October 19, 1935 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THKER JUDGE AGAIN CLASHES WITH PROSECUTOR (Ciintlniinil (mm Pn- Olio) TlililnU liivimllKNlKd In mull III rIiiiick bill anlnetnd hlmaulf mil fl'lllll III llllllllllir IllVKDl Imtliul in hit thn rliONi'ii ami fiivuriiil In (llvliliinl (or wliiim tlm annul Jury ehuiilil roturn 'nut a trim bill' (ur I ho purpoao of bbiiiiiIiik lo rtiiiK'rnla Hit will llnrillii 0. lllnckmer. . .", Tim )uUn want an to say Hint Illiickiiinr ri'Int In etcp aliln ami let aoni disinterested ulior imy appear butura tlm ariuid Jury, lint Inaliniil iii'itriil there pur annuity ami by hie ilipiity, VYII II n in Kuykumlull, who win ilii li.'inl' ill ii"Hi llluckmur for con tlniiiiuro In nfflre. "This mil rt Imii rrnnin tn lie llnve, mill din's IhOIovii Iniit.'iiil of fulrly uml Impiirilully piisiiil lux hnth Iba Inula ami Ilia In In Urn urn ml Jury In iim-mlmi tlm milil llunlln C. llliirktnur anil hit deputy liitmri'tt illliKimtly in pur (ituito lb" iiruiiil Jury I lint lha tn lit rmiiliK't nil lliw purl u( 111" ml I lis mill llunlln (', Hlnrkmur did nm ninsiliuto vlnlnilim n( Ihn provision u( Iba laws. . , ," JiiiIk Anburnt pipiali'il chnrici.s Kill lint llliirkmir, particularly flint In Ilia rlinii nf N. B, K. clmike hu (lli'Bi'dly liilli'd In priiaoi'llttt hut Instead tnnk emu lii'iimillnn fur milking collection on Hume cln-oha. JiiiIkii Aahursi cued section till) III tlH (IM'KOII laws In jirovw bin rlKht lu appoint'"' (pe nal district nlloriny. Thla'aiVIPn 'prnvltloe or ain-li apiiMntnrwit whop a illetrlrt attorney ''falls lo attend nliy court nl whtrh ha In ri'ipilri'd to he, nr ahull bu I ilul ml li Ilia nrcu.i'd by cou aaiiKUlhlly of affinity, or prior lo his election as rtlntrlrl attor ney, shall huvo rpruinic't . lha acruacd In III mailer lo hit In-vi-allaated before Ihn (rami Jury nr lha erhna churgwl In lha In diriment, or ahall bo asam'tnted wlih th accused In business," and (or various other reuson. Nriv Jury Cnlli'd "Thila," nit Id I lii Jiulso. "u n d"r lha terms and prnvlatuns uf Ihla aintuia Ihla court ha au thority and nowar lo appoint a speclel il lulrlct attorney whan avar II la found lha district at torney duly ond riaularly ap pointed la Inlarnatad In lha mat tar to b Invomlitiiif d." Judiia Aaliursr order Indl rated that tha preaent (rand Jury will not scam htar Ihu lllarkuier ran. It atulea lha malfaaiinnra charge la re-auumltted lo the (rand Jury at lha iJirember term of court Immediately upon th election and Impaii'lln 'of tha new (rand Jury at iba eiplra tlnn nf Ihu term of tha present (rand Jury. Tli flldnrlta of prejudice filed ay lilavknmr cover ulna raaaa. FIlInK of ant h affidavits In criminal caae by tho repra aentatlv or lha atnle hna e. doin occurred In couria here, and la recorded aa Indicative nl Iba alraaa hatwsvn lha rtlnlrlct atlnrnny'a offlc and lha circuit court Judxa. In carli affndlvll, Illnrkmer atatcd that Judmi Anhiirat "la ro prajudlrod analnit m Hint J can up' hav a tnlr and Impar tial trial befor aald Judxa." In one caao, that of former County ConimlMlnner C. It. Wll llama, charxad with malfeuaanca, 'llllnm hlmarlf had tiled an affidavit of prujudlc axaluat AnlinnU Local atlorneya, aaked whnl would bo douo It tho court abould rvfuaa to urnnt tho ra (in eat for a new JuiIko mnds lu th affudavlta, dtacuniicd the ptia alhlllty of ninndamua proceedlnxa In auprem court. JuiIko Aahural, however, hna given nu Intluinllon h will nut grant tho motion lu. any can. In the rnnoa of Wil liam and County Judxa Georxo Cirlailo, a told attorney