October 21, 1935 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE CITY BRIEFS I'limill In ('('(' Hnvi'ial l In ni atu fcm n I y roirii II fur Dm (!(!(! have boon Maslgiiod lu dm cuiiin II lion l.uli ii. 'I'hny in" Curl II. Winery, llurai'hi'l Ii, Atkinson, Tod CIll'lHl iiiiaon, l.loyd J, 'ti I'lul -Inusnii, Miinufon Krlatnn, lluliili J. It ti y hi 1 1 mill TIiiiiiiiih II. Willi, Alvlii J, Ullvnr hua been uniiilluil front I.nkn uoiiuly uml iiaalgnud to Dog Inko. VlallliiK llciv Mm. Illiiniihii riiiaaoll uml dnughlnr, Alia, fniin Miirahflold, n ml Mre. Iliiwuril TtK'kar mill baby daughter llur biira, of lliiiiilnii, Ore, aro gueata nt tlm liiiinii "( Horgminl mill Mm. Leigh M, Aokornieii of thla oily. . . Vbtilnr From rorlliinil Mm, n. II. Blnliir of t'ortluml arrived Hillliluy to Vliilt Inn' mm. ronco Hliilnr, local liiauriiiiio mini. Mm. Lawrence Muter spent a fnw dnye In I'orlluiKl mill return ml hero with Mm. it. II. Hlulor. Mihhmi Meeting Tim women nf the M o will hold regular hualimaa meeting nt lli Knlghte nf ('olunil)ua hull Tueadny nt 7:. 10. Hoiiip .'rnui The Mm. Jmiii porter iiiit Haturdny and Hillliluy nt The linllua. where aha attended n dlatrli't mnforoin.o of ltunlimH nml I'rofesaloniil Wo men's clulia. Down Front Howard Crawford mid It net v Lnerk. Crater Ink" park winter ntnff, wnro vlnltum hero Rntili'iriiy. Court House Records (HVITItOAY) Dlvone Aill"i I'""' Kato Lohcit David vs. McKln ley Dnvld. Couple married In Klnmaih Kalla, October, 1 023. I lit In ( If f chargea cruel and In h ii ill un truuiinenl, nk di'irmi ad Judging Imr solo owner uf certain limed nrtlrlea of personal and ronl property nml directing de fendant l deed until real proper ty to pin In I Iff. 1'lnlntlff aim uaka ISflO null money mid cnita. J. C. O'Neill. pliilnllfCa attorney. Marriage Application Angeln Fuganello, !1, Clillo quln laborer, lo lira lloury, 17, ChlloQum atudunt. Funeral maikjaukt in iiiiAiti) Mnrgnrnt lliililmrd, for llm last four years a resident of llila city, pasacd nway Huedii)'. October 20, at :36 n. ni .. following a brief lllnnas. Hlio waa a native of Ln Croaa. Kanana. and at tlio time of her death wna aged 4H yeara t mouth and 10 daya. Survlvlnit aro Uio husband, Mnlvln V. Hub bard of thla city; her mother. Mm. Andrew KrelUer of. drain fluid. Knn.; tlx alalora. Mjy-jjtlrk-nmn of Kanaae City, Mo., Grace Hml'.h of Hloiktoii, Cnllf., Ami' 1 1 ml it o mid Clara Weal of Modes to, Calif.; nlao two brother. Joo Krellter uf Itlppon, Calif., and Jnko KrelUer of lliirrlaburg, Ore. Kunoral aorvlcoe will be held In the chapel of tbo Karl Whlllock funeral home, Pino afreet at HUth. Tueaday, October 22, 1936, at 2:00 p.m., with the Iter. II. B. Kubanka of Ht. l'nul'a Kplacopal oburch of thla eliy offlclntln::. lo which frlenda aro Invited.-" Com mitment services aud Interment la Mnkvlllo coiuotery. NKII. WAI.l.ACH (iinX)ltl Null Wnllure tilfford, ' f ri-al-denl of Kono for tha lu"t 'ten yenra. pnaaed n'y t law realilenco Siindny, Oclubcr 20, at 11:30 a.m., following nu lllnen of one werk. Ho wna a nnllvo of Idiibollo, Okln., nnd nt the tlmo of bin death wna niiod 13 yenra 3 moil I ba and 13 daya. Surviving aro hla paronta. