without end. ' The Tradition of Finer Whiskies " Through more than three generations, Seagram crafts men have been discovering secrets of the blending and distilling arts which money could never buy. The whiskies held by the House of Seagram have been dis tilled according to this tradition the tradition of finer taste that has made Seagram's America's favorite. Confidence only Leadership can win What does this vast, continuing treasure mean to you? It means that you can buy with confidence where you see the Seagram name. It means that today, tomorrow and in future years you can "Say Seagram's" and be sure of whiskies that are finer whiskies that taste better. SEAGRAM'S " V. O." J Pl (Ij j Mai -. ij torn ip in tono umpm Jg jffiif I CAM API AM OOV't lUmvUION I lEimssug&eweti eugrsi- FINE. WHISKIES SINCE 1857 SEAGRAM'S t J V , 5 & 7 CROWN slpi 1 WHISKIES -QSJy A. f ' Oft $ttrm-Thtittert Crp. 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All of trie new shades in Off-the-Face, Halo Tyrolean Crown and - Brimmed Models. , . 'J- . . Limited Time Only , $-95 and $295 Former Values to $4.95. "WHERE STYLE AND QUALITY REIGN SUPREME" . 507 MAIN MURRAY'S OF LA POINTE'S SALON OF BEAUTY Going to a Party? Of course you are. Let us melee your holiday season a success with a delightful new permanent wave es pecially adapted to your individual requirements. You will want one of our electric manicures to give the finishing touch. OUR PERSONALITY PERMANENTS: Priced from 1 S2.50 Including Shampoo and Finger Wave MURRAY'S MEZZANINE FLOOR 1 LA POINTE'S Phone 571 i I .ft .tswaM8 ,,lilMrr ., y8' " I BEFORE YOU BUY TRUCK TIRES GET WARDS LOWER PRICES!! tUXE Non-Skid Tread (U- ted left) for sure trac- 2 a any roadsl ffi JXE Rib Tread (illus- 15 right) for high speed 1 i on paved roadsl I America's Best . .'. whatever the Job! No matter how much you spend you cannot buy a better truck tire than. 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