The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 09, 1935, Page 7, Image 7

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    November 9, 1935
(Continued From I'aaa Oii)
found no trace f tha mutt, tliun
missing 88 hums,
Aiiutlinr mimiili'im of Imtntiliix
liliuiin wilt hold lit rnadinvs tu
ylv liny i)m'i'ui'y Bill.
Molriisn, tiikliiK off for itto
north, unlit lio would fly tuw
uvr dm wutitr, following KIiik-ford-Hmttlt'
route ovsr tint Iln)'
of llmtaut, wlmro lis hod passed
tho tout AtlHtratluii pilot, flyltiit
low, about IM inllo now utiiiid.
J'oiioi'r IIHMird Ovrwomo
Hour afior hour posm-d with
out ny word trow Kltufsford
Hm it h, wltiisi) tnonopluuo
ttili'd oilh wlroltis not, dill
tli as-yoar-iild filar, furrow
inntlihur of til Itoyal Air Korea,
who hut flown both tlia I'lti-illc
nml tha Aliunde, lm ofl bmui
tout for day, only to eiiMTKo
(rum diinicvr ufy.
In till latnst of his dvotiturs
h took off from i.yiuptio, Kim
Innil, Wadiissday, in n alti-mot
to rPKolii lit pil word from
Knliinit to Australia, long bold
by Ultii.
VtXAU rUf.l'TK
I.OB ANUKI.EH, Nov. , (At
Th fllKht from Knulund to Aus-
trttlla wa lo have bwii Kir
t'lmrtoi KliiKsfdrd-Hiiiiih' tlmil
mi I ii m to aviation, tha field of til
great fttiito.
Thr month ago, h ssld
hum, uo wit rdy to ratlr from
ai'tlv onrtli'lUAllon.
Tv ritaclti'd that site," ho
mi Ul, "wttura 7,0011 flying hour
In 18 year tiockoii mo to taka
my ulaco lit th dvilitinaiil
work tn Iho lutvrcst of limit and
puiKKiiKxr sir si'rvlca."
11 snld h hflloviHt lil groat
ml ciilitrlltiitloii to aviation
Imnci'forth, would ) mads from
Iho ground, lu th mattplng of
null" mid th ralabltsliinaitt of
regular transoceanic some bo-
twtcn ttio continent.
"Ono mors tone trio, and ttmn
I'll bo grounded, iwitianaiitly.
ho inld, lt AllRH-t Jo.
Duke Witnesses
Testify Today
(Continued from Tag Ono)
nartmeitt employ mid long-time
frlond of Ilukf, wa tho rirt
oil 111 witness. io wor h w
with puke from about S o'clock
until 11:20 o'clock the night of
th tiro, which occurrod ahout
10 o'clock.
Gaga nld be will going to ft
Townaotid club tmwlliig at th
city llltriiry club dint ntitlit, mid
lii'for leaving bo called t)uki,
nuking him to accompany htm to
ttio mcettiic. Uuke, uag tostl-
fld, titld h would bo around
later after "nmklnii" tho train
with hl tanlrati. and about II
o'clock ho arrlrod at tli meet-
Th willies ntd tlm h Iff!
tho llbrnry with Duk when tho
liittor wmt to moot another triitn,
alinrlly after S o'clock. Attar
tlmy had mot Uio train, tlaga
said, Duk auKtcwtwi thoy go to
lil house, ft .Mm. Duke and tho
1'uk' t iu a 1 1 RrniiiIdittKtiir,
daiiRhtor of Mr. and Mr. Tommy
Dii ku. They would then o to
(iuxiVf houia and taka th tat
tir'a niotiir, Mary K. Cage, for
a rldo.
nn totlflid that whon they
reached th Uuk home, which
I In the r'r of the Duk build
ln on tint Main atreot, Mr. and
Mr, Duka wont to th Tommy
Uuk aiiartnitiiit tn th roar of
tho latter atniotiira to t Mra,
Tommy Duk and the baby. Tho
younger Mr. Duke, however re-
Allied to go, tallng tli bnliy had
gon to ilffip. Ho, (liiua aald, ho
and th Uiike dror to hia
lioin on Sargont atreet,. and
thor picked up Mm, Mitry Oago,
(iimo'a little duuiihtnr, Miiry
I.nil and bur little friend, Evelyn
Thoy went for a ride ont lo
Altantont, and back along Ui
new road built by tha county
connecting with Kldorado drive.
