October 20, 1035 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ?AGE SEVEN PROTECTION SOUGHT FOR PI'S BEARS CtUTKR LAKE NATIONAL PA UK, Ok., Oct 19. An apiwal In itiinlu to puthnrn Ornjnn hour hnnlori not to kill Crulnr I,nk park brara, whlflli ar now mi ll rating, frmn tint purk area to lower .Uvula, Inaaniucb aa tho bear maun mums November 1, It la entirely piolmbl tliat Orutur I.nka bruliia In tbnlr wandiirlnita will find tliuniMvlviia lu Una ot flr, A number nf sportsmen point out thnt ia a result ot bolus; In proximity ot pmiplo tlio ontlra amnmor and li'itruloK to rvKiinl men aa frlwicls, tlxi bvnrs ara tcaclMi(ly tnnio mm huv no tnar (or Imntnrs. To kill aiilnmls of minU titinimoaa la diiehirod not to bs sport but iimr Ilka slnuiilit rlnn bmif cowa. Moat of tlin 8U or 40 bears In tb purk during; tbu aiinuiiur are Identified by naniva and anine hav been rmunilnu In thn C nil it 1.11k a area oneh aprliiK (or bhv rul yaara, but iiovor-lbo-lia each ennaoii wltnnssus tho abauuee of numb ot hrulna Iholr polla probably hunters' trophies, Ulnca tho arrival ot Orlnbor snows, a number of tho bimra bava boon lliiKurliiK at tho kitchen door ot tho moaa hull at l'nrk Hosdiiuarlitra and havo be cumo quit an attraction (or lata acaaon park vlslUira. Two culm, Krnnklo and Johnnie, havo ahuwn mor boldiitiae limn moat of their fnllowa lu tba way of biixxlui (or food. Tboy alt on their huiinclina for inlmitoa ut a time In tho hopn aoino (nod will bo thrown to thiiui, and If un aiiccoasful lu their wultlnx, tboy aria and walk tiprlKht to Ibo kitchen door to Invi'stliint. A number of park brs havo already departed (or lower cllinoa and It la not surprising (or th bear to wandnr aa fur away aa Trull on tho wal road and baluw Fort Klamath on lliu aoutb road. Slaah Fires Spread Haze Across Basin Durnlnc slash at th alma ot virtually all loaning- opnratlona baa can a pall of amok ovor the Klamath baaln (or aovvral daya paat. Weather baa boon Ideal for burning, and ImiKlnt opsratora and Klamath Foreat Ilroloctlvo aaaoclatlon workora hav boon taking advantas. of Ui favor able vendition In order to luaaou forest (Ira haaarda tor noil year. lUirnliix haa boon In progreaa at Woyorhaniianr, lllg Lakes, Al goma and tji Kloyd Wilson hold Inge, a well aa at Porter llutle and other logging campa. Tli A United Rtat tontalns more than 8,000.000 doga. Good News For a. Klamath Falls Vaiijr residents of Klamath Palla and vicinity, whnan Uvea have been mudo mlaorabln through auffnrlng from thoan dlatroaalnc eurfac muacular pallia which aru. ao often mla-caHud "rheumatic, will be glnd to know that an ot fwtlve relief la now avnllnblo which la bringing Joy to many who Iirv unod It. Thla rellnt preparation la known aa Williams It.U.X. Compound and la. pre pared from the proscription ot a former army doctor, who uaod It In hi extenalv practice for many yeara. Bufferera now may have tho benefit of Its relief at coat of only (ew eonta a day. If yon auffer from ahootlng, atabblng , m Ditllar pains In ehouldera, rma or lens; If you are bothored with neuralgic or a ii r face palna of the body, don't endure thla agony any longer without trying Wllllnma K.U.X. Compound. Got a bottle at Wag goner Drug Store todny. The flrat bottle muat satiety you or ninnoy rofundod. N. B. C. NETWORK vm Klamath Spud Full Of fly III TH KINO MKIiHIf.L Within the span of a fow brief weeks, Klamnth coun ty'! Influx ot "aeitaoual guests" will huve accomplished thalr tnnlis and gone, a holorogiineous group who canio lo glnun aa IIioho who harvoaUd In the InnI of Mcmli, li'uvlng aa then, sonio whiir, with ooincono, a bit of thiuiiaolviia, I lore tboy have established for ttionin.il vc fur a abort tlmo In thnlr in I k ral Inn , sum aort of homo, (Jump grouuda boimt living nccoinmodutloiiH from a mlnlnture elrcus tent to nieugor niakitablfla of (lniilug uullta, soiled with the grlmo of ninny montba of uao, Ciiiiip llfo la vurlod and Inter iwIIiik. Thiiru la cuiiiuruilorlo and liiipplnoss, hopuliiHsuiss and anx iety: wash water bubhlue over open flnm; haunera of bright lilunkota flap In the wind; doga alroti'li ut full length Booking In tho wiirmth of a ninny day; a boinn bnrber shop abuura It'a cunt oiiuira wllbout (eua; a slunta of mi old, old hymn mingles with a lilting bit from tho Inloat diuico r 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; nnwapupora pnaa from Iiu ut to bund anil on the fringe of tho campground two womeu quarrel, anna akimbo, over ownirablp of a pint ot milk. A loot, in ono