November 8, 1935 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, )REGON PAGE THREE 1 1 I I im,m mmm Hmiaainissmil I, I mmrmm)t,uii,lLmmmmiM'lLnimmwmmml:mMmm.mmm,mummmmmi. imiim msmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmmmmmmm.mmmm Wit'--' Hllili'n Niiiiii'il Kliiniiilli Vul ly li m I ( ii 1 uiiiioiiiiicH iiuiiii'n for Imlili burn thorn iiirimlly, nil follows: Mr, mid Mm. It. K. Hlmul nf UH Kiel Mulii mrn.'l liuvu niiiiii'il lliulr mm Klrliiiril Wnril; I, i' i) Hiiiiiiii'I In Hid iiiiiiio cIiiibiiii liy Mr, uml Mm. (I, (I. Iiii miiiliiirry of Ttiiiiiutit, Ciilir,, fur lliulr Imliy Him ; Mr. mid Mm. I1'. A, llulpll of lM.'l Wiirilmi slrttiil Imvo HiiMird llii'lr Imliy iliiUKlitur Jiiiimin Loins; l,n Hoy l.lny.l In llm hhiiiu Rlvmi hy Mr. mid Mill. Moyil I,. I'nrlor (if 1 M 1 7 I'tirlliinil stroul In llii'lr Infant noli: Mr. mill Mm. w. K. Wonoli i.f S!H Ninth KIkIiIIi ntriMit Imvo umiH'd tlii'ir Imliy Klrl Hiuimni Lay, Mr. and Mm. V. 1), Jai'iilm of 325 Hi n I It KltivMitli nl root Imvn i.'lws n llm iiiuiio ii f lldiiini Mua fur llii'lr t n Tit tit diiunlilnr. Htio orriiip ciiiiiIiik Mm. sit- din Orr UiiiiHar of I'mtlmiil, r"C lillvn ai'i-rolnry of llio Hlnlo Tu-bitri-iiliinln iin iii'lutlun, will bo In Kliimulll Kiilln on NiivnnihiT 14, Id ntli'lul n lili'iil I n K (if l!m K In lu n Ii I 'dimly I'iiIiIIo llnulth mao r I ti I ton . DuiinliU'r ( dinliiu Wurd Mc llnyniililn, oxiinilnur fur llio snc n tu i y iif alntn'i motor vnhlrla illvliiliiii, will liu linru Nnvuinlmr 1 2, from J 1 i. in. tu 0 p. in., anil Niiviimhur 13 fruin 8 . in., tu 5 p. in, Amlllur Visits W. V. Malonoy, Iruvi'lhiK uiidlliir fur the tirout Niiithnrii, In n liiislnnsi visitor In Klmiuitll Kulls from lilt Hpokuno ufflcns. Clnlm Aui'iit lli-rii W. It. Khorniuii of Portland, district e I it 1 in uKi'iit fur tho (Iruitt North-, orii, In ii liusluuai visitor In Kluni uth Kulls, ECONOMISTS IN DISTRIBUTION Aiiilili-nt Iti'imi'ti'tl Hurry Ed Knr lli'iii li, lli.'iid, mid J, M. An il in hh, Hllvor liiiku, wero ilrlvurs of rum Involved In mi ncclduiil on tho Fremont hlxliway In Klum uth cuunly. leaving fur Itcilillnic II. B. Mndliiy la UuvIiik fur itddillnit, (.'ill If., whoro hii will bo I'liKnHud III Ihu hdimd niovlni! tiniilnesa. M PROCLAIMS ARMISTICE DAY Mayor Wtllla K. Maliwiny on Friday 1 aniinit u prurluiiintlun on Aniilsllio I my, whlili omirs Mundny. It fullowa: I'ltfMX.VMATlOX In knt'iiliiK Willi llm iirocliinin tlun iif tho I'riMldmil of llm United Htntia, uml In unli-r Hint Klamath Knlli may fl'.llniily pharrvn Arnils tlcu liny, Mundny, Niivomlmr 1 1, I iimat enrncatly siiKKi-at, Hint whcrm'i'r iollil,i. all places of bunluraa cluau durlim tho dny and whnro luinlilo lu do an, that llii'y tluan during the pnruiln Mid ipclul ivrvlrra. In duliiK thin wo will do our pall In culiiiiinmui'itllliK uno of Urn mum eventful dui's In Ilia his tory of Amorlin. V will ulo puy uur rrsurcls to tho Votcrnua of Klu in nth county, who offi'rud llii'lr nil fur tha walfnra of thidr