PAGE FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON November 1, 1935 dtoening JjentlD HERALD PDBUSB1NO OOMPANt, Publish!- WW IffMUIMI . WH KPIJBl "'"I1"! Kdllor Pakllsksd nrt aturtioo xcpi Suny by Tin Hr.l4 PublUhlae Company l I0S-JI1 Bout rifm Strt. Klsrosih rU. Oro bl&IsJ ad llM matur Ik potiofflc si KUroatk , Or. M A. us us I , , anr v. -. - .... UAlb sVtTBS PATABLB IN ASVAMCa '" " In County tratsld Ceuot Tr Units J J II Mollu J'J J 5a Iw " Oa Moktk Tkr Hosts. II Moatk Oh DllTr4 j CarrUr la City -I .11 i lk t.t . Its MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATION Rprenttd Nationally by M. C Uoitmal CO. loo. ' aa rmelm Nv York. Ctrolt. Ssstlls, Cklest-a. Fortune Lot Aarl Col of Ik Nwi and Hrald, toctncr witk eomput Information kat tk kUaaiatk Fall market, may b obtained lot Ik asktna at any or tn orucss Msmksr of Tk Associated Pre Tk Aolat Press la xelnlyly ntltUa to tk' a or raeaklloatloa of all aw tftspauk erdttd to It or aol otksrwls erodttto la tkis aaaar, aai also tk local nw published thrln. All rtskts l rpakllcatloa ot spalal dupatck kr ar ala rrv4 Keep It On IT ha been a fortnight now since the so-called "lid" was clamped on gambling activities in Klamath county. Slot machines and other open schemes to take money from the gullible have been stopped for that period. Contrary to the old "open town good business" philosophy, business in general has not suffered a bit, and it is pretty safe to say that a lot of people who have needed money for essentials, and the paying of legitimate bills, have had it, when otherwise it would have been lost forever for -the transient pleasure of "taking a chance." This was the gain made in the blow-up at the court house, and it is a gain that must be retained. Experience has taught that there may soon be expect ed an attempt to "edge in" by those who profit from gambling and that sort of thing. That always happens as a situation of this kind cools off and attention is di- rected to other matters. But this move must not be permitted to succeed. The , authorities have their orders, and they should obey them. Where to Start THERE is no denying that Klamath connty has an un savory reputation, so far as administration of criminal justice is concerned, throughout Oregon.- - "It's the safest place to commit a crime," is the sort of remark one hears. A local man the other day said : "If I were accused of anything in. Klamath county, the last thing I'd do would be to plead guilty. It's too easy to get off." It is often remarked that the more serious the of , fense, the' more certain the chance of getting off. Park in front of a fire plug, and you get soaked. Commit a , murder, and you go free. '. People of Klamath county cannot justifiably lay the blame for this reputation entirely on the officers and .the courts.- A lot of it is due to their own free-and-easy at titude toward violation of the law. If there should grow up in the county an overwhelming sentiment for. the certain punishment of every offender, there would be found a response to that sentiment among officers, magistrates, prosecutors and juries. There are -other conditions that have led to Klam ath's unwelcome reputation. But underlying it all is public indifference, and if there is to be any progress toward-a more healthy condition, the start must be made at that point ' ' - Elks Monte Carlo nights are scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Proceeds from these evenings of fun and , entertainment will go to the Elk's charity fund. The public is invited to the lodge home on these two eve nings. .The purpose is worthy. I Adolph's Observations MUSSOLINI ' isn't going to take the country away from the Ethiopians according to his declaration, but rather is going to prorlds what you call a Pro tectorate over them. We don't '. know exactly- what that Is hnt It's obrionsly something they got along without heretofore. Ton know, this son of a Cae sar Isn't so bad at heart, yon just hare to understand blm. He hasn't any intention of add ing territory to Italy bnt is prompted In the present war by a great humanitarian desire to fir the Abyasiniana an Italian cirilliatlon. II Dace thinks that's what they need to set them up in business. It will probably develop in the end that the Italians will give the Ethiopians the sort of protection that a- grasshop per gets when a goose catches it. "One gulp and the darn thing is protected forever." Crooning Crosby Gets Number From Telephone Girl HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Nov. 