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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1935)
PAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE BY AHERN by Robart Bruca BHUIN HKUK TOUAI IIAD DUNN, aaaralarr DON ALU MONTAUVM, lllirir. trlara bar aaaaraa wkaa IIOtEltV WaU LACKt aaaas aalomaklla aalaa Mli aaka Jrmm fa marry klm. At Tka linldra Paalkrr alakl atak Jrrxm MNIIT HAD KINS, wkoaa knalaeaa aaaarrllna Ik Tim Ska alaa H1i I.AHHI (IMOKli, frarral aarnl. Larry la Irrlas 1a laaals WINOT I.KW1S. , kank rohkrr. Sanaa Inlraaaaaa Jraa aa Bnfc kr MH nl HUH. Licwm. Rokkr arraaara la aril nai ' kanaa far l.rwla. Ha arlli tkrai ka Jaaa'a aanalarcr. A faar ara lalar Sanar learaa aallra arc lookin for klm la rea areflen vrllk a rofcfcfirj. Ha eon. Bara tfcla la Jraa aad aka aora vrllk klm la aollra kradqnarlcra la aatakllak alibi lor klai at ' Ika lima af Ikr kelean. snndr aaka Jraa la marry klai. ka nsrrra la klvr klm aa anawrr aflrr aka ramraa from a varalioa ka fcrr kama tewa. Lnrry loralra aamr alalra konda and Kara la aurfttloa SO.NNY BOYD, aamklrr, alioat Ikria. ROW GO ON WITH T1IK fTORT CHAPTER XVI SONNY BOYD wai a slight, nervous little man who seemed to be eternally apprchonstve. He (are them A Buttery little smile, aid, "Hello, Hike," to Hagan. and nodded aa HaRnn mumbled Larry's name. On tbe war to hl place, Hagan kad told Lurry. "Sonny Boyd thinks ne's a big operator, and maybe he Is, bnt he's a yellow tog underneath. He can't take it And be never could. He'd rat, julck aa A wink, if he thought Anybody bad anything on him." Larry thought ot thla now as he looked at the little man on the other side ot tbe desk. He decided that A bluff would do so Arm. "Mr. Boyd," he said pleasantly, "I represent the Division ot In vestigation ot the Department ot Jostles." Be took A card from his pocket and dropped It in tront of the policy king. Boyd picked H np and looked At it. And Appeared desperately unhappy. He moistened his lips nervously and said, "Test" "Yes," said Larry. "I suppose you know About Knuckles Welsh ylngt" Boyd's Hps curled contemptu ously as It he wouldn't know thatl Bo aodded And said noth ing. "WoH," said Larry, "Welsh had little habit that maybe you aidat know About. He kept A aaemotaadom book." Bo looked steadily At Boyd. TYm latter moistened his lips again and said nothing. A shsdow af tear appeared la his eyes. "Then was a lot ot information ta It,- aald Larry pleasantly. Bo paascd again, to aota she poller king's steadily growing aa preheo&iojL. "Wehsk bad a Httlo pack ot toads." said Larry. "Fourteen AkovwAod, Ave hundred dollars' worth of Atlas ft boa River Rail load area, la SC' deaoaafaa- tOBS." Bo hspt Us eyas ixea oa Boyd's lace. There was ao mistaking the attar's aaeasinsss. Am Larry a ad khe bonds. Use ttttts man leokod talrly poaicky; ho took oat a cigar, tauoMed with a shear ot snatoaes, hit at. and paed fori ajsty to coBceal hia atato a( aervos. Bia dtscotnBtaro was ao sritMkt that Larry was saabold ana ta carry Ma MaC tkroach. "Bo had those heads," he sola, "aad his Win BktaaraadaBi book toM wfcara ho got than. Mow, Mr. Boyd" Larry leased forward 'Td Hke to know Jost where was itB) was a momeaf stteaee. Boyd took the cigar oat ot Us auKith aad looked defiantly ap at the federal atari, bat Ms de Isnrs was poor staff, aad he seemed to tasllre