November 6, 1035 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THKEB E CHOES HID OVERM EOFORD GRID VICTORY (Continued From Pug ona ) II1 of Hit firm period. Klamulh was lesdliig 7 In ( lit Kiln iolnl. rim Klmiiulli cnsrh out 1 second difference hntwmui Itef erea llonl mill Umplru hVlmffnl. Rhnrlly Imfum Mmlford scored llio (iiiit'lulowii winning the game, llonl liifnrmml Avill t lin Kliun mil I oil in liml oim ,n"ro lllnii out. When Iho I on in iimk I ho limn out, flrlmffnl stepped ofr a five yard penalty and gave Mmlfnrd nil extrn down. MIiIi-IIiik ('imililiiK lli llnd Hchorrnra r ii 1 1 ii k nn I In. nmiihiir of limns ma mid disput ed Killrhdown linen disallowed Kliininlli would liHVn liiknn the Iwill on IK own 18-Inch linn wllli three seconds In go. Ono piny wiiillil have ended llm, observers linrn believed, thim giv ing Hit. I'ellcana the hull khiiio, 14 In 1.1. TIiit will dlto some discussion aualiiat Ilowerman (or allegedly fnllnwIiiK llm course n( Iho liiiii frtlttl Ihll Itlilltlln. hm.I fl.l.l.. slitnnts to lilt iturlitrlm'k, Content In forget llm conlest, Klamath achool riff Irliiln were aroused again this wix.k wlmn an arllrto In llm Mndfiird Mall Trlhuim accused Klninulh plnyor (if striking Hrhnffel aflor the rii run. It win pointed nut tlmt annl okIi.h liml horn in nl ii and tlmt Arhnffel, t ii k I li K cokiiIxiiiicii of thn emotional strain of llio l'ollrane after thn gams, passed off thn llshtly. Iti.ull of (initio Affected I.. II. Kmery, principal, Indi cated ho would ln I n l irnl tvl In iitimluliiK Iho ontlrs situation to tho I m purl hi I mn(a high schnol Ihlotlc association. It win a question whnthor Mndford was ontltlod to a IB to 14 victory or Klamath In a 14 lo 13 win. Coach Avrll, while resenting the la nf thn game from what ho thouitht a hlundnr on Iho part of an official, said ha did not In tend lo niako a formal protnit. Klamath, outplaying tha un defeated Tlgore through a largo part nf tho contest, had pnlntnd toward an upaot, Tho tnnm has won bill ono tamo from Modfnrd alnco 1&I4 This mm In 1A9Q tha year following tho departure nf Prink Calllifln to become ireanman coacn at in university of Oregon. . Feted by F(l)ame and Fprtunel MHaaHMMawB i ' J. 7 k J urn a f vii K Coiulin of aito for Jmkla Coocnn meant not only claiming hla Drat Inatnllmrnt of 1250,000 to a aupiionFd forluno of a million, arncd aa a 'child atnr," but cclMirutlnir, tho ovont In Iho form of a hltnrloua lilrlhdny party III Hollywood, Willi hla luteal flamo, Uuliy Orablo, Hero you ana both, JiiCklo aa a liluck-fucvd comic, In iho mldil of tha rcvcln. IIKAI. ,M AKIX DKMAt, Oil ANTS pASH, Nov. 6 (P) L. I,. DiniI, liranla raaa hlKh achnol Inatriiotor who tho oontnatpd foothull (am ho Iwnon Modfnrd and Klamath Falla laat flaltirday, dnnlnd to day that a penalty waa aannatod axalnat Klamath Falla for a time out when they wor told I here would bo no ponnlty. Dual explained that flrat he tnld Cnarh Avrlt that Klamath Falla had taken all their rnala. A confnrenco bntwnen the referee and Iho tlmekcepora followed with tho reault tlint It waa agreed Klamath had ono mora time out In lla favor. Deal aald bo then Informed tho Klamath captain and oeach and tha neit time out waa taken without penalty. Principal Smith of the Mod fnrd hlh achool told Deal In a telephone converaAtlnn Tueadny unloaa a Klamath Fall player apolOKlted tor hla aaaerted aa aault made In tun dreaalm room a on Bchefful, Smith waa anrloualy cnnaldorlna" aeverlna athletic re latlona -with tho rullrana,' Deal aald. Smith aaked Deal If ho Intend ed to lake Iho nmltor up with tho Oregon Stale High School Athletlo aaaoclatlon, but Deal aald bo reaponded that tho affnlr "la ancient hlalory" and that It action waa wanted It ihould have been requoated at tho time of tha dlaputa, Senate Refuses to Back House in Amendments (Continued from Tago One) Iho bill out In a form almllar to ihla: 1 That the capltol connnla alon conalut of five momliora ap pointed liy tho governor. 2 That the expenditure bo 13.(00.000. S That Candnlarla Halghta bo eliminated and the commlaalon bo given power to eelnct any ad jacent land up to a certain ex tent. (Speculation waa rife the aen- ato would not take long In re jecting tha houae amendmenta to Ita aenato bill (4, aa the capltol project la known. It. .porta at the atnto leglalature today further indicated Howard l.atoiirotto, apenker uf the .houao, would not protoal dealn of (Jov ernnr Martin atronuouly, duo lo hla announced ambition to auc cned Walter Pierce aa national democratic committeeman. Immediately after pnaaago of the capltol bill Itepreaentative Hull of l.a nrande introduced tho reaolutlon for nine die adjourn ment at midnight Friday. The reaolutlon waa tabled. Tho branch banking bill, known aa houae bill tl. which would make It Illegal