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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1935)
PAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON November 0, 1935 Interesting Address Enjoyed By D.A.R. Monday Evening. H. P. .Murdoch, clonr thlnkor nil close student of finance and t politics, presented a talk nn tho nub.' oct of "Inflation" to mem bers of Hulnlnna chanter, Daugh ters of the American Revolution, Monday evening, at the homo of Mrs. K. E. Wnltonburg. Mrs. D. jay Uood was assisting hostess. : In his Introduction, Mr. Mur-do-h mado It clear that only two forms of government nro possible for any country, Ono In free, such as Is enjoyed In the United RlntCK. where anv man does as he pleases as long as ho does not please to Injure another, and the other type Ib a regulated gov ernment where every man's -words and deeds are controlled by a dictator. Numerous examples were taken from history by the speaker to prove that inflation end an unsound currency have brought chaos -and eventual dic tatorship In every instance. He expressed the hope tbat the United States may be saved from such a fate. Mr. Murdoch's talk was out standing in the program of pub- lie questions featured this year by Eulalons chapter, Mrs. Louis E. Lincoln was re ceived into the chapter Monday evening, her descent from a Re volutionary soldier having been verified by the National Society f D. A. R. in Washington. D. C. Mrs. H. F. Murdoch was a spe cial guest of the chapter. Gifts fojr Angel Island were received during the evening, and Mrs. G. L. Black, chairman of the Angel Island committee urges all members of Eulalona chapter to have their glfta ready by De cember 4, when the box must be sent, WINTER DAXOIXQ ChVB TO HOLD TURRET HOP irv. HnnnU Winter Tlnncing ' 1K wuu.n. . . .... ' club, -which baa been one of the most Important social organisa tions for the past few winters, has announced its annual Turkey Hop lor Saturday evening, November 23, at the Willard hotel. This -will be the first party given by the dancing club this season. Special features are being planned for the evening, and the ballroom will he beautifallv dec orated for Cne occasion. Live turkeys win be given as door nriies. ' Hosts and hostesses for the evening include: Dr. and Mrs. M. K. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ep- ley and Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Clan ahan. Musis will be furnished by David Totten's orchestra, PHI BETTJ BRIDGE CLUB' ENTERTAINED ' Members of the Phi Seta bridge club were delightfully en- tertalned last Tuesday, when Miss Orpha Hudson was hostess at her home on Alameda street, following a no-hostess , dinner at the Willard hotel. . Miss Ethel Fenwick won high honors for bridge during the evening's play, and second high score went to Mrs. Jean Rawlins. ' Members of the club honored Mrs. Ann Carter, who' will leave soon on an extended trip, with a shower of hankerchiefs. Mrs. Carter will visit In Kansas City, Mo., Detroit. Mich., and other middle western cities. Members of the club who en joyed the evening were Ves- dames Jean Rawlins, Jerry Alter, Li la JMOKieny, Ann carter ana the Misses Ethel Fenwick, Chris tine XJvoora, iiia.riunv wiigiii. and the hostess, Orpha Hudson. The jour Eignt ciud neia its last meeting at the home of Mrs. N. D. Ginsbaeh, (30 Call- xornia avenue. The afternoon was spent with sewing and a delightful Hallo we'en luncheon was served. : The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. F. R. Vance at Moore Park on Tuesday, Nov ember 11. Miss Helen Carlton, Cascade District "Home Missionary So ciety" president, will be the speaker of the Woraans' Home Missionary meeting of the first M. E. Church, Tuesday after noon, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Skllllngton, 