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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1935)
PAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS,' OREGON Octobor 22, liKJG 3 hKKALU fUlll.lMIIINtJ CtlUfAN f . PRANK JKNKINN ., atAU-'OLal BI'LBT futllahara Belter . Managing Editor Pukllshad eaery afternoon leapt Sunsay by Tne Harala Publlakla Com pan? al 104' I III Mouth Fifth Hlraat. Klamath rails, Orago Bater.6 as .sound olaaa matter a ea august au, lha noalofflc. of Klamath lalla. Or. l0t, undar aat of Consrsaa. March . lilt Thraa Mentha. II Moatha. da. Taar MAIL RATES PA I A MM IN ADVANCI Dj Mail ID County ' II. It It. I. at tsvtslda County H t I 3t Oaa Moatk ... Thraa aloatia- It Montha . Oaa Kaar ..... IMIUarad hr Carrlar la City I ot I I to IU MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU Ot CIRCULATION lUpraix-iited Nationally by M. C Moganaan A CO., Inc. an rraaolacn, Nm fork, iatrolu Saatlle, Chicago, Portland. Loa Ancalaa Coplaa of (ka Nawa and H.rald. tocatkar wltk complata Information about lha Klamath ralla markat, may ba obtalnad for tho aaktns at any of thaaa offtcaa Mambar of Cha Associated Praaa a la aiclualyaly antftlad to tha uaa or rapubllcation laa craditaO to It or not olherwlaa erailltad la tkla ana alao Iba lacal nawa puonsnta am ngnis or rapubllcation of apaoln.1 dlapatchva hara ara alao raaarvad Tha Aaaoolatad Praaa or an aawa eiaoaicai Daaar. and alao lb. The Speakership THE outcome of the speakership contest at Salem, wnertj jrcciny ouinuii tuat uy uiiu i.uc, is ui vuuisu disappointing to the people of this county. So far as we ten loom I In mi f mi m rl nrl inciliimtimi tliiif Mr Spmmi was influenced by ex-Governor West, absurd as it is to those who know him well, apparently was what cut rlAirn hiii mninritv sufficiently to Dermit Latourette a victory by the margin of one vote. The bright side of the situation is that Mr. Semon will not be burdened with the difficulties that it is quite apparent are going to beset the speaker. We believe he could work them out in a practical way, and if they . aren't, that is just too bad. As it is, he is free from the heavy responsibilities of the speakership but will con tinue to give Trojan service as a state legislator. It was an honor to Mr. Semon and to Klamath county to have had so many substantial members of the house, both republicans and democrats, so solidly behind him. Lumber Survey A SURVEY conducted by this newspaper, covering lumber industry employment in the Klamath-Lake country and on the fringe of Klamath county, shows that approximately 6000 persons were engaged in some phase of lumbering or logging activity during the active season this year. This it strong evidence of the economic importance of lumbering to this community. During the rise of agricultural activity in the Klam ath basin, mere has been a tendency sometimes to over look the tremendous importance of lumber in our eco nomic welfare. Both, agriculture and lumber have their place in austaining this community, and we have much to be thankful for, so far as both are concerned. -Jhu survey was conducted to show the extent to which lumber had given the Klamath region a stronp- Tifi101!008 lhS yean K has done that conclusively. The Herald and News are grateful to those who co operated in this project. '. Control Imperative ; CTARTLING estimates have been made on the extent J of the damage done by predatory animals to live- - stock and wild life in Klamath county. Reliable author ities say that the actual damage to livestock amounts to about $125,000 for this year, while there is no wav irSi1Ilg a finaneial estimate on the loss in wild life", which in some district was almost 100 per cent . niLr efm control vngna is absolutely - S, 7t,t0 Btop he dePdations of these animals, it sounds like a worthy project for the Works Progress tSSL PTMy some satisfactory plan can be J ke? ut whereby men could be hired under WPA ana with