PAGE FOUR TUG EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON October 25, ,1935 HKIIALD PUUI.IfUIINQ COWPANT rANK JMNKI.NH ., -- MALCOLM ICPLHT rubiuhars Editor K1ltnt pMbllahao' evarv aftarnonn except Bunoa by Tha Company at IU! Ill Houlh Fifth Biraat, kla llrrulil Publtahlna math Palla. oiasna kalarad u eaeone elaaa mattar at tha poalofflca of Klamath ralla. Ore, on Aucual ll), l" urdr aal of Congraaa March I 111! Taraa Montka. II Montka Oas Vaar UAiL RATES PATAHLI IN ADVANOH Uy Mall In County $1 71 .. lot - eutaKla County I II 1 11 ( ll . On a Month Thraa Uontka ll aloalaa,.,,,. , Oaa laar .... Dallvarad by Carriar In City .1 ll III MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU Of CIRCULATION Rapraannted Nationally by M. C Motanaan l'0 Ino. . FTanclaco. Naw York. Datrolt, Saattla, Chicago. Portland. Los Aaialaa Ceples of tha Nawa and Harald. togathar with complata Information boat t-ka alia math ralla markat, may ba oblalnad lor tha taking at any of thaaa offtcaa Metnbar of Tha' Aaaoclatad Preaa Tka Aasoelata Praia la axclualvaly antltlad to tha uaa or rapubllcatloo t all aasrs dlapatchaa oradltad to It or oot otharwlaa aradltad U thla HH An4 alao tha local nawa publlahed tharaln. All rtckta of rapabllcalloa of spaolaj dlapatchaa hara ara alao raaarvad VaS3I Be Fully Informed There ihould be a full under Undlnc by the public that the Official bulletins of tha county health officer tell the whole atory of the eurrent epidemic of Infan tile paralyala in Klamath county. There are NO MOKE and NO FEWEH diagnosed caaet of the disease than lilted by the health officer, nho receives reporU from all physicians. Whenever a "ware" of thla kind develop! a lot of false rum ora are atarted. Several InQulriea have been received at this news paper office Indicating the kind ot wild stories that go the rounds. Every cltlsen should refrain from helping spread theso false rumors by informing himself definitely just what the situation Is before ho talks about It. At the time this is written there are six active cases In the county, all confined definitely to the Keno district THERE ARB NO ACT IVE CASES IN KLAMATH HALLS. If any more cases develop, that fact will be announced from the health office. The general lava ot Oregon require that all pbysl-J clans, and any other person treat tug diseases, report any and all Infections eases to the county health office, where the records ara open for public inspection. Tha adopted policy Is to keep About the Bible AMONG the great leaders for liberty In England was Lord Cromwell, and it was through bis efforts that the first com plete printed Bible in English was produced. It is that printing of which we this fall are cele brating the four hundredth an niversary. Milse Coverdale edit ed this book, nsing versions al ready made by others. Jnst a bit later Tyndale'i translation was also printed. Then Cover dale took this "Matthew's Bible," as it waa known, and revised it, printing this under the title of the "Great Bible." Cromwell or dered these placed In the church es and led to a great love for the scripture. Of course there was much opposition. King Hen ry Till first favored, then with drew his favor. But Bibles con tinued to be printed. It Is the public fully iuformed. a wise one. Every person can be fully informed It he will take his Information from authentic sources, and If he will refuse eith er to believe or, help spread un founded rumors. Adolph's Observations A LOT ot folks are so con structed . that they take everything they hear In a lit oral sense. To these one has to talk pretty slralitht and ellminalo all JukiiiK. These kind or people are so numerous that business house now prohibit their employes from Jesting at counters and teller's cukc because It's ten to one that they will bo mis understood and no guod will result. Ot course, the way we butch er the language now days we can't hardly expect everybody to understand. 