The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 09, 1934, Page 8, Image 8

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Juno 9, 1034
Elllott-Hovey Nuptials
Will Be Solemnized At
OUTSTANDING In Interest during the week past hsve been a num
ber of lorely June weddings, and the announcement at the
betrothal of Miss Llla Moe, attractive niece of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mo to Mr. Egbert Nokelby of Ban Francisco. The wedding date Is
Mt for August the fourteenth.
Most Important In the events scheduled for the coming week Is
the marriage of Miss Florence Elliott, lovely daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Orvllle Elliott of Klamath Agency, to Mr. Charles G. Hovey,
on of Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hovey, of Klamath Falls.
The Elllott-Hovey nuptials
have been set for 4:00 o'clock
Saturday afternoon, June six
teenth, at the Hovey home on
Portland avenue and Pacific Ter
'race. Miss Margaret Cummlngs,
daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. K. G.
Cummlngs, will be Miss Elliott's
maid of honor, Mr. Hovey, sen
ior, will act as best man for bis
on. Following a wedding Jour
ney, Mr. and Mrs. Hovey will be
at home to their friends at their
borne on Canby street.
Summer homes IB the woods
and on the lakes are providing
charming settings for week-end
bouse parties and picnics, and
are drawing Increasingly large
numbers of the social set as the
season advances.
The coming summer promises
to be rather quiet socially and
virtually all the functions planned
for later In the season will be of
the Informal type that warmer
weather insnlres.
Lovely June Weddings
Feature First Week
Of Bridal Month
A almnla Hill tieaittlful Iiaih,
wedding solemnized last Sunday
morning was that of Ann Craw
ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Crawford, and Lloyd Prock at
the home of the bride on Wash
ington street.
The ceremony was read at S
o'clock in the morning before a
small group of relatives and inti
mate friends. The bride was given
In marriage by her father.
Mrs. Prock wore a smart suit
of sheer blue crepe trimmed with
crisp white organdie. Her acces
sories and bat were blue. She car
Tied a bouquet of pink roses and
lillies of the valley.
Miss Batty Crawford, tbe bride's
alster, was her only attendant.
She wore a frock of pink crepe
and a corsage of sweet peas and
MlHna nt thn valleT.
Jack Crawford, brother of tbe
bride, acted as best man.
A wedding breakfast followed
tbe ceremony, after which Mr.
nd Mrs. Prock left on a two
weeks' trip to Portland and the
Upon their return they will be
t home at 1958 Fremont street.
Mlaa Wyoming Foster, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Foster,
....,. tt hride of Mr. Elbert
Stiles, son of Mrs. Harry Baum
of Fort Klamath, Sunday morn
i . t tna. himn nf Mr. and Mrs
Charles Thomas on Wantland
Kev. Bates of the First Chris
tian church performed the mar
riage ceremony.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. Mrs. Jay
rr a nt thn bride, was
IVUMIU, biq.w.
matron of honor, and Mr. Beverly
Thomas acted as nesi man.
irk. hiiitt wafa hlne ensemble
and matching hat with white ac
cessories. Mrs. Hanaro s iroca.
was rose colored crepe with a
i vat anA white accessories.
The bride's bouquet was roses and
lillies of the valley, ana tne ma
tron of honor wore a corsage of
Mrs. James McCluskey sang I
TjOve You Truly," accompanieu uu
.i.. -i h un Walter Lassette,
: LUC JIJOU" "J ....
who also played the wedding
march. ,
A reception was held at the
Thomas home immediately after
tbe ceremony. The guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Foster, Mr.
and Mrs. Jay Hazzard, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Thomas, Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Drake, Mr. and Mrs.
K. A. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Lassette, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Jack
son, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Compton,
Mr. and Mrs. George Walton, Mr.
and Mrs. Clinton Landls, Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
A. S. Currle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Baum, Mesdames E. E. Thorpe,
James McCluskey, Fay Durbin,
Misses Luella Dahleim, Opal Dah
leim, Edna May Thomas, Theda
Beard, Mr. Alex Volchok, Mr.
Leslie Stiles and Rev. Bates.
The young couple left soon after
the reception for a honeymoon
trip through southern California
and northern Mexico. They ex
pect to return In a fortnight, and
will make their home at 2121
Wantland avenue.
The Thomas home was beauti
fully decorated with palms and
ferns at the Improvised altar, and
with gladioli, roses and snap
dragons throughout the rooms.