aev ral daya axo ha would tmme-' dlately grant aurh requaiita. ml liiellxllila aluiiK Willi Wnlliion. Tnylor'a poallliin provlounly had mil linen cliulleiiKeil, but It win iiinlnniled bu would cniiin un der Ihu iittiiruny xeiienil a rullnx, n n d III "'"I hIioh li bo filled by lha Jiivkaon uoiiiity courU Tay- I ii r wiik iieotixl to arrive hero louioriuw, li nil nil I'm rhllunK"d, won 111 rululii hla aenl, rnporia hero nluleil, 'I'M 0 now ilnralopmuiit wa diii'lured a fiivoriilila inova for Wnllui n'i ehuni ea, HpenkorMlilp nil fnwiio Tbla iniilier, along w:h com pletion of Ihn apeukorHblp pro K ru iii will uniloiihiedly ho null led by Ilia hu uo tniieoa tomorrow night, mi thul orxuultutlon may h effiiileil Iminiiillnlely, Tha younger iiinuihera of Ibohouao h u vn Knnn on reeord aa utoliix a a'.rliilly dnmoeriitlis luiuua, mid arn urxliig a full huuna iiuiiun. With Iwo of Ihu Initial i.andl dHle for apeuknr uppiiroully In Hun for Itepreaunliitlv lluury Meinou, and with anauruuce of coualderalila republliun iiiiort, It uppema Ilia proxruin for He mou'a i li I In ii to Ihu chair could not ha i'IiiiiikiiiI, denpi:o lha In roiidn of opiiiialiiK fiii'i'i H. , Hevmi win rereivu lha aupport of Wllllum 1 in Ii in , J'orllund ileuioii'iit, and Karl Kill, I. line ion ui y repulilli an uml mliiorlly Hour lender, lu addition Monro I I ii ml I inn . Jail-..-. hi county cuiidl diite, will awlnx lila roto lo He llion when In U Informed there lm hem no "deul" In llio awing lor Hellion. Along with lliunll tou'a vole may xo hla doxen or moru pleilgea III hla own buliulf, Howard l.utouretlo of I'nrlliind beuda Ihn oppoalitx force, and Mb tho aid of hl frleildi la nuiklng a atieniioua campulgn with Impoalug reaolia. Labor Leaders Swing Fists on Convention Floor (Continued from Pug One) A diileguta from Ilia liuhhar union waa milking a lengthy plea for adoption of reaolulloii culling for tho federation to bar rruft unioua from th rubber plniila. . i . Football (Continued from I'aga One) aeoreit a plara kirk lata In lb flnnl period tntlay to glvo Notr llama a ! to II triumph over I'lttahurgh, a team that hnd blanked Ihn Irish far thru uc rcaiilvo year. QUAKE billS HEAVY LOSSES Iii MONTANA victim, I'ollr wor urging 'clll inn tn watch for car with damaged headlight, In the hppo that a proinut arreat might be made, J'oi.fO officer bollewtd that they worn hot on thn trail of th klt-niid-run driver Hnturday f Inrnoon, and ovary effort to tnuu thn driver of til nffenillng uto muhllv I being exerted. (Continued from Pago Ono) Ion, iiKl ono Canadian province, AllKTlll. IbiiiinKii May lie Million The torrorlKlng vlbrntlnn xrlppeii ihla illy of 12.UUU with lull liiliinally thul Oarur llnuraon, city I'liglnoer, nuMiiinlid the dum ng iiiIkIiI run aa high a 11,000, OUI), (jther aatlmntea worn aev enil hundred Ihouauud dollara lower Ciiliniel K. II. Wlllliiina, com niiiiiilur of Iba UmIiiI liiliinlry, M o 1 1 1 it n ii niillouiil gourd, ordered memhira of (he lli-lena roiopiuiy lo bo prepared In uiiiforiu for Hervleu, hut murtlal law waa not declared. An Ihn uuiiko awiiyeil lleleun for ahout 12 aeeoudh, the In Irk (llillig of ninny building pevlid, criiNhiMi Into the atrieu and wua en inn imI. Tliu aliiuk bigun hi 0:47 p. m., minimum aiiiiidurd limn, llollillng Willi ToppliHi The front wall uf un iinoCru pled atrueluia fell In plinn and killed llurrla. Tho building mood on riouth Muln at real, an hlnlorlc traffic artery whloh fol lowa'l.aNt Chniira gulrl , ai-i-n uf gliimorniiN mining adventure of yeMoryoiir. It waa Heverul momenlN before unyono lu that nim-Uoii knew the qiliike had taken a life. The body wua utider a pile of hrtrka, ahlch atood I wo feet deep In the alreet. Tho untlru city wua throwu lulo durkneai for a period by the paralysing of light und power incllltlea. .New Hrliool Hufli-ra A new hiilf-mllllon ilnllur high Kihool, ahlrh went lulo llae Ihla full, an f fm .