proper supervision and checking undertake an ; extensive fight against coyotes. uerKe an The countv : nrl . ui- U r LJ project, Si. nffirT . -u may -De expected to come from illS Office. It 1R tn ho hnr.o1 4-U Ttrn A J ,1 . .. .. scheme on technicalities. Livestock owners certainly have Known rhpir willmaYnaeo "H6Uti IAJ JlCip U U La WASHINGTON NKWS BEHIND TUB NEWS a a a III Inside Slory Frona The Capital a a a By PAUL .MA I, IX) N Copyright 19J4. by Paul Mallon WASHINGTON, Oct. II. A hint hits coma from some o( I ho public Utility Holding company people Indicating :hnt they luiiiht wnoop up a oik national political Ms-ill agniuai abolition by the gov eminent. This word tins seeped through lo the securities and exchango commission, where soma uneasi ness has been noticeable beneath the surface. New Chairman Latt ftia is sutlliosed til hnva niniln nor eral privn;e talks to tnt-ge urotips recently deploring the possibility. ins position is I hut I he govern ment does not mind a fair lest ot the constitutionality of the act in the courts. In fact, the commis sion u willing to co-opernte with the holding companies to hasten a test suit I not una llbn Ih frlrlr Baltimore case, however). All It wants is reasonable co-operation from the hnltlinir riiiiinniii..n It. lha mechanical arruiiuemeiita nrelim. lnary to registration. .Most ot tne companies have al ready shown willingness to go along carefully that way, but a few of tho urchins are supposed to have their fingers crossed. They will soon get them uncrossed, for the came reason that an unarmed man usually does not challenge one with a stick. a a a BLACK-JACK While Landia and bis commis sioners ara speaking softly, there i at lha s ate department not long ago. Nearly all tha lTnllnrt nialna board of diplomatic strategy have tieciiiiie tiiauiusionca, if not dia- Sllsled. Their hntiea fop anhalan tial expansion ot trade, sellltiment or tne neots. non-propaganda tin deralandlnga have - proved dolu (ions. , , Yet recognition was not can celled. Tha reaaon hnw helna nut forward oft-the-record by officials Is that such a stop would accom plish nothing, thht It Is better for an unsatisfactory status quo to continue. It will be denied, but everv In- sldur there knows this explana tion is a truthful excuse In cover a much better oolitlcnl reaaon. The strategists really felt that retraction of recognition would be a blanket confession ot error. The Indications are that thev mav contltuie to hold that view until after the next election, a a a COUIH Before recognition, tha slate department expected a 1350.000.- 000 annual American export trade out ot the deal. That was the official Inalitn ritMir All It actually got was a nrnmlH to uiir. chase 130,000,000., This repre sents OIllV StA.OAIl OlIU miira than exports before recognition, illlt What burlB Worm Waa lha misunderstanding on debts. In the recognition diacusaimis Pru.i. dent Koosevelt nroinlsed tnuln credits for settlement ot the JTOO.OOO.OOO American, debt and damage claims. This government offered lo reduce the claims to about 1200,000.000 and extend StOO.000.000 of credits. Ilm af. ter recognition. Litvinott demand ed 1100.000,000 In cash an, I an. alher 1100,000.000 In credits. Our dlnlomats conaldereii I. It. vinofl's attitude a deliberate mis- He tloea not want to Inflate to get the money. Ha would ralsa It by Income taxes,. II should be a big help to Mr, Morgenlhau, who has been won dering how he can get even a substantial part of 14,000,000,000 out of any kind ot taxes during lbs next two years. Nolo Mr. Coyle seems to trip himself by . disclosing that the total national Income lu 19:13 wua I4S.000.00V.0U0. If confiscated entirely bv' Ilm mtv im.ini it would have been Id, 000,000, 000 snort oi Air. coylo's ampliations. You may bo sura that the hituHua of the new dual havM iitiiliiii? Hint this In mind. Apparently the bill- loonlsh aspucts of tha bunk are bused on the expectations (lint no an