PAGE FOURTEEN THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS I OUR BOARDING HOUSE BY AHERN by Robft BfUC O 1911 NEA Swvfct, lie. , - 7vtlt- I Jl ICO IN 1IIC1IB TOD AT JKAW llNNt Merrtnry to DOV- MJ MOhTAUlJi;, Iflwer. drlnr i her anatrrr Whrn llnliby Willi nee, MiHumohflr an Iranian, naks Jmo to niurrr him. I A I'll fsoldrn Featfcr nlitlil rlultab merit HANDY HAIIKIAN, j -who bulnr contifcflo in I vnituf. Mnnilr lntrotIup Ilohhy )ana Jean in Hill, nnd Mil Si LICW f IN ana nnhltv arrnnirea to aril mint bond for He Bella Kent, i tlirm in Jrnn'a employer. I.AIIIIY iVderat t lotiK ll frlrnd f Jcnn'a parrnU, U trying to loralc WINUY l.KW- in, Imnie roniirr. i-nrry mcnipa iimf Hfolrn honda nnd qnratlnna KO.N'NV IIOY1I. Rambler, a Hon I 1hm. Itoyil ronfraara lie toOKHf the bond a from Itonnld MontnRue. HlonlRBjup Irlla Lurry he bought Jirm from Hobby. I.nrry inlka to Bobby lenma f.ptTla bounbt a ror recently nnd aaaitpcfa It la nrmnred. lie aenda four of hie men to gnla' hotel, NOW GO ON WITH THIS STORY CHAPTER XX RANK WATSON and Al Peters F vera waiting outstda the en trance to the West Park botol whoa Larry drove up. "Tony ond Tommy are Inside," said Watson. "Tony's up at the entrance to the suite, and Tommy Is with the manager. The peo plo'd checked out just about 30 minutes before we got here. The manager psysthey Bocmed to be In a hurry." "I'll bet thcywere," said Larry. ' Thoy entorod the lobby and crossed to the desk, where Tommy Watormwas talking with the manager, a worried-looking Individual In a morning coat "I hope you'll be able to con duct your investigation quietly," ihe said. "It would be a bad jthlng for us to havoiany publicity labout this." Yes, I Imagine ISwould," said ' iLarry. "One goodway to avoid things like that Is to be a little careful aboutiwho younrent rooms to" ' ' He took the 1 key,; which the manager handedlhlm.l glanced at ' i the number, saldcurlly, "You needn't come with bus, and led the other agents tojthe elevator. ' ' They went uptanoHfound Tony , -LaRocco loungins at1 the apart imont entrance. Larry unlocked the door and they all went inside, closing the door after (them. The' suite conslatediot a large. ornately-furnished living room,' '.two bedrooms, j an elaborately tiled bathroom,-, and a small kit chenet and Ullnlus alcove. Larry looked aboutbim appreciatively. i. "They did themselves well. :these.b!rd5.1"Th9 said. Tommy ..Waters' nodded ii They crossed the living room '. and entorod Uiie larger of the bedrooms. Iti was in disorder. The twin bodstwere unmade, the drawers oborcaus csd dressing tables stood wpon, a tray conlaln 'lng highballs iglassea - with the dregs still In ttiiem stood on a Utile table bctvoen the beds, and a crumpled sevsweer lay on the ; floor nearby. There was a dis carded seek Us onto, dresser, end : a crauipled Ehcetyof wrapping pipur bf-sido it "Nothing much ' to see here," observed Larry. -"Lot's look far ther." The bathroom was similarly dluordarcd. The other bedroom seswed act to have . been occo , pied, and waa la apple pie order; but the dicing alcove table still bore pZatoa and cups with the re cnics cf a je1, and empty bot tles staoa on iho shelves of the llltlo fcitchessi. Litrry iasreetcd the t alcove table. " V "Set for three," he said. "Looks like supper rather than Breakfast Well, well soon find out". . r A ROCCO was inspecting the - used glasses and empty bot tles in the kitchenet