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fos ter Soavor, ouo brother, Junior Heaver, and ono alitor, llonnlo Jenn Heaver, all of Keno; alo two unclea and bin urnnttparonta. The funoral aervlcea wero hold Mon day, Oclobor 21, nt 3:30 p.m., nt Kono comolury, Kno, with the Ho. Krcd llornahuh of Klnnmtli toutplo of thla city officiating. Ar rnngemonta wore iimler tbo direc tion of tbo Kurl Wbltlock funeral homo of thla city. PEP UP APPETITE; RELISH YOUR FOOD No mattor how lltllo you out. you ahould rellah your food to feel your boat and got the mont enjoyment out of living. . U cloKKOd-up bowola and . tuafllve kldnoya nro imlnonlng your tnm, cntialng you to , havor "punv," finicky anpntlto, and making yon foel run-down, alug glnh, without nmblllon or tout for tho good thlnga In life tnko a few doaoa ot good old Wllllnma 8. L. K. Formula nnd boo bow much bettor you feel. Wllllama B.L..K. Formula Is compnunded from tho prescription of a former nrmy doctor nnd enn talna vnlunblo Ingreillmila which accompllali their work In four bonnflnlal wuya: na a mild tonic, tomnch atlmulnnt lnxatlvo, and dlnrotln atlmulnnt for tho kld noya. Many tnko WUHnnia S. L. K. Formula also for lndlgeallon, nniiaon, loaa of weight nnd aullow cnmpluxtlon, wboro a mild tonic, lnxnllve, stomnrhic, and diuretic la noodod. Don't Inko too harah druga which Jolt your ayatem nnd upaot your atomuch. A"k Wng gonor Drug Hloro todny for Wll llnma S. L. K. Kormuln. The flrat bottle munt antlary or mouoy bnck AHvnya 15 REX Tonlnlil la COUNTRY STORE Loaoli of Grocorloi tin the Hi-rocn Hlepln' Ki'tchlt In "NECK AND NECK" A Inn "BACHELOR MOTHER" y Hlnff Mi'etlim I'hyalrlnna and atiiKeoiia of the Klamuth Valley bimpltul aluff, with the auparln tiiuiletil nf ntimna, met Munilny noun for tbo regular ataff meet ing and luncheon, llui vi'Bt IHiini'r Woiiii'ti of the Flrat Cbrlatlun cburi'li will aorve tbelr miuuiil harveal dlnuor on Frlduy nvoiilng, October 2D In tbo elnirch illiilug room, The public la cordially Invited, (lu to Aalilnnil Mm. Anne Price, Mm, J. 11. Nupler and Mm. (leorgn Htnveiiaon wont to Aablimd Huliirdny for tha meet. In k of piirniiln uf Houtheni Ore gon iioruiul arbool aluuunla. (tela llm k J. W. Pnnk,' di rector of pliyalcul education In (lie city anboola, bagged a four polut buck In tha Uarnea Vul ley country Bundiiy. Ilnrk Khiiii TrlH-Borgant M. J. Ilnrnua of the atnta police la back at hla deak after a hunting trip In Lake county. Uarnea "got hla bui k" enat of Lakovlnw. Arrealrit for l A. Deputy Hberlff Juck Kruuey Monday nr-ri-ated (leorge C. Kaylor, wanted lu l.oa Angelea on non-atipport chnrg"a. 6- OF WASHINIITOM. Oct. 21. (IP)- J. Kdgar Hoover, director of the fedxrnl Inn iiiil of Inveallgntlon, called 2t pollen offlcera together lo get their dlploinaa todny aa flrat Kluilnnlea of the "O-Mcn'a" police triiliilng ai boiil. The buii'iiu'a "l.lllle Itod Hcbool IIoiinb" of luw enforce ment will be continued, Hoover nniioiini'i'd, lo crenlo "a perma nent body of offlcera who will l9 a link between the burenu and the Imiil police throughout the country. Tlio aerniid clnaa of is offlrara. aelected from more limn 300 ap pllcmita. will alarl the 12-weeka' cuurnn within a few weeka. "In three or. four yeure we will have nt leant ono men In every pollco department In the country who will be a llnlaon of ficer between the local force and the F. II. I." Hoover aiild. III Ihelr threo mom he on the burenu "cnnipua." the police of flcera atudled technique. Inveatl gatloua. fingerprinting, crime laboratory work, law and pen ology. "Hham" ralda on kldnapera hldoouta wero alnged at the mnr luo buae at Quanllco. "Oacnr." the bureau'a dummy, who hna oeeii "murdered" hundreda of llmea, wua "killed" aomo