A beautiful June wedding was
aolemnized on Thursday, June 7,
at high noon with two popular
young students of Sacramento
Junior college tilling the roles of
bride and groom.
They are Mr. David Donald
Kenyon, son of Mr. and Mrs. David
A Kenyon of 236 North Tenth
street,, and Miss Klva Eileen
Graves, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Graves of Sacramento. Only
a small group of relatives was
present. The popular ring cere
mony was read by the Reverend
John B. Coan, pastor of the First
Methodist church of Klamath
The bridal couple, who have
been students together In Sacra
mento until the end of the term
a few days ago, plan to make their
home in Klamath Falls. The bride
was dressed in a lovely white
crepe ensemble and wore a cor
sage of pluk rosebuds and white
sweep peas. They plan to spend
thnlr honeymoon In southern
At a beautiful wedding solemn
ised at tbe Pool home at Hllde
brand, Oregon, Saturday, June 2,
Mis Zelma D. Stiles, daughter of
Home Saturday
A charming member of New
York's Junior League, Miss Anne
Simpson (above), Is to be pre
sented at the Court of St. James
in London on June 13. She is
the daughter of Kenneth Simp
son, division administrator of the
NRA. .
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Stiles, became
the bride of Mr. Ben G. Pool, son
of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Pool.
The ring ceremony was per
formed at ( o'clock by the Rev
erend Milam, with Mrs. Charles
Booth, sister of the bride, acting
as matron of honor, and Mr. Man
nle Pool, brother of the groom,
acting as best man. Only relatives
and a few friends witnessed the
service. .
The bride was lovely in pale
blue crepe with white accessories.
The roses decorating the room
added to the attractiveness of the
early evening service.
Wylla Lea Walker, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Walker of
Merrill, and Eugene Williams of
Klamath Falls, were united in
n.r,l,,a annitnv afternoon at 3
o'clock at the home of the bride's
parents in Merrill.
The bridal couple was attended
by Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith of
Klamath Falls. The bride wore
a trim gray suit with while ac
cessories, and Mrs. Smith a tan
suit with white.
Mr. and Mrs Williams will be
at home at 129 North Fifth street
in Klamath Falls.
First and second flight women
players of the Reames Golf and
Country club enjoyed a two-ball
foursome tournament Friday, in
charge of Mrs. W. L. Quinn.
Prizes for low net scores were
won by Mrs. George H. Merry
man and Mrs. Paul W. Sharp.
Members of the third flight
spent the day in team play, with
Mrs. C E. Riley's team winning
over Mrs. Fred Murphy's team,
11 to 1.
Mrs. C. C. Kelley won the elec
tric play for the month of May
in tbe first flight, and was
awarded a prize. In the second
flight Mrs. N. H. Jones was the
winner, and in the third, Mrs.
Jacques Steiger, Jr. -
Prizes for medal score play in
May were awarded to Mrs. .Mur
phy and Mrs. Riley. ',
Eleven members of the Reames
women's golf team went to Bend,
Friday, June 1. The. Bend play
ers won by five points in the
day's tournament, and Mrs. H. N.
Moe took honors for the local
A quiet early June wedding was
solemnized on Saturday evening.
June second, at 9 o'clock, when
Wm. G. E. Rowlett and Caroline
Terrlll, both of this city, . were
united in matrimony. -
The ceremony was performed
at the Manzanita street residence
of Mr. and Mrs. Pbll L. Brixner,
with Rev. John B. Coan of the
First Methodist church officiating.
A small group ot relatives and
friends was present, and the troth
was sealed with tne customary
giving and receiving of -the ring.
The pair will make their home
in Klamath Falls. Both are well
known In this community where
they have resided for some years.
a a. a
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murphy re
turned Friday evening from a
delightful motor trip ' through
California. They spent several
days In Yosemite park! attending
the Pacific, coast seed convention
wblchewas held at the Abwahnee
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murphy vis
ited in Santa Cruz and at tbe
beaches. They reported marvel
ous highways, and made excellent
Several friends honored Mrs.
Walter Fuller with a surprise
birthday dinner and party, at her
home at 437 North Third street,
Friday. A delightful dinner was
served at noon and the after
noon spent in playing cards.
Those present wore Mesdames
E. R. Sanders, Floyd 1 Bhlpman,
Marshall Shipman, Carl Walters,
Fred Fletke, S. Cogan, and Mrs.