221 North Tenth street, at 1 o'clock. Miss Carlton is a forceful speaker and is well known throughout Methodism as being an earnest advocate for missions. Members are urged to attend this meeting, and friends cordial ly Invited. Miss Marlon Stott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stott, was hos tess at a Hallowe'en party last Thursday at her home at 140 South Carroll street. Guests present included: Ada Pearson, Eunice Baker, Mae Froid, Dorothy Stott, Marjorle Shepherd, Eleanor Maxwell, Lou vlsa Maxwell. Thelnia Acme, Vir gil Shepherd, Howard Davis, Earl Baker, Donald Baker, Gerald Baker, Eddie Dlngman, Leonard Shepherd, Clifton Barrett, Irwin Cone, Robert Stott, George Fife, Max Smith, James Knapp and Mr, and Mrs. Enill Johnson. The Degree of Honor Carna tion club met Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Carl Grubb on Shasta Way, when 17 members were present. Mrs. Marie Tillman and Mrs. Irene Campbell were honored during the evening with a shower of gifts. Bridge was In play, and the Hallowe'en motif carried L out in decorations and refreshments. The next meeting of the Carna tion club will be at the home of Mrs. R, La Lomie on December 27, Mrs, La Londe will be assist ed by Mrs. A, Petorsnn, FASHION I vf 1 Ufa.? t v- - W fit iMiliilTIll-""'"-- ' Metal Cloth and Shine Characterize New Modes By KEA Service HOLLYWOOD. The clothes they wear as well as the stars themselves glitter and shine these days. There's a lovely sparkle about ' the fabrics tbat go to make up evening and dinner gowns. Even daytime dresses are adorned with clusters of shim mering jewels. During working hours Virginia Bruce was seen in a smart Ren aissance creation of brocaded taffeta, in a lush pink shade. Her coiffure the one all Hollywood is raving about was a piled-ftigh arrangement, with soft waves about the face, thick braids at tbe top and a posy of forget-me-nots and pink roses in the center of them. Incidentally, that very night, Virginia, dancing in a night club with Eddy Nelson, topped this coiffure with white roses to match the ones on the girdle of her white Grecian gown. Also on a set, Marlene Diet rich appeared in a royal blue satin frock with a sapphire and diamond clip at the neckline and ring and two-inch bracelets to match. LEGION AUXILIARY MEETING WELL ATTENDED Tbe American Legion auxil iary held an interesting meeting Tuesday evening at Memorial Hall, with a large number in at tendance. Mrs. Jennie Hum, chairman of the hospitalization committee, reported that she has pillows ready to send to the Vet erans' hospital at Roseburg. Each auxiliary unit in the state Is called upon to donate articles each month for the use of the hospital and veterans confined therein, and this year, besides the regular monthly donation, each unit will have one day set aside for gifta for the disabled veterans, and visitors from that unit on that particular day. Klamath Falls' day will be ob served some time around Memor ial day, when' it will be possible for some of the members of the local unit to be present and help distribute the gifts. In appreciation for the mem bership work that . Mrs. Llpa Motschenbacher did for the aux iliary last year, Mrs, Dorothy Templar, In behalf of the aux iliary, presented her with a sil ver vanity case bearing the in signia of the auxiliary. Mrs. Motschenbacher has served on this committee for the past five years, and is again serving this year with Mrs. Hermle Foster. The Klamath Falls unit has entered a contest with the Rose burg post in the membership drive, the losers to bow to the winners at the next state conven tion to be held in Roseburg, and Klamath Falls is out to win. The next auxiliary meeting will be preceeded with a potluck din ner served by the members of the auxiliary and Legionnaires at 6:30 