will object to Mr. spending 14,000,000,000 after reading Mr, Coyle, Ttlling the Editor taVPKH It is understood, however Hint Mr. Coyle la wllllnn lo not hla theory Into nrncllca hv anumlliiir all the prnceeda of lha book and any other money he may have for any services, however useless. You may apply to him, . . ....una aimuue a aeuoerate mi are certain new dealers outside Interpretation of the nrealilent the commission who are carrying , 0f(er. Their faces have been the heavy clubs. One is Senator coor ,n8 luvlel ever Black, chairman of the senate's since, propaganda Investigating com- a a a mittee. It the holding companies I cmvn i-pt Ten Years Ago In Klamath State highway carrying a truffle fall which is over twice as heavy as last year. In other words traffic has increased one hun dred per cent In 12 months. ba yh I i;iu:ii i, iii:i,i Jlitll'.VltlllllU llonnnsn, Ore. (To th Kill- ttirl! This La lllllllllv nil nnun attack on our county court lo which I am going to sign my name. And ask that you kindly glvti space In your columns, As I liMlnv It of linpiuunce Dun the poop I c, know of the fuel Unit the UllllieV telltallvelv ant iial.ln for Klimmlh couiily by tho wi'A Is In Jeoimrdy because of tho dilatory methods ot sulil cuurt, Upon Inquiry rind that counties like Coos have us iiiituy us 10 road projects approved mid men working. While lu Kliunalli they are busy washing their dlrly linen. And roads such as the l.nn- gell Valley .Market road used by school buses, milk trucks, etc. every day (when they call). Where there was an Investment of 176,000 lo build has been left lo run down. While the court Bets and nilllililes. M'liMn the peoplu who pay tho bills sit by and see tinnortunltv of uet. ting federal monies go glimmer ing. 1 expect to hear this excuse: Wo have no money to meet the requirements, lu reply 1 would ask: Why did you buy expensive iiiik iiniery normally and the surrounding Intes. It was lha one bonk so translated dial nil In any illn loot could ii ml in pi itinl , They cur ried II Into the fields lo llielt dully work, It Is said, Adolph's Observations T WITNHHHKI) n bitHobnll gnmo A hut woo n a gi oiip tit Yan kees and a I on in from 1 mllu Hint was louring this country. These foreigners plnyed good Imseliull nil right but somehow lliu Kit nut la best when plnyed by Aiueiii'niis, These fellows wore Mnhnui liiediins n ml placed more faith In their, rnllglon tniin iliey did ih their plnylng nblllty It siiem eil. ICvory I lino one went up to bat ho would lull Ills eyes and repeul, Allah, A I lull, etc., etc. One of tho Yankon players hiul been observing tills and illilu'l know oxtit-l ly whut It wits all lioul, but when hla Hull lo bat came ho walked up to the plntu mid stti III. "You know me Al," niul then he clouted nut! over the (elicit. Man Sentenced to Six-Month Term Court House Records (MONDAY) . Suits Filed Klamath county versus Lloyd Gift, Bobblette Gift et al. Plain- tiff asks an assessment be made ! by a jury empanelled to deter mine the amount of compensation to be paid for land belonging to defendant which plaintiff seeks to appropriate and condemn; and : for a Judgment appropriating the lanu io planum, it compensation therefor does not exceed 50. 'Plaintiff also asks ensta nf it William Kuykendall, plaintiff's , attorney. O. C. Palmer versus Claire E. Ritchie. Plaintiff asks (1) 1816.12 with lnter.t ln ...... nient of balance allegedly due on merchandise delivered to defen dant Dy plaintiff; (2) 25 bal ance ' due on promissory note, with Interest and 126 attorney's fees; (3) 186.50 with Interest lor services allegedly rendered defendant br one Tom nnnnao. (4) 1163 with Interest for serv ices allegedly rendered defendant oy one juck j, Hace; (6) 1205 mieresi jn payment of nier- cnanmse allegedly delivered to , aetenaant by plaintiff, and costs tiiiienwaters. Van Vactor and bieemore, plaintlffg attorneys, i Sentences Jack Morrow sentenced to six months in county Jail on charge of petit larceny, after value of ii'.