corner of such a tent town atauila a tiny brum! now room, aenrcoly Inigor thun a doiibln bed, Ita walla and root ome having dono duty aa packing casus. The "yard" clean awept, bouiita a rorkvd witlk, tlin altiglo window a polled plant. A next door neighbor punpa from bo hind cunvua wulla, hor uukupt hnlr blending with the drabneaa of tier aurroundliiga. Tent wulla havo ahollered aa marly aa 10 human beluga under ono leaking roof, among thorn a wllbarud old Irish gruuilinotber, gruody for now of buck homo. Though alio bua lived for 10 yenra In Aniorlru, hr heart la In Ireland. "Hut I'll nlver git back, not thuae Uinta," alio mourned. They wvro bound for California. Again, th no wen towheuded boya, obllvloua to the rain, bare of foot anil heud, at piny In a nearby aand pile cloea to a rail way loading ibule, their email apoltcd dog on guard In the gath ering duak. Lowing of cattle on loaded cure; emoko curling In the mlat from beneath tho abolter of (lapping bile of wet canvas, loosely anchored agalnat the wind; tanlallxlng odora ot a cook ing meal; a woman'e voice In eiing a mnkeahltt homo? Per hap, but a happy oue. And mlaoryl It too follows the long trull, Juat one more tont, Ita aandy floor unamoothed. No furniture, no comfort, no tone for the woman who peered from red rimmed eye through the haw, ot einoke from a cainpflre, sputtering In Uio rain. "Taint what I'm uaod to livln' thla way hut Jim can't find work. I'otnto Job la all took. These hern farmers won't hire nono tbut don't live hero. We gotta got on ouin this ruin or I'll die." Hor wrucklng cough echoed acrosa the soil den camp ground. Ilealdo hor a neat, painted, houae trailer, with atralna of a radio flowing out Into th drip ping night. Silhouetted against tho light from within, two bonds, bunt, rending. Tholr rat luy curled, high and dry on the cor ner of a table. From plga In a poko to an embryo law library they bring with them dearest poagtisslons, at tested to by tho throo small girls who hung lu ecstasy over a nono dcecrlpt pen watching tho antics ot a rounded, white, much trnv olvd, weanling pig, guxsllng bis supper. All tho way (mm Illinois ho had traveled safely orated in quarters that promised a tight squoexo If hla domination was not reui'bed soon. From a neurby coop throe rod bena'cackcd their amusement at a changing world. Thla family was west to stay. Two boya from Mnnhuttan who hav uortr eaten a meal during their trnvela "not workod for," scratched their bofiiU ovor a THE OLD MAESTRO GREETS YOU TONIGHT, FOLKS- WITH A NEW - OPENING SHOW AND A GRAND NEW SPONSOR "and all the lads" SPONSORED BY V AMERICAN CAN COMPANY lC lOilS P. M. HE A psT. Harvest Camps Activity double-bitted ax beside a wood pile tackled to pay (or their breukfnat. And on their heola a tobacco Juke slalned old niiiii, ono lone yellowed toulh wiggling In hla lower Jaw, begging "Just a bit of dry coffee, lady, only a little." Three hours later ho was two miles farther down the road playing host to alx of his oronles gtithured beside a pllo of ties, serving his hot brew fresh from a rusied tin pull, Hlx housewives lu a row had added to bis store of supplies. A sprig of a white llluo bush brought from a farm borne In .Missouri, cared for through the vugurles of travel ucross I't stutes la all tbut remains to an aging couple of a home workud for ovor a period of many yeurs. Illness, tho drought und mort gagee havo luken the rest. Pick ing potatoes is hard on "him" hut It keeps thuni off the relief. They am both Hearing sixty. A family ot three camped for a few duys out of tho wind be hind a hnystuck, two vory young people and tholr baby son, round eyod and staring. They wuro en route to grandmother's homo, a chicken ranch near Yuklina and stopped for a fow duys to make a little cusb (or expenses. One morning, laden down with bed ding, uursing bottles und baby they trudged out to the highway toward a "chanco." A college student with throo yeurs ut tho University of (Jlil cngo to his credit, ufruid of the uiouutulns, "they aru so lonely;" his (Inger nulls crucked and bleeding from unaccustomed con tact with the soli, working In the harvest until times are better, hoping to add to his savings (or an early return to school. And so they go, these transient friends, cullers for a short time lu the Klamath Husln, most of them friend ly, most of them un afraid of tho future, sure of work It they look for It; few of them bitter agulnst what Is metid out '.o them by circumstance; leaving behind thorn harvested crops