o'clock In Memorial Hall, November 19. ... . The A. N. W. Sewing club met at the Oiome of Mrs. Calvin Hunt Inst Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. C. B. Crlsler and rMs. Stevenson were visitors. Members attending were: Mrs. Ruse Soule, Mrs. Brown, WAR GARB Typical of the luncheon and tea costumes fashionable women are wearing in smart dining rooms these days rs this ensemble with a faint militaristic air. It includes a raspberry dress in ribbed silk crepe with draped bodice and silk frogs, black caracul cape and velvet hat . with dashing pompom. It was seen in the Terrace Room at the Plaza. -vf Speaking of glitter and glamor, the opening of "Midsummer Night's Dream" certainly brought forth stunning costumes. Marion Davles stopped the show when she arrived on the arm of beaming George Brent wearing a full length coat of pale blue metal cloth with square military shoulders. She carried a spray of white orchids. Mary Carlisle smiled on Tom Brown as she adjusted her cor sage of brown orchids on the shoulder of her brocaded metal Jacket. Her pale green lame gown, especially glittery, boast ed the new medieval sleeves. Josephine Hutchinson's gown of black lace was punctuated with circles of gold sequins. Her cardinal cape was of black velvet lined with gold lame. Josephine was accompanied by her husband, James Townsend, Mrs. Frank McHugb, wife of toe comedian, wore a cape which reflected the military Influence a calf-length affair of black velvet with exaggerated chevrons of white ermine on the sleeves. Airs. Charles Martin, Mrs. Marlon Hanks, Mrs. R. H. Dunbar, Mrs. George Chantatn, Mrs. Ella Mc Millan, Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg, Mrs. Z. J. Powell, Mrs. L. L. Truax, Mrs. Jennie Hum, Mrs. J. F. Goeller and Mrs. Calvin Hunt. . ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ENJOY UALLOOX DANCE J. P. Barr, manager of the local Montgomery Ward store, was host to employes of the es tablishment and their friends at the Reames Golf and Country club Wednesday evening at a delight ful dancing party. One hundred and fifty were in attendance. A buffet supper was served at the close of the evening. An enjoyable program and floor show was presented during the evening, as follows: Bebe and Don George, Apache dance. Margaret Horton and Millard Petlgo in "That's What You Think." Dawn Everett, Two Guitars, Gypsy dance. Fascination tango, Helen Thra nert and George Gheller. Songs: "In My Bouquet of Memories," "Life Is a Song." Mrs. Violet Hemingson, accompanied by Mrs. J. E. Clanahan. "The Operation," amateur skit. Music for dancing was furnish ed by Dave Totten's six-piece dance band. Mrs. 0. L. Williams was hos tess to members of her dinner bridge club on Monday evening at her home on Earl street. High score for the evening's play went to Mrs. David R. Van denburg, low to Mrs. Paul Fos ter. Mr. and Mrs Paul Tanner en tertained at a dinner party at their Jiome on Washington street, Rundny evening. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frnncls Cnrr and family, Mr. and Mrs, Ira E. Sherman and baby, and Joe Brownell, am Handicraft Display Is Feature "of Woman's Library Club. Despite a cold, unprecedented wintry week that precluded I ho meeting of til Klauinth Kalis Woman's Library club, tho gain oriug of Monday was thoroughly enjoyed by at least 100 women gathered in the main auditorium of the library at 3:00 o'clock In (lie afternoon to hear a paper on weaving and to revel In the b nu ll os of many lovely hand made articles. Mrs. M. J. Ioosley read a most interesting paper that hud bien previously prepared by Mrs. A. Weir prior to her departure fur North Caollua where she now makes iter home. Both Mrs. Loosley and Mrs. Weir are well known in Mallu. Many beautiful bits of weav ing were shown as well