He looked ' op to remark, "Some swell prints here." "Good," said Larry. "Get 'em." ' LaRocco got out the apparatus from the little bag Larry had ; brought with him and went to work. Larry continued bis ln- gpectlon of the dining alcove, while. the other men explored the living room. "This stuff came from the kit chen downstairs." he said at last. , "They , didn't prepare it them lelves. Lot's get the manager np here.". One of the agents reached for the phone and summoned that in dividual. He arrived in a tew minutes, still wearing his look of apprehensive and Injured Inno cence. . . "I want to know when these people last had an order from the kitchen," said Larry. "Find out for me and send up t the : waiter who served it." The manager bowed and left, to return a little later with a waiter. ' ;;- v ' The waiter explained that he bad served supper for three fn the apartment the night before,' at about 9:30. Two men and one -woman were In the party; the woman and one of the men. were tho people who occupied the suite regularly; the other man was a,. visitor who frequently, came to the apartment but never spent the night there. Larry took out a rogue's gal lery picture of Wlngy LewlB and handed it to him with a ques tion. The waiter looked at It and nodded' slowly. "I think so," ho said. "I can't be quite sure. It looks like him, though." : "Did you notice his hands?", asked Larry. The waiter looked at him, un comprehending; thon a light . dawned : in his eyes and he nodded. "Yes, yes," he said ex citedly. "His left hand he had but four fingers." "That's him," said Larry, slip ping the picture back In his pocket. Lurry bent over the table. ' "Come hero, Tony," he said. "8oe If you can got any prints off tho silver." ... He looked up at the waiter speculatively. "Do you romomber," ho asked, "when yon laid' the places, did fon happen to wipe oft the sil ver with a napkln?": Tho waiter looked at him blankly, thon sbook his head. "Thon your prints would prob ibly be on It?" . "Yea. And also, .perhaps, tho prints of the bus boy wlio carrios (h. silver (row jh pI5io whore i It Is washed and ilrtei) to Rio raoft from which wo collect It." Larry turned to the manager. "Find that bus boy and get him up here," ho said. "Mean whilo " turning back to the waiter as tho manager left, "let us have your flngorprlnts, will you?" Grinning broadly, the waiter compiled. The bus boy, looking very scared, was trought up a moment later, and his prints like wise wore recorded. An hour later Larry made a final survey of tho place, and nodded to the others. "Wore through here," ho said, "Lot's go." As they reached the lobby be sought out the doorman. "Where do the guests here usually park their cars?" he sked. The doorman named a commercial garage a block away. LaRocco and Tommy Waters called a cab and went downtown, while the other three hurried to the garage. There Larry sought out the manager and produced once more his rpgucs' gallery por trait of Wlngy Lewis. The manager studied It thought fully, then nodded. "Looks like him," he said. "What kind of a car did he drive?" "Well, he came here with a La Place sedan." said the manager. "Then about a week or ten days ago he came In with a new one a big 12-cylinder Frontenae. dark blue with gold beading and blue wire wheels." He stuck his head out of the lit tle wicket in his office, where they were talking, and called a colored attendant "Hey, Hank! Come here, will you?" Hank came over; a tall. Intelligent-looking colored man in tan breeches and puttees, a blue shirt open at the throat Larry Immedi ately asked him about Mr. Lewis's big blue Frontenae: had he ever noticed anything nnusual about it? "Nothln" 'cept that it was awful heavy," said Hank. "Ah." said Larry softly. "How'd you happen to notice that?" "Well," said Henry, "he brought It in one night an' told me to change the oil, so I took it np on the third floor and run it cn the rack. 