Thoy went to Monro park, and
then back homo to Surgnnt ntrtot.
tinge aald tt won 11:20 p. ni
when he left Duke.
On croiw-exnmtmttton, Doputy
Dlntrlct Attorney William Kiiy-
kcndnlt brought out that Onus
hud known Duke 1? yearn and
thoy wore frlmuin.
Mnry mu Clage, 10, was short
ly afturwiird ciillid to the atund
to i testify In corrolioratloo of
lior fathor'a itstemotita. Bha told
npproxltiintnly the same story
about the ride. District Attorney
BlftOkmcr Qtteatloncd hr closely,
and alia aald alio did not romem
bor exactly whnt night tt wa
that th rid win takon. Black
mor askod her If It took lrom
9:40 p. tu. to tl:lfi p. in, to
mnk the trip to AHnmont and
Moore park, Little Kvolyn V1
don gave approximately the eatuo
It wna ttndoratnod th elderly
Min. Oago would ho called In the
afternoon by tho iofcnxe to add
her testimony to tho alory of tho
auto ride. 1'rovlounly, J. A, Col
whi, aervlce chlof at the Wlllnrd
hotel, told about Duka eomlng
to the liolol to pick up nanaon
gora about 8: IS on the night of
tho tiro. He (nld lie remembered
tt aa tho night of tits firs be
cnttae lie apoks of tt to Duke the
next day after reading ia tiio
pnier about tho hliuo.
Flrat defena wltnea was Mra.
Tommy Dttko, who testified be
fore th grand Jury which Indict
ed Fred and Ilertlm Duko, The
young Mra. Duko told of discov
ering the tire In the back bait of
the Duke building, and subse
quently informing Mrs, Lowell
Dunn, another .apartment occu
pant, who telephoned th fire
Shortly prior to the fire, Mra.
Cuke aald, she heard ilims one
In th apartment overhead. She
heard this mysterious visitor
tart down stnlrs, and he watch-
biI at th door, catohlnf a (fllmim
f him a lm went down tho
htli-y, Hho ticliivcd It to b a
mint of tiK'dliuii sIko, and aim do-
filhuil ii'iud llillui as lafKO,
Hlie said h would say U was
not Fred Duk.
Hue nam mat a few ouya tin-
for the fir she had hoard
sumo one In the Duke building.
Kmd Duko, at Dml time wa in :
T!iu Dnllns, hu mild.
Him then told how Duka earn
to her apartment to ask hor to
Inka a rlda with the baby, and
thut when aha refused, . be asked
if ho could not take the baby
tin era a-oxnmltmtlon Mr.
Duko ststiMt h could nut At'ti
iiltoly iduutlfy tlm limn )ia saw
in .', i alloy tint night of the
fire. Him whj askmi altoiit the
lutliy's bt'd-tliiMt, and said It was
iiiiiiitlly around 8 or ? o'clock.
Diil.ii hm) visited br npitrt meiit
nbout 8; 30 p. pi, On re-direct
(iiiHl toning, the said Duke was
vory fond of hi tittle grand'
dunghlor. i
1. A, Vina took tho stand to
fi'Ktlfy that bis employer soils
kiisiiIIii to Krd Duke, and to
iimilil 14 other pump in Klam
ath Fulls, tiiilmlliiK aitvoral in
Mill addlllon near the Dttko
building. This teotlmony wa i
pnrxtitly dsigned to attack state
intlniiitloiis that gnsolltia, found
lit cans In tlm Duke building
after th flra, came from Duke's
roMicudon rested tn th arsoa
trial lute Krlday aftnmoon. honing
that It had conriusivtity entail
Halted Ita contention that dnten
dams not only t the fir which
cauaiii minor duinag in an Knit
A! n I street building lata last
July hut that they did so with
the purpose of collecting parson-
ally on lire insurance policies
covering the building.