as a small loom with which ' Mrs. Loosley demonstrated nhe art of weaving. Tho title of Mrs. Loos ley's nipcr was the International Art of Mand Weaving. Mrs. Don J. .umwalt, music chairman, through the courtesy of .Miss Lilly Darby presented a musical program. Miss Darby's girls' glee club from the high school presented a group of songs which were well received. Mrs. Henry N. Mne arranged the exhibit of hand work and Mrs. G. A. Krause spoke of the many pieces and how many stitches and types of hand work were accomplished. Among those who exhibited were the following women: Mrs. T. S. Abbott. Mrs. P. A. Albert son, Mrs. Mary McClure, Mrs. Henry N. Moe, Mrs. . A Kruusc, Mrs. G. A. Massey, Mrs. Jnctiues J. Stelger, Mrs. R. R. Macart ney, Mrs. Chandler, Mrs. Merle West, Mrs. Madge Coopey, Mrs. II. C. Hornihrook, Mrs. C. W. Hornibrook, Mrs. Rahlen Hast ings, Mrs. Neal Stewart, Miss Lillian Mathers, Mrs. Charlie I. Roberts, Mrs. A. E. Stonehouse, Mrs. Harry Pelts. Mrs H. E. Hauger, Mrs. Guy H. Hancock, Mrs. Lottie Martin and Mrs. Fred Schallock. More than 200 exhibits In all were shown, ranging from rugs hasd hooked or made years ago in the Orient, to lace doilies, samplers, the new knitted 'frocks, coats and bedspreads. Among the outstanding ex hibits was that shown by Mrs. Merle West who brought many contributions to the needlecraft show. One of the most outstand ing articles was a - beautiful "Flower Garden" quilt and this was used in the center of tho stage. Mrs. Chandler courteously loaned a hand crocheted table cloth at which she worked dili gently In order to complete It for the, exhibit. Another interesting piece was a fire screen made years ago in England by Mrs. Mary McClure. This piece is in tho shape of a screen and is heavily beaded on the fabric where there is also Embroidered a lovely pattern in crewel in soft and delicately blcnded wool yarns , There were many other inter esting fxhibits, old and new and this part of the year's program was considered an outstanding gesture In the field of women's endeavor to beautify the home and embellish with the needle. Another feature of the after noon which caused much favor able comment was the paper read by Mrs. Jackson Kimball, out standing member of the Library club, who had prepared a short history of the' organization be ginning with its origin early in the 1900'a by a smell group of Klamath Falls women one wintry night. Many of the names read by Mrs. Kimball were unfamiliar to all but those who have been active for many years in the club. Following the meeting the women enjoyed spending an hour Inspecting the handwork shown in the exhibit. PAST XORLE GRAND CLUB HOLDS LUNCHEON The Past Noble Crand club of Prosperity Rebekah lodge met In I. O. O. F. ball, Tuesday for a 1 o'clock potluck luncheon with Mrs J. F. Goeller .and Mrs. Jennie Hum as hostesses. Those who gathered around the table, which was artistically decorated in keeping with the autumn season were: Mesdames Mary GlnBback, Alfreda Steln metz, Edith Palmerton, Llna Motschenbacher, Laura Uerllngs, Margaret Blden, Cora Kennedy, Myrtle Kester, Lulu Hill, Anna Bean. , Katherine House, Miss Katharine Ess and the hostesses. During the past month the club has made a dozen napkins and 18 cushion covers for tile I. O. O. F. home In Portland. The next meeting will be held December 3, at wiiich time th members will enjoy their annual Christmas party and gift ex change. Margaret Blden and Lulu Hill will act as hostesses for this party, Neighbors of Woodcraft met Wednesday evening at the K. C. hall. The officers and guards met at 7:00 o'clock for drill practice and the regular business session commenced at 8 o'clock. ' Election of officers was held at this time, with the following results: Past grand neighbor, Mrs. Effle Redkey; advisor, Helen