November fi, 1935 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Want-Ads Bring Results Phone Yours to 1900 Rates 3 par Kuril por day's C limorllon. iv pnr emit discount on I V o d running O li o wnok. fyf por cent discount on V "'I" running on'i month. All rliiimirii'd Rill are limort oil In both The Klnmatli News mid Evening llc-rald at the nhovo rnio appearing In The Nows (lrt. Tinio limit (or claaalflratlon In I ho following day's papore In 6:00 1, M. Aili desired In niTii'tl on t ha nuio day Bub milled will hnvo to run "Too Lata to Clalfy." Too Lata la Claanlfy ads art put In onn paper only at the an me rata na quoted above and slaaalflod lor succeeding Insorlluna. 2 Lost and Found LOST Long brown kid purao, containing lady's waicli. Ho ward, Nowa-llorald. Box 1607. 1907 LOST Traveling bag Sunday be tween Klamath Ktilla anil Mor rill. Howard. 11131 Lexington. 11191 LOST fin Buck Creek road black Jlffr kodak, Phone 87 botwoon 8 a. in, and 6 p. m, 161)3 3 General Notirca LOST Mnltrnaa botwon Olono and Swan Luke Junction, Mon day. Notify Mr. Stiles, High School. Howard. 1600 Call K. F. Transfer & Storage 4th & Klamath, Ph. 109? Health By Nature innoii aostroyi nappi- noaa. Try our horbs to regain boallh. Call or writ (or (roe Informa tion. Dopt, l-D. a GKB wo Chlnrae Medical Herbs' Co., Inc., 170 B. W. Morrlaon 8L, Portland, Oregon Transportation SAVEI Go by Bui Via Bond and Mr. Hood Shortest Rouls, Lowott , Fares fo Northwest Points One Round. Way Trip ' Portland $5.90 $10.65 Seattle $8.40 $14.65 Spokane $12.30 $20.05 Busaos Leave 12:45 Noon From The Greyhound Depot Tor Information Phone 091 Klamath TO The firms and individuals represent ed in this Alphabetical Directory of Specialized Business and Profession al Service are known as Klamath Falls' most reliable business men and Bath Cabinet ateara batha and massage. L. Stone Lady AaalatanL 127 South 7th. Phone 1640 Commercial Printing Printing of nil klnda. SHOP PING. QUIDS), Pelican Theatre Bldg. Floor Sanding FLOOR SANDING AND RBFIN ISHING. Phone 85W4. Hemstitching Hometltchlng, apeolallalng 1 n suits and conta, woolen aamploa, drossmaklng. Mra. H. M. Allen dor, 614 Walnut HEMSTITCHING Homatltohlng, Buttons, Plcntlng Holt Claspa. Tho Ooldon Rule. House Moving R H Hndloy. UiOUW. 819 Lnguna. Ph. 690 Classified Index All rliisalMnillmii are num bered und uppnur In inininrli ul orilor. , Following la ail alpha betical reference Hat of tho moro Important clasalflcatloua: All tomotlvn 10 llulldliig Muterlala . 10a IliialiiiiaH Opportunities .... 14 I'niilruct Work Wuutud.... 10 Kdiiiiilloniil ... 8 Kurm liiipleiiinnta 19a Furnished Apia, to Lot.... 18 Furnished Home to Let 14 Furnished Itoomi to Let.. 11 Flmiiiclul '33 (lunnral Notices 8 llidp Wunlid, Mula ( Help Wnuliul, Fnniiilo .... 7 Llvealock and Food 22 I. out and Found 2 Mlscolluiiooua for Hale.... 20 I'oraonala 4 I'oullry for Hula 32a Ileal Kill a lo for Hale ...... 17 Ileal Kulute for Loune .... 18 Krai Knlntu Wuntrd 17a Knoiii and Hoard 12 Hlluiilloni Wonted 9 Swaps 20a Truiianor'.utlon 6 Ilnfiirn. Ilouaoa to Let .. 10 Wanted Mlstollntiooua .... 