Novombor 0, 1035 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINE Want-Ads Bring Results Phone Yours to 1900 Rate per word per day' 3 C limertlon. tf per cunt dlarount on J d running ono wvvk. 20 pur conl dlarnuiil on a d a ruiiiilnil o n iiiuiiih. All rlnnslfled ad nro Inaorl od In both 'I'll" Kl:innitli New nnil Evening Herald at the nhov rula apptarluK In Tho News firm. Tlinu llnilt for r lnnlf Icnllon In llin following day's paper la 0:UO I. M. Aila denlred In-ai-rt'il on llm annni iluy i sub mitted will Iiuvii lo run "Ton l.nlx to Clanslfy." Too Lino In classify aila lira put In on" paper only nl me umo rwo as quoted abovo tincl iaalliid (or succeeding Insertion. 2 Lost and Found LOST While Kplls dog, answer to unino of linrli). Return ! 126 Division HI. 1070 LOST Near Oleno, Firestone tiro on Ford trurk wheel. Re ward. Cum Olympla Grocery. 1069 3 General Notices K. F. Tranifer & Storage 4th & Klamath, Ph. J 097 Health By Nature lllneaa doalroys happt- i noaa. Try our narua 10 . regain health. Call or writ for free Informs- lion. Dept. 3-D. O. QF.K WO Chinese Medical Morha' Co., Inc.. 170 H. W. Murrlion HI., Portland, Oregon LEARN TO FLY To to the flrat 15 students enrolling now, wo offer a now low price of $70, deferred payment plan. Mod ern equipment. Inuuiro Hill Itnndall. Klnmath Airport. 1028 MOVINGT Call 704. Local, Ion distance. Inaured currlor; ex perienced mon. People Waro- houae. OS Ea Tranaportation SAVEI Go by Bus Via Bend and Mt. Hood Shortest Roule, Lowit Farei to Northwost Points-' On Round Way Trip Portland $5.90 $10.65 Seattle $8.40 $14.65 Sookane $12.30 $20.05 Duaaoa Lear 12:45 Noon Prom The Greyhound Depot for Information Phon 899 Klamath tar The firms and individuals represent ed in this Alphabetical Directory of Specialized Business and Profession al Service are known as Klamath Falls' most rcliablo business men and Bath Cabinet itoam bath and masaag. L. Stone Lady Assistant. 117 South 7th. Phon 1640 Commercial Printing Printing of all kind. SHOP PING GUIDE, Pelican Theatre ' Bldg. Floor Sanding FLOOR SANDING AND REFIN ISHINO. Phon 86W4. , Hemstitching Homstltohlng, ipeolallting . In nils and coats, woolen samples. dressmaking. Mrs. H. M. Allsn dor. (14 Walnut. HEMSTITCHING Homstltchlng, Buttons, Pleating Belt Clasp. The Golden Rule. 7 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Thoroughly eompnt ut tniioKmphnr, Job to In oliiilo aoino general office work alau. llox 181.8, Norfa llurulil. 1668 WANTK1) Corrotpoiidunla for Clilloquln and Btowart-Lenox addition. Apply In porion, News-Herald office. 1421 WANTED Olrl, ono or two ve iilnxa week to cam lor child. 261 Martin. , 1027 i Situallun Wanted ; YOUNG MAN wanti Job oil ranch, roforanco. Whit Btar Taxi. 1486 EXPERIENCED youn man wlsh a farm work. Box 1293, Nowa-llornld. 1203 10a Building Material BUILDERS' Phono 1426 for free Informa tion on renovating or building. Wo ciin glvo you couiplulo do lull on financing without obll Ku( Ion. Better Houiing llradijiiartrra Chamber of Commerc 1449 1 1 Furnished Room ROOMS FOR HUNT 1116 I'lno. 1023 ItOOM WITH BATH, board If dealrtd; Kurngo. Phon 12B0J. Ull Illllnlde. 1487 TIIK CLAIIEMONT. 121 N. 4th, all modern oulsld rooina. Froo Burkina lot 44O0 12 Room and Joard IIOAItl) AM) ItOOM 1003 lllxh. 1594 13 rurniahed Apartment ESPLANADE COURTS Alio Klmona Apartment!. 323 Com mtircml. I'liouo 1114J. 1089 VACANCY Arcade aparimenia. 16 Wanted to Rent WANTED Unfurnished apart ment. IMinne 1 176W. n71 17 Real Eat ate For Sale LOT 3. block 31, Hot Springs. Full prlro 1 000, or trade for Corvallls property. Mia. Paul C. Parkinson, 810 Jnckaon 81., Corvnllla. 1408 19 Automotive FOR SALE 1930 Ford pickup cloned cab, fin condition, Im perlnl Motor, 3rd and Main. loBS roil SALE A strong trailer, 1 Ion cupucliy, new ruhhor. Phono 640J5. 