moro. nnd tho pollcotneii-atudenta wero ordered. In I Hid cluea leading to hla alnyera. Tavern to Hold Birtfiday Event Fun and frolic, aa well aa one of the flneat floor ahowa over preaenlcd In the Pacific north went will feature the flrat annl voraary of Cal-Ore tavern Wed nesday evening. llrooka and Chapelle, mualcal eabellnroa, the two featured flng era lu the fnmoua bua acene In "It Happened One Night," four atnr and five mednl picture In which Clniidntte Colbert and Clark Quoin were atnrred.v will appear In peraun on the pro gram. Mlaa Collette, one of the moat gliimnroua and beautiful dancera to appenr on vaudeville clrcultn. and who wna featured extensively In tbo motion picture "Wonder llnr," will nppenr In three ape rial numbera at tlie annlveraary purty. In addition to these famoua onterlnlnora tho "Three Calor enim," girl alngera; Shirley and Wallace, clever danco tenm; Jul iet, ncrohatlc ilnncer; and Jeanno, Cnl-Oro'a atrut and anft ahoo dnncor, na well aa Walt Gnllo wny'a bund, will appenr during tho ovenlng. Obituary DUAXH WAS PARKKIt Dumio K vu n Pnrkor passed awny at his family 'a resldonco at Kono, Ore., on Sunday morning, October 20, following a. brief 111 ncas. He wna born In St. Pnul, Minn., and waa aged 12 years, 3 months and IS days. Moat or his life wna spoilt In Minnesota, hav ing rcalded In Kono for the past three months, lis leaves hla par onta, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Parker of Kono, two mints, Mrs. H. H. Gasoiguo mid Dorothy Dnnmler, both of Huron, S. D. ; also olhor relatives lu Mouth Dakota and Minnesota. The remains rest In tho Klnmnih funeral home, 82S High atroet, Notice ot the funoral nrrnugnmcnls will up pour at a Infer dole. ClinmpuKiie for Urrnkfnst TOMORROW A LOVE STORY AS HUMAN AS A KISS! COIUMBIA F ANY SEAT 1 tm ANY TIME . IC Children, Always 10c ' RAINBOW COUNTi P DELEGATES TO ATTEND MEET Mnuy delegatea from Klnmnih county Parent Teacher associa tion unite will be In Medford to altond the four-diiy aeaulona of Hie "tale convention which open, Tuesday morning. County Hcbool Superintendent Fred Peterson will bo one of the principal apeakera on tbo program. The complete program for the convention baa boon announced aa folluwa: TucMliiy 0:0(1 a, in, Iti Klxtrutlon. 12:90 p.m. Trip to Crater Lake. 11:00 p.m. Opening Huanloii Itoccpllon. WeilllfNtllly 7:30 a. m. Prealdent'a llreukfuNt. N.-30 a. m. Iteglstrntion. 0:30 a. in. AnHcmbly. 10:00 a. m. IIUHlneaa Heaalon 12 to 2 p. m. Mi'inbrmhlp. pow-wow luncbuon. 2:10 p.m. Panel Discussions.' 0:00 p. m. Ilnmiiiet, 0:00 p. m. H ii millet. 8: IS p. m. Progrnin, Tlllirmllly g;30 a.m. Conferences. 9: 30 a. m. Assembly, 111:110 n. in. Iliiitliicn Hexslon. 1:16 p. in. Pliuel DIuctlHslons. 0:00 p. ui. Mngiixliio Shower. 8: ID p. ni. Program. Frldny 8:30 a.m. Conferencea. 0::i0 a. m. Assembly. 10:110 a.m. Ilualueba Session, The convention will clno at noon, Frlduy. Keservatlons for nil delegntea havj been muilu at tbo Medford hotel. Fire Season at End in Klamath Marking the clean or tbo foreat fire aenaou, the Klamath Foreat Protective Hssoclntion culled lu Its last lookout Monday. The association hue Blurted Its niinuiil alaah-buriilng program, which be glna when lbs wooda are wet In the autumn. Tbe chumber of commerce re ceived word Monday that the regional forester hud cancelled requlremnnia for camp fire per mlta In the national forests. The shovel-bucket-ax regulntlon Is nlao off, as well as the