Peterson; banker, Emma Martin: guardian neighbor, Mrs. Mrs, Alicia Davenport; magician, Mrs. Patterson; attendant, Gladys Neliton; inner sentinel, Mary Lip pert; outer sentinel, Ilelle Thomp klns; musician, Nina Beck; cap tain of guards, Stella Perscll; three managers, Idollne Rchupp. Minnie Grizzle and Lilly Hayden; press correspondent, M i n n 1 e Krandenburg; flag bearer, Marie Davenport; recommended clerk, N"oy Mcpanlels; senior guardian, Mildred Rflilth, recommended. Following the buslnrss session a pot luck lunch was sorved. DRAMATIC GOWN '7 is8 Quitted evening wrap niul jacket of sray taffctti tluit Josephine Hutchinson of tho mov ies wears nro rppectully It lull fashion now. An orunn scurf around tho throat conccalti the down's low riecnliettiRo. hn elnnln shrctlu otuoin -nhhlluo IIKCKXT UltlUK HONOItKH AT KVKXINU HIIOWKK Mrs. Hi wo Cnmphcll, Mrs. Paul Hess and Mrs. Trunk Obenchaln, Jr., were hostesses at a bridnl shower in compliment to Mrs. Hn! Peterson, (Lucille Price) at the Obencr.aln home on High street Inst Saturday ereninx. Mrs. Peterson received nmuy attractive gifts. Tbe Wednesday club of St. Paul's chur-h met this week In the parish house for an evening of sewing. Mrs. Loyal 11. Hopkins and Mrs. A. H. Temby were hoitesscs and served supper at the close of the evening. Mrs. Neal Stewart will be hos tess to the Wednesday club at its next meeting which wit) be a Thankpslving card party on November 20. Mrs. Sarah Gibson entertained the Katies' auxiliary and frleiris at a pinochle card parly at her home on White avenue, Friday afternoon. Thot-e playing were: Mesdames Leon Crappo. Freda Parsley, Lena Aubrey, L. K. Henry, Churl's M. Iteynolds, Ursel Hratton, Laura Taylor, Vernon George, J. J. Lewis, William Stanley, Frances Herbert, Fannie Thompson, Jack Banner, W. B. Lowe, Stella Per son, Peggy Long, Emma IJietz, Grace Sayles and M R. Haupert. Prizes were given to Mrs. Diets, high; Mrs. Bennor, second high; Mrs. Lewis, door prize. Refreshments were served fol lowing the game by Mrs. GlhHon, assist d by Mrs, Parsley. The auxiliary will hold the next card party at the home of Mrs. Fannie Thompson at 416 North 9th street, Friday after noon, November 2, at 2 o'clock. Here's something NEW in hosiery . . . PHOENIX Now new fabric that males even the shapeliest leg look lovelier! Remrnucile, by Phoenix, sets a new hlilll for snug fit and flln enliilo slieen-lessnens. l'hnilf;it very sheer, this rcmnrknhle hose wears well, is snnB-rrslstlng. Anil It has the new Cuslom-Fit Top that's so wonderfully comfortable. Ask for l'hocnir nevertuea uosei CALENDAR Tuesday, N'uvoiiiImt I U Tltlmhlo club of Neighbor! of Woodcraft to meet nt 2:00 o'clock, at tho homo of Mrs, S. It. Itedkoy, 423 Conner nvomio. - Women of the Mouse, to meet at 7: HO o'clock for lul tlntlou mid Important huttuess. All visiting co-workers wel come, Marathon round table group to meet nt the chamber of 'commoret at 7:30 p. m. Meet ing to be upon ho red hy the Huslnefls and Pni'eHsiouut Women's club and the league of Women Voters. Men and women of tho city are cordial ly Invited. . Itegutar huslni'H mei'tlng of the ;t-lt club to be held nt 8:00 o'clock in tlio I. O. O. F. halt. Delta Gamma chapter of Delphians to meet at the home of Mrs. ('. II. Hunting on South Klverittdo avenue at 1:45 o'clock. Topic to tm M o h a m m ed a n Ad a pint ions and Innovation!)