'Stead of havln' pits here we got wooden racks, like Ho ges tured with his hands to illustrate their arrangement of inclined par allel rails. "I run it' up on there, and the first upright on the right hand rail broke. Didn't break off short Just cracked an' split I back it off an' ibad a look at the npright Good I strong piece of wood; I never' thought anything less'n a five-ton 'truck wou'.d crack It So I took the car over to the fillln' station on the comer, where they got pits, an' had It done." Beyond that Hank hd noticed nothing. He was dismissed, and Larry turned to the manager and asked him when ; Lewis had left that morning. "Jnst about an hour ago," the manager replied. "Bought 10 gal lons of gas and shoved off, with a girl in tho front eeat beside him and BuKccoes in the back." After) Jotting down the license numberlof the ccr, and ascertain ing that) Lewis had csKher asfced for any read msps nar nwdo any cssual remarks the woa'.d s!ts any clew as to the UlrssilMi be had planned toitake, Larry end bio men returned ?othe federal bvtluing. Ia his oalce Larry rcassem-lcd his staff about ' him. "Now," hes&ld, "we've get to drift around town and ask ten mil lion questions. Somewhere arcu".d Dover there must be soircoso who bos some sort yof notion whAt part of the country theso people were apt to head fori It's up to us to find oat fast"j (To BefContinacd) Before the professional pilot can get hlB scheduled air transport rating, he must pass a test prov ing that he is capable of flying by the use ot his instruments and radio alone. There are 16 colleges and uni versities In the United States giv ing courses leading to degrees in aeronautical engineering, with 74 having various courses in aero nautics, but not offering degrees. Airway beacons flash six times minutes,. and by their regularity they thus are identified by pilots as part of the federal airway sys tem. On the newer airways, the bea con lights are double-ended, with two beams instead of one, and the light Is so powerful that sites can be 15 miles apart instead of 10. Two parachutes must be worn by pilots on exhibition or practice jumps, usually one on the chest and one on the buck. Flapper Fanny Says OCTOBEfd When accounts show , a loss, you're at a loss how to mako ends ineot ., ii H limit t. h. Kta u s. nt. err. BOtfM TVilCT VGARS TOO SOOM $ iu n nia Slavic t. inc Lsst if k.K-' yz j 'fE - GET A OP- THAT CHEST, TX3C! THERES PLENTY OF- TH'OC OOF there; AN" THAT'S WHY I TOOK ON -RASSUN", AS A SVDELINE AAY SPECIALTY HOLD ISTH' GRIZZLE- HUG -v. A.N WHEN T TUPM ON TH PRESSURE, I CAN SQUEEZE TH "RIVETS OUT OF A HOT WATER ,fAY WOTVd! I'LL GET YOU SOrvE WRESTUN6 MATCHES , AVSO, ROSCOEW there's a local ci iar CALLED , PILErDRWER OLSON , WHOrvA THE. FANS ARE ANXIOUS m lc.c. defeated FEATURE RO3C0E t ItU BY NIA VCIIVICI, INC. T. U. RCO, T AFTER TEN t Hc ' VM1NUTE3 I OLSON, irMww , THEY D tHAVE) MARKS I TO SENu ON, tor an old j himsmt: CLWPER i AFTEP, S sailor to V AVvr unknot .