prohibi tion against smoking while trav eling. Jack Klmbnll nf the foreat pro tective aaaoclution antd that the aoason had been generally favor able, except for tho aeries of in cendiary flron thnl burned over a total of about 18,000 acrea, luoatly range lund, lu the Bo nnnxn country. Tttcro were no other aerloua firea, nnd tho Ilo nnnin blnxe dmnnged only a aimill amount of timber, which will he anlvaged. Pinna are now being made by tho aasoclnllon for its winter beetle control program. Work will probably be done north ot Illy and west of Klamath Falls. Speeding Complaint Filed on Monday Lloyd Stephen Deers was charged with speeding In a Jus tice court complaint Monday. Olber trafflo ."violations wore charged to A. J. Harnett, void foreign license, and W. M. Rlark- ovlch, four In driver's sent. Alturas Robbers Sought by Police Shorlff's offlcera hero were no tified Sunday night to wutch for two short, roughly dressed men who "stuck up a business house at Alturas and obtained SCO. They used a shotgun. Both men spoko with a foreign accent, and ono or them woro a black Jncket. Doth wore caps. I think thnt In speeds or more thnn 45 miles Kn hour you nre snfer In the air thnn on the ground. Amelia Earhnrt Put nam. . Woolen garments will not shrink If they aro hung out to dry while dripping wet. TODAY ENDS TUESDAY i Exciting Modern Romance I M-Q-M Thrill -Hit with MAUREEN O'SULUVAN JOEL McCREA COMING WEDNESDAY Thrilling! Chilling! 'MAD IWH M-G-M Dramatic Star PETER LORRE rtmcti Drak Any OR AnY ; Seat Time i Children 10c Shows 2, 7 and 9 ' Priest Exhorts Crowds to Enlist for. r T ; III v " L7 , , i : f F J 1 ' ' " 1 J ' 1 I!- X With fervor written In every line of hie expression and posture, thla priest of the Coptic Chnrcb, . Ethiopia's stale religion, la portrayed aa he Invoked patriotism and religion In persuasive oratory to recruit street crowds la Addis Ababa for the army. His participation in the recruiting work illustrates Ethiopia's united front against invasion by Italy. Church Reception Set for Tonight Members of tho congregation, as well as frienda of St. Paul's Kpiscopal church will greet tbe Itov. and Mrs. Hale D. Eubanks at an Informal recoptlon to be held this evening In St. Paul's parish house. An Interesting program hns been planned In honor ot tho new roctor and hla wife, and other LAST TIMES TODAY THE Radio Stars of KNX and CBS ?cnJehn6 jane withers 1 CT.inTO TAUftBB.Vttf.-li ADniin nfiVCI 41 Hii m iviuvnnvii j uiiHiiBi vftias TWENTY-TWO AND ADDED DELIGHT TECHNICOLOR CARTOON CAB CALLOWAY ORCHESTRA UP-TO-MINUTE NEWS ministers or the city, with their wives are to be special guests. The pariBh house has recently been renovated and remodeled and autumn flowers and leaves will be nsed to carry out the harvest idea. Ono set or (government) execu tives is busy creating scarcity and high prices, while another is aim ing at abundance and cheapness. Robert Moses, New York park commissioner. ' CROCKETT FAMILY wS mm ..W'ftiw '-wt. . Ethiopia's Detense ' 1 It is possible (or an airplane to make a Bafe landing with only half a propeller. Now You Can Wear False Teeth With Real Comfort Fasteeth, a new pleasant pow der keeps teeth firmly set. Deod orizes. No gummy, gooey taste or feeling. To eat and laugh in com fort sprinkle a little Fasteeth on your plates. Get it today from your druggist. Three sites. ONE MATINEE PERFORMANCE ONE EVENING PERFORMANCE . for Years sr.. ERFULI 1 with FRED MacMURRAY FRED