-il eevarcly. A chim ney waa ktinekid down ami hrlrka fell from tbu wulla that hud not yet been wvather-a:nlned. Two floura caved lu at lha .Nutlunal illicult ruiupauy luctnry. Tha roof of tho anile arai-nul fell and damaged trui ka !id national guuid motor vonlcli-a. Editorials on Newi (Continued from I'm One) muny wua atrlklng acrua ll"l glum at Kuiidi? M"T ut ah, Nutiona aro coldly aelfl'b, and doiililo-croa each other unheailtutlngly If llii-y be llnva It to be to THBIll OWN INTKIIKHT. If Krnnre conaldered double cromilng Ilrllnln and then chang ed her mind, the chunga of mind wiiH due In tha fear that Ger many mli-tit connlder thla the moment to 8TKIKK AGAIN. BLACK ARMIES GETWEAPONS TO PUSH IR (Continued from Pag One) win killed at Amhaalnje, Tlgr Province, on tho northern front, and that the population there wa furloua, (Jna CaNefl unierou Einpurnr Halle Helaiuile aald th Kthloplan army would not uaa gaa on tho grounda that thoiiNanda of Innocent women and children muat Inevitably b killed If Ita ue wer general. Dr. Itohert Wllllum Ilockman of Wheuton, Jll., medical mla nlonary, reuched Add la Ababa from Ogaden today and laid he had bandied mora than 150 caaea of gaa pnlaonlng. H adde'd that acurvy, how ever', waa claiming mora victim than the fighting Itaelf and ap pealed to the emperor to ruah all available lemon, orange and other acurvy antsdoto to Ogaden, , Altamont Aroused by Sewer Notice (Continued from Pag On) part of th community knowing anything about It. "We began looking Into It, 1 and we find the advertising In the Chlloriutn pitper wan not au thorized by the county' clerk, i Thla morning we tried to Bee the county court, but only one com-1 mlaaloner waa there and he aald he didn't know anything about It. "Th citizen out here are arouaed, and tha result la that aenllment I pretty atrong agalnat the aanltary dlatrlct project," j Th election haa been called for October 26. The advertlalng j appearing In the Chlloquln paper called the election and gave lengthy dencrlptlon of the prop erly to be Included Id th pro posed district, MKKT4 TOXIfillf The stale board of aeronautics will meet at th Wlllard l)otel at ;00 o'clock tonight. T." R. till, lonwatrrs, member of th bonrd, aid th public la Invited. Thar will ha a dlacusalon of many mat. lera pertaining l0 aviation, In cluding propoaod army air hale In tha northwoat. "Coal" Weather Fuel Just arrived, a freah car of that famout Utah "Aberdeen" Coal We ttock both Nut and Lump tizes for range, . heater, and furnace COAL keep your home warm all night. Buy a few ackt at our yard or let u deliver direct to your basement Heilbrcnner 8 Rea "Fuel That Nnllnfli-a Plua Service" Office and Yard: 821 Hprlog HI, Phone 21IU-W Jlrnnch Yard Merrill i i m ii. mi "iii i hi nm ii in i ' i i n ii i in nu ii ii I i ii in in i in in j Mil i in jiNaa-i r:W -- ;-. .-.....r...