-suu stolen property had been ' shown to be less than f 36 and Indictment amended to conform. t. b. Naremore sentenced to one year in state penitentiary for non-support and paroled. Trial Date Set , The circuit court Monday or dered trial of the case ot Lamm Lumber company versus Kester on Lumber company to begin Trlday morning, November 1. MODERN WOMtN lkHulmrv(aUflHtnunlcipouraurfiinill rcausc. Chi-f tw-tei Diamond tiiruid Pit la ore effective ItauiDIUHlfilVDlaSlSKalHalllaTr. ntllllllJT JfnnirKriiaittrav(TVJ't'Ar. mxw mmm '1HS SIAMUHO a7v um vr aB-- The case was continued from Oc- toner 21. New Judge Ordered The circuit court Monday signed an order notifying the state supreme court of an affl davit of prejudice filed in the case of Lakeshore Gardens Drain age District versus California Oregon Power company and questing that a new Judge be appointed to hear toe case. Marriage Applications Gene GheUer, 23, Klamath Falls bartender, to Carol Uer lings, 25, Klamath Falls clerk George Shollenburg, 23, Pelt can City laborer, to Alice Waits . i-eucan uity nousewife. One set of Irnrprnmnnll cva,,. Uvea is busy creating scarcity and nign prices, wnile another Is aim ing at abundance and chpnnnosa Robert Moses, New York park commissioner. Th United States produces ouiy i per cent of the world's output of shipbuilding. QUICK RELIEF FROM A DISTRESSING AFFLICTION Manv neonlfl In Klamath a-atlo whose lives have been mndA mini erable through suffering from those distressing surface muscii lar pains so often mis-called "rheumatic," will doubtless be glad to know about Williams R U. X. CotllDOUnd whirh la irlv. ing such quick relief In many cases. Williams R. U X. TnmnnnnH Is prepared from the nresnrlniinn of a former armv rioetnr whn used It In his extensive nractlre for many years. Sufferers now may have the benefit or lia ra. lief at a cost of onlv a few cents a day. If you suffer from hooting, stabbing muscular pains In shoulders, arms or legs; if VOU are hntltererf with n,, alglc or surface pains of the body, don't endure this airnnv any longer without trying Wll llnma It IT v nnmnn..n Get a bottle at Waggoner Drug Store today. The first bottle must satisfy yon or money back. nnen nn hrnnrt nilhllrltv attarlr it will not be necessary for any one to stick a pin Into Senator Black to get him started. L'nder his latest atiiDlified nowera hn can go into, the books of any cor poration, naul any corporation of ficial to his Investigational bar. ion may rest assured such prep arations as are necessary have been made. For that reason, tha nri,1 ara about ten to one that the legiti mate constitutional challenge of the holding companies act will be conducted far more neaceablv than most people now believe probable, a a a RUSSIA It did not get out at the time, but the question of breaking off diplomatic relations with Russia was under serious consideration The latest subtle brain trust trial balloon Is supposed to be a book by David Cushman Coyle The new deal connection with It is being traced by the fact 'that Coyle letl the resettlement board of review tTugwell) only a week ago; apparently because his book was conilne- nut Mnvomhi,, i Previously he had served In a Drain trusting capacity with th WI'A Planning board (Houkinsi and ' the public works planning board (Ickes). Coyle advocates spending such as no one ever beard of oeiore. He suggests that lil omr mm nun should be disbursed by the gov ernment next year and an equal amount for the next few years. tie wants the money to En onlv for services and not for public worka, even self-liquidating ones. A precarious nosillon on tho city council table, barely main tained since tha first of til year. was lost Inst night by the Dove of Peace when heavy black war clouds frightened that shy and modest bird out of the council chamber. In Klamath are when the conditions deiiutml that John M. n,,h,,ii jn .i, ,i. Dttriten tnis ,. m,t nn nnnr I.. rl, lit ' i. ..... . ' . 