STONE EVELYN VENABLE Two more Kono deaths from Infantile paralysis were reported Monday. The Tlctlms were Duane Evans Parker, 12, and Nell Wallace Clifford, 13. They were both among the first stricken In the current epldemio at Keno, The Olfford boy died Bunday night, a few hours after young Parker's death. Dr. G. 8. Newsom, county health officer, said no new cases had been reported. In the cur rent epidemic the cases have all occurred at Keno. The schools at that western Klamath Tillage aro closed, and will remain so for at least three weeks. The school at Weyer haeuser camp Is also closed, al though there have been no cases there. STATE PROTESTS RIVER POLUT! PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 21. (JP) State Game Supervisor Frank B. Wire sent a registered letter today to tbe St. Helens' Pulp ft Paper mill, ordering it to cease pointing the Willamette river where thousands of dead fish were fonnd yesterday and today. Meanwhile Wire communicated with the attorney-general's of fice, seeking means or action If acid from tbe St. Helens' mill Is found to be the cause ot the deaths. "There Is only one point In the United States where four states touch." But Washington, we un derstand, has been touched by most ot them. A 437-pound White Plains, N. T woman demands alimony. That's ono alimony suit In which the plaintiff really needs support. We've often wondered what baby needs when those barefooted Ethiopians reach for the "bones." sjpiiMHHHHpiHiHHaHBHHHHHr.HrMf ..y winy m $1.50 Per Person Applies Any Place in the Tavern Zr Fngstt Amismnveirsagy FLOOR SHOWS AT 10 P. M. '12 M. 2 A. M. 4 A. M. f Miss Collette Feature Dancer from "Wonder Bar" Motion Picture. BROOKS & CHAPELLE K Musical Caballeros from the Hit "It Happened One Night." , Shirley and Wallace Carioca . . Cane Dance . . Bowery e Juliet Acrobatic Dancer Jeanne Strut and Soft Shoe The Three Caloreans The Gorgeous Girls WALT GALLOWAY And His Five-Piece Band m - .. as -( Cal-OreTavern ASSAULT CIIARGH Bernard Franklin Freese wat named in a complaint filed Mon day, charging assault and baU tery. Freese, according to offi cers, allegedly struck his wife while they were at a roadhouse near the city. The detondant was held in Jail pending arraign" ment. 1 Camel hair bruabea are com posed ot the hair from th tails of ltusslan squirrels. aaaEMBBHBMaBaHBBaRaaaBaasqaaBaBBI Help Hearing It is estimated that 10 per eent ot our population suffer In some dfgree from deafness. But a Chi cago chemist estimates that 711 per cent of ear troubles are pre ventable. "Most of us would b surprised," says Milton Folds, "it we knew how much foreign mat ter, such as dust and dirt., bard- ened wax, etc., becomes congested and prevents proper hoarlng," OURINB, originated by a world famoua European ear specialist. Is prepared for deafness, head noises, earache, ringing and bus zing in ears. It you suffer or worry, get OURINE todsy. Relict Is quick costs only a few cents a day. Money back it not satis tied. Currlns for Drugs, Ninth and Main. Adrienne's Coat Week $17.95 $29.95 A carefully selected group ot tine coats at these Special Prices 100 per cent quilted, Inter lined and beautifully furred Also t Sport Coats : Sizes 12 to it. Shop Early Adrienne's The Friendly Store SBiiowS Dinner, Supper -and a la Carta MATINEE F5"5- EVENING Doors Open 1 L I U Poor Open 30 fA "3 1 k x A ) k 6 30 Show at 2 p.m. L1I1 f Wl fl W r IIBI Tl f'l 7 and 9 www an o. mtmmmvMm m.Km 9