1 heard a young inn say to an elderly lady, "It's a fine day tonight," and the response to thla wai Just a dirty look. Another remark that didn't so so good was, "I guess you don't aabe my talk." What we ought to do Is try and be a Hide more careful In this respect. Today I heard a young lady ask a man that was hems Interviewed, "What was your wife's name before you were married?" Ills answer was, "Well Miss, before I was married I didn't have any wife." Returns Home Mrs. Jess Ri mer has returned to Klamath Kails after a month's stay In Crwscent City, Calif,, where she was called by the Illness ot her mother, Mrs. Grace Huber. STYLE SENSATION OF SCREEN STARS S7 J San II IN DA MAY I. populax stage tad armo tar ttbo frcfotly inithed itries of Ifaoru tot Warner Brae. Brat Na tioaal Sradioat "Ivcit on ad rati en mj UUw Md Hmkku" AT YOUR GROCER'S TODAY Every woman will want these style sensations "Hollywood Hankies" 100 dainty styles and colors now given free with every two pound purchase of Durkec's Troco Nut Margarine.. Troco ideal spread for bread and suitable for cooking, baking, frying and shortening is a nour ishing, delicious, and economical food, endorsed by Good House keeping Institute. Order Troco today and be sides the "Hollywood Hankies" you'll get valuable premiums for the wrappers sets of silverware, suede bridge table covers, Oven Serve pie plates and ramekins, and baseball caps for the kids. Think of this m triple valuel DURKEE FAMOUS FOODS MAKERS' O Durkee's Certified Marennolie Durkee's Salad-Aid Durkee's Sandwich Relish Durkee's Famous Dressing Durke . end many orhar Fomovf Foods spices -ssrKs,ef"y fwmmm , S ay. V-ihll f f M a4f f "Hollywood Hanky- . T g.VftLV f . Wrapped la slaolaa 91 Z I i Ig k lL V laawbafttarkM-. Trace Jl ; ijij TJ , 'g5Es$aSt I CONT KNOW WHAT GOOD BYElN f MY DEAR, YOU MERELY NEED To TO DO ABOUT THE ffL GET THE "STRENGTH ESSENTIAL" ' COFFEE. HE DIDN'T -TVvV ' . IN M J B- THEN MEASURE EVEN KISS ME! '-TlS frv CAREFULLY AND I J ( W0NT BE YES,FR0HTH15 0NETIN ICOOO BYE DARLING, YOU YOUNG WORLD'S ' t YOU CAN HAVE COFFEE CHAMPION COFFEE MAKER! IT WASN'T J Mip, BUT NEVER WEAK, YN REALLY YOU. IT WAS THAT OTHER COFFEE. MEDIUM. BUT NEVER I S Ten Years Ago In Klamath thrown mien tor hiislnosa. 11 will bo in Hi" Con I nil lintel Inn lil -Iiik hi ( litt ciii'iiur ut Ninth nud Klu iiui I U muu no. All ot the property end hold ings of the Ciilliornla . Oregon Power cuiiipiiny were Uils week trntiaf erred lo the H. M. ll.rlles by cuitipauy of ClileaKO, Het'iirdinn to a well-founded report received here tVuluy from Sun Kriiuelsco. It Iiivk been known for Bonie time that Ihn rhlruKo concetn bus been m'KotlittliiK fur the pur chase of the power company, and that a price ot approximate ly S SO, 000, 000 had been let, a a a Guns, traps and poison from four dlfftreut counties will be trained on the coyote binda ot southern Oregon and northern California this winter and next sprtiiK. Depredations (rout these nnlmuls have caused great lost to livestock operators, a a a Klnniuth Falls' postofflce will be In a new home tomorrow uiornliiR, when the windows are l'tlling the Kdltor OIUKCTS TO t ill Itril ACTION' Klamulh Falls. Ore. (To the Kdltor): 1 noticed where a lo cal minister has itlrenily nciiultt'od a rertuiii purty Indicted by the gru nd my. It seemi like while the net whs out, thorn wns a ci'itulii per son Indicted who win not sup posed to be, according to a cor lulu minister, I believe where a public offi cial li indicted by a grand Jury ho should stop aside until ho Is exonerated ot such cliui'Kos. I olio bollevo In the constitu tion, that religion should not mix with politics. . ' I also believe that If the min isters of the gospol have nothing else to do but rnuse dissent, thuy should occupy their mlndr hy go ing to work ami rnktitg the leaves and cleanlne1 their . owu pillars. I believe we hum a court KPK) M E NTS y Thanks for that ' HEN I first caught you eating a tuna sandwich during office hours, and you told me you did it for a quick pick up, I thought you were alibi-ing. "But I tried it myself, and it certainly furnishes quickly available food energy when you're fagged out but have to keep going. "White Star Tuna is one of the highest food value foods. It contains Vitamins A and D . . . it's so delicious that it has been America's favorite for 22 years." 