country In the tlnm of war, mid vim Imvo contributed la lantuly to tha wulfnrc of our own com munity lu I lino of pnucfl. WILMS MAIIONKY, Mnyor of Klmnntli Kulla. . o radio tnlka. Inunrliln tha Amorlrnn Hul Cruia annual roll cnll cnmpnlKn, wuro arrnnx d by Mi Kmll Diohrr, rudlo publicity chnlrmnn of tho Incnl ehnptnr, fur Friday nnd Kntnrdny. In aildllldii, lillnlnlnrn will nil nnunro opening of tho drlro. from llmlr pulplta nsit Humtuy, nc cnrdlnir to nrrniiiinmonta mud by Knr. John 0. Iilrkny, lo mm lior of tha Klmnntli Hi'd Croat conimlttco. Iter. Fred Ilornabiih printid a abort tnlk ovor alatlon KFJI nt two o'clock Friday alKrnoon, and Mr. K. D. Lamb will mako a almllnr talk nt tha aumit tliuo Saturday. The drlvo for Souu member, Klnmnili cnunly'H quo ta, will atnrl officially on Mon' dny, but local worker will not Hart oonvanslng until Tueadny. iY Mr. Mary P, ClnK, well known and Ioiik tlnto renldont of Klinn ath Fnlla, celebrntvd hor SOth birthday Friday. Mm. Ongo wai born In Oreuon beforo It waa a atato. Her birth place wai at Utarr'a 1'olnt, Hour Monroo. She didn't leave the bordora of Oregon until aha wan 65 year of uko. Kho remeiubera Eiilicno and Mudford when thoy wore nothing but lirunhy flohK Hearty and linlu, Mm, Uiiko aiimotlmea plnya old-tlino dnnco nuinhora on her violin fur tho Townaond club, of wl)lcli alio la a inombor. In early duya alio plny ed for the aqtuiro dances. She la nlort on political lasuea of tho dny, nnd la a strong sup porter of tho Townar-nd plan "not for niynolf, but fur genera tions yot to conic" Mra, Gngo married Joaeph C. (Inge In JnckaonVlllo In 1870, Mrs. K. II. Idnvlllo, Altnmont, nnd Nor inn n (Ingo, bar ilnuglitiir and son, wore tho first twins born In Medforil, Another daughter, Mrs. Martha Portlg, lives lu Ne vada City, Calif. Court House Records (TinitHiMV) Hull Flli'il Anne M. Avery veraiia I.. P. Ituchunnti nnd tlatendurf Motors. I'lnlntlff naka Juilgment agnlnat defenduiita for recovery of a cer luln motor vnhlclo or value there of In rune poaacaaton rannot bo bud, $1 bo.OG dnmnin and cuata. I'lulntlff't ntturney, Claudo Mc culloch. Dlvurco Ai l Ion Filed Rnvor O. Vlken versus Clara t'lki-n. Cuupio married In Klnm uth Falls, Alii nil, 1033.' I'lnln tiff rhnrea cruel and Inhuman Ireutmoiit, naka that defendant bo runturcd lier mnldon nnnio, Clnrs Mi'Danlels. Don Hmnlln, plnlntlffa atturney. Ilerrcrs I'ruilentlnl Insurance company uf America voraua Kmory O. Kl lliiKaon, K. Uertruda HHIiiKaun ut ul. 1'lnlnllfr given Juilgment iiKnlnat ilefendnnta for 1 :t 1 7 . fj 0 with Interest In pnymont of do- J llmiiieiit iuilnllmonts on prom issory nolo, 12079 with Interest ns balance duo un principal of nolo, 2I0 attorney's f.s and 137.13 coals. Plaintiff's mod-1 gage on defendants' renl proper-1 ly declared a prior lien, mort gage foreclosed and property or dered soli! to satisfy claims. Do creo by default. Prudential Insurance company of America versus U. C. Kwlng, Kiln Kwlng et si. I'lnlntlff given Judgment agalnit