Eulalona Chapter D.A.R.
Honors Officers At
Annual Banquet
Itn T ),.... T nAl.U .
side over the destinies of Eula
lona cnapier. Daughters ot tne
American nevoiuuon, acting
regent for the ensuing chap)
Mrs. Goble, with the officers
n-hn will - -A with t,A . . - ln.
stalled Monday evening at the
annual oanquei given uy Eula
lona chapter, D. A. R., at the
Wlllard hotel. The newly In
stalled staff of chapter officers,
In nririltinn tn Mca rinhln in.
nludna 1ra. nflnrrn rinisllnin
vice regent; airs, it. u. liussnru,
secretary; Mrs. Robert Odell,
treasurer; Mrs. Wilbur Jones,
registrar; Airs, ireno rosier, His
torian, and Mrs. G. L. Black,
Aire P V Wftftonhnrff And
fnn Allan Blnan nae, ' r.lrr.Klu
OI KiUBiooa cnapier, served as
installing omcers at tne Mon
day evening banquet.
Pltantn, -ttalriiinn nf linllnnnl
committees were appointed by
Airs, uooie, as ioiiows: Ameri
canism, including improved
schools, Mrs. Harry Ackley; bet
ter radio, Mrs. Allen Sloan;
Champocg national park, Mrs. E.
D. Lamb; General Canby society,
Children ot the American Revo-
litlrtn Hfi-a Ra,I O Thnnma-
conservation and thrift, Mrs. Al
fred, D. Collier; correct use ot
Ik. flao If Unpin. Hnallni
Constitution hall, Mrs. R. D.
Bussard: D. A. R. student loan
hind, Mrs. H. A. Nitschelm: An
gel Island, Mrs. G. L. Black;
hiatnrtfnl raapnrr-h snit nrpeprva-
tlon of records. Mrs. Irene Fos
ter; filing and lending of His
torical papers, Mrs. Thomas
Hampton; foreign relations, Mrs.
Claude Davis; magazines, Mrs.
Robert Sloan; manuels. Mrs.
George Gardinler; Memorial Con
tinental hall, Mrs. D. V.' Kuy-
banrinll nntlnnnl nllt trnlla. Mrs.
R. E. Wattenburg; relics for Me
morial continental nan, Airs,
Charles Martin; Indian welfare,
uH Wamn Uniit- nnhllrltv.
Mrs. Wilbur Jones; preservation
ot nisioric spots. Airs, naxuei a.
Special committees were an
nounced by Mrs. Goble as fol
) flnwora Mrs. ' Thomas
Hampton and Mrs. George Gar
dinler; visiting coiumitte. Mrs.
R. E. Wattenburg, Mrs. Thomas
Hampton, Mrs. E. D. Lamb and
Mrs. L. L. Truax; program com
mittee, Mrs. ueorge uaruinier,
mm noi.hi A nnnd and Mrs.
Lloyd J. Goble: sponsors of Girl
Scouts, Mrs. narry uoener; iu
dian relics, Mrs. Sydney Evans;
music. Mrs. Don J. zumwau: in
stalling officer, Mrs. R. E. Wat
tenburg. A heautiful D. A. R. flag.
made by Mrs. E. D. Lamb, and
; ih. insicnin of the or
ganization in the national colors
of blue ana wnue, was presem.
ed at the Monday evening ban-
..nt on,i riiuninvpfi lor me ursi
time. Mrs. Lamb was given a
rising vote of thanks tor ner
work in making ine nag.
1, araa announced during the
evening that Mrs. warren mint,
na vacant nr Kiuaiona cauuier,
has been notified of her appoint
ment to the office ot state chair
Mn Af th Ansel Island com
mittee. This appointment was
made by Mrs. Aiara weamonuru
. Aihnnv nowlv elected state
tL fllllf'J I - j
regent of the v. a. k. oi unr
ut.nt wna ehanter chair
man of this committee for sev-
i - anrf her n ti noi n t ID on t
as head of tbe state committee
was made in recognition oi utr
iplendid services.
t. in. thA .tiriTipr hflur. Mrs.
If Ul ' u &
t vumvalt. tnastmistress.
presented the following pro-
Piano, Sunshine Fairies Smith
Calvin Lamb
Toast to Officers
Mrs. Earl C. Keynoias
Piano. The Prophet Bird..