." Itegular meeting of chapter Number 61. Order of Fctstern Star nt MaMoulc temple at N:00 o'clock. Members of the Huppy Hour club to he entertained at the homo of Mrs. H. K. Jones at 614 Lincoln street at 2:1)0 o'clock. Wedtiowlii), November lit Ludies auxiliary to Canton Crater Number 7. to hold pub lic card party in , (. O. F. hull at 8:16 o'clock. The public Is cordially Invited and reser vations may be made by call in g Mrs. Stelnmets nt G2)H, Mrs. Martin nt 10, or Mrs. Motschenbacher at 3 4a J. TliurMlay, November It Regular monthly meeting of tho League of Western Writ ers to bo held nt 7:45 o'clock nt the chamber of commerce. It 1a bee circle of the First MethmlUt church wilt ho en tertained at a 1 : 00 o'clock lunaheon nt the homo of Mrs. L. N. Hulnvs, 1 U 4 Crescent avenue. Mrs. K. H, Sinclair wilt be co-hostess. St. Paul's Kpiscopal guild to meet nt 3:15 p. m., at tbe home of Mrs. K. !. Lamb. 5"l Cypress street. A good at tendance urged and a cordial Invitation extemled to new comers and others Interested, FrMny, November 1,1 Degree of Honor lodge to meet at 1. O, O. F. hail, at 8:00 o'clock. Guest nlgiu will he enjoyed, ant! all Decree of Honor m o m b o r s bringing guests are nked to cull Mrs, William Melhuse. Saturday, November HI Members of tho Klamath branch of the Amur Iran Asso ciation of University Women to meet at 12: 4, "i o'clock for luncheon. In tbe baiujuet room of the Klk hotel. Business meeting, program and get together following lunchean. First dnncing party to be given hy the Winter Dancing club, to be annual Turkey Hop at the Willard hotel. Tho No- H os tens Bridge club wore entertained at tho homo of Mrs. J. S. Iteed, Wednrgduy aft ernoon. A bridge luncheon was served nt I o'clock to Mesdames Leslie Wright, Bonny Myers, L. C. Curr, if It. Meredith, Now som, Manful, Krwln and Hood. Following the luncheon bridge was enjoyed. Prln were given to Mr. Can for high score, and Mrs. Meyers, consolation. Mrs. Meredith won traveling prize. The club will meet next wrck nt the home of Mrs. Ray Ruger at tbe Hunt apartments. HISTORICAL HAT Ti jjtjsak'i vim ti'im.Miii i sfcjs The Henry IV heret Is lirnuiiht up tii-dntu Willi untried feiilheiH mil hlnck velvet. It Is n I'hniiel creation suitnhlit for afternoon or litnnor hour wear. A. A. V. VV. TO M'Nt'HKON MKli'tiNtl Milliliters n( llto A. A. 0. W. will inni'l Huturiluy, Novemhi-r is. nt 13:45 o'clock, for lunch eon In t in buuttui't room of tin Klk hoti'l. M..u I ....i- U....... .... t ..I. ..if. man of ili commiti In chuiau of unaim-mi'iits for lhi tiiwl - Inn. ami her ns.lMunt am Miss II, .,,1-11,1!,. nnllllMv Minn J.uniii, iuIIIIiik. Miss jimim-1 . I.lovd J, tiotilo, and, Jenkins. ! IIi'UmII. Mrs. llm. l.'ritnW Si'Vi'inl musical niinibi'rs will J ho presented on tho proKram fol- i lowing luncheon, and delegates! who attended Iho A. A. I). W. stato convention in Ktitfetttt ro. coin ly. will Klvo their reports. A Kel-tuKiiehnr and social tliuo will ho enjoyed after Iho pro s' rain. Anyone Interested In Jotnlng tho A. A. U. V. Is asked In get In touch with Mrs. Herruys. chairman of tho comntltloc. ntinw mtk ititintiK t i.nt i:NTr:itr.iNKii Mrs. J I in Cnrmeii was hostess to members of the Krlday Nile bridge club at her homo on Alta- mom Drive. Perorations were carried out In the spirit of Hallowe'en, and ilellglitliil supper wa serveil at tho close of tho erenlng. First prise for high score went , to Iji Verne Loiter, traveling prixo in Itoheria Grey and con solation to Mrs. i.eo t'amps. ! Other club members who en joyed the evening were: Jerry I.eMlre. Agnes t rolier. Iiiigny Johnson, Mrs. Art' Foster and the hostess, .Mrs. Jim Curmen. T';e Mlsufniiiiry society of the; First Christian church, held lt November meeting at tho homo of Mrs. Krnest liiimnker, in Hi Francis Park. Thursday after noon. A very interesting- pro iirnin was given, with Mrs. Ilert Schtitti: as leailer, tho topic be ing, "Seeking Living Treantre." Mrs. Iliininkor gavo a talk on "Christian Attlttiiio-; Mrs. R. It. WlrU sang a vocal solo. After tho program, refresh ments wore served to tho fol lowing members: Mendumes II. II. Diinbnr, II. !,. Wickershnin, Itny Wiiknmun, I.oiilso Ilrnuilt, Ooorgo McCollum. O. I.ovenberg, Dort