-boutI .that chumpltj. LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE BY HAROLD GRAY 7 SO MR. OPDOWM THINKS ) vv A HE CAN GIVE ME TH' , -C 1 RUN-AROOND, EH WELL TV i SEE ABOOT THAT-SH-H JL 1 Look, sandy- here tL UCI I r TUCDC UD OPDOWN- WElL.WELL- I'M SURE GLAD TO SEE YQO- REMEMBER WHAT YOU SAID? MINT rilVlfc xwu COULD HELP ME. YOU SAID TO COME TO YOU-- WELL" ' OH- ER--HA? HA! WHY, IT'S LITTLE TO SEE YOU, MY CHILD - f VOLI bID MARVELOUS WORK ON THAT PICTURE POK tSOLOSSftt.- POSITIVELY MARVELOUS- THE PICTURE IS BOUND TO BE A SENSATION- YES, INDEED- YQil WERE THE REAL STAR- HERE HERE ARE TWO TICKETS TO THE BIG PREMIERE OF THAT PICTURE- I'VE BEEN SAVING THEM FOR. YOU- I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN YOU, MV CHILD- FAR FROM IT--ER-- AHEM- CAN'T TELL YOU THE DETAILS NOW, BUT IF WHAT I HAVE IN MIND GOES THROUGH, I'LL MAKE YOU THE GREATEST STAR IN THE COUNTRY- BUT NOT A WORD OF THIS. YET-" NOW I MUST RUN ALONG -SEE YOU AT THE PREMIERS . i FRECKLES AND HIS. FRIENDS BY BLOSSER SEE THIS OE(?SEy ? IT BELONGS TO A FELLOW NAMED FRECKLES M GOOSEY . ITS A LITTLE FADED AMD BATTLE -SCARPED. AKJD IT HASN'T BEE W IW MANV GAME'S THIS VEAR.' WHY? BECAUSE THE OWE WHO WORE IT -PLACED MORE IM PORTANCE OW SOME -THIWQ BESIDES FOOT BALL . but don't eer THE IDEA THAT THIS JERSEY HAS BEEN DlSCi RACED r SOMEDAY YOU'LL KNOW THAT IT HASN'T. 1W THE MEAMTIME, I WANT TO FIND ONE AMONG YOU BIG ENOUGH TO WEAR (T. HOW TO I' AVI I VUAIllhltUAt.h KNUTE ROCKNETS Idea of t good quarter back was a follow with plenty of personal ity, a "cocky" altitude, and a good barking voice so that when he yelled the signals the backlleld didn't have the tendency tc be lulled to sleep. In short, he was an inspirational leader. Rock also thought that the two most Impor tant things to teach a quarterback were when not to pass and. "When in doubt, punt." But football has changed, what with the ad vent ot the lateral, and forward passes being tossed almost anytimo. - A quarterback Is boss of all situations. Ik must either succeed on his own hook, or sxrts manlike, take a rap for an error In judgment. He must always he on tlie lookout for the breaks, nnd must punL punt, punt, on a wet, sloppy field until he gets one of those breaks. NEXT-HOW TO PI AY FULLBACK WASH TUBBS BY CRANE fo rake's ear ANgrneg)LissEN,vouMU5s if anybody sere1 PISTOL SOMg PLACE. JVOCn IN MY TENT, I'LL-v-' - 'BUT ALL I FOUND WAS THIS EMPTY HOLSTER .THEN SEARCHN THE OTHER TENTS. (HERE IT IS f A WJmats the i pAT'5 A LIE' PEARL-HANDLBP KEVOLvERyljlJl- ' II NEVER SEEN f WHERE 'O YOU "X WHY-AH- THAT'sN pino rr,sW3osief7 ths strand . VPAPT. if WAS HID Y I UUDER MISS V I Barbara's pillow. Aim IT'S A .32. 1 1 PNj mv i BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES BY MARTIN BOOV&, VCS? WEAWEri'S SNi , Trtt BOYS AVJA.Y ROV VSSSE. "TOOA-V STCPVEM 5 SNMPV VUOVOOS "BECAUSE. OT TWc. VRAM; THEV OKi WM LST Vt V50WTO VOKj SOW6 TO VtAt. TOW,0 1 TWLVE.O OUT Of T SrNDWNi OP NET ? TO VW V!iOe OVi TVV.VA MOW . OfcAQ CAJM VOOft SVf WOO MUSTN'T TrWt eOOA TWK16S SO SWOOt)W ocKwvAPs-ra vt WAS TrttVSVOCVS. VMO bA0 , " WV.O COTb Trtt -v HOQS.S , . y AAiAWS WWtSSOr W3. TWVlKiG TO Or . TWtMl v 1 m Win f mm J6DVNBA tCllVICC, INO. T. M. R60. U, 8"". Off! THE NEWFANSLES MOM'N POP mThufjrv an' get cleawed urS BY COWAN ,VA jytye.t, i)Viivi,r ntnyiiit:, mi. 1, t. ro. u fiof, f