21 Wauled to itent 16 6 Help Wanted Mala WANT MAN with car. Ni'WHherulil. Box 1608 1608 COMPANY oporallug nationally opening branch offlcea In thle locality. Ilaa poaltlon open (or local manager poaaoailng good charactor and financial rospon alblllty. Exp. not req. Poaltlon paya weekly lolary with opp. for advancement. Writ Credit Protective ft Finance Corp., Kmplre Bldg., Milwaukee, Wli, . 1667 7 Help Wanted, Female WANTKD Thoroughly compet ent atonographer, job to In clude aotno general office work alao. Box 1668, Newa Ilurald. 1658 WANTED Housekoopor. Muat live with family, two email children, good wagea. (live age and experience, Nowa-Huruld, Hog 1076. ' . 1076 WANTKD Correspondents for Chlloiiuln and Stowart-Lenox addition. Apply In i person, Ncwa-llnrald office. ' 1421 9 Situations Wanted YOUNO MAN with selling ability an experience wishes perma nent poaltlou. Phont 424J1. 108I YOUNU MAN wanta Job on ranch, reference. White Star Taxi. 1486 EXI'KHT Cluneal work, ac counting, bookkoeping, all or part time. Uox 1441, Nowa Huruld. 1441 EXPERIENCED youn- man wlab ea farm work. Box 1293, Newa-llorald. 1293 10a Building Materiala BUILDERS Phono 1426 (or (roe Informa tion on renovating or building. Wo can give you complete de talle oji financing without obli gation. . Better Housing Headquarter Chambor of Commerce 1449 1 1 Furnished Rooms NICE CLEAN ROOMS Heat. Cloae In. 605 N. 9. ,1066 SLEEPING ROOMS Phone 145. 1034 High. 1045 ROOM WITH BATH, board If doalrod; garage, phone 1286J. 169 HllUldo. ' 1487 THE CLAREMONT, 228 N. 4th, all modern outside rooma. Free nnrklng lot, 4406 12 Room and Boaord HOARD AND ROOM 1003 High. 1594 Business Directory women. You will find them ready to sorve you promptly, economically and efficiently. For your own satis faction use this handy guide to the services they offer. Nurseries Plant 'now, eh rubs, rosea and flowers for early blooming Evergreens, fruit trees, berries. Lakeshore Gardena Nursory, Mra. W. P. Myers, S62-J-2. Palmer Chiropractor DR. GLEN MOORE Neurocalometer Analysts 32S Main Opp. Court House Pumps Byron Jackson Pumps and Sorvlce J. M. Wauvhope, 116 So; 11th St. Phone 1308-J Real Estate .'v It you want lo buy a bouse, a lot, or acreage, from on to 80 acres, boo H. B. Hnugor, 1330 Mali) St. 13 Furnished Apartments VACANOV, aullntilo (or two or (our poopla. 419 N. 10th. 1077 VACANCY Arcade apartments, 14 Furniahed Houaea 4-ROOM partly (urnlalied home, 4 2 Pine. 2 ROOM (urnlahod cottage, ga rage. 2335 lllotin. 1699 THREE AND FOUR room houaea. Iiuiulra 1304 Wordon. 1603 15 Unfurniahed Houaea FOUR ROOMS and nook; range, behli.r, laundry traya, garage. Adulta. Inquire 260 Rogers. 1072 19 Automotive FOR SALE 1930 Ford pickup cloaed cab, fine condition. Im perial Motora, 3rd and Main. 1696 1935 HUDSON iodun, electric shift, radio, hot water heater, privately owned and driven car, only 8,000 mllea. Sue thla cur at Louiu'a Used Car Lot. 8th and Main atreeta. 1656 LA SALLE 1931, 6 w. w., me tal trunk, boater, perfect con dition. Priced tu aell, by own er. Can be aeen at Imperial garage. 1192 FOR BALE 1928 Tudor Sedan, good condition, Prlco right. 2424 Bo. 6th. 1503 CADILLAC 7-pengor ecdnn Excellent condition thruout. Low mileage. Price 8275. Im perial Motors, 239 Main. 1515 20 Miacellaoeoue For Sale FOR SALE 24 ft. counter with drawora and ahelvea, 24 (t. partition. Klamath Cabinet Shop. 1604 FOR SALE Typewriter, office deek and eufo. Box 1610, Nows Herold. 