1019 LA BALLK 1031, 0 w. w me tal trunk, heater, perfect con dition. Prlcod lo sell, by own er. Can be aeon at Imperial garago. 1102 FOR RALK 1928 Tudor Sedan Kood condlllon. Price right. 2424 8o. 0th. 1608 CADILLAC 7-passenger icdan Excellent condition thruout. Low mlleago. Prlco 8275. Im perlnl Motors. 239 Mnln. 1616 20 Miscellaneou For Sale FOR SALE Good radio, Call at 409 Michigan. cheap. 1625 FOR BALK Davenport and chair. Phono 1111 or 1658R. 1022 DRY P1NB and fir. 130111. Phone 1014 FOR SALE Oood stout trailer. Al condition, roasonablo. Also electrlo hot water hoater for car. Box 1577, News-Herald. 1677 FOR SALE 4-whoel trailer, al most new, $35. 92 W. Oro gon. 1026 FOR SALE '35 7-tub radio, cheap. 42 Tine. 1029 Business Directory Nurserie Plant now, shrubs, roses and flowers for early blooming Evorgroens, fruit trees, berries. Lnkeshore Garden Nursery, Mrs. W. P. Myers, 862-J-2. Palmer Chiropractor DR. GLEN MOORE Nourocalomoter Analyst 82S Main Opp. Court House Pump Byron Jackson Pumps and Sorvlc J. M. Watichope, 115 So, 11th St. Phon 1303-J ' Real Estato If you want to buy a nous, a lot, or aorenge, from one to 50 sores. o H. D. Hanger, 1880 Main St. Roofing EXPERT ropnlring and recover ing composition shingle, Terms. Atlas Roof Co. Phone 1012.. 2400 Bo. 6th. 12 Swap WILL THAI) HI baled bay for weaned dulry calve. Hlnlnr llroa., Mnlln, Ore. 1009 i Wanted Mise WANTKD To ronl or buy hoa- pltal break Don. mono ivuu. 1077 WANTKD New lire Kocso f-a-. liter. Phone 1930W. 1020 WANTKD To rent or buy: lloa. pltnl break bod. Phono 1900. 22 Livestock and Feed FOR BALB Oood alfalfa hay. Paul Tachorky, Tulelake, Calif. 1101 roR BALB llred aowa and gills. Mlk Ullll ranch, woat of Dor rla. 1078 FOR BALB 18 plga, weight 126 to 160 ll.. first clasa feeder. Auatln Fruit Btand, 1 milea south of Ashland. 1000 FOR HALK 11 heifers, aomo milking and sumo lo freshen, 126.00 to 40.00 each; 12 calves, 4 months lo 7 months old, 112.60 to 120.00 each: 24 It. I. Red liens, 2 years old nest spring, $25.00. Addross. barn across from Rwan Lake Moulding, phon 2107. 160 PUR BALK 2100 breedlnx owes, range. W. II. Casobler, Uonan ib. Ore. 1413 iln Poultry t-ur Sale FOR SALE 7t pullet. Clogslon. (Drain 10). Lillian 1070 SUPER QUALITY CHICKS Whllo Leghorns, It. I. Reds, llurrcd Plymouth Itocks, ill. 100 pfcpald. Magulre Eleclrlc Hatchery. 1416 N. E. Oregon sireel. Portland, Ore. 14 34 25 Money to Loan LOWEST RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe, No co-signers No Red Tap NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let u finance your now or uaed car purchase Motor Investment Co. 114 No. 7lh Ph. 88J License M104 Legal Notice NOTICE TO CHKDITOIW IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON, FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estato of Roy Folllck, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Lllllo Folllck was on the 8lh day of November. 1935, duly appoint ed administratrix of the. estate of Roy Folllck, drceased, by the aforesuld Court, and that all per sona having claim against the said eslnlo are required to pro sent them duly verified with proper vouchers within six mouths from dnto of this notice, at the offlro of the said admin istratrix, 608 Oregon Bank Hldg., Klnmath Falls, Oregon. Dntcd this 8th day of Novem ber, 1936. LILLIE. FOLLICK. Administratrix of the Estato of Roy Folllck, Deceased. Herald Nov. 9-10-23-30 No. 321 Does anyone think that war between great nntlons can ho a limited war and that meanwhile we can trado with both sides in nrosnorous neutrality? Wo can not holt ourselves In an armed citadel and survive. Prime Mln- istor Stanloy Baldwin. I novor snw a crook yet who did not nolnt an accusing flngor at somebody else nnd say he hlin- aolf was ainnll fry or a virtuous business man. Thomas E. Dew oy, Now York "racket ' prosecu tor. 20a women.' You will find them ready to serve you promptly; economically and efficiently. For your own satis faction use this handy guido to the services they offer. Townsend Club No. 1 1st, 3rd Thurs., Library, 7:30, Hoadq. 