The slate hopud that It wit
nausea had convinced jury that
DofetKlnnt Kred Duk had en-
gugt'd In auspicious activities at
the site of the btilbtfRg on the
day of th fire. The state boned
that It bad sat letted She jurors
that something win irregulnr
about an alleged second mort-
Ksae on the !-:ut Main property
allegedly dcltvitrcd by Kred Duke
to nts sister, Taltoma Duki
DeHcrltica Movement
l.nt of a long string of ia(e'
wllii. ! were called to tho
stand Krlday afternoon, A. W.
.Mansfield, Insurance adjustur.
testified that It was Frwl Duk
who siaiied claim for loose re
sulting from the fire, although
It was indicated that payments
would have been made to the
mortgage holders and to the
trustee tn bankruptcy, Duke
filed a I IT claim, ilacsfteld
Mrs. liwell Dunn, who occu
pied one of the Duke apartment
at the time of the fire, aniiea to
the bulk of testimony regarding
Duke s activities on th day ot
the fir. Bit aald ah saw the
defendant moving ta and ' out
hrough the building shortly be
fore the bfaie broke out. It
was Mrs. Dunn who reported th
fire to th fir department.
Deputy Clerk on Stand
At Croup, deputy eottnty slrk.
threw sidelight on th second
morlgage essortedly given jo Ta-
himia Duko by Fred Duk a se
curity for ah alleged $-2,OV0
loan. Croup said the mortgage
had been brought ta th court
hous for recording and after
ward returned to Fred Duk.
Another one-tlin tenant of a
Duke apartment, Mr, tleorgl
Collins, introduced rent receipt
signed with th nam Taoom
Investigator Testifies
A. C. Yaden then told of the
Duke bankruptcy hearing, at
which ha acted a refere. Duke
had estimated hia property to be
worth 140,000 while appraisers
had set the value at 11,000.
First mortgage on the property
was in the amount of $10,080;
Talioina Duke's alleged second
mortgage wa for $20,000,
Final witness for tha state
wbs Dleiitennni tlyit warren.
slat police officer In chare of
Utf tiro wtwt
From th clvr pan of th
Inimitable Jdith Wharton,
on of America's most pop
ular authors, com thl
4 ONtVtRSAt KCfUl i - t
gooi vvw
nisi riiiwmts
Hugh O'CsBBotl getphNfbw
man noHttnuoo
I fir tnvwtlgatioii, Waffan said
Duka had told lilm ha had ey-
wltnnaaea to the starting of the
fire but that ho wouldn't t!i who
tha uiull worn Htitii ibn
I "proper time camn." That would
h bis dufotisa, Duke assertedly
i told warron,
.,,, K,.,.,i,.,t
The state's case cloned abrupt
The proKUBiittoit bad Intend
to call Htitsilny MucDonaid,
!'m!r"!',f "frt' ,,B ""rt
to how that the signature on
Mr. Collins rent receipt were
forged, but jttst before MacDoit
aid was to have gone on tlm
stand, defense attorneys admit
ted tat Mis. liertiia Duke bad
signed the slips.
Friday' morning ! wa
devoted largely to identifying
certain eshlblts, sueh as fire In
ximuiru policies on propfifty al-
lilHil!y In Joepardy when a $i.&
fire broke out in the Duke build
ing on Kast Main street last July.