1610 FOR SALE Mntchcd davenport and chair, golf cluba, new 20 cause Remington ahotgun. au- lomutlo electric range. Phone 2 179-J aftor fir. 1076 FOR SALE 3 thoroughbred Boston Hull pupplca. 841 Pa cific Terrace. 1069 FOR SALE 9 head broka mules; alto broke work horaes, cheap If tukon at once. W. R. Franks, phono 82, Mento Hotel, Red mond. Oregon. 1692 FOR SALE Ciood atout trailer, Al condition, reasonable Also electric hot water heater for car. Box 1577, Newa-llorald. 1577 20a Swapa WILL TRADE baled hay (or weaned dairy cnlvea. Slater Bros., Malln, Ore. 1609 21 Wanted Miscllaneous WANTED Good heavy two wheel trailer, pay cash. 441 Michigan. 1611 WANTED All kinds of bottles. Louie Polls. ' 1067 22 Livestock and Feed FOR SALE 100 head Rambou 11 let and Roniednle fine rams. Write O. L. Holbrook, general delivery, Klamath Falls. -589 FOR SALE! 40 head atock cat tle. W. L. Fraln, Keno Road. 1074 FOR SALE 11 heifors, some milking and some to freshen, $25.00 to t0.00 each; 12 calves, 4 months to 7 months old, 812.60 to (20.00 each; 24 R. I. Red hens, 2 years old noxt spring, (25.00. Address, barn across from Swan Lake Moulding-, phone 2167. 1656 FOR SALH 2100 breeding ewes, range. W. H. Caaoblor, Bonan ta. Pro. 1413 Roofing . EXPERT repairing and recover ing composition shingles. Terms. Atlaa Root Co. Phone 1612.. 2400 So. 6th. 42 Townsend Club No. 1 lat, 3rd Thurs., Library, 7:30. Hendq. 624 Main. Phone 860. Upstairs Dress Shoppa TOGLBR'S for SMART TOGS. Stewart-Drew Bldg., 731 Main. Vocal Studio Teacher of Voice ARAH HOYT GRAHAM 117 No. 8th St. Phone 2238 Wood WOOD PINU AND FIR Hod) and LI nibs Phone 886W FOR SALE Pine, fir body and limb wood. Phone 7bW2. S96 Poultry For Sale SUPER QUALITY CHICKS White Leghorns, R. I. Keda, Burred Plymouth Hocks, (11, 100, prepaid. Mugulre Electric Hatchery, 1416 N. E. Orogon street, Portland, Ore. 1436 25 Money to Loan LOWEST RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe, No co-signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Lot us finance yonr new or need car purcbaae Motor Investment Co. 114 No. 7th Pb. 882 License M104 Legal Notices BfMMOXH HY PI RLIOATIOX IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. Western Loan and Building Company, a corporation. Plaintiff, va, Henry I, McKIm and Bertha O. MrKlm, husband and wife, O. B. Rao (record owner), and "Jane Doe" Hue, husband and wife, George Urunlcss, and Peer less Securities Corporation, a cor poration, Defendants. To O. E. Roe, "Jane Doe" Hae, husband and wife, George Gran losa, and Poerlcss Securities Cor poration, a corporation. Defend ants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you, and each of you aro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and suit within four weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this summons, to-wlt: within four weeks from the 6th day of November, 1936, and If, you fail so to do, for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In Its complaint, to-wlt: For judgment against the de fendants, Henry I. McKIm and Bertha O. McKIm, upon their note for (1500.00, dated March 27, 1926, payable In 81 monthly ln itallments of (24.90 each, the un paid balance claimed being (475.55, with Interest at 10 per cant per annum from June 16, 1933: For premiums on fire In