to operate branch banka, waa atill In com mittee but It waa expected the propoaal would be reported out later on a divided report, the majority of eight againat the propoaal and a minority of two for tho bill. lloproaenlntlvo Kckeraley and Hyde wore oxpoct ed to bring In tho minority re port. Some Inner tubea now have air preaaure gaugea built Into thorn, and . It la only necoasnry to unacrew tho outer tiro cap to rend tho gatigo lovcl. lie VOTES liy A'MK liilcd I'reaa Many clllea elected republican moyora ynaterdny. but relurna to day allowed thero also wero tri uiupha for domocrata and aoclal latn. Although In moat Inrtancea lo cal iaauea dominated, and aome raiiipiiigna wero non-partlaan, the repuhlicana won In Philadelphia, Cleveland, Ooliimhin, Detroit, and many entailer clllea In New York and Ohio. In Philadelphia. 8. Davla Wll ton, with a plurality of 47.214 votea, hailed hla election over John n. Kelly, the democratic cundldnte, aa Indicative of "a united party for tho election of a republican prealdent In 1936." Hut di'inocruta pointed out the Quaker city had not elected a demorratlc mayor aince J 881. and compared Wllaon't 47.214 plu rality with tho republican edge of 338,679 In the 1931 election. The llrltli.h Muneuin hua rneel mens of Chin one catalogs and pamphlela mndo more than 1500 yeara ago and atlll In an excellent wtnte of preaervntlnn. BLACKS REPEL FIRST ATTACK UPONMAKALE (Continued from Pago One) forward rapidly will not be per mitted lo do an, officers aald, aloce any one of the three main bodlea might lug bin none tho dif ficulties of ' tho term In might cuiiko a luck of supplies. The front, us it shiipes up for I (i m r r o w's move forward, stretches over 30 miles of lerrl-' lory. LIE OF I!1C!1 E OliHurvanee of Arir.imlce day, Monday, .November 11, will be iiiiirked by numerous events start ing with the pure do which has been announced for 10:30 o'clock Monday morning. J I in Fowlor Is general chair man of the Armistice Day com mittee, and Noble Center Is in charge of arrangements for the purado, Business houses, city and county offices and banks will remain closed all day. All organizations'- desiring to parllclpnta in the pnrado are osknd to call Jim Fowler at 1053 before Saturday Novomber 9. Tho parade will form on Third alroot between Main street and Klamath avenue at 10:00 o'clock Monday morning, and the line-up has been announced by Canter as follows: Police escort. Cnplnln O. C. Applegate, mar shal nf the day. Mussed colors. Armed troops, (national guard units). American Legion drum corps. Spanish War Votcrans. The Salvation Army. Pep Peppers organization. Hoy Scouts. Sea Scouts. Kagles auxiliary drum corps. Sons of- the Legion. School boy patrol. F.lka band. World War Veterans. Floats. A meter mounted on the dash Is now available for car owners to check the Afflelenv nt rKal. brakes. Klqmath Cold Snap Relents (Continued from page ono) IS Unriia 1S Kftnrf 9fl. tlatrav 90 Ktignno and Salem 24, Albany 25, l!,r,HIU 1(1 Wnlr frank 911 Mrl. ford 28, North Hand 84, Roseburg an. BAN FHANCIHCO, Nor. , tVP) Itlslng temperatures occurred today along tho Pacific coast and tho weather bureau here forecast a return to normal after a cold spell lasting several days. 'The minimum reading at Port land, Ore., was 22 degrees above zero, compared to 30 yesterday. Other minimum tnmperuturea today- Included: Maker, Ore., 20 above; Yuklma, Wash., 28; Seat llo, 32; Spokane, 34; Kureka, 38; Fresno, Calif., 40; Kidding, Cel., 42; San Francisco, 48; Han Diego, 50, and Los Angeles, (2. Potato Markets Lower Wednesday (Continued from page one) ditlon. At Portland, prices moved up to 12.80 a sack. PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. fp) 8. II. Hall, Multnomah county agricultural agent, said today that tho crop loss In the county because of the untimely freezing weather can be estimated, con servallvely, at 1500,000. Growers of late cauliflower In the Troutdale and Sprlngdale areas wero hardest hit. Tho crop Is almost a total loss, the dam age amounting to about 1250,- 000. Cabbage growera In the county suffered a loss of about 150.000. . Hull said the freeze was not severe enough here to damage the can berries, but many acres of strawberries are believed to have been destroyed. Arkansas has the lowest, and Maine the highest, cancer death rate of all the slates of the Union. "Annie Laurie" Is the favorite song of British soldiers, who would rather sing It than any other song. The world's most tattooed man probably waa Constantlne, the Greek king,-who had 381 designs upon his body. Approximately 130,000 will be spent through WPA In Improve ment of tho Klamath Falls muni cipal airport, bringing It up to standard In all ways but tho ad ministration building and lights. This was reported to the board of directors