1 V33 HONISTLY ADVUTtSlfif - 11 J. I VI : f J&ZL UJ Tb SmI of Accfpcaac of tha Committee oo Foods of the American Medical Aiiociaiion n youf best guarantee of tfas qtialitr of any prod ct and th traibiulacaa of the advertision claimt made for it. Look for this teal on tvery food 70a pur. woite atar luaa baa cut . Yes, a change of coffee can solve all Coffeeproblems.M-J-B'sexclusive"Strength ' Estential"is doing it in thousands of homes In an effective way. . , The "Strength Esscniiil"is like color in a . fabric. You want a fast color whether a pale, medium or dark shade. In coffee you want full flavor whether mild, medium or strong. We select, roast and pack M-J-B in at ipetial way to preserve this "Strength answer every COFFEE QUESTION Essential" for you. And you get uniform results which please men immensely. It also permits the making of more cups per pound with M-J-B at a saving to you. In feet, M-J-B's "Strength Essential" Coffee answers every coffee question for you. WE GUARANTEE that you will be Success ful with fwy tin of M-J-B. If you are not satisfied, for any reason, your dealer will refund your money without question. YOU'LL FIND NO HIGHER QUALITY ' COFFEE EVEN IN THE FINEST HOMES The very highest grade coffees are 'skillfully blended and scientifically roasted to produce the rich, distinctive flavor of Nob HilL Yet, (his extraordinarily fine blend costs you no more . than average coffees because it comes lo you in an inexpensive, flavor-protected package. You do not pay a premium for expensive con lainers. If you want the best at an economical price, try Nob Hill Colfeel FULL FLAVOR AT ANY STRENGTH .1 ' UslF'T I A I , SAFEWA JST0I":S 1 'mwM tWt'h ' t I'ini.Hu (hi the pprii:,au ut plvlim ,'UHtU'O to oil mid till,, wliulliiil' I hoy holiiiiH to uny vliui oh or not, I do nut bollvvo any Uunomliui Hon should Iiuvd piuforuiice unci try their own momhors and no quit lam before tha trial of inlil party. THOMAS ll, COLTON, riiitliinu Nloleti A uuuiillly ut clothing was itulen rrniii tha J a 111 oh H, Kline reslilem-e at JUS Applt'Kuto street Thurstliiy, ne- oonlliiK to ptilloo rupoiia, The thief uiitorod by nn oust window, mid i n 11 Mile k ml I lie trunks and drosHor In Kllno's bedroom, Wltfl PORTER'S Oellcous Preducfs Here's a real opportunity to enjoy Ptvler'i Fril-lcts, Macaroni, Spift hetti and other tasty creata niatle from 1009 Durum Semolina, the ' heart of the finest wheat grown. Heaitbfull HnmomkaU Cimtmtmlt Sand S labale fraei any Pertar pre- diatt t Par tar Scar plll. Portland. ...Sat raw Xaclea CaWMt tHl.1. Stir K oft-Stilled" Gin is not 1 too sweet not too strong Jr , J not too mild ynot too dryiff-So it forms a perfect base for any gin cocktail j Ulnrt Arthur Dlsllllrd London Pry (lln ftl.o.t 4 5 Qls., Code n-ll one l'lnt, Code 6S3-0 SOT! - STII.IKD GIN M ai aiiaa tartaWw Cara, nmaiwri Uii,iaia. li a,M aawuwOSWai Una lw f tayyy wv.s m-immmmfnn,iMi mKmwmMm'-i mmmmmmrmmmmmmmmmwmimmmmmfmmmmru iiannianmaniaj ill,) aiy asassansasaaaaaaaaaaa m-W mssmm ooo s . Now, here's a coffee I like! tea A ft i-a JM A..t&m - M.l MPtlfalli I911i LWlini CUWMtU tnnpuif CdmuvM FEATURED AT SAFEWAY STORES HONEY MAID GRAHAMS ...will help to give him a sturdy body These wholesome and delicious golden squares arc baked from selected gra- - ham floor and pure honey. They are rich in die elements that help build up sturdy bones and muscles. And they contain important essential elements of growth. Not only do children thrive on Honey Maids they clamor for them. Serve these tempting dainties widi milk and desserts and put them in school lunches. Order them today in the thrift-size green package, wax-wrapped to preserve their oven-freshnes$, 1 Tfoney Maid Graliams . NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY IN YOUR K vV"",""s 0mK V HANDS b ffzJl VZad 'A? ' ' ' -Fm ). CaOtCfM tomiiui iizei mu i1