624 Main. Phone 360, Transfer CALL PIONEER TRANSFER. Phone 1766. 933 Klamath Upstairs Dress Shoppo TOQLER'S tor SMART TOGS, Stewart-Drew Bldg., 181 Main. Vocal Studio Toacher ot Voice -ARAH HOYT GRAHAM 117 'No. 8th St. Phon 8238 Wood WOOD PINB and Limb. AND FIR Body Phon 886W FOR SALE Pine, fir body and limb wood. Phon 75W2. 896 Legal Notice Snrirv -tfvu NOTICE OF BIIKRIFP'H BALE ON EXECUTION Notice la hereby given that under and by virtue of a Writ of Kseciitlnn In Foreclosure laiued out I ho Circuit Court of tho State or. Oregon for Klamath County, In tho case of Dan Mulliane and Edna Robertson, a Joint Execu tor and Executrix of the estate of Dora Melhaso, dneeased, John Mel. base, Emma Dunham, William Melhaso, Kdna Robertson, Dan Melhuso and Fred Melhaso, Plain tiff!, vs. Win. M. llriggs, Admin istrator with the Will Annexed of the estate of Mae Hurdle, de ceased, Win. M. Rrigga, Adminis trator of the estate of It. L. Bur die (sometimes known as It uric Lealcr Hurdle), deceased, R, L. Hurdle, Jr., and Olive Hurdle, bis wife, and Hope Burdlc-WIck and Ernest Wick, her husband, De fendants, Equity No. 4381, which said Writ was dated the 10th day of October, A. D. 1936, I will on (he Hth day of November, 1936, at the front door of the court house of Klonialh County, Ore gon, at tho hour of 2 o'clock In I ho afternoon on said dale, pro coed to sell at public, auction to the highest bidder for cash, all of the right, title and Interest of the said defendants, and all per sons claiming or lo claim by, through or under them, or either of them, In and lo tho following described real property situate In Klumath County, Oregon: The norlhwettorly one-half of lota Nine and Ten of Block Eighty four, Klnmn'.h Addition to the city of Klnmath Falls, Oregon, as shown by the duly recorded pint thereof on file In the office of (he county clerk's office of Klumath County. Oregon, being a rectangular piece of land 60 feet wldo and 104 feet long fronting 60 feel on Sixth Street, togother with a certain easement for the construction and maintenance of a sewer across the westerly end of the southeasterly one-balf of llio ubove named lots as granted lo Fred C. Murphcy by 8. E. and Edna Darling which laid easement la recorded at page 262 of Book 72 of the deed recorda of Klam ath County, Oregon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong ing or in anywise appertaining, or so much thereof aa may be necessary lo satisfy a Judgment rendered In the above-eutltled cause upon the 10th day of Oc tober, A. D. 1936, which aald Judgment Is for the sum ol 14600.00 with Interest tnereon from the 3d day of October, 1933, at tho rale of 7 per cent per an num, and for the sum of $600.00 attorney fees, and for tns iur- thor aura of $27.70 coats, and ac cruing costs and the costs and expenses of this isle on execution. Dated this 12th day ot uciooer, A. D. 1936. L. L. LOW. Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon. By ANNE PRICE, Deputy. Herald Oct. 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9. No. 309 For safety's sake, never dlsen gage the clutch or throw the car out ot gear When descending a hill. if the Ethionlan conflict ac complishes nothing else, it served o blast the Old oenei inai an Uod'a chullun got shoes. Charter No. 11801 " . Report ot conuuion oi mo American National Bank ot Klamath Falls, In the State of Oregon, at the close of Business on November 1. 