Tha state t trying to prove Duke
set the firs In th hopa ol col
lecting Insurance,
Governor Martin
k Asks Legislators
to Speed Action
Continued From Page One)
patriotic cltlren of th state of
Oregon. All of these feels have
been before the ieglniature
throughout th past 2S day, 1
considered It my aworo duly as
chief ejecililve to present o the
legislature in a vigorous meii
nor s possible my conclusions in
regard to th relative merits of
the various sites, tie) upuu the
attunes before mentioned.
ld fjronnii "iBBdiijuiite'
"Tho conclusion to which 1
arrived in this rettard was that
th old narrow and restricted
site was totally inadequate and
not In keeping with the dignity
nor consistent with the prospec
tive growth of our great state,
and If the old site used at
all It must nml shouhi be sup
plemented by additional acreage
to permit future expansion, f
have been impressed from the
first with the fact that the
prices asked for such adjacent
acreage wer considerably hlsh-
er than the actual value there
of. In this dllemna the possibiti
ite uf what is known aa the
Caudaiaria Height tract came
to my attention.
'1 previouSy slated In my
messag to the legislative sssem
bly on October IJ, my persona!
impression, on the grandeur and
possibilities of aticb site for caa
Itol purposes. In this resard I
have sot changed my mind one
Iota and still believe that the
Cundolsrla Heights location Is
an ideal one from every point
f view, and has none of th dis
advantages Incident to the other
proposed site.
High School
By Th Aksoriated Pro
Myrtle Point IS, Coqutile 0.
Lincoln (Portland) 13, Grant ?.
Miiwatiki 11, Co iambi
Prep (
8t. Ktephens ij, Parkrose 6,
West l-dnrt IS, Oresos City 8,
Get Two Year Daniel
Wright, alias Oeorg Martin, wa
sentenced to two years for for
gery when he pleaded guilty be
fore Circuit Judge E. B. Asburst
Saturday afternoon.
1850 TO 1840 .
Am IDtt
umm hopkihs
A Uitl Art!
fn "E-FUT MAN" .
C'optiRtied From Page One
piirsuo th enemy fo Sjfife of
flood conditio!! along the Kaf
"Oar avfntloS force have con
tinued efficiently tlm preparation
for the 'X;utt of iho opera
lions of these days.
"Two 'hours after oar oecupa-
iioa an alrplan was able to land
at the airfield ia Makaio."
Tito second major advance of
Daly' northern arnsy Snio Ethio
pia, Jttst eompieied wslB the cap
ture of Makaie, was estimated by
authorities today to have cost the
Italian 38 dead aad 81 wounded.
Th'e casualties incittded one
Italian officer killed and four
wounded, tbre Italian oldfr
killed ami six wounded, and 3!
Krltrean Askurt kiiied and li
Authorities said they were un
able - to estimate tha Ethiopian
ADDI3 ABABA, Nor, , (.TV-
Tho first eyewitaesf account -ef
en lr bombardmetit ia Kihiopla
wb received today from Magaio,
telling hew liaiiaa aviator drop
ped 48 bombs Into a compound
formerly ocenpied by as Italias
commerciat station.
Tho mesnage w received by
the ' forelifla traditi company'
agent at Magalo, S. Ajtior. He
said the -station bad formerly
been tho bane of Jtsliaa propa
ganda in the south, and lie be
lieved the bqmbttr had attempted
lo destroy secret reeora torgov-
ten t the tima of the evacaaiion.
The records, he said, ha beiiev-
cd might revea! aa expaasios pro-
graia or incriminate native work
PORTLAND, Nov. f. P The
order "Bring, them fa dead or
alive " went to police today af
ter two gunmen Baa tenia ter
rorised a sector of Paniaad's
east aide,
"They can't keep It ap very
much longer," said oaa veteran
detective. ' "They are running; oh
their iuck . sod their luck la
bound to ran out on them. Then
they'll find themselves in jail or
tbe'. riiorfju."
The two bandita narrowly es
caped police on two consecutive
days. They were described by
patroiraen' as "Lucky not clev
er." Kentucky Repeals
Prohibition Laws
Return available today from
Tuesday's election showed Ken
tucky repealed th U-year-old
prohibition amendment to its
state eonsiltuiina by majority
exceeding 88,608.