and empty camp grounds. Council Indicates Favorable Action On New Franchise City councilman Monday night indicated their approval of a re vised tulephono company fran chise and passed tho ordinance (or the franchise to second read ing. ' - - " The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company will now publish the franchise In the city official papers (Herald and Nowb). Change suggested by th city, the moil Important be ing a reduction In the time of th franchise lo 12 years, were agreed, to by tho telephone com pany. . . Company officials also agreed to provldo primary exchange sorvlre, used (or city business, for li years without cost. .The council again disallowed a bill for 1125 damages filed by William II. Todd, who alleges a NEIGHBORHOOD BEAUTY SHOP Hid flrnnt St. Opening October 3CHh Genuine $5.00 Duart Oil Permanent $3.00 Other IVnnnivciita $2.00 and $1.23 for ono neck only, (iiiumnti etl Mnves Tlmt Last l'lngor Waves 20 and 30$ Aid AkiT LET Have Us Fill I EVEREADY PRESTONE The Safe Anti-Freeze Cold weather ia here and further delay may cost you a staggering repaiT bill, 1 Drive in today and let Ui make you aafe. , ' . Car I . i Fourth and Main sbud owned by 1)1 in burned after fir department employes burned grass in Its vicinity, uouncn action was taken after Fire Chief Keith Ambrose declared tlmt tho grass burning took place at 12:30 m.. and the fire alarm was turned In about 6:30 p. m. Fire men wont buck twice to look at th place where the grass bad been burned. Fay Morris repre sented Todd. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Young (lied a communication stating that a quostlon bus arisen ovor the ownership of an alley in Lakeside addition from ftogers to Lewis streets. For sumo time, they said, a Inrgo sedan was parked across this alloy, and they were told th alley belonged to John Uorllugs, i)r. Later, they said, tboy were told It be longed to a Mr. lninun. Upon looking the mutter up at the courthouse, thuy found the alley belonged to the public, but traf- flo was still being stopped there by tho removal of a fill, Th council ordered an Investigation. TO LEAD KIV1IS Jim Stephens of Medford, dir ector of the Medford Glecmen and former light opera and musi cal comedy star, will direct the Klwanls club during the ensuing mouths, according to an an nouncement from club officials. Stephens has bpn outstandingly successful as a teacher of sing ing and director of choruses In the southern part of the stute, and tho Klwanls club foils for- tunuto In securing his services. I'lnn have been made to en large the Klwanls chorus, and to present a formal concert some tlmo after the Christmas holi days. Stephens also announces tbat ho will take voice students In Klamath Falls and vicinity, and thut he will apend Monday of each week, beginning November 4, In thla city. The Klwanls chorus, under the new director will start rehearsals on Monday, ' November 4, and will practise weekly after that time. NEWSPAPER MAN GIVES TIP Sa;".-y"Wfff Ijjl BJUJ ! .ft- I " i i Betty Goodwin (National BroadeatUng Company fashion nportar)! "I auppose, Mr. Noe, you have all tbe advance newa on th 1936 motor cars. What seems to be the new styl trend? I'v bean bearing a lot of things about th naw Dodga. Floyd A. N06 (Automebllu Manager, Nr York ffara)i "Thar Is no doobt In my mind that the 1938 Dodge ia th finest looking and moat stunningly atyltd car that Dodga haa aver produced. 1 hav been associated with tbe automobila business for ten years and hav been inti mately familiar during that time with each new Dodge. 1 aoppose yon realise yourself that to Dodge ownera the very name of the car is synony mous with Tuggednesa and dependability, but I repeat that never have I Been such a beautiful Dodge aa thla new 1936 model." ' So th big, naw, mony-aving Dodgo "Baauty Winnor" of 1936-i-now on diaplay at your local dalr. THIS H Ar Your Car Right Heaters $7.45 IMPERIAL GARAGE MEETING SET BY Annual meeting for School District Number One, at which time taxpayer of the district may meet with the board and budget eommltte to offer sug gestions, haa been aet for Thurs day, November 7, at 2:00 o'clock at Fremont school. The taxpayer do not vote npon th school budget, but are re quested to make suggestions or to vole any complaints to the board and budget committee at this time. Funds for th purchase ot a new school but were budgeted this year for the first time to tho amount of 2,900. Tbe dis trict has always borrowed a bus heretofore. Four hundred