1. (P) Kay Rooney, a telephone operator, was the one girl in many millions of girls today. For her and her alone, Bing Crosby sang a song. It happened this way: Crosby recently sold his To luca lake home to Al Jolson and Ruby Keeler. Pending the com' pletion of a new "one, he moved into one of Marion Davies' houses. He forgot the telephone number, so he called Miss Roon ey, the lone night operator in the studio, at midnight. "I'm sorry," she replied. "I'm not allowed to give out Miss Davies number." "But I live there," Crosby pro tested. "This is Bing Crosby." "I'm sorry ," Miss Rooney began again, politely. "Listen." Crosby cut in. And with that, he began hurling the famous Crosby baritone at her. He sang one whole song. ' He got the number. WASHINGTON NEWS BEHIND TUB NEWS Ttio Inside Story From The Capital . By PAUL MALLON CopyrUht HJ6, by Paul Halloa SIDE GLANCES- cf WASHINGTON. Not. I. The Italian pre has now hailed Sec retary Hull s last note as a re buff to the League of Nations. The loasue has hailed It as an encouragement to proceed with sanctions agaluat the Italiaus. In the midst of this confusing hailing, the duty haa devolved upon a diplomat within the state department to Interpret the note. It Is his job to condense all the acts ot the secretary of stute Into confidential memo form for our foreign envoys strewn around the world. He struggled with the Hull document halt aa hour, and then hailed it to his secretary as follows: "Send them the whole note. 1 cannot interpret what the heck it means." Yoa may accept this as the of ficial interpretation. Mr. Hull did not approve leaxue sanctions he did not disapprove. He is perched adroitly on one hand and ths other. . POSTSCRIPT What the Italians do not know is that Mr. Hull or someone close to him has slipped a few choice additional words to Geneva unof ficially through our diplomats mere. This is to the effect that the league should not worry about the note; that the U. S. cannot take action on league sanctions against Italy as long as they are merely proposals, but that we will, give them serious (if not sympa thetic) attention when they are put into effect. In other words, the Geneva hail seems to be nearer right man toe Italian. REASON'S The nntA will mutntihtAHl vlA for Mr. Hull this year the Nobel prise for ambiguity. The fundamental explanation for SUf.fl arndvonaB, fa ant.nA..J to be that a man higher up than Jir. ttun aid not want any com mitments or advance promises made to the leaizne. For utdmI obvious reasons, also, this gov ernment did not want to-assume the reAnnnaihilitv fn, f.nt.. ... cooperate with the league on a peace enaeavor, although Involve ment in it could conceivably lead to war. The tnrr ti rpa nt .ittlinu M supposed to have beset Mr. Hull for three entire davs. Kn in..i that muA time composing and re composing, but was satisfied with uie iinai araiu Parker's New Deal 1111717 Th!s Beauliful T nCtC $2.50 Fountain Pen Unconditionally Guaranteed for B Years ABSOLUTELY FREE SATURDAY ONLY NOTICE TO AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS Tn nernrHnnea with nn p.utnB.i -. i 1 . deliver- a $2.50 FOUNTAIN PEN FREE with each purchase of a package of PARKER'S RAZOR BLADES at 49c,' and this advertisement signed. . PARKER'S New Blades are made of finest Surgical Steel, hollow ground by our own patented process. With the purchase of each packago of 49c, you will receive a beautiful regular (2.50 fountain pen, unconditionally guaranteed for 6 years by the manufacturer, ABSOLUTELY FREE. LIMIT 2 'SETS TO A CUSTOMER STAR DRUG STORE ' "h and Main THE REXALL STORE - Telephone 281 Klamath Falls, Oregon SOF1 SOAP A short tlm& tur.H sr. vrit - -v-iu-n -ill. null dispatched the note, he summon ed, of nil nennla In InA - -1 .1 u i predecessor, Henry Stimson. This wo. ,Ra . .1 luoi nine any zignre ot the previous administration has been called Into counsel here since rresiuem Koosevelt was inaugurated. The DUrooSM vm tint sni.tBt Tt seems. tht iv citn,. i ' dioed nationally a Criticism of the uuiiwairauon ior not cooperating more close)? with rh. i,..a t. j , n il Is understood on the inside that Jir. huh asked him, in effect: "Just what would you do under the circumstances?" Mr ctimBn. gave the answer anri AtnawaH n smiles. The In.lrto re.snr, ... honoring Mr. Stimson is supposed to be that Mr. Hull desires to pro- muie non-partisanship on the peace policy and, specifically, to prcTcnt any more stimson radio talks. DISARMAMENT The very day on which the forthcoming London naval dis armament