1936. Published In Response to Cnll Made By Comptroller of Currency, Under Section 521 1. u. s. iteviseu omiuua. ASSETS ' - Loans and discounts - 4151J"'" Overdrafts 6,970.83 United State Government andor fully guaranteed Other bonds, stocks, and securities - 217,238.92 Banking house. $24,000.00; rurnuure ana iix- , lures, $18,033.90 "'2"'S2 Real estate owned other than banking house 30.6SS.95 Reserve with Federal Reserve bank . 125,627.85 CaBh in vault and bnlances with other banks 835.909.47 Outside checks and other cash items 7.649.03 Other assets . 2.0o2.95 Total Assets - $1,744,111.17 M.X1HMT1ES i 'Demand doposlts, except United States Govern ment deposits, public funds, and deposits of other bonk 902,115.87 Time deposits, except postal savings, public tunds, and deposits of other banks 374,586.20 Public funds of States, counties, school districts. or other subdivisions or municipalities : ' 266.S10.25 Deposits of other banks, including certified and cashiers' checks outstanding 15,602.30 Total of items 14 to IS: (a) Secured by pledge of loans ' andor investments $ 206,070.00 (b) Not secured by pledge ot loans andor investments ...... 1,354,044.62 - ; (o) Total Deposits $ 1,569,114.62 Capital account: Class A preferred stock, 625 shares, par $100.00 per share, retirable at $100.00 per share; Common stock. 625 shares, par , 14. 18. 30. $100.00 per share Surplus Undivided profits net Total Capital Account Total Liabilities MEMORANDUM: Loans and Plfrttrnd tn flenuro Liabilities Other bonds. Btocks, and ,. Total Pledged (excluding rediscounts) $ 205,070.00 (b) Against publlo funds ot States, counties, -, ehnnl districts: or other subdivisions or munici palities .h) Total Pledged State ot Orenon. County ot "' I, E. M. Bubb, cashier ot swear that the above statement is and belief. .-. Sworn to and subscribed ' before me this 8th day of Nov., 1936., (SEAL) H. C. QUIGLEY, Notary Public. My commission expires Jan. 11, 1936 Canada's New 1 X7 m In the icene of traditional aplendor attending the Induction ot a governor general of Canada, Lord Tweedsmnlr 1 shown in the top photo facing an assemblage of British and Canadian notables after be had been given the oath of office In Quebee by the chief justice ot Canada' supreme court Below, the Dominion's new chief Is shown In full dres uniform, ablaze with decorations, with Lady Tweedsmnlr beside him. The governor general Is famed a a world traveler and aa John Buchan, the author. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Not. 9, VPy The stock market sobered today after lta utilities spree of yesterday, and moderately mixed drive movements marked comparatively quiet dealings. Some-rails and specialties were firm, while mild profit taking ap peared In power and light issues. Fractional changes predominated at the Irregular close. Transfers approximated 1,100,000 shares. Market analysts had expected more realizing than appeared in the brief session, and constructive interpretations were placed on the absence of important selling. All financial marketa will be closed Monday for Armistice Day. African war news, as tor some time past, was a negligible mar ket Influence. Domestic trade de velopments were cheerful. Shares ot Chesapeake Corp. gnlned aoout three points. Owens Ulinols Glass was up six or so on Reserve uismci ro. is oougaiions, . aireci 61.791.90 $ 125,000.00 25,000.00 84,996.55 ...... 