defen dants for (240.37 with Intorost In puyinent of dollnijuont Install ments on promissory nolo, IS, as balance due on prin cipal of note, further sums of IIS HI, IM.32 and $20.43, all with Interest for taxes and as sessments on defendants' prop erly pnld by plalntltr, 1200 at turney' feu and 144. SO costs, I'lnlntlff mortgage on defen dants' real property declared prior Hun, uiortguge foreclosed and properly ordered sold to sat isfy claims. Decree by default I Mnrrlngo Applications A I J. Wallers, 29, Klamath Falls car trader, to Ksthor Haiti an, SO, Klamath Fall house wife. John It. Wham, 35, Klnmath Falls service manager, to Myrtle Ingrain, 25, Salem bookkeeper. IMHTIIS MICH ELS ilorn to Mr. nnd Mrs. It. (). Mlchels of 1510 Cali fornia avonuo, a daughter, Nov ember 7, 1935, at Klamath Vnlloy hospital. VvlKhtk 0 pounds, JONK3 Born to .Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Jones of Sprnguo lllver, a daughter. No vein her 8, 1935, at Klamath Valley hospital. Weight, 0 pounds and 8 ounces. These Dancing New Formats 'I,?95 $4.95 $4A9S 1U anil iimro Floor Lengths Thut Htvish nnd Hwlrl ' Some have ruffles, some pleats and tlerod skirts . , . Jnckots Hint combine two drosses in ono , , , 'Sizoa 11 to 44, Adrienne's The Friendly Store Furs of Dateless Beauty . . ' Added to Our Fur Department for SATURDAY ONLY Female Mink-Jap Weasel $379 $395 A Superb Collection of Furs oS Glory and Glamor Natural and Silver Muskrat ' $149 to $169 Other Fur Coats from $29.95 up. Tramp! Tramp ! Tramp! The Hoys Ar Marching! ... So are the girls . . . marching down to our store for those brand new, soft, light PLY-TEX Baby Pants and Crib Sheets. We don't blame them. You'd want to change to these new, marveloujly light and cool panties, too, if you ever sat, slept and toddled around for 14 hours a day in a pair of hot, binding rubberized pantsl For, PLAY-TEX Pant are made of iterilired liquid latex that remarkable new material that stretches nine times its size without rippingl It's thin as tissue yet will outwear three pants of ordinary material. It's soft and cool is non perspiring odorless stain-proof. It requires 00 luuy washing a ic-second rinse and it's clean I PLAY'TEX PANTS 50c SHEETS 91 Available in small, medium and large sizes, In pink or white. PLAY-TEX Sheets also are non-perspiring. They lie flat and smooth, fastening at all four corners to the mattress. With' ordinary care they last for years. Seasonable Suggestions From the Infants1 Department SNUGGLE BURKY JR. Snuggle Crib Covers permit more freedom of movement than you would ever imagine. Only the back of the garment is fastened tightly to the crib, leaving the front free to ' 4 AC move. Priced .. .. 