Hchultz. K. It. Wlrts, Corn Wlrlz, M. A. Harris, Fred Peter son, A. C Hales. M. L. Miller, I.ols Hwlsher, Frank Tunniill, Mui'sell ned the hostess. A COMPlFTf UNE Of EXQUISftt NEW IEAUTY AIOS Of INCOMPARAltE OUAUTY. We Present with Pride this peerless new line" of Beauty Aids, designed' for the discriminating modern woman who accustomed to the very best. Here are rare and exotic Creams and Lotions that youthify and beautify . . . Powder and Rouge as fine as gossamer ... a superindelible Lipstick in an automatic case. Every essential for the correct care of the skin and smart make-up . . . and every item of superb quality that cannot be ImnrovAfJ nnnl .We invite you to try anna f AVLUVA toiletries . . . confident that you will be supremely satisfied! - , CURRIN'S for DRUGS . The Friendly Drug Store ! Ninth and Main , Phone 80 Girl Scout Enjoying Busy Season Of Work and Play. (i 111 Hi'init troops of the cliy linvo hi'i'ii husy His pitBt woc-ks inn hi us pinna for Ihiilr wliilnr pro- srniii of work , ami fun. MlKt of tliul tioiiiis have nK- Isii'i'i'il a mmihur of now innmhur unit suviiriil lioups hitva imw can lulus or llnilloiiiiiils, who tti' lK Iiik the J of fni'ltwr li'iiilois, who have tnovtul from th 'lv Tho tllrl Hcouls will ho rtirMil vd In Hi" Aimlsllco liny parailn. Troop No. S, at Mill school. Is w.'ll UU.I.T way. Tho Klrla Imvo Iii,i,ii iiulln ncllvii. To date. ll" bud an cnrly iniiriilns hike out to Uik raves: anil a llullowo'vli party hflil ai Vliili'l Wnrniir'a homo was njiiyi-d hy Is Kills ami a nurolmr llf HilltllS. Mls Frances Kotynovlch. cap tain of Hn- irniip. and Miss Iimo Ihy (lomlfi'llow, lloiiliinniit. acli'd tia chiiHirons. AI priHi'iil thu girls. ar, busy uuIIIiik flulslinas cards In orilr to iMini a fi'w rxtra dollar, for t'lirialmas and a subscription to On Aitt"i'tctttt tllrl. 1'nirnl Ifftilnrs are as follows: Aili'laliln Li'lito, ('ill I In Vmiiitt. Iimrll Kiiloti. Vloli't Waruor. with Wllumao 1. 1' hi n as awraiary of I ho xrutip. Troop No. S iMiJoyod a llnl- imriy at lis home of the 1 niimiln. Miss Naomi arllon. ' ''"'" !,,", IT'IT l III" '"ll'im mm "- " -" "" " "" wwd hroomsilrK. iict'onipaiili'd by clilnr and nilii:s. Mrs. irit'iiu miis is m iiouiphwh. lor this group. Troop No. . sponsored by the Congregational church, hold a Hallowe en party In the Commun ity house. The riMim in appropriately decorated with cornstalks, pump kins ami black and while ereps paper streamers. The fact that It was a cost nine party added in nt-i to lh fun. Interesting mimes followed by Hallowe'en refreshments made :lm evening a complete aucreia. ThM liU wer HMfttsled hv Mlsa i Ka Hrliilryw jlt.s I'eggy White : nm, Mr K M h. j Tr)np No 7 MlM Kln i,r,key. , ,-apialn, held an Informal party In i he g uiiutiiuiii of Fremont school Monday aftiriuion. October 17. it wlttrh lime they entertalnei) as their giiesis a number of girls In-N-restnl In becoming members nf tho troop. A feed wai enjoyed utter games and stunts. Tho p,k of Itrownles, who meet at Fremont every Wednes day. Is making enthusiastic plans tor the winter under the guidance nf their llrown Owl. Mrs. I'erey Wells, and their Tawney Owl, Mr. It. 0. Woodruff. I I'lirll rit-ett U'nrll tte-iil.t m-lil , , , ntintn ,,. lis begun Inst year, and will be u study of native trees, llrownles nro very happy Utile people, snd heir motto Is to Lend s Hand, especially to those In their own homes and to older people. . Mrs. Juno itornn enter tained the Ktltch and Rosslp club at her homo on Altamont Hrlvii, Thursday afternoon. Members present were: Mes ilunies Helen Huge, Itowena Hog- i rs, Kva Cook, l.nellle, Fans, Har- j barn llenn, CuestH wore Mrs. C, E. Neu- Miiry ltlgby and Mrs. com. Tho afternoon was spent in sewing, niter which refreshments wero served by tho hostess these incomparable