... '..
f: M
"Tnisfir S0 I
K.MfJHTff OF t OLt Mt S iJ.if.L
Whet promise to he xsia
fall Kii aoti, is the Knight
uf .'oiiitfiijuj bail ta he held Sat
urday evening, November 10, at
th new armory Ss cooBectioa
with Sacred Heart chsrch bajesar.
Tickets are ei!lK remiiiy, and
ib futlowjng yoijBjt wofaoa have
entertfd lh tickM stfiiiug contest
i since the last report; Caeelljt f.e
Mira, Maurlne Laadeil, Nora
ftUKgsn Cavan, Posggy Ks),
and Mrs. Prsaees Scbultss. Ite.
Father ijels km offertd a gold
wrlat wiiich a first prises is thl
Th Klamath Farsiiar com
paay, Baiia Karaitar company,
Locke Motor company nd the
Btar Drug fre iave donated
door prin-s to b given away
during the evening, aad these
articles will be oa display ta tha
respective store witid'ms dtirisif
tha conUng week. The public Is
cordially invited,
T?ie Townsend Ciah suxiiisry
enjoyed a pleasant sfteraooa at
tho borne of Mrs. L. F. Kaaip.
147 54 Kast Mala street, Wednes
day, November 0, trlta ibfrty-eii
members in atieadaace, Mr,i
Lillian iirows snd Sr, Mar-i
jory iiodeobamer wre co-hotes-i
. Mrs. M. Brisk opeod th
meeting with prayer,
Speakers of tha afteraooai
were W, P. Evans and Mr. "Ack-
erman. Interc-stiog readings were!
given by .Mrs, LiilSas Brows andi
ilrn, P. F. Arnold, instructing
talk oa the moveroimt, werei
Kfven by Mr. W, &, Kstes, ifrs.;
K. M. Hogue, Mrs, R, Beotrita;
and Mr. IS. J, Itaberts, i
New member iafepjj inio the'
order were: Sirs, Ji Masters,;
Mrs. L, ji, Jioss, Mrs, j, S.i
Smith, Mrs, C. M. HadifS and!
Mrs, Fred Telsoa, DlscasslOBa;
were in order regarding the
Townsend float which & to be
bo event Armistice iay Novem
ber 11; slso s pr Christmas
sale of fancy work the Sadies
wilt hofd some time aext maath,
A pleasant social boar follow
ed, and deliciots refresbtBesis
were served by s hostesses, .
Next week's meeting will 6
held at the East Kiaaiatb Im
provement club room. East Mais
street, a Wednesday afternoon,
November 13, st S:SS o'clock,
with D. Minter ss speaker. Mrs.
U. J. Bentrim wilt eates-taia with
vocal auatbers; alo faatractivo
readings aad diseassloas oa the
plan by various member. Each
member is asked to bring a
friend, who would Sike to become
a member of the ergasizaiiea.
Visitors are always welcome.
This auxiliary be !be dlstloctlos
of being the oniy Townsepd club
auxiliary in the Unites States,
and it hopes to se others ia
every city sooa,
" -
Mrs. Virginia Casestaa Bier
taiaed tha postal clerks Bad
their wives at a Hallowe'en
party, Saturday evealna; t fcor
home en Haroa street.
The clerk held tSeir regular
monthly business ZBeetSsg and
1 e -;r-
a - , .'::! --.. vv .x
plans were made- by th wives
t frm an auxiliary to tha Pa-
tfal Clerks association. Follow.
i lag the busiaess aessioa Mrs.
i i8ai! eatertaiaed wiiis Hai-
loweea games, Tho loom ajsd
taiiie were beeaiifaliy decorated
in lisiiowe'es colors and saotif.
A dKlicion lunch wa sRr!
by Mrs. f.asemaa to: Sir. aad
Mrs. Kddta ia, Mr. sad Mrs,
filii Massey, Mr. aad Mrs. Oliver
8p!ker, Mr asd Mr. Howard
Johasoa, Mr. tad M. T, S,
liiekossio. Ma, Lala Hatshias,
tlomer. Hex and iisy Casemaa,
A apwla! gmst of tb eveslsg
was Miss Dorothy Scbapi?,
Th auxiliary wiii jnset gatar
day ereaiaa;, Nevembor t, t
tha iomt of floater Casaasaa, at
1434 Huron street, at $ o'clock.
Mt. it. O. Miller wa bonsred
Bt sorrlse birthday jarty st
hr home oa Gardes aveaee,
Thursday afteraooa.