R. "Toa"v asado a mlstske some vhara, mister," be said placat ingly. "Hsaest, I never had Both hag to oo with them konda. So kelp Bks Bo raised ana hand aramatt eaily, as it to take a solemn oath. Larry cat him short. "Hats," he said brutally. "The kooks say yoa did, aad the books eaa aaad voa down to Atlanta." Boyd gaped at him, his hand stall raised. "AtautaT" he repeated. "Bare," said Hag an maliciously. " know. Sonny that place they got aowa there with the big walls aroaad RT" Boyd seemed act ta bear him. "It's ska this," said Larry. "Those beads came out ot the Katlonai Bank ot Neola, Red lacksoa'A gang held ap that bank as voa weeks ago and made It tor $4t,00t hi cash and securities. Robbing a national bank is a fed eral offense. And so, in case you'd lorgotten. Is handling the pro leeds ot such a robbery." He let ahts sink in. Then he Ktid: "I'm aot interested in yon. I'm sot especially interested In put ting yoa in Atlanta. In tact, I'm w little interested in it that yon can talk me eat of it. If you Irant to." Bonny Boyd gaped again: then ke thought he understood, and he tmirked knowingly, and turned luggestlvely toward the safe be hind his desk. "So?" he said softly, rubbing Us hands. "Well, maybe I can talk In a way you'd like, Mr. Government Han." a a a r ARRY got the Implication, and brought one Sat down on the desk with a suddenness that made the little man Jump. He looked tt Larry with apprehensive eyes: tnd Larry, checking the anger that was about to explode In hot words, smiled grimly. "Not that way," he said, with ominous softness, "not that way, Mr. Boyd. You're old enough to be dry behind the ears by this time, and you ought to know you pan't square a federal rap that bray." "How, then?" Asked Boyd. "You can tell me where you got them, end why," said Larry. He leaned back and crossed bis legs comfortably. Then he added: "Ot course, it you don't want to, I'm perfectly willing to take rou back down town with me and lock yoa up." Hagan, who was enjoying him self Immensely, chuckled. "And don't tell him that some body lust left 'em in your car," be said. Two years ago, Bouay Boyd haV O 1011 NEA Sank, Im. beck arrested by'sn lnendllnus patrolman who had found hlra with a machine gun concealed in the rear ot his car. It had bocn Sonny'a dofonse, on that occasion, that someone who, he knew not bad willfully loft it there to luLke tilings lock bnd for him; and such was tho strength ot his Influence that this lun-e story was accepted of&clully, at any rato and he had gone scot (res. He did not bothor to reply to ille Jibe now. Instead be aat with his eyes fixed on Larry Ulcnn'a face, thinking fast but fruitlessly. "Well, how about it!" said Larry attor a lout walk Boyd moistened his lips sgaln. "Listen, mister," ho said, "I do A lot ot business here. 1 got A lot ot different deals on, At dif ferent times. I bought 'em from somebody, probably. I dun't re member. 