surance paid by plaintiff; (6.00, with Interest from April 24, 1931, at 10 per cent per annum; (2.70 with Interest thereon from De cember 16, 1933, at 10 per cent per annum; (4.60 with Interest from July 27, 1934, at 10 per cent per annum: For taxes paid by plaintiff for the years 1928, 1929, and 1930, (104.30, with Interest from June 15, 1931, at 10 per cent per annum; for (39.32 paid by plaintiff upon special or local Improvements assessment, with interest from June 16, 1931. at 10 per cent per annum: For (8.00 expended by plaintiff (or extension of abstract of title, with interest thereon from February 4, 1935, at 10 per cent per an num; For a reasonable attorney's fee of (100.00, and for costs and disbursements In this suit. That It be decreed that, as security for the payment of the above stated amounts, the plaintiff holds a mortgngo which 1b a first and prior lien against property In Klamath Falls, In Klamath Coun ty, Orogon, described as being: The West one-halt (Wi) of Lot Throe ,(3) of Block thirty two (32) Hillside Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, -v Oregon, according to the of- -ficlal pint of said Addition on (lie in the office of the Clerk of said County, That it be decreed that any right, title, equity, Hen or Interest of the defendants, A. E. Rae, "Jane Doe" Rae, George Granless, and Peerless Securities Corporation, a corporation, la subsequent and in ferior to the Hen of plaintiff's mortgage upon the above describ ed property: That tho said mort gage be foreclosed, and the prop erty sold for the satisfaction of plaintiff's claim as above stated, together with Buch other relief as the cotirt may deem Just. This summons is served upon you by the publication thereof in the Evening Herald, a dally news paper published at Klamath Falls, In Klamath County, Oregon, and of ; general : circulation In said county, pursuant to an order made by tho Honorable Edward B. Ashurst, 'Judge of the above court, on the 29th day of October, 1936. The said order requires that this summons he published for four successive and consecu tive weeks, and that the first publication thereof be made on the 6th day of November, 1935. Date of first publication, Nov. 6, 1936. Date ot Inst publication, Nor. 27 1935 BRONAUGH, HAMILTON, BYNON A BRONAUGH, Post Offjco Address: 1430 American Bank Bldg. Portland, Oregon . Attorneys for Plaintiff. H NoV-6-18-20-27 No. 820 In ir.OA r, n IV. iua nhallaW of Queen Hntshesput were trans ported 150 miles down the Nile In Thnhaa Pnwa, fnp trnnnnnrt- Ing the two 360-pound obelisks was lurnisnen by 960 oarsmen. A lamh riiii.1r Atiit ronntAi waia the first- living creatures ever to he carried aloft In a balloon. The flight was made at Versailles, France, on September 19, 1783. Whan nnlfo.1 virlinf be Would think K mice nibbled his sandals, Cnto, the Roman philosopher, said, "It the sandals were to nin hie I tin mice. that would be something to think about." 22a National and Portland Produce PORTLAND, Nov. 6, (PV But ter prints, A grade, 33 He lb. In parchment wrapper, ii'Ae In cartons; B grade, parchment wrapped, SZjc to 33c; cartons, 33i to 34c. Butterfut Portland delivery: A grade, deliveries at leaat twice weekly, 33-34C lb.; country routes, 31-34c lb.; B grade, de liveries less than twice weekly. 