UnaArnnrv Sloan
Toast to Outgoing Regent
Mrs. George uarumier
Vocal duet:
. kA r Mn Lose
AirUBB Ll'" ""r, T j
Coming of Spring Brambach
Mrs. Bert u. inomas -uu
Mlaa Marv Thomas
Toast to Incoming Regent
Mrs. Rachel A. uooa
Vocal solo: .
A Birthday wooaman
Philosophy Emmel
Miss Virginia West
Tahla Honratlnna far the oc
casion were carried out with
flowers and candles in patriotic
Colors of red, white and blue.
and place cards were maae irom
pictures of the bronze marker
placed by the D. A. R. at the
site of Eulalona Indian village
on Memorial day.
Gifts were presented both to
the outgoing regent, Mrs. Thom
as Hampton, and the newly in
stalled regent, Mrs. Lloyd J.
Work of the year-was review
ed, and brief summaries pre
sented by each ot the past of
ficers. The crowning achievement of
Mrs. Hampton's term as regent
was the placing of the bronze
marker and its dedication at the
site of Eulalona village near
Fremont bridge. The marker
cost 384.27, according to a re
port presented at the banquet.
The committee In charge of
the Opening
of the
Root Beer
" on
Main St. Below
Willard Hotel
Delicious Homo Mad
Icq Cream
Curb Service
if 1 . . ..... . ;,t
Mrs. W, L. Stultatord (Margaret Drittson) whose marriage to Mr.
Stuttaford was an event ot the past month In Medford. Mr. and
Mrs. Stuttaford are making their home in Eugene.
arrangements for the annual
banquet was composed ot Mrs.
Robert Odell. Mrs. H. A. Nit
schelm. Mrs. R. D. Bussard and
Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt.
Special guests ot the evening
were: Mrs. H. F. M unlock, Mrs.
Lamb, mother ot Dr. E. D. Lamb,
who is visiting here; Miss Vir
ginia West, Calvin I.nmly Miss
Rosemary Sloan and Miss Mary
Members ot Eulalona chapter
who enjoyed the banquet wero:
Mesdames Thomas Hampton,
Lloyd J. Goble, George Uardiu
ier. R. E. Wattenburg, Allen
Sloan. Wilbur Jones, G. I.. Black.
Rachel A. Good, H. A. Nitschelm,
Charles Martin, H. E. Momyer.
E. D. Lamb, Annie Halforty,
Don J. Zumwnlt, Robert Odell,
Earl C. Reynolds, Warren Hunt,
Robert Sloan, Fred Clover, Har
ry Ackley, Harry Goeller, R. D.
Bussard, Bert C. Thomas and
Miss Lucille White.
Bride-Elect Is Honored
At Tea and Bridge
During Week
Mrs. Claude McColloch and
Mrs. Thomas W. Delzoll compli
mented Miss Florence Elliott,
whose marriage to Mr. Charles G.
Hovey will be an event ot the
coming week, at tea Wednesday
afternoon at the McColloch borne
on Manzanita street.
About eighty guests called dur
ing the afternoon.
Assisting the hostesses during
tbe tea hours from 4 until 6
o'clock were Mrs. Orville Elliott
and Mrs. Richard H. Hovey, moth
ers ot the bride and grooin-clect,
who presided over the tea table
for the first hour, and Mrs. Cyrus
B. Sweet, and Mrs. Ralph W.
Horan, sister ot Miss Elliott, who
poured during the second hour.
Assisting about the rooms were
Mrs. George Stevenson, Mrs.
Howard Barnhisei, Mrs. Berkeley
DeVaul and Mrs. Kenneth Perry.
On Wednesday evening. Miss
Alicia Marie Davenport was hos
tess at a bridge shower at her
home on Ltnooln avenue compli
menting Miss Elliott.
Both contract and auction wero
in play during the evening. High
score for contract was won by
Mrs. Arthur Larsen, and low by
Mrs. Claude McColloch. High
score for auction was won by Miss
Lila Moe, and low by Miss Delia
A unique feature of tbe evening
was - the crowning ot the bride
elect, while Mrs. Davenport sang
a German betrothal song. During
the singing a quaint peddler with
a pack on his back demanded en
trance, and dropped bis wares be
fore Miss Elliott.
The peddler later proved to be
the bostess, and the pack con
tained many beautiful gifts ot
linen for the honor guest.
Following the Bhower, supper
was served at a long table cen
tered with bowls of marigolds and
lighted by yellow tapers.