of the chamber of commerce Wednesday by J, A. Gordon, of the aviation commit tee. Oordon said that about 12,000 will be contributed locally and 128,000 by the government for the WPA project. Ed Ceary of thoi agricultural committee reported that through the county appropriation, the con tribution by sheepmen, and the biological survey, five trappers will be provided for this county to fight predatory animals the coming year. Malcolm Epley of the forum committee, reported that Senator Charles L. McNary Is being In vited to speak at a November forum, If possible, and that other prominent speakers are being sought. It appears likely that George Koen, state department commander of the American Le gion, will be a speaker at a forthcoming meeting. Ed Dunham of the finance committee, Fred Fleet of the In dustries committee, and others submitted reporU. Tests have shown that carbon monoxide gas Is present in meas urable quantities in six of every 10 cara now on the road. The people In the east might bo termed "agnostics" on tho new deal. Senator Arthur Van denberg, Michigan. PELICAN SATURDAY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED To rent or buy, hos pital break bed. Phone 1900. 1079 FOR SALIC Heater, good condi tion. 7.15 Ml. Whitney. 1080 Crater Lake Trip Offers Beauties A trip to Crater Lake Jt(3'l time will bo found to bo an In teresting and Inspiring ' experi ence, according to Ernest Hostel, publicity manager for' the park service, who telephoned the chamber of commerce Wednesday noon. llright, clear dnrs make the park particularly beautiful In Its winter dross, Itoatol said. Roads are In good shape, but motorists should take chains with thorn. They might be need ed above Anna Springs. A landing field has linen estab lished by tho United States army on the Island of nntnu, midway between the Philippines and tho Japanese Island of Formosa. SO PURE YOU CAN EATDT! MURRAY'S of LA POINTE'S SALON OF BEAUTY Eugene Permanent You ar sure of gotting a porfect wave when you let us give you a Eugene wave wifh Eu gene sachets. They will leave your hair in soft, d e a p, waves with beautiful, ringlet ends. o There Is Nothing Like It Eternoly Shampoo Tint , Brings Back tha natural color and lustre to your hair in one short treatment. MURRAY'S Phone 571 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY $$$$$$$ For Home Loans To---Buy Build Repair On the Direct lieiluctlon I'lnii for W illi Ii Interest Is Clmrited Only on tho Unpaid' Balance Tho snfi'st, surest, least expensive method of pay liiK oft a home loan over n convenient term of years, ltepnld by mod erate mom lily cnsli In stallments suited to your Income. Monthly Payments Less Than Rent , First Federal Swings 8 Loan Association of Klamath Falls 111 No. 9th St. Fine Fleece " 'is50 to $3950 Fleece is lightweight . . . fleece is" warm . . . fleece is rich-looking and the lightest, warmest, richest-' looking fleece coats are right here in Klamath Falls at Kirkpatrick and Reederl Ulsters, town coats, rag lans, polos and fancy back models all tailored to a king's tastel You can enjoy cold weather if. you're dressed in a warm fleece. Be in . for -ours soonl 1 Kirkpatrick & Ree'der I CLOTHIERS CDBNtR nrTH AND MAIN STS. KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Concert Seats Will Be Raised Seals at the Klamath, armory will be raised to aa Incline for the heneflt of the audience at the Olga Dane-Oertrudo Schrager concert Thursday night. ' Elaborate arrangements are being made to give the appear ance of a flower garden to the stage where the artists will ap pear. Tickets for tha event, spon sored hy the Jluslness and Pro fessional Women's chorus, arc selling well and It la believed a large audience will be on hand. Deportation of the "woman In , red" teaches that. In America, anything of that color may be waved, but not worn. Farms average only about two acres In Japan. (Q Men like it YMen lilcs Schilling Tcs ' because It hJ fi mora flavor It's full-flavored because it's been toasted, Schilling Toasted lCl v. --wwr" Nunn-BusK) AnMe. judAiomcu 675 to $ir.5o The REPUTATION enjoyed by Nunn-Btuh shoes is a remarkable one. In oar opinion they are the finest shoes we have ever seen, DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main St. THE STYLE PARADE 1 S'yjf ' 'V. . I ? I WUSOUAIUOTtt SHAWL Read fashion's latest story In the lines of these glorious Red Cross Shoes. Each pair a triumph of designingl Come in let our experts fit you while our collection is most complete. 1 They're clicking with women as never before. From coast to coast, Red Cross Shoes are breaking all time, all high sales records for women's fine shoes. The marvelous increase in sales of Red Cross Shoes from 1930 to 1935 is 891 Proof of the growing popularity of Red Cross Shoes. ca.F0R.MEM