9jL 5 KNIT SHAWLS Knit from soft fluffy zephyr yarn in white, blue and pink $1.39 to $3.95 ROBES Hand embroidered and hand crochet in pink, blue and white $1.95 to $2.95 HAND KNIT SETS Consisting of sweaters, shoes and cap $1.95 and $2.95 OUTING FLANNEL GARMENTS Kimonos and gowns, hand embroidered and applique trimmed : 39c to $1.00 KNIT GOWNS White jersey elastic knit with alight fleece, an ideal infant, gown TO INFANTS DEPARTMENT 2NO FLOOR ; 850 Famous Curlee quality at an un usually low price. New fall shades and styles. Hurry in and grve them a look. All Wool SUITS $E585 Correct styling, long wearing quality, sports and plain backs. If you want value, don't miss this group of suits. MAIN FLOOR mtfitts nn. i i III v tuiii wtai oh (Lei t S. V I 4. A" Only oil l.atbn ft I. tSifir J ca& Mild th. hard vNF 11 &&mfw og. that all v iVx VjfaVV hxittbjkkidiMgiw Si 5L . liwInhoM... oiors KW,2W Buds look finer and VV so much , -1 RA bo. Tit Hum S" SiajSj , Mines' and Youths' ft ft .'T ; Main Floor : Men's Fur THE NAME OUR POLICY Curlee Clothes Suits tor Men 0 Felt Hats $1.95 A fine fur felt in the new shapes and shades All head sizes. Men's '.. Dress Cashmere Sox A good looking" dress sock with popu- so lar clock designs V7W 3 Pairs $1.00 Men's Blanket Lined Jumper $1.59 Warmth and service in this jumper especially made for hard wear. Men's Brushed Wool Sweaters $1.88 Cossack style, zipper front, all colors, the season's favorite sweat- Fruit-oHlie-Loom SHIRTS Fruit of the loom cloth in shirting prints that are different. Also a small lot of madras cloth shirts included in this group. Former values to $1.65 . $fl35 Red Ball Bib Overalls $fllO Hfgh back, full cut heavy blue denim We believe this to be the best overall near its price on the market. 'Teddy Barbour" ' N. B. C. Juvenile Radio Star of "One Man's Family" Wearing a !ICOL-ETTE' Skirt "THE LATEST CREATION FOR GIRLS" aw sa cts 1 1 1 1 1, mm , u 11111 a aiasai ai aamaia .. n - 'H'"!' 1 ";' - ml VA '-it' lv vX'M I ; ' jfi - U J" 0 i f 0 U -. j. J :! kW r tti rrnjMMni aiaaaliiiil i i TTm inn'i ISKiiuJ Plain navy pleated skirt, - Ma size 3 to 6 years .................... Fancy gay plaids, pleated skirt,- sizes 3 " 12 w-$1.95 .id $2.95 SLIP-ON SWEATERS Ideal to wear with "Col-ette" skirts in navy, brown, blue, green and tweed effects. Sizes 6 to 12. Priced $1.95 ,.$2.95 Men's Heavy Sued Shirts Good quality suede cloth, full cut Tan and grey. A warm and durable shirt. Men's Chalmers Union Suits 88c Quality underwear at an unusual price Long sleeve, ankle length Sizes 36 to SO. Boys' Pig Grain Leather , Jackets $3.98 Zip front opening, cos sack style in brown grain leather. Sizes 8 to 16 years. Boys' Wool GolESox 28c Are a-1 special, 25 wool in medium dark colors for winter wear. Sizes 7Vi to 10yg. Boys' Heavy 1 Union Suits a 69c Random rib cotton with 1 slight ' fleece in three ' styles long sleeves, ankle length and short sleeves, knee or ankle length. Sizes 6 to 16 ' years. Same styles in 10. wool, sizes 6 to 16 yrs- . 98 .--. Boys' Leather Liket j-''- Jackets $2.48 p t Water proof and wind , proof with heavy fleece lining. Size ' 10 to 18 years. Boys' Wool ; Melton Jackets $3.45 Extra heavy1 weight, made of Oregon All Virgin Wool Cloth zipper front with leath , er trimmed slashed pockets. Sizes 6 to 18 years. ,. '