Those eompiimeatlag Mrs. Mil
ler srera; Mesaaase A. R.
Obrlst, J. 0. Cptoa, S, i. Caa
leim, B, O, SSingletoB, V, F.
Peebier, L. B. iiesry, Cbarle
M. Keysoida, Jehu Cartie, i. W.
Crawford, F. I. Bowermsa sad
Mis Haiti May Hali.
Plaaehl waa Vzt dlversloa of
tha aftersooa, . ,.
Prizes -were awarded is Sir.
Henry for hish sad Mrs. 3liilr
consoiatioa. Laaeh was served
by the hostesses, Mrs. Crawford,
Mrs. Bowrroaa aaa" Mra. Guttle
at tha eias of tha after aooc aad
gift by th groap. '
Mrs, Pegsy Lens a fcnstfs
to is Hit and Miss ciah of the
Womea o tha Moose, at bar
homo on Neraaa street, -Friday
Mrs. Millar wa preaatef with a
. At the bafae maiirss, plass
were eotspleted for a ' carsivai
dance fo be held ia tha K. C.
haii, Noveasher IS, ta whkli the
public fa Invited.
At the close of tits sseethtg,i
delicious pot-lack laacbeca was
served to the- foilowios: Sfe:
dames, Blanch Dixoa, Clsra Be-
Saad, Fannie Thoatssoa. Mildred ?
Beaaer, Lata Potts, Baity Wood,
Loretta Pex, La Vera SIcRride, -Norea
Hales, Iris BlebiS, Mabel;
Ward and Peggy Long.
The sext roeetiss; will b Be
cetBOer t, with Mr. EdEs, Jea
sea oa Michigaa areaiie. i
... I
Mrs. Virginia Casaaxaa eater-?
taiacd tha Thursday Contract i
clisi) at her borne os Haros street, :
Thursday at a bridge laacbeos.
CootrBct followed the iBtsch-
eoa. Those prtsest "were; Mee-
eames O. K. Schapp, Slea Hawitt,
Bert Kiug, C Q. Srydaa, I. W.
Ba France, W. H. McPherrea
aad a apeclal guest vraa Mrs.
Tbomas Haaaea, Scores wars
made by Mr. Seaspp, bigs, Mrs.
King, aecoad fclgb, aad tra-vellBg
prise went to Jir. Basses.
Tha Bohemias say offers the
girl of hi choice a small ginger
bread cka as a alga thai be
wiabes a danclsg partner.
ipi j:
iContieatd Frets Fiise Oae
Beaver IS. Qragoa led six to
aathlas; a the ajaarter eadisd.
Th Wabfoot bast ib bail ea
ibair owa 45. Tha Besyrs fail
ed to maka a first Sows is th
opaaiag period.
A feoldlag aeaaliy set rejtos
hack IS yards, Scbali Sater
cegtad Klortlaa'a E!aa6 sad th
fieavera took the h&li ea the
Orogoa $3. The tbM ended
whes firay' two f,-jf fell a
eomploto, th secoad Gvr the
goal line. Oregas tsolE th bail
ea It 28, '.
fto&dis: iiarif Goes &at
Tha Beaver Siaa held sad Cray
rataraed Riordsa's pn&i li yards
to tha Beaver S3. Aftr aaother
exefaaaga Mfefeek was hart, hat
sot ap. Ooodia, startiag left
haifbask, west oat early la the
gam whaa ha was hart,
Oray galloped it yards is a
flrat slaws aroaad aad after fak
ing a pass from short past for
mation. H wa almost Baiisd
for a five yar4 lsw, hat stiff
armed, -wriggled aad sida stepped
past fear tackier.