1S4.996.65 . $ 1,744,111.17 Investments - securities . $ - 206,070.00 . $ 205,070.00 - $ 205,070.00 Klamath, ss: the above-named bank, do solemnly true to the best ot my knowledge E. M. BUBB, Cashier. CORRECT ATTEST: W. C. DALTON, OSCAR SHIVE, M. 8. WEST, Directors, Herald Nov. 9 No. 322 Ruler in Office a few transfers. Commercial Sol vents was a lively performer at a gain ot a point. Brokerage sentiment was still on the optimistic side so far as the general run ot stocks is con cerned, and the concensus seemed to be that most reactions will be on the mildly corrective type, and will not effect tho long-pull trend. During the week there were 44 favorable dividends against 19 tho week betore. Further confirmation, of recov ery was given, by the Associated Press weekly index ot Industrial activity, which registered its fifth consecutive advance. At 81.4 the index was at- it highest since July. 1933. Today closing prices: Alaska Juneau "J Allied Chemical & Dye 1631 American Can 1UI American Com'l Alcohol 33J American & Foreign Power 62 American Power & Light 88 American Smelt. & Ret 67j A. T. & T . US American Tob. B 1043 Anaconda Copper 203 Atchison, T. & S. F. 49J Atlantic Refining u 233 Baltimore & Ohio 11 Bendlx Aviation .j 22i Bethlehem Steel 43 Boeing Air 14 i Burr. Adding Machine 27 California Pack .... Case. J. I Caterpillar Tractor 104 593 86 141 21 943 721 2i 1394 160 Chrysler Motor Colorado Gas & Electric Commercial Solvents Continental Can - Corn Products Curtiss Wright Dupont & De N. Eastman Kodak Electric Auto Light 365 General Electric, j. 38i General Foods - 321 General Motors 6S3 Gillette Razor l?i Gold Dust 171 Homestake Mining 400 International Harvester International Nickel 5S) 341 111 931 271 I. T. & T. Johns Manville Kennecott Con. Copper .. Llbbey-O-Ford .. 471 Liggett & Myers B 117 Llauld Carbide a.- 34 Lorlllard Tob. Co 20 i Monty Ward ........... Nash Motor 171 National Biscuit .... 35J National Dairy Products .... 1S8 National Distillers - 338 New York Central 231 North American 27 Paclflo Gas & Electric 30 Paciflo Light 64 j Packard Motor . 68 Park Utah j. 4 Penney, J. C 801 Penn R. R 271 Phillips Pet 353 Public Service New Jersey .. 448 Pullman Co j. 338 Radio Corp 81 Remington Rand - 148 Reynolds Tob. B ..... 67 Sears Roebuck . .... 628 Shell Union l 12 Southern Pacific 18 Standard Brands . 15 Standard Oil California 37 Standard Oil New Jersey.... 498 Studebaker Corp. 78 Texns Corp -.. 23 Trans-America ................ 1 1 Union Carbide . 72 Union Pacific ..' 97 United Airlines 9! United Aircraft ...j. 21 United Corp 61 United Gtts Imp 171 U. S. Industrial Alcohol ... 471 U. S. Rubber 141 U. S. Steel 47 Westtnghouse Electric ....v... 94 3 Woolworth 673 Closing Curb Quotations Cities Service 8 Electrlo Bond & Share ........ 17 TULEUKE COTTLE MEETING CALLED TULELAKE, Calif. Dairymen and cattle ralaera of the Tulelake basin area will meet in Tulelake on November 16, with experienced men from practically all branches of the livestock Industry, and will have an opportunity to hear of methods and operations concern ing creamery operations, dairy work and cheese making, together Ith much Information regard ing feeding, care of herds, rec ords, breeding and benefits to be derived from organized effort of dairymen. The meeting will be sponsored by the Reporter, and it Is ex pected that T. Francis Hunt of the University of California, Dr. Jay, veterinary of the U. 8. D. A., Corrallls, Ore., and others will be present. Plans cail for opening of the meeting at 9:30 Saturday morn ing In the Mecca club room, and continuance of the session through the noon hour, when the Mecca will serve dinner, and a round-table discussion of prob lems with question and answers held. The afternoon will be devoted o talks by the various specialists in their lines, with closing of the session at around 4:00 o'clock. In order that local men may get home to their evening work at an early hour. DRUNKEXXE88 AND CRIME BONANZA, Ore. (To tho Ed