32-330 lb.; C grade at market II grade cream for bottling Buying price, butterfut baaia, 65c lb. Kggs Buying price of whole salers: fresh specials, 33-34c; ex tras, 83c; standards 29c; extra medium 25c; do medium firsts, 20c; undergrade 18c; pullets 15c dozen. Cheese Oregon triplets, 16 Vic; Oregon loaf, 11 AC. Brok ers will pay 0 below quota tions. Milk A grade, Portland de livery, 62 'Ac lb.; butterfut basis for 4 per cent. . Country Meats Selling price to retailers: country killed bogs, best butchers, under 150 lbs., 16-16 Vic lb.; realers. No. 1, 12 12 Vie lb.; light and tbln, 8-10c lb.; heavy, 7-8c lb.; cutter cows 6-7c lb.; canners, 6ftl6o lb.; bulls 7-7 V4o lb.; lamba 15-15&c lb.; medium, 10-13c lb.; ewes, 4-7c lb. Mohair Nominal buying; price, 20c lb. Cascara Bark Buying price, 1935 peel, 2Vic lb. . Hops Nominal; 1934 fuggles, (.. ) lb.; clusters, 6-6V4C lb. Live Poultry Portland de livery, buying price: colored hens, over 6V4 His., 17-18c; un der 6tt lbs., 18-19c lb.; leghorn hens, over 3V4 lbs., 16-17C lb.; under 3 H lbs., 16-17C lb.; spring.1 2 lbs. and up, 17-180 lh.; under 2 lbs., 20-21c lb.; colored spring, 3 to 3V4 lbs., 17-1 8c lb.; over 3 lbs.. 17-180 lb.; roosters, 8-9c lb.; Pekin ducks, young, 16-17C lb. Onions Oregon, (1.76-2 per 600 lbs. Potatoes Local, (2.00-2.25 per cental; Klamath, (2.40-2.60 per cental; Deschutes, (2.25-2.60 per cental; Yakima Netted, (2.25 2.50 per cental. Wool 1935 clip, nominal; Willamette Valley, medium 25c lb.; coarse and braid, 23c lb.; Eastern Oregon, 16-2 2c lb.; Southern Idaho ( ) lb. jjay Buying price from pro ducer: alfalfa No. 1. (14.50-16; Eastern Oregon timothy, (17.60 18; Willamette Valley timothy, (15-16; oata and Tetch, (10-12; ton, Portland. South S. F. Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, NOT. a mm Un - 9on direct 90. market 25c higher on paper, actu - ally around 10c up; light fills considered: sart load 218 lb. Calirornias (10.60, top; package 169 lb. welghta (10-(10.25; part load 150 lb. light lighu (9.75; bulk packing sows (8. Cattle 125, direct 25; fairly active, generally steady, load short fed 948 lb. California steers (7.50; half load 1062 lb. weights (7.10; amall lot medium 915 lb. Calirornias (6.50; package com mon light steers (5.50; heifers scarce; load 985 lb. common to medium range cowa (4.26-(4.75; good cows absent, quoted up to (5.50; low cutters and cutters mainly (3.25-M; bulls scarce, odd head (4.50. . The past two days good clearance. Calves 25, all direct, nom inal; cbolce vealers quoted up to (9.50. Sheep 50, steady; short deck 75 lb. medium wooled California lambs (8.60, sorted 10 per cent; choice woolBkins abBent, quoted around (9.50; odd lots common to medium ewes (1.50-(2.50, choice quoted around (4. Tracks were not of standard gauge on early railroads. Each section ot the country sot Its own Btandard. Fifty shades ot face powder are obtainable, while 48 shades of rouge are being manufactured. This Curious ONG44A(R. FOR MEN. AND 1 I i 1MI BY NtA RYtCC wcv. I m SHORT HAIR. FOR. WOMEN, WAS THE STYLE IN SOUTHWEST AMERICA SOME TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO, . . THK HAIR. OP THE WOMEN WAS CUT Of F AND MADE INTO STRIN& BEES HAVE TWO SEFARATE STOMACHS (ONE FOR. CHANGING NECTAR. INTO MONEY, THE OTHER. FOR. ORDINARY DIGESTION). STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by the Asioolated Press Wednesday .. Previous Day Month Ago Yoar Ago . 