-:-.....I"'7 NOW ON D I S PLAY Disputes Over House, Senate m Seats Develop (Contlnuod from Pnuo Ono) roacntntlve Taylor hna been em ployed by tha federal government an aanlalnnt clerk nf tho fed eral' court. While It was stated hi salary wa only $300 a yonr, he nevertheless should h daclur- (Contlnued from Pag One) Kmory and Henry II; Itleh iniinil (I. MihIiIo Junior college 0, I'nlvrrNlly of CallfornU fru.li Alt. loll Hlule ll, llklnhoina III. Hike II; (.enrgln Tech II, (iullfonl o, Wllllnui and Mary U. ' JunliilM IN, llrlilgeivnler 0. Mnr-limd O; V. M. I. II. Mlilillelinry II, Tilftit Ull. t'onn Hlate T, Wnrcmirr Tech (I. Tiilmin O, llnuriMiia W. MlllllMllll -'I. WiM-llllalll IX MINNESOTA MN IHIIT Milton lllonatrim. ID, of Du liilb. Minn., was luken from a (irrat Northern train Kililay night suffering from a badly In jured heel. He waa taken to llio Klninath county huapltal for treatment. Vital Statistics lllltTII KCKTON Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Krkton. "35 Com uierrlat street, a daughter, Octo ber 19, 1535, at Klamath Valley hoapltnl. Itun-.Uvny Car An aulomn hlln reglatercd to Nell Sua of I nr. 5 Knplnnade street, broke nwuy from Its parking plnco ear ly Friday afternoon. coaming down Kp!nnad and crashing In to a tree In Ihn parking down the atreet. Defective emergency britkea wer blamed for ttio accident. 'j '' ' ; ' ' ' 9 , '', ' ' ' ' 'V ' ,'' ' r Conllnufd from Taee One) rnpMIy thnt wiinesiio could not. rvoii Ulcntify Un niftkf, ftinm- r'MKly nfrtnk '0".i.r Viran htMid-' tn, then punned dirocily ovr the j hoy, rrunhlitK blm hf mat), lit . whf'in. 1I wa run" I" (I u ft't?; i on t ho bitmp'T bfor hi- dropped of' mid i run ovor. j Srlil h(i!(n were h.'M for t ti ; tud'i rprovtfvy, PrtilnMu. ry ex-j nniliiuiion nt Klumalli ValUy ; liuupKal, w.:tro lie waa rusht-d j otlowim; thn accident, dlyrli-d ! that ho suffered multlp!o l&cv ' at.onn nf tho icalp. with a proh "llio ftu-turt'd Hkull, a fractured Jnw, fra'Mired left wrist, ox trnnlvo lacernltona of the upper, left thlKh nud a probiihla rup tured Intestine The flec.li driver left no clue J except the lena from a headll'.'Iit ihenred off liv impnet with hl 1 i V ' y ' 1 . ' i: . ll:: -: .': -'-.:i;i;.:--:.::--:::i.i :.Vi::.:iv':.::::i iiaiav aaaaisaaaam 'is -- at"- n li Onjbibi m .NaNvaaaaN- ii amn tisi iiajmiiiaNkNi TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Funerals WANTKI) TO HUNT Small, clrnn, furnlahcd I me or apartment, by coupiu. Phono 1077-M. 1411 WANTKI) Woman for dlsh waahlug. Wundcr Tcu Koom. JinWIN TAYLOR Fnuenil Nervlres for the Into Edwin Tiiylor who punned nwuy III thla city Fridny. Oetohor IS. will he held In Lebanon, Ore., Monday nfternoou, wllh Intrr lneut In fnmlly plot thnro. Tho roinnlna will bo ahlpped from Klnmnth Kulla, Kiiturdny, October 19, at 0:110 p. in. AiTiiiigonient nre In cbiugo of thn Kurl Whll lock tunornl home of this city. Worms comprise the entire dint of Tre Dnoudns, a tribe of Libya. These people are Mild to ho tho lowest spoclmena of mankind. WECOATCWERS NU-ENAMEL WO BRUSH MARKS BATHROOMS! KITCHINS1 FURNITURE) AUTOMOBILES! Tan r Invited to "Trv-Bfo-Yo-Buy." Conault tlpnon dlractorf W Mrsr NU-ENAMEL Sroto. Al-Len Electric 1-121 Mnln .Phono 171 1 V OLDTHRE xe $1150 FULL QUART Cd. Nu. I00-A AUTHENTIC cfiectal CDe cu I I ar oarr jifr: mer. m rrzjt QUART mJ' Coda No. 946-A (rf THE NEW FORD V-8 FOR 19.36 Distinguished new beauty of line has been combined with the outstanding comfort, safety and performance that have put the Ford V-8 in a class by itself. The car that led all others in 1935 has been made still better for the new year. It has been proved by the past and improved for the future. The New Ford provides every modern feature, with the assurance of satisfactory service. There are no experiments in it nothing that has not been tried and tested. This means a great deal to motorists especially in mechanical construc tion and safety. . . . The Ford, gives you