Guests . of the evening were:
Mesdames. Leslie Avrit, Claude
McColloch, Phillip Schroeder,
Arthur Larsen,' Carl Kllppel,
Ralph W. Horan, Joann Deweese,
W. J. Kessler, Helen Wagner,
George Chastaln, James McFar
land and Misses Bernadine Han
non, Ailsa Massey, Gwendolyn
Lorenz, Mary Sevcik, Lila Moe,
Virginia Houston, Delia McGrath,
Joan Kranenburg and the honor
guest, Florence Elliott.
Stock Forms
For Every
- - - . , -
The "Bing" Accounting
Outfits. A Complete
Accounting System in
One Handy Binder.
Don't waste valuable time
shifting from one book to
another in keeping your rec
ords.' Here is a COMPLETE
accounting system that Is
faster in operation than any
single unit of any other sys
temeach division plainly In
dexed In proper sequence for
the , most convenient account
ing practice,
w SbHcmera Comptmn,
Varaaaa J CfaSbm
Phone 602 729 Main St.
"'iit life '
Miss Isabella Silvers of Ash
land, and Mr. Lloyd Porlcr ot
Klamnth Falls were united In
marriage last Sunday at the homo
ot the bride la Ash'.aud in tho
presence of a small group of Im
mediate relatives and friends.
The bride wore a frock of navy
blue sheer crepe with white ac
cessories, and wore a corsage of
After a fortnight's honeymoon
trip to Yellowstono park, Mr. and
Mrs. Porter will bs at home to
their friends at their new borne
ou Portland avenue.
Miss Silvers bus been a teacher
at Riversido school for the past
two years, and a popular mem
ber ot the younger set. She was
complimented with a number of
delightful pre-nuptlu! parties and
showers both la Klamath Falls
and Ashland prior to her mar
riage. Mr. Porter is assistant cashier
of the First National bank of
Klamath Falls, and the son ot
Mrs. Janet Porter of this city.
SERVICE , , . that's what
you got with this practical
, little number. Made for
wear, with lisle foot and
top. Nice looking, too.
I I L M Pair
(Regular Price, 85c pair)
Masonic Orders Guests
Of Job's Daughters '
Thursday Eve
Suvonly mi ni bori ot the Order
of Kuatorn Slur and otlior Ma
soiilo orders,, were guests of tho
Klniiinlli Falls bethel ot llnuiili
tors of Job at a brilliant ceremony
Tlnirsiluy evening. Mrs. Victoria
Krtcks;i, of Portland, grund guar
(Nun ot tho order, was uu lionomd
guest ot the occasion.
The now bethel council will Ill
stalled by Nclla West, InslullltiK
ottloor, as follows: Nell Molselii n
ouehnr, guardian; Robert Fulton,
iissoclntu guardluu; Rose Otuy
Soule, secretary; Ruth Vun Doron,
treasuror; Clara Allco Epperson,
director of music; Nailluo O'Fla
harty, guardluu of property; Mrs.
Q. R. Reymers, social director.
Initiation ceromoiiles wero hold
for June Thomas, and bethel of
ficers woro circled as follows:
Ruth Mary llatbluny, quean;
Katherlno Jueksou, senior prin
cess; Ruth Roa, Junior princess;
Mayma Lawsou, gulilo; Ethyl Mao
Drlscoll, marshal.
Public Installation of bothol of
ficers will bo held Friday evening,
at 8 o'clock, and majority degroes
will be awardrd to members who
havo ronched the ago of 20 years.
A delightful supper wns served
by the members of tho bethel to
their guests at the close of Thurs
day evening's ceremonies.
Miss Margaret Cummine,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. (I.
CummliiKS, arrived lu Klamath
Kails Thursday evening for a
vacation visit with her family at
their home on Washington street.
Miss Cummlngs bss spent the
past year teaching In Lobunon,
Oregon. Sho enjoyed a visit In
Portland and Eugene before re
turning to Klamath Fulls. Sho
will bo a member ot tho Elliott
Hovey wedding party next Satur
day afternoon, and will act as
maid of honor to Miss Florenco
Miss Cummlngs plans lo leave
for California within a fow weeks,
and will spend the major portion
ot the summer vacation in the
south. Sho plans to return to
CHIFFON . . . with Just
enough re-lnforcement fea
tures to make It wear
mighty well. Has silk plait
ed sole, silk heel, and silk
a pair
(Regular price, 86c)
Monday, Juno It
t M
Members ot the Crator Lake .
t.l.,1. In t.n ....I I '
at 1:30 o'clock nt the homo
ot Mrs. 1). D. liuvena, lilt
Pacific Terrace.