itor) In yonr editorials of a recent date you state that 'Drunkenness Is a form of temp orary Insanity." I would ques tion that statement. While some might call It Insanity I would pre fer to call It something else, as we hare too much Insanity and too many insane alibis. I would call it "devillahness" (or per haps ornerynesB). I contend that the so-called drunkard knows what he is doing until ho becomes Insensible, and then be Is incapable of commit ting a crime. R. F. PEPPLE. This overseas talk of mandates has Ima Spinster all ears. This Curious World V. 19U BY MSA SCRVICC IMC in CENTRAO AMERJCA, there are beetles SO LARGE THAT THEY CAN BREAK THE WINOSHIELO OF AN AUTOMOBILE TRAVELING AT HIGH SPEED. THE WORD "ALPHABET" CONSISTS OF BUT 7WO LETTERS THE GREEK LETTER A ALPHA) AND THE GREEK. LETTER B CBETA). Royal Bridegroom HORIZOXTAli l,5The of , son of King George 14 Above. 15 Aphid. IS Sour. 17 Being. IS To come In. 19 English coin. 20 Squandering. 22 To backslide 25 Snouts. 29 To degrade. 33 To languish. '34 Denoting final end. 35 Intelligence. 36 Blood pump. 37 ToW. Answer to T5TrT5L 64 Region. 66 He is also called Prince 43 Grated harshly 67 Witticism. E5 H jl iffiJ5 -EEs y. e n 5. ALiiNrtlyDL. E v E E III. k kfEl iHS e a f EIEIlUl I rOUPlAIPCZ cjtSaBMlJDE RIM OjPIEIN ETdHe N TIE D.Nnno, LOIC HnlRYSnS POT al 0 eUs ledIIIp AGE Ml AN!5jHRlR05lkE D BlolxncluiRTnoisii 1 mi Ieis 48 Part of mouth, ks Ho u the En. 6 To yearn. 44 To sob. 49 Person having . Rsh king's leprosy. 51 Hawk's cage. 52 Toward sea. 63 Abounding In terns. J si M - 3T x r ' State Grange Head Tulelake Speaker TULELAKE, Calif. Oraniar of Tulelake met In regular slon last Thursday night, and heard an addrusa by Slut Uranga Master Sehlmeyer pertaining to recent leglalntlv meaaure brought up at both state and na tional congros snd tiiruura' problems. Dinner wa served at Ilia high sehool auditorium by the women ot the grange, and th following program wan given: Vocal solo by Miss Gladys Champion, accompanied Dy Mis Norrls. Two vocal number by O, A. Schults, Felix Sodermnn, William Anderson and Mr. Moore. Song by Joyce Turnbaugh. A skit, "The Ever-Popular Damel," was given by Olady England, Walter England, L. C. Klrby, D. W. Turnbaugh, Cecil Pence and William Weltkamp. Following the program. Grang Master Sehlmeyer addressed th group. Mexican Indiana Take to Warpath NOGALE9, Arts., Nor. . (UP) Reports reaching thla border town Friday from tbe interior of Sonora, said Here Yaqul tribes men bad gone on the warpath, raiding the village ot Potam on Thursday night and killing tour citizens. The Yaqnls, the border reports said, have Joined rebels who ar attempting to overthrow the Stat government In protest against church, agrarian and labor poli cies as interpreted by Governor Ramon Ramos. ... Mickey Cochrane, returning: from Wyoming, said he wa hunting bear. That seem a bit vindictive after what he did to its children, Jimmy Walker says be wants to be Just "John Average Citi zen." The old Manhattan mayor evidently ain't what he used to be. Bats have eyes and can see. They are easily dazed by the glare of a light, since they are noctur nal creatures, and thus fly blind ly. Previous Puzzle 12 Ages. 13 Right. 20 He belongs to the House of 21 To examine.' 23 Dressed hides. 24 Chosen. 26 Native metal. 27 Male child. 28 Aurora. 30 Drone. 31 Wing. 32 Title ot courtesy. 3S Otherwise. 39 Legal claim, 40 Armadillo. ' 41 Sprite. Iris. 3 Recognizes as heir. 4 Formerly. 42 To opine. 5 Narrow valley 43 Delivered. ' ' 7 Opposite of In 45 Oriental nurse. son 8 Consumer. 46 Fairy. ,,. , ' 9 Part of a bird's 47 Pitcher. ' ERT1CAL bm 50 Go,f tencher. 1 To accompllsh.10 Portico. 62 Cry of pleasure 2 Layer of the 11 Tarpaulin. 65 Advertisement. r