1 buy a lot ot things. How d I know they were hot? Why" hs smiled nervously "1 might hare bought 'cm from most anybody." Larry got to his feet. "Do you wear a hat?" he asked pleasantly. Boyd looked blauk. "It you do, gel It," mid 1-arry. "You're going down town with me right now." "You can't do that," said Uoyd shrilly. "I got to see my lawyer. You can't run me in like this. I'll ' Hagan, atlll enjoying things, leaned forward toward him with A grin. "Remember, Sonny, it's like 1 said," he said. "These federal raps are hard to beau" a a a CONNY BOYD continued to pro- test. "You got no warrant," he cried. Larry stood with his hands on bis hips, looking at him amusedly. "Oh, yon want mo to get a warrant?" he asked. "All right, air. Boyd. I'll go get one right now. Only listen: i I et one I'll Berre it on you and, it I serve it, it'll stay served. It'll be too late to talk me cut of Anything thea. You'll go down to Atlanta Just as sure as God made apples that are little, green, and occasionally Just a wee mite sour." Boyd's protests stopped abruptly. "What do yon want, mister?" be asked at last. Larry pat a sand oa his arm. "Come oa down town with me," is said. "We'U hare a little talk la my office. It yon tell me what 1 want to know and tell it itraight you can stay out ot the sea. When we get through talk ing yoa can come back out here. Otherwise " Boyd reached for his hat. "You win, I guess," he said. They walked out ot the build ing, got in Larry's car, and went dowa to the federal building. Then they went np to Larry's nfdee; and there the whole scene was repeated. Aa honr passed. Boyd grew haggard, his lank hair drooped dowa over hia pale forehead, he twisted his hands nervously. And at last, his defenses beaten down, ho surrendered. v. "If I tell you," ke said des perately, "you'll let me go?" Larry nodded. Boyd's tongue darted out to wet kls lips. He looked about him wildly, as it to make sore that ha woald aot be overheard by tayoae but Larry and Hagan. rhen, looking imploringly at Larry, be said: "AM right, then. I bought 'em. t paid 12,S00 tor 'em. I bought m " His voice trailed oft reluctantly. "Go oa," said Larry relent lessly. "I got 'sa from San Mob lagae!" (To Be Ooatinaed) Walter Casebeer in Aviation Club PORTLAND, Oct. 28, (Special) Cadet Walter Casebeer, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Casebeer of Bonanza, Ore., has been accepted as a member of the Aviation club at Hill Military academy here, ac cording to Joseph A. Hill, presi dent ot the academy. This Aviation club, 'under the instruction of Cecil Pounder, cov ers an extensive ground course in aviation, that prepares the cadets for actual flying experience. Future road-building In Indi ana will not include the construc tion of four-lane highways, ac cording to the state safety direc tor. Two roadways of two lanes each, with landscaped ground be tween them, will be built, instead. Students are taught how to drive a car in several New Hamp shire high schools, with Insurance companies footing the bill for materials used in this course. Rhode Island once had laws providing penalties tor refusal to accept public office on election. Flapper Fanny Says One of women's most wearing tasks is finding something to wear. this is the fifth PLACE WE'VE STOPPED. TO LET MM KUW IKJ ArJD GET SOMtT SCHOOL, SUPPLIES. )U om a school IT'S PUWuy MOMS OF TWSM HAVC JUST WHAT HE HAS TO (SET. liLV !li LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE wm mm i oust paid me , Trn OFF AND TOLD 1 I THAT S LIFE I ME IF TI.SY 1 l ANNIE- WANTED ME AGAiN I 1 DON'T TAKE : THEY'D CALL ME- IT SO JM FIRED- GEE, V. HAR&" if I I'M STILL S0R1 I if 1 1 J I. O' Dl 11V- J I r Jj FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS I ELSE M0OLD KEEP HER FROM GCXKK3 SHE