distinctly better performance because of its V-8 engine it stands out also because it is such a safe car. The Steel Body, Safety Glass all around and Super-Safety Brakes provide exceptional security. . . . The Ford V-8 for 1936 is the finest, safest, most reliable Ford ever built. New Modem tine Now longor hood x tends gracalully over th distinctive new radiator grill, accentuating the length ol th car. New larger lender, with a wide Oar, contribute lo th Imposing iront-end appearance Horns ar concealed behind circular grille beneath th hiadlamps. New hood louvre. Steel wheel oi entirely new deaign. Rich, enduring upholstery. At- . tracliv appointments. New Easier Steering' Steering gear ratio Increased. Steering, gear sector shall mounted on roller bearing. New Gear Shilling Easier, quicker, smoother. Shorter dietanc for gear shift lever to travel. Quiet shlltlng. Quiot run ning' in all speeds because of silent heli cal gear. Super-SalelY Brake Sales), most reliable type ol brake undar all driving conditions. Mechanical brakee ol the same proved deaign a hav bn used for year on America'v finest car. "Extra large braking area. Easy to apply. Welded Sleol Bodies -The Ford V-8 ha a genuine all-eteel body structure lctri cally welded lor still greater strength. Safety Glass Throughout All Ford body typos are equipped with Safety Glass throughout at no extra cost V-8 Engine Fine-car power, pd, accel eration and smoothness. The reliability ol the. Ford V-8 engine ha been proved In pctual rvic by mor than two million motorists over a million Ford V-8 pur chased In Ih last year. Figure how that th Ford V-8 I Ih molt economical Ford ever built. Every year th Ford coats lesa to run. . No "Breaking In1 Th Ford V-8 engine 1 mad to suck high standard of precision that It requires no breaking in. You can driv It 60 mile an hour th first day. Efficient Cooling -Th cooling syatam of the New Ford V-8 for 1938 circulate 5't gallon of water through a new. larger radiator. Natural thsrmo-syphen action Is assiated by two centrifugal water pumps. New styl hood louvre permit rapid flow of air around th npn. ;- Bodie Insulated for Quiet Th floor, dash and body panel of the Ford V-8 for 1936 ar insulated with new material that ab sorb and daden sound. Cenler-PoiB Biding AU pasengr rid near th center oi the car cradled between the soft flexible spring. Exceptional com fort en every type of road. The Ford V-B give a front-sent rid to back-seat rider. Unusual Body Boom Short, compact Ford V-8 engine take up les apace under th hood and permits mor ol th car' length to b used by passengers. There is in creased room in th 1936 Fordot Sedans : because th rear quarter trim b recessed above the pew styl arm rest. . LOW FORD V-8 PRICES -.THIRTEEN BODY TYPES Coupe (5 windows), $310. Tudor Bednn, ?520. Konlor Sedan, $580. DE liCXE, Koatlster (with rumble seat), $300. Coupe (8 windows), $570. Coupe (5 windows), $585. Phaeton, $51)0. Tu dor Sedan, 5S. Cabriolet (with rum ble seat), $023, Fordor Sedan, $025. Tudor Touring Sednn (with built-in trunk), $500. Fordor Touring Sedan ;with built-in trunk), $030. Convert- bio Sednn, $760. F. O. B. DebolL. Standard accessory group. In cluding bumpars and spare lira, axtra. All Ford V-8 body typ8 have Saletr Glaaa throughout at no additional coat. Convanl.nt, acoaomleal terms through Ih Universal Credit Company. You Aire Esavltted T See HHie Mew Ford V-8 Soe Entertainment and Dancing - - - 9:00 P. M. to Midnight run pint 80c Coda No. im-t .? js -8 g ei? s Coda No, 214-C Phone 2100 Main and Esplanade 95 . Wi&Jffl Ma