TuoMliiy, Juno 111
Members and Irlends ot HI.
ltlia bridge olub aro curtllally
Invited lu moot at tho parish
ball at 1:00 o'clock fur an
uttoriHioii ot cards,
Wi'dncmliiy, June III
Reguliir monthly mooting of
thu 'Oregon Urudunto Nurses
association, District 8, at the
home ot Mrs, Jack Wilson In
.Morrill, at 8:00 o'clock.
' Friday, June IS,
Regular women's day at lha
Reames Uulf and Country club.
Public Installation of bothol
officers .of Daughtors of Job,
at 8,00 o'clock at Masonic
. Tiio-ilny, June IM
Next rogulur meeting nt
Aloha obiipter, O. W. S. lo be
hold at Masonic hall.
Friday, June 110
Last moctlng of tho soason
for the Aloha Past Matrons
club, O. K. S. to be held on
the grounds of the F. Hill Hun
tor home on Pacific Torraco.
Mrs. Ralph Pence was a re.
cent hosloss at her homo on Di
vision street at a bridal shower
honoring Mrs. W. L. Stutta
ford (Margaret Ilrltlann), for
merly of Klamath Kails, Mr.
and Mrs. Stuttaford wore united
In marriago Inst month at a sim
ple ceremony solemnised in Med
ford. Mrs. Pence's guests were tho
following: Mvsdnmes Hexton,
Uurit, Ilrattnn, O. J. Johnson,
Runnels, Herman Pence, Hmllh,
Hut lor. Woods, Lester Ktebblua,
Nelson, Good. Harbin, Gardner,
Drunk, Ahoppard, Owsley, Staley,
Swift, Hook and Rlckner.
Mrs. Stuttaford was honored
with a number of parties both
In Klamnth Falls and Medford
prior to her niurrlugo. Tbe young
couplo are making their homo
In Eugene where Mr. Stuttaford
is engaged In business.
CHIFFON , . , a finer gauge
chiffon than LaFrance 88,
and made with an all-silk
sole, heel and welt, Eco
nomical, protty, and prac
tical, : u
' ' Special
a pair
(Regular price, $1.00)
Announcement Tea Held
Thursday Afternoon .
At Moe Home
The mnrrluga of Miss Lllii
Theresa Moo of this city and
l-lgbert T. Nukleby of Hun Fran
cisco to bo solemnised on August
fourteenth, wus formally an
nounced nt a tea, Thursday nft
ernooii when Mrs. II, N. Moe
entertained at hur attractive
home on- Washington street,
II Hosts culled botwecn tho
hours of three and six o'clock
uml oach wus given a tiny curd
bearing thu announcement, by
lllllo Miss Sidney Nelson, tliiu. li
ter tif Mr. and Mrs, Urunt Nolsou
of Medford.
Presiding at the prettily ap
pointed tea table during the art
ornoou were Mrs, P. A, Albert
sou, Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt, Mrs,'
Oscar Sblvo, Mrs. W.. W. Mo
Nooly and Mrs. W, C. Dalloo.
Assisting the hostess about tho
rooms were Mrs. O, B, Ruwllns,
Miss Helen Sblvo and Miss Hetty
On Wednosilay afternoon at
3:46 o'clock, Miss Rita Helen
Smith and Mr, Charles Edmuu
Dean, both of this city, were unti
ed In marriage,
The ceremony took place in tho
presence of close relatives at the
reslilonco of the officiating min
ister, Rov. J. II, Coan, pastor of
tho First Methodist church. The
popular ring ceremony was em
ployed. Doth young poople are
well known In the younger sot ol
the community. They will maks
their home In KInmslh Falls, ac
cording to their present plans,
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Graham are
enjoying a brief visit lo south
ern California and some ot the
more important cities enroute.
Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Gordon and
(laughter. Ml Hope, have re
turned' from a vocation visit to
San Francisco,
Additional Society
News on Page 3
This sale is fot:"a --limited time
only, June- l Itff-to". 1 6th. After
June 1 6,. 'prices go back to
normal. -
kind of chiffon you wear to
dances and for very special
occasions. Exquisite, and
made with double heel and
toe that doublo the wonrl
a pair
(Regular price, $1.15)
It .' .-