MOVES -AROUND THE TD R5CTBALL GAMES? THATS J'JV ' HOUSE, THAT MOM ISN'T I L ONE SPORT SHE .' JM'n SLE OF HERSELF .' AUD LOVES ' -AT NIGHT SHE DOESNT ) r WASH TUBBS DEAD 800V OP AMOS BIGGER FCXIWD FLOATIWG Ifsl SURP, PULL1 CLOT H ED, BULLET) HOLE THRU H6A0 BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES H'v.0 '. N2t TV' OTWH? WEMtSl TW2E VKORMtM ? MM MIMO THE NEWFANGLES (TpVOU WOULD JUSTlTWEY'RE ALL YWHEN 1 fiET f7lTA ME5SS, NOW, BUT, WHEN J SHOW ME A FEW JU TUB CELLAR.) THROUGH WITH (3lVe IT A MANICURE AND PRESS THIUSS ABOUT ARIGHT DOWN THIS PLACE?, . THE WRINKLES OUT OP TH OLD THE PLUMBlNO THAT WAV. -CATFISH, 1'LU V SHACK , SHE'LL LOOK UKG' AMD THM3S MRS S SHOW U A- CiRANIXA WITH HER FACE J 1 listem here, youmg maM r you kmow c YOUR SMTER AWD A MOVIS ASlD YOU CAM'T jO WITH JUST TKVlMO TO t r-'VOU GET WHAT YOU WEEP.IM THIS 6iOKe, CK VUU VUJ- f atT I I! mi-' nes liK-IINa VCKJ HUMg, KICIHf r-KUM Htkt, V'HV MOTHggS GET f I CANT HELPff pRErV"" 1T- I WORKED FINISHED- SAID I WAS NEED VOO I- 'o WELL WHAI I LcMlx DCrUKC nc cnickcv iricis,wintYiac I DO VOL! THERE'D BB WATER IN HIS LUWtfS. PGOBABLV I MAkE OF It SHOT WITH A .32. BULLET ENTERED BACK OF J laaawaaasMMaaaMSlililiaiaill II I IS'r tV'WlUlSltmKlJ t VOLiO TfVVrl WORT VOL) MOM'N POP I ARE 50ING TO A uksht SO YOU'ffE BE SMART. EIThEK vyys" ...... QRAV T. ML M& u. ft. MT. OTP. K2J AW'. I 6fcT AAA. TH EXcRCt USED, fVFTER YOO "wpu- r i.Y.V f jssssa' . .. turn EGrW.TVDSCOfc.WrVYT OUT MERE r rVWMLVTE .TitT-OWc, 1 ANNOUNCE THE MADAM CK-M.VrXFF TPiST,WHW UfV--"DON.T -Or COURSE SHELL. "EE: DELIGHTED SHE. MAY AT DINNER TONIGHT I PASSED HER THE PEAS, WHEN SHE ASKED FDR LIMA BEANS, AND SHE DIDN'T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE ,TILL SHE TASTED EM. J VEAH- THAT'S f ClD. N : BUSINESS. O' COURSE- r SURE ' BUT ITS SORT O' " SOMETHING TOUGH- I BID ,S BOUND - MAKE GOOD. THOUGH- TO TURN THEY'LL HAVE TO 0P SOON, I Give me another I ANN,e"5! (US WAS BUMPED OFF JUST Y ITfe "Xl WISH S AV LIKE HIS BROTHER WAS, 3HASTLY) I'D XJ OWLV SLIPPERY BIGGER, A STAVBO LeeiOLBl WASHED OUT TO SEA, AN1 III AT HOME.yCi. amps pipkj't: - - WELL , VT OOtewfi OHVr HAMEViV tEE.vA TO HfVJE J SMO VEi ,aOT OOSiE VOO J VA. ViAUENT MUCH 6000 W MO m IT'S TOO BAD THIS HOUSE f?:5 SH0u?T'(Wl' ' it Nt??v i. AIN'T SOT A NEW TYPE 5SSrX -. Sffl 'J. tYrg&i. Wmkl LOF HOTAIR PLANT IN IT, V, a!U ft S ' yfcpj&aAl : x a 1AI Ml VOUH MTONrNL TO ' - uKUtA -I WANT TO SEE, HUMOR SHE S N I rvSUNTJERSTAND- TO SEE VOU T&uT HAVE HER HAR TRY Figure ONLY LITTLE SHE'S JUST TRYING TO COVER UP.... TO .TRY TO SPARE US A LOT OF WORRY ! SHE DOESNT EVEN THINK 1 SUSPECT SOME THING IS WRONG WITH HAMENT EOEM MA.VSt ., p "1 '"T"-" i vr . . i YEH, I CitTCHrVi w V- VOU COME nUNNiiS OUT, T NO TJCE -.OOOD LUCK,"DOC, Awr irtD vn v-t CHN COVERED J x -iM aj VfW'' Tfff ti)usT TORMAUTY OP HOOPLE MANOR, ROSCOEl BY HAROLD GRAY HA! HA! ha! l '.TCkf A' P.CIK1' I TO STEAD O' BEIN' vou're REALLY FIRED. MAYBE THEY'RE JUST GIVIN' ME ON A VACATION. mm A,ym a 1 1 in i 'xuuu WITHOUT PAY- A'BREATHIN' SPELL- JANE Y? BLOSSER GOSH, MOTHERS ARE WONDERFULl IT5 A GOOD THING FOR THE WORLD THAT EVERY BOY, AND GIRL HAS TO HAVE ONE.' BY CRANE ( VOU BSTCHER PlNK PAWfitA THIS IS SERIOUS I THERE'S S OP US STRANDED A Z-BV-4 ISLAND, AN' OWE OP US 8 ISA murderer; BY MARTIN 6KY W LooTCrt DON'T TAATLfe -T"E BY COWAN r 1 6. M. & BY 'i i III B