Gwgos stiffeoed, sad after Ore
gon State pealed Braddoclt boom
ed ia yards. Orsgsa reesvered:
aa tha Grsgsa State U-yerd 31bo
when Gray famMed itiordaa's j
loag saat ever hi head. Thej
ball bounced a craxiiy as aver:
a football did, aad ha sot his;
finger tips os it, sat coalda't;
hold It, BjorJt jecs-irErsd for ;
Michefc Bfieos Attst ,
Oregon aiarchad dawa oa iho
Oregoa State aisht, after Lassatie
and Rlordas each ssatfa gala .
Braddoek rsasmed fiT jarda aad i
Mlcbek boomed ore? for a
ioocbdewB. Wis Pepper re
placed Aatsto sad elaee-klcked
for ssira aoiaC
Seorat Oregoa ti, Oresos I
State .
Ooaaeif rapiace Sffearic aad!
kickad,of txr Cray, wbs pat esi
the dlKleat rsa ases Jb bjbb? a
bait game. - Cray galloped to bis
owa ia eat to is left, hsaged
pac besBiifaiiy ia speed past
two iaekiers. mairmid . oat of
the Jtrass of se Feral stara aa tha I
59-yard liae. spaa, isvsrsed slai
fisldj and final iy SatsraHed a
Fisher is the opes. FJsaer ear-'
i'lae Losa Spaalsr -
, Skeels Gallagher is "Woman Unafraid"
.: .Rex Bell Is "Th Mas From Arizona"
i - - - Mati ad Jff Csrtooa
"Thaader &t fh Easf" war drafts: rsraisfeg, jbtsi
raHiiag, ratld powart r adt orhart ftraars, sraaf J.
smashing tfesl, ssSlora dysrsg Is fhs cloak of psfrfefars.
' and back of S a8 a semai tonal spy sfor of foday
a fjsaaHfd gsrl sd fo an erismy dlphmsilc se&ishl
W ' 'H TH E
Iijii isitiiB sajjnm.1 MmniLSn tjnavwai
" i
L 11 ,
. tn -nsi lii'irarm naissil n latrifi i imhiiww
Also Seas Hit sad
ried it fiv tsar ta th Qrgas.
I 45-yard liaa. A faata? asa aroa
i ably woaid sava bss leo fof
Oray omplotd ssss ta is
; Un Is ibs fist for as yards,
sad saeihs? sas tr rai4 caai
piet for Saterfereaca, Can? 5s
iereepted Srsys less pa aad
raa back to hi sws SS-yard lia
jast aaftira tis half aaded wits
Oregoti ahead IS ta S.
9 tVP Soviet sathorities a
aoaacad today a gist to sv?
throw Bolshevist jai ia tsra
t'aitad Savfts rapshlic aad -tablfb
a siagl Massalams atat
sad sees thwarted.
Thirty-two sik-st-d pioiier,
beaded by fir fehaa Ahdal Mat
slieff, a Mohsasmedaa ssiesi,
who was slstfd to ha th spirit
aat " sad politieaE ieanSer of th
sear state, aBthoritio saMr r
brought to trial.
Evidee-sc brosglsi est la ib
trial srs tiat- "trssoa ot islss&
wer to peaetrsf th Sevist
CbIob, occaayias iha resahiics
of Tsdshikstaa, herderlss Af
ShaaistaB aad Kirgfeis. aajoia
iag Siakiaas, aad the laterraalsg
territory of ysrStbaaa,
This is oa of ihtr Ticiest sot
tea prodactioa pegS&BX of csb
irsi Asia. Its ssisara voaid Iso
late aatoBoasoaa Sov4i territary,
i a
Too Late to Clarify
FOB SALE All afsi si araSaa,
groaad grains, mass fees, sis,
Pries very reoasble. "t&'issl.
sale Bist, Co., iit Ssrias SU
iSSS. ISii
' Chapter z rbewom tutpsr
4 &i
Cernsdy Casfiaaos
v &"w'