7. -,- ' " "mh.-h nn null Iieeu III irOtlDIn place of PUWKIt Dili VK.M MA-'nil hi. Mr- 1. I'll I V L-ll V I....... II.. . ....... .1 ..... . ......nn, i voiiii i iminins in i no county Jail ior nvo 01 mo proHoiH county court. I plend guilty. Hut the senlencu Is heavier limn I run bear. And through jvtir columns with the help of public sentiment nope to stir up enough gumption In tills matter to avoid losing this tidy sum of money, Sincerely yours, II. J. TICKNOII. Inrftuiy by Circuit Jtl(U H Anil n rat Tuesday, Unhurt stole a buttle ol ohniii linguo from a local vintage slot. Hn pleaded guilty. Pled II, Itussnll was given two yours In prison mid paroled, when lis plendod gullly to a forgery eluiruo. Hiul rlnt Attorney II. C, lllnckninr snld hn would not ob ject lo a purole for llussoll, who lina a family near Itosohurg, A new type of spark plug tor cars miulppod with radio nrosnlil tit nlliulnaln Interfurnnc caused by the Ignition sysleni. To proclaim by words a detenu I mi llun to niul conflicts Is folly. TUu Uug pulley Is to suppress Ih miiana of conflict. Huron I'oin lo AJu(i of Itnly. m z z y SPELLS Here's a fair nffnr gl an liu xpounlvo Jur of Knin'hnii Kults -Take lunch as will i!a on a ilium every dny In your morning cup of lea or coffee or In hoi water, Aflor the lar la nmnlv If you are not satisfied with Improve ment In health get your money buck. No morn luiilllvcs no more eu i hurl lc - nni no constipation nlien you Hike your 111 t lu dnlly pinch of Kriiarhen, Wngguunr lirug Co, and Maglll Drug Co. fori sell lots of II, About the Bible War was declared yesterday , afternoon by th Klamftth county ' i-uurt against resiuenis wno per sist in dumping garbage and refuse along public highways. a a a Workmen are today busily en gaged In the tearlnn down of tha building on the corner or Main I llihle In their own language hn and Eleventh streets where the : translated the whole lilliln from new $25,000 structure of George the original tongues Into tho D. Grlxile will shortly ba placed. best of the (Icrtnun dialects. This, Announcement of the building I was In l.M'3 A. I). This of the new two-storv biillrilnc tlon renllv set ilm Herm,,,, u. was mad last week by Grlixle. I guaga as It spread throughout Martin Lulher comes nn the scene. Taking advantage of the renewed Interest In learning, of tho printing pious niul of the people's known desire for the yWIISIEYr?- tArjJ Hftfcs 11,10 I mkTZ as sa aastttat at. an Sai. j Schilling Baking Powder made . from CreamTarlar makes good things "qooder " eo mm: COLORED ENTERTAINERS and MAMMOTH FLOOR SHOW Friday Night Only, Oct. 25 MUSIC BOX HALL Admission 65c and 35c E llff Bring Your Home Loan Problem to First Federal Savings and Loan Association If you are planning to buy or build a home, or to refinance the present loan on your property, you should bo sura to select the typo nf loun which will most economically fill your individual requirements. Our plan gets you out of d-hl by repaying the loan In aasy monthly paynntita . . . aa low as 110.00 per month. First Federal Savings and Loan Association OF KLAMATH FALLS IMinn 1(149 111 X. DIh Nt. 1'ae the l-Vilcral syalrmatlr savings plan, we pay better than 4 per rent illvldrnila on navlnga. ...but, after all is said and done, it's the cigarette it self that counts ...the question is, does it suit you? 6 that mwm v whether 4S&t&$y the taste Wk XT 1 sow, when it comes to a cigarette will suit you . . . you want to think it's mild, you want to think about That Chesterfields are milder and taste better i accident ... The farmer who grows the tobacco, the ware houseman who sells it at auction to the highest bidder, every man who knows about leaf tobacco will tell you that it takes mild, ripe tobaccos to make a good cigarette. In making Chesterfields we use mild ripe home grown and Turkish tobaccos. .. for mildness .. for better taste C an, Iiomrr v Mmi Tosicco Co,