1935 High 1936 Low 1934 High 1934 Low New 1936 high. BOND AVERAGES Compllta by the Aaioclated Press Wednesday .... Prevlons Day , Month Ago , Year Ago 1935 High . 1935 Low ', -1934 High . 1934 Low New 1935 high. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Nov. , Stock market prices were swept upward today In the heaviest buy ing movement witnessed in more than a year. New highs since 1931 were scored oy numerous Issues. Industrial favorites led the booming advance, with gains of one to around five points. The rails found a following and the utilities were somewhat firmer. The close was strong. Transfers approximated 3,000,000 shares. With the election past, bullish forces took command of the mar ket ship and hoisted all sails (or a run before the wind. During the (irst and last hours trading was so lively the ticker tape dropped' behind' door dealings. A 23.700 share block of War ner Bros. Pictures changed hands at a small advance, and General Motors opened with a single transfer ot 15,000 shares, up more than two points. Many oth er large blocks also appeared on the upside. Profit taking was in evidence at times, but It was eas ily absorbed. Just how much the various elections had to do with the rally was a matter of opinion. The news, generally, was "good" from a market standpoint. Today's closing prices: Air Reduction 1721 Aiassa juneau - Allied Chemical ft Dye American Can American Com'l Alcohol American ft Foreign Power American Power & Light American Smelt, ft Ret A T. ft T. 14, 1631 1431 341 6J 81 60 145 1051 211 49 24, 151 American Tob. B 1 Anaconda Copper ... 1 Atchison, T. & S. F. Atlantic Refining Baltimore ft Ohio Bendlx Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing Air .. 431 131 261 25, 35 1031 591 . 85J Borden Co. Burr. Adding Machine California Pack Caae, J. I .............. Caterpillar Tractor Chrysler Motor Colorado Gas & Electrlo Commercial Solvents ..... 14! 181 Continental Can . 95) Corn Products . . 69 Curtiss Wright 2J Dupont & De N 1411 Eastman Kodak i 167 Electric Auto Light 371 General Electric 36 General Foods 331 General Motors .................... 581 Gillette ftasor 17 If Gold DubI Homestaka Mining International Harvester . International Nickel ..... I. T. ft T Johns Mnnville Kennecott Con. Copper . Llbbey-O-Ford Liggett & Myers B Liquid Carbide Lorlllard Tob. Co Monty Ward 399 58 341 na 921 271 481 1181 351 261 341 17g 35 171 Nash Motor . National Biscuit ........ National Dairy Products World ?ST OF THE ARE PLACED ON THE COWER. SLOPE. OP ITS HEAD, aaaking rr POSSIBLE FOR THE BIRD TO WATCH FOR . PREY IN TH6 WATER AT ITS FEET. ( HERON'S HIAO FROM UNDER SIDE) Local Markets 10 IS IS utirg 41.7 41.5 36.8 27.8 41.7 21.6 40.6 24.2 t Stks. 63.9 63.2 48.5 39.4 63.9 34.8 61.4 84.9 Indo't 74.0 73.0 66.9 51.9 74.0 49.6 61.4 45.3 Ralls 25.8 26.2 23.4 26.2 27.6 18.6 43.0 22.8 29 16 10 1 Kalis Iads'a , Utll's For. 8.20 100.2 98.9 69.1 81.8 99.9 98.7 69.1 81.1 99.3 97.5 68.3 83.9 87.6 84.6 67.3 87.8 100.2 98.9 70.4 76.4 92.2 84.5 66.5 89.4 92.9 88.9 70.0 74.6 73.7 68.2 60.2 National Distillers 331 New York Central 24 North American 251 Paclfio