conference will con vene, the king of England will open a new parliament, elected on a promise to appropriate a billion dollars for British rearmament. For that reason and others, there is a disposition Inside the New Deal here to look upon that Cm sa-'-iJv I K If j' rl '1 always forget, from one year to the next, just how much trouble and how uncomfortable this is." - meeting with disfavor. In fact, it la said that even the eternal disarmament optimist, Norman Davis, doe not want to attend that meeting. He is sup posed to believe that It should be called a rearmament rather than a disarmament conference. Word here Is that Britain will open the conference by telling it directly or indirectly that it wants twenty more cruisers added to the fifty it already has. France is supposed to say it cannot continue within treaty limits. Japan will present a demand for parity with Great Britain and the U. S. It is a reasonable probability that the D. S. delegation will try to postpone the meeting. VARIATION There are Indications that the New Deal publicity department has adopted the Notre Dame shift. Regularly, every few months, the state department baa been handing out a report from our Havana envoy, Jeff Cattery, show ing how well the Cuban trade treaty is working. As this Is the only trade treaty which has yet shown any substantial results, continuous stress was considered advisable. But the stress Was so continuous that newsmen around the state department passed the last few Caffery announcements into receptacles which the govern ment provides for its most incon sequential material. The other day the bi-monthly Hosannahs about the Cuban trade treaty came out as usual, hut this time from the treasury depart ment.! The New Deal publicists decided to try It on another set of newsmen In hopes that they have never heard about it before. About the Bible DOES nnklndness seem to sur mnnit unf Saa whit -n. Christ says In John 15: "... As the Father bath loved me, so have I loved yon: continue ye In my love . . . This Is my com mandment, That ye love one an other, as I have loved you . . . If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it bated you. If ye were .of the world, the world would love Its own: bnt because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you . . . But when the Comforter Is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of met and ye shall also bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning." Ten Years - Ago "n Klamath I8UND, aged 15, employe of the California Oregon Power company, drowned this afternoon at 2:20 o'clock In Link river, 200 feet above Copco dam. A small canvas boat in which Sund waa hunting, capsiied 12 feet away, from shore and threw htm out. Unable to swim, Sund floundered around for a few min utes and then sank. No trace of the body had been found up to 3:30 p. m. History repeats Itself and so do Hallowe'ens. The same "old folks" that, complain most bitter ly from pranks on that evening of mischief, played the same tricks and maybe a bit worse, when they were In their "teens' or younger. A few. of Klamath Falls' most estimable and law abiding citizens were Interviewed yesterday al though they did not realise It, and told the meanest and most mis chievous tricks IheX had ever played. -.'.,. From Other Editors GOOD WORK AND Jl.ll (Metlfonl Mall Tribune) Nothing could mure elunrly show the absence ot proper- lead ership and snnse of public re sponsibility In ths state Ivglstu lu re, than (he action taken yoi (vrduy on (lie Towusuud old age pension pliuu . This session was called to meat an etuvrKt'Ucy, created by the burning of the stale capltol build ing, and ths confusion oxlstlng, regarding tho slate social security program, particularly In ths direc tion ot old ago pon. Ions, It waa obviously the legisla ture's duty to couccntiiito upon these two objects, tiunstu-t the Im portant business concerning thorn, and In the Interest of economy and the into welfare adjourn aa oon as this work had boon dune. Towutoiid plan was adopted by votu of 3a to 241 We r glint to note, however, that fllonn Taylor and Moore lininlllnii, the two rpraitlallv from Jacksou county, had tn courage and good si'ie to Join with 22 oilier reprosunlatlves and vote against such an alius of the luKislutlve privilege. All erodlt to thum. Au overwhelming majority ot the people Including wo believe ninny who favor .the Townsniid plat In principle, will uphold thorn la taking such aotlon, at such Km as Ilia present, and umlur ooudltlons which now pre