dollars for the services of a physician In tbe schools was also budgeted this fall for the first time. This amount will be paid at th rate of $(0 a month for eight months. Tbe total budget for the school systom has been set at 1190,245. Radio Communication With Ethiopia Opens WASHINGTON, Oct. XI, (UP) The first direct radio communi cation between Addis Ababa and th United States was establish ed Monday when the navy's radio station here picked up some faint signals from tbe emergency sta tion established at tbe American legation In the Ethiopian capital. The signala came from a sta- - OFF ON '36 CAR STYLES .!). U it Now With Up v Phone 130 fii? TRAIGNT S VL&trA mraiSl.10 Bll,, BMtMXIslM tion Installed by four experts sent by the navy department to erect a transmitting station to Insure uninterrupted o m m n n I cation with th stat department It regu lar facilities were disrupted, Today's signals wore part ot a preliminary test to determine whether tba transmitting set had sufficient power to reach Wash ington. A flannel cloth dipped In oat meal make a good cleaner for painted woodwork. FREEZE-UP WEATHER IS HERE Don't delay. Put in EVEREADY THE GUARANTEED ANTI-FREEZE Just one shot of Eveready Prestone will protect your car against both freeze-up and rust for the entire winter. Guaranteed. Won't boil off. No odor. Now at new reduced prices. NOW AT NFW REDUCED PRICE FIND YOUR t shovang au - snowtu. -. Find y-r car "7a FrwteM """ a ... ,t alio of cvtrtauj m ahovt xtro. " 1 rioo,r-toi.--,; nick 80,ve.J' S0,90,'Mi'. " CMllllae J70-U, J-JSS-D..'JS - 370-, ' " - Caewotet Sttodi'JJ.'Mi . - . Mattari'Jli'3' 'Jt M.AF.IMP.'JS S,'JO,77,'30.70,'ll w.AlnIsJ.1 -'m.'m :jv(: V-s, ..- arakam 7J-Sfl!J-a. ,a,M;,'Mi a ,'Ji, - ,' 1 . a, 'J Hupmobll ,.,,, .M 417, ii J:.xJL. ss Guaranteed and approved , Eveready Prestone is spproved by car and radiator manufacturers and is ipecifi tally auarantnd by National Carbon Company, Ine to provide all-winter, two way protection against freeso-up and nut Klamarh lodge No. 1247, B P. O.G. has announced Its annual Monte Carlo nights for Friday and Saturday, November 1 and X. Thla event has been a yearly PRESTON E CAK o am BBWaa bsk aw Tke first i in 1 1H cat. asu su BuawbU"" taFayt lWlJlWl'M T" ' . U - 1 -41 LaSaH . . -so 0"!V,i..1l:VM . 4 -XI - Packard a. in o Sit? 3 ... ,.tt In .M PF.PO.'M . - 1J -43 PA.'31iPB.'iPB',34!FJ" i 28 -Ot Pentlae . a-'JS.'M, - is -- z : 14 a M - "V: .M ;FC'JS;!l.y.- T ; -34 WS,M;S-2,'MiSA,J 14 4 - M -..mr 11- --' ; ! t'l, - - I.m. . 10 -a -M 10 - -M -42 4,'M Don't risk a freeze-up ... a frozen radiator or a bill for a cracked water-jacket. Drive in to your garage or service sta - tion today and have Eveready Prestone put in tha radiator. Eveready Prestone is guaranteed to give you ali-winter pro tection. It is ALL anti-freeze concentrated. The chart above shows you the exact amount your cor will need for all winter protection against both freeze-up and rust. Don't eon fuse Eveready Prestone with any product containing alcohol or glycerine. Ask your dealer this one question ; More than 100 brands of anti-freeze are being marketed under various names. Host of them are based on alcohol, and because many are not plainly labeled it is easy to become confused. Just ask your dealer this simple question about any anti-freeze you are considering buying: "How much of this product is alcohol? " That is important, for alcohol, no matter how disguised or what it is called, is subject to evaporation, leaving you without adequate protection. Your dealer will tell you that Eveready Preston contains no glycerine, no alcohol ... and that it will not boil off or evap- . orate. Ask him to show you the speciGc guarantee on Eveready Prestone.. .in block and white. ..which is your definite assur ance o! atf-witiier protection. . activity ot th local Klk lodga sine Its organisation hr. and all money derived from th oo casloa la used for the Christmas charity campaign carried on by the lodge among needy families, This yoar's Monta Carlo nights promise to be mor entertaining thun ever bofore. Dancing, with apodal floor shows and entertain ment, will b featured, both TtU day and Saturday nlghto, as well na games and otber amusements. Tho publlo la cordially Invited. sir,. a - vouvno. ,i(a . means Mow urv. raiuJ for. JL&al.2 17 a -i . 15.H " . .. . ..-ia -42 1 4-13 T . . I 2l'U - 23'lv--'t I Xu'-4-27l- la -w -1 . v.. T:.iT34 t:i.-23 V,t x.; a'- . 1 IB S4 . ..T,T a 34 42 ' 4-18-I . . . a. m 1 42 . . .- lu -42 ist A t. U -is -so I