Gas ft Electrlr 29 Pacific Light 641 Packard Motor 61 Park Utah 41 Penney, J. C. 801 Penn R. R. 271 Phillips Pet -a 871 Public Service New Jersey 441 Pullman Co. 351 Radio Corp. 81 Remington Rand 14 Reynolds Tob. B 56 Sears Roebuck i 60 Shell Union 13 All's Fair in War Heads' Meeting T lit -t ! xi.V f I sit, a it. 1 ! ..HI r 4 rf.S' 6. i ; -, 4 i !H II VM'W All was peaceful at this meeting, which brought together the army beads of two great nations. George H. Dern, America's secretary of war, Is shown being greeted by General Kawoshtma, Japanese min ister of war, on the occasion of Dern's recent stop in Japan, en route to the Philippines. Soldier of the Air - i HORIZONTAL 1 U. S. army airman. 12 Region. 13 Impetuous. 14 Amidst. 16 To shift. 17 Sarcasm. 18 Duration. 19 Distinctive theory. 22 To make lace. 23 Northeast. 24 Natural force. 26 Claw ot an eagle. 29 Rolls of film. 32 Silly. 33 Playing card. 84 Queerer. 35 To combine. 36 Every. 39 Food container 41 Genus of shrubs, 44 Unclosed. 48 Kiln. - " Answer to A E L I N 49 Copal. 61 Melody. 63 Welshman. 64 Mathematical terms. 55 Pastries. 56 He was - to the chief ot army air corps 57 He now that department. T iL A PJTNO R I ARIR A T Al o k ipjau s lngTsa c e gl P A S sllRE D I AUP E R Tl RESSRESPAINAEJI AkAIElpJ IBioMil N A V A kfi ADEUNA B.E.6.551 o pIeineir path e pimsi sags1u iT"iRlAIp HUR Tjffs" HlAIPlEllR 0 LE 4.R I Alt E gjASjEUf A5E HiAiDiRTnDnMriLoND'i' i jiS IS I U Is lo 7 W i To i, --;: Tijm " rr vS"" i55n " 111111111 I I I I !? 191 161 3HI . 1. 1 7 ' 33 71 96 9 191 61 171 46) 151 48 901 69 Closing Curb Quotations Cities Service .... .............. 2i Electric Bond ft Share ...... 161 Bay City Church Leader Missing 9AN FRANCISCO, Nov. 6, (UP) Charles W. Wblte, a bishop of the Chnrch of Latter Day Saints and campaign mana ger of Arthur Brown, candidate for reelection as a county super visor today, was reported miss ing Tuesday, Friends and relatives revealed that he had dropped from sight Monday. "I am afraid to say what I think has happened to him," Ed ward Brown, Insurance agent and employer of White, said. He Insisted that he did not believe the bishop's disappearance was connected with his political ac tivities. The honor of being the -world' only woman circus clown Is claimed by Miss Lulu Craaton, of London, England. HI" 11 HI II 1 m 3r 7 Previous Puzzle 12 He has a high rating. 15 Hated. 20 Military title. 21 Riches. ' 23 Not any. 25 College official. 27 Conjunction. 28 Boy. 30 Silkworm. 31 Quantity. 37 Moat unimportant. 38 Parrot Ash. 39 Heavenly bod ALIPIATT T I VKRTM'AL 40 Monkeys. 1 Native metals. 41 Classification 2 To appear. ot birds. 3 Auto. 4 Coin. 5 Strife. 42 Cymbals. 43 Person opposed. ' 45 Back of neck. 46 Assam silkworm. 47 Perished. 48 Sorrel. 50 Wayside hotel. 62 Onager. 6 Self. 7 Measure, 8 To attempt, 9 Tanner's vessel. 10 To eject, 11 Cleft Southorn Paclfio Standard Brands ... Standard Oil California Standard oil New Jersey. Studebnker Corp. Trans-America ................... Texas Corp ........ Union Carbide .................. Union Paclfio ... .. United Airlines ................... United Aircraft .j........... United Corp United Gas Imp U. S. Industrial Alcohol ... U. 8. Rubber U. S. Steel ... Weatlnghouse Electrlo ... Woolworth ................