vail. ' They hava bosn saying Hint (ouora) should tnka off the high hat. We have done It, and we are going to try to give the pulillo whut It wauls la opera. Opera Is not dead; It Is owing reborn. K-.iwnr.i Juhiisnn. genoral mana ger, Metropolitan Opera. Had the legislature never taken action on the Townsvml plun, to bring up the question at this spe cial session would have beau out of order. Rut to bring up the mutter when action had been taken at the regular session, uud then to duiuand merely a re petition of thnt action which was nothing but nn empty gusturo any way ai utterly Inexcusable, and Irom the standpoint of good gov ernment, nothing short ot shame ful. Not only does It show the en tire lack of proper orcfnlistlon and leadership in the lower house, but it shows the abject political cowardice ot the membership uf thut body as a whole. r i We venture to say there are not ten members ot the lower houe who sincerely bellove In the Townsend old age pension plan, and we doubt If there are half that number who honestly bellevo the proposal can ever be made the law of the land. But they know there are votes behind the. proposal, that to op pose it directly or Indirectly, means to Incur the dlspleusure and opposition of au orgaulird political minority, so when it fame to a show down they re fused to vote according to their convictions, and following the example of all political Jelly-fish, drifted along the easloit way. As a result this second memor ialising ot congress to adopt the' For Coohlng Water Heating House Heating Cheap -Clean Convenient KLAMATH NATURAL GAS CO. 700 Main Street Phone 1685 Soma People Say After 40 years- of more or less honest life, I find myself classed with a Clark Street kootch dan cer. Henry Hull, star of "To bacco Road," banned by mayor of Chicago. We are on our way back: not Just by pure change, not by a mere turn of a wheel and a cycle. We are coming back soundly because we planned it that way, and don't let anybody tell you differently. President Roosevelt. hi mm T5r.TffJl a T.T.I .1 A QUALITY DRINKER . . . IS A MODERATE DRINKER An spemUKea for all fin tkinos Is govsmsd by modartt indulgtnc io all fin thing. I SAMUEL UNGHLEIOBt, rrttldsiit Jtnvsi Clsrl DliHIIIno Corporation - a x 6i n I I STRAIGHT I WHISKEY KENTUCKY BOURBON 95 PROOF 18 MONTHS Aging fn fh wood g!vs H that famous eld piontar mtllowntM. PINT 1.15 QUART . '2.20 D&B BLACK LABEL WHISKEY-A BLEND-90 PROOF ; 3 b 17 tun old, 17 fi 4 ys.ri old and 40'. k I yt.r old and all iprily blsndsd with 40 pur grain nutrl spirits to mk psrfsction. PINT$lI0 QUART 2.I5 GULF STREAM STRAIGHT WHISKEY 90 PROOF 12 MONTHS Thr Is no lai'up on tli increasing popularity throughout sll of Or, gon of init spltndid whiiisy. Th rssson why, Is quality; quality first nd last. Try it yoursalf. - '. '...40 PINT . .. 75 QUART t 40 HAU OAl. 2.7S OAUON$9.3S Dftt!ttd by iprts from spsctally sletad grain ghrs this whiiky Its dittincfiv charctr. , 14 MONTHS OLD haif eaa an. PINT e7U PINT QUART , L70 714 Main St. Cash Market Phone 1974 We take this opportunity to thank 6ur rrfany friend whose kind patronage has, made pptjible the success which we have attained thus far. Stop and Shop and England's Market Sugar 10 LB. Cloth Sack 53' Butter I uHL, Milk Cottage, Sat. Only Limrt S Cans rail Cans llraoKflrid Cheese I'lmlcnlo. Ilrirst, & tC Nrisa, c psgs.... M Florida Grapefruit Nn. a run. 2 runs. .... o. Ji. Soap Meco String Beans No fi rnn. 2 rnn Kw-kMtooil Cocoa 2-lti. ran . 19" Mro Golden Corn 2 vnnn 23 ItaKlc-y Htnntlnrri Tomatoes 2 54 can 1G Free Delivery Any Amount bor- I'rjstnl Willie Soap 10 linrn 33 Knnry Rice 3 iim. 21 NeigS 1 1 ' s. sj, nooa 3 lores ,(2285 2 LBS. mmmmmm Cup and Saucer Free 53 Fruits (i Vegetables Bunch Vegetables, 4 for 10c Grapefruit, Sunkist, doz 27c Green Peppers, 3 lbs 19c Sweet Spuds, 4 lbs 14c Apples, box 99c J-'uncy Homo Hcfliitirs Onions, 10 lbs 23c Yellow Danvcrs, V. H. Xo. 1 ('liulco Dry Peaches fc 2 lbs " ........ 23c Hultcrl Crackers 2-lh. pks: Wellman Quality Canned Foods Tiny Peas qc No. S ran Grapefruit 2QC No, a can, 2 for .. & Fruit Salad or Cocktail f Cc No. 1 can ' Fruits and Vegetables . 10c Asnortvd nuffnt Cans. Can I'ovo Oysters ft-oz. can. 2 cans no-no Prunes 2 His 2y 15c ENGLAND'S MEAT MARKET Free Delivery Any Amount Phone 1904 Pot Roast LB. Boil Bcei 4 lbs 2gc Baccn ".J;fc HamburgesrLB. c denies lb.22c sssssssssssssslsssSiasssnail,il a iisjui.1 wu Swift's Sliced Bacon No Rind LB, Fresh